Flux Characteristics Analysis of A Single-Phase Tubular Switched Reluctance Linear Launcher Based On 3-D Magnetic Equivalent Circuit

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5, MAY 2019 2507

Flux Characteristics Analysis of a Single-Phase

Tubular Switched Reluctance Linear Launcher
Based on 3-D Magnetic Equivalent Circuit
Hao Chen , Senior Member, IEEE, Zhixiong Li, Wenju Yan , and Rui Nie

Abstract— This paper calculates the flux characteristic of netic equivalent circuit (MEC) method. FEM has the advan-
a single-phase tubular switched reluctance linear launcher tages of high accuracy and strong practicality [7], [8], [9].
(TSRLL) with 3-D magnetic equivalent circuit (MEC) method. However, it may take too long calculation time and con-
First, the 3-D finite element (FE) model of the single-phase
TSRLL is established in FLUX, which is the foundation of the 3-D sumes too much computation resources, which will extend the
MEC model. The single-phase TSRLL is divided into different design period of the motor. Unlike to FEM, MEC shows an
parts, including the teeth of the stator, the yoke of the stator, acceptable accuracy with a relatively low computation time
air gap, the teeth of the mover, and the yoke of the mover. The and has the advantage of being employed in an optimization
flux linkage at different mover positions and different currents procedure easily. MEC has been utilized by many scholars.
is calculated with the proposed 3-D MEC model. Compared
with the 3-D finite-element analysis (FEA) results, 3-D MEC Sheikh-Ghalavand et al. [10] proposed a MEC model to
model can obtain the flux characteristics of the single-phase predict the flux distribution and iron loss in a tubular lin-
TSRLL in a shorter time. The result of the 3-D MEC of the ear launcher, which takes the saturation, the armature mag-
single-phase TSRLL is consistent with the 3-D FEM results and netic reaction, and the mover position into consideration.
the experimental results, which validates the correctness of the Souissi et al. [11] and Zouaghi [12] introduced a position-
proposed 3-D MEC model.
varying MEC approach to reduce the end effect in a tubular
Index Terms— 3-D magnetic equivalent circuit (MEC), flux linear machine. Amrhein and Krein proposed a 3-D MEC-
characteristics, switched reluctance launcher, tubular, based modeling approach, consisting in a variable-sized reluc-
I. I NTRODUCTION tance network. The investigation of the proposed MEC model
has led to the prediction of the developed electromagnetic
T HERE are several structures of linear launchers, such
as single-sided structure, double-sided structure, flat type
structure, and tubular structure [1]. Tubular linear launcher
torque with taking the moving parts of the machine into the
consideration [13]. What is more, Derbas et al. [14] compared
is first appeared in 1917 [2]. The winding of single-phase the differences between nodal-based and mesh-based MEC
tubular switched reluctance linear launcher (TSRLL) used and found that the performance of the mesh-based model is
in this paper is bread-type winding, which is embedded in significantly better than that of the nodal-based model under
the slot of the stator sleeve. It can eliminate the transverse the nonlinear situation.
end effect and improve the utilization ratio of the winding In this paper, a relatively simple and accurate 3-D MEC
observably [3], [4]. The central shaft of the mover can be suitable for the single-phase TSRLL is proposed. By choosing
manufactured with nonmagnetic material in lightweight, which five special mover positions and analyzing the reluctance
saving the silicon steel, reducing the manufacturing cost and of every part in the single-phase TSRLL, the flux linkage
the weight of the launcher. What is more, the eddy-current can be calculated with the constructed 3-D MEC model.
loss of the mover can also be lowered greatly [5], [6]. With the obtained five flux linkage curves, the nonlinear
There are two main methods to analyze the magnetic field of relationship between flux linkage, current, and mover positions
launchers, which are finite-element method (FEM) and mag- can be mapped. The 3-D MEC results are consistent with the
3-D FEM results, and they are validated by the experiments.
Manuscript received November 4, 2018; revised January 25, 2019; accepted This paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces the
March 1, 2019. Date of publication March 15, 2019; date of current ver-
sion May 8, 2019. This work was supported in part by the Intergovern- structure and operating principle of the single-phase TSRLL.
mental Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Special Project of Section III establishes the 3-D FEM model of the single-
National Key Research and Development Program of China under Grant phase TSRLL, which is the foundation of the 3-D MEC
2016YFE0132300 and in part by the High-Level Innovation Talent Team
Project of the Fifteenth Batch of “Six Talents Peak” in Jiangsu Province model. Section IV gives the constructed 3-D MEC model of
under Grant TD-XNYQC-004. The review of this paper was arranged by the single-phase TSRLL. Section V gives the flux linkage
Senior Editor D. A. Wetz. (Corresponding author: Hao Chen.) data calculated with 3-D MEC model. It is also compared
The authors are with the School of Electrical and Power Engineering,
China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China (e-mail: with 3-D FEM and the experimental data, which verifies
hchen@cumt.edu.cn; lizhixiong06@126.com; yanwenju09@126.com; the correctness of the method. What is more, the dynamic
ruinie1994@126.com). and static performance comparison of simulation and exper-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. iments is also presented. This paper is concluded with
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPS.2019.2903138 Section VI.
0093-3813 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

