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Question Paper Code : 2585 LL.B. (Hons.) (Semester-V) Examination, 2018 (New Course ) PROPERTY LAW AND EASEMENT-I [ Second Paper ] Time : Three Hours] {Maximum Marks : 100 jNote : Answer five questions in all. Question No. 1 is compulsory. Besides this, one question is to be attempted from each unit. a Wea et & a die wet a. 1 afta 2 Hh Aa, Ie sas A wey oe en STAT Bi 1. Write short notes on the following : * [4x10=40) (a) Immovable property Sa Gat (b) ‘ SPAT er fareyeh SEAT 3B stags ae 2585/500. Gl) [PTO] ee ee a aE othe a UNIT-I 7 34Ig-1 Discuss the rule against perpetuity and give its exceptions. [15] odd % fies fart tt aren sie ae sah amarat Bt aaa) What is ‘Doctrine of Election’ ? What are the conditions in which a person is put to election ? [15] ara opr eaIRY aS ? A ard ae e fora ateits Pere aah a aad HoT eta & ? UNIT-IL 7 3418-Il What do you understand by "Feeding the grant by estoppel” ? What are the essential requirements for the application of the doctrine ‘Feeding the grant by estoppel’ ? {15] oper Bt ange & frara” 8 ary er aaa = 7 faa at agit $ fara & ary & faq raga ad Fm = ? Discuss the doctrine of "Lis Pendens" and give its basis. Does the doctrine apply to an execution proceeding ? Describe. 115] [P70] we 85/500 ( aa ama @, fara Far ae Pers 4 oy aa @ ? sae UNIT 7 aT$-11 Define Gift. What are the essentials of a valid gift 2 Car a future Property be gifted ? a a1 uftarn aise wy ae © 2 ar afer Fong BF Wat F ? (15) oF STIR A ay oh WAR a Beg What do you understand by ‘Mortgage’ ? What are the €ssentials of a valid Mortgage ? Explain in brief t he various kinds of Mortgage. UNIT-V 7 ganéiy What do you mean b Y Tevocation of Licence ? Under what circumstances ui cence is deemed to be revoked? 2585/500 mbes 8 oy aa a ; afr 7 Trees am onan 2 yy G4) j eo yt (Semester-¥ (Hons:) (New Course ) LABOL R LAWS-1 | Fourth Paper | y Relating to Labour Management av ating I : . Relation in India) pree Hours} [Maximum Marks : 100 Th s answer five questions in all Question No. 1 compulsory. Besides this, one question is to be from each unit. aa te set % oat SR wer a. 1 oiPrard 8 ee Feral, ee ears & WH He fet TT 21 Write short notes on the following : [4x10=40] Prieta oe afera fetta feafar : (2) Industrial relations in India ret A ohrentnes ararey 587/500 (1) [P70] (c) (e) (f) (h) 2587/500 Labour problems aie TTY Liabilities of registered trade union The objectives of the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 See Fare aA, 1947} seeeq The powers of Certification Officer Sater atta + afar Difference between Lay-off and Retrenchment Sen wd aret Ff omaz ‘Competent persons’ under the Factories Act, 1948 FST Stara, 1948 3 orepie Terq sary What is 'manufacturing process! Under the Factories Act, 1948 7 FGM SAH, 1948 & rns ame ? ‘ATafET far (2) oo, > AD a »worker" ain Difference betwee! cart eit art Hot UNIT 7 35Tg-1 ‘owth of industrial jurisprudence in India is a call (i) n Factory and Industry "The or of hour no! but also. strengthening the national economy." Examine t only for the expansion of industrialization on its relevance. {15] cae % ttelire: feRoarea ar Peers TA at HiT, Hat detect 3 fe & fae a vet 2 aks usa gee UAT Sat |} fers Ah” Sees ore a fert afc) What is ‘collective bargaining’ ? Discuss its merits and demerits. [15] Aes seas ame? eas yo od Sa ay aT ara UNIT-I 7 3-11 What is ‘ ; 's ‘Industry’ 2 What tests are laid down by the | Su i Preme Court in its decisions ? ‘587/500 MS) (33) [P.