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NEBOSH International General Certificate In Occupational Health and Safety


Learner number: 00000 Learner name: Page 1 of 14

Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Part 1: Background

Include in here the organisation’s name* and location* and number of workers. You must then go on to give a description of the main
activities/products/services carried out. You must also describe the area to be risk assessed eg, whole site, and anything else that you
consider relevant (approximately 150 to 200 words):
1. Name of the Organization (Company): (Not necessarily actual name)
2. Location (Place name, state and country),
3. Numbers of total Workers (Any numbers, including all levels)
4. Nature of Business of company (Construction, Manufacturing, production, refinery, Chemical, fertilizer, super market, engineering, Project planning, etc.)
5. Number of Shift running in Organization with shift timings, Weekly Holidays
6. Activities carried out in their organization: Manual handling, mechanical handling, welding, gas cutting, carpentry, excavation, Backfilling, Compaction of
Earth, digging, construction vehicle movement, industrial truck, maintenance, electrical, Chemical handling, heat treatment, painting, grinding, machining,
turning, milling, transportation, administration, sales, marketing, Human resource, recruitment, housekeeping, scaffolding, ladders, assembly, dispatch,
quality control, R & D, Contractors, Chemical treatment, Foundry, moulding, storage, warehousing, Cement, plaster, Segregation, Manpower, Testing,
Quality Control, Inspection, Loading/Off-loading of goods, Fabrication, Steel Cutting, Crane Operation, etc.
7. Overall Responsible person for Health and Safety system for organization: Project Manager, EHS Manager, General Manager-Safety, Safety Head, Etc.

You must now give a brief outline on how you completed the risk assessment (approximately 200 words):

1. Brief meeting with Project manager (Incharge Person of the Work area) and their team to carry out the risk assessment, gathering needful Internal
sources information, like previous records of accidents, incidents, risk assessment, accident investigation Reports, audit reports, employees training
records , First Aid Register, Near Miss Reports, Standard Operating Procedures, Manufacturer’s Data of any Machine, Operator’s Manual, Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of any Hazardous Substance, etc to get some trend and base for starting the risk assessment.
2. Referring the various sources of information, like HSE websites, ILO Legislations & Recommendation, ILO code of practices, Factory acts, etc related to
the nature of activities carried out in the organization. Giving the reference link,
3. Making a safety tour at the workplace, interacting with workers, walking through various process and activities, taking some views with workers about
their organization about Health and Safety Management system.
4. Based on my briefing with project manager and team, gathering information from various sources, making the safety tours with various activities, I am
going to start the risk assessment

* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

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Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name : ABC Company Pvt. Ltd, Jalgaon, Maharastra

Date of assessment : 25. 08.2020
Scope of risk assessment : Activities taken as Risk assessment or same of Point number-5

Hazard Who might be What are you What further controls/actions are required? Timescales
category and harmed and how? already doing? for further
hazard actions to Responsible
be person’s job title
(within …)
Noise Welder. Electrician, Currently what 1.Write the Control measures in Hierarchy of control Allocate the Make responsible to
Machine Operators, actually happening, format (Elimination, Substitution, Engineering Controls, Time scales (1 respective
Hazards related Forklift driver, with respect to administrative Controls, Personal Protective Equipment) Day, 2 Days, 1 departmental
with Noise: Painter, Labourer, particular activities, week, 2 managers,
Workers, Co- Weeks, 3
Do not write Workers, All workers, 2. Refer the category of hazards identified, take the list of Weeks, 1 Like,
consequences Carpenter, Drilling control measure- Refer the book of 3S LIFE SAFE Months, 15
here Machine Operator, AKADEMIE, soft copy, tutor notes, websites, google, HSE Days, 2 Project Head – Overall
Grinding machine Websites, ILO Months, 3 responsibility (action, 1,
Vibration Operator, All Months, 6 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
employees, Member Months, 1 10,11, 12)
Hazards related of public, 3. Try to give at least 7-10 control measures in brief, put in Year)
with Vibration: order with serial number Safety Officers any
Specific Person who Don’t put 1 (actions, 1, 3 , 5, 7,)
will get harmed first hour, 2 Hours,
and along with who approximately, Finance Head Action –
will be affected. etc. related to purchase,
Hazards related replacement (where the
with Radiation: cost involved)
From Welding Maintenance Engineer
Mental ill-
operation, (Actions related to
First Welder may get
Hazards related
burn injuries due to H R Manager (Related
with Radiation:
fire and also due to to recruitment,

