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02-05-20 January 2020 Product Updates 



Product Announcements 
New and exciting product launches include: 
● Zendesk Relate​ March 3-5, Miami, FL 

● Zendesk Edcation in cooperation with Marketing is offering a Discount for ​Training 

day at Relate​ on March 3 with marketing to offer a full day of in-depth training at 
Relate on March 3. We will be offering Support, Guide & Explore training tracks 
concurrently. Each training track cost: $599, ​Discount info: 

○ If your customer hasn’t registered for Relate yet they can use this code: 
COMBO2020​ to get 50% off Relate ticket & $100 off a training track. $850 

○ If your customer has already registered for Relate but wants to add a training 
track. They can use discount code: ​ZDRTRAIN100​ to get $100 off of a training 

● The Zendesk Sell SKU is now available. See the ​Getting started with Zendesk Sell 
help center article to learn more. 

● Zendesk Sell ​Round Robin (object distribution) is now GA - Create distribution lists to 
automatically assign leads, contact, and deals to the reps on your sales team. 
Leverage Round Robin distribution to implement a structured process so your leads, 
contacts, and deals can be evenly allocated to members of a team, based on different 
factors, such as the location of a representative. 

● The Zendesk ​Social Messaging add-on​ is now GA - We are very excited to introduce 
the Zendesk Social Messaging add-on that brings some of the most popular 
messaging apps like WhatsApp, WeChat, LINE, Facebook Messenger and Twitter DMs 
seamlessly to Zendesk Support customers (powered by our very own, Sunshine 
Conversations!). For more information, see ​Installing and setting up messaging 
channels​ , ​Using social messaging channels​, ​Setting up your LINE and WeChat 
channels​, ​About Zendesk product add-ons​, ​Installing and configuring the WhatsApp 
in Zendesk Support integration 

● Insights EoL (end of life) coming February 5, 2021 - ​Announced​ on 02-03-2020, the 
end of life for Insights reporting. Customers who have access to Insights (Explore 
Legacy customers) have until February 5, 2021 to migrate to Zendesk Explore. 
Additionally, starting June 1, 2020, we will begin deactivating insights accounts that 
have been inactive for more than 60 days. For more information, see the 
aforementioned announcement help center article and the following links:  

○ Migration Portal​ (Moving to Explore from Insights) 


○ Getting Started with Explore 

○ Explore Trainings 

○ Free Insights to Explore Training video 

○ Migration Services Datasheet 

○ Migration Services Sign-up 

● Zendesk announces the General Availability of a brand new API endpoint for our 
customers and partners. The ​Talk recording deletion API​, allows the programmatic 
deletion of the voice recordings that are attached to a ticket as a Voice comment.  

● The ability to make CTF (conditional ticket fields) required rolls out this month. 
Improvements to conditional ticket field requirements​ will be rolling out from January 
26-30. ​Note:​ Conditional ticket fields are available on the following Zendesk Support 
plans: Plus or Professional with the Productivity Pack add-on, Enterprise, and Elite. All 
Guide plans, including Guide Lite, support the conditional ticket fields feature in 

● The The Sunshine Data Manager now gives you full control over your Sunshine 
custom objects and relationships in Admin Center. Learn more about the ​Sunshine 
Data Manager EAP 

● On ​Wednesday February 26th, 2020​, we're introducing a much-requested new 

feature for ​Explore Professional and Support Enterprise customers​ that enables you 
to use Support Enterprise custom roles ​to configure the level of access​ your users 
get to Explore. Please see this important ​announcement​ help center article to 
understand what you need to know/do before this feature is implemented. (i.e., agents
assigned the Staff, Light Agent, or a custom role you created, will get view only access
to Explore and agents assigned the Advisor role get no access at all.) 

● We are very excited to move ​IVR Group Routing from EAP to GA​. This functionality is 
now available to all our Zendesk Talk Professional and Enterprise customers. 
Previously, customers using IVR could only route calls to one group before being sent 
to voicemail. Now, customers can assign multiple groups to an IVR route. This means 
that if no agents in the primary group are available, calls are automatically routed to 
specified overflow groups to prevent sending callers to voicemail. See the ​Setting up 
IVR with Group Routing​ Talk Help center article. 

● Apps for Zendesk Sell​ are now available through early access, bringing the same App 
Framework that powers over 700 apps for Zendesk Support and Chat to Zendesk 
Sell. Our first batch of ​Sell Apps​ pull some favorite tools, like Box or Mailchimp, 
directly into the Sell interface so all the sales context you need to win more customers 
is now in one place. (See also, the ​Sell Apps​ section in this document) 

● A new detailed usage charges reporting and exporting for Talk admin users is now 
available. The new ​Usage Charges page​ gives Admins access to a comprehensive 
summary of Talk usage and corresponding charges. More info can be found ​here​. 

● Zendesk is making a change to our outbound email rules to prevent spammers 

from using Zendesk as an open mail relay. As a result, your ticket creation email 
notifications might be affected. This ​article​ explains what we’re changing, why, 
and any actions you need to take. 

● We've made a number of updates across all Explore datasets. Details are available 
in this ​announcement​. 

● Zendesk Community Weekly Digest 1-16-2020​ - see what your fellow Zendesk users 
are doing to solve common issues, create productive solutions etc.. 

● Zendesk Community Weekly Digest 1-23-2020​ - see what your fellow Zendesk users 
are doing to solve common issues, create productive solutions etc.. 

● Presented on December 12th was the “​What’s New​” Zendesk Product Webinar. You 
can now watch the recording of the webinar which is approximately 60 minutes long. 
You can also download the presented slidedeck and related captured Q&A from the 

● Welcome Zendesk Sell to ​​! We've moved documentation about 

Sell to the Zendesk Help Center so you can find information about all Zendesk 
products in one place. Sell-specific articles can be found ​here​. Click the boxes to learn
about Getting started with, Using, or Troubleshooting Sell and FAQs.  

● The new ​Amazon Connect​ (integration) app for Zendesk Support See ​What’s New 
with Zendesk Partner Program December 2019​ for more details. 

