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An opinion essay

You are going to write an essay on the following topic:

Is it better to live in the city or in the country?
What do you need to do? Well, do not worry because I'm going to guide you in the PLANNING YOUR WRITING process
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Proficient Satisfactory Pass Weak

3 Points 2 Points 1 Points 0 Points

Adequacy Written in Formal style. Advantages or disadvantages or Written in formal style. Advantages or disadvantages or Written in informal style. Advantages or disadvantages Use of colloquial expressions and contractions.
points for or against are included. points for or against are included. or points for or against are not included. Emotive language is used.
Personal examples.
Advantages or disadvantages or points for or against
are not included.

Discourse Organisation Each paragraph is introduced by a topic sentence, Clear paragraphs. Paragraphs are not clear. No clear paragraphs.
outlining the main ideas. Topic is introduced. Topic is introduced. Topic is not introduced.
Clear paragraphs. No opinion is stated in introduction and conclusion. No opinion is stated in introduction and conclusion. Opinion is not stated in introduction and conclusion.
Topic is introduced. A concluding statement is provided. No concluding statement is provided. A concluding statement is not provided.
Opinion is stated in introduction and conclusion. Use of expressions and linkers provided not always Inaccurate use of expressions and linkers provided: Expressions and linkers provided are not used:
A concluding statement is provided. accurate:
Accurate use of expressions and linkers provided:

Range of structures and vocabulary Specific vocabulary is used Some specific vocabulary is used Specific vocabulary is used not always accurately No specific vocabulary is used
Use of grammar is sophisticated, fully controlled and Uses a wide range of simple and complex grammatical Uses simple grammatical forms with a good degree of Uses simple grammatical forms with some degree of
completely natural. forms with full control, flexibility and sophistication. control. control.

Correctness Any inaccuracies occur only as slips. Errors, if present, are related to less common words Errors do not impede communication. Errors may impede meaning at times
and structures, or occur as slips.

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