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ECC 501: OPERATIONS RESEARCH CAT 1 29/03/2021 TO submit before

1. If you are on special diet and know that your daily requirements of five
nutrient is 69.5 milligrams of vitamin C, 1890 milligrams of calcium, 17
milligrams of ions, 22 milligrams niacin and 274 milligrams of magnesium.
You have two supplements to choose from; Vego Vito and Happy Health.
Vego Vito costs 18 cents per tablet and Happy Health costs 26 cents per
tablet. Vega Vito contains 19 milligrams of vitamin C, 450 milligrams of
calcium, 8 milligrams of ions, 3 milligrams of niacin and 44 milligrams of
magnesium; Happy Health contains 25 milligrams of vitamin C, 245
milligrams of calcium, 1 milligram of ions, 8 milligrams of niacin and 74
milligrams of magnesium. How many of each tablet should you take each
day to meet your minimum requirements while spending the minimum cost?
2. What is the first step in Lowest Cost method used to solving linear
programing problems. (Just a Mark)

3. You have been requested to apply hungarian method, tate any 2 steps
invoved in the applications of hungarian method as used in operations
research. (2 Marks)
4. A carpenter has to construct rectangular tables whose sides do not exceed 2
Meters, the sum of its biggest side and double of its mirror does not exceed 4
Meters. What is the maximum value of perimeter of the above mentioned
table? (2 Marks)
5. To solve a linear programing problem using north-west method, highlight
the first two steps involved when using this method. (2 Marks)

6. Steping stone method has been identified to be very important in solving

certain linear programing problems, highlight any of the two importance

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(2 Marks)

7. State any two primary characteristics of all operations research efforts.

8. Describe any three steps involved in graphical solution of linear
programming problem. (3 Marks)

9. Maximize using simplex method (2 Marks)

subject to

10.Give just an advantage of minimization in operations research. (Just a Mark)

11.Show how you can find to feasibility solution of minimization of linear

programing problem below using simplex method. (2 Marks)

Subject to;

12.A School has five vacancies to employ staff, the following matrix shows the
returns in Kenya Shillings on assigning Ith (i=1,2,3,4,5) departments to the
jth (j=A,B,C,D,E). Assign the five jobs to the five departments so as to
minimize the total expected allowances? (3 Marks)

  A B C D E
1 5 11 10 12 4
2 2 4 6 3 5
3 3 12 5 14 6
4 6 14 4 11 7
5 7 9 8 12 5
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13.Consider 3 jobs to be assigned to 3 machines, the cost of each combination
is shown in the table below. Determine the minimal job-machine
combinations. (3 Marks)

Job     Machine  
  1 2 3 ai
1 5 7 9 1
2 14 10 12 1
3 15 13 16 1
bj 1 1 1  

14.Give any two areas where assignment method is applicable operations

research. (2 Marks)

15.Obtain the initial basic feasible solution by North West Method for the
following transportation table. (3 Marks)

Beginning M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 Capacity
B1 12 4 9 5 9 55
B2 8 1 6 6 7 45
B3 1 12 4 7 7 30
B4 10 15 6 9 1 50
Requirements 40 20 50 30 40  

Differentiate between the following terms. (5 Marks)

i) Minimization and Maximization

ii) Solution Method and Hungarian Method

iii) Dijkestra algorithm and Sensitivity Analysis

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iv) Linearity and Constrain

v) Operations Research and Linear Programing

16.State any two demerits of maximization in operations research. (2 Marks)

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