● Zendesk is excited to launch ​Training Unlocked​, with 6 new training packages for 
Admins, Developers, and Agents. Watch any course as many times as you need, 
whenever you need them 

● The daily create limit for Sunshine Custom Objects has been removed. The only limit 
governing the number of creates is our Requests Per Minute at 1000. 

● Action needed: Re-authorize Zendesk Gmail Connector​ - In December 2019, Google 

will disconnect the application, and service will not resume until you re-authorize the 
connection. To limit the number of missed tickets, you should take the steps outlined 
in this ​article​ within 24 hours of the disconnection. ​Unfortunately, this 
re-authorization cannot be performed in advance due to restrictions imposed by 
Google.​ As an alternative, you can switch from the Gmail connector to standard email 
forwarding to avoid disruption all together. Please review the linked article for 
additional email forwarding options available to you. 

● On ​April 30th, 2020​, we are removing the ability to enable live chat in your help 
center through the Guide admin panel as we centralize support channels into the Web 
Widget. After April 30th, 2020, you can only add chat functionality to your help center 
through the ​Web Widget admin panel​. ​Note: ​After that date, the current chat setting 
will no longer be available in the Guide admin panel. If not enabled in the Web Widget 
admin panel, live chat will not be available to visitors to your help center. 


Release Notes 
items Support 
● What’s New with Zendesk Support December 2019 

● The ​Enhanced Field Requirements feature​ for Conditional Ticket Fields is now GA. 
Since launching CTF, we’ve received a lot of great feedback from the Zendesk 
community. CTF users love the smooth migration process, intuitive interface, first-class
public API support, and the ability to use conditions in the mobile SDK and Web 

○ One area that the community had expressed a desire for more control is 
around conditional field requirements. CFA allowed customers to specify 
conditional fields for agents as “required on submit” while CTF currently uses 
the standard “required on solved” setting. The Enhanced Field Requirements 
feature gives customers the ability to require conditional fields on submit as 
well as on specific statuses, and not just “on solve”. 

○ This functionality ensures that admins can consistently get the data they need, 
only when needed, maximizing data capture and agent efficiency. Importantly, 
the Enhanced Field Requirements EAP means that CTF has complete parity 
with CFA and improves upon the app in several ways. 

● We made some changes in the number of results returned per query via our ​Views 
and ​Search​ APIs - please refer to the linked announcements for details. 

● NA 

Admin Center 
The Zendesk Admin Center provides a central location for managing global, cross-product 
settings such as account ownership, subscriptions, security settings, and custom objects. 
Admin Center is available for all Support, Guide, Talk, and Chat customers, except for 
customers with Legacy Chat accounts. You must be an account owner or administrator to 
access the Admin Center. 

● NA 

● NA 

● What’s New with Zendesk Gather December 2019 

● Email-notifications from @mentions in Gather communities and Guide article 

comments have been updated to have a new subject: 

○ You've been mentioned in "<Post/article title>" by <author> 

● Add support for IE11 in @mentions 

● Fixed an issue in which articles could be accessed even though their category was in 
draft state. 

● What’s new with Zendesk Guide December 2019 

● Email-notifications from @mentions in Gather communities and Guide article 

comments have been updated to have a new subject: 

○ You've been mentioned in "<Post/article title>" by <author> 

● New locales enabled in Help Center: 

○ German (Germany) - [de-DE] 

○ French (Morocco) - [fr-MA] 

○ French (Côte d'Ivoire) - [fr-CI] 


○ Greek (Cyprus) - [el-CY] 

○ English (Malta) - [en-MT] 

● Add support for IE11 in @mentions 

● The ​individual users in User Segments EAP​ lets you select individual users to add to a 
user segment. Selecting individual users makes it easy to grant users access to an 
article, topic, or moderator group in Zendesk Guide and Zendesk Gather. To learn 
more check out the Zendesk Guide EAP - Hand-picked users in User Segments 
community​ posts which includes a link to the EAP sign up form. 

● Scheduled Unpublishing in Guide EAP​ is now open - In the next couple of months 
we’ll be building this new feature, which lets you define the time when you want to 
publish, and then unpublish an article in Guide. We’re also adding to this experience 
for multi-language sites where it’ll be easier to publish and unpublish all the 
translations that exist for an article. For more information and sign up, see the ​EAP 
forum​ and for the ​EAP sign up 

● Guide theming API​ EAP (​sign up​) - is a REST API that will allow theme developers and 
partners to integrate any external theme development workflow with guide, enabling 
for example continuous delivery workflows. ​Theming API developer documentation 
You must be on Guide Professional, Guide Legacy or Guide Enterprise to participate 
in the EAP. Please review the EAP sign-up form for further restrictions and product 

● Help Center unified search results page​ - The current Help Center search results user 
interface presents search results in two columns when both Knowledge base and 
Community are enabled. ​Multi Help Center Search EAP​ and ​Learn more 

● Help Center Community alias​ - The Alias feature enables users in the Help Center 
Community to have an alias that sits on top of their full name and displays everywhere 
in the Help Center. ​Learn more 

● Fixed an issue in which articles could be accessed even though their category was in 
draft state. 

Answer Bot 
● NA 


● NA 

● NA 

Chat and Message 

● What’s new with Zendesk Chat and Talk December 2019 

● The ​IVR Group Routing​ feature lets you configure multiple overflow groups when 
routing a call via IVR. 

● On ​April 30th, 2020​, we are removing the ability to enable live chat in your help 
center through the Guide admin panel as we centralize support channels into the Web 
Widget. After April 30th, 2020, you can only add chat functionality to your help center 
through the ​Web Widget admin panel​. ​Note: ​After that date, the current chat setting 
will no longer be available in the Guide admin panel. If not enabled in the Web Widget 
admin panel, live chat will not be available to visitors to your help center. 

● NA 

● Update operating hours schedule input fields to be more accurate, will now 
display "12:00AM to 11:59PM" for 24 hour schedules 

● Fixed empty chats from occasionally appearing in High Load Dashboard. 

● Fixed sorting of the agent leader board in Agent Analytics. 

