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Survey: “Affective Clinical Evaluation Level I" ‘Survey Period Completed: 1. Feat semester Evaaton: Erauation 2. Commnistions soproptseto situation (eg, when sssting wth posesiresin treatment rom rslaton), Respects patient srg t privacy end confidential, Acts ane speaksin a respect manner wth ttf members, Accepts craton and dracton na profeesonl manne, Uses effective verbal communication kale with physicin ung plan conautaton ane even. Uses effective writen communication skis forchart plan and dosimetry note documentation ‘Students (sehr, Katey) anv 2171/2003 13640 PM CT Meets Expectations Meets Epectatons Meets Expectations Moots Expectations Mean: 10.00 of 10 Points: 80 Score: 100.0% 4. Accuracy -Acartely enters formation ne char or RV ayer, Mean: 10.00 of 10 Plt 5: Satey Meets Expectations 0. Score: 100.0% Mean: 10.00 of 10 Points: 10 Score: 100.0% hope nop) hop) hope nop) nope opts nope) hope} opts) nope) 18 5 Dependabity ‘Arives prompt a schedules Moot Expect hope Schedules beaks, lunches, end atertmeeeds wih clncel Meets Expectatons opt) Adhere to attendance standars ofthe program, Moots Expectations Hope) Uses eal tine wily Meats Expectations opt} Fellons school ang hosptal plies and procedures. Meets Expectations nop) Toke stv in observing ar assign dosimtry Moet Expectations trop) Mean: 10.00 of 10 Points: 60 Score: 100.0% opliction of kowldge Demonstrates ebaslc understanding of physics concepts and Meets Expectations no pt) rapes Ie able to reve imaging study (CT) and bngint patent fle. Meets Expectations nop) Ie ableoidenity anatomy andeortou spropite stuctues, Meet Expectations hope Understendesneuse ofthe compitertortesivent pinning. Masts Expectations nope) lento mtr bfomaonittte compu an ean a Moots Expectations hope Mean: 10.00 of 10 Points: 50 Score: 100.0% ‘nara Dosimetry Sls Perormeeseuatiorsin atively mans Meats Expectations nope) Accurately uses ose caleuation databooks perform hand Meets Expectations nop) calcio, leableto prone and organize des teint complete Meets Expectations hope} requemeats Exhibits 2 basic inode of anatomy tissue dose tolerance, Meets Expectations no pt) deine tumor ose, and typical Feld arrangement Mean: 10.00 of 10 Points: 40 Score: 100.0% Kates working ough progressively more dificult 30 plans. Special, she chest wall reatments. She ust completed a felt comprehensive nol chest wal. Due tothe depth ofthe nodes Kate proactively provided as solution that ‘she explained and hed the physician approve. she has started t share the responses of TBs which allowing her more experience with cur record a very system, Adtonaly he hasbeen proactive in monitoring Sin and partipatng in interesting cases, Kate ats professionali all respects. She uses elncl time wisly and has started good relationships within the dosimetry department that she uss when she has questions or needs help. Ou plan moving forwards to bil confidence and speed in order to increase the variety of palate cases hat often have quicker ta arcund concentrated onthe varity of ferent techniques we use for beast and Total points forall rating seale questions: 260, Mean percentage score for all ating scale questions: 100.0% (Exch man gsston sual weited) 28 fospnees gf 222700929825 PM CT 318,

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