a closed loop by passing the mover teeth rings, the mover

yoke sleeve, air gap, the stator teeth, and the stator yoke.
Considering that the single-phase TSRLL is a special form
of general switched reluctance motor (SRM), it also follows
the theory of “minimum reluctance.” When the magnetic field
lines twisted, it generates magnetic forces to drive the mover
reciprocating in the axial direction. The stroke of the launcher
proposed in this paper is from −5 to 5 mm. When the mover
reaches 0-mm position, the centerline of the teeth of the stator
and the mover is aligned, and the minimum reluctance of the
launcher is achieved. If the mover continues moving to the
right to 5 mm, the generated magnetic forces will pull it back
to the left. Similarly, when the mover runs to −5-mm position,
the generated magnetic force will pull it to the right.


The static magnetic field distribution of single-phase TSRLL
plays an important role in the performance analysis, which is
also the basis for establishing the 3-D MEC model of the
launcher. The 3-D finite-element (FE) model of the single-
phase TSRLL is built in this paper with the FE software
FLUX. By analyzing the static magnetic field results of the
Fig. 1. Structure of single-phase TSRLL. (a) 3-D structure. (b) 2-D side 3-D FE model, the flux linkage distribution and the magnetic
view at aligned position. (c) 2-D side view at unaligned position. induction intensity of the single-phase TSRLL are obtained,
which is the foundation of the 3-D MEC model of the launcher.
A. Flux Linkage Distribution
When the bread-type winding in the stator slot is electrified,
the flux linkage will be induced in the launcher, which forms
a closed loop through the stator, air gap, and the mover. If the
mover position of single-phase TSRLL changes, the flux
linkage inside the launcher will be distorted. There will also
be a certain amount of leakage flux linkage at the air gap.
Fig. 2 shows the flux linkage distribution at different mover
positions when the current excitation is 10 A.
As shown in Fig. 2(a), when the stator pole centerline
coincides with the mover pole centerline, in other words,
the mover position is 0 mm, almost all magnetic force lines
travel from the stator pole to the mover pole through the air
gap. The reluctance of the air gap is the smallest at this time.
What is more, there is almost no leakage flux linkage at the air
II. S TRUCTURE AND O PERATING P RINCIPLE gap. As shown in Fig. 2(b)–(g), the leakage flux linkage starts
to appear at the air gap because of the gradual departure of
The single-phase TSRLL proposed in this paper is shown the stator and the mover, and the air gap reluctance gradually
in Fig. 1. It consists of two main parts, which are a stator and a increases. This situation becomes worst when the stator pole
mover. The stator is composed of a stator sleeve and a bread completely separated from the mover, especially when the
type winding. There are two teeth on the stator. The bread mover position is 5 mm.
type winding is embedded in the slot of the stator, which can
improve the coil factor and decrease the end effect. The mover
is mainly composed of the mover teeth rings and the mover B. Magnetic Induction Density Distribution
yoke sleeve. Three mover teeth rings are uniformly distributed In order to analyze the flux linkage distribution of single-
on the mover yoke sleeve. The stator sleeve, the mover phase TSRLL, the magnetic induction intensity of the launcher
teeth rings, and the mover yoke sleeve are made up with under different mover positions is obtained when the excitation
silicon steel, 50DW470. The concrete geographic parameter current is 10 A, which is shown in Fig. 3.
in Fig. 1 is tabulated in Table I. As shown in Fig. 3, the flux linkage is mainly concentrated
When the bread-type winding embedded in the stator slot on the mover and the stator. When x = 0 mm, the reluctance
is energized, it can produce flux linkage, which can form of the air gap is the smallest, the magnetic induction density