● What’s new with Zendesk Chat and Talk December 2019 

● Zendesk announces the General Availability of a brand new API endpoint for our 
customers and partners. The ​Talk recording deletion API​, allows the programmatic 
deletion of the voice recordings that are attached to a ticket as a Voice comment. This 
is very important for many of our customers who rely on our ​partners' apps​ to have a 
PCI compliant redaction of their recordings, so that information like a Credit Card's 
cardholder name etc. are no longer accessible. Until today, the original un-redacted 
recording, handled by Talk, could not be deleted until after a 24-hour time period. 

● The ​Talk agent recording controls​ feature lets you prevent sensitive and personal 
end-user data from being stored in call recordings. This new functionality gives more 
flexibility and control over how they manage privacy and data security in Talk, by 
allowing agents to pause and resume the recording of an active call. ​Learn more 
about the Talk agent recording controls EAP​. In December, we will begin onboarding 
users who meet the following criteria: 

○ Have an active Zendesk Talk Professional and Enterprise subscription 

○ Are willing to work with our team to provide feedback 

○ Register your interest ​HERE 

● Talk additional numbers now available 

● The ​Call Recording Opt-out​ feature gives Callers the option to opt-out of call 

● A bug preventing the addition of transcriptions to voice comments in some cases 
has been fixed. 

● Fixed a bug that was letting callers leave voicemail when the feature was turned 
Off (disabled). There were few instances when callers were able to leave 

● By popular demand, you can now schedule dashboards with both Support groups 
AND individual Support agents! 

● What’s new with Zendesk Explore December 2019  

● What's new in Explore: Q4 2019 Edition 

● A ​free on-demand Explore Overview video ​is now live on the Zendesk Education 
website. The video will walk you through the Explore interface and will teach what 

comes with your pre-built dashboards as well as what you can do to create custom 
queries and dashboards that meet your unique business needs. 

● Zendesk Explore tag reporting enhancements EAP​ - On February 3rd, 2020, we’re 
introducing an early access program for an improved tag reporting experience. With 
the new tag reporting enhancements, you can slice-and-dice data by tags to uncover 
deeper insights by priority, tier, geography and more. ​Note: ​The EAP is open to any 
customer with an Explore Professional or Explore Legacy subscription. You can 
sign-up ​here​. Learn more about this EAP ​here​. 

● Explore EAP - Support Enterprise Custom Roles & Light Agents​ is now available for 
sign up​. You will now be able to manage access to Explore using custom roles and 
grant light agents view-access to your dashboards. You can now set an Explore 
permission for each custom role - and each agent with that custom role will get that 
access level. In addition, your “light agents” can finally access Explore and view any 
dashboards that you share with them. ​EAP community  

● Sharing Explore dashboards outside of Zendesk EAP​ lets customers share 

dashboards outside of Zendesk. This EAP enables customers to create public or 
password-protected links, which can be shared with anyone without requiring them to 
have a Zendesk seat. Any customer using Support Enterprise with Explore 
Professional or Explore Legacy can sign-up for this ​EAP​.  

● Real-time dashboard EAP​, lets you keep an eye on your live channels (Support, Chat 
and Talk) and reallocate resources in real-time where it matters most. The real-time 
dashboard is available to customers with an active Explore Pro or Legacy 
subscription. Interested customers can find out how to sign up ​here​. We plan to begin 
onboarding interested customers in early November. 

● Support Enterprise Custom Roles & Light Agents EAP​, will enable ​customers on 
Support Enterprise with existing access to Explore​ to manage access to Explore 
using their custom roles, and grant view access to any dashboard to their Light 
Agents. This will make it faster and easier for admins to change Explore permissions 
in bulk across their organizations. We will begin onboarding eligible users in 
November. ​EAP sign up form 

● Sharing dashboards outside of Zendesk EAP​, will enable you to create public and 
password protected links to any dashboard, that you can share with anyone without a 
Zendesk seat. We will begin onboarding eligible users in November. ​EAP sign up 
form​. In November, we will begin onboarding users who meet the following criteria: 

○ Have an active Explore Professional or Legacy subscription 

○ Are willing to meet with our team to provide feedback 


● We've made a number of updates across all Explore datasets. Details are available 
in this ​announcement​. 

● We've fixed metric filters 

● We've fixed drill-through queries issues. 

Zendesk Sunshine Updates 

● What’s new with Zendesk Platform December 2019 

● Permission policies for custom objects​ EAP - We're releasing our first version of 
permissions policies for custom objects. This is a way to set CRUD (create, read, 
update, delete) permissions at the object type and relationship type level for agents 
and end users separately. These will be role-based permissions that apply to all 
records under a type. See the following ​Sunshine beta help center article​ to learm 
more and find the EAP sign up sheet. 

● The The Sunshine Data Manager now gives you full control over your Sunshine 
custom objects and relationships in Admin Center. Learn more about the ​Sunshine 
Data Manager EAP 

● The GET Resources by External ID endpoint now returns a 404 when it is unable to 
find a resource with the matching resource_type_key and external_id combination. 

● You can now bulk update and bulk delete via external ID using the ​Custom Objects 
Jobs endpoint​. 

● The daily create limit for Custom Objects has been removed. The only limit governing 
the number of creates is our 1000 RPM (Requests Per Minute). 

● Sunshine Custom Objects API is now offering​ Custom Objects external_id 

functionality API expansion (AKA Upsert). These features are available to all active 
customers using custom objects. 

○ PATCH​ object records by external_id to either update if external ID value 

exists on a record, or create a new record if the record does not exist.  

○ DELETE​ object records by external_id to delete records that contain an 

external ID. 

● Sunshine now offers bulk edits with the ​jobs endpoint​.  

● Sunshine now offers the ​Limits​ endpoint API to understand their account usage. 
Customers can now find out what their product and rate limits are for their accounts, 
and how much they've used of those total and daily limits by Sunshine plan type. 

Zendesk Sell 
● The Zendesk Sell SKU is now available. See the ​Getting started with Zendesk Sell 
help center article to learn more. 

● Zendesk Sell Object Distribution​ is now GA - Distribution pools let you allocate leads, 
contact, and deals using a structured process where the leads, contacts, and deals 
are can be evenly allocated to members of a team, based on different factors, such as 
the location of a representative.  

