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Racial Talents
 Common Racial Talents [RT1X]
 Scion [RT2]
 Darkstalker [RT3]
 Hanyou [RT4]
 Magus [RT5]
 Human [RT6]
 Dragon Lord [RT7]
 Divine Soul [RT8]
 Heroic Spirit [RT9]
 Cyborg [RT10]
 Demon Eyed [RT11]
 Marebito [RT12]
 Sakimitama [RT13]
 Android [RT14]
 Homunculus [RT15]
 Esper [RT16]
 Adapter [RT17]
Style Talents
 Common Talents [CM]
 Arc Slayer [GM1]
 Dragon Carrier [GM2]
 God Hand [GM3]
 Legion [GM4]
 Soul Eater [GM5]
 Aura Breaker [GM6]
 Dark Hunter [GU1]
 Elemental Adept [GU2]
 Contractor [GU3]
 Legacy User [GU4]
 Mastery [GU5]
 Treasure Hunter [GU6]
 Elder Mage [GA1]
 Digital Sorcerer [GA2]
 Divine Talker [GA3]
 Time Wizard [GA4]
 Last Creator [GA5]
 Enigmatic [GA6]
High Talents
 Lv5+ High Talents [HT1]
 Lv10+ High Talents [HT2]
 Lv15+ High Talents [HT3]
 Lv20 High Talents [HT4]
Boss Talents
 Lv1+ Boss Talents [BTX1]
 Lv5+ Boss Talents [BTX2]
 Lv7+ Boss Talents [BTX3]
 Lv12+ Boss Talents [BTX4]
 Last Boss Talents [LBX]

Common Racial Talents – [RT1X]

<<Jumping Power>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You can jump incredible distances, whether it's due to raw ability, a technique, or built-in
Unique Effect.
The target may move up to 3 Sq., ignoring [Engagements]. This Talent does not spend [Start], and
may be used once per combat (or scene).

<<Power Acceleration>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Wielding spirit energy, you accelerate your mind and body.
Unique Effect.
The target gains a +1d6 modifier to {Initiative}.

<<Spatial Move>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Wielding spirit energy, you instantly move to somewhere nearby.
Unique Effect.
The target [Installs] in any square within 3 Sq. of their current square. This Talent does not spend
[Prep], and may be used once per combat (or scene).

Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You can instantly restore your own wounds, whether it's due to raw ability, a technique, or built-in
Unique Effect.
The target [Recovers] {HP} equal to any one of their {Main Stats}. This Talent does not spend
[Prep], and may only be used once per round (or scene).

<<Power Strike>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Coating your weapon in spirit energy, you unleash a powerful strike.
Physical Attack.
The user gains +1 [Physical Rank] at [Damage Calculation].

<<Power Spell>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
You materialize spirit energy with your unique magecraft and magically attack your opponent.
Magical Attack.
The target takes [Rank: 1] [Magical Damage] (Cancel [Halves]).

<<Supernatural Attack>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : Area
Cost : [Doubles]
Uprooting an electrical pole or hefting a car, you convert it into a temporary Artificial Regalia by
coating it with spirit energy, then launch it at your opponent.
Physical Attack. This Talent may only be used if the user has an [Obstacle] in one square adjacent
to them.
The user destroys the [Obstacle] in a square adjacent to them, then makes a [Physical Attack] on
the target, gaining +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation].

<<Crest Donation>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : None
You burn off a portion of your Spirit Crest, donating it to your ally.
Unique Effect. May only be used while [Out of Combat].
An [Appearing] [Target: 1#] that the user designates [Recovers] 3d6 {Crest} (cannot reduce to 2d6
or 1d6). The user then loses {Crest} equal to the amount [Target: 1#] [Recovered]. This Talent may
be used once per session.

<<Aura Commandment>>
Timing : End
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You can manipulate and adjust your remaining spirit energy, whether it's due to raw ability, a
technique, or built-in functionality.
Unique Effect.
The target may add or subtract 1 from the value of one of their [Spirit] dice (cannot go above 6 or
below 1). This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Spirit Regen>>
Timing : End
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Making expert use of spirit energy, you trigger a powerful regenerative effect.
Unique Effect.
The target [Recovers] {HP} equal to any one of their {Main Stats}. This Talent does not spend [End],
and may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Power Emission>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By releasing spirit energy accumulated within your body, you emit a fearsome power for just a
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target gains 1 [Overflow]. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

<<Awesome Strength>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
With awe-inspiring mystic power, you create an obstacle by tearing off a chunk of asphalt, hefting
a car, or yanking loose a boulder.
Unique Effect. Use at any time during the target's [Turn].
The target [Installs] one [Obstacle: Large Boulder] in an adjacent square that does not already
have a character or other [Obstacle] in it. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Ultra Martial Arts>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Showing your mastery of physical arts that exceed human knowing, you cartwheel or flip away as
you evade an attack, gaining distance from your opponent.
Passive Effect.
When the target succeeds at a [Reactive Check], they may move up to 2 Sq. in any direction,
ignoring [Engagements] (if <<Dispersal>> is acquired, can move a total of 4 Sq.)

<<Unusual Recovery>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You possess unusual regenerative abilities, and while recovering, you display bizarre healing
Passive Effect.
When the target [Recovers] {HP} due to the effect of a Talent, [Item], [Rest], or [Long Rest], they
gain a +5 modifier to the [Recovery] effect.

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You possess the characteristics of two races.
Passive Effect.
The target increases one of their {Main Stats} by 1. Also, they select one [Race] in addition to their
current [Race], and may re-create their PC, combining the {Main Stats} of one [Race] with the
[Racial Bonus] of the other. For example, if a [Scion] chooses [Human], they may recreate their PC
using the [Racial Bonus] of [Human] and the {Main Stats} of [Scion]. (The player may not apply
both. While recreating, only the Racial Talents designated by the new [Racial Bonus] may be
acquired. At [Advancement], if <<Unclean>> is changed, this effect is canceled.)

<<Power Maneuver>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By using your movement abilities, you take the initiative.
Unique Effect.
The target makes an [Appearance Check] with [Difficulty: 12] (<<Scion's Advent>>, etc, may be
used), and if they are successful, they gain +5 to {Initiative}. This Talent does not spend [Start].

<<Power Eye>>
Timing : Prep
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : Area
Cost : [E]
Filling your eyes with strong spiritual power, you immediately pierce another's concealment.
Unique Effect.
Deal [Remove: Hidden] to the target.

<<Breath of Power>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Utilizing your own special breathing method, you instantly double the amount of spirit energy you
Unique Effect.
When the target performs [Action ⑪: Gather Spirit], they may change one additional [Spirit] die
(for a total of two dice) to any value. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Spirit Smite>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
When wielding a melee weapon, you focus your spirit energy along its business end using your
special abilities, improving its power.
Use On Damage Calculation. <<Weapon Proficiency>> Required.
The target gains +5 at the [Damage Calculation] of [Timing: Attack] Style Talents using a [Melee
Weapon]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Soul Steal>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When you defeat an Awakened, you take their spirit energy, whether it's due to raw ability, a
technique, or built-in functionality.
Unique Effect.
Use after the target makes a [Target] they dealt [Damage] to any one of [Shift: Downed・Taken
Out・Dead]. The target gains 1 [Overflow]. Even if multiple [Targets] are eligible, the target may
only gain 1 [Overflow] at most. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Excessive Power>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Whether due to talent or training, you wield excessive spirit energy.
Unique Effect.
When the target uses a Talent, they treat one portion of the [Cost] as already paid. This Talent
may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Powerful Semblance>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As one who possesses a special power, or as one who has gained power through discipline, you
emit a strong aura from your whole body.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}.

● <<Performance>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You enhance the efficiency of your spirit energy through talent or training.
Passive Effect.
The target may use Racial Talents with [Cost: Doubles] or [Cost: Steps] as though they were [Cost:

● <<Augment Materialization>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You augment your ability to materialize spirit energy through talent or training.
Passive Effect.
When the target performs [Damage Calculation] while using a [Timing: Attack] Racial Talent, they
gain an additional +1 [Rank].

● <<Spirit Exciter>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When using a particular ability or technique, you vastly enhance your combat prowess by letting
spirit energy affect your mind and body.
Passive Effect.
This Talent has an effect on the target after using a [Timing: Start] Racial Talent. After using a
[Timing: Start] Racial Talent, for the rest of the combat (or scene) the target gains a +5 modifier at
[Damage Calculation].

● <<Spirit Vortex>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Passive Effect.
This Talent has an effect on the target after using a [Timing: Start] Racial Talent. After using a
[Timing: Start] Racial Talent, for the rest of the combat (or scene) the target reduces [Physical
Damage] taken from [Ranged Attacks] by an amount equal to any one of their {Main Stats}.

● <<Fortuitous Strike>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
When making a particular attack, by letting your own fortune affect you, you vastly increase the
power of your strikes.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target gains a +[user's {Luck}] modifier at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be used once
per round.

● <<Guidance of Fortune>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
You possess unique abilities that allow you to give your luck to others.
Use On {Main Stat} Check. May only target someone other than the user.
The target gains a modifier to the result of their {Main Stat} check equal to [user's {Luck} / 3]. This
Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Eyes of the Golden Kite>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By filling your eyes with powerful spirit energy, you see through an enemy's weakpoints as you
prepare to strike.
Passive Effect. <<Power Eye>> Required.
Until [End] of the turn where the target spend 1x [Timing: Prep], the target gains a +1 modifier to
both [Physical Rank], and to the result of the [Active Checks] of [Physical Attacks] made using
[Timing: Attack] Style Talents.

● <<Power Smash>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When making a melee attack, you fill your weapon with spirit energy to enhance it, smashing your
opponent at the moment of impact.
Passive Effect. <<Spirit Smite>> Required.
The target changes the effect of <<Spirit Smite>> to the following: "The target gains a +[any one of
user's {Main Stats}] modifier at the [Damage Calculation] of [Timing: Attack] Style Talents using a
[Melee Weapon].

Scion – [RT2]
<<Violent Strike>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
You bring out a particular weapon's full force with a kiai shout.
Physical Attack.
The user selects either of [Form: Sword or Ranged], and then makes a [Physical Attack], and also
gains a +[any one of the users {Main Stats}] modifier at [Damage Calculation].

<<Scion's Advent>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Transcending time, space, and distance by utilizing spirit energy, you can appear at your allies'
Use On [Appearance Checks].
The target succeeds at the [Appearance Check] regardles of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the same
time, the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may only be used 3 times per
<<99 Regalia>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You temporarily materialize various Regalia with spirit energy, then lay down sweeping fire akin to
a cannon.
Unique Effect. Use Before [Active Check].
The target changes their [Attack Action]'s [Range/Target] to [6 sq. / 1#]. This Talent may only be
used once per round.

<<Superhuman Strength>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
You display overwhelming strength through spirit energy.
Use on {Strength} checks.
The target succeeds at the {Strength} check regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the same
time, the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may only be used 3 times per

<<Ancient Memories>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
You draw out hidden memories, letting you display wisdom beyond human capacity.
Use on {Intellect} Check.
The target succeeds at the {Intellect} check regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the same
time, the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may only be used 3 times per

<<Sacramental Majesty>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Displaying your mystical majesty, you are able to negotiate to your advantage, or manifest
incredible willpower.
Use on {Will} Check.
The target succeeds at the {Will} check regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the same time,
the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may only be used 3 times per
<<Otherwordly Gaze>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Having mastered "dojutsu"--techniques of the eyes made possible through spirit energy--you are
able to weigh an opponent's skill.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +2 modifier at [Damage Calculation]. Also the target may perform [Maneuver:
Identify ({Intellect} Check)] with [Maneuver: Assess ({Strength} Check)], using the latter's result for
the former's.

<<Martial Arts Enhancement>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have mastered legendary arts, raising the standards of your power.
Passive Effect. <<Ancient Memories>> Required.
The target gains +1 [Rank] at the [Damage Calculation] of [Effect Class: Physical Attack] Talents.

<<Wargod Aura>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When you strike, you emanate with the spiritual power Scions are known for, and send your
enemy flying no matter how big they are.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target makes a [Difficulty: 10] {Strength} or {Intellect} check (<<Superhuman Strength>>
<<Ancient Memories>> and similar may be applied). If successful, the target may forcibly move
any [Target] they deal at least 1 point of [Damage] to 1 Sq. in any direction (this movement ignores
[Engagements]). This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Scion Skill>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
You vastly enhance the precision of your arts and techniques by manipulating the spirit energy
unique to Scions.
Use On Active Check.
The target gains +1 to the result of their [Active Check]. This Talent may be used once per round
(or scene).
<<Scion Divinity>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As a member of a bloodline that has sealed gods, your divine nature is always in evidence,
allowing you to draw upon concept-destroying spirit energy more efficiently.
Passive Effect.
When the target uses the [Concept Destruction] power of <<Spirit Burn>>, they add 1 to the result
of the 1d6 rolled to raise [Rank] (or if an NPC, to their damage). (For example, even if a "1" is rolled
for [Concept Destruction], it is treated as a "2".)

● <<Strike of Legend>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Utilizing the sacraments, you reproduce a divine art spoken of in legend and unleash an awe-
inducing strike.
Use on Damage Calculation. <<Superhuman Strength>> Required.
When the target makes a [Physical Attack] using a [Melee Weapon], they gain a +[any one of the
user's {Main Stats}] modifier at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Work of the Gods>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
By drawing out other abilities from your dojutsu, you enhance the power of your ranged and
magical attacks.
Use on Damage Calculation. <<Otherworldly Gaze>> Required.
When the target makes an [Attack Action] using either a [Ranged Attack] or [Magical Attack], they
gain a +[any one of the user's {Main Stats}] modifier at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be
used once per round.

● <<Divine Tuning>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Increasing your spirit energy by vibrating or striking your armor, you produce a unique sound that
expands the scale and power of your abilities.
Unique Effect. Use before an [Active Check].
The target changes the [Target] of their [Active Check] to [Area]. If the attack was already
something other than [Target: X#], then the target gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. This
Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Peculiar Aria>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have awakened to hidden power, allowing you to weave magic by thought alone.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to [Physical Damage]. Also ,the target may make {Conjure} checks in
place of {Accuracy} checks, using the former's result for the latter's.

● <<Power of a Demigod>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have awakened to hidden strength, transforming magical power into physical ability, and
applied it to hand-to-hand combat.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to [Magical Damage]. Also, the target may make {Accuracy} checks
in place of {Conjure} checks, using the former's result for the latter's.

● <<Accursed Blood>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Utilizing your unique powers that serve as proof of your cursed bloodline, you perform your arts
with deadly speed.
Passive effect. <<Sacramental Majesty>> Required.
The target becomes able to use [Race: Scion / Timing: Unique] Racial Talent that do not have "X
times per session" written in their effect field, up to twice per round.

● <<Wargod Counterstrike>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Steps]
Calling upon your supernatural physical arts as you avoid a blow, you unleash a counterstrike
directed by your instincts.
Use On {Evasion} Check.
The target gains +1 to the result of the {Evasion} check. If the {Evasion} check is successful, the
target may make 1x [Weapon Attack] against [Target: 1#].

● <<Blink Hinder>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
Using the spirit energy of Scions or pure physical skill, you instantly cut off a moving enemy,
stopping them cold.
Unique Effect. Use after the target declares movement or an [Install] from either a [Move Action]
or a Talent.
Change the distance the target may move or [Install] from their current square to [1 Sq.] Also,
after the target's [Move Action] or [Install], the user may [Install] themselves into a square that
will be [Engaged] with the target from their current square. This Talent may be used once per

● <<Scion Barrier>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Calling upon the spirit energy of Scions, you deploy a hard defensive barrier, halving the force of
magical attacks taken from enemies.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target makes a [Difficulty: 12] {Will} check (<<Sacramental Majesty>> and similar may be
applied). If successful, the target [Halves] taken [Magical Damage]. This Talent may be used once
per round (or scene).

● <<Battle Lust Release>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When your life is in danger, you release hidden spirit energy, vastly improving the force of your
Passive Effect. <<Peculiar Aria>> Required.
After using the [Vital Ignition] effect of <<Spirit Burn>>, for the rest of the combat the target treats
the minimum value of the [Roll] applied at [Damage Calculation] after [Influence] as a "5" (for
example, even if it's really a "1", it's treated as a "5", so a [Rank: 4] attack is 4x5 = 20, or if damage
is 3d6, then 3x5 = 15).
Darkstalker – [RT3]
<<Bestial Transformation>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Doubles]
Awakening the blood of Darkstalkers sleeping within you, you change your form to that of a half-
beast, manifesting unparalleled combat power.
Unique Effect.
For the rest of combat, the target changes to [Class: Beast] and gains the effect of either ① or
①: +1 to [Physical Rank]
②: +1 to [Magical Rank]

<<Lord of Bloodshed>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Steps]
You change into the King of the Darkstalkers, who can freely manipulate blood itself by causing
spirit energy to circulate and soak into your entire body.
Unique Effect.
For the rest of combat, the target changes to [Class: Undead] and gains the effect of either ① or
①: +3 to [Armor]
②: +3 to [Barrier]

<<Bewitching Magic>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : [O]
Unique spirit energy flows from your gaze, letting you control another's thoughts, or erase their
Unique Effect. May only be used [Out of Combat].
The user may alter, or erase the thoughts and memories of Innocents in the [Scene] (the GM
decides the details).