Fig. 3. Magnetic induction intensity at different mover positions. (a) x =

0 mm. (b) x = −1 mm. (c) x = 1 mm. (d) x = −2 mm. (e) x = 2 mm.
(f) x = −5 mm. (g) x = 5 mm.

Fig. 2. Flux linkage distribution at different mover positions. (a) x = 0 mm.

(b) x = −1 mm. (c) x = 1 mm. (d) x = −2 mm. (e) x = 2 mm. of its similarity to the electric circuit. That is to say, many
(f) x = −5 mm. (g) x = 5 mm.
methods used in the electric circuit can also be used in the
magnetic field, which brings great convenience to the analysis
is the highest, which can reach 1.8 T. With the change of of the flux linkage. Flux tube is the basis of the reluctance, so it
the mover position, the leakage flux linkage appears. And, the is necessary to introduce the definition of the flux tube. The
magnetic intensity of the teeth tip increases with the mover reluctance in the MEC method is divided into two main parts,
position increase. which are passive reluctance and magnetic resources. Passive
reluctance means that there are no magnetic sources in the
reluctance. While magnetic resource usually means windings
and permanent magnets. After that, the 3-D MEC model of
For a given electromagnetic device, the key to build a MEC the single-phase TSRLL can be constructed.
model lies in two aspects. On the one hand, enough units
have to be constructed to reflect the characteristics of the
device. On the other hand, if the precision demand is not too A. Flux Tube
high, the number of units needs to be moderate in order to For a stable magnetic field, it can be divided into several
accelerate to calculate the flux linkage. For solving the conflict flux tubes. All magnetic lines will pass through their sectional
between two problems, MEC method is proposed because areas in a vertical direction.

Fig. 5. Magnetic flux tube diagram of cylinder shape.

Fig. 4. Diagram of slot of electric launcher.

The two end surfaces of the flux tube are equipotential

surfaces; the scalar magnetic potentials are u 1 and u 2 . By com-
paring to the resistance in the electric circuit, the reluctance
of this flux tube can be confirmed
u1 − u2 dx
R= = (1)
ϕ12 0 μ(x) · A(x)
where the difference u 1 − u 2 is magnetomotive force (MMF)
drop across the flux tube. ϕ12 is the flux traveling through the
flux tube. lis the integral length of the flux tube. A(x) is the
average sectional area of the flux tube. μ(x) is the permeability
of the flux tube; it is related with the position of the flux tube.
Fig. 6. Magnetic flux tube diagram of trapezoid shape.