● Welcome Zendesk Sell to ​​! We've moved documentation about 

Sell to the Zendesk Help Center so you can find information about all Zendesk 
products in one place. Sell-specific articles can be found ​here​. Click the boxes to learn
about Getting started with, Using, or Troubleshooting Sell and FAQs. 

● Apps for Zendesk Sell​ are now available through early access, bringing the same App 
Framework that powers over 700 apps for Zendesk Support and Chat to Zendesk 
Sell. Our first batch of ​Sell Apps​ pull some favorite tools, like Box or Mailchimp, 
directly into the Sell interface so all the sales context you need to win more customers 
is now in one place. Avoid switching between tools and see how Sell Apps can help 
your sales team be more productive. Don’t Have Sell yet? Why not try a free trial at 

● All accounts that are Professional or higher can install private apps, built for them - 
internally or with their partners. 

● Zendesk Sell ​videos on YouTube 

● What’s New with Zendesk Sell December 2019 

● Customizable Layout​ lets you leverage the Layouts Setting in your Zendesk Sell 
account to control how key information is displayed on Leads, Contacts, and Deals. 

● New Zendesk Sell ​onboarding training package​ now available. 

● The Zendesk Sell performance dashboard now has the ​Active Deals widget​ giving 
sales teams insight into the total number of Active Deals based off of their current 
stage in your Deal Pipeline. Your Active Deals are considered any Deals that are not 
in the "Won," "Lost," or "Unqualified" stages. This report will update in near real-time 
as your team continues to add Deals! 

● The Note Starring and Tagging in Zendesk Sell EAP will help you manage notes by 
enabling ​note starring:​ star new and existing notes and filter your activity feeds by 
starred notes, ​note tagging: ​tag new and existing notes and filter your activity feeds 
by tagged notes and ​note tags definition:​ the ability for admins to define note tags in 

● Zendesk ​Sell roles and action permissions​ to help you manage your users. Learn 
more about the Sell roles and actions permissions ​EAP 

● Zendesk ​Sell object distribution​ provides a "round robin" capability for allocating 
leads, contacts, and deals. Learn more about the Sell object distribution ​EAP 

● NA 

● NA 

● NA 

● The ​Support Android Mobile App 2.8.0 Release ​now lets you merge tickets. (11-25-19 

● Zendesk is providing a new version of our Support and Answer Bot SDKs which now 
contain module stability!  

● A minor update (​iOS 2.2.0 ​and​ Android 2.3.0​) to the Support Mobile Apps was 
issued to address fixes, minor enhancements to the design of the ticket list view as 
well as displaying placeholder values when a macro with a comment is applied. 
Zendesk Support for iOS Release Notes​ - ​Zendesk Support for Android Release Notes

● Chat Mobile - This week we started rolling out Chat Mobile apps update ​1.3.1 for iOS 
and ​1.4.0 for Android​. This update enables Mobile Chat Agents to perform actions 
with Chat History items such as Delete, Mark Unread, Email to another agent.  

Access our mobile SDK release notes below: 

● Zendesk Support SDK V2 for Android 

● Zendesk Support SDK V2 for iOS 

● Zendesk Support SDK V1 for Android 

● Zendesk Support SDK V1 for iOS 

● Zendesk Chat SDK for Android 


● Zendesk Chat SDK for iOS 

● New Connect iOS and Android SDK releases 

○ Released Android SDK v2.0​ that improves reliability, stability and synchronizes 
API with iOS for a better integration experience.   

○ Released iOS SDK v2.0​ that improves reliability, stability and synchronizes API 
with Android for a better integration experience. 

Betas (​all details​) 

● Permission policies for custom objects​ EAP - We're releasing our first version of 
permissions policies for custom objects. This is a way to set CRUD (create, read, 
update, delete) permissions at the object type and relationship type level for agents 
and end users separately. These will be role-based permissions that apply to all 
records under a type. See the following ​Sunshine beta help center article​ to learm 
more and find the EAP sign up sheet. 

● Zendesk Explore tag reporting enhancements EAP​ - On February 3rd, 2020, we’re 
introducing an early access program for an improved tag reporting experience. With 
the new tag reporting enhancements, you can slice-and-dice data by tags to uncover 
deeper insights by priority, tier, geography and more. ​Note: ​The EAP is open to any 
customer with an Explore Professional or Explore Legacy subscription. You can 
sign-up ​here​. Learn more about this EAP ​here​. 

● The ​individual users in User Segments EAP​ lets you select individual users to add to a 
user segment. Selecting individual users makes it easy to grant users access to an 
article, topic, or moderator group in Zendesk Guide and Zendesk Gather. To learn 
more check out the Zendesk Guide EAP - Hand-picked users in User Segments 
community​ posts which includes a link to the EAP sign up form. 

● The The Sunshine Data Manager now gives you full control over your Sunshine 
custom objects and relationships in Admin Center. Learn more about the ​Sunshine 
Data Manager EAP 

● Zendesk ​Sell roles and action permissions​ to help you manage your users. Learn 
more about the Sell roles and actions permissions ​EAP 

● Zendesk ​Sell object distribution​ provides a "round robin" capability for allocating 
leads, contacts, and deals. Learn more about the Sell object distribution ​EAP 

● Scheduled Unpublishing in Guide EAP​ is now open - In the next couple of months 
we’ll be building this new feature, which lets you define the time when you want to 
publish, and then unpublish an article in Guide. We’re also adding to this experience 
for multi-language sites where it’ll be easier to publish and unpublish all the 
translations that exist for an article. For more information and sign up, see the ​EAP 
forum​ and for the ​EAP sign up 

● The ​Talk agent recording controls​ feature lets you prevent sensitive and personal 
end-user data from being stored in call recordings. This new functionality gives more 

flexibility and control over how they manage privacy and data security in Talk, by 
allowing agents to pause and resume the recording of an active call. ​Learn more 
about the Talk agent recording controls EAP​ In December, we will begin onboarding 
users who meet the following criteria: 

○ Have an active Zendesk Talk Professional and Enterprise subscription 

○ Are willing to work with our team to provide feedback 

○ Register your interest ​HERE 

● Multiple Group views​ - will let Support Administrators create and share views with 
multiple groups of agents. Previously, administrators could add only one group of 
agents to a view. Now, you can consolidate view definitions, share them more widely, 
and reduce redundancy. ​Note:​ Zendesk is taking sign ups for this feature, but the EAP 
will not be available for a few months. If you signed up for this feature, you will receive 
an update soon. Sign up for the ​multiple group views EAP​. 