<<Wicked Eyes of the Darkstalker>>

Timing : Attack
Range : 10 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
You can kill your enemies with a glance by emitting from your eyes a special power Darkstalkers
Magical Attack.
Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] with [Element: Phantom] on the target (Resist [Halves]).

<<Strength of the Darkstalker>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
As one connected to a clan of Darkstalkers, you can manifest supernatural strength and spirit
energy beyond human reason.
Use on {Strength} Checks.
The Target succeeds at the {Strength} check regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the same
time, the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may only be used 3 times per

<<Bestial Sprint>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When you move with all of your strength, you transform into the form of a mythical wolf or fox
spirit, ignoring things that might impede you.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}. Also the target ignores the penalties of [Withdraw] and [Full

<<Wall Walk>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You ignore gravity by drawing on the power of the Darkstalkers, letting you move while clinging to
walls or ceilings.
Passive Effect.
When the target [Climbs], they succeed at the [Check] regardless of the outcome of the [Roll].
Also, the target ignored [Engagements] when making [Combat Moves].

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
With the power of a Darkstalker, you are able to transform into a beast, as well as disperse your
body into mist, swarms of locusts or bats, or small animals.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target succeeds at a [Reactive Check], they may move up to two squares in any
direction, ignoring [Engagements]. Also, at any time the target may transform into the form of an
animal. (Treat as [Maneuver: Disguise / Result: 20]).

<<Darkstalker Strike>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
You hurl an opponent using the stupendous might that Darkstalkers are known for, or else slam
the opponent with powerful spirit energy, sending them flying.
Physical Attack.
The user gains +1 [Physical Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. Also, the user may force [Targets] that
take at least 1 point of [Damage] to move 1 Sq. in any direction (this movement ignores

<<Soul Flay>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When you defeat an Awakened, or inflict a negative condition upon them, you strip away the spirit
energy within them.
Unique Effect. Use after the target inflicts a negative shift on a [Target] they've dealt [Damage] to.
The target gains 1 [Overflow]. Even if multiple [Targets] may qualify, the most [Overflow] that can
be gained is 1. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Mystic Move>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You manifest the mystic power Darkstalkers are known for, then move in a way that defies
physical reality while tearing up the ground or a wall.
Unique Effect. Use after spending either [Timing: Prep・Attack].
The target makes a [Difficulty: 12] {Strength} check (<<Strength of the Darkstalker>> and similar
may be applied). If successful, they may move up to 3 Sq. while ignoring [Engagements]. This
Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Evil Eye>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By carrying great power within your gaze, you tear your opponent's soul to shreds with a glance.
Passive Effect. <<Wicked Eyes of the Darkstalker>> Required.
The target changes the [Target] of <<Wicked Eyes of the Darkstalker>> to [4#]. Also, add the
following effect to <<Wicked Eyes of the Darkstalker>>: "The user may immediately apply [Shift:
Dead] to Mononoke with "x#" written in their [Name] (a single mononoke treated as multiple).
<<Dark Killing Arts>> or similar may be applied to this.

● <<Supernatural War>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have awakened to the power of a Darkstalker, and when you transform your body, you gain
unparalleled combat power.
Passive Effect.
While the target is under the effect of <<Bestial Transformation>> or <<Lord of Bloodshed>> they
gain a +5 modifier to [Damage Calculation].

● <<Close Combat Resilience>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Awakened to power of your Darkstalker clan, you have developed matchless resilience against
close combat attacks.
Passive effect.
When the target is under the effect of <<Bestial Transformation>> or <<Lord of Bloodshed>>, they
[Halve] [Physical Damage] taken from [Melee Weapons].

● <<True Ancestor Factor>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents that you have a pureblood factor, and have inherited the great power of the
"True Ancestor" that is the ancestor of all Darkstalkers. Those who have this factor enjoy a life
span five times greater than normal.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +15 modifier to {HP}.

● <<Supernatural Force>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Putting the spiritual force and mystic power Darkstalker are known for to work, you vastly
enhance the power of a technique.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target makes a [Difficulty: 12] {Strength} check (<<Strength of the Darkstalker>> and similar
may be applied). If successful, they gain a modifier to the [Damage Calculaton] of [Timing: Attack]
Talents equal to any one of their {Main Stats}. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Darkstalker's Body>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Having the extremely powerful body unique to Darkstalkers, you are not only highly resistant to
wounds, but also to poison and maladies as well.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
Reduce [Damage] taken by 5. Also, the target may [Remove] any one negative [Shift], other than
[Downed・Taken Out・Dead]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Darkstalker Bloodline>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Having awakened to the unique spirit energy hidden within the blood of Darkstalkers, you can gain
terrifying prowess by changing your own body.
Passive Effect. <<Bestial Transformation>> or <<Lord of Bloodshed>> Required.
While under the effect of <<Bestial Transformation>> or <<Lord of Bloodshed>>, the target gains
+5 to [Armor] and [Barrier].

● <<Hellish Return>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When death is close, you release the spirit energy hidden within you, making an extreme return to
Passive Effect.
The target is able to use the [Vital Ignition] effect of <<Spirit Burn>> one additional time per
combat. (In other words, they are able to use [Vital Ignition] twice per combat. {Crest} is still spent
as normal.)
Hanyou – [RT4]
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O, O]
Manifesting your powers to their utmost, you precisely manipulate spirit energy to soar through
the sky.
Unique Effect.
For the rest of combat or scene, the target gains [Shift: Flight].

<<Blade Wind>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 6 sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
Manipulating spirit energy, you wreath a weapon or a bullet in a "kamaitachi," slicing up your
Physical attack.
The user may make a [Special Attack] against the target, with +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation].
This talent may be used once per round.

<<Gold Find>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
You collect and receive a certain amount of Fool's Gold from the surrounding area by manipulating
spirit energy.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target immediately receives [500g]. This Talent may be used once per session.

<<Animal Communication>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
By communicating your intentions to animals, you are able to gain all kinds of help.
Use On {Main Stat} Check.
The target succeeds at the {Main Stat} check regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the same
time, the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used once per

<<Dimensional Slip>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
You twist space and time by manipulating spirit energy, moving instantaneously to a particular
Unique Effect. Use before or after the target spends [Timing: Prep].
The target [Installs] themselves in any square up to three squares away, ignoring [Engagements].
This talent may be used once per round.

<<Invite Opportunity>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
Utilizing the power of a Hanyou, you bring fortune to the actions before your eyes.
Unique Effect. Use before the target [Influences].
The outcome of the targets [Roll] may be re-rolled, unless it was a [Critical] or a [Fumble]. This
effect may be refused. Also, after re-rolling, [Influence] may be performed. This talent may be
used once per round (or scene).

<<Fortune Call>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Simply by existing, you bring fortune to everything around you.
Passive effect.
The target gains a +2 modifier to [Barrier], and everyone other than the target gains a +1 modifier
to the result of {Luck} checks.

<<Body Morph>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You instantly transform using the power of the Hanyou, altering yourself into an animal or another
shape, or changing your identity.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +2 modifier to {Initiative}. Also, at any time the target may transform into the
form of an animal. (Treat as [Maneuver: Disguise / Result: 20]).

<<Mystic Manifestation>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 6 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
You make a powerful magical attack on your foe by manifesting the spirit energy you inherited as a
youkai—mystic energy.
Magical Attack.
Make a [Special Attack] on the target, and deal [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage]. <<Mystic
Manifestation>> can be [Canceled] by succeeding at [Reaction Check] using {Insight}. This Talent
may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Dispel Traction>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Applying the divinity that you carry within you, you can give another's dispelling attempt traction
when trying to remove a large-spell scale.
Unique Effect. Use after making a [Mend] check.
For each -1 the target takes to the result of their [Mend] check, they may give +1 to the result of
[Target: 1#]'s [Mend] check (to a maximum of +2). This Talent may be used once per round (or

<<Mystic Insight>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
You disperse effects by manipulating the mystic energy you carry within you and perceiving your
foe's spirit energy.
Unique Effect. Use when the target receives a positive [Shift].
The target [Removes] one positive [Shift] they've received. This Talent may be used once per
round (or scene).

● <<Calamity Shift>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
When visited by the worst fate has to offer, you can twist that fate with the power of a Hanyou.
Unique Effect. Use after the target's [Roll] generates a [Fumble].
The target changes the [Fumble] into a [Critical]. However, their [Result] is set at 10. This Talent
may be used once per combat, or once per scene.

● <<Influence Destiny>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
Making full use of your powers, you twist causality.
Unique Effect. Use before the target [Influences].
The outcome of the target's [Roll] is forcibly re-rolled, even if it was a [Critical] or [Fumble]
(afterwards, [Influence] may be performed). This Talent may be used once per combat, or once
per scene.

● <<Convenient Opportunity>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
You concentrate the flow of great fortune into a single point, giving rise to a convenient
Unique Effect. Use after the target makes a [Roll].
Adjust the value of one of the target's dice in the [Roll] by + or - 2 (although this effect cannot
increase it to 7 or above, or decrease it to 0 or below, it can cause a [Critical] or a [Fumble]). This
talent may be used once per combat, or once per scene.

● <<Probability Enhancement>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Manipulating spirit energy into instantaneous action, you bolster fate.
Unique Effect. Use before the target makes a [Roll].
The target adds one die to their [Roll]. This talent may be used once per combat, or once per

● <<Descendant of a Fortune God>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As you have strongly inherited the nature of a god of luck and fortune, you bring uncommon
prosperity to your surroundings.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +2 bonus to {Initiative}. Also, the target, as well as any and all character the
target allows, gains a +2 modifier to the result of {Luck} checks.

● <<Wind God Storm>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You raise a whirlwind with spirit energy by releasing your power, mowing down everything around
Passive effect. <<Blade Wind>> Required.
The target is able to use <<Blade Wind>> as though it had [Cost: O, O] and only in the case when
they use it that way, they change the [Range/Target] to [Combat Zone].

● <<Mystic Circulation>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : None
By manifesting your mystic energy, you can temporarily synch your spirit energy with another.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The user swaps one die of [Spirit] with the target. This Talent may be used once per round (or

● <<Defensive Barrier>>
Timing : Defense
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
You instantly erect a special barrier, bestowing the blessing carried in your blood onto another.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target reduces [Damage] they take by the user's {Insight}.

● <<Fortunes of War>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You pray to your mystic energy while making ready, augmenting your combat prowess through the
enhancement of your fortunes in battle.
Passive Effect.
Only when the target spends 1x [Timing: Prep] in order to take [Action ②: Pass], until [End] of the
current round, they gain a +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] at [Damage Calculation] (Talents that
do not spend [Prep], or [Simple Moves], are allowed). The effects of this Talent do not apply to
[Weapon Attacks].

● <<Mystic Release>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When you release your mystic energy, its power affects everything around you.
Passive Effect. <<Mystic Manifestation>> Required.
The target may use <<Mystic Manifestation>> as though it were [Cost: E, E], and only when they
do that, they change its [Range / Target] to [Combat Zone].

Magus – [RT5]
<<Attack Magic>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 2#
Cost : [Doubles]
Utilizing your own speciality of attack magics, you rend the enemy.
Magical Attack.
Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist [Halves]).

<<Healing Magic>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 6 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
Making full use of magic with healing properties, an ally's wounds instantly recover.
Magical Attack.
The target [Recovers] {HP} equal to {Rank: 1] [Magical Damage].

<<Magical Suggestion>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : [O]
You submerge another into a hypnotic state by performing magic, and are able to manipulate their
memories and thoughts at-will.
Unique Effect.
May only be used [Out of Combat]. The user may alter, or erase the thoughts and memories of
Innocents in the [Scene] (the GM decides the details).

<<Flight Medium>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You possess a magical staff or mystical animal that can fly, and are able to move instantly by
utilizing it.
Use on [Appearance Checks].
The target succeeds at the [Appearance Check] regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the
same time, the target may change one of their [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may only be
used 3 times per session.

<<Magical Inquiry>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Putting magic or divination to work, you learn information and solutions concerning a case.
Use on {Intellect} or {Will} check.
The target succeeds at the {Intellect} or {Will} check regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the
same time, the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may only be used twice
per session.

<<Noble Magic>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have inherited the fruits of your ancestor's research as a Magus, and are amazingly well-suited
to magic.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +3 modifier to [Magical Damage].

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You employ a spirit or some kind of small animal that supports you in your investigations and
magic use.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of {Intellect}, {Will}, {Luck} and {Conjure} checks.

<<Alchemic Techniques>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are skilled in the magic of alchemy, which can create potions and homunculi, and possess the
equipment and facilities to manufacture those.
Passive effect.
While [Out of Combat], the target becomes able to use [Purchase] (only) [Item: Consumables]
while [Appearing].
<<Subspace Leap>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You instantly leap across space through the invocation of a unique spell.
Unique Effect.
The target makes a [Difficulty: 12] [Appearance Check] (Talents such as <<Flight Medium>> can be
used), and if they are successful, they [Install] in any square up to 3 Sq. away from their current
square. This Talent does not spend [Start], and may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Phrase Expansion>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You expand the scope of your spells with a unique chanted phrase.
Unique Effect. Use before an [Active Check].
Increase the [Target] of the user's [Timing: Attack] Talent by 1#. If the Talent is something other
than [Target: x#], gain +2 at [Damage Calculation] instead. This Talent may be used once per round
(or scene).

<<Transformation Magic>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Making full use of a special spell, you change your appearance to that of another.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +2 modifier to {Initiative}. Also, at any time, the target is able to change
themselves to look like anyone within their sight (treat as [Maneuver: Disguise / Result: 20], or
gain +10 to the result of [Maneuver: Disguise]).

● <<Medium Combustion>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By spending a large quantity of medicines and drugs, you exponentially increase the power of your
Use on Damage Calculation.
The target may spend up to three [Item: Consumable] they have stored, and for each one they do
(treat items with "x#" as 1 item), they gain the following modifier at [Damage Calculation]
according to the value of the item (if in-between, round down).
[Value: 50]: +1
[Value: 100]: +2
[Value: 200]: +3
[Value: 300]: +4

● <<Annelidist>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Having mastered forbidden spells, by manipulating a variety of insects and strange organisms, you
can manifest elevated combat power.
Unique Effect. <<Familiar>> Required. Use at any time.
Upon acquiring <<Annelidist>>, the user changes to [Class: Insectoid], and gains one of the
following effect each time they use <<Annelidist>>.
1. + or - 2d6 to the target's [Damage].
2. +1 to the result of the target's [Check].

● <<Physical Enhancement>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Strengthening your whole body with magic, you vastly improve your close combat capabilities.
Passive effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier at [Damage Calculation]. Also, the target may make {Conjure}
checks in place of {Accuracy} checks, using the former's result for the latter's.

● <<Adaptive Element>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are skilled in handling techniques and magic touched by the elements, and are able to
produce great effects when you use them.
Passive effect.
The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of [Active Checks] of [Attack Actions] bestowed with an
[Element], and also +1 [Rank] to the [Damage Calculation] of those.

● <<Weapon Mass Alteration>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Having altered a particular weapon's mass through advanced magical infusion, you alone are able
to wield it as though it were light as a feather.
Item. <<Noble Magic>> Required.
The target selects one [Item: Weapon] and changes its [Initiative] field to [Initiative: +2].

● <<Armor Mass Alteration>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Having altered a particular armor's mass through advanced magical infusion, you alone are able to
wear it as though it were light as a feather.
Item. <<Alchemic Technique>> Required.
The target select one [Item: Protector] and changes its [Initiative] value to [Initiative: +2].

● <<Power Blast>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Making full use of a unique spell, you launch a foe a short distance, forcing them to move away
from you.
Unique Effect. Use at any time the user is taking their [Turn].
The target [Installs] in any square up to 2 Sq. from the user's current square. The target cannot
resist this effect. If the [Install] cannot be done, this Talent has no effect. This Talent may be used
once per round (or scene).

● <<Dueling Rites>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
A peculiar and powerful Magus auto-hypnotic ability, performed by stating one's affiliation and
Unique Effect. Use when [Identifying] after [Combat Start] is declared.
The target changes their own [ID] to 2, and for the rest of the combat (or scene), they gain +1
[Rank] to [Attack Actions]. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Personal Defensive Style>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By displaying your personal, powerful defensive spells, you can halve the physical power of your
foe's strikes.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target makes a [Difficulty: 12] {Will} check (Talents such as <<Magical Inquiry>> can be used),
and if they are successful, the target [Halves] [Physical Damage] they take. This Talent can be used
once per round (or scene).