-T.0.] -_, 87/500 (4) SEM FTF 2 Sea Ta A oh ARE a A Arerst AY Puifta feat 8 ? 8. Explain the constitution, procedure, powers and duties ‘of the Labour Court. = 15) SH ST FS Tes, eR, atest et ale et areneu UNIT-IIL 7 3261-I11 "Strike and lock-out are the weapons in the hands of |} 9 workers and employers." Whether they are keeping balance in industrial establishments or demolish them ? Discuss the use and misuse of the strike or lock-out. {15} “cea TS sae aa TE Patra } ert A area Sena a” ao ae ates Tari A Aga TAC Tar & fae 2, a Aare He F fee ? eco aaa % ooait od ZoratT oe facet afr Whatis the procedure of certification of standing orders and remedies thereafter under Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 2 Explainit. — (15) ward ortsit are A PRT wd cee STAT a aaem seinen Prater (ereh area) erfafraa, 1946 } orld a & ? ga TART unity 7 3e-1V youmean by ‘Philosophy of Labour Welfare’ ? at do whi ae impact on employees (labours), society and piscu! on nation. ~ fers we Air ATT FT eR & 2 ATGTT Wy, ar UE TH FH TA ate? what are ‘inspectors’ and their powers under the he | provisions of the Factories Act, 1948 ? 15] araM Sra, 1948 } aerit ‘Poe’ oi saat afrat er & ? ace X ----- 2587/59 C3) Question Paper Code : 2589 L.B.(Hlons.) (Semester-V) Fxamination, 2018 (New Course ) ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - I [ Sixth Paper] : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks : 100 : Answer five questions in all. Question No. 1 is compulsory. Besides this, one question is to be attempted from each unit. a Ta wet } or ai om a. 1 aia 21 SH cata, seas SHE A Ue et Per AT BI Write short notes on the following : [4x10=40] frei oc afaret % fecaferan ferfax = (a) Importance of Separation of Power afar quae Ret A Aer (6) Distinction between Administrative action and the Legislative action’ Sarat ae wd faa art a te (AE) [P.T.0.] (¢) ) () (g) (h) (i) Distinction between Administrative acti i lon Quasijudicial Action marie at cer stienis ah a _ Droit Administratif Sire tetingier Distinction between Administrative order 4 Administrative Legislation” SaaS sre ca Saas fae A a Constitutionality of Deligated Legislation seria fer st dest i, Malimath Committee Report and the Tribun: Signet oer arin wat feate Essential functions of the Legislature fener 3 ona ard | Types of laying of Deligated Legislation seria Pera } qeq ox vet BT (2) Substantive Ultravirus of Deligated Legislation yeast feat at cearers fal Reear UNIT-I 7 3513-1 Do you agree with the view that Administrative Law was in existence prior to the concept of welfare state ? Discuss the nature and scope of Administrative Law in India. [15] a A Fo AT A wert S fH serairy fats cis Fara TH Ht WaT } et Age at ? wera fate at sete we a at aren Fits What do you mean by Rule of Law? Discuss the modern concept of the Rule of Law. [15] fy & amet @ omy gar arad S ? onars fa frere a aren afar UNIT-I 7 343-1 Do you agree with the view that Deligated Legislation is against the principle of Rule of Law and the Separation of Power ? Discuss reasons for its growth and its defects, [15] Em) (3) [PIO] Gee ae Got PTT | Her S ox & > fare 3 area os ate At are aise a 5. Write short notes on the following A tg 7 frrafertert oe after fecattren fete: (a) Parliamentary control on Deligated ll merited fase ox data Reser (b) Distinction between Deligated Legislation and t | Conditional Legislation Feats erat ca aad faa A ora UNIT-IIL 7 43-II1 AL 6. "All courts are tribunal