Aftermath of ww2 Blank 2020-21

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US History
Aftermath of WW 2
End of Isolationism

What does this cartoon tell you about the US response to the League of Nations after WW1?

What does this photo tell you about the US response to the United Nations after WW2?

1. US pursued an __________________ collaborating
foreign policy after WW2 by ____________________ with
other nations to solve political and economic problems
a. _______________ isolationalist
of ________________ foreign policy
2. ______________________________
united nations is founded, and the US is a leader in it
a. Includes FDR’s _____________________
4 freedoms in the charter
b. _____________________________________________
universal declaration of human rights – affirms basic human rights
general assembly
c. Made up of _________________ that divide up work between various committees/councils
security council
i. ____________________ maintains world peace
1. Can authorize economic sanctions or use of force to address international
2. has 10 rotating members + 5 permanent members with _____ veto power over
a. permanent members = ___, 5 England, France, China, _____
world bank
3. ________________ – created to provide ________ to help countries _____________
recover from war
and develop ______________________
4. ________________________________
IMF stabilize
– created to __________ the world’smonetary
system and establish uniform currency exchange rates
5. Nations agreed to lower ______________
tariffs and open free
liberal world order
6. This is the beginning of the “_______________________________”
a. __________________
rule based international system made up of __________________
institutions like the UN
and ________ of behavior like _______________________
multilateralism (countries working together
cooperatively instead of alone)
i. Based on the principles of ___________________
self determination and sovereignty (_________) for
nations and _____________ for their citizens.
b. Is made up of 3 parts:
i. __________ order – international ____ and norms _______ the actions of countries
1. ____________ countries _________ just do whatever they want because they
are powerful
2. ______________________ such as alliances and security council actions
ii. ______________ order – countries trade based on mutual gain
1. ________________ connect countries with the ______________ of people,
goods, ideas, and capital
2. Beginning of ________________ – the _______________________________
to the flow of goods, services, capital, knowledge, and (to a lesser extent),
people across borders.
iii. __________________ order – the United Nations Charter “reaffirmed faith in
fundamental ________________, and ___________ and worth of the human
person” and committed all members to ___________ “universal __________ for,
and observance of, human _______ and fundamental ____________ for all _______
____________________ as to race, sex, language, or religion,”
1. explained further in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (1948)
c. America is a _____________________ of this
i. ___________ is US leadership is ____________ (not harmful, for the common good)
ii. Americans and Europeans see their own __________ as being the same as those of
all _____________, but non-western nations (______) do not see things the same

Do US government actions after WW2 appear similar or different from US government actions after
WW1? Explain. Why might the US have made these decisions?
Dealing with Defeated Axis Powers

What does this painting tell you about the effects of the Treaty of Versailles on defeated countries
after WW1?

What does this photo tell you about US government actions toward the people of defeated
countries after WW2?

1. Actions taken by the US to deal with the defeated Axis Powers

a. ________ and _______ had to _________ and pay ______________________ with
industrial equipment and other goods (not $) so they could remain independent countries.
b. German and Japanese war __________ were given __________________________
i. ______________________ – trials of major Nazi war criminals
c. _____________________
i. allies ________________ (and its capital Berlin) into 4 occupation zones to rebuild it
d. US set up a ________________________ in ________ and promoted a ________________
i. New constitution created with an elected legislature, the Emperor as __________ of
country, ___________________, war renounced

Do US government actions after WW2 appear similar to or different from US government actions
after WW1? Explain. Why might the US have made these decisions?
Adjusting to Post-War Life

What does this poster tell you about the kinds of organizations taking care of veterans after WW1?

What does this photo tell you about the kinds of organizations taking care of veterans after WW2?

1. Actions taken by the US to help Americans adjust to post-War life

a. ___________________ created low interest _______ for veterans to…
i. Go to ________, buy a ______, start a ___________, have ______________ benefits
b. _____________ and ________________ still affected African Americans
c. ________ were _____________ of jobs they had held during the war for returning veterans
i. Many moved into service sector jobs but earned about half of what men did
2. ___________________ caused a spike in ___________________ and _________________
a. Government reinstated _________________, committed to addressing ________________
b. Truman threatened to __________________ to prevent strikes from crippling the economy

Does the role of the US government after WW2 appear to be similar or different from the role it
took after WW1? Explain. Why might the US have played this role?

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