● Sharing dashboards outside of Zendesk EAP​, will enable you to create public and 
password protected links to any dashboard, that you can share with anyone without a 
Zendesk seat. We will begin onboarding eligible users in November. ​EAP sign up 
form​. In November, we will begin onboarding users who meet the following criteria: 

○ Have an active Explore Professional or Legacy subscription 

○ Are willing to meet with our team to provide feedback 

● Explore EAP - Support Enterprise Custom Roles & Light Agents​ is now available for 
sign up​. You will now be able to manage access to Explore using custom roles and 
grant light agents view-access to your dashboards. You can now set an Explore 
permission for each custom role - and each agent with that custom role will get that 
access level. In addition, your “light agents” can finally access Explore and view any 
dashboards that you share with them. Any customer using Support Enterprise with 
Explore Professional or Explore Legacy can sign-up for this EAP. ​EAP community 
(includes a link to the EAP signup) 

● Real-time dashboard EAP​, lets you keep an eye on your live channels (Support, Chat 
and Talk) and reallocate resources in real-time where it matters most. The real-time 
dashboard is available to customers with an active Explore Pro or Legacy 
subscription. Interested customers can find out how to sign up ​here​. We plan to begin 
onboarding interested customers in early November. 

● Zendesk Events Connector for Amazon EventBridge​ EAP provides an easy way to 
export Zendesk real-time events to AWS so you can store, analyze, and run diverse 
AWS Services on event data. The first phase will allow the export of ticket events. 
Amazon’s announcement about their ​EventBridge​. 

● Guide theming API​ EAP (​sign up​) - is a REST API that will allow theme developers and 
partners to integrate any external theme development workflow with guide, enabling 
for example continuous delivery workflows. ​Theming API developer documentation 
You must be on Guide Professional, Guide Legacy or Guide Enterprise to participate 
in the EAP. Please review the EAP sign-up form for further restrictions and product 

● Call Recording Opt-out​ EAP - Zendesk Talk gives callers the option to opt-out of call 

○ Call Recording Opt-out​ - Give callers the option to opt-out of call recording.  

● The ​Zendesk Support EAP Agent Workspace​ is a new feature available to a limited set
of customers as part of an early access program (​EAP​). The Agent Workspace enables 
agents to work seamlessly across Zendesk channels, all within a single interface.  

● The ​new mobile Chat SDK​ has been completely re-written for Android and iOS to 
improve reliability, stability, and performance. The new Chat SDK is built on top of our 
new Unified Messaging Interface, which allows for the interoperability of the Chat SDK 
with other Zendesk SDKs. 

● Side Conversations API​ - Side conversations were introduced in June of 2018, and 
customers have been using them to start conversations with vendors, partners, and 
other departments directly from their tickets. The API provides most of the 
functionality available in the UI and also introduces an incremental export endpoint 
that provides all of your side conversation data for archiving or analysis. To request 
access, go to the ​Side Conversations API EAP registration form​. ​Note:​ The Early 
Access Program is available for Zendesk Support customers on Professional and 
Enterprise plans that have the Collaboration add-on. 

● Side Conversations rich text editor​ - will let your agents introduce formatted text to 
their side conversation messages. This can be helpful for getting ideas across or 
making information more readable and understandable. This ​EAP​ is available to all 
Collaboration Add-on customers. 

● New ​email spam filter​ for Support. We are now exploring a new open source tool 
(​Rspamd​) for spam prevention that will give us new options for fighting spam. Sign up 
for the spam filter early access program. (​EAP​) 

● The ​User Events API ​(EAP) is a new platform feature that enables you to keep track of 
time series data related to a particular User. An individual Event is an immutable 
(unchanging) record of something that happened at a particular time which is related 
to a particular user. The API allows you to specify a "source" and a "type" for each 

● The ​Zendesk Support Discord integration​ allows you to install a "Support Bot" into 
your Discord server that allows gamers to request help directly via any Discord 
channel in your server. This creates a ticket in Zendesk, so your agents can easily 

● The ​Web Widget Performance​ performance beta provides early access to 
performance optimizations that will be released in stages. The first phase of this beta 
includes a re-architecture to the way we serve the Web Widget. This beta is great for 
anyone interested in staying informed about Web Widget performance improvements, 
getting early access to enhancements, and providing feedback as we roll them out.- 
​ eb Widget FAQs​, and ​Learn more about the Web Widget performance 
EAP​ sign up W

● Talk additional numbers now available​ - We are happy to announce that Zendesk Talk 
can now offer additional number coverage for the countries listed in the form. Note: 
These numbers are still in beta and not yet generally available as we want to see how 
they perform. Register your interest ​here 

● The ​Call recording opt-out for Zendesk Talk EAP​ lets you configure any Talk enabled 
phone number to let the caller opt-out from call recording by dialing 3. This 
functionality works for both group routing and IVR routing. ​EAP sign up 

Zendesk Marketplace is now allowing paid app developers to offer customers free 
trial periods of their app before applying charges. 

Talk Apps 
● NA 

Chat Apps 
● Botfuel Answers​ allows you to create an AI sales assistant and connect it to your 
Zendesk account. By connecting your Botfuel Answers agent to your Zendesk 
account you will be able to bet a head start with a knowledge base tailored to user 
requests in your industry. Customize which requests you want to respond to, the 
content of your responses, and the response behavior, such as follow up questions. 
Configure the behavior of your AI agent in special cases, for example when you would 
prefer to hand over the request to a human agent. Keep an eye on the bot's KPIs in 
the dashboard, such as the number of requests, users, handovers, user satisfaction, 

Support Apps 

Agent Efficiency 
● Hero by Vivun​ provides sophisticated tools for managing presales teams, identifies 
features the market wants and automatically alerts salespeople when new releases 
bring opportunities back to life. Hero by Vivun’s Zendesk app allows support agents 
to stay closely connected with their product management teams by understanding the 
development status of product gaps, capturing the needs of customers from a product
capability point of view, and gaining visibility into previously recorded account and 
opportunity gaps in relation to the agent’s customers and users. 

