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Phase number: 2

Subject: Fairness
Grade: Two Teacher’s Name: Ms. Shan
Midterm Study guide

Circle the picture that shows availability.

Write True or False for the following below.

1- Don’t put others ahead of myself. ____
2- Learn from my mistakes and commit to doing better. ____
3- Find a way to help, not a way to hide. ____
4- Don’t be ready when I am called. ____
5- Be glad for the chance to serve. ____
6- Don’t get permission before I make. ____
7- Think about what I am going to say and do. ____

CCA: Ms. Narin 2021-2022

Match the sentence to its correct picture.

1. Carrying books for your teacher.

2. Reading to younger sister or brother.

3. Unloading groceries for your mom.

4. Help those who are bullied or abused.

5. A child repairing his toy.

Answer the questions below with Yes/No.

1. Should I get help when I am afraid? ________

2. Should I help those who are bullied or abused? ________

3. Should I do what is right? ________

4. Should I be a good steward of what I have? ________

5. Should I check my attitude? ________

Answer the following questions with Yes/No answers:

CCA:Ms.Narin 2021-2022
1.Do you think attentiveness is an important character quality to develop? ____________

2.Should we give others the respect and attention they deserve? ____________

3.Should I look at the walls when someone talks to me? ____________

4.Does white-tailed deer pay attention to its surrounding? _____________

5.Should I concentrate on the task before me? _____________

Write True or False for the following below:

1. I will ask questions if I don’t understand. _____

2. I will draw attention to myself. _____
3. I will not look at people when they speak. _____
4. Attentiveness will not help you to learn. _____
5. I will be distracted by others. _____
Choose the correct answer:
1. _______________pays close attention to its surrounding.
A. Rabbit
B. Lion
C. White-tailed deer

2. Attentiveness shows you the _________ of a person or project in front of

A. Value
B. Struggle
C. Color
3. _________________ is concentrating on the person or task before me.
A. Attentiveness
B. Disrespect
C. Tolerance
4. Compassion starts by noticing when others are _______________.
A. Sad
B. Happy
C. Excited
5. Compassion includes ________________ and empathy.
A. Sympathy
B. Hate
C. Nothing

Circle the picture that shows compassion.

CCA:Ms.Narin 2021-2022
Use the words in the box to fill up the blanks

Courage, look, availability, stop,

CCA:Ms.Narin 2021-2022
1. ____________ is being brave and heroic.
2. ____________ to help.
3. ____________ is being ready and willing to help.
4. ____________ at people when they speak.

CCA:Ms.Narin 2021-2022

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