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Hazard Who might be What are you What further controls/actions are required? Timescales
category and harmed and how? already doing? for further
hazard actions to Responsible
be person’s job title
(within …)
fire the surrounding placement etc.
will also get affected,
other employees
may get affected,
Violence at
members of public
also may get
Related to
violence at work
So we have to apply
the thought, what
impact can happen
abuse at work
with particular
Related to
abuse at work How, this impact will
Work related
upper-limb Consequences
design etc)

Hazards related
to Work related
design etc);

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Hazard Who might be What are you What further controls/actions are required? Timescales
category and harmed and how? already doing? for further
hazard actions to Responsible
be person’s job title
(within …)

Related to

Load handling

Related load




Related to

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Hazard Who might be What are you What further controls/actions are required? Timescales
category and harmed and how? already doing? for further
hazard actions to Responsible
be person’s job title
(within …)

Welfare and

Related to
welfare and

Working at

Hazards related
to working at


Related to

lone working

Hazards related
to lone working

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Hazard Who might be What are you What further controls/actions are required? Timescales
category and harmed and how? already doing? for further
hazard actions to Responsible
be person’s job title
(within …)

Slips and trips

Hazards related
to slips or trips
(select one)

Movement of
people and
vehicles in the

Hazards related
to Movement of
people and
vehicles in the

Work Related

related to
Work related

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Hazard Who might be What are you What further controls/actions are required? Timescales
category and harmed and how? already doing? for further
hazard actions to Responsible
be person’s job title
(within …)

equipment and

Hazards related
to Work
equipment and


Related to Fire


Related to

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Part 3: Prioritise three actions and justification for the selection

You must pick the three highest priority/most urgent actions and justify your choice. Your justification must include moral, legal and
financial arguments (500 to 700 words); consideration of likelihood and probable severity of injury, ill-health and/or harm (150 to 250 words);
description of how effective each action is likely to be in controlling the risk (250 to 350 words).

Based on my Risk Assessment, I would like to prioritise following as 3 Urgent actions in my Organization:

Take any Additional control measures of respective Hazards which is of Highest Priority : list the Top 3, add the point of
(who might be harmed and how) plus (add the point of Hazards)

1. Proper barricading of the construction area is required with illuminated night vision signage: Frequent movement of people or member of
public moving around the construction site, Bottleneck movement of Member of public, personal mobility, populated pedestrians, cyclist, bikers,
Construction vehicle movement for various works in the Metro Construction project site become very hazardous due to accident can occur due to
collision between member of public in different ways, People may fall from vehicles, member of public may struck by objects falling from vehicles,
people may struck due to overturning of each other vehicles, communication problems between vehicles, drivers and the members of public.
Pedestrians, Member of Public, Cyclist, Bikers, drivers / workers of Metro construction projects, might get harmed because this construction work is
going on in open space and in traffic area also. If any unsuitable activity carried out on the site it may harm the public nearby. Due to bottlenecks of
vehicles, blind routes, diversion, reversing of vehicles, poor – mud roads, narrow diversion, no separation of pedestrians and vehicle movements
can cause serious hazards due to Movement of people and vehicles in the workplace at Construction sites of Metro Rail project, (Hazards
Category, Movement of people and vehicles in the workplace)

2. Interrupting the pathway by, acoustic enclosure can be built at noise source: Noise from Power drill (Pilling machine) more than 100dB. Due
to different ambient factors of surroundings, occupational hazards at Metro rail projects may affect the workers, members of public because of
excessive noise coming from Power Drill- Pilling machine. Exposure to excessive noise due to power drill may cause Noise-Induced-Hearing-Loss
(NIHL). The worker who is working using Power Drill -Pilling Machine Member of Public on the moving Roads, Noise may be transmitted directly
through the air, drill itself in the case of power drill while drilling to the ground. Normal exposure limit is 85dB is upper limit for 8 hours, however, the
power drill producing noise of more than 100dB, which is excessive can strike to the eardrum causing vibration and damage. Workers, member of
public will be exposed to Temporary damage (Acute effects) Physical effects and it will cause temporary threshold shift – reduction in hearing
sensitivity, Tinnitus, Acute acoustic trauma – Permanent progressive loss of hearing due to loud sound of explosion (Hazards Category, NOISE)

3. The load should be examined to see whether it could be made lighter, smaller or easier to grasp or manage: Labour workers who are carrying
cement bag manually on the back They may cause, Back injuries (prolapsed disc), tendons, ligaments, muscles, WRULD, due to the lifting of heavy
loads Muscular sprains and strains–caused when a muscular tissue (or ligament or tendon) is stretched beyond its normal capability leading to a
weakening, bruising and painful inflammation of the area affected. Such injuries normally occur in the back or in the arms and wrists Trapped
nerve–usually occurring in the back as a result of another injury but aggravated by manual handling Hernia–this is a rupture of the body cavity wall
in the lower abdomen causing a protrusion of part of the intestine. Fractures–normally of the Hand & feet due to the dropping of a load (Hazards
Category, Manual Handling)