● Kantan Skynet​ is a post-editing crowd sourcing platform which unites the power of 
machine translation and the human touch of post-editing, to deliver a fast translation 
with the authenticity that can only come from a native language speaker. The Kantan 
Skynet app for Zendesk allows you to respond to your clients in your native language 
through the Kantan Skynet platform, where your response will receive a machine 
translation and then get post-edited, from one of our many editors, into your client's 

language. Once the translation is complete, the conversation will be automatically 

updated and your client will only be able to see your response in their language. 
Similarly you are also able to translate the client messages into your native language, 
with the click of a button. 

● IntegrateCloud Zendesk Email Attachments​ allows users to send attachments to any 

specified email right inside Zendesk tickets. When the Send Attachments button is 
clicked it will open a popup. A user can select the attachments which they want to 
send on the ticket and enter the email addresses. The app will then send the 
attachments to specified email. 

● Custom Migrations by​ provides custom, non-automated Zendesk 

migrations from 30+ source systems to Zendesk. Fill out their migration scoper 
wizard, receive a quote in 24 hours for your planned migration, and get your data 
migrated into Zendesk. 

● The ​Language I/O Help​ plugin for Zendesk automates the professional human (or 
machine) translation of your knowledge base, incorporating translation memory, 
glossaries and automatic link rewriting. Plug directly into Zendesk Guide so you can 
automatically translate your knowledge base with a click of a button.   

● TechSee Visual Assistance​ lets Zendesk Support agents instantly invite customers to 
share live video stream or photos of their issues via their mobile phone (no app 
download is required). Once the app is installed, the functionality buttons becomes 
available on the ticket sidebar and allows you to instantly invite your customers. 

● SupporTrends​ is a SaaS company that helps businesses understand and organize 

customer feedback in support conversations. Customers share their opinions with 
your business every day on phone calls, chats, and support tickets. SupporTrends 
organizes that information for you using AI powered with natural language 
understanding. SupporTrends can automatically process your existing Zendesk 
conversations and highlight the rich, detailed product feedback trends that your 
customers discuss. 

● Social Messaging for Zendesk​ lets you engage and support customers reaching out to
your business from WhatsApp, LINE, WeChat, Facebook Messenger and Twitter Direct
Messages. You will receive messages sent to your accounts as new tickets inside 
Zendesk Support so you can easily engage with your customers using the same 
interface you already know and love. Please note the installation process is different 
for WhatsApp integration so review this ​installation article​ for more details. ​“Most 
Zendesk customers will download the Social Messaging add-on directly from the 
Zendesk Marketplace. However, customers that purchase the WhatsApp Phone 
Number add-on will receive an email from Zendesk that includes an installation 
link, and they will use that to download the Social Messaging add-on instead.” 

● Obie​ creates a single source of truth for all your knowledge base, wikis, and 
documentation. Reduce repetitive questions, increase first call resolution and 
accelerate support. Connect Zendesk Guide, Google Drive, Confluence, Salesforce, 
Trello, Jira, Dropbox, Evernote, Box, ReadMe and GitHub for effortless access to the 
information you need to enable best in-class support. 

● ​Meeting Assistant is a faster and smarter way for customer-facing teams to 
schedule meetings. With for Zendesk, you can automate meeting scheduling, 
reserve rooms, create video meetings, and access essential information. 
syncs with all your calendars, video conferencing, CRMs and your Zendesk users, 
tickets and knowledge base. 

● ChurnZero​ is a real-time Customer Success platform that helps subscription 

businesses fight customer churn. Its software solution allows businesses to 
understand how their customers use their product, assess their health and their 
likelihood to renew, and give businesses the means to personalize the customer 
experience through timely and relevant touchpoints. The ChurnZero integration for 
Zendesk Support gives your Customer Support team easy access to key customer 
data – such as customer health, renewal information, product usage and more – while 
working an issue. 

● Brandify Reviews​ is an industry-leading provider of location-based digital marketing 

solutions that helps brands connect to their customers. Now you can leverage the 
power of Brandify Reviews within your Zendesk dashboard and simplify your review 
response strategy.   

● Miuros Review​ is an all-in-one quality assurance platform that allows you to review 
and evaluate any interactions that your team has with customers to build better 
customer experiences. Load your agents Zendesk tickets into Miuros Review to help 
you review your support teams performance. 

● AnswerConnect​ is a 24/7 Live Calling Answering service for your business. With this 
integration, all your incoming leads and contacts are exported from AnswerConnect to
Zendesk automatically. With the AnswerConnect-Zendesk integration, you can 
manage all your contact data in one unified interface. 

● Atende Simples​ is a complete telephone solution that helps you manage and scale 
your business with automation and intelligence. Automatically create, edit, and update 
tickets associated with inbound or outbound phone calls when integrated with 
Zendesk Support. Recordings are automatically attached to tickets and even enable 
click-to-call with this app. 

● HubSpot Deals by MWB​ automates your Zendesk dashboard to fetch the latest five 
deals of the ticket from your HubSpot portal. Admins can view the deal details directly 
from their Zendesk account without logging in to the HubSpot portal every time. 

● ClickUp​ is a beautiful productivity platform that lets you get more done in your work 
and personal life. With the Zendesk integration, your support team will be able to stay 
on top of tickets and tasks, keeping everyone productive. ClickUp lets you attach any 
number of ClickUp tasks to a ticket in Zendesk for easy reference of task status and 

● netelip​ is a Virtual PBX Switchboard that is now integrated with Zendesk Support. 
Enable features like direct and indirect call forwarding, call queues and IVRs, 
click-to-dial and call back, inbound and outbound call history, and inbound call 
pop-ups from directly in Zendesk Support. 

● Dynamic Coupons for WooCommerce​ is a ticket management app that streamlines all 
the activities related to WooCommerce coupons. Admin can create, retrieve and send 

unique coupon codes to their customers directly from their Zendesk account without 
logging in to the WooCommerce store every time. 

