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MBAN-736DEEnterprise Information Systems

Case Study 1:
Is there a prescription for strategic IT decisions?

1. Describe in brief the decision making process regarding strategic IT at PHARMA.
Do you believe they follow analytic, intuitive or political approach or a
combination of these three?

2. What were the main steps followed by PHARMA during the decision making
process for the upgrade of the existing ERP system?

 Up to 1,000 λέξεις per question.
 Do pay attention to your written expression. Points will be removed for poor
appearance (i.e. excessive syntax and/or typo errors).
 Type your answers using Α4, Arial or Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1,5 space.
 Follow Harvard Business School Referencing Style for your sources and make sure
that you do not commit plagiarism or self plagiarism.
 Be specific and clear when answering the questions.
 If you submit your answer AFTER the deadline, the maximum you can get for
your answer is 85 points.
 If you do not submit your answer, the grade is 0
 Your answer should be submitted through Turnitin. The answers will be graded
when they are accompanied by Turnitin similarity report.

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