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George. (fall) from the ladder while he is. (painting) the ceiling..

2 last night. in bed when i am. suddenly (hear) a scream

. 3. you. you watch tv when you are

. (sun)?

. 4 Ann. (wait) for me when i have. (enough)..

5. Me. (do not drive) very quickly when the accident.

(it happens).

6. Am. (break) a plate last night.

Me. wash the dishes when. (slipped) from my hand. 7

Tom. (take) some photos when i have. (play) in the garden.

8. We (do not go.) because. (it's raining). 9

. What. (do you) last week? 10.

Me. (See) Carol at the party. EA. (he wore) a new dress. 11

. Mobile phone. (call) when i have. (take a shower.. 12.

(. it starts to rain when (. i'm going home.. 13 us.

(see) an accident when (we wait.) the bus 14.

.Children. (i sleep) all night. 15 the car. strange noises all the way home

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