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Further, the Justification for selecting above 3 urgent actions are as under:

My justifications for Moral Reasons: for the action: If the health and safety is not properly managed at an organization, workers, employees will
be suffered from injuries, ill-health, accidents, fatalities, which can create a massive impact on their family and dependents. Employees are
working in the organization for living a happily life and not for becoming a scapegoat to an organization. Employees are not animal or commodity.
They are Human being.
Therefore, it is a moral responsibility of M/s. L & T PROJECT LIMITED, HYDERABAD, Telangana, India, to ensure the work area of the Metro
Rail Project should be free from any occupational, injury, accident, ill-health, diseases, fatality.

My Justification for Financial Reasons: Poor occupational health and safety performance results in costs impact (Financial) to an organization.
The financial impact (cost) can be due to injuries, ill-health, fatalities, life loss, property loss and other nature of damages. This economic impact
(Financial loss) can significantly affect the financial resources of an organization and in some cases an organization can get closed because of heavy
losses incurred in poor occupational health and safety management systems. Finance is a back-bone of any organization, if economic losses made due to
injuries, ill-health, fatalities, life loss, property loss and other nature of damages its market values and make the organization out of business within no time.
When any injuries, ill-health, fatalities, life loss, property loss and other nature of damages happen, an organization faces following costs which are the part
of incident cost.

1. Direct cost: First aid treatment/ Medical treatment, Worker’s sick pay, Repairs / maintenance of damaged equipment/machinery, buildings,
Replacement of damaged equipment/machinery, buildings, Loss of products, Loss of production time.

2. Indirect cost: Moral of employees can be reduced that will not make them efficient, Employees turnover (Attrition rate) rate shall increase (they
may leave organization), Quality of goods can be decreased, Recruitment of new employees will be difficult, Loss of goodwill / reputation of
business, Industrial image and relation shall be damaged

Legal Reasons for justification:

The legal reasons for managing health and safety at workplace is related to – International frame work & Roles of National Government Bodies.

The International Frame work , ILO In 1981, the ILO adopted the Occupational Safety and Health Convention (C155), which applied to all branches of
economic activity and to all categories of workers and Provision should be made for Occupational Safety and Health measures as may be necessary and
practicable to give self-employed persons/workers/employees, protection analogous to that provided for in the Convention and Recommendation (R164).

As per ILO article-16 of C155 (ILO Convention) the employer has following responsibilities: Safe plant and equipment, Safe place to work, Safe
System to work, Training and supervision to ensure Competency,

1. Hazards Category, Movement of people and vehicles in the workplace: As per ILO Code of Practice – Safety and Health in Construction

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a. Article, 6.1.2. The drivers and operators of vehicles and earthmoving or materials-handling equipment should be medically fit, trained and tested
and of a prescribed minimum age as required by national laws and regulations.

b. Article, 6.1.4. Adequate signalling or other control arrangements or devices should be provided to guard against danger from the movement of
vehicles and earth-moving or materials-handling equipment. Special safety precautions should be taken for vehicles and equipment when
manoeuvring backwards

2. Hazards Category, NOISE: As per ILO Code of Practice – Safety and Health in Construction
Article, 17.8.3. Employers should give priority to the reduction of the duration of workers' exposure to noise and vibration when operating

3. Hazards Category, Manual Handling: As per ILO Code of Practice – Safety and Health in Construction
Article, 17.1.2 (d): training in manual lifting

LIKELIHOOD & SEVERITY; ( Write Who might be harmed and How here)

1. Movement of people and vehicles in the workplace: , Pedestrians, Member of Public, Cyclist, Bikers, drivers / workers of Metro construction
projects, might get harmed because this construction work is going on in open space and in traffic area also. If any unsuitable activity carried out on
the site it may harm the public nearby. Due to bottlenecks of vehicles, blind routes, diversion, reversing of vehicles, poor – mud roads, narrow
diversion, no separation of pedestrians and vehicle movements can cause serious hazards due to Movement of people and vehicles in the
workplace at Construction sites of Metro Rail project,

2. Noise: worker who is working using Power Drill -Pilling Machine, Member of Public on the moving Roads, Noise may be transmitted directly
through the air, drill itself in the case of power drill while drilling to the ground. Normal exposure limit is 85dB is upper limit for 8 hours, however, the
power drill producing noise of more than 100dB, which is excessive can strike to the eardrum causing vibration and damage. Workers, member of
public will be exposed to Temporary damage (Acute effects) Physical effects and it will cause temporary threshold shift – reduction in hearing
sensitivity, Tinnitus, Acute acoustic trauma – Permanent progressive loss of hearing due to loud sound of explosion.

