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1, JANUARY 1, 2017

Optically Pumped DFB Lasers Based on GaN Using

10th-Order Laterally Coupled Surface Gratings
Ji Hye Kang, Martin Martens, Hans Wenzel, Veit Hoffmann, Wilfred John,
Sven Einfeldt, Tim Wernicke, and Michael Kneissl

Abstract— An optically pumped GaN-based laser structure conjunction with a two-step epitaxial growth process of high
with 10th-order laterally coupled surface grating is demon- cleanliness [2]–[4].
strated. The fabrication involved i-line photolithography and dry In contrast to buried Bragg gratings, where the coupling
etching, avoiding more complex technologies such as multiple efficiency drops dramatically with increasing Bragg order, the
epitaxy steps. The lasing threshold of the laterally coupled reflectivity of surface gratings having a large index contrast
distributed-feedback (LC-DFB) laser was similar to that of a
decreases only slowly if the duty cycle of the grating and
ridge waveguide Fabry–Perot (RW-FP) laser. Single-peak emis-
sion with a full width at half maximum of 0.06 nm at 404.2 nm the grating depth are properly chosen [7]. Therefore, the
was achieved for LC-DFB lasers. In contrast to the RW-FP lasers, fabrication of high-order (> 3rd ) surface Bragg gratings by
the LC-DFB laser is shown to exhibit a smaller shift of the conventional i-line photolithography (resolution of 300 nm)
emission wavelength with temperature. is proposed to be comparably effective as long as the
grating has a large duty cycle of > 90%. It is possible
Index Terms— AlInGaN, distributed-feedback laser diodes,
laterally coupled surface gratings.
even though a high aspect ratio requires structures with
a width of 80 nm by employing surface gratings with
V-shaped grooves. These grooves exhibit a high aspect
I. I NTRODUCTION ratio of the grating at the tips of the grooves where the

L ASER diodes with a stable emission wavelength and

a narrow linewidth in the blue-violet spectral region
are promising light sources for spectroscopy, atomic clocks,
mode intensity is maximum. These features can be realized
by exploiting redeposition effects from sputtering during
inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etching using heavy ions
medical applications, laser displays as well as for undersea such as BCl3 [6]. Such V-shaped grooves have been used
optical communications [1]. Although optically or electrically in GaAs laser diodes [7]–[9]. In this letter, we present the
pumped GaN-based lasers with low-order (1st , 2nd or 3rd - simulation, fabrication, and operation of optically pumped
order) Bragg gratings have already been reported, the real- InGaN/GaN multiple-quantum-well (MQW) distributed-
ization of such gratings is technically difficult due to the feedback lasers with 10th -order surface Bragg gratings,
short emission wavelength and the resulting need for small which are laterally coupled to a ridge waveguide (LC-DFB).
dimensions of the gratings for these lasers, for example a For comparison conventional ridge waveguide Fabry-
period of 80 nm for the 1st -order Bragg grating [2]–[5]. Perot (RW-FP) lasers without grating were fabricated as
Furthermore, to achieve single mode operation, the overlap well. In contrast to other published DFB laser concepts, the
between the grating and the optical mode is critical. There- fabrication of LC-DFB lasers requires neither an elaborated
fore, previously reported DFB lasers required the fabrication e-beam lithography nor a multistep growth process but results
of a short period grating in close distance to the active in a competitive device performance.
region using high-precision e-beam lithography preferably in
Manuscript received September 19, 2016; revised November 2, 2016;
accepted November 11, 2016. Date of publication November 17, 2016; date Since the reflectance of a high-order Bragg grating sen-
of current version December 30, 2016. This work was supported in part sitively depends on the duty cycle and the etch depth of
by the European Fund for Regional Development of the European Union the grating, a precise optical simulation is required to opti-
in the framework of the Berlin-Polish joint project brilliant high power
violet emitting laser diodes (BriVi), administrated by the Investitionsbank mize the grating structure [10]. The laser structure in this
Berlin within the “Program to promote research, innovation and technologies” experiment was comprised of an approximately 1 μm thick
(ProFIT) under Contract 10157699 and in part by the German Research Al0.06 Ga0.94 N:Si lower cladding layer (i), a lower waveguide
Foundation in the Collaborative Research Centre 787. consisting of 75 nm GaN and 40 nm In0.01Ga0.99 N:Si (ii),
J. H. Kang, H. Wenzel, V. Hoffmann, W. John, and S. Einfeldt are
with the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequen-
a MQW with three 3.5 nm wide In0.1 Ga0.9 N quantum wells
ztechnik, 12489 Berlin, Germany (e-mail:; and 7.5 nm wide In0.03Ga0.97 N:Si barriers (iii), an upper;; wilfred.john@ waveguide layer of unintentionally doped (n.i.d.) 45 nm; In0.01Ga0.99 N:n.i.d. and 105 nm GaN (iv), an approximately
M. Martens and T. Wernicke are with the Institut für Festkörper- 400 nm wide Al0.06 Ga0.94 N:n.i.d. upper cladding layer (v) and
physik, Technische Universität Berlin, 10623 Berlin, Germany (e-mail:; a Al0.12 Ga0.88 N cap layer, as shown in Fig 1(b).
M. Kneissl is with the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höch- The vertical intensity distribution of the fundamental
stfrequenztechnik, 12489 Berlin, Germany, and also with the Institut für waveguide mode of the unetched region of the laser structure is
Festkörperphysik, Technische Universität Berlin, 10623 Berlin, Germany shown in Fig. 1(a). The refractive indices used were nAlGaN =
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available
2.473, nGaN = 2.545, nMQW = 2.652, nIn0.01Ga0.99N =
online at 2.561 [11], as shown in Fig. 1(a) too. The reflectivity (R) and
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LPT.2016.2630078 transmissivity (T ) of 10th -order Bragg gratings etched from
1041-1135 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Autonoma de Baja California. Downloaded on March 25,2021 at 01:31:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

