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Release Notes: Zendrive Android SDK - 6.1.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

Some users experienced crashes when a single very large entry was written to the database.
This throws a ​SQLiteBlobTooBigException​, and may cause repeated crashes, preventing
the user from using this app. We’ve added a threshold to upload size to prevent this issue.
Update to 6.1.2 to avoid this problem from arising.

A fix has been applied to an issue where a ​ConcurrentModificationException​ crash

was caused by the ZendriveBroadcastReceiver, early on during the lifecycle of the app.

A minor issue was reported where a ​NullPointerException​ was thrown in a rare case
where data upload is marked as empty, causing the app to crash. This has been fixed.

We discovered a case in short trips or trips without GPS points where detecting speeding would
throw an out of bounds exception. This has been caught and fixed.
Documentation References
● See ​Android SDK Javadoc​.
● See S​ DK Integration Documentation​.

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