● <<Omen Observation>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Putting a unique fortune telling style to use, you bring about a fatal outcome for your foe.
Unique Effect. <<Magical Inquiry>> Required. Use when the target declares the [Concept
Destruction] use of <<Spirit Burn>>.
The target's minimum value on the "Rank +1d6" roll is "3" (for example, even if they roll a "1" or a
"2" for [Concept Destruction]'s 1d6, it is treated as though [Rank] increases by "3"). This Talent
may be used once per round (or scene).

Human – [RT6]
<<Spirit Control>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You instantly manipulate and fine tune the spirit energy held within you with a special technique.
Unique Effect.
The target adds or subtracts 1 from the value of any one of their [Spirit] dice (this effect cannot
raise it above 6 or lower it below 1). This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Moment of Hope>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You won't let the chance escape; when the time comes, you'll find just enough spirit energy to
carry it through.
Unique Effect.
The target gains 1 [Overflow]. This Talent may be used once per combat.

<<Life Experience>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Drawing from extensive life experience, you have a wealth of skills at your disposal, and know
exactly how to deal with things when they arise.
Passive effect.
The target selects any three [Maneuvers] with different names, and then gains a +2 modifier to
the result of those [Maneuvers].

<<Basic Capability>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are human, and therefore are able to handle anything, no matter what comes your way.
Passive Effect.
You gain a +1 modifier to the result of all {Main Stat} checks.

<<Adaptive Capability>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As a human who is thriving in the modern era, you can adapt to anything.
Passive Effect.
The user chooses two {Main Stats} and increases each by 1 (you may not increase the same stat
twice). {Combat stats} will also change due to this effect.

<<Hidden Talent>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Displaying your ability to learn things quickly, you acquire a particular technique or spell.
Passive effect.
The target acquires one Talent not marked with ※● ◎ from among the [Styles] they possess.

<<Close Combat Proficiency>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Your accumulated training in hand to hand combat allows you to show real strength when fighting
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of {Accuracy} checks, and a +2 modifier to [Physical
<<Ritual Proficiency>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Your accumulated training in the practice of magic allows you to show real strength when casting
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of {Conjure} checks, and a +2 modifier to [Magical

<<Ultimate Physical Arts>>

Timing : Start / Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You display superhuman athletics, your physical mastery honed to perfection.
Unique Effect.
The target gains one effect according to the [Timing] used. This Talent may be used once per
round (or scene).
[Start]: The target [Installs] by swapping places with [Range: 1 Sq. / Target: 1#], ignoring
[Engagements]. (Example: User is in A1, Target is in A2, User goes to A2, Target to A1. Effect
cannot be refused.)
[Unique]: The target changes [Falling Damage] they take to 0.

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Through tremendous concentration, you guarantee success in a single endeavor.
Use On Check.
The target designates one of the following: [Active Checks] [Reactive Checks], or "any one {Main
Stat}". Until [End] of that round, the target gains +2 to the result of the designated checks.
However, the target takes a -2 penalty to the result of the checks they did not designate. This
Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Unusual Senses>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Your hearing and tactile senses help you grasp the situation better than your sight does.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of [Reactive Checks]. Also, the target always has
[Remove: Darkness], and additionally ignores "dark place" penalties.

● <<Advanced Feint>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You read subtle cues while fighting, making it so you can narrowly avoid failing your actions.
Use on Check.
The target changes the result of their check to 1. Through the effects of this Talent, the target can
cancel the effects of a [Fumble]. This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Lethal Avoidance>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Making full use of the unique evasive techniques you've devised from extensive combat
experience, you avoid a lethal blow.
Use on Damage Reduction. <<Life Experience>> Required.
The target changes the amount of [HP Damage] they are about to take to 10. This Talent may be
used once per combat.

● <<Adaptive Enhancement>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Tempering your body and mind to their limits, your ability to adapt to anything growing ever
Passive Effect.
The target chooses three {Main Stats} and increases each by 1 (you may not increase the same stat
more than once). {Combat Stats} will also change due to this effect.

● <<Hidden Proficiency>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Displaying your ability to learn things quickly, you acquire a powerful technique or spell.
Passive Effect. <<Basic Capability>> Required.
The target acquires one Talent marked with ● from among the [Styles] they possess.

● <<Weapon Master>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Due to extensive combat experience, you've grown specialized in handling a certain kind of
Passive Effect. <<Close Combat Proficiency>> Required.
The target specifies one [Form] of [Weapon]. Record this Talent's name like <<Weapon Master:
X>> (where X is the [Form] selected). The target is able to ignore [Restrict] on the [Form] of
[Weapon] they specified.

● <<Anti-Magic Power>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Having deeply studied the magical arts, you have acquired a high resistance against magic.
Passive Effect. <<Ritual Proficiency>> Required.
The target gains a +7 modifier to [Barrier].

● <<Synesthesia>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Combining the awareness and cognizance of multiple senses simultaneously has a great effect on a
variety of actions.
Use On Check.
The target gains a +2 modifier to the result of any check. This Talent may be used once per round
(or scene).

● <<Concurrent Action>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You perfectly grasp and are aware of a particular endeavor while taking simultaneous actions.
Unique Effect. <<Ultimate Physical Arts>> Required. Use before the target uses [Timing: Prep].
Rather than gaining [Prep・Attack] [Timings] as normal during their [Turn], the target may change
to gain either [Prep・Prep] or [Attack・Attack]. This Talent may be used once per session.

● <<Instinctive Memory>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Steps]
Perfectly memorizing a certain action until it becomes automatic, you can completely reproduce it
by applying spirit energy.
Unique Effect. <<Single-Minded>> Required. Use at any time.
The user can use one [Timing: Unique] Talent that [Range: Combat Zone / Target: 1#] has already
used [In Combat], treating the [Cost] as already paid. (Ignore restrictions and use limits, Boss
Talents may be copied.) This Talent may be used once per session.

● <<Unusual Colors>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You possess the ability to see a different spectrum, allowing you to perceive unique color
information, something normally unseen.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of [Active Checks]. Also, the target is able to designate
[Shift: Hidden] [Targets] with [x#] [Physical Attacks], and gains a +10 modifier to the result of
[Opposed Checks] of [Maneuver: Disguise].

Dragon Lord – [RT7]

<<Ruinous Beauty>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : [E]
Making use of your devilish beauty charged with magical power, you control another's heart to
some extent.
Unique Effect. May only be used [Out of Combat].
The user may alter, or erase the thoughts and memories of Innocents in the [Scene] (the GM
decides the details).

<<Dragonpulse Destruction>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Bestowing a weapon or bullet, your palm and fingers, a minor breath or your very gaze itself with a
wave of energy in the form of your dragonpulse, you pulverize your opponent at the moment you
strike them.
Use While Active.
Make either of the following [Attack Actions] on the target.
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist [Halves]).

<<Dragonpulse Blade>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : Area
Cost : [E, O]
Firing a blade in the form of your dragonpulse, you mangle your opponents.
Use While Active.
Make either of the following [Attack Actions] on the target.
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 to the result of the {Accuracy} check.
[Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: 1] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist [Cancels]).

<<Dragonpulse Convergence>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Wielding the power of a Dragon Lord, your dragonpulse converges, transforming into enormous
spirit energy.
Unique Effect. Use before the target [Influences].
The target may [Influence] all the dice used in their [Roll] (if they rolled 2d6, they may [Influence]
2; if 3d6, then 3). This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

<<Dragonpulse Shift>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By manipulating your dragonpulse, you immediately change the properties of your spirit energy.
Unique Effect.
The target may add or subtract 1 from the value of one [Spirit] die (cannot adjust above 6 or below
1). This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Blessing of the Dragon Lord>>

Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Drawing on the divinity you possess as a Dragon Lord, you grant that blessing unto another.
Unique Effect. Use at any time on a target other than the user.
The target gains 1 [Overflow]. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

<<Scales of the Dragon Lord>>

Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
You wreathe your barrier in scales crystallized through your dragonpulse, defending against
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target gains a +5 modifier to [Barrier].

<<Power of the Elemental Dragons>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents that you are a descendant of a dragon that possessed a particular origin
element, such as a fire dragon or frostwyrm.
Passive Effect.
When the target first acquires <<Power of the Elemental Dragons>>, they designate one [Element]
(after, this [Element] is referred to as [Origin Element C]). When the target uses a [Timing: Attack]
Talent, they are bestowed with [Origin Element C] at [Damage Calculation].

<<Dragon Wing Soar>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Materializing enormous dragon wings made of etherlight from your back, you envelop yourself or
your allies with them, and move instantly to another area.
Unique Effect. Use on an [Appearance Check].
The target succeeds at the [Appearance Check] regardless of the outcome of their [Roll]. Also, if
used during [Sanctum Purge], all PCs may, when performing "Change Area," move to any [Area]
where "Resolved" has been checked off. This Talent may be used twice per session.

<<Dragon's Divinity>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You draw spirit energy from the draconic factor within yourself, and put your formidable abilities
on display.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +2 to {Initiative}. Also, when the target acquires <<Dragon's Divinity>>, they select
one {Main Stat}, and from then on gain +2 to the result of checks with that stat.

<<Dragon Roar>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By enhancing the spirit energy of your ancestral dragon-god, you refine the special powers that
you have already mastered.
Passive Effect. <<Dragonpulse Destruction>> or <<Dragonpulse Blade>> Required.
When the target uses either <<Dragonpulse Destruction>> or <<Dragonpulse Blade>>, the add the
following to the effect: "The target gains an additional +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]."

● <<Dragon God Battlelust>>

Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Releasing the power of dragons sleeping within your body, you manifest terrifying physical combat
power, for a time.
Unique Effect.
The target selects any value between 1-5, then increases [Physical Damage] and [Armor] by that
value, while lowering {Initiative} by the same value (this may not lower {Initiative} below 0). For
example, if a value of 2 is selected, then both [Physical Damage] and [Armor] are increased by 2,
while {Initiative} is reduced by 2.

● <<Dragonblood Release>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Releasing the power of dragons sleeping within your body, you manifest terrifying magical combat
power, for a time.
Unique Effect.
The target selects any value between 1-5, then increases [Magical Damage] and [Barrier] by that
value, while lowering {Initiative} by the same value (this may not lower {Initiative} below 0). For
example, if a value of 3 is selected, then both [Magical Damage] and [Barrier] are increased by 3,
while {Initiative} is reduced by 3.

● <<Eyes of the Dragon Lord>>

Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Utilizing the eyes of a dragon that see through all, you grasp all of your opponent's weaknesses.
Use On Damage Reduction. <<Ruinous Beauty>> Required.
Ignore all of the target's [Damage -X] effects. This Talent may be used once per combat.

● <<Armor of the Dragon Lord>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You crystallize your dragonpulse into magnificent armor across your whole body at the start of
battle, guarding you from enemy attacks.
Passive Effect. <<Power of the Elemental Dragons>> Required.
The target gains a +3 modifier to [Armor] and [Barrier]. Also, the target [Halves] all [Damage] they
receive that is bestowed with [Origin Element C].

● <<Dragon Lord Oppression>>

Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
Through simply glaring at an airborne opponent, or making a gesture as though gripping them with
your hand, you break them through the pressure of your dragonpulse's power alone.
Unique Effect.
This Talent may be used at any time, but may only target characters with [Shift: Flying] or
[Movement: Flying]. The user may perform one [Rank: 2] [Magical Attack] on the target (Resist
[Halves]). This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<King of the Dragonpulse>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Awakening to the power of a Dragon Lord of eminence, you can freely control spirit energy with
the power of your dragonpulse.
Passive Effect. <<Blessing of the Dragon Lord>> Required.
The target may use <<Blessing of the Dragon Lord>> up to three times per combat (or scene).

● <<Ancestral Advent>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By awakening your draconic factor, you temporarily change your form into that of your ancestral
Unique Effect.
The target selects a value of 1, 2, or 3, then reduces their {Initiative} by the selected value x 3 (you
may not reduce below 1). Afterwards, for the rest of the combat, the target increases their [Size]
by the selected value, and their [Armor] and [Barrier] by the selected value x 3. (For example, if 2
is selected, reduce {Initiative} by 6, increase [Size] by 2, and increase [Armor] and [Barrier] by 6.)
This Talent does not spend [Start], and may only be used once per session.
● <<Dragon-God's Power>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As a high-ranking Dragon Lord, you are able to freely control the weather over a certain area.
Unique Effect. May only be used [Out of Combat].
The target succeeds at any {Main Stat} check regardless of the outcome of their [Roll]. At the same
time, all [Appearing] PCs may change one of their [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used
once per session.

● <<Underscale Manifestation>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You change a portion of your soul into a spirit energy absorbtion organ known as an underscale,
and for a time, you vastly improve your abilities.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target selects a value of 1, 2, or 3, then reduces their [Armor] and [Barrier] by the selected
value x 3 (you may not reduce below 0). Afterwards, until [End] of the current round, they gain a
modifier to the result of all checks equal to the selected value. (For example, if 3 is selected,
reduce [Armor] and [Barrier] by 9, then gain +3 to the result of all checks.) This Talent may be used
once per session.

● <<Dragonblooded Spirit>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Due to the dragonblood spirit energy flowing through you, you've gained special spiritual power
and defense like steel.
Passive Effect. <<Scales of the Dragon Lord>> Required.
The target ignores penalties from bad footing and swimming. Also, the target changes the effect of
<<Scales of the Dragon Lord>> to the following: "The target gains +5 [Armor] and [Barrier]. This
Talent does not spend [Defense]."

Divine Soul – [RT8]

<<Divine Influence>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Steps]
You are able to transform your personal appearance, or manipulate spirit energy to float through
the air.
Unique Effect.
If used while [Out of Combat], the target is able to change to any form (treat as [Action: Disguise /
Result: 20].) If used while [In Combat], the target gains [Shift: Flight]. <<Divine Influence>> lasts
until [End] of the current round.

<<Purify Spirit>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : None
As a powerful Divine Soul, you purify the flow of spirit energy for those around you.
Unique Effect. May only be used [Out of Combat].
[Target: 2#] that the user designates may swap 1 [Spirit] die with each other. This Talent may be
used once per scene.

<<Divine Sight>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : None
Meeting another's gaze, your heart connects with another, manipulating their thoughts and
Unique Effect. May only be used [Out of Combat].
The user may alter, or erase the thoughts and memories of Innocents in the [Scene] (the GM
decides the details.)

<<Divine Hearing>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Communicating your thoughts to animals, you gain help and information in finding out anything.
Unique Effect. May only be used [Out of Combat].
The user succeeds at any {Main Stat} check regardless of the result of the roll. At the same time,
the user may change 1 [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used once per session.

<<Divine Motion>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You assimilate your body with spirit energy, allowing you to instantly travel to a particular
Use On [Appearance Check].
The user succeeds at the [Apppearance Check] regardless of the result of the roll. At the same
time, the user may change 1 [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used three times per

<<Scatter Disease>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Using your divine power, you cause another's body to recover from the disease and wounds
eroding their body.
Magical Attack.
[Remove] one of the following [Shifts] from the target.
1: [Shift: Darkness]
2: [Shift: Poison]
3: [Shift: Pain]
4: [Shift: Paralysis]

<<Divine Revival>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
You revive someone who has lost consciousness with your divine power.
Magical Attack.
Remove the target's [Shift: Downed] and set their {HP} to 1. The target may refuse this effect.

<<Harvest God>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 4 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Spreading a sparkling water in mist form, you instantly cause another's nutritional status and their
wounds to recover.
Magical Attack.
The target [Recovers] {HP} equal to [Rank: 1] [Magical Damage].

<<Vicious Aura>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Materializing your special divine aura, you release a fearsome spirit energy attack on your foe.
Use While Active.
Make either type of [Attack Action] on the target.
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Deal [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]).

Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
You make a revelation or provide augury as a Divine Soul, guiding your allies.
Unique Effect. Use when someone other than the user makes a {Main Stat} check.
The target gains +2 to the result of the {Main Stat} check. This Talent may be used twice per

<<Martial God>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents being a divinity specialized in combat.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +10 to {HP}. Also, the target reduces two different {Main Stats} by 2, then
afterwards, increases two different {Main Stats} by 2. (For example, reducing {Strength} and {Luck}
by 2 each, then raising {Intellect} and {Will} by 2 each, then recalculating {Sub Stats} and {Combat
Stats}.) May not reduce one stat by 4, or raise one stat by 4.

● <<Weather God>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : None
As a high-ranking god that oversees weather, you freely manipulate the spirit energy and weather
in a local area.
Unique Effect. May only be used [Out of Combat].
The user succeeds at any {Main Stat} check regardless of the result of the roll. At the same time, all
PCs [Appearing] in the scene may change 1 [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used once
per session.

