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MuseScore 4

keyboard shortcuts

Esc F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 PrtScn/ Scroll Pause/

› insert special › master palette SysRq Lock Break
chararaters » close » search palettes
escape edit element instruments properties palettes mixer full screen timeline

` ~ 1 𝅉 2 𝅉 3 𝅉 4 𝅉 5 6 7 8 9 0 - _ = + ➞ Backspace 𝅈𝅆 Insert Home 𝅆 Page↑ Num / * -

› add parentheses › lyrics: melisma
♯ Lock

» a.c. (1-9) * » tuplet » tuplet toggle sharp » delete selected bars › sel. to beg. of line

» tuplet *

» tuplet *

» tuplet

» tuplet *

» tuplet *

𝅘𝅥𝅱 𝅘𝅥𝅰 𝅜 𝆷 ♭ ♭
* * * » tuplet * » zoom out
‣ interval * ‣ interval * ‣ interval * ‣ interval * ‣ interval * ‣ interval * ‣ interval * ‣ interval * ‣ interval * » zoom to 100% lyrics: hyphen » zoom in ‣ undo » insert bars » go to first elem. » previous page add grace note: » zoom out
64th note 32th note 16th note eighth note quarter note half note whole note double w. n. longa enter rest toggle flat toggle natural delete insert one bar top (first page) previous screen acciaccatura toggle flat

Tab ↹ Q 𝅆 W 𝅆 E 𝅈 R T 𝅆𝅈 Y U I 𝅆
O P [ { ] } \ | Del 𝅆 End 𝅆 Page↓ 7 8 9 +
› halve sel. durat. › double sel. durat.
› add note E to ch. › enter rest * › artic.: marcato 𝅿 › decrease layout › increase layout › sel. to end of line » tuplet *

» tuplet *

» tuplet

(incl. dotted val.) (incl. dotted val.)
stretch stretch
» quit » close » add text: express. » reset shapes&pos. » add text: staff » redo » format text: » format text: italic » open » print » del. select. bars » go to last elem. » next page ‣ interval * ‣ interval * ‣ interval *
halve sel. durat. double sel. durat. enter note E repeat selection add tied note underline add/rem. instr. piano keyboard delete bottom (last p.) next screen whole note double w. n. longa

Caps Lock A S 𝅆 D F G H J K L 𝅆 ; : ' " Return 4 𝅈 5 6


› add note A to ch. › artic.: staccato › add note D to ch. › add note F to ch. › add note G to ch. › get location › previous beat » tuplet *

» tuplet *

» tuplet

» change enh. spe.
(chord symbols)
» select all » save » find / go to » add text: fig. bass (curr. mode only) » add text: » add text: lyrics » add/rem. page break ‣ interval * ‣ interval * ‣ interval * » zoom in
enter note A add slur enter note D enter note F enter note G change enh. spe. chord symbol next beat (ch.s.) add/rem. system break | add lyric verse eighth note quarter note half note toggle sharp

› Z 𝅆 X 𝅆 V B 𝅈 N M , < . > / ? › 𝅆𝅉 𝅈 𝅈 𝅈
C ↑ 1 Enter
Shift Shift 2 3
› mirror notehead › add note C to ch. › artic.: accent
› add note B to ch.
› artic.: tenuto 𝅽 » add text: › add hairpin: › add hairpin: move pitch/select.
» a.c. (1-9) * » tuplet » tuplet

𝅘𝅥𝅱 𝅘𝅥𝅰 𝅘𝅥𝅯
» insert one bar
rehearsal mark crescendo decrescendo
* *
» undo » cut » copy » paste at end of score » new add grace note: move text ‣ interval * ‣ interval * ‣ interval *
flip direction enter note C toggle visib. of el. enter note B note input toggle mult. rest toggle durat. dot acciaccatura go to prev. lyr. v. 64th note 32th note 16th note

Ctrl » Alt ‣ Alt ‣ Ctrl » ← 𝅆𝅉 ↓

𝅆𝅉 → 𝅆𝅉 0 Ins , Del
* * *
› go to previous syllable select prev. chord move pitch/select. select next chord › insert one bar Ctrl+Shift+0 = insert bars › delete
move text move text move text » zoom to 100% Ctrl+Shift+Del =
play | go to next syllable go to prev. syllab. go to next lyr. v. go to next syllable delete select. bars real-time advance

𝅆 𝅉 𝄾
Ctrl+Shift+Q = paste half duration Ctrl+Alt+1 = use voice 1 * Shift+R, Shift+Q = enter rest: eighth * Shift+↑ = add to selection: staff above add text add articulation
Ctrl+Shift+W = paste double duration Ctrl+Alt+2 = use voice 2 Shift+R, Shift+R = enter rest: quarter
𝄽 Shift+↓ = add to selection: staff below Ctrl + ... E = expression Shift + ... O = marcato
Ctrl+Shift+T = add text: system text Ctrl+Alt+3 = use voice 3 Shift+R, Shift+M = enter rest: half Shift+← = add to selection: prev. note/rest | move chord/rest left T = staff S = staccato

Ctrl+Shift+I = note input: toggle 're-pitch existing notes' mode Ctrl+Alt+4 = use voice 4 Shift+R, Shift+S = enter rest: whole Shift+→ = add to selection: next note/rest | move chord/rest right G = figured bass V = accent

Ctrl+Shift+S = save as Ctrl+Alt+↑ = select top note in chord K = chord symbol N = tenuto
Ctrl+Shift+L = toggle score lock Ctrl+Alt+↓ = select bottom note in chord Ctrl+2 ... Ctrl+9 = enter tuplet: duplet ... nonuplet Ctrl+↑ = move pitch up an octave L = lyrics

Ctrl+Shift+Z = redo Ctrl+1 ... Ctrl+9 = advance cursor: 64th note ... longa Ctrl+↓ = move pitch down an octave M = rehearsal mark
(figured bass/chord symbols)
Ctrl+Shift+X = copy/paste: swap with clipboard Ctrl+Alt+Shift+→ = select next in-staff element Ctrl+← = go to previous bar | move text left quickly

Ctrl+Shift+Backspace = insert full bar rest Ctrl+Alt+Shift+← = select previous in-staff element Ctrl+→ = go to next bar | move text right quickly
format text

Alt+1 = enter interval: unison
Ctrl+Shift+Home = select to beginning of score
Alt+2 ... Alt+9 = enter interval: second above ... ninth above Ctrl + ... U = underline
Ctrl+Shift+Del = insert full bar rest Alt+Shift+E = edit element Alt+↑ = select note/rest above
I = italic
Ctrl+Shift+End = select to end of score Alt+Shift+T = add text: tempo marking Alt+↓ = select note/rest below
B = bold
Ctrl+Shift+↑ = move selected note/rest to staff above Alt+Shift+B = insert bars at end of score Alt+← = select previous element in score

Ctrl+Shift+↓ = move selected note/rest to staff below Alt+Shift+Backspace = redo Alt+→ = select next element in score

Ctrl+Shift+→ = select to beginning of bar Alt+Shift+↑ = move pitch up diatonically

Ctrl+Shift+← = select to end of bar Alt+Shift+↓ = move pitch down diatonically

Map created by Merlin Wood, | v.1.0b

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