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Question Paper Code ; 2570 LL.B. (Hons.) (Semester-1) Examination; 2017 {Firs Paper! POLITICAL SCIENCE -1 ‘Time: Three Hours} [Maximum Marks: 70 Note : Answer five questions in all. Question No.t is © @ © ) Oo ) o 257072000, Distncton between state and sity aoa wa A ae Meaning of Force-Theor) sg rer oe ‘Obsewvationa method of study pera sore ca stay Goverment ees ae Man function tgusiiany srr age a Customs. source of aw saqr bay 2 m3 ate feo Importance of Pressure Groups! aa oe Soci Eavalty ‘ae aT @ UNIT ¢ are 2, Whatila you understand by Political Science ? Describe its scape in the prosent age, 110) be fers Boe er ewe BD ec gr er fa or GPO 3. White about meaning ef ‘Behoviourism: Discuss its characteris in your wn words fo) [SER (Genavoursm) % se fH A aaa. ae aw wot net A ote UNIT TE ite an eBeay on Evolutonary theory’ ofthe engin oF ate 10) wa @ salt 8 eo Reet qo Pes faa 5 Define Welfare Sate! Whaflare ts functions ?-T10) rearrartt wor oftaen A) eae dea A ad BR? 957002000, oy (ero) UNITS 7 Sarg Express your wew-point on the Presidential form of government. What are its ments > 9) SORTS aT aT TC aH Pree Hee aA) pet? ‘Can wo cal ‘Legislature’ as an important organ of ‘Government ? What are its functions in a democrat state? (io BarRT $1 SAT oe re Si Ct Ee Frere 8 sar Ques LL.B. (Hons) (Semester-1) Examination, 2017 n Paper Code : 2571 Second Paper] ECONOMICS-1 ‘Time: Theee Hours} [Maximum Marks: 70 Note : Answer five questions in all, Question No.1 is compulsory. {esis thisy one question \s:to\be attempted from each unt et the we & oa Ai err er arene By ofiRan, agama ae eer or 4 Explain lay the foo ng (91080) ‘Prefer ae <2 8 oxen ditt (@) Macro Eeonoties aie oar (&) Equilbsum a 2571/2000 > (roy © @ ) @) yy fiat lncome Elastity of mand in at ona ste Consumers Supus ‘ape ae Law of Diminishing Marcinl Utity “ar sna ra Pa shaped Long underage Cost Cone Ter sre tr Sete Oe eT eo _Essontal Congas Perret Competon of sia ore a uns en ae ory ‘Standard of Living Theory of Wages, sept rae Pri Liguiy Tap ern sm @ UNIT / ae 2 Explain indetal dofniion cteconomiceguen by Marshal and Robbins, Which accorcing toyouls beter and uty? 10 sebum aah er aeeg ot ofearmsit Srere ate if) ome ew aH A fed ee eee Bote ai? 3. (@) Poste and Normatve Economies 6) an Se Pre (0) Matgina veityans tal Uti 1] ein, sod er Alger Unita / xt 4 Dssus8 Law of Demans, Way gamers cine sicpes nat tre gh: 10) a FM oe MD ee ot stort gat 8? Be What are indifference curves 7 Discuss ther main chatactenstcs 19} weeny a Tama ©? seh RAST A area 2572000, 3) PT10) UNIT 7 Tae ‘3 What do you underatand by Manopaly ? How is price ‘dolormined under conditions of Monopoly? 10), vwoiftare 9 ony er way E 7 conferees iter Fry sere Feet? 7. (@) CARTEL tox2=10) an ©) During “a UniTay gine 8. _Dissves Lana Reforms nea 00) Srv Fate Rte ir 2 Cxtcayevolste tose nets ef Rent i) TORTS og Frat a ares aT A) 257uig000 ay. Question Paper Code : 2572 LL.B. (Hons) Semester) Ex PSYCHOLOGY -1 ation, 2017 [hire Paper) ‘Time: Three Hours] [Maxioum Marks: 70 Note : Answer five questions in all. Question Ne.t is ‘compullsofy.. sides thi onequestion\is\ioibe: attempted om each unt wi de Fone Sy wa ae by cat Saya, at 8 ce mer FRET 4. WHE SFO artwver 1 ne folowag 0-20) Fritts & <5 sage (@) Condi rats ee i (©) Sirtace rat sai aa, bs722000 a) (eto) © © CO 0 o 25 72iag00) Ideal seltconcept ord aT Values and perception 3 enor ‘ren sitet Fastin wm Autorraticeadertip Frege’ am rive sree ore greet Tetons teaser, gs Fat Internal atiouten arts ari oy UNITA / Sag 2, Define personsity sezordina to Alport. Exolan ite key tems (00) mee orga mt a ew es ee ia mer im 3. Describe thelevelsot mind ard personaly according fo Freud, 110) wae & are Co are eat wt ects in tara / sen 4. Describa the natutalet atid. ans mention il characterises Tor Safe Sema er ote A cae ATT A re 5 What is Befeepion ? Elucidale the laws of percept organization co} atin aa tt ease Gres % fel A we a Bita00 >) [Pr0 UNIT / are 8, What ate the characteristics of motivated behaviour 2 Doseabe atiiaton mative (10) Seorees sear oh or frien’ #2 weer es ata a 7. Describe maladaptive eating behaviours (9) sean ee ements oc | Bafrigleacership nighghto characte sole sae 110) Age 2 its aaah Peel ai 9) Whats anette team 2 How coos iedlavalop (0 oH rete nib agi ates Ht 7 2572200, (a Question Paper Code : 2573 LL.B. (Hons) (Semester-1) Examination, 2017 (Wourth Papery LEGAL & CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY ‘Time: TheeeHours] [Maxionum Marks: 70 Note : Answer five questions imall, Question No. 1 is compulsory, Eesies this. attempt one question frm ‘each uit ag tie wet See A ames eT eT | f oraniabe eam sey, wes EA TE Ter ee ar 4. Wie short rotes on thelial [oxt0=39h Preittee _fa emr Fa a) Mudit@por a mane {p) Yainavalxya ane 2573/2000) (ty ea ladle © o e ® » o ‘Quan aan ilamie source few watts Pit 2 aa Ber Gr “To provisions ofthe Charter 1600.0. se00§. oF Ya I Provisions ofits India ea sem ge 9 om susijaPian of Lers Gomwatio of 1780 D. sot $a avait ae So Lox Loci Report ‘ara ath a auoliicalonistate tho Che! Jusice