● <<Keystone>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 10 Sq.
Target : 1# (1 Sq.)
Cost : [E]
Using your divine power, you generate a keystone or stone circle from the earth. This stone will
continue to exist for all time until it is removed or destroyed.
Magical Attack.
The user generates one [Obstacle] equivalent to "Huge Stone Pillar or Iron Gate" in a square within
range. This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Regalia Creation>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : [Doubles]
Utilizing the power of item creation, you are able to create Regalia or other items on the spot.
Unique Effect. May only be used [Out of Combat].
[Appearing] PCs become able to purchase [Items] (not including Unsellable items), in the scene in
which <<Regalia Creation>> was used only. This Talent may be used once per session.

● <<Divine Fate>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You know the past of yourself and others, and by drawing on that knowledge, you become able to
wield special skills.
Passive Effect.
When the target acquires <<Divine Fate>>, they must select any one [Action], and then gain a +3
modifier to the result of that [Action], as well as to {Initiative} and [Damage Calculation].

● <<Spiritual Healing>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents that you are a Divine Soul particularly skilled in the divine power of healing.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] modifier to [Timing: Attack] Talents that
[Recover] {HP}.

● <<Divine Clarity>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You set corruption free when defeating an Aramitama, cleaning souls in the area.
Passive Effect. This Talent only has an effect if the target is not [Taken Out or Dead].
When an [Aramitama] is killed in a scene in which the target has [Appeared], all PCs that have
[Appeared] in that scene [Recover] 1d6 {Crest}. If there are multiple characters who have acquired
<<Divine Clarity>>, the most that {Crest} may recover by is 1d6.

● <<Consecrate Grounds>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : [E]
By mustering your divine aura and rewriting a spirit barrier with it, you create a consecrated land
that aides you and your allies for a time.
Unique Effect.
Until [End] of the current round, the target may ignore [Engagements] while making [Move
Actions]. This Talent may only be used once per session, and does not spend [Start].

● <<True Nature>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You return to the divine nature that you originally were, whether that was a fox spirit or holy tree.
Unique Effect.
When the target first acquires <<True Nature>>, they select one [Class]. For the rest of the
combat, the target changes to the selected [Class], then gains the effect of either ① or ②. This
Talent may be used once per session, and does not spend [Start].
①: +5 to [Physical Damage] and [Armor]
②: +5 to [Magical Damage] and [Barrier]

● <<Strengthen Miracle>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Wielding your spirit energy and devoting it to the miracles you can cause as a Divine Soul, you
vastly enhance your divine aura.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses a [Timing: Attack] talent that deals no [Damage] (such as: <<Scatter
Disease>> <<Divine Revival>> or <<Harvest God>>), they add the following effect: "Additionally,
the target [Recovers] 10 {HP}." (In the case of <<Harvest God>>, the target [Recovers] 10 {HP} in
addition to the Talent's normal healing.)

● <<High-Ranking Servant>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You serve a divinity on the level of a tochigami for a small city as a divine messenger, which grants
you a variety of benefits.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +1 to the result of {Main Stat} checks. Also, when the target uses a [Timing:
Attack] Talent, they gain +5 to [Damage Calculation].

Heroic Spirit – [RT9]

<<Hide Presence>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
The unique characteristics of Heroic Spirits make you an expert in hiding your presence, allowing
you to remain unseen in the eyes of Innocents.
Unique Effect.
For one round (or scene), even if there are no [Obstacles] adjacent to the target, they gain [Shift:
Hidden] (treat as [Action: Concealment / Result: 30]).

<<Heroic Strike>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Being a powerful Heroic Spirit, you can unleash deadly arts and spells that were once your
Use While Active.
Make either type of [Attack Action] on the target.
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Deal [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]).

<<Alchemy Expert>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : [Steps]
You are able to instantly create Artificial Regalia, a peculiarity for Heroic Spirits.
Unique Effect. May only be used [Out of Combat].
Only in the scene in which <<Alchemy Expert>> was used, [Appearing] PCs become able to
purchase (but not sell) [Item: Weapon・Protector・Accessory]. This Talent may be used once per

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
You momentarily assimilate your flesh with spirit energy itself, and thereby are able to travel long
distances instantly.
Use On [Appearance Check].
The user succeeds at the [Appearance Check] regardless of the result of the roll. At the same time,
the user may change 1 [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used three times per session.

<<Resistance to Myths>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Doubles]
As someone surrounded by stories of having fought wicked sorcerers, demons, dragons, spirits,
and youkai, you posses an extreme resistance against magic and other supernatural powers.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target [Halves] [Magical Damage] they take. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Base Creation>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Unique to Heroic Spirits, you possess a <<Spirit Barrier>> that resembles a workshop or castle,
which serves as a base, allowing you to forge spirit energy into true matter.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +2 modifier at [Damage Calculation]. Also, while the target is [Out of Combat]
only, they may always purchase (but not sell) [Item: Consumables].

<<Mounted Specialty>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As a Heroic Spirit that is strongly affected by the memories of the world, you can freely control
powerful Bound Primals, as well as the modern vehicles of this world.
Passive Effect.
The target may [Equip] [Range: Charge X Sq.] [Weapons], ignoring their [Restrict]. Also, if the
target is [Style: Contractor], they gain a +2 modifier for the [Damage Calculation] of [Range:
Charge X Sq.] [Weapons].

<<Legendary Treasure>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As a Heroic Spirit, you possess a powerful weapon spoken of in legend, as well as the knowledge
that accompanies it.
While the target is [Equipped] with one [Weapon] they choose at [Session Prep], they gain a +3
modifier at [Damage Calculation], as well as to the result of {Intellect} checks.

Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Your soul becomes clouded due to the regrets or other dark emotions of your past, and for a time,
you become enraged.
Unique Effect.
For the rest of the combat, the target takes a -3 penalty to [Reactive Checks], and gains a +[any
one of user's {Main Stats}] modifier at [Damage Calculation] (this latter effect does not apply to
[Weapon Attacks]). This Talent may be used once per session, and does not spend [Start].

<<Mythical Hoard>>
Timing : Attack
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You gain a portion of a treasure horde you once possessed.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target immediately gains [500G]. This Talent may be used once per session.

<<Overwhelming Spirit>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : None
You exert tremendous pressure upon another by projecting your spiritual power.
Use On Check.
The target takes a -1 penalty to the result of the check. When [Out of Combat], this Talent can be
used at any time to render Innocents powerless, or to make them faint (the GM decides the
details). This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Personal Domain>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : [E, E]
You manifest the fortress once used as the staging ground for your forces, or the terrain your
tactics are specialized for, within a Spirit Barrier.
Unique Effect. <<Base Creation>> Required.
For the rest of the combat, grant one of the following effects to the target. This Talent does not
spend [Start].
①: The target gains +1 [Physical Rank], and to the result of {Accuracy} checks.
②: The target gains +1 [Magical Rank], and to the result of {Conjure} checks.

● <<Region Lockdown>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
As one who has lead multitudes of armies, or controls powers equivalent to that, you overwhelm
enemies within a space by materializing your old subordinates or your many treasures.
Unique Effect. <<Alchemy Expert>> Required. Use at any time.
The target changes the [Range/Target] of a [Timing: Attack] Talent to [Combat Zone]. This Talent
may be used once per combat.

● <<Remembering Epic Deeds>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Your thoughts turn towards a time when you achieved greatness, and spirit energy erupts from
within your body.
Unique Effect. <<Spiritualization>> Required. Use at any time.
The target may change up to 3 [Spirit] dice to any value. This Talent may be used once per session.

● <<The Strike That Changed History>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You unleash your legendary arts, spells, or assassination strike, which once changed history.
Use On Damage Calculation. <<Hide Presence>> Required.
The target gains a +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] to [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be
used once per round.

● <<Greater Resistance to Myths>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Unique among Heroic Spirits, you show high resilience against any kind of attack.
Passive Effect. <<Resistance to Myths>> Required.
The target may also apply the effect of <<Resistance to Myths>> to [Physical Damage].

● <<Butcher>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As one who has slain legendary beings, you know how to kill certain beasts, and butcher anything
lesser than they.
Passive Effect.
When the target acquires <<Butcher>>, they must designate one [Class] of Mononoke. When the
target performs [Damage Calculation] on the designated [Class], they gain +1 [Rank]. Also, if the
[Target] they dealt [Damage] is a Mononoke that has "x#" in its name (multiple Mononoke treated
as one), they may inflict [Shift: Dead] regardless of [Class].

● <<Body of Power>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
For whatever reason, whether it be because you've bathed in the blood of dragons, or have
bathed in the waters of the Styx, you possess a powerful body.
Unique Effect.
Gain the effect of either ① or ②. Also, this Talent does not spend [Defense].
①: Use On Damage Reduction. The target gains +5 to [Armor] and [Barrier].
②: Use when the target takes a negative [Shift]. The target gains one of the following: [Remove:

● <<Hidden Art of the Hero>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You are able to invoke your epic skills or traditions, which you have honed to the realm of
supernatural power, as an ultimate spell, or a certain-kill strike.
Unique Effect. <<Heroic Strike>> Required.
Use when the target uses <<Heroic Strike>> to gain the effect of ① ② or ③. This Talent may be
used once per round (or scene).
①: Increase [Range] by 2 Sq.
②: Change [Target] to [Area]
③: +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] to [Damage Calculation].

● <<Express Divinity>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By briefly emitting the divinity you inherited as a Heroic Spirit, or as the child of a god, you
disperse the effect of someone's techniques.
Unique Effect. Use when the target takes the effect of a [Timing: Unique] Talent.
Select the effect of one [Timing: Unique] Talent the target is under, and cancel it. This Talent may
be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Spiritual Concealment>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Manipulating your spiritual power, you're able to conceal your conceal your God Name and other
identifying traits. Also, you're able to perceive the falsehoods of others due to your spiritual
Passive Effect.
The target's [ID] changes to 30. Also, the target may apply a -15 penalty to the result of any
[Target] within the [Combat Zone] (or scene)'s attempts at [Maneuver: Concealment・Disguise].

Cyborg – [RT10]
<<Accel Function>>
Timing : Start/Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
By activating an acceleration device, you can temporarily achieve super speeds.
Unique Effect.
The target gains an effect depending on the [Timing] used. This Talent may be used once per
combat (or scene).
[Start]: The target may move up to 2 squares, ignoring [Engagements].
[Unique]: Use On Check. The target gains +2 to the result of the check.

<<Retractable Armament>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
You cause armament to pop out of your body, such as a gun or missile pod stored within your
head, shoulder, or back, and augment your attack with it.
Use While Active.
Make an [Attack Action] on the target, and gain a benefit according to its type.
[Physical Attack]: User gains +1 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Deal [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]).

<<High Output Parts>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
You display overwhelming power and speed due to high-performance artificial limbs fitted with
unique modifications.
Use On {Strength} or {Agility} Checks.
The target succeeds at the {Strength} or {Agility} check regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At
the same time, the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used twice
per session.

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You may instantly hack something through a super small-scale quantum computer installed in your
body in order to gain information or acquire support from a satellite.
Use On {Intellect} or {Will} Checks.
The target succeeds at the {Intellect} or {Will} check regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the
same time, the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used twice per

<<Precise Adjustments>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
When attacking, your artificial body itself makes fine adjustments for maximum effect, vastly
improving your power.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be used once per round (or

<<Armored Skin>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Steps]
By fitting your skin with bulletproof, bladeproof, and blastproof materials, you display physical
resilience that can deny most anything.
Use On Damage Reduction.
[Halve] the [Physical Damage] the target takes. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Anti-Impact Function>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Utilizing a propulsion device, you mitigate shocks you receive.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +2 modifier to [Armor]. Also, the target may reduce effects that would forcibly
move them any number of squares by up to 2 squares. For example, if the target would be forced
to move two squares, they may change that to either one square, or no squares. If this effect
reduces the distance to no squares, then treat it as though the target was never subjected to that

<<Extreme Run>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Due to a special calculation device installed in your body, while performing acrobatics and
parkour, you can move with the speed of an automobile.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +2 to {Initiative}. Also, they are able to ignore [Bad Footing] penalties, and while
[Out of Combat], can move as fast as an [Automobile].

<<Damper System>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Due to an incredible shock absorption function, you're able to lessen the effect of impacts and
Unique Effect.
The target gains the effect of either ① or ②. This Talent may only be used once per round (or
①: Use On Damage Reduction. The target reduces the [Damage] they are about to take by 5 (if
[Falling Damage], change it to 0 instead).
②: Use when taking [Shift: Fallen]. The target gains [Remove: Fallen].

<<Accel Mode>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
You temporarily super-accelerate your reaction time by linking together calculation operations
with your cyborg frame.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
Until [End] of the current round, the target gains a +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] modifier to
{Initiative}. This Talent can be used once per round (or scene).

<<Arsenal System>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By modifying your machine body, you can store additional Artificial Regalia within, enhancing your
combat potential as you can swap as needed.
Passive Effect.
When using a [Timing: Attack] Talent, the target gains a +2 modifier at [Damage Calculation]. Also,
once per round (or scene), before an [Attack Action], the target may swap one [Equipped]
[Weapon] with one [Stored] [Weapon], and immediately [Equip] it.

● <<Destroy Mode>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Removing the limiter on your spirit energy drive mechanism, you achieve super acceleration that
exceeds your tolerances. The effects are so great that it appears everything around you stands
Unique Effect. <<Accel Function>> Required.
The target takes their [Turn] regardless of their {Initiative}. This Talent does not spend the user's
[Start] timing, and may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Full Metal Burst>>

Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, E]
You achieve incredible destructive power by kicking the output of your spirit energy drive
mechanism into high gear and wreathing your weapons and bullets in spirit energy.
Use While Active.
Make an [Attack Action] on the target, and in addition to gaining an effect according to the type of
attack as below, the target is unable to apply any [Halve] effects at their [Damage Reduction].
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Deal [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Cancels]).
● <<Massacre Function>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Temporarily dedicating every one of your artificial body's functions towards combat, you vastly
enhance the efficiency of target dispatch.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target gains the effect of either ① or ②. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).
①: The user gains +[any one of the user's {Main Stats}] to [Damage Calculation].
②: The user may apply [Shift: Dead] to all [Mononoke] with "x#" in their name that they dealt
[Damage] to.

● <<Defense Break>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
You instantly analyze your opponent's defenses, and increase your power by stopping their
Use when the target declares a Talent. <<Cyberdive>> Required.
Cancel the effect of any one Talent with [Timing: Defense] that the target uses. This Talent may be
used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Trajectory Analysis>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You analyze the path of a unique attack or an attack launched at high speeds, and evade with
minimal movement.
Use On {Insight} Check.
The target may make an {Evasion} check in place of an {Insight} check, treating the result of the
{Evasion} check as though it were the result of an {Insight} check. This Talent may be used once
per round.

● <<High-Performance Spirit Drive>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
A specially made spirit energy drive mechanism installed on your body vastly enhances the
functions of your artificial body, which in turn improves the efficiency of your spirit energy.
Passive Effect. <<High Output Parts>> or <<Extreme Run>> Required.
Each time the target uses a [Race: Cyborg / Timing: Unique] Talent (not including <<Accel
Function>>), they may treat one portion of the [Cost] as already paid.

● <<Optical Camouflage>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
By adopting camouflage via a special hologram covering your whole body, you can instantly gain
complete stealth or a perfect disguise.
Unique Effect.
The target gains [Shift: Hidden] even if there are no [Obstacles] nearby. If used [Out of Combat],
for the rest of the scene, the target cannot be seen by Innocents. Or, the target may change their
shape to resemble any person within their field of view (treat as [Maneuver: Concealment・
Disguise / Result: 20]).

● <<Tactical Readout>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Activating your artificial eyes, which are equipped with advanced optical support functions, you
can take control of the battlefield.
Passive Effect. <<Arsenal System>> Required.
The target increases the [Range] of their [Attack Actions] by 2 Sq. (If Charge 2 Sq., it becomes
Charge 4 Sq., etc). Also, the target is able to designate [Shift: Hidden] [Targets] with [x#] [Physical
Attacks], and gains a +10 modifier to the [Opposed Checks] of [Maneuver: Disguise].

● <<Ultimate Modification>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Adding peak performance modifications to your entire body, you're able to stress power over
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}. Also, when using <<Full Metal Burst>>, the target adds the
following effect: "When performing [Damage Calculation], the target gains an additional +1

● <<Augmented Reflexes>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Improving on the acceleration and calculation systems of your machine body, you're able to gain
surpassing reflexes and motive function.
Passive Effect. <<Damper System>> Required.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {Initiative}. The target may also [Breakaway] at any time, ignoring

Demon Eyed – [RT11]

<<Eyes of Ruin>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Using the unique powers of the Demon Eyed, you instantly "see" the weakpoint on your
opponent, and pierce it with a physical attack.
Physical Attack.
The user gains a +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be used
once per round (or scene).