● Git-Zen for GitLab​ (​Support, paid​) and G

​ it-Zen Lite for GitLab​ (​Free​) are simple yet 
powerful GitLab integration applications for Zendesk. Git-Zen coordinates your 
Zendesk tickets with your GitLab commits and issues. When a Zendesk ticket arrives, 
and code needs to be changed to correct the issue, you can now easily see which 
files needed to be changed to correct the issue right next to the ticket. Git-Zen makes 
it easy to look at past tickets and see exactly what code was changed to correct the 
issue, in case further troubleshooting is needed in the future. 

● Versature CTI​ is business phone service evolved. Connect Zendesk with your 
Versature PBX system and give your agents access to their call controls directly inside 
Zendesk Support. Start a new ticket when a call is answered and give your agents 
the ability to fill out the ticket on the fly as they are on the call with details about the 

Built by Zendesk Apps 

Support App 
● Social Messaging for Zendesk​ lets you engage and support customers reaching out to
your business from WhatsApp, LINE, WeChat, Facebook Messenger and Twitter Direct
Messages. You will receive messages sent to your accounts as new tickets inside 
Zendesk Support so you can easily engage with your customers using the same 
interface you already know and love. Please note the installation process is different 
for WhatsApp integration so review this ​installation article​ for more details. ​“Most 
Zendesk customers will download the Social Messaging add-on directly from the 
Zendesk Marketplace. However, customers that purchase the WhatsApp Phone 
Number add-on will receive an email from Zendesk that includes an installation 
link, and they will use that to download the Social Messaging add-on instead.” 

● The new ​Amazon Connect​ (integration) app for Zendesk Support See ​What’s New 
with Zendesk Partner Program December 2019​ for more details. 

● The ​Advanced Search - MultiPlan APP​ that provides a simple visual interface for 
constructing complex search queries against tickets, users (coming soon), and 
organizations (coming soon). It also enables you to export the search results in a CSV 

● The ​Ticket Field Manager App​ allows an administrator to quickly hide, require, or 
make read-only certain ticket fields in the agent interface. ​Installing and using the 
Ticket Field Manager app​ ​Note:​ As of January 2020, we updated the Print Ticket 
History app and added some new features in the Basic Plan. 

● The ​Assignment Control App​ is designed to customize and limit the available 
assignees for a ticket. By targeting specific users, groups, tags, or organizations, this 
enables specific groups or users to be hidden from the Ticket Assignee drop-down. 
Installing and using the Assignment Control app 

● The ​SLA Event Tracker App​ provides a quick and easy interface that displays SLA 
(Service Level Agreement) data about the ticket. The goal of the app is to give an 
agent a quick view of how the ticket is doing against any applicable SLAs. It also 

defines the variety of terms associated with service level agreements. This allows 
users to see when SLA metrics have been applied, fulfilled, and breached. ​Installing 
and using the SLA Event Tracker app 

● The ​Print Ticket History App​ is a Nav Bar app that allows a user to select a group of 
tickets and print them out in a PDF format. Ticket searching can be done by name 
and/or email. ​Installing and using the Print Ticket History app​ As of January 2020,  

● The ​Response Builder (URL Builder) App​ helps to increase your agents' productivity 
by automatically building custom URLs that can be inserted into tickets using 
customer and ticket data. Choose from a variety of responses to add custom URLs to 
ticket responses or internal notes. The app uses elements from the ticket to create a 
custom URL to an external resource. ​Installing and using the Response Builder app 

● The ​Attachment Manager App​ is a collection of apps that allows you to work with and 
manage ticket attachments. It combines Attachment Library, Attachment Restriction, 
Attachment Tagger (formerly Attachment Finder) and the Redact Attachments App. 
Attachment Manager combines the functionality of these apps into one sidebar 
experience. It allows an agent to open and close various apps using an 
accordion-style interface. ​Installing and using the Attachment Manager app 

● The ​Proactive Tickets App​ helps build better relationships with your customers by 
allowing you to proactively reach out to them via Zendesk Support tickets. The App 
allows you to generate a list of your users based on any searchable user field, and 
then create tickets on their behalf. ​Installing and using the Proactive Tickets app 

● The ​Clone Ticket App​ lets Admins and/or Agents clone a ticket multiple times in 
batches. With this app, you will be able to select a specific ticket and clone as many 
copies as your administrator defines. The app maintains all ticket metadata and allows 
configuration of the tickets to be modified at the time of replication and will insert an 
internal comment in the cloned ticket indicating it’s a clone. Cloned tickets can also be
effective for onboarding new agents by enabling them to practice solving issues 
before entering the frontlines. ​Note:​ As of January 2020, we updated the Clone 
Ticket app and added some new features in the Basic Plan. 

● The ​Select an Address​ lets admins and agents change the default support address 
associated with a ticket. You can personalize outbound messages or easily reroute 
inbound tickets to the appropriate groups, resulting in greater agent efficiency and a 
better customer experience. ​Note:​ As of January 2020, we updated the Select an 
Address app and added some new features in the Basic Plan. 

● Out of Office v1 app was upgraded​ on 10-10-19. The Out of Office app is a tool for 
managing the availability of agents in Zendesk Support. This upgrade is part of the 
Zendesk apps v2 migration described in ​v1 app removals, alternatives, and future 
plans​. ​Out of Office app in the Marketplace​ ​Installing and using the Out of Office v2 

● Tag Locker​ is an app that allows an administrator to manage and limit which tags can 
be used by agents or admins on tickets. Tag locker keeps your tags clean and 
manageable by restricting which tags agents can apply to tickets (prevent tag clutter). 
Note:​ Tag Locker has been upgraded to the V2 Zendesk Apps Framework with similar
functionality as the old labs versions. ​Installing and using the Tag Locker app 

● Advanced Search​ is an App that provides a simple visual interface for constructing 
complex search queries against tickets, users (coming soon), and organizations 
(coming soon). It also enables you to export the search results in a CSV format. ​Note: 
Advance Search has been upgraded to the V2 Zendesk Apps Framework with similar 
functionality as the old labs versions. ​Installing and using the Advanced Search app 

● The ​Ticket Redaction​ app - The app uses Zendesk's Redaction API and provides a 
simple and usable interface for Zendesk Support agents and administrators to easily 
redact strings of text or attachments from a ticket. For more information see the 
Installing and using the Ticket Redaction app​ announcement.  