andisees of Federal Cou sai germ gen eT =r A Bet tae -Cenvaibeg|slatre under the Government of aia fet, 1938 ere are ram 98s) oF at () Mainprevisios ofthe ina CounotAct, 1861 area fore fee, 68 & yoy eT uns 7 ee Discuss tho eameesiton, powers ang judicial functions of courtof Gulds and Kantakshoonan coun, [10] fice er er seater aE aT oe, af we mate ae A Re ct, Elaborate’ the sal features ef telamic Criminal! ie troy rat soaks ie Ta 1 sta aa ‘UNITAL 7 FE ‘Siete efacts in iss¥e Fhe 02:0 of RojaiandKumar CfeaijevaiiatetRadesision o' this cake (10) Ae ae 8 eS Rere vel waa A Pie a agers che in Discuss the main provisions ofthe Charter of 1726. [10] vas Us Ger ey eT a [2523,000) «39 PTO} UNIT 7 TE 6 Eauity Jostie and'goed conscience were the measures of acjucication and how thelpedta develop culls in the Motussil cours Discuss, 19) es, va oer eee Fla mee Ae errr Hah at Rent ay SH ee we fete Ae) co Discuss the folowing (10) Prefafeet 2 Ret AP (@) _Ofgin and development of Privy Count 86 ate maar ct Peo (©) MOgiMston anc Quorum cf ivy Counel ii ase ® yore {o)Arrolae hinesicton sta Batter {d) Rules of appeal : (ero) > 22 i) Status que (Write a short rete on BarBench Retaiens (9) Writes note IL (h)Falderis the victim of crcumstances’, comment (Comefent en the importance ef ect Cou in legolesueston >. Dseussinetheme cfleve injArms ana the Man uNtT 2 Rad the folowng passagelang answer the questions glen below gh This ves wrt paltlenurder Artic 2 ofthe GBneatuten Ofna by one NandLal je forthe iellanee of Wnt ‘bens cols ferthreleasa otis fon, Inder ict ates Billa, wholhed been detained by an Order of ententian assed oy the Distt Magistrate, Ropar on 1.8 108 under Setion 3 ofthe prevention of Slackmerkstng Sn Maintenance of Supplies of Eesertl Commodites Act ‘9800n being sstisfeitathis doctonion wasnecessary wih aVeiifo reverting hire rom acting in ary maniRor 2sgai000 et relia othe maintonanca supplies of commodiies lessen] tthe Ife ofthe community. The vay ofthe What isthe SIVETERGS between privaie nuisance and public Duis2nce.2 Supportiyoursanewenwith case: BROWsIONS Under difererfatatutes 2578/2000) nd no} Oy [Proy gene & sy a aa & 7 Pat ove Gh ets SE 3 obec argh oh Sees ee oT Sie seri i wee ETAT 5. Discussthe elements cfnegigence ndelalland suppert ‘th celevant cases, a) Fe neces oe oe fae # eel le HTT caer ai frie at & are SiG) ‘UNIAN / Eee Discuss the elements of defamation in deta. What are ‘th@lBelances available 7 Support your answer vith cases fray sae soe RI Ree ie oF gen cor srg RD Se ar a Pia a as For 7 Discuss theleondep!ofvicaiousiablty indets! (°°) faites ees 2 fate, ox faeare & er Se UNIV 7 PREV 8 What are the rights and utes ot 2 consumer 402 ‘Consumertatecten Ack 1886 7 — | 575006 ay } ‘soit err attra, 1999 3 acct; Discuss about the recressal foxmms avaiable under ‘Consumer Protection Act, 1986, 0) Sain deer sitter, 1908 3 ger eee idiaaiaial Question Paper Code : 2576 LLB. (ions) Semesters Examination, 2017 LAW OF CONTRACEE {Seventh Paper} ‘Time: Three Hours} _[Mavinuin Marks: 70 Note: Answer five questions in all. ood ‘No.4 is, fs the, one question iso be © @ © ® h) o 0 237622000, Revosation offer Wer a arse Defriton of Consent sent 3 arr ‘Acceptance by telephone arin ora tit Yoisandoiable contac, aru ee perro ie Diterence between Frau andMerepresrtaton ae Tq en mR sire -Antelgterybeach of Contact sgh ae or Inpureson aia Damages and compsnsaton ert on er ’ (29) ’ unr / ea 2, Detne an ler What ares sath vation oor 1191 sro afta 6g, ea res ae aE 7 sree By seer Ea ok aT essontials Differentiate it 3. Define the term ‘Acceptance’. Discuss its essentials ao, tio ‘gia ae safer Abra rh rae a Ao set Pra, UNIT 7 RE-H 4 What do you uriderstand By'eapaciy to conlraet 2 Discuss thelaw relating :o competence ofthe pares (70) ‘etter ater 8 ory er Sa? wR a 2 way Pt oe set SR 5 What you understand by the tem ‘Cons deration 7 Explain the circumstances uncer which @ contract \ithout conideration i vais (10) ‘itn’ a 3 om ay ee 7 or RC at arity eae Pr sit eg 7576-2000, (ay lero, “UNIT 7 aU “Every apreement of which the bjt oF consideration ‘is uniavful is void" Discuss, ro} “ot Rat ae Faerer Se set ofan aa B, i be 2 ee ai ‘What do you understand by @ wagering agreement ? What are is essentials 7 Diferemtat twit cortingant Question Paper Code : 2577 ‘LLB. (Hons. (Semester-II) Examination, 2017 (New Course) JURISPRUDENCE (First Paper) ‘Time Three Hours} {Maximum Marks: 100 © ® © © ® » o 25777100 Hants primary ule ed a sate from Probation ‘fetter ‘Antonmous Legisiaton ser Perey [Abrogated decisions rar fot #2 Ft etch ait Law's @ reason free from ail pasion Bik a Bg be \ Felon free Holmes @ units / eae 2. Define Jurreprudence and discuss the natureand scope of Jureorudenee os efron afer se we ere & gia ct a et ore, 3. Discuss the inter elation of urepradence with scilogy rs, ares oo ares & ara Ser-me A cal Se UNITE “4, rica examine the pure tneory of Law of Kelson {15} fer & ge Pe & Prams a onto VT 6 5 “Themovemeh of progressive soda hs, hitiet, been ‘a movement from status fo corrac Critically examine thie statement 9 “soi aera eee a Ts He & oA Sr ee oS her FT 2577800 > irtoy unital 7 aren © Wanthe help of dcded cases cscs the constatonal ‘ay ofcapal punishment. 