<<Bewitching Gaze>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 10 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
You inflict others with powerful hallucinations using the power of the Demon Eyed, causing them
to harm themselves.
Magical Attack.
Deal [Rank: 3] [Element: Phantom] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Cancels]).

<<Hypnotic Eye>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : [E]
Applying the hypnotic effect of your Demon Eyes, you alter the thoughts of another, and erase
their memories.
Unique Effect. May only be used [Out of Combat].
The user may alter or erase the thoughts and memories of Innocents in the [Scene] (the GM
decides the details).

<<Slow Time>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You perceive the flow of time at your leisure with the power of the Demon Eyed, reading your
opponent's attacks and evading them.
Use On Reactive Check.
The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of [Reactive Checks].

<<Trace Trajectory>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
With the power of the Demon Eyed, you perceive the path of your opponent's attacks no matter
where they come from, then parry the strike to offset its power.
Unique Effect. Use when the target becomes the [Target] of a [Target: X#] [Weapon Attack].
The target makes an [Opposed Check] against the result of the [Weapon Attack], making an [Active
Check] (treat it as a [Reactive Check]), and if they succeed, they cancel the [Damage] and other
effects of that [Weapon Attack]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Eyes of Death>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
With the power of the Demon Eyed, you "see" the lines of death, the weakpoints on your
opponent, then unleash a certain-kill strike there.
Unique Effect. Use after the target succeeds on an {Evasion} check.
After reacting, the target may make 1x [Timing: Attack] against the [Target] that made the [Attack
Action]. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
With the power of the Demon Eyed, you instantly see through any distance. Or, you widen your
range with unique spirit energy.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target gains the effect of either ① or ②. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).
①: +2 to the result of [Tracking] [Spot] or [Eavesdrop]
②: Change the [Range] of a [Attack Action] to [6 Sq.]

<<Eyes of the Reaper>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Perceiving the "lines" and the "point" where you can destroy your opponent's soul, you inflict a
mortal wound to them.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target may inflict [Shift: Dead] onto all Mononoke with "x#" in their names (multiple
Mononoke treated as one) that they've dealt [Damage] to. This Talent may be used once per
round (or scene).

<<Evil Eye of Abatement>>

Timing : Unique
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Using a special eye technique, you slow another's very movements for a limited time.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
Until [End] of the current round, the target takes a -2d6 penalty to their {Initiative} (cannot go
below 1). This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Evil Eye of Sloth>>

Timing : Unique
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
You cause spirit energy to grow sluggish by projecting a special energy from your eyes, dampening
the force of the technique your foe unleashes.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target takes a penalty to their [Damage Calculation] equal to [any one of the user's {Main
Stats}] (cannot go below 0). This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Evil Eye of Restrain>>

Timing : Unique
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Using an evil eye that has a powerful suggestive effect, you temporarily restrain an opponent's
Use Before Check.
The target takes a -1 penalty to the result of their check. When used [Out of Combat], it may be
used at any time, and renders Innocents helpless (the GM decides the details). This Talent may be
used once per round (or scene).

● <<Eyes of Instant Death>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Using a baleful gaze, you instantly kill an opponent, or inflict mortal wounds upon them.
Unique Effect.<<Eyes of the Reaper>> Required. Use when the target uses <<Eyes of the Reaper>>.
The target may change the effect of <<Eyes of the Reaper>> to either ① or ②. This Talent may
be used once per combat (or scene).
①: Gain +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] at [Damage Calculation].
②: Roll 1d6. If something other than "1" or "2" is shown, the target may inflict [Shift: Dead] on a
single [Mononoke] that is not a [Boss] or [Aramitama], even if it doesn't have "x#" in its name.

● <<Petrifying Eyes>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
Refining the hypnotic effect of your eyes into a petrifying gaze, you cause your opponent's body to
temporarily turn to stone.
Unique Effect. <<Hypnotic Eye>> Required.
The target's {Initiative} changes to 1. Also, until [End] of the current round, the target may not
receive the effects of Talents [Items] or [Additional Effects] that adjust {Initiative}. This Talent may
be used once per session.

● <<Omnidirectional Sight>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Awakening to a more powerful level of the Demon Eyed, you extensively expand the effect of your
Use While Active. <<Clairvoyance>> Required.
The target changes the [Range/Target] of a [Race: Demon Eyed / Timing: Attack] Talent to [Combat
Zone / Area]. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Precognition>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
Enhancing the power of your demonic eyes, you see a little into the future, and through your
warnings and actions, can change the outcome you see.
Use when the target declares a Talent. <<Trace Trajectory>> Required.
Cancel the effect of any one Talent with [Timing: Prep・End・Unique] that the target used. This
Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Retrocognition>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
Enhancing the power of your demonic eyes, you peer into your opponent's past, and reading their
arts and rendering them powerless against you.
Unique Effect. <<Slow Time>> Required. Use after the target declares an [Attack Action].
Cancel the target's [Attack Action]. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Dragon's Malediction>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Your gaze burns as an enemy, an ally, or yourself executes an art.
Use when the target declares a Talent. Requires <<Eyes of Ruin>> or <<Bewitching Gaze>>.
The user may perform a single [Race: Demon Eyed / Timing: Attack] Talent, treating the [Cost] as
already paid. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Evil Eye of Hexing>>

Timing : Unique
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : None
You exchange glances with another, or layer a hex upon the one you rest your gaze on, and
instantly claim their spirit energy.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target loses any one [Spirit・Overflow]. Then, the user gains 1 [Overflow] (if used on a
[Mononoke], the [Mononoke] loses 10 {HP} instead of [Overflow]). This Talent may be used once
per combat (or scene).

● <<Transparent Vitals>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Making full use of a rare demonic eye, a type of spirit energy that allows one to see through
things, you disrupt the flow of spirit energy at an opponent's weak points.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target takes a penalty to [Armor] or [Barrier] equal to [any one of the user's {Main Stats}]
(cannot go below 0). This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Exorcist Godeye>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
You invoke a legendary divine eye that scatters the spiritual power of techniques and abilities.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
Treat the target's acquired Talents with "X times per round" use restriction as though they'd
already been used once. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Immobile Binding>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By enhancing your spirit energy as a Demon Eyed, reinforcing your Evil Eye of Abatement itself,
you're able to temporarily suppress the flow of your opponent's spirit energy.
Passive Effect. <<Evil Eye of Abatement>> Required.
The target may change the effect of <<Evil Eye of Abatement>> to either ① or ②.
①: The target takes a penalty to {Initiative} equal to [any one of the user's {Main Stats}] (cannot
go below 1).
②: Reduce the [Speed] of the target's [Combat Move] by 3 (cannot go below 1 Sq.)

Marebito – [RT12]
<<Bloodlust of Demons>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : [Steps]
You emit a bizarre power held only by those who could be called a demon, crushing the spirit of
foes, and enflaming the spirit of your allies.
Unique Effect.
The target gains a +2 modifier to the result of [Active Checks].

<<Otherworldly Combat Arts>>

Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Utilizing fearsome combat arts developed in another world, you unleash a terrifying blow.
Physical Attack.
The user gains +1 to [Physical Rank], and to the result of {Accuracy} checks.

<<Otherworldly Magecraft>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
Utilizing powerful spells acquired in another world, you crush your opponent with terrifying magic.
Magical Attack.
Deal [Rank: 3] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]).

<<Cloud Memories>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : [O]
Using enormous spirit energy, you manipulate another's mind and memory.
Unique Effect. May only be used [Out of Combat].
The user may alter or erase the thoughts and memories of Innocents in the [Scene] (the GM
decides the details).

<<Overflowing Spirit>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
You widen the scope of your attack, filling it with excessively powerful spirit energy with just a
Unique Effect.
The target changes the [Target] of their [Timing: Attack] Talent to [Area]. If already something
other than [Target: X#], they gain +2 at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be used once per
round (or scene).

<<Forbidden Knowledge>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You calmly carry out a deed that should be called a sin, using forbidden knowledge from another
world. Marebito are not just feared for their amazing abilities, but for the knowledge they hold as
Use On {Intellect} Or {Luck} Check.
The target succeeds at the {Intellect} or {Luck} check regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the
same time, the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used twice per

<<Transcend Form>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Using otherworldly magic or unique abilities, you can transform your own physique and
appearance at will.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +2 modifier at [Damage Calculation]. Also, at any time, the target may change
their physical appearance to look like any human or animal (treat as [Maneuver: Disguise / Result:

<<Otherworldly Trait>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents possessing a powerful ability unique to your world.
Passive Effect.
At the time this Talent is acquired, the Talent selects one of the following ①~⑤ effects, and
gains it.
①: +1 to two different {Main Stats}
②: Once every round, gain [Remove: Fallen].
③: +10 to max {HP}
④: 1/Session, change 1 [Spirit] die to [Overflow].
⑤: When the target rolls for progressing [Limit], reduce it by 1 (min 0).

<<Acceleration Incantation>>
Timing : Start
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
Chanting an acceleration incantation, a secret of your world, you temporarily speed up another's
reaction time.
Unique Effect.
The target gains a +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] modifier to {Initiative}.

<<Strengthening Beliefs>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Due to your world's beliefs, you have gained unique divine power, and can use it to vastly enhance
another's strength.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target gains a +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] modifier to [Damage Calculation]. This Talent
may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Defensive Spell>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
By invoking a solid defensive spell from your world, you can effectively protect others.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target gains a +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] modifier to either [Armor] or [Barrier]. This
Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Corridor of Heroes>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Applying the characteristic knowledge of Marebito, you twist space, and instantly move a certain
Unique Effect. <<Forbidden Knowledge>> Required.
The target [Installs] in any square within 10 Sq., ignoring [Engagements]. This Talent does not
spend [Prep], and may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Empty Strike>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You apply the enormous spirit energy of Marebito to sublimate physical arts into magical, and
Use On Damage Calculation. <<Cloud Memories>> Required.
The target changes their [Physical Damage] into [Magical Damage], or their [Magical Damage] into
[Physical Damage]. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<High Level Regeneration>>

Timing : Start / End
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Drawing on powerful spirit energy, you regenerate your body at an impossible rate.
Unique Effect. <<Transcend Form>> Required.
With either [Timing], the target [Recovers] {HP} equal to [any one of the user's {Main Stats}]. This
Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Ultimate Secret Art>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Having acquired the ultimate technique of another world, which you, as a hero or demon lord,
honed to its utmost limit, you are able to expand the effect of your arts massively.
Use While Active. <<Overflowing Spirit>> Required.
The target changes the [Range/Target] of their [Timing: Attack] Talent to [Combat Zone]. This
Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Demon Lord's Barrier>>

Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : [O]
Generating an effect akin to a barrier by condensing otherworldly power, you massively curtail
force directed at you and your allies.
Unique Effect. <<Bloodlust of Demons>> Required.
The target gains a +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] modifier to [Armor] and [Barrier]. This Talent
may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Chosen One>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents that you are chosen being recognized by an overwhelming fate, no matter
which world you're in.
Passive Effect. <<Otherworldly Trait>> Required.
Each time the target deals [Damage] using a [Timing: Attack] Talent, they gain the effect of either
① or ②.
①: +1 [Rank]
②: Can inflict [Shift: Dead] on Mononoke with "x#" in their name.

● <<Supernatural Blessing>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
By utilizing the blessing you've gained from your world's divinities, you are able to temporarily
augment the actions and techniques of another.
Use On Check.
The target gains +2 to the result of the check. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Hero's Spirit>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
Due to the strong spiritual power that heroes are known for, you are able to energize another.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target recovers a use of a Style Talent they've acquired and have already used at least once,
that can normally only be used X times per combat. (For example, if the target has already used
<<Final Force>> once, they become able to use it one more time.) This Talent may be used once
per session.

● <<Hero's Offering>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : None
You offer up a powerful prayer, and are granted the divine might of your world's god, which you
can put to use.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target gains the effect of either ① or ②. This Talent may be used once per session.
①: Gain 2 [Overflow]
②: Change three [Spirit] dice to any value

● <<Veteran Hero>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As a veteran hero, you've built up sturdy defense, and a strong body.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +10 {HP}. Also, the target gains +3 [Armor] and [Barrier].

Sakimitama – [RT13]
<<Momentary Flight>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
By wearing a peculiar spiritual aura and maintaining concentration, you can perform high speed
movement or make a tactical retreat so as to keep the upper hand.
Unique Effect.
The target gains the effect of either ① or ②. This Talent does not spend [Start], but may only be
used once per round.
① Move 2 squares ignoring [Engagements]
② [Ranged Attack] or [Magic Attack] can be performed after a [Combat Move]

Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : [Steps]
Instantly interfere with the magic of others, or instantly accumulate rest and spiritual power.
Unique Effect. Can only be used outside of combat.
The user gains one of the following of ①, ②, or ③. This Talent can be used only once per
① An Appearing PC Recovers 20 [HP]
② An Appearing PC can change one spirit die to any number
③ During a Sanctum Purge, when you reach the step "1: Reach area", [Limit Maximum] is
increased by +5 (TL-note: This is worded a bit weird, but it basically means that the maximum
number before a sanctum crisis occurs is increased by 5, reducing a Sanctum’s difficulty a bit.)

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are bigger than average.
Passive Effect.
The User gets +10 to maximum HP and +1 to [Size]. This Talent can be acquired repeatedly and the
effect accumulates (maximum [HP] + 30 / [size] + 3). In case of duplicate acquisition, in the name
column, write "<<Huge>> xn (n is the number acquired)". Also, after acquiring <<Huge>> it is
impossible to acquire <<Micro>>.

<<Origin Force>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Transform your own muscles to origin, such as flames and snowstorms, and strike a mighty blow.
Use When Active.
The user specifies one [Element] when acquiring <<Origin Force>> (Hereafter, the specified
[Element] is called [Origin Element E]). Perform a [Weapon Attack] Imbued with [Origin Element
E], and one of the following effects is gained according to the damage type.
[Physical Attack]: The user gets +1 [Rank] at damage calculation
[Magic Attack]: Deal [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]).

<<Mystic Power Transition>>

Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
By building up and coating yourself with a large amount of spirit energy, you can move at high
speeds .
Used when target Declares a Talent.
The user moves a distance of 3 squares (in the case of [Engagements], it can not move unless
another Talent would allow it to). This Talent can only be used once per round (or scene).

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are naturally tiny.
Passive Effect.
The user gets +5 to [Initiative] and -1 [Size]. This Talent can be acquired repeatedly and the effect
accumulates (maximum [Initiative] + 10 / minimum [Size] 0). In case of duplicate acquisition, in the
name column, write "<<Micro>> xn (n is the number acquired)". Moreover, <<Huge>> acquisition
becomes impossible after acquiring <<Micro>>.

<<Deific Ancestor>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are an ancestor of a specific bloodline, and it is possible to freely manipulate their racial ability
and power.
Passive Effect.
The object can acquire one further [Racial Bonus] of one [Scion · Darkstalker · Hanyou · Dragon
Lord · Demon Eyed · Marebito] (It becomes possible to acquire the Racial Talent of that [race] and
you are counted as that race for the [Restrictions] of items). The target is to describe the [race]
name of the [Racial Bonus] acquired in the [race] field (eg [Sakimitama (Scion)]).

<<Mystified Secret Power>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
With your own mystical strength and many years of experience, you can master special techniques
far beyond what you should originally obtain.
Passive Effect.
Acquire one Talent other than ※ ● ◎ from a [Style] that has already been acquired.

● <<Mystic Power Shot>>

Timing : Attack
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : Area
Cost : [Doubles]
Transform your own mystical strength into its origin, and wipe out a wide range.
Use While Active. Requires <<Origin Force>>.
Make a [Weapon Attack] Imbued with with [Origin Element E], and the following effect is obtained
according to the damage type.
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +2 [Rank] at damage calculation
[Magic Attack]: Deal [Rank: 3] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]).

● <<Soul Prey>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Immediately after defeating an enemy, you can gain spiritual power by preying on its soul and can
act again.
Unique Effect. Used immediately after a target you [Damage] gains [Shift: Downed · Taken Out ·
Dead] from your attack.
The User gains 1 [Overflow] and 1x [Timing: Attack]. Even if there are multiple applicable [Targets],
the maximum number of [Overflow] and [Timing] obtained is 1. This Talent can only be used once
per Combat (or scene).

● <<Full Mystical Power>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By becoming serious, you liberate the enormous magical power hidden within yourself and change
the spiritual power and the size of the physical body.
Unique Effect. Requires <<Huge>>, or <<Micro>>. Can be used at any time.
The User gains 2 [Overflow]. Also, the users [Size] can be +/- 2 (maximum 6, lowest 0) for the
duration of one battle. This Talent can be used only once per session.