3. Manual Handling: workers who are carrying cement bag manually on the back, They may cause, Back injuries (prolapsed disc), tendons,
ligaments, muscles, WRULD, due to the lifting of heavy loads, Muscular sprains and strains–caused when a muscular tissue (or ligament or tendon)
is stretched beyond its normal capability leading to a weakening, bruising and painful inflammation of the area affected. Such injuries normally
occur in the back or in the arms and wrists, Trapped nerve–usually occurring in the back as a result of another injury but aggravated by manual
handling, Hernia–this is a rupture of the body cavity wall in the lower abdomen causing a protrusion of part of the intestine., Fractures–normally of
the Hand & feet due to the dropping of a load.

CONTROLLING THE RISK; (Write additional Control measures here with brief explanation)

1. Movement of people and vehicles in the workplace: Proper barricading of the construction area is required with illuminated night vision signage,
Taking the help of Local traffic police for traffic diversion to eliminate the hazards, Appointment of Banksman and signaller for managing the
member of public mobility, Environmental conditions, such as visibility, road surface condition of excavated soil as mud roads, must be considered

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by limiting the speed limit maximum 20km / hr, especially during raining, Use of one-way system, and separate the project site access gates for
construction vehicles

2. Noise: Damping Methods by, Power drill and surface can resonance harmony, Interrupting the pathway by, acoustic enclosure can be built at noise
source, Protecting receiver by providing Acoustic Heaven for the workers in the case of excessive noise, Hearing protection of Ear Muffs or Ear
plugs, Health Surveillance – Earlier suffering from impaired hearing must be checked periodically, Risk assessment of the Noise to be done, First
Aid Facility must be available in the case of an emergency.

3. Manual Handling: Use Good Handling Techniques – by reducing the risk, Mechanical assistance involves the use of mechanical aids to assist the
manual handling operation such as hand-powered hydraulic hoists, specially adapted trolleys, The task can be improved by changing the layout
removal of obstacles and the use of a better lifting technique that relies on the leg rather than back muscles should be encouraged. When pushing,
the hands should be positioned correctly, The load should be examined to see whether it could be made lighter, smaller or easier to grasp or
manage, The working environment can be improved in many ways. Space constraints should be removed or reduced, The capability of the
individual must be examined and considered, Good Holding Techniques – Before lifting, during the lift and sitting down to unload.

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Part 4: Review, communicate and check

You must now give a review date for your risk assessment and say why you have chosen this date (10 to 50 words).

I will suggest the review date should be within 3 months and therefore the review date shall be on 25 th Nov,2020, in the case of an emergency, or to do any
change in the policy, system, and process, we may review whenever it is required.

You must now indicate how the risk assessment findings will be communicated (including who needs to know the information) (100 to 150 words).

Meeting to be organized with General Manager- Metro Project and their safety team after completion of the Risk Assessment, for the purpose of review.
Initially, I will communicate about the area and categories of Hazards considered in this Risk Assessment.

I will inform about Top 3 urgent action required to prevent the occupational Health and Safety injuries, ill-health, diseases, accidents, likelihood and its

Then the summary of the report (all control measures) is provided to the workplace Engineer and supervisor and minutes of the meeting is made to with
timeline date and its circulated to all the workplace engineers and supervisors.

To ensure the records should be available with all, I will email the copy and MOM to respective departmental Mangers, and concerns.

All this finding of the risk assessment will inform to workers though toolbox meetings, what are all the actions, what are all need to do and how we are going
to close these issues in a given timeline period. And overall, summary of the risk assessment is uploaded to company common server folder too review and
access easily by the workers. Summary of Risk Assessment can be displayed on the Notice Boards as well.
You must now indicate how you will follow-up on the risk assessment to check that the actions have been carried out (100 to 150 words).
I will set a time table which include the action to be completed in a particular period of time. Also, I will continuously in communication and follow up with all
the responsible Engineer, site supervisors to their work progress against the control measures are they are having a enough resources, workers and in
financial things to complete their task in given timeline.

I summarise Whether there are going to complete the findings in target dates or not. If the actions against control measures are not in line with the
completion date reasons behind that will be find out where there are get lack to complete their task , is this from resources or workers or finance issues or if
they having enough resources to complete the actions points but the workplace engineer are not doing means will talk into project director / project
managers to engage additional engineers and workers to complete all this action points. At same time if any findings got overdue more than given timeline
those findings issue will referred to the managing director through Plant Safety Head

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