High values of R > 0.9 (corresponding to coupling coefficients

κ > 30 cm−1 for a 600 μm long grating [13]) were obtained
for D = 0.93 ∼ 0.99 and etch depths in the range of 150 nm
above the topmost quantum well to 150 nm below the bottom
quantum well. When the etching of the grating stops above
the upper waveguide layer (vertical position > −400 nm), the
relative overlap of the optical mode with the grating is small
(around 13 %), as shown in Fig 1(a). As a result, R is low and
T is large. On the other hand, R is small for D < 0.9 even if
the grating is etched deep enough due to large radiation losses
(L = 1 − R − T ). Based on the simulation results, a 10th -order
grating with an etch depth of 600 nm (i.e. around 10 nm below
the bottom quantum well) and a groove width of < 80 nm is


The laser structure with an emission wavelength of around
405 nm described above was grown on a 4 μm thick GaN(:Si)
buffer on c-plane sapphire substrate by metal organic vapor
phase epitaxy. V-shaped gratings were defined alongside a
2 μm wide ridge (WR ) by i-line wafer stepper photolithogra-
phy and reactive ion etching. The 700 nm thick photo resist
pattern had a period of 802 nm and openings of 400 nm. Dry
etching was performed by ICP using BCl3 gas at a rather low
pressure of 0.17 Pa. The wafer was covered with 250 nm-thick
plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposited SiNx and a 1.5 μm
wide opening (Wo ) was structured on the ridge to define the
aperture for later optical pumping. The wafer was cleaved into
1.6 mm-long bars. The front facet was antireflection coated
Fig. 1. (a) Refractive index profile and resulting vertical intensity distribution (R AR < 0.2 %) whereas the back-facet was high-reflection
of the fundamental optical mode in the unetched region of the 405 nm laser coated (R H R = 97%) for LC-DFB lasers. As a reference,
structure, (b) a schematic image of Bragg grating and the laser structure and
(c) simulated maximum reflectivities of a 600 μm long, 10th -order Bragg RW-FP lasers with similar ridge width and SiNx structure as
grating with rectangular shaped grooves as a function of the vertical position the LC-DFB lasers were fabricated on the same wafer with a
of groove tip and the duty cycle of the grating. low-reflection (R L R = 18%) coating on the front facet and a
high-reflection coating (R H R = 97%) on the back-facet.
The laser bars were mounted by thermal paste (Keratherm,
the top in the described laser structure were calculated using
KP92) on a holder with variable temperature and optically
the bidirectional mode expansion tool CAMFR [7]–[9]. The pumped with a pulsed ArF laser operated at a pulse repetition
conventional coupled-wave theory using a coupling coefficient
rate of 50 Hz and a pulse width of 5 ns with an emission wave-
obtained by perturbation theory is only valid for “weak” Bragg
length of 193 nm. The excitation beam with a width of 15 μm
gratings and fails for surface gratings having a large index was focused on the laser bar and pumped the complete length
contrast between semiconductor and insulator (or air) similarly
of the cavity. The emission of the optically pumped laser was
as for metal surface gratings [12].
fed into a low-resolution grating spectrometer (resolution of
For simplicity, in the simulation the grating was assumed 0.3 nm). From the emission spectra of the lasers the total
to consist of rectangular shaped grooves and to be covered
emission intensity and the spectral shift with temperature and
by SiNx (nSiNx = 1.994). Note that V-shaped grooves can be
pumping power were determined by integrating the spectra and
approximated by rectangular shaped grooves having an effec- by extracting their centers of gravity, respectively. Moreover,
tive width slightly larger than the bottom width of the V-shaped
high-resolution emission spectra of the lasers were measured at
grooves which was also checked by simulations [13], [14].
room temperature using a spectrometer with a focal length of
According to the Bragg condition λ = 2n e f f /m, where 320 mm and 1800 g/mm grating in 2nd -order with a resolution
n e f f is the longitudinally averaged effective refractive index of
of 0.03 nm to judge the single mode operation.
the heterostructure,  is the grating period, and m is the order
of the Bragg grating, the period of 10th -order Bragg grating
is calculated. For a given period  = 802 nm, both the duty IV. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONS
cycle D = ( − o)/, where o is the width of the etched Figure 2 shows a scanning electron microscope (SEM)
grooves, as well as the depth d of the grooves (i.e. vertical bird’s eye view image of the LC-DFB laser with the gratings
position of the groove tip with respect to the epitaxial surface) alongside the ridge. As shown in the inset of Fig. 2, the
in the laser structure were varied. A reflectivity spectrum grating has a period of  = 802 nm, an etch depth of
R(λ) for every value pair of D and d was calculated and the d = 600 nm, a slant angle of 20° and a width of the groove
maximum was determined. Further details of the theory and tip of around 10 nm. The effective duty cycle of perfectly
of CAMFR can be found in Ref. [15]. A greyscale contour V-shaped grating is mainly defined by the angle of the side-
plot of the maximum reflectivity of a 600 μm long 10th -order walls which is only tuned by the chamber pressure. According
Bragg grating is shown in Fig. 1(b) as a function of D and d. to our experience the reproducibility of the angle is in the