● <<Wide Area Vision>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have a special field of view to capture your surroundings as spiritual power and to grasp the
whole of the overhead view.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +5 to [Damage Calculation]. In addition, the target can specify a [Target] of [Shift:
Cover] with a [Target: x#] [Physical Attack], and obtains a +10 bonus to the Check to see past
[Shift: Hidden].

● <<Incarnation of Mystical Power>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As a high-ranking Sakimitama, you form your own physical body with enormous amounts of
mystical power itself.
Passive Effect.
The subject gets +10 [HP]. In addition, the object specifies one [Element] when acquiring
<<Incarnation of Mystical Power>> (hereafter the specified [Element] is called [Origin Element F]).
When the user receives [Damage] from an [Attack Action] Imbued with [Origin Attribute F], it is
reduced by 5. If [Origin Element E] and [Origin Element F] are the same [Element], [Damage] can
be further decreased by -5 (Total - 10).

● <<Sanctify>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As a high-ranked nushi, you can live in a specific area and form a comfortable demonic space.
Passive Effect. Requires <<Demonization>>.
When using <<Demonization>>, you can change its effect to one of the following ① ② or ③.
① An Appearing PC Recovers 40 [HP]
② An Appearing PC can change 2 spirit die to any number (Min 1, Max 6)
③ During a Sanctum Purge (Requiem for the god soul p8), when you reach the step "1: Reach
area", [Limit Maximum] is increased by +10 (TL-note: Same as Demonization)

Android – [RT14]
<<Internal Firearm>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Deploy anti-supernatural firearms and weapons built into your body, and unleash concentrated
Use While Active. Make an [Attack Action] against the target, and gain an effect according to the
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist [Halves]).

<<Special Alloy Body>>

Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Doubles]
By upgrading the whole body with a secret alloy that is rich in malleability and elasticity, it can
withstand powerful physical attacks.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target [Halves] [Physical Damage] received. This Talent may be used once per round (or

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
By upgrading the joints of the body with a doll-like sphere, you are able to launch special attacks at
unexpected times and angles.
Use on Active Check. The target gains +1 to the [Check]. This Talent may be used once per round
(or scene).

<<Steel Rim>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
By upgrading to high-performance artificial limbs, you can perform feats of high precision,
mobility, or power beyond human capability.
Use On {Strength} or {Agility} Checks.
The target succeeds at the {Strength} or {Agility} check regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At
the same time, the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used twice
per session.

<<High-Speed Arithmetic>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
By using a high-performance arithmetic unit linked with an artificial intelligence, information can
be analyzed accurately to determine the most optimal solution.
Use On {Intellect} or {Will} Checks.
The target succeeds at the {Intellect} or {Will} check regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the
same time, the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used twice per

<<Accelerated Reflex>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 4 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : None
By continuously running an installed program, you can react instantly in response to the
opponent's magic and techniques.
Use when the target declares a Talent.
The user may move up to 4 Sq. (if [Engaged], the user cannot move). This Talent may be used once
per round (or scene).

<<Accelerated Pursuit>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Move at high speed and engage in the perfect pursuit at the moment an opponent is attacked.
Use on Damage Calculation. <<Accelerated Reflex>> Required.
The target makes one [Weapon Attack]. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

<<Accelerated Motion>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The whole body is tuned for mobility and strengthened, and by linking with an artificial
intelligence, you can quickly navigate past obstacles at the speed of a vehicle.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, the target may ignore [Bad Footing] penalties
and move as fast as an [Automobile] while [Out of Combat].

<<Spirit Conversion Mechanism>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Using special functions built into your body, you convert spirit energy into overflow.
Unique Effect.
The target converts one [Spirit Dice] into [Overflow]. This Talent may be used once per round (or

<<Spirit Barrier Expansion>>

Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
Deploy a spirit barrier at maximum power to dispel widespread attacks from enemies.
Use on Damage Reduction.
Change the target's [Attack Action] to [Target: 1#], and the user receives the [Damage] (Treat as
though {Resist} check had failed). This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Ether Analyze>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You specialize in locating Distortions by installing a high-performance camera and radar for their
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +3 modifier to [Maneuver: Sense] checks.

● <<Anti-Spirit Mechanism>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : Doubles
By installing anti-spiritual barrier deployment mechanisms throughout the body, you can exert
high magical defense in an emergency.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target [Halves] [Magical Damage] received. This Talent may be used once per round (or

● <<Self-Repair Mechanism>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Instantly concentrating circulating spirit energy onto faulty parts begins a repair process, restoring
physical function.
Unique Effect. <<High-Speed Arithmetic>> Required. Use at Any Time.
The target removes one negative [Shift] other than [Downed - Taken Out - Dead]. This Talent may
be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Ultra High Speed Maneuver>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
By releasing the limiter on the spirit drive engine, you perform maneuvers at an ultra high speed.
However, it is a heavy stress on the body, and essential modification to the limbs must be made
before use.
Unique Effect. <<Steel Rim>> Required. Use at Any Time.
The target takes their [Turn] immediately, regardless of {Initiative}. This Talent may be used once
per combat (or scene).

● <<Three-Dimensional Maneuver>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Tuning the installed mobility modules to their utmost, you gain maneuverability beyond your
limits when they activate.
Passive Effect. <<Accelerated Reflex>> Required.
The target may use <<Accelerated Reflex>> up to 3 times per round. Additionally, when using
<<Accelerated Reflex>>, change the [Range] to [7 Sq], and ignore [Engagements].

● <<Anti-Impact Mechanism>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Use a propulsion device to mitigate impacts.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, the target may reduce 'forced movement'
effects by up to -5 Sq (Minimum 0). For example, when being forcibly moved 2 Sq, by reducing the
movement by -3, it becomes 0 Sq and is treated as though unaffected by the forced movement.

● <<Artificial Regalia>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The whole body is strengthened by reinforcing it with artificial regalia. The body will no longer rust
or decay, unless forcibly destroyed by outside forces.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +15 modifier to {HP}.

● <<Ether Jamming>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : [E]
Release waves of disrupting energy that eliminates any beneficial effects of spirit energy.
Unique Effect. <<Ether Analyze>> Required.
The target removes all positive [Shifts] with sustained effects. The target may not make a [Reactive

● <<Navigation>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
By accurately assessing the spiritual power of others, you use an equipped mechanism to convert
it into overflow.
Unique Effect.
Change 1 [Spirit Dice] into [Overflow] for a target other than the user. This Talent may be used
once per round (or scene).

● <<Automatic Support Fire>>

Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
When an ally attacks, you automatically activate a built-in firearm equipped with a support
mechanism that enhances its power.
Use on Damage Calculation. <<Accelerated Motion>> Required.
One target other than the user gains +[any one of the user's {Main Stats}] modifier at [Damage
Calculation]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Additional Anti-Ballistic Armor>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By disabling the limits of nanomachines inside your artificial blood, they provide tremendous
defense against long-range attacks.
Passive Effect. <<Artificial Regalia>> Required.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, the target [Halves] [Damage] from [Ranged
Weapon Attacks].

Homunculus – [RT15]
<<Life Conversion>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Using the special powers of a Homunculus, transform your life force into spiritual energy.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target loses 10 {HP}, then gains 1 [Overflow]. This Talent may be used once per round (or

<<Magical Wave>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Transform the enormous psychic power unique to homunculi into a wave of magical power, then
release it towards your opponent.
Magical Attack.
The target takes [Rank: 3] [Magical Damage] (Resist [Cancels]). This Talent may be used once per
round (or scene).

<<Magical Gaze>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : [E]
By releasing magical power through your eyes, you can easily push innocents into a hypnotic state
and manipulate their consciousness and memory with ease.
Unique Effect. May only be used [Out of Combat].
The user may alter, or erase the thoughts and memories of Innocents in the [Scene] (the GM
decides the details).

<<Magical Manipulation>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 2#
Cost : [O]
By releasing your own enormous spiritual energy, you can overwhelm and alter another person's.
Magical Attack.
The target adds or subtracts 1 to any one of their [Spirit] dice (cannot raise above 6 or lower below

<<Magical Floating>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You can move long distances by spatial transfer, or flight, via your own magical power.
Use on [Appearance Checks].
The target succeeds at the [Appearance Check] regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the
same time, the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used 3 times
per session.

<<Silent Chant>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E, O]
By circulating magical power throughout your entire body, you can use certain spells without
Unique Effect. Use when the target declares a Talent.
The user may use a [Timing: Attack / Effect Class: Magical Attack] Talent that deals no damage,
treating the [Cost] as though it has already been paid. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Innate Intelligence>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Using the advanced knowledge you were imbued with when you were born as a Homunculus, you
perform a perfect analysis.
Use on {Intellect} Check.
The target succeeds at the {Intellect} check regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the same
time, the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used 3 times per

<<Sorcerous Existence>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
An ability derived from the use of magic in one's growth process.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of {Conjure} checks, and enemies receive a -2 modifier
to [Barrier].

<<Magical Strike>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
You perform a powerful attack by utilizing the magic contained in your limbs and Regalia.
Physical Attack.
The user gains a +[any one of the users {Main Stats}] modifier at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent
may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Technique Extension>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Extend the effective range of your abilities by pouring the enormous spiritual power Homunculi
are known for into it.
Unique Effect.
The target increases the [Range] of their [Attack Actions] by 2 Sq. (if [Range: Combat Zone], gain
+2 at [Damage Calculation] instead). This talent may be used once per round.

<<Superior Spirit>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
By drawing on a homunculi's inner spirit, you can give a perfect response.
Use on {Will} Check.
The target succeeds at the {Will} check regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the same time,
the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used 3 times per session.

● <<Magic Filtration>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Using the characteristics of a Homunculus, filter certain types of spirit energy into pure magical
Unique Effect. <<Sorcerous Existence>> Required.
The target changes up to 2 [Spirit Dice] with values of [4], [5], or [6] to [Overflow].

● <<Afterimage Transition>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Doubles]
At the precise moment of a physical attack, you create an afterimage with your magical power and
instantly swap places with it.
Unique Effect. <<Magical Floating>> Required. Use on {Evasion} Check.
The target may use {Resist} for the {Evasion} Check, treating the result of that check as the result
of the {Evasion} Check. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Torrent of Magic>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Concentrate the enormous power unique to homunculi into your palm, condensing it into a
torrent of magical power, and release it all at once.
Passive Effect.
When the target uses either <<Magical Waves>> or <<Magical Strike>>, they add the following to
the effect: "The target gains an additional +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]."

● <<Interference Enhancement>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By synchronizing one's own spiritual power with another's, you add an incidental effect to your
Passive Effect. <<Magical Manipulation>> required.
Each time the target uses a [Timing: Attack] Talent that deals no [Damage], add one of the
following effects:
①: The target may add or subtract 1 from any one [Spirit] die (cannot go below 1, or above 6).
②: The target [Recovers] 10 {HP}.

● <<Defensive Evil Eye>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By charging your gaze with magical power, and converting your eyes into pseudo-demon eyes, you
can reduce the power of weapon attacks.
Passive Effect. <<Magical Gaze>> required.
The user reduces damage received from [Weapon Attacks] by 10.

● <<Small Scale Creation>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By using Fool's Gold as a catalyst, you can create elixirs, spells, sources of transportation, and even
buildings by manipulating your own spiritual energy in a certain way.
Passive Effect.
The user receives a +5 modifier to [Barrier]. Also, while [Out of Combat], the target becomes able
to use [Purchase] (only) [Item: Consumables] while [Appearing].

● <<Mental Chant>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
After transforming into a higher-ranking Homunculus, a being capable of casting spells without
preparation, you have gained the ability to increase the power of your magic in exchange for your
Use on Damage Calculation. <<Technique Extension>> Required.
The target loses 10 {HP}, then gains a +10 modifier to [Magic Damage]. This Talent may be used
once per round (or scene).

● <<Barrier Break>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Forcibly break through an opponent's defenses by pinpointing a weak point and pouring a massive
amount of spirit energy into it.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target [Halves] their [Armor] or [Barrier]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Spirit Incineration>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
By concentrating your spiritual power into one point, you can incinerate the souls of your enemies.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target may apply [Shift: Dead] to all Mononoke with "x#" written in their [Name] (a single
Mononoke treated as multiple) that they deal [Damage] to. This Talent may be used once per
● <<Magical Ray>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Using your unique spirit energy, you focus a wide-ranging into a single ray and pierce the soul of
an enemy itself.
Unique Effect. Use before an [Active Check].
The user loses 10 {HP}, then reduces the number of [Targets] of an [Attack Action] by any amount
(to a minimum of 1). The user then adds that amount to the result of the [Check] (If the Target is
[Area/Combat Zone], add +3 instead). This Talent may be used once per round.

Esper – [RT16]
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
By using your telekinesis, you are able to fly about in the sky for a small period of time.
Unique Effect.
The target gains [Shift: Flight] until [Timing: End] of the round (or scene).

<<Psychic Blast>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : Area
Cost : [Steps]
Using your telekinesis, you create flames, lightning, or frost, and launch them at the same moment
you attack.
Use While Active.
The user specifies one [Element] when acquiring <<Psychic Blast>> (Hereafter, the specified
[Element] is called [Origin Element F]). Make an [Attack Action] bestowed with [Origin Element F],
and gain an effect according to the following:
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist [Halves]).

Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : [O]
By using telepathy, you implant false memories into the general public to make them forget
certain events.
Unique Effect. May only be used [Out of Combat].
The user may alter or erase the thoughts and memories of Innocents in the [Scene] (the GM
decides the details).

Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
By using strong telekinesis, instead of pulling the target towards you, instead you teleport to their
Unique Effect. May only be used in [Combat]. Use before the target makes a [Reactive Check].
The user [Installs] by swapping their position with the target, ignoring [Engagements]. Afterwards,
the target of the [Attack Action] becomes the user, and the user makes the [Reactive Check]
(→p16 for details). This Talent may be used once per round.

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
By concentrating your telekinesis on a single point, you can levitate objects that ordinary people
are unable to lift, or perform precision work with ease.
Use On {Strength} or {Agility} Checks.
The target succeeds at the {Strength} or {Agility} check regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At
the same time, the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used twice
per session.

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
By touching an object or person, you are able to read their past memories or histories, and judge
their abilities and favorable responses.
Use On {Intellect} or {Will} Checks.
The target succeeds at the {Intellect} or {Will} check regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the
same time, the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used twice per

<<Long Teleport>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By using concentrated telekinesis, you can twist space to instantly transfer over long distances.
Use On [Appearance Checks].
The target succeeds at the [Appearance Check] regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the
same time, the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may only be used 3
times per session.

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through your connection to others. you are able to communicate across great distances and even
through spirit barriers.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 modifier to [Active Checks]. Additionally, the target may speak with one PC
who shares a [Bond] with the user, regardless of whether or not they are [Appearing] (the GM may
decide if it is possible to communicate). When the conversation takes place, [Information] may be
shared between PCs if there is a mutual agreement.

Timing : Attack
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
By touching the wounds of another, you can use your powers to interfere with their spiritual
energy and speed up metabolism to heal the wound.
Magical Attack. The target [Recovers] [Rank: 3] magical damage.

Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : [Steps]
By using telekinesis, you can interfere with mobile devices, cameras, and even the thoughts of
others to extract information.
Unique Effect. Only usable [Out of Combat].
The target gains the effect of either ① or ②. This Talent may be used once per session.
①: Gain [Information] regardless of the outcome of the roll.
②: Succeed at a [Sense (Luck)] check to discover a [Distortion] regardless of the outcome of the
roll (Treat as having succeeded at the higher [Target Number]).

<<Psychic Shield>>
Timing : Defense
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Using your telekinesis, you interfere with attacks made against allies to reduce their power.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target reduces [Damage] by 3. This Talent does not spend [Timing: Defense].

● <<Short Teleport>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
You quickly teleport over short distances by carefully manipulating a vast amount of telekinetic
Unique Effect. <<Long Teleport>> Required.
The target [Installs] up to 7 Sq away. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Psychic Destruction>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O, O]
Turning your telekinesis into raw destructive energy, you unleash it through thoughts or weapons
to crush your opponents.
Use while Active. <<Psychokinesis>> required.
Perform an [Attack Action] on the target and gain an effect according to the following:
[Physical Attack]: the user gains +2 [Rank]
[Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: 3] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist [Halves]).

● <<Asport>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
By using condensed telekinesis, objects in sight disappear or a target is instantly killed.
Use on Damage Reduction. <<Apport>> Required. The target gains the effect of either ① or ②.
This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).
①: Destroy one [Obstacle] in the [Combat Zone].
②: Roll 1d6, and if the result is anything other than a "1" or "2", then apply [Shift: Dead] to a non-
[Boss - Aramitama] [Mononoke] that does not have "x#" in the name.