019 frie eet aon @ gas & ate A eet Bf = 7. Discuss he theory of Social Engineering as propounded. bby Rascoe Pound. 15 ‘What do you mean by delegsted log the controlondelepete egsaton, Question Paper Code : 2578 LLB, (Hons.) (Semester ) Examination, 2017 (New Course) LAW OF CONTRACT! {second Paper] ‘Time: Three Hour) [Maximum Marks: 100, Note : Answer five questions in all, Question No.t is ‘compulsory, Besides this, one question ié to be ‘attempted rom each unt ag te seh ng Se) er wer of TTF re 4, Wirt@shart notes on te flowing! texan; eee eect fee feet (@) General Ofer RT Se @) _Accestance by post cere vhs as7en00 WW) mow © @ o @ CO) 0 279/700 Adequacy ot consceraton sirea ft ace Aqroementaganst ray aioe & fro oe Contingent Contact wae a Essondals otwagering sreerent aah weed sae Te Liab ty of dere gobes 8 GM oi oe er uae Difference between liquidate damages and penalty ite singe ce afer Hare Damages fer Mental pain arte ae & he alts 2 2s74/700 (Measure of demages in anticipatory breach of contact pigaes tr ar A aia oe unira / ee ‘altcontracts ae agreements but all agreements are not ‘contract "Explain this tetement anciscuos init the essential elements ofa valid contract 05) cy sperma ra. EB TS wer @ aren Ohm he Riers aes 8 eR ved faa t Pen (dpe, X gave an aavemtiogmit in te Ties of Inca ha: ne woul sell eetain mredecn Baiiras by ‘ucion on November 15, 2017 at Hig kutenow! feskdonce Yffem Dei reached LudknBWen the ppointed dayand time are wenttohisrasizence Tvtich was faked. There 2s Meili sae. Y wants to sue Hen this iesue. WOUldyeu acvise + totakelepal action aginst x? 8 20 ors Pee es Re fet Ps ae apron one Fe UTS TTS 1 430, Ipnoy ara, 2017 @ erst ara Sm Pel AY faitae fea oie aa we IRR I ET, wre eT Ba TH a ee Fo lay VRE Ge A Po ow TT Fe x 8 Fao Fat ee oH aot 2 {b) What do you understand by invitation to offer? How tis citferent from offer? ol sane aan a aL TR 2? Te ae om wet fa? NTA / EH 4 he contrac o shui private relationship betwee the pores who makesitand "2 other person can aca fights 0° incur aites uncer. Sete haw bases on abovestalerent. Explain nelreapbions of nile bbasoa of above statement: 3) ‘ee ae after seer Ph a & Oa ra a ra ET sa 8 at oye afte & eee be" or ary ame Sa, BL Te Src Pre # ere ary 23780700, ie) ‘Whats the nature ofminar's contract? Untowha extent re wit abi ? Discuss wth the Gacided case laws 15] cre & eae gin aT? Rea ow =e TH ew 7 Fer et era FT FD ‘uniran 7 Fae state the grounds on which doctrine of subsequent ‘mossy is apptoable. In wnat case tis doctrine 8 not appieable 7 D885 1 saz sh ot meee Pra eae STE ferme rg, a fr RE A aT Y= ‘Bou ¥ eT aL 7.____*Apreement Is renaet of aspaaorcis” Wht ate exceptions to ths rule Discuss 18) cogs satemere es $1” 0 Pan > raat ¢ Rca oR UNITE 7 S5-1V GN Bie in vt the panboles on whichiiagermanes 27= lyarded for breach of contract, (8) See eee aa rat over AT AT sax Age Pte. Pen et 2573900 oy [Ptol What de youuncerstard ty dct Quantum tna? ‘Slate the cases in which @ claim for quantum more atsos, 5) ‘erie Aftee! Bon oor waa 7 on weet BAG PIG saree Aftae & ona oe at Per op ae 2) Question Paper Code : 2579 “LL.B, (Hons) (Semester IID Examination, 2017 (Now Course) LAW OF TORTS: {Third Paper] (®)Allcuilinjuries re not Tot (6) Damage without inuny UNITY / ae n 2 "Dutles uneriawattors ae sary edb aw vile (3) Speciictots thomselves* On the basi of he above statemont wt distinguish tort with contract. 15) faire oT ormgra ARA H ace PARE aT at PAL aT rates er 9 cial tare Pera a8 1" ga TT (@) Measures of Damages aft @ FT 8 ogee sage oh ater 8 sere re AR 3. Totisacviwrorgredesibie byuniqudatec caages oeeabes Tor. aa os ST regen ws erties he ® eh ety {G) _Fautwnether essentl for Tort ones efaghh are @ a Ben elec? UNE 7 a 4 Alia ctic no Bonverted by malicious rbad mative Mh) Ming intext into an unlawful aat 60 25 to make the dost ofthe aet arcs; & sap 3 Ree Sable he an. Elo hi tater’ wt eran relvaneyB! mov to tno fc i oeeerc oom = Pee it Ge Se Aes ae 8 a hal de eS SRY reve fete a ee & om bee 0 cd ay A aren oye ait 3h i ig a gi wie wi et 2as79800 20, 257100 (3) en0} 5. Expl with exame maleasanc, misfeasance and ronfeasance 1 pu GT, FR EO TT unr / ae ©. Netting ie on nur which eames cut of wiingness. upiain wit th lp oa laws 18) eco & feat vt ard a i is a CC 7 No actone les forthe acts done or words spoken by a judge inthe exorcise of is juscial offce. Explain. 