B. Passive Reluctance
In general, the passive reluctances are used to describe So the total magnetic permeance of the cylinder is as
the flux tube with the constant geometrical shape. During follows:
the operation of the launcher, the geometric dimensions of μ·l r dy π
G= dG =  = μ · l · . (9)
these units remain constant. This kind of reluctance can 0 2 0 r 2 − (y − r )2 4
be calculated with the definition and Ampere’s law. Three
traditional passive reluctances commonly seen in the launcher Flux tube in a trapezoid in the launcher is shown in Fig. 6.
are introduced as follows. The magnetic permeance of the trapezoid shape can be calcu-
Slot in the electric launcher is shown in Fig. 4. According lated as follows:
to Ampere’s law w2 − w1
w(x) = w1 + · x. (10)
H dl = I (2) According to the definition of the magnetic permeance,
H ·w = I (3) the magnetic permeance can be expressed as
I  h
d = Bd A = μ0 · H · l · d y = μ0 · · l · d y (4) dx h w2
w G = μ·l · = μ·l · · ln . (11)
 h 0 w(x) w2 − w1 w1
= d = μ0 · · l · h. (5)
0 w C. Magnetic Sources
The magnetic permeance of the slot part is as follows: During the process to construct the MEC model, there may
 l ·h be windings and permanent magnets, which can be seen as
G= = (6) the MMF source and the magnetic flux source. In general,
F μ0 · w
the windings are equivalent to the MMF source, which is
where H is the magnetic field intensity,  is the flux linkage, connected with the reluctance in series, while the permanent
F is the MMF, μ0 is the permeability in the vacuum, and G magnet is equivalent to the magnetic flux source, which is
is the magnetic permeance of the slot part in the launcher. connected with the reluctance in parallel and is shown in
Magnetic permeance of the cylinder shape is shown Fig. 7.
in Fig. 5. The magnetic equation in Fig. 7 is shown as follows
Put the cylinder into the rectangular coordinate
 R · ( − s ) = u 1 − u 2 − Fs (12)
w(y) = 2 · r 2 − (y − r )2 (7)
where s is the magnetic flux resource generated by the per-
l · dy μ·l dy manent magnet, the value is related to the kind of permanent
dG = μ · = · . (8)
w(y) 2 r 2 − (y − r )2 magnet and the geometric dimension; Fs is the MMF resource

Fig. 7. Branch with magnetic sources.

Fig. 9. Prototype of the experimental platform.

Fig. 8. Diagram of 3-D MEC model of the launcher.

generated from the winding, the value is related to the turn

number of the winding and the current
 s = Hc · l (13)
Fs = Nph · I (14)
where Hc is the coercive force of the permanent magnets,
different kinds of permanent magnets have different coercive
forces. l is the length of the permanent magnet. Nph is the
turn number of the winding. I is the current flowing through
the winding.

D. 3-D MEC Model Construction Fig. 10. Comparison of flux linkage of TSRLL in five positions.

After detailed analysis of the flux linkage distribution in the

single-phase TSRLL with finite element software FLUX, the position and given current is calculated with 3-D MEC method
3-D MEC model of the single-phase TSRLL is constructed in proposed in this paper. In order to verify the correctness of the
Fig. 8. In Fig. 8, Rsp is the stator pole reluctance, Rrp is the 3-D MEC method, the flux linkage is also calculated in 3-D
mover pole reluctance, Rsy is the stator yoke reluctance, and FEM with FLUX software and tested on the prototype. The
Rry is the mover yoke reluctance. direct current method is adopted to measure the flux linkage
It can be seen from Fig. 8 that Rsp is consisted with characteristic of phase winding. For the sake of convenience,
Rsp1 –Rsp6 and Rsy is consisted Rsy1 –Rsy3 . Similarly, Rrp is the flux linkage can be calculated by
consisted with Rrp1 –Rrp6 , and Rry is consisted with Rry1 –Rry3 . 
Rg1 –Rg12 are the air-gap reluctances between the stator and ψ= [u( j ) − ri ( j )]Tn (15)
the mover. Fw is the MMF source generated from the bread- j =1
type winding.
where J denotes the number of the sampling point under
Five special mover positions are chosen to calculate the flux
calculation, u( j ) and i ( j ) are the phase voltage and current
linkage of the single-phase TSRLL. The position x 1 is the
under the j th sampling point, and Tn is the sampling period.
centerline of stator teeth aligned with the centerline of mover
The comparison of the flux linkage of the three methods is
teeth. The position x 2 is the stator teeth aligned with the mover
shown in Fig. 10.
teeth at w4 /4. The position x 3 is the stator teeth aligned with
According to Fig. 10, the flux linkage starts to saturate when
the mover teeth at w4 /2. The position x 4 is the stator teeth
the current is bigger than 4 A. What is more, the saturation
aligned with the mover teeth at 3w4 /4. The position x 5 is the
phenomenon becomes more serious when the stator and mover
critical misalignment position of the stator teeth and mover
are getting close to each other. The flux linkage of the single-
phase TSRLL is about 0.025Wb. What can be seen from
Fig. 10 is that the 3-D MEC method proposed in this paper is
V. S IMULATION AND E XPERIMENT consistent with the 3-D FEM results and experimental results,
The prototype of TSRLL proposed in this paper is shown which takes the saturation into consideration.
in Fig. 9, whose geometric parameters are listed in Table I. The simulated and tested current and voltage waveforms
The flux linkage of the single-phase TSRLL at the given of the single-phase TSRLL in different speeds are shown