● <<Reading>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Using telepathy to instantly read your opponent's mind, you are able to avoid their attack before
they make it.
Use on {Resist} check. <<Telepathy>> Required.
The target may use either {Evasion} or {Resist} for the [Reactive Check], treating the result of that
check as the result of the [Reactive Check]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Extrasensory>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By mastering the use of telepathy, you can perceive a wider range than your field of vision allows
and see things your eyes cannot.
Passive Effect. <<Psychometry>> Required.
The target gains +2 to [Active Checks], always has [Remove: Darkness], and doesn't take [Dark
Place] penalties. In addition, the user may make [Physical Attacks] with [Target: x#] against targets
with [Shift: Hidden], and gains +10 to [Opposed Checks] made for [Maneuver: Concealment] to
remove [Shift: Hidden].

● <<Prescience>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
By focusing your mind, you can predict a few seconds into the future, thus avoiding an attack.
Unique Effect. <<Extrasensory>> Required. User after an [Opposed Check] with the target.
The user swaps the result of their check with the target. This Talent may be used once per session.

● <<Empath>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : [E]
You use your telekinesis to interact with the surrounding spirit energy and raise the defensive
ability of all your allies.
Unique Effect. <<Hypnosis>> Required.
The target gains +2 to [Reactive Checks] and a +3 modifier to [Armor] and [Barrier]. This Talent
may only be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Psychic Barrier>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Steps]
*You use telekinesis to interfere with long-range attacks, rapidly diminishing their power.*
Use on Damage Reduction. <<Psychic Shield>> Required.
The target [Halves] [Damage] they take from targets other than [Range: Engaged]. This Talent may
only be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Spiritual Therapy>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By specializing in the healing effects of telekinesis, you can use enhanced recovery techniques.
Passive Effect. <<Healing>> Required.
When the target uses <<Healing>>, add the following effect: "The target [Recovers] {HP] equal to
[Any one of the user's {Main Stats}], and may remove one [Negative Shift] other than [Downed -
Taken Out - Dead].

● <<Psychic Field>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By mastering the use of telekinesis, you can constantly deploy a force field around yourself and
improve your defensive ability.
Passive Effect. <<Psychic Shield>> Required.
When using <<Psychic Shield>> or <<Psychic Barrier>>, the target treats 1 portion of the [Cost] as
though it were already paid. Additionally, change the effect of <<Psychic Shield>> to "Use on
Damage Reduction. The target reduces damage by 5. This Talent does not spend [Timing:

Adapter – [RT17]
<<Combat Form>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Doubles]
Drawing on genetic information from insects, beasts, or dinosaurs buried deep within, you
transform into a form suitable for combat against Awakened, changing your limbs or entire body
into a weapon.
Unique Effect.
For the rest of the combat, the target gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation].

<<Demonic Roar>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Unleash a spirit-laden roar to cow your opponents.
Unique effect.
The target gains +1 to [Active Checks].

<<Overwhelming Hunger>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
You launch a large chunk of flesh from your own body at high speed, equipped with huge jaws,
scales, or sharpened spines, that devours your opponent with the momentum.
Use When Active.
Make an [Attack Action] against the [Target]. The user gains an effect according to the following.
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Physical Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]).

<<Grotesque Locomotion>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
As you begin to move, your lower body shifts into the form of a beast, spider, or similar, and you
kick off the ground forcefully to launch rapidly into action.
Unique effect. Use after the target uses a [Timing: Prep] Talent.
The target gains the effect of either ① or ②. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).
① The target gains [Shift: Assault].
② The target may move up to 5 Sq., ignoring [Engagements].

<<Unleashed Physical Ability>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Transform your genes to gain superhuman strength and athletic ability.
Use On {Strength} or {Agility} Checks.
The target succeeds at the {Strength} or {Agility} check regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At
the same time, the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used twice
per session.

<<Shell Expansion>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
You transform your skin or hair into a shell like that of an insect or crustacean, dramatically
increasing your physical defenses for a moment.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target gains a +5 modifier to [Armor]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Complete Metamorphosis>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are capable of inundating your meridians in spiritual power to completely alter your cells and
take on the appearance of another.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, the target transforms into any figure they have
previously seen for the rest of the scene (treat as [Maneuver: Disguise / Result: 20], or gain +10 to
the result of a [Maneuver: Disguise] Check).

<<Inner Beast>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You possess toughness and physical ability that far outstrips ordinary humans.
Unique effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, the target gains +1 modifier to {Strength} or
{Agility} checks.

<<Poison Generation>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You are capable of producing highly toxic bodily fluids, which can be injected into opponents at
the same time they attack.
Use On [Damage Reduction].
[Range: 5 Sq. / Target: 1#] who inflicted [Damage] on the target gains [Shift: Poison] (Result: 22 /
Rating: 10).

<<Compound Eyes>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Whether it's by altering your own eyes, or by making insectoid compound eyes appear across your
body, you gain supernatural vision.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +1 to [Active Checks], always has [Remove: Darkness], and doesn't take [Dark
Place] penalties.

<<Mutant Movement>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Transform your body and limbs into those of any living creature, and freely traverse walls and
ceilings with claws, suction cups, or other features.
Passive Effect.
When the target [Climbs], they succeed at the [Check] regardless of the outcome of the [Roll].
Also, the target ignores [Engagements] when making [Combat Moves].

● <<Rampaging Meridians>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Let the meridians within your body run wild in order to power your abilities and techniques up
with a torrent of uncontrollable spirit energy.
Effect: Unique effect. <<Unleashed Physical Ability>> required.
The user changes three [Spirit Die] into [Overflow]. This Talent can be used only once per session.

● <<Flesh Eater>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
The instant that you receive an attack, countless snake or insect heads grow from the affected
area and bite at your opponent.
Unique Effect. Requires <<Inner Beast>>. Use On [Damage Reduction].
The target may make one [Weapon Attack]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Meridian Regeneration>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Circulate spiritual power through your meridians in order to heal your injuries at a supernatural
Use On [Damage Reduction]. <<Complete Metamorphosis>> required.
The target may spend up to 4 of any [Spirit Dice] (Overflow is unusable) when activating this
talent. After that, the target recovers HP equal to [(Number of Dice Spent expended) x 15 (Max
60)]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Evolved Form>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Your combat form has evolved even further, now adorned by a myriad of shells, horns, spines, or
more, each of which has strength surpassing steel.
Passive Effect. <<Combat Form>> Required.
While the target is under the effect of <<Combat Form>>, they gain a +5 modifier to [Armor] and

● <<Demonic Advent>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By roaring or using another signal, you stimulate all of the cells in your into hyperactivity,
enhancing your combat ability.
Passive Effect. <<Demonic Roar>> required.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, whenever the target uses a [Timing: Prep]
talent, they gain a +1 modifier to [Rank] at [Damage Calculation] until [Timing: End] of the round.

● <<Crustacean>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are particularly talented at shell creation, allowing you to dramatically increase your defenses
while deploying stronger shells and scales.
Passive Effect. <<Shell Expansion>> required.
Change the effect of <<Shell Expansion>> to "The target gains a +10 modifier to [Armor]. This
Talent may be used twice per round (or scene)."

● <<Hormone Control>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Instantly eliminate pain or poisons by manipulating chemicals and hormones produced in your
Unique Effect. <<Poison Generation>> required. Use at Any Time.
The target [Recovers] 5 HP. Additionally, the [Target] may [Remove] a negative shift other than
[Shift: Downed, Taken Out, Dead]. This talent is usable once per round (or scene).

● <<Tentacle Sweep>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Eject numerous fanged tentacles from any part of your body to hinder an opponent's evasion.
These appendages are difficult to control, however, and nonhuman senses are required for
accurate use.
Use on Reactive Check. <<Compound Eyes>> required.
The target takes a -10 penalty to the [Reactive Check]. This talent may only be used once per

● <<Anomalous Defense>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Steps]
By enlarging the limbs you use to block, or twisting your entire body into an odd shape, you
drastically reduce the power of an attack.
Use On Damage Reduction. <<Mutant Movement>> required.
The target [Halves] [Physical Damage] they take. If that damage is not bestowed with an element,
they [Halve] it again (making it a quarter). This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Meridian Control>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have complete control over your meridians through a will of steel, allowing you to mutate
your cells at will.
Passive Effect. <<Evolved Form>> Required.
Each time the target uses a [Race: Adapter / Timing: Unique / Cost: X] Talent, they may treat one
portion of the [Cost] as already paid.

Common Talents – [CM]

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are able to wield a one-handed weapon in each hand.
Passive Effect.
The target can equip an additional [Mode: One Hand] weapon while already equipped with a
[Mode: One Hand] weapon (neither of these can be [Mode: Switch Hand]). The target must use
the shortest [Range] between the two, and may freely use either weapon's [Target]

<<Two-Handed Weapon Focus>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through mastery of two-handed weapons, you bolster your precision and damage.
Passive Effect.
While the target is equipped with a [Mode: Two Hand] [Item: Weapon] (this does not include
[Mode: Switch Hand]), they gain a +1 modifier to the result of [Active Checks] and a +2 modifier at
[Damage Calculation].

<<Weapon Proficiency>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By gaining proficiency with a particular weapon, you are able to equip those that have restrictions.
Passive Effect.
The target selects one [Group] other than their [Main] [Style] (select one from Martial, Utility, or
Arcane), and, limited to [Item: Weapon] only, can equip [Item: Weapons] with that [Group],
ignoring the [Restrict].

<<Armor Proficiency>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By gaining proficiency with a particular protector, you are able to equip those that have
Passive Effect.
The target selects one [Group] other than their [Main] [Style] (select one from Martial, Utility, or
Arcane), and, limited to [Item: Protectors] only, can equip [Item: Protectors] with that [Group],
ignoring the [Restrict].

<<Strength in Pain>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Whether it's innate or gained through training, you have learned to be strong in the face of injury.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}. This Talent may be acquired multiple times, and its effects
stack (Max +25). If this Talent has been acquired multiple times, record it in the name field as
<<Strength in Pain>> x#, where # is the number of times the Talent has been acquired.

<<Combat Reaction>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Whether it's innate or gained through training, you have a knack for adapting in combat.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of [Reactive Checks].

<<Condition Resilience>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By altering the spirit energy that flows throughout your body, you become immune to a certain
condition shift.
Passive Effect.
When the target acquires this Talent, they designate one of [Shift: Fallen, Darkness, Poison], and
then records this Talent's name as <<Condition Resilience: X>> (where X is the chosen [Shift]). The
target always has [Remove: Chosen [Shift]].

<<Spirit Augment>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Supplying spirit energy through your Crest, you temporarily augment your combat prowess.
Unique Effect.
The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of [Active Checks].

<<Spirit Dash>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Circulating amplified spirit energy throughout your whole body, you heighten your reflexes for a
moment, moving fast enough to leave afterimages.
Unique Effect.
The target changes the [Speed] of their [Simple Moves] to [2 Sq.]
<<Spirit Rush>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Charge 4 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, O]
Amplifying the spirit energy of your Artificial Regalia, you enhance your accuracy as you make
contact with the enemy in an instant.
Use While Active.
The target gains a +2 bonus to the result of [Active Checks], and makes 1x [Weapon Attack] against
the target.

<<Magecraft Melee>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Charge 2 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, O, O]
Applying spells of strength and swiftness to yourself, you unleash a terrifying melee strike in an
Physical Attack.
The user gains a +[user's {Conjure} x 2] modifier to [Physical Damage]. This Talent may be used
once per round.

<<Melee Spirit>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By circulating unique spirit energy within yourself, you strengthen your limbs to be akin to steel,
making your body itself into a powerful melee weapon.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to the [Damage Calculation] of their [Unarmed]. This effect does not
apply to [Weapons] that can be "treated as [Unarmed]."

<<High Shift Resist>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You strengthen your resistance to shifts in your condition, and become able to remove even
stronger shifts.
Passive Effect. <<Condition Resilience>> Required.
When the target acquires this Talent, they must designate one from [Shift: Pain・Paralysis], then
record this Talent like <<High Shift Resist: X>> (where X is the chosen Shift). The target always has
[Remove: Chosen Shift].
<<Concealed Drug>>
Timing : End
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Concealing drugs within your armor, you use them at a critical moment.
Unique Effect. <<Armor Proficiency>> Required.
The target may use one [Stored] [Item: Consumable].

<<Clever Moment>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
As a veteran Awakened, you're able to show a moment of cleverness no matter the situation.
Unique Effect. <<Strength in Pain>> Required. Use before the target [Influences].
The target may reroll, redoing the outcome of their [Roll] (not including [Criticals] or [Fumbles]).
After rerolling, they may [Influence]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Intuitive Aim>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have precise aim, following the intuition you've honed on the battlefield.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a modifier to the result of [Active Checks] equal to their {Luck} value / 3.

<<Storm Assault>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You can improve the efficacy of your next attack by utilizing the momentum of a combat move.
Passive Effect.
When making a [Physical Attack] after a [Combat Move], gain +1 [Physical Rank].

<<One-Handed Weapon Focus>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You draw out the efficiency of one-handed weapons by using your own unique combat method
where you fight using only one hand.
Passive Effect.
When the target is [Equipped] with only one [Item: Weapon / Mode: One Hand] (this does not
include [Mode: Switch Hand], and cannot be equipped with any other [Weapon] or [Shield]), they
gain a +5 modifier to [Damage Calculation].

<<Throw Down>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : None
Immediately after an attack, use a combination of martial arts and footwork to throw your
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target loses 1d6 {HP}, then becomes [Shift: Fallen]. This Talent may be used once per round.

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Cartwheel and backflip after repositioning in order to move a certain distance instantly.
Unique Effect. Use after the target declares a [Simple Move].
After completing the [Simple Move], the target [Installs] up to two squares away. This Talent may
be used once per round.

<<Opportunity Attack>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
You immediately make an attack against someone who's entered your proximity.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
Perform one [Weapon Attack] against the target. This Talent may be used once per round (or

<<Detective God-Eye>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
*By using a special divine eye technique, you attempt a second time to identify enemies who
could not be identified at the start of battle.*
Unique Effect. The target may perform [Maneuver: Identify ({Intellect} check)] against [Range:
Combat Zone / Target: 1#].

<<Point Blank Attack>>

Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
*By narrowing your focus to a very close range, you deliver a reckless block that momentarily
halves physical and magical defenses.*
Use on Damage Reduction. [Halve] the target's [Armor] and [Barrier]. This Talent may be used
once per session.

<<Forward Strike>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
*You make a strong strike while in an unfavorable position, such as flying through the air or rolling
forward, to inflict additional damage on your opponent.*
Use on Damage Calculation. The target gains a +5 modifier to [Damage], then gains [Shift: Fallen].
This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Extend>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When using a particular technique, you augment its power by making spirit energy materialize.
Passive Effect.
When the target uses an [Effect Class: Use On Damage Calculation] Talent, they add "Also, the
target gains +1 [Rank]." to that Talent.

● <<Combat Expertise>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are an expert warrior who has gained more than enough skill, due to an abundance of
Passive Effect. This Talent may only be acquired by [Group: Martial] characters.
The target, when calculating their {HP}, changes the "[World Influence LV] x3" portion to "x5" and
recalculates using that. Also, the target may change any of their [Attack Action]'s [Range] to
[Range: 1 Sq.]
● <<Scout Expertise>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are an expert scout, with magnificent support abilities.
Passive Effect. This Talent may only be acquired by [Group: Utility] characters.
The target gains a +[World Influence LV] modifier to their {Initiative}. Also, one per combat, at
[Timing: Start] the target may double their {Initiative} total.

● <<Magecraft Expertise>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Passive Effect. This Talent may only be acquired by [Group: Arcane] characters.
The target gains a +5 modifier to [Magical Damage]. Also, once per session, the target may use one
[Group: Arcane] acquired Talent as though its [Cost] were already paid.

● <<Utility Skill Master>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Being thoroughly and completely familiar with all-purpose techniques, you're able to use them
with a minimal amount of spirit energy.
Passive Effect. <<Combat Reaction>> Required.
Each time the target uses a Common Talent, they may treat one portion of the [Cost] as already

● <<One-Handed Weapon Master>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Mastering the handling of single and switch hand weapons, your power using those is enhanced.
Passive Effect. <<Combat Reaction>> Required.
While the target is [Equipped] with a [Weapon] with either [Mode: One Hand・Switch Hand], they
gain a +1 modifier to the result of [Active Checks] and [Rank]. Even if the target has multiple
[Weapons] [Equipped], the effects of this Talent do not stack.

● <<Switch Hand Master>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Mastering the handling of switch hand weapons, you're able to use them as though they were
Passive Effect. <<One-Handed Weapon Master>> Required.
The target can [Equip] [Mode: Switch Hand] ([One Hand] not included) [Weapons] as though they
were [Mode: Two-Hand] (however, they may not apply <<Reaper of the Battlefield>>). Also, the
target gains a +10 modifier at [Damage Calculation]. Apply the [Two Hand] [PD/MD/Init] values
written for the [Weapon].

