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Electroporation Troubleshooting

(and Other Things)

A Recap of my Fall ‘22 Semester

Jackson Quinn
Who Am I?
▪ Graduated from Chagrin Falls High School

▪ Sophomore - Environmental Engineering

▪ Minors in Chemical Engineering and Spanish

▪ Work Experience:

▪ Ohio EPA – Engineering Intern (Summer 2022)

▪ Honda Motors – EHS Co-op (Spring 2023)

Plates, plates, plates…

Learning Lab Techniques (Thanks Jin!)
▪ Basic Microbiology

▪ Aseptic technique, growing/maintaining


▪ PCRs & Gel Electrophoresis

▪ General Understanding of Genetics

Serial Plate Dilutions
▪ Understanding Thioclava growth rate

▪ Connecting absorbance to cell count

▪ Allows for accurate co-cultures

Electroporation of Thioclava

Electroporation Process

▪ Preparing electrocompetent cells

▪ Add DNA to cells

▪ Electroporate cells

▪ Allow cells to recover in growth medium

Steward, An Introduction to Electroporation – A Tool for Transfection and Competent Cell Generation

Why did using sucrose to
make electrocompetent
cells work?

Electroporation of Thioclava


History of Electroporation
Professor Allan Hamilton (1936-2021)

▪ First Chair of Microbiology at the University of


A.J.H Sale

▪ Very little information

Journal Review
History of Electroporation
▪ First paper suggesting changes to the

membrane after an electrical pulse is applied

▪ Proved that lysis of the cells was caused by the

electric field, not from heating

Journal Review
History of Electroporation

Journal Review
History of Electroporation
▪ Membrane structures can be made more

permeable by applying an electric pulse without

destroying the membranes

▪ Electric impulses can not only induce exchange

of material across the membrane but can also

cause fusion

Journal Review
History of Electroporation
▪ Developed some crucial knowledge of Electroporation

▪ Incubation time

▪ DNA concentration

▪ Time interval between pulses

▪ Strength of pulses

Journal Review
Pulse Strength
History of Electroporation

DNA Conc.

Journal Review
References & Acknowledgements

▪ Thanks to everyone in the lab for your

continued help and support throughout the


▪ Neumann E, Schaefer-Ridder M, Wang Y, Hofschneider PH. Gene transfer into mouse lyoma cells by electroporation in high electric fields. EMBO J.

1982;1(7):841-5. doi: 10.1002/j.1460-2075.1982.tb01257.x. PMID: 6329708; PMCID: PMC553119.

▪ A.J.H. Sale, W.A. Hamilton, Effects of high electric fields on micro-organisms: III. Lysis of erythrocytes and protoplasts, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) -

Biomembranes, Volume 163, Issue 1, 1968, Pages 37-43, ISSN 0005-2736,

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