1B) ee earache Hh a wei 3 MQ aE ee tem a Pe or a are UNITY / SEI 8. "Awrongocer is only responsible for damage which Intenced by hin, orwhich though not intended ay him ‘are the natural and probable consequences of hi ae Explain wih he rep of decided caso. 3} ogg Qygat Sa at & IQ €, ot SAR ET 2579)800 (4) 1 sabe t,o rain a8 & Frente ee Fre a 8 een & TR strate the expression ‘wih n couse of empl enployment tne help ofcaolanainreeconse otra forth ort commited by his servant 119) fee at PR on & fee ert ert & afee a wren & det “tar S sage” ere Farrer 3 ee sr pens 2579800 — Question Paper Code : 2580 LL.B. (Hons.) (Third-Semester) Examination, 2017 (incon FAMILY LAW-1 | Fourth Paper | ‘Time: Three Hours} [Maximum Marks : 100 @ © © © @ © o o 250/800 pnd lationship afte naat Etectot Adoption ae er ote Testamentary Gusaion aad as lena oI bert rq Polygamy sta art gtr inde of Mehr fee a Talaq-e-Tafwiz gers (2, Al Write snort nates onthe folowing yite shor nates on the folowing 18, (w_Restalon of conven RNS are ft STENT zou she aroun. under Sagtontsct) ot Mra Nariage Ae, 1965 on wich 2 nga Mariage ea” disso Dy dhore® 0s sg re ise dea) # SRN ee ee eae ee TE nia 7 et es) ree Mist Pre AMR atures Guardian under Hindu Minority ond ‘Guardianship, 1988 ® 80800 a) [Pro] eq ourecar ste Geese atten, 1055 3 rare Refs ears (&) Permanent Alimony under Hinds Marriage Act. 1955, {irq rms sft, 1968 % seen ere refer 5. What are the requisesfessental conditions of a valid adoption ecording te Hind Adoption ane Maintenance ‘Act, 1986 ? Discuss ‘What are the essential conditions for a Valié Muslim Marriage ? Discuss. us fe afer are sas oe ets BE fete ‘efor UNITY / SEW Discuss the clasafeation of Talag under Muslim Law te Talag\under compulsion vals? Question Paper Code : 2581 “LLB. (Homs) (Semester-I11) Examination, 2017 | (Xow Course) } LAW OF CRIME -1 7 ; (Fit Paper ‘Time: Three Hours} {Masini Marks :100 © o © @ ) o seif800 Ssecion 82 and 83 of ndian Penal Cou ang castes w28. & site Acclsent asa defence gene esa Duley Stephen at om et Impasse teres oe eR CGormmon intention and commen abject Sa ores Ee SCE Concent weit Capital Punishment a6 Ditferencebeten abetment by conepracy ond scinioal onspiaci sag re eet ore ‘orig era” 9H cw UNITS / Set ri ot mens co. Howie apie 19 oe es #0 oT Se a fr 87 ET SE plain the edt po 7 Disauss ef commission of ime unset rs Enplsinthe voroussi@ge \Pe. cage aso orem ee ST crak ROE unre / smn cont rn deo tonatartae retaliation aaitor overing af Impenss °TEST ot of his cranion.” Dsus wen dt” Ca ercise of his at? Ger an EET TT Fee an ae a ew OCT HSE a Tab wn SR ES TSE 1y pa cause 19 the 0s wrod 5 Wihte your views en the following ns) onseaintec 7 cana pat in of parishes praia oc ont rae seer SE Baran of 40 morsonment (OF oe (a) Unsoundnass of ind commted? ‘preer F ater Hee ec are aa ATR TETAS ag bt Tee = (©) trkoneaton corner two? pishmenti3 a 9 Calcalyerarinetne vara? sreonesct Punnett 51 vnrra / wae arom stan Src! Whats eximina conapracy ?Desorbe wth he het a cape tows, (3 grave weg ae a weet 2 oe F What is spotment ? How ts caused? Bove Ie abit nen ore aét la abetled and a dtforert acts ‘committed ? 18) herb oe 8 8 oes fe st? SS Bt re ow et eter Pe OE Bre a Fr at FT eT ws 581/800 io. } Tee Question Paper Code : 2582 ‘LL.B.(Hlons,) (Semester-II1) Examination, 2017, (Now Course) CONSTITUTIONAL LAW -1 | [Sixth Paper | ‘Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks 100 isto be attempted from each unt. (©) Judicial review | satin sittin (6) Doctrine ofepugnancy set #7 fer () Theory ofterntoria nexus ie Pree fear | (9, Cotectiverespontity of Coun of Ministers fer aes sarafeer @__Dectine of pn anbatanco ae ae fier (6) Pardoning power cf he President Uae & omer ae © Guaicaton for appointment as Juece of ‘Supreme Court r saa = % arma ge Agia 2582/800 (zy : 4 sent Ardesse. age 356 una / eae eoams various sourees of te Consituton. How far Constuona convertion are applicable as one ofthe Imporantaource ofthe Canton? Explin. (11 io eT A aber Br ees va sears 8 oe saenpt ae Soy A eal os oT] aasn sire iscetoary powertbereis ays oom “Where ttorels ‘or arbitrariness Explain the statement wi the help of decided case la ror i a afer er TT a PT BT ber facto fay & Peer a cern A eae aT aie uni / eae Discuss the scheme of distribution Ffegislative powers “betwen the Urion and Sites. 1s) sig gen ea 7 Pao at & Pareto Fa “ehre @ (roy 5. Explain the soministatve relations between Union and ‘States 15) fe oo wa $99 eres We ai ere ey UNIT / ge 8 Discuss the interrelation between two houses of FPadiament inthe light of tele respective powers anc functions. 15) foe & SH aot Ht afte = at Soh 9 oe sorted Ae sq 7. Wit an explanatory note onthe ‘Doctrine of Polis Question. 81 Somtite oe 2 Rigo at ee rors Su fee UNIT / erga 8 Fix tho linge Balance be:wesn amendment of the Constitution end concept of base etucture, Refer decided cases 18) foo atten ce an to seer & ey for 8 Pts iru Prieta a 2582/800 ay 8 Examine the freedom of trade, commerce and Intercourse under the Consitution of india. Refer to relevant cases. te a care eT are ee SAE, a SET SAT rere hare ae) Baa a eer SAC 282/800 (sy Question Paper Code : 2583 LB. (Hons) (Gemester411 Exumition, 2017 eee PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW-1 {Seventh Paper | Time: Tee our) [Maxina Marks: 110 tpsbrmucs ice cuatons a al Qucsion Nod. ohon _anpwerlype is compulsory Besides this, one question is tobe atempled rom each unt ae fe at Samide qerta tra 81 aati Sa ome we et Pe coat 8) 4 Write chor note on the folowing (sxfe40) Freee 7 Aft feat ee (@) Moser ang Wartens's Monolst Thealif of InternatonalLaw Age ca siden ra site, ag FT 25831800, oy. uno 1) © ® © ” ) sa) Persotasion Granta aaa are (sig ai Rear) Ditlerence netwesn protectorate