Production Documents Chapter 3178 Applications Internal+Recruitment+Application Internal+Recruitment+Application+

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Internal Recruitment Application 2023

Due Monday, February 20th, 11:59 pm

Send applications to:
I will send an email once I receive your application, if you do not get an email within a day
telling you I have received it then please send it again! Thank You LIOB
Text me if you have any questions 614-364-1035

Phone Number:

1. In three to four sentences tell me why you want to be on Internal?

2. Detail what you know about Internal and what you believe your duties will be.

3. How well do you know other members of the chapter? How can you get to know more
throughout the semester? Do you consider yourself a well-rounded member of this chapter and

4. What other positions have you held that can lend experience to this committee?

5. This position requires the full commitment of work week and the full commitment of recruitment.
What are your plans for the summer? Do you have, or do you plan on getting an internship? Can
you dedicate the last two weeks of summer to Internal committee? Are you planning on being a
Gamma Chi?

6. If you were on Internal committee last year, what did you find to be successful throughout the
week? What would you improve on?

7. What, if any, experience do you have with google sheets, microsoft excel, or computers in

Please fill out the following questions if you are applying to be an assistant.

1. Why do you want to be an assistant rather than just on internal committee? What do you think
will look different as an assistant as far as tasks, expectations, amount of work, etc?
2. Where will you be living this Summer? Will you have the time/can you make the time to do
weekly tasks?

3. How will you best communicate with your peers, the chapter, and with me during work week and
during recruitment itself?

4. Do you plan to apply for the Internal Recruitment position in 2024?

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