but all tribunals are not cour Discuss. Is there any defect of Tribunal ? a ! “ot ra gs at ata at dan a aa” aren aa en fegit & te ate ! What-are the rules of natural justice ? Discuss jortance with case law. t 3 fear & ar fray & ? eae ME Bren asic 25891500. a (4) —Niay, UNIT-IV / 3IS-IV Discuss the rules governing Administrative Discretion What are the reasons for its growth 7 [15] gare faa > sae 8 water Raat At ren Fee eb fara +] arer gar E 2 Discuss the methods of control of Administrative discretion by Parliament. [15] sara facet a dae Rast F aes st reat aise (5) sstion Paper Code : 2590 qu Hons. ) (Semester-V) Examination, 2018 ec pL (New Course ) COMPANY LAW-I | Seventh Paper | bree Hours] Maximum Marks : 100 :Answer five questions in all Question No. 4 of short answer type is compulsory. Besides this, one question is to be attempted from each unit. oa wet & az Sia ogaeta wert wet ater 4 8% sara, we ae Fwy es Re ST 31 Write short Notes on the following - Tmtttea ae Fire feaprgy fafa : (a) [4x10=40] Artificial Person Br ap [PTO] — a) (c) (9) (g) (h) 0) 2590/500 Fiduciary relation WS HTT Holding and Associated Company TVR a ose art Reduction of Share Capital 8a oh 3 eT Red Herring Prospectus 8 Rac ghia Crystallization Of Charge er PRS ay arg Sor Pre-incorporation Contract FOP tay Free’Reserve SRG hy Interim Divideng STR aris, ( 2) ‘ae 4. 2590/500 (3) UNIT / 31 comment on the following : ia cates % feaPrat fate jg Salomon Vis Salomon Co. Ltd, 1897 AC 22 (HC) AMAT SAM BAT WS gH. fi., 1897 Ac 22 (HC) : (b) Lee V/s Lee Air Forming Ltd., 1961 AC 12 al SAF ct wax GAA fer., 1961 AC 12 Acompany may assume an ‘enemy’ character, when person in de facto control of its affairs are resident in an enemy country. Comment with the help of decided case law. {15} 1 2a Praret ara areata we 4 Pata ser ag A ST MT He Ae Si Prelit aah at versa S feat Fi UNIT-I / 325S-I1 The object clause of the company states affirmatively the ambit and extent of powers of the company and it [IPT.0.) states negatively that nothing shall be done beyond ambit. Discuss with the help of case laws, TIS OT TST BH RI AS aeph y Ss ee BET THT GH ASEH a aha ae oe Sel 8 tat Bi Piet ae a ae o Comment on following irmistad oe fetta fare : (a) Laxmanswami Muddliar V/s. LIC, AIR 1963 1185 TTR FI FA UG.aTE.A., T. ‘SIT. 1963 YF. 1185 (b) Kolta Venkatswami V/s Chinta Ramaswamy, 1934 Mad. 579 i arel Sera sary fora TRAP, vse. 1934 FETA 579 . UNIT 7 gare 6. Discuss the provision and procedure of buy backh) -. sharés. f 2590/500 (4) igh & Fe 4S TAR rar Ce aT a fazer Afra! Define charge and its kind. What is crystallization of charge ? Explain with the help of illustration [15] aR Cd SS Fea a oitaite He ae ar Rerterer ae? Sei Ht Vea S Te Fier UNIT-V / 31g-IV Describe procedure and requisites of valid meeting. (15) te fae oo at ofa a TH What are the powers exercised by the BoD in meeting ? Discuss the procedure of Board meeting. [15] fea Asc arr dom H aay aera wart at ore B ? eam Asa Ht fom A oem st fdear Af A (Printed Pages 4) Roll. No. LH-5/2917 LL.B. (Hons.) (Fifth Semester) Examination, Dec. 2015 (New Course) (PROPERTY LAW EASEMENT) Paper-II | Time Allowed : Three Hours] —[ Maximum Marks : 100 4 Note: Answer five questions in all. Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt one question from each unit. | oa tte wert & sex AS ver @. 1 ara a, yede garg Bee wea aifarel 1. Write short answers of the following : Frafetad a

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