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Being a teacher is one of the most important jobs that there are.

Teachers are shaping the

minds of our county’s future leaders. This is why education is extremely important to me. I

became a teacher to help students fall in love with learning like I did when I was younger. I want

to be able to give students a positive learning experience. My philosophy of education is that

every student deserves an equal chance to learn and an equal environment to learn in. Education

should be rewarding for students, and that they should want to come to class everyday because

class is a warm and welcoming environment.

In a classroom, the role of the teacher is to create a fun, welcoming environment for

students to learn in. It is the teacher’s job to create lessons where the students are learning and

engaged. The teacher is creating hands-on lessons and during those lessons the teacher is in front

of the class instructing or circulating the class to answer questions. To create conversations

between the students where they are asking questions and using their critical thinking skills. The

other role of a teacher is to make the classroom a second home for these kids and make them feel

like they are safe in their learning environment. The teacher does this by building relationships

with the students to get to know them.

The role of a student is to come to school everyday willing to learn. The students should

be engaged in lessons, asking questions, and completing their work. Students should be

collaborating with their peers to build their communication and teamwork skills. They should

follow the rules that are put into place to keep it a safe and fun place to learn. Students should be

respecting themselves, others, and the school itself.

It is my belief that students learn best when the lessons are engaging and they are

collaborating with their peers. When lessons are hands-on and not lecture style I find that

students retain the information better. When teaching, I believe it is important to get the students
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up and moving during the lessons because it keeps them paying attention and engaged. I also

believe that students learn best when they get a say in how they learn something. When doing an

activity in the classroom to go along with a lesson, differentiating by giving a few different

options for students is key. I believe by allowing them to choose something that fits their

interests helps them to retain the information.

It is my belief that the curriculum should be learner-centered. This type of curriculum is

important because it takes into consideration the goals, interests, and needs of the student. It

allows the student to have a choice in how they learn. With this type of curriculum the lessons

are differentiated for the students’ needs. This type of curriculum is important because it allows

teachers to teach students where it is meeting their learning needs, but still covering all the

learning standards that need to be covered.

Students should be assessed in a few different ways. The first way a student should be

assessed is informal. After a lesson, the teacher checks to see if they understand what they just

learned. The teacher can do this by asking the students to put a number one through five on a

paper. One meaning they do not understand the topic at all, and five meaning that they aced it

and are ready and could take a test on it today. The teacher can also collect the work that the

students were completing during the lesson to try and gauge how well they understand it. The

other way I believe students should be assessed is by tests. At the end of the unit, I believe that

students should take a test to be able to tell what they have mastered during the unit.

I believe that parents should have a huge role in their child’s education. Parents should be

engaged in what their child is learning because it is my belief that when parents are engaged in

their child’s education the child is then more excited to learn. Parents should be asking their child
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what they are learning in school and showing an interest in it. I know not all parents are able to

do this due to work and other obligations, but if they are able to I believe that parents should be

volunteering in the classroom and at school functions. When parents are a big part in a child’s

education I believe that students are more interested in school.

I believe that a classroom should be organized where students have access to all the

supplies that they could possibly need. This allows for the students to have some independence

to be able to just get up and grab what they need without having to ask the teacher to get it. The

students’ desks should be grouped into small groups to allow the students an easy way to

collaborate with their peers. The classroom should also be clean and not cluttered. I believe that

the classroom needs to be organized in the best way for the students and the teacher.

I will use differentiation in lessons to ensure all students are learning based on their

needs. During some lessons and activities I will give students options on where they would like

to sit. They could sit at their desk or sit at a flexible seating option. This allows them to choose

which seat option is best for them to learn at. I will also provide different options during some

activities to meet individual needs of the students. Each option will accomplish the same goal

just in different ways. These options will allow the students to choose what option works best for

them to make sure that they are learning based on their needs.

My philosophy of education allows me to set up and run my classroom in a way where

students can thrive. I believe it is important for students to feel like the classroom is theirs too

and not just mine. I believe it is important to have a room where students can collaborate with

their peers, and have a say in how they learn. This allows the students to thrive and feel like they


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