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SIT Internal

UCS1001 Critical Thinking and Communicating

Weeks 6 and 8

Learning objectives:
 Identifying key ideas in the proposal
 Using the P-E framework to review the Introduction and Lit Review sections of a

Week 6a Task 7

In groups of 4-5, brainstorm ideas for your process improvement proposal using the
following questions as your guide. These questions are mapped to the sections in your
proposal assignment.

Proposed topic: Camera Auto Switch for echo 360

Statement of the problem/Introduction
What is the existing process like? What are the gaps identified in the existing process?
What are the root causes for these gaps?

Your inputs: Derived from teachers moving away from the camera and focusing
on the big screen which isnt shown on the slide but in the actual theatre
sometimes over 10 mins , leaving the camera to be recording a blank slate over
something more conducive , also ruining concentration of the lecture .

Pricing of a new integreted system might be on a high side , it might also make
old system obsolete therefore wasting previous investment very early and
fast .

What are the current solutions available in the market to address these gaps?
Your inputs: With research , the current camera ai in the fliming industry does
the recording without a person needing to man it and automatically tracks
your current position. It can function for filming and lecturer recordings .
Camera costing USD 90 to 5k++

What are you proposing to improve the process (in one sentence)? What is the novelty of
the approach recommended?
Your inputs:
Objective(s) and anticipated benefits
Objective - What is the purpose(s) of the improvement? Be specific.

Your inputs: We add on a modified ai that can adjust the recording to either be
focused on the lecturer or on the actual whiteboard / Projector Screen as and
when it is needed . If the teacher move away from the neutral position 0 in
front of the mic , the camera would track and stay on the teacher while
recording the screen until the lecturer has return to neutral position 0 , this
way the recording is more intuitive for revision purposes

UCS1001 Critical Thinking and Communicating Tri2AY22

SIT Internal

Significance of process improvement in terms of outcome – How would this improvement

be beneficial to society/a particular group in society?

Your inputs:It will be more inclusive during recording , less distraction and more focus
during revision.
Literature review
Write the outline for your literature review here
Your inputs: What is this
Describe the improved process clearly so that the reader can see what and where the
proposed improvements are as compared to the current process.
Your inputs: If the teacher move away from the neutral position 0 in front of the
mic , the camera would track and stay on the teacher while recording the
screen until the lecturer has return to neutral position 0 , this way the
recording is more intuitive for revision purposes
The current ai only records neutral position 0 and does not move or adjust
itself . Leaving to record a empty blank slate

Describe the recruitment of participants and procedures you plan to use to collect and
analyse the data to determine whether your proposed solution is effective? Explain and
justify your procedures.

Your inputs: Interviewing a sample of classmates number 10 to 20 , a few seniors (10) , a

few Lecturers (3) , a few students from other courses (10 to 20)
Your inputs: To be done

Week 8 Task 8

You may like to use the following suggested criteria for applying intellectual standards (ISs)
onto elements of thought (EoT) to deconstruct your proposal and evaluate the
thinking/reasoning presented in it.

Identifying EoT: Purpose

Purpose: What was the purpose of your proposal? Was the purpose clearly stated or clearly
implied? Was it justifiable? Was it significant? Did it highlight the urgency of the issue / severity
of the problem?

Your inputs:

Identifying EoT: Question at Issue

Question at issue or Problem: Identify the key question which your proposal answered. Was the
question at issue well-stated? Was it clear and unbiased? Did the expression of the question do
justice to the complexity of the matter at issue? Were the question and purpose directly relevant
to each other?

Your inputs:

UCS1001 Critical Thinking and Communicating Tri2AY22

SIT Internal

Identifying EoT: Information

Information: Did you cite relevant evidence, experiences and/or information essential to the
issue? Was the information accurate? Did you address the complexities of the issue? Did the
evidence sufficiently support the conclusions?

Your inputs:

Identifying EoT: Interpretation and Inference

Inferences & interpretations: Did you develop a line of reasoning explaining well how you arrived
at your main conclusions? Were the inferences relevant to the issue/problem? Did the
inferences and conclusions made clearly follow from the information relevant to the issue, or did
you jump to unjustifiable conclusions? Were the inferences showing depth and breadth?

Your inputs:

Identifying EoT: Concepts

Concepts: Did you clarify key concepts when necessary? Were the concepts accurately used?

Your inputs:

Identifying EoT: Assumptions

Assumptions: Did you show a sensitivity to what you were taking for granted or assuming? Did
you use questionable assumptions without addressing problems which might be inherent in
those assumptions?

Your inputs:
Identifying EoT: Implications and Consequences
Implications & consequences: Did you show sensitivity to the implications and consequences of
the position you are taking? Were the implications relevant to the question of issue? Did the
implications and consequences show breadth and depth?

Your inputs:

Identifying EoT: Point of View

Points of View: Did you show a sensitivity to alternative relevant points of view or lines of
reasoning? Did you consider and respond to objections framed from other relevant points of

Your inputs:

UCS1001 Critical Thinking and Communicating Tri2AY22

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