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Autonoma de Baja California. Downloaded on March 25,2021 at 01:31:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig. 2. Bird’s eye-view SEM image of the LC-DFB structure, with a cross Fig. 4. Temperature dependence of the emission peak wavelength of a RW-FP
section SEM image of the V-shaped grooves as inset. and a LC-DFB laser.

High-resolution emission spectra of a RW-FP and a

LC-DFB laser are shown in Fig. 3 (b) and (c). The spectrum
of the RW-FP laser consists of multiple peaks at 20 % above
threshold whose relative intensities vary with the excitation
power (not shown here). The complex spectrum results from
the superposition of numerous longitudinal modes, which
could not be resolved in detail due to the long laser cavity.
In contrast, the LC-DFB laser spectrum shows a single peak
at 404.2 nm with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of
0.06 nm at 18 % above threshold. Since the derived FWHM
is close to the resolution limit of the spectrometer the real
FWHM could be even below this value. Obviously the high-
order laterally coupled gratings act as wavelength selective
The laser wavelength changes with temperature, as shown
in Fig. 4. Assuming a linear dependence in the temperature
range from 30 °C to 70 °C, the spectral shift of the RW-FP
and the LC-DFB lasers is 0.057 and 0.019 nm/K, respectively.
I.e. the temperature sensitivity of the LC-DFB laser is a
factor of three smaller than that of the RW-FP laser. The
fact that the emission wavelength of the LC-DFB laser is less
temperature sensitive than that of the RW-FP laser confirms the
coupling of the optical mode to the grating. For the LC-DFB
laser the shift of the emission wavelength with temperature
is mainly determined by the temperature dependence of the
effective refractive index of the optical mode rather than of the
modal gain spectrum as for the RW-FP laser operating around
the gain peak. Also the LC-DFB laser showed single peak
emission for the entire temperature range from 30°C to 70°C.

In conclusion, we have demonstrated optically pumped
DFB lasers based on GaN with surface Bragg gratings of
10th -order laterally coupled to a RW using the greatly sim-
plified fabrication technology for DFB lasers. Single peak
Fig. 3. (a) Dependence of the laser peak intensity on the pump power emission with a resolution-limited FWHM of 0.06 nm was
density. High-resolution emission spectra of the RW-FP laser (at 20 % above
threshold) (b) and LC-DFB laser (at 18 % above threshold) (c).
achieved at a wavelength of 404.2 nm. The emission peak
wavelength of the LC-DFB laser was shown to be less sensitive
to the excitation power and temperature when compared to the
range of 5 %. Referring to Fig. 1(b), these numbers correspond RW-FP laser. This clearly indicates the coupling of the optical
to a reflectivity of R > 0.9. mode to the grating. Furthermore, it should be straight-forward
The comparable threshold power densities were found to to extend the presented fabrication process of an optically
be around 3.5 MW/cm2 for the RW-FP and LC-DFB at room pumped LC-DFB laser to an electrically pumped LC-DFB
temperature, as shown in Fig. 3(a). This result demonstrates laser diode by (a) using n-type GaN substrates instead of
convincingly that no significant additional loss is generated sapphire, (b) including p-type doping in the GaN and AlGaN
by the grating. Moreover, the emission wavelength shift with layers above the quantum wells, and (c) depositing p-contact
increase of the excitation power density was not resolved, i.e. it and n-contact metals on the wafers after the fabrication the
has to be below 0.3 nm (not shown here). surface grating.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universidad Autonoma de Baja California. Downloaded on March 25,2021 at 01:31:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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