state and vassal caste eo es oe Ba (amin 4) A ere UNSPACE 299) Tite Ge (1028) Diplomatesum crs ona importance of confi she fr nferaton Law crea a fo et ‘cominenweath rer ‘Eelin ny pal fenders are considera uni for exon. area he, FA Tia eM eT By Sggr a okt re () _Interselatonship betvesn custom and usage in International aw. ip she se, 3 ty, ori fea 3, ome wae B7 ‘What is Diplomate Bag ? pps Be ab? UNITE / 3a ‘Ewan the development etrernaiona Lau through the efintions of etemalinal Law IstnternatonalLawa tue Lay? 1181 See Pa re pres Pe A after & er tee AML Be ores Fale ea cred Pe Fe Elabore's the lationship between Publ tematonal aK and Municipal law 1s) ies rere a at A re A ea si 25831500 “UNITE 7 aE 4. Explainwhatis Recognition, it theories of development as an element ostatehioes ana kins of Recognition wih the help of leacing case laws 1 rae a & 2 et Fears & hen ah ee a 3 wai art 8 a ae Bh 5 Whats stato euccession ? Expain the kinds of state succession andthe consaquences of state succession, 13) aa sector te Pte seater es See fort 4 aren ata UNITAM Z Et 6. __Explinthe cassie of se2 ane tre rahiiavalable fo coastal sateg nfose clasefications 8 a Satay A aon ice eat or ER er steer eT a 7. White shen notes onthe ftowing 8) friar oe aia Reairat aee < (@) Outerspace Treatey, 1967 Fars ausoa, 2589/8000) ty e) (oy= Rightofetf determination, Se fla = ora UNIT ZEN Vihat ate Oplomaue Agents ? Whe is tne ctference belwrzer Diptantic Agetts and. Consulars ? Explain Inmurities vallabieo DiplomaticAgents. [18] ‘aon oe wae? om ae ea AT sigiateh cet a, a, ae Real Asal fer ‘Where exradtionand asylum begins Explainwhat are preconditions for exfadiion plan thejusiicaton of Rohingas and Synan Asylum seeks 18) we er ware Rar ore soem eT er Soni of a eon time. ite gt Hea sea te at A ER A ror ial Question Paper Code : 2584 LL.B. (Hons, (Semoster-V) Examination, 2017 (Nev Course) HUMAN RIGHTS LAW & PRACTICE ah [First Paper] ‘Time: Three Hours] [Mayimum Marks: 100 Note : Answar five questions in ail. Question No.4 Is compulsory, Ee2ides th’, ne’ question is to be aternptd fom aach unit ia gd ox Gru em mee he Sega aw Fe 1. dieser notes on he flan (pFio40) Frias 7 efi re = {) AMR Mghis ans names ara oe eg oer: (©) Freedom ot speech and expes36n aa ahr as da 258600 ay wo rc) ® {0 my ® a) 0 284/600) Rightto food asa human ight avatar @ 04 don otter Citar pote ght srt A Here (Cuta and eeanemic ight siege er one oftere Solechvebumansgh, ges ae tere Fight to equality a8. a human ight arate ga RT fea Right@aaleston fw Stee Elsnaten of sa laboor a a Sa Haman ight coun rere afer: Sree 1209 UNIT 7 Bat 2 Discuss neater theory af human ight” (15) ve after & agit BR Rear Fer rn 3. Discus the saliont features of Universal Déslafation of Human Rents, i) are oferta aries chen oh Rees fear sian UNIT 7 eet 4, Discuss the prauiin relating to rrovension ot ening innuma oFdogreding purisrmets 1s) AR MOE a IRR & Hee cr ‘Pee eet A eet =a 5 Discuss the rights and fraadoms deserted Under We Europearreonvertion on hurlan rights, 18) Bile area were arene ater sted soa aera oi Bese rire Bx4/c00, «> Pre) UNIT 7 Rsrg-un 6 Discuss te role of median protector of human far 16) arattcat $ tem 1 Ae & ghar @ Reo ARR 7. Discuss te reo util activi the protection of ‘Duman rights, 115) aia & a Aan ae ha a frm UNITAV 7 Tat 8 Diszudiie Slit features of National Commision ‘scheduled Caste ry ee orgie ie oar ag RIT A im, 9) Discuss te eae foarres of Nationalom mieten for Women: Ney aia stat ont A aga Tere oot PT 2583/600 Question Paper Code : 2585 LLB. (lions) (Semester-V) Examination, 2017 (Now Course) PROPERTY LAW AND EASEMENT Second Paper] ‘Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 100 © © o @ O 0 25851600 Consrctve ratios sr eT ‘an absolute restraint on alonaton # void but patil restrain is net” Comment ees & Hi te ace E fog sites TH ere Ba es Pte ‘What do you understand by doctrine of ‘Lis ppendons'? a ae Rem Ba an TTT BP Doctrine of pat performance, Explain. cafe oe Raat Rat ire Doering of Subrogation sere a at ‘Distroushbetwean Contacto sale and contract forsale aoea ar oh ory & fe eter SIRE Profta-Pendre, ore am (aa. Licence wnen revoked ‘agai va Frees Bt units 7 watt 2 Though the Transfer of Property Act deals with transfer Irterrous yt an interest may be createdin favour ofan unborn person. How for perpetuity period canbe rested? Discuss 03) ery aR cree oe. tery axle % ate sree A aa fee gm stam mers neo re crea Bey ny re Pr oe Br ae re crit oe aim oT ered 7 RT Pe 2) "The teundation tie doarnne of election chats person ‘king the benefit of any instrument must aiso bear the Durcen” Diseuss with help of Section 35 ef the Transfer of Property Act 1882. 