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Visual Arts Class 1

Subject Unit Activities Resources

Visual Art and Project I | Family and Portraiture

Arts Identity

Attainment Targets

● Inquire and recognize different angles used in portrait making; full face, side face,
full body, etc.
● List and use 5 new words that help them describe their observations of materials,
techniques or their artwork during each lesson

By Boris Kustodiev

Learning Outcomes

Students will examine different body postures and angles in family portraits by famous
artists and personal photographs and recreate family portraits using colour pencils.


A4 Paper

Drawing Pencil

Tracing paper

Masking tape

Colour Pencils

Students will view family portraits by artists and learn vocabulary to describe them i.e.
portrait, background, full body, full face and side face. They will describe what the clothes,
objects and setting of the portrait tells us about the family.

Students will bring 5 family photographs they like and describe their family portraits. They
will then choose 3 photograph and recreate them in pencil colours. They will first use tracing
paper to trace out the figures from their photographs. They will then redraw the figures by
observation onto a new sheet of paper. They will draw the details, the background and
colour their line drawing. They will then compile an album of their drawings.

By Rahat Masud

By Pablo Picasso

Project II | Self-Portrait

Attainment Targets

● Explore and produce secondary colours by mixing primary colours

● Explore, observe and draw shapes in nature, people and places e.g. drawing faces,
leaves, buildings

Learning Outcomes

Students will learn how to make secondary colours and use them in making their self-


Pencil and Paper

Poster Colours



Water Container

Newspaper sheets

Students will examine how skin colour is made. They will then draw themselves from a
reference photograph and paint it using poster colours.

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