● The ​Cancel Ticket Submit​ app prevents ticket submission and allows an agent to 
review their ticket comments before submitting the ticket in Zendesk Support. This 
replaces the old unsupported "Oops" app. ​$1/agent/month Note: ​Additional plans 
and features were added December 19, 2019. 

● Bulk Delete​ replaces the Suspended Ticket bulk delete app. Suspended tickets can 
be searched on by cause of suspension or by keywords. Ability to select all or some 
of the suspended tickets and permanently delete them. ​Note:​ Future updates will add 
other objects (i.e. Orgs and Users) ​$5/instance/month  

● Private Comments​ app allows an agent to easily add a private comment to a ticket 
while also typing a public response or comment. The app installs as a sidebar app on 
the ticket screen. $1/agent/month 

● Download Recordings​ is a Zendesk built application that lets you download Talk 
recordings and access them offline anytime. With this app, administrators and agents 
will be able to reference past calls, troubleshoot, and perform QA activities more 
easily as opposed to searching and pulling up the ticket every time to listen. 

● Satisfaction Console​ (Zendesk built) Marketplace app is a Support product app that 
lets Admins and Agents access, search, and analyze Customer Satisfaction survey 
results in real-time. ​$1/agent/month 

● Salesforce application​ integrates our sidebar app in Support so users can now create 
contacts or leads in Salesforce using the ticket requestor information. Agents can 
decide which requesters should be created in Salesforce and do this directly from the 
ticket view in Support. 
Once a contact or lead has been created in Salesforce, it gets linked to the user in 
Support where the integration can keep the two in sync automatically using the 
existing ongoing sync feature. 

Sell Apps 
● Amplemarket​ helps you find and get in touch with your next customer in the most 
efficient and personalized way possible. Amplemarket seamlessly integrates with your 
email inbox and Zendesk Sell allowing you to do things like trigger email cadences 
directly from a contact page on Zendesk Sell. Find the right prospects based on 
buying intent and filters like job title, industry, location, technologies used and many 
more. Set up extremely personalized sales cadences that will automatically engage 

and follow up with your leads on multiple channels. Streamline sales workflows so 
you can focus on selling. 

● GetResponse​ is the complete email marketing platform that gives you the tools to 
deliver the whole package directly to your clients. Easy email campaigns, 
customizable contact lists, autofunnels, integrated automation, CRM, newsletters, 
client insights and data, and even social media integration — we’re your seamless 
one-stop shop for it all. The integration with Zendesk Sell lets you simply manage and 
customize contact details and automatically add and remove leads to your email 
campaigns for optimum success while viewing a lead or contact record in Zendesk 

● PandaDoc for Sell​ simplifies the process of creating professional documents. Create 
proposals, quotes, contracts, and invoices from Zendesk Sell, and collect legally 
binding electronic signatures for faster paperless transactions. Client data saved in 
Zendesk Sell will populate in new documents automatically. 

● Mailchimp for Sell​ gives sales reps a complete picture of what content resonates with 
customers and can help them close the deal. Send email newsletters, manage 
subscribers, and track campaign performance in Mailchimp. You can also sync your 
email marketing with social networks like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. 

● Dropbox for Sell​ helps your sales teams access sales documents from deal cards in 
Zendesk Sell. You can also collaborate on important documents with other teams who 
may not have access to Zendesk Sell. Create and share Dropbox folders directly from 
deal cards in Sell.  

● FreshBooks for Sell​ helps sales teams can create, send, and track invoices in one 
central place. Quickly create and send invoices or estimates populated with data 
stored in Zendesk Sell. View spending, payment history, and document details, such 
as pricing and dates. Track invoice status within Zendesk Sell. 

● With the ​Box App for Zendesk Sell​, sales teams can manage and track documents 
throughout various stages of a sales cycle. Create and share Box folders directly from 
deal cards in Zendesk Sell.Reference past files or documents related to deals. 
Employees who don't have access to Zendesk Sell can sync documents to deal cards 
in Sell using Box. 

● HubSpot for Sell​ gives your sales reps access to campaign performance results for a 
better understanding of your customers. See which campaigns your customers have 
received. View in-depth details on the actions your customers took with each 

● Google Drive for Sell​ gives your sales team direct access to documents from deal 
cards. This app also makes it easier to collaborate with other teams who may not have 
access to Sell. Create and share Google Drive folders from deal cards in Zendesk 
Sell. Easily reference past files or documents related to deals. Employees who don't 
have access to Zendesk Sell can sync documents to deal cards. 

● Shopify for Sell​ unites your business by displaying critical Shopify data to your sales 
reps while they scroll through a lead, contact or deal card. The application queries 
your Shopify store to find the customer’s details and recent orders. Reduce context 
switching and serve customers faster. 

● QuickBooks for Sell​ lets your sales teams create, send, and track invoices in one 
central place. Quickly create and send invoices or estimates populated with data 
stored in Zendesk Sell. View spending, payment history, and document details, such 
as pricing and dates. Track invoice status within Zendesk Sell. 

Apps being Removed from the Zendesk Marketplace 

Removal of Magento 1 ​app from the Zendesk Marketplace - On the October 14, 2019, 
the M1 app using the Zendesk Apps framework v1 will be replaced with a placeholder 
that shows the app is no longer available and needs to be uninstalled by an 
administrator. The app will not be automatically removed from your account and no 
associated data will be removed. App data will only be removed when the app is 
deleted by an administrator. We strongly encourage that you plan ahead to ensure 
you have migrated or removed the old M1 app before October 14, 2019. This is to 
minimize any disruptions for your agents and customer support strategy. 

Removal of the Pathfinder app​ - Zendesk will be removing apps created on the Apps 
Framework version 1 (ZAF v1) effective October 14, 2019. As part of this removal, the 
Pathfinder app will not function after October 14, 2019. Specifically, Pathfinder will not 
be migrated to ZAF v2 and we will not build an alternative app in the foreseeable 

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