1s) “eter & fear A gprs Re aR aes ot er arene se ar, SR Seay Te A reenter oi, 1062 # eT 95 erm & Ren Fm) 2585/600 (a) feo UNIT 7 Rare 4 Whats meant by ‘Ostensinie Oymer ? What protection dows Soc. 41 of he Transfer of Property Act prods to 4 person to whom immovable property haa been luansferred by an ostensible owner? us or wrt 9 om er waa 7 ey oe ora 9 ar a4 oven a eh a eT sre brn ow eer enh ara eae aT ora Bb? 5. Define "Fraudulent Transfer” ? What are the rights availabe to the transferor and transferee under the Transfer of PropetyActtochatkihefeaxdulont ranster? Discuss, 15) Sarah or? @ Reem ohre sie Sere fo ores Rey sear 3 st bg aaa he ore Be ster, tag B? Ree air UNIT / BREIL © _Discuse the essentials ofa vali lt Acxooutes deed of gift of a house in favour of B and registers the document isnot informed about the git Add ang 2588690, (ey ‘then B comes to knew about the gi ins favour Can lain the ourership of the house on the basis of the on, rs ‘er & orm a fate Ae ee HT waa Rea 3 3 wr? feria or & mm ‘Prete woe by ea oe ore aM By a mu chase ont we i an a mh at hy Ee Har 8 omar Hey Sea we ae want? Distinguish between the following; (18) Prather & rere ame: (3) wornatngant anton sr sh oa (2) tesco and eens See ora ©) “antattesempson and htt toretnie A ar afar oh gree a ster s) [rt0) unrray / 36 oyu spree wih the vew thatthe easementar nah relating othe eropery net wn the person” Expan th conditions necessary for acqustion of prescriptive easement 118) wu om ee eS we Be gotten ae rather B Rs an 8 2 sa one a a a Rn rer ere er wee fre oR Br 2 Biety discus wi an fate (©) AConinuousessement freak gate ) Aronapparet easement sone gaeore fo) Dominant Heriage fee fer SE (@ Easement of necessity race ofr gaia 2sasieo0 a) Question Paper Code : 2586 LL.B. (Hons. (Semester-V) Examination, 2017 (Nor Course) COMMERCIAL LAW 1 hira Paper| (Partnership and Sale of Goods Act ) ‘Time: Three Hours} [Maximum Marks; 100, ‘compulsory. Besides this, one cuestio e © (a) ° ® 2580800 ‘Businesses given undar Indian Partnership Ak n : ership Act, carters en Boer, 1992 fet er t Difference betweer 3° Partnership ae suey ip and Joint Hinds ed eg fg tre A ree arg = eects fer xa Rohr ae & EC Aciission of Parner ter ar "Price as define \etined under Sale of Goods Ac, 1990 Scam” Ser coe Goods od pershing before making of Contract. ore & oh a ra @) \ * emptor wae Fhe Property In enciain the rua of’caveat gen aos & fea wrte a note on Transfer of ed on Future Goods. ® 0 vnascertan ees SFT TET ER! @ _Merchantale Quslty atte ae units 7 Sat 1 vackground of Indian te «note on the historical ParinershipAdt, 1892 ve a ae ae (ro @ ® © io) © o 286/800 Personal bias afer I Suo-celegaton a egislatves poner frend, afte = sea, Distinction batween aeministraive action and administrative cseretion aR, RATT. sees or Noresseial elements ofhoaring Bima & ofa tora ae Essertaploments O68 un Ses oe Dislincion between aciifisirale ond The Gonstitional Law rare RE ce ets fea Hae Distinction between conditional legsiavon and elegated easiaton at Pars oi peeing es 9 ore «ay 0 Separation of power under inaian Consttuton gitar set ote gee PTET UNIT 7 TE 2, Bo jou agree withthe view thatthe primary object of ‘administrative law is to control governmental power ? ‘Discuss nature, eeope and reasons for development of ‘Adminitrative Law. rs) oy omy rs =a @ ae fe ere Ba Si scat ad eet Ree oor? ener AE i, Se Ue Re ey rer ‘tru Wat do youmean by Separation of poier° Whatife the seasons fordevelopment ofthe tneeny of Separation ofpaver? 1 ee reer fees & ora eat 7 ee feu $v at? UNIT 7 SRE-It 4 ‘Delegated legislation isa necessary evi! discuss its In withthe nop case tau tts 2sa0i800, ay [prog ‘ren Pray om ores Ue Bae are am ad dat a ahr Ah 8 Whatarethe grounds on inch diary can coil he Golegated legislation? Te es att ge sweat mene Pere oF Peco a a 7 ‘UNITAN / erga 8 —_Doyouagroo withthe view thattetunals are nase ofthe nour ? Discuss: istinction between tribunal and the court ns Fer ong ze ey A gam EF Pee eC cae Fae i ras ia TA fara gl 7 “Granting Hight ef reanng tothe pany Seip Dine \Vetue)otadminist aon of ustleBl Biseu8s vith feels of 6eci48e case laW/eSsential elements of Rule of Hesng ae cae a a fer tA Seater 80? Bin wel & ote Gre RS eho are aif 1s) 2589500 on UNIV / eae @ Discuss the reasons for growth of administrative discretion. Is there any limit of administrative ciscreton 7 15) para: Feaeattare & Rare wet of are AAC) ar sere fee A aig aon B 2 }9. Discuss the grounds on which judeary can contol the dinisratve dscretion 151 Sy omer a a ony re oe aay Ra Iver we Faery wet 589800 Ge Question Paper Code : 2590 LL.B.(Hons.) (Semester-V) Examination, 2017 (er Coun) (COMPANY LAW - I [Seventh Paper] ‘Time: Three Hours} [Maximum Marks: 100 Note : Answer five questions in al, Question No.7 of short © @ © @ w 0 o 590/800, Limited iabity dita arr nautroreed barron song Sar Deberiue wst deed ores Fa FE Preincerpoiaion cnet fr gf et oridged prospec