Fig. 12. Static thrust comparison of MEC and experiment.

works in an ideal situation and ignores a number of practical

factors which will affect the static thrust of the single-phase
A 3-D MEC method is put forward in this paper to obtain
the flux linkage of a single-phase TSRLL at five special mover
positions which takes the saturation and leakage of material
into consideration. Therefore, the flux linkage at certain mover
position and certain current can be calculated with 3-D MEC
model. In order to validate the correctness of the 3-D MEC
model, the flux linkage is compared with the 3-D FEM results
and experimental results. It turns out that the 3-D MEC model
is consistent with both of them. The dynamic and static
performance of the single-phase TSRLL verifies the validity
of the 3-D MEC model. The proposed 3-D MEC model can
obtain the flux linkage data quickly under acceptable accuracy.

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Wenju Yan received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in

Hao Chen (SM’08) received the B.S. and Ph.D. electrical engineering from the School of Informa-
degrees in electrical engineering from the Depart- tion and Electrical Engineering, China University of
ment of Automatic Control, Nanjing University Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, China, in 2013 and
of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China, 2018, respectively.
in 1991 and 1996, respectively. Since 2019, he has been a Post-Doctoral researcher
In 1998, he joined with the School of Information in the School of Electrical and Power Engineer-
and Electrical Engineering, China University of Min- ing, China University of Mining and Technol-
ing and Technology, Xuzhou, China, an Associate ogy, Xuzhou. His current research interests include
Professor in electrical engineering, where he has switched reluctance motor design, linear launcher,
been a Professor since 2001. From 2002 to 2003, he and iron loss analysis.
was a Visiting Professor with Kyungsung University,
Busan, South Korea. Since 2008, he has also been an Adjunct Professor
with the University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia. He has
authored or co-authored of one book and has also authored more than
200 papers. He holds 14 U.S. patents, 23 Australian patents, 1 Danish patent,
7 Canadian patents, 3 South African patents, 10 Russian patents, 46 Chinese
Invention patents, and 6 Chinese Utility Model patents. His current research
interests include motor control, linear launcher, electric vehicles, electric
traction, servo drives, and wind power generator control. Rui Nie received the B.S. degree in electrical engi-
Dr. Chen was a recipient of the Prize of Science and Technology of neering from Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo,
Chinese Youth in 2004 and the Prize of the Fok Ying Tong Education China, in 2015. She is currently pursuing the Ph.D.
Foundation for Youth Teachers in 2004. He was awarded the first prize degree in electrical engineering with the China Uni-
in the Science and Technology Advanced of Province and Ministry once, versity of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, China.
the second prize in the Science and Technology Advanced of Province and Her current research interests include motor
Ministry 7 times, and the third prize in the Science and Technology Advanced design.
of Province and Ministry 14 times. He became the Chinese New Century
Hundred-Thousand-Ten Thousand Talents Engineering National Talent
in 2007, and won the Government Especial Allowance of People’s Republic
of China State Department since 2006.

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