areas guar rear an ar we E ? (What do you mean ty the term ‘Contempt of Courts? ‘amar ormrar 3 ome eH TEE 7 0) Sub-erdinate courts and taw of contempt eer ae ae Fa UNIT 7 ere 2. Hows egal pteessioninidla eve? ieoves 115) 50,3 aaa A Pretor oon 2 ge ee aR 3 lit 25° Bone! of ini’ 7 cBBu88 He functns, powers Hees work oflgsbctween a cists andthe Gore? 19) Parana eve’ en 8 7 ee ard et aed Baton ae ae 6 ere ed saa S da HA mm aot 2 2861600, 437 ier04 unrral/ ei 4. What do you mean by professional ethics! How does it regulate legal profession now-a-days, when eoruption is prevaling everyhers in Indian society ? Dscussit 13) sara teres & omy ea erat E & aretha WaT A oa ere or om vei & 2B A as 4A fae rea a rather eth & 2 Pita sre 5) Discuss the duties oF lauyertothe society. (15) Bost HIS sia ace oe ee Te) unr a 6 Wheto youlmean’by the expression jStetes ional Misconcuct" Elaborate the procecunaie ty te Gases of professional misconduct agalft an advocete Under theprovsions of heA@laealeAaL 18517 5) caqraties Ger? cere ea ond 7 aie sft, 1067 & ores eet ara aur EMME & sd BA Petr fre oF 7 596/600 4) 7, What are the rights and priiges ofthe advocates 716) cites & sere i Pavavere war 8 ? UNITY / SRV 8. Deine ‘Contempt of Court. What are ts kinds 7 Can a Judge erMtagistrate comm acontemotof the Cour 716) ‘eae sierra’ ot ont sea) ae Fa wae om? ee ag rete ae oer aa at vom bat 7 8%. Discuss tho Consttutionalty of law. of Contempt ofthe Coun Act, 1971) 8) are come Sea ert Mae A Rear som 296600, is I Question Paper Code : 2597 LL.B. Hons.) (Semester-¥10 Ex: jination,2017 (Nev Course) LAW OF TAXATION-1 [Seventh Paper] ‘Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 100 Note ; Answer. five., als Question:Nosthis: compulsory. Besides thls, one question is to be atlempled fiom eacn ont Be We aise tic) sa or Sie 21 sai TOR eee AH eT fr TBD + Wrlshor nces on ne otouilli. I aRt0= 0) froin org eee Fer, (Asso WnDEhut yeF ee (2) Dearress Alowance and Doarness Pay ‘ent at 2 Meme Bass7i500 ry fi © © o ow oy 25091600 Fly oxomptesatowance ie Sr Font ree tumsned ceeminadation fev ger getter ear A ar raaty xl poorer of conbuaten ef usness ore aor 8 #8 onal er oct a Exemoton BBHEC vnser Cort! cin firs ara gis 7193 cole Advance Tos a Be Unersiaioed money und: deemedincome ebay ore & seis ones ra vg Wy Specitied Business fife ore UNIT 7 eet What are the steps folowedby the tax evaderto reduce hie taxable income ? What is basic iferenoe between ‘taxevasion and taxavordance ? us aa oA ae Te wees oe oe BR TT Sete dec a as Ht te? ‘Explain the following 115) fra a ee de (ey bees a-ved and arse gas oihig ome oe or (oy esr coomedtabe receives co meh BoA Boe (cy Nnabinal@eemed to Accrue er Arise asin cea 25971600, jes Ipnod UNTIL ge) 4, “Incometaxisataxotincome and nt reesipts." Discuss ‘his statement and ave the ussortil characenstics of ‘he tm ‘nsome 13) MOTE ST aT ome my eB, aE Te a TAT a ee ea Ro ile sta Te ope a an Explain how tax abity ofan asensae is teternined with (elerence tos esicence: (3) FRET et a ae Pee ore Bet ATE Rees fear rer & 2 ae ete Nirah 7 aa 8 AU Bilan re wangltofeapial asses. HovaBilneam Anders tun captains compe Home conta) ‘98 is exemptes ‘rom residentalt house procorty 7[ 18] Pitch reer tea ote? ? oe ‘teeta Sir om 6a zh) BR ar Sesser borers h a ator Hagman 2 2597/60 (4), From he folowing evormation compute the annual value cof House Propetyandcompuietheincometrom House Property es) a [raniepar Vane — [2 p00- [rai Rent 2.000, [Standard Rect [70.000 [actuatRent [3000 Pm Buleing remain vacant for two months during the pisvious year Uorealsed ie Rs. S000, Condions ch Ruled are satisfied) Muncips! tax pid by the owner Rs, 7500 Spates eerste ra ate 3a oT Se c= a one Ae Farrage 0.000 ister Reem [is.cco rvs Reem [25.000 [area Fora [s000 Ree Sea a as or) te sos Prev, 2000, Fra 498 af) Reh Berea et 1500 EFT safe are eres Fear a 25397/000) sia irre] UNITAV 7 RaTeIV 5 Whatare the previsionsregarcng car forward efiesses under Income TaxAct? #5, afd A soar 2 we Hone ORT 3 a era 87 9 Explain Income TaxAuthonias. What ar the powers of Contra! Board of Direct Taxes under Income TaxAc?115) rey mit are so ta sear SES a sitar #7 asuiso0 Question Paper Code : 2598 LLB, Hons.) (Semester-IX) Examination, 2017 (New Course) SOCIO-ECONOMIC OFFENCES-1 {First Paper] ‘Time: Three Hours} [Maximum Marks: 100 © ) & 259500 Alms and objects of Protection of Civil Rights AC 1055, fe stream ft, 1955 & weit aa a ai dio CConsitions forthe grant of bal underthe N.D-PS, ‘et 1965, ND PSUR, 1965 srits aac ex Frit feecinat & whee art # 7 Define ‘leiieation in elation to Sat? under the ‘Commisslon of Sati Prevention Act, 1987 oh site oranges, 1987 3 site ae 3 wet 3 sateen oor fe Explain th powers of government under Secon 7 oh C.ORE POSA AayA@H In relation to ‘abscondins persons: op ated Swern Fh gr er ea Frere sine 1974 36 wre 7% ore meat & afta or vit AC (yy (@)_"Dovmytabe forthe benefitofthe wie orherhers" Lnderthe Dowry Prohibition Act, 1061. Exslan aaa afi afer, 1961 & seer se St aaah afd & wee & Ree Bem we APL Explain the provision wnere a person tokes ‘gratification m ore te Influence puble servant ‘through corrupt or lisgal means under the Prevention of Corumtion Ast 1888, serae Frater afahien, toes & ord or care By a ae, ee eae ae wm me aie a0 Aaa cer & fe ede Ser ho nave’ the pawert> make order tating) fercin persons and whether it's maniatory of their part to communicate to theldatend ? Tre ‘rounds onywhigh the detenigh order es beer made under he COPE POSA Kel 1874, faite ere Fees atten, 10rd & co Raed oS BAA a from eA sitacsaoinsiet Bsa Foe PRA aid oo oa Ser ee Foe FA @ Ito ctr Fea na 8 vig ot SH fre eT (@ _Appoinimentof special Judges under Pravanton of Comuption Act. 1068 swear Pere afar, 1968 # ons ge Fite =i nina / eae 2, When can immunity fom prosecution be granted to drug ‘edits under the DPS. Act? Evolain Section 27 and Wve ase laws. Sie ori ott Ta UR, cafes cre Se on Aaa ee HG or eed 7 ae ais oe a 3) Towhat event Soction’2-A ofha NIRS Act 1085 has ‘been deblared urconsttutonal bythe Suprame Court Explain wih the help of cases. NOPSIRE, 1905 A ere 32.8 fay A oe co rapa are iets iter mg & 7 at als cl Ame ae 25991500 cal UNIT / gi Discuss he ofences under the Protecion of CMIRiGhis Act, 1985, atte after eam fePie, 1955 % ondis oneeit aren =e In view of the definition of Dowty under the Downy Prohibition Act, 1961, “‘Dowry should eitnerbe given or ‘2areedio be given: Theinterpretstontnai conviction can only be there if there is agreement for down misconceived. Explain aif the nelp of cases, sits sian, 1061 lie a erro ar a ea ee, “ Discuss, 8 Pone/e00 Oy ero] eager fer eae rf sex tea 3 rg. 21 Byes a ae oP eda & ae am oh sma eth gar 3 a date after a feat & fie aca aad Rat? orem Sr 5 Discuss the salent features of the National Legal Services Authors Act, 1987 115) cae tee Bar ates oft, 1907 ger faanet fh Baca shy UNITAM / Ree & We an essay on Lok Adatet (i) Ge scan 7 Gaia fac 7. Bigeuss the rieanine, nature end scopeliet Lagal Services 135) fees ae ord eta A PT RL UNIT / ee 8." Discuss the facts ana Princinles alan by the cou the Shela Barse vs State of Maharashtra. AIR. 1968 ‘si0'a78) " wisi 2600 wa adler area aH ee Gils ETT, €.SAE.STT. 1968 TH. 378 8 ae B er ve mae arr FY Prot 3 ter cf Discuss the facts and principles even by the Court in the Vishakha ve. Sate of Rajasthan, ALR. (1997) $C ott 8) Fase, ary THES THe, Tomy sr. (1907) THAT. 0r4 ene ey me meer et rT fae sie Question Paper Code : 2601 LL.B. (Hons, (Semester-IX) Examination, 2017 (New Course) ELECTION LAW [Fourth Paper] ‘Time: ThreeHours} [Maximum Marks: 100 Note: Answer five questions in all. Question No.1 is compulsory. Besices this, one question is to be temptec trom each unt. che et ore tire we mer foe BE sere, 3 eagR Gwe fot or 4. White sverthateson te folowing: =O) Prefeterr ae Birt Rear feet S (a) Fier To la LaglerConeetona right a otter fies ar ats ofeet & (©) FlantToAcces Inoration as Being Ear AT ne BOT Ow ATCT BFS 2501600 oo sno © © © © CO) ” 26011600 (Quatficationforbecoming M PIMA. gvenin our Constiution eat dite ort Apge.g. aa re Bese Fling of Nomination Paper's Fst Step Towards Joining Potties ef eit er Tent ae eH ae Be & Denmiation Commissions Rele eter ori 8 ite Anti Detection Law wan aT Preparation of Electora| Rolland your dlty to Incorporate your name: Sere Hy STAN eT el aA sae, 5 er ax Poltea pares role arts contibution treatment Inincome, 26017600 ties cal oer oe are ws AT aT rar ares Fa 1) Quaties ofa Good Leader oe fe Pt (@ Do you thind there must be a Taining nse for leaders a omy Aaa 8 fe corte ast & Fe sees x a afer 7 UNIT / RHEL ‘Whats ine Process foreledtion of Vice-President” Who, |s figble for contesting Vie-Presicential election 71S] semgehs & gan sien eat Uae grees os emt? *Consitutonal Mandate preva over People's Mandate Inns". Comment. i) seas a tes AEA Me eH mh Tea, eon re ts iol UNIT / BREIL 4 What are the powers and functions of Election ‘Commission of India (EC) ? rs soca ga oan & ed oi afer oF 7 5. What is the process for preparation and revision of lectoaralrot in nia? 18) cree A mae gdh at ot cae gre ea a sitoa a8 2 UNIT 7 ere Fling of Nomination Papa fit step towards contesting fany Election, Ge tha process for fing of nomination Paper as oven Inthe RP. Act, 195% 15) aie oa afte ret Rat a a eA as ey eT er 8 ern sore ahaa, 1951 Baretta Hier afer wet a sitar a ae 7, What are the general and specific qualifications far cortesing any election nina? 18) Soa Sgr SEAS Re oT le ot wait 20 ay unmay / gag iven US 123fthe RP. 131 What ar the comup practices Ach, 19517 as sere afaiaer, 1051 9A ere 123% are TE ree} ahs TET sige nye sn mtr des lows tea. 1 sre greene gor #8 eH ST aim, ws 2601/6001 Question Paper Code : 2602 ‘LL.B.(Hons.) (Semester-IX) Examination, 2017, (New Course ) “MILITARY LAWS: (Pinw Paper| ‘Time : Three Hours} [Maximum Marks: 100 Note : Answer five questions in all. Question No.4 is © @ «) © © | ® 0 , 26021600 Enemy a House of reskng 1 ae (Bert) Pardon and remission arr (on) et chee Evidence and delense et od eae Hobeas Corpus at eo Diterengebetwoon At 32 and 228 ager 22 gia 220 Hoe Contents of Charge Sheet sites @ sees oe Showcause notce aes eens ea (29 tliat owt 7 es 2. What doyoumesn by mir lw Wino ae governed byt? 8) arr it oy sar waRe F 2 ge Beer aaa S arrayed? 2. Whether ari Law and Airy Law are ar aspect cof seme coin ort efferfrom each otnar? What are the consequences cfimposiion of Marval Law? [18] se PRT th ares A Fe, Be peg & Rime Bly ares or] A & Se 3 oa oe = UNIT / RE 4 What do you mean by arest and custody? What are varlaus duty of commanding officer in reqerc to cetanton? Fey Preaerth She sitter & ater a creed & ? free apesiees aay otter Bel oe ree er 5. What do you mean by ldentfication Parade? How and ‘when its conducted? 113) 2602600 a8) [eto

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