● <<Multiplexer>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By applying the theory behind particular techniques to your attacks and making full use of them,
you'll flourish in a variety of situations.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a modifier to [Damage Calculation] equal to the number of the user's
automatically acquired ※ Style Talents x 2 (to a max of +10).

● <<Multidefender>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Applying the theory behind particular techniques to defend, you'll have high defensive power
against all attacks.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a modifier to [Armor] and [Barrier] equal to the number of the user's
automatically acquired ※ Style Talents x 2 (to a max of +10).

● <<Spirit-Controlled Rush>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through mastery of combat movement, you are able to control your spirit energy as you do the
distance between you and your opponent.
Passive Effect. <<Storm Assault>> Required.
The target gains +2 to {Initiative}. Also, after the target makes a [Combat Move], they may add or
subtract 1 from one [Spirit] die (cannot adjust above 6 or below 1).

● <<Power Absorption>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Utilizing your own body, you're able to absorb and circulate released spirit energy.
Passive Effect. <<High Shift Resist>> Required.
When the target uses a Talent with a "x times per session" restriction, they may change two of
their [Spirit] dice to any value.

● <<Heavy Weapon Mastery>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You possess high fighting ability due to your skill with two-handed weapons.
Passive Effect. <<Two-Handed Weapon Focus>> Required.
While the target is equipped with a [Mode: Two Hand] [Item: Weapon] (this does not include
[Mode: Switch Hand]), they gain a +1 modifier to the result of [Active Checks] and a +1 modifier at

● <<Melee Master>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have enhanced your performance with two-handed weapons by mastering their handling.
Passive Effect. <<Heavy Weapon Mastery>> Required.
The target gains a +10 modifier to [Physical Damage] when equipped with a [Mode: Two Hand]
[Item: Weapon] (this does not include [Mode: Switch Hand]).

● <<Shoot Master>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have mastered the usage of two-handed firearms and vehicles, further enhancing their
Passive Effect. <<Heavy Weapon Mastery>> Required.
The target gains a +7 modifier to [Physical Damage] when equipped with a [Mode: Two Hand]
[Ranged Weapon] (this does not include [Mode: Switch Hand]).

● <<Magic Master>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are capable of imbuing your spells with a higher level of power due to your mastery of two-
handed spellbooks and implements.
Passive Effect. <<Heavy Weapon Mastery>> Required.
The target gains a +5 modifier to [Magic Damage] when equipped with a [Mode: Two Hand]
[Magic Weapon] (this does not include [Mode: Switch Hand]).

● <<Decisive Action>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
*By moving so rapidly it leaves an afterimage, you can ignore an opponent's engagements.*
Unique Effect. Use when the target declares a [Combat Move]. The target may ignore
[Engagements] during the [Combat Move]. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Concentrated Damaging Strike>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
*By concentrating on a single weak point on an enemy, you raise the effectiveness of your attack.*
Use while Active. The target changes an [Attack Action] with [Target: 2#+] (including [Area -
Combat Zone) to [Target: 1#], and gains +1 [Rank] on [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be
used once per round (or scene).

● <<Sure Shot>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
*You can use one-handed weapons quickly and skillfully enough to ensure you pierce the enemy's
weak spots.*
Use on Damage Calculation. <<One-Handed Weapon Master>> required. While the target has only
one [Item: Weapon / Form: One Hand] (Not including [Form: Switch Hand] equipped, they gain a +
[Any one of the user's {Main Stats}] modifier to [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be used
once per combat (or scene).

● <<Experienced Hero>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
*As a supernatural hunter, you have accumulated great experience and have great vitality.*
Passive Effect. <<Strength in Pain>> required. When calculating their {HP}, the target calculates
using "[World Influence LV] x5" instead of "[World Influence LV] x3". If <<Combat Expertise>> has
been acquired, the target instead calculates using "[World Influence LV] x7".

Arc Slayer – [GM1]

This Type specializes in overwhelming and deadly strikes. With this, characters can acquire Talents
that enhance physical damage and accuracy. Characters must have an [Item: Weapon] equipped in
order to use [Arc Slayer: Type A] Talents.
※ <<Secrets of the Destroyer>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [4, 4]
You unleash your special move, demolishing your enemy.
Physical Attack.
The user gains +2 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation].

<<Rending Gale Art>>

Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
By utilizing a secret move you developed on your own, you enhance the power of your spells and
Unique Effect.
The target gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation].

<<Flashing Sky Art>>

Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4]
By utilizing a secret move you developed on your own, you can freely control the distance and
range of your techniques.
Unique Effect.
Use along with a [Timing: Attack] Talent, and gain the effect of either ① or ②. If the Talent is
already [Range: Charge X Sq., or Target: Area], then gain a +2 modifier at [Damage Calculation].
① Change the [Range] to [Charge 4 Sq]
② Change the [Target] to [Area]

<<Destroyer's Fangs>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Charge 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
You slice through space and time, pressing the enemy hard with explosive speed.
Physical Attack.
The user gains +1 [Physical Rank] at [Damage Calculation].

<<Destroyer's Ruin>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [4, 4]
Wreathing your weapon in spirit energy, you demolish the enemy by unleashing an art of godly
Physical Attack.
The user gains a +[user's {Agility}] modifier at [Damage Calculation]. If a [Form: Sword - Spear -
Ranged] is [Equipped] when this Talent is used, then the modifier at [Damage Calculation] changes
to +[user's {Agility} x 2] instead.

<<Yang Style>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
This Talent represents having a secret art that doesn't exist in your martial style, or even among
the killing arts you wield.
Use On {Accuracy} Check.
The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of the {Accuracy} check. This Talent may only be used
once per round.

<<Yin Style>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : #1
Cost : None
This Talent represents having a technique hidden in your martial style that forcefully controls the
flow of spirit energy.
Unique Effect. Use at any time you are [In Combat].
The user and the target exchange 1 die of [Spirit]. This Talent may only be used once per round.
<<Mysteries of Battle>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Whether through experience or natural talent, you understand the deepest levels of combat, and
are able to put that into practice.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses a Talent that has one of [Effect Class: Use On {Accuracy} Check] [Effect
Class: Use On {Conjure} Check] [Effect Class: Use On Active Check], they gain a +10 modifier at
[Damage Calculation] (Max +20). This effect is instant upon each use of the designated Talents,
and does not persist.

<<Destroyer's Glory>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through your own diligence and training, you elevate your secret technique to the realm of magic
Passive Effect.
The target may change the effect of <<Secrets of the Destroyer>> to the following: "Use While
Active. Make an [Attack Action] on the target, and gain one of the following effects accordingly:
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +3 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Deal [Rank: 4] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves])."

● <<Otherworldly Discipline>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
By utilizing a special "doujutsu," a technique that concentrates spirit energy into both your eyes,
you can read your opponent's state of mind and take the first move.
Unique Effect.
The user changes their {Initiative} total with the target's. This Talent may be used once per

● <<Vital Method>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents having a vital method belonging to the secrets of your martial style.
Unique Effect. Use when the target declares a [Timing: Prep] Talent.
Treat one [Timing: Prep] Talent as though its [Cost] has already been paid. This Talent may be used
once per round.

● <<Murder Method>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
This Talent represents having a forbidden killing method within your martial style.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target may apply [Shift: Dead] to all Mononoke with "x#" written in their [Name] (a single
Mononoke treated as multiple) that they deal [Damage] to. This Talent may be used once per

● <<Dark Killing Arts>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You release the true power hidden within all of your killing methods.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses a Talent other than [Timing: Constant] that has an effect of "may apply
[Shift: Dead] to all Mononoke with "x#" written in their [Name]" (such as <<Murder Method>> or
<<Elemental Burst>>+<<Expansion>>), they gain a +10 modifier at [Damage Calculation] (Max
+20). This effect is instant upon each use of the designated Talents, and does not persist.

● <<Forbidden Art>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have mastered a dreadful ultimate technique that is considered taboo within your style.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses either <<Secrets of the Destroyer>> or <<Destroyer's Fangs>>, they treat
one portion of the [Cost] as already paid.

● <<Dark Art of the Destroyer>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By mastering numerous godslaying techniques, you will naturally come to learn the dark arts for
slaying false gods.
Passive Effect.
Whenever the target uses <<Secrets of the Destroyer>> <<Destroyer's Fangs>> or <<Destroyer's
Light>>, they gain a modifier at [Damage Calculation] equal to any one of their {Main Stats}.

● <<Yin-Yang Flow>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Each time you use a particular technique, you gather spirit energy from your surroundings, and
with it, you are prepared for anything an enemy might throw your way.
Unique Effect.
Use when the target uses a [Style: Arc Slayer / Timing: Unique] Talent. The target changes the
value of any one [Spirit] die to a "4". This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Tenchi Ransei>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By devising better upper, middle, and lower stances of a technique, the eliminate any flaw.
Passive Effect. <<Rending Gale Art>> or <<Flashing Sky Art>> Required.
The target is able to use <<Rending Gale Art>> and <<Flashing Sky Art>> as [Cost: O]. Also, the
target's [Prep] is not spent when using <<Rending Gale Art>> or <<Flashing Sky Art>>.

◎ <<Spirit Void>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4]
You concentrate spirit energy into a single attack vector, enhancing the power of concept
destruction to its limit.
Unique Effect. Use On <<Secrets of the Destroyer>> [Damage Calculation].
The target gains a modifier equal to the difference between the result of their [Active Check] and a
[Target] that failed their [Reactive Check]'s result. This Talent may be used once per round.

◎ <<Invincible Manslayer>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Making full use of a forbidden secret move you devised yourself, you cut down all wasted motion
and energy of a particular technique.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. Also, the target may use [Timing: Attack] ※-
marked Style Talents as though they had [Cost: Doubles].
◎ <<All or Nothing>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Just before unleashing an attack, you let your spirit energy run wild for a moment, making a
gamble that could give you everything, or nothing.
Unique Effect. Use before the target makes an [Active Check].
After making the [Roll], change any one of the dice in that [Roll] to a "6" (through this effect,
[Fumbles] can be canceled, or [Criticals] generated). This Talent may be used once per session.

◎ <<Singular Focus>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through overwhelming focus, you wield the secrets within the secret technique <<Spirit Void>>
Passive Effect. <<Spirit Void>> Required.
Each time the target uses <<Spirit Void>>, they treat one portion of the [Cost] as already paid.
Also, the target may also use <<Spirit Void>> with either <<Destroyer's Fangs>> or <<Destroyer's

This Type specializes in evasion and defense. With this, characters can acquire Talents that
counterattack. Characters must have an [Item: Weapon] equipped to use [Arc Slayer: Type B]
※ <<Blade Flash>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4, 4]
Capitalizing on your wonderous martial skills, you evade and then use the opening to strike
Unique Effect. Use after the target succeeds at an {Evasion} check.
After the target's reaction is resolved, they may make 1x [Timing: Attack] with [Range: Engage /
Target: 1#] against the one that made the [Attack Action]. This Talent may be used once per

<<Destroyer's Light>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [4]
You unleash a unique killing strike with a weapon or bullet wreathed in gravity, illusion, or light.
Physical Attack.
The user gains +1 [Physical Rank] at [Damage Calculation], and additionally bestows the attack
with one [Element] from [Magnet, Phantom, Light].

<<Protective Teachings>>
Timing : Defense
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Slipping into an opening, you intersect yourself with an attack to stop it cold.
Unique Effect. Use before the target makes an {Evasion} check.
The user makes the {Evasion} check in place of the target (and if successful, may use <<Blade
Flash>> or similar). If the [Reactive Check] check fails, then the user takes the [Damage]. The
[Target] may refuse the effects of this Talent. This Talent has no effect against either [Target: Area
(or) Combat Zone] [Attack Actions]. Also, this Talent does not spend the user's [Defense].

<<Heavenly Dance Art>>

Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You evade attacks from your opponent as you smoothly cartwheel, flip, and twist.
Use On {Evasion} Check.
The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of the {Evasion} check.

<<Lingering Glow Art>>

Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Capitalizing on your supernatural senses, you read the trajectory of incoming bullets and spells.
Use When Reactive.
The target changes the [Base Value] of their [Reactive Check] to 5.

<<Ancient Sword Style>>

Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [4]
This Talent represents having a secret oral tradition amongst the killing arts you control.
Unique Effect. Use when the target declares a [Timing: Unique] Talent.
The effect of one of the [Timing: Unique] Talents the target used is canceled. This Talent may be
used once per round.

<<Zero Style>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [4]
This Talent represents having amongst the killing arts you control an art that exists as the
foundation of your martial school.
Unique Effect. Use when the target declares a Talent.
The user may move up to 7 squares (if [Engaged], they cannot move unless the effect of another
Talent would allow them to ignore [Engagements]). This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Epigone Style>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents having an imitation of a hidden art that doesn't exist within your martial
school that absorbs the spirit energy from your opponents.
Unique Effect. Use on Reactive Check.
When the target succeeds at a [Reactive Check], they gain 1 [Overflow]. This Talent may be used
once per round.

<<One Beat>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Joining your evasion with your counterattack into the same stroke, you implement a masterful
evade-then-counter technique.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +1 to the result of [Active Checks]. Also, if the target declares a [Timing: Attack /
Cost: X (or) X, X] Talent when using the [Timing: Attack] generated through the use of <<Blade
Flash>>, they may use it treating the [Cost] as already paid.

● <<Impenetrable Fortress>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4]
You slap away an opponent's weapon attack with a riposte made with the divine speed you wield.
Unique Effect. Use when the target becomes the [Target] of a [Weapon Attack].
The target makes an [Opposed Check] (treat this as a [Reactive Check]) using {Accuracy} against
the result of the [Weapon Attack], and if they succeed, then the target alone takes no [Damage] or
other effects, canceling them.

● <<Violent Flash>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4]
When the opponent unleashes an attack, you unleash your own swift counterattack.
Unique Effect. Use after the target succeeds at a [Reactive Check].
After the target's reaction is resolved, they may make 1x [Timing: Attack] with [Range: Engage /
Target: 1#]. This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Destroyer's Spiral>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [4]
You ruthlessly cut down those who invade your area of control, or those who carelessly retreat
from you.
Unique Effect.
The user may immediately make one [Weapon Attack] against a target the user declared
[Engaged] on, or against a target that declared [Engaged, Breakaway, or Withdraw]. This Talent
may be used once per round.

● <<Extreme Senses>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By achieving a hidden level of "mikiri" or seeing all around you, you can continually manifest its
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 modifier to [Reactive Checks]. Also, the target gains an additional +4 modifier
to [Reactive Checks] when using <<Lingering Glow Art>> (for a total of +5.)

● <<Destroyer's Assault>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
An Arc Slayer secret technique that converges dozens of strikes made one after another into a
single deadly blow.
Physical Attack. <<Destroyer's Light>> Required.
The user gains +3 [Physical Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be used once per

● <<Spin Counter>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4]
Just after you evade, you ignore physical laws and adjust your position to unleash a counterattack.
Unique Effect. <<Heavenly Dance Art>> Required. Use after succeeding at an {Evasion} check while
using <<Heavenly Dance Art>>.
After the reaction is resolved, the target may immediately use one [Style: Arc Slayer / Timing:
Attack / Cost: X (or) X, X] Talent, treating the [Cost] as already paid. This Talent may be used once
per round (or scene).

● <<Avidya>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4]
You elevate your perception to the realm of the supernatural, allowing you to evade even bullets
and spells with minimal movement.
Unique Effect. <<Lingering Glow Art>> Required. Use when the target uses <<Lingering Glow
The target changes the [Base Value] of <<Lingering Glow Art>>'s [Reactive Check] to be any one of
their {Main Stats}. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Indomitable Perseverance>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You gather spirit energy until the instant of your counterattack, then release that tremendous
power when you unleash your attack.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses <<Blade Flash>>, they may change the value of one [Spirit] die to "4".

◎ <<No Restraint>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By combining its effects with a hidden art of your own devising, you greatly expand the scope and
range of your flashing blade.
Passive Effect.
When the target declares <<Blade Flash>>, they may move up to 4 squares ignoring
[Engagements], and change the [Target] of the [Timing: Attack] made during <<Blade Flash>> to

◎ <<Hidden Lore>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By mastering a legendary hidden art, you are able to precisely control the spirit energy
expenditure of a particular art.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses <<Blade Flash>> and [Timing: Defense] Talents, they treat it as though
any one portion of the [Cost] has already been paid.

◎ <<Number One>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This is a secret art among secret arts, meant for superior Arc Slayers, which makes the spirit
energy of various techniques more efficient.
Passive Effect.
The target can use [Style: Arc Slayer / Type: B / Timing: Unique / Cost: X] Talents as though they
were [Cost: E].

◎ <<Meikyou Shisui>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The moment you counter, you enter into a state of absolute purity of thought, abandoning the
desire to kill, and the desire to fight, which enhances the power of your techniques.
Passive Effect. <<No Restraint>> Required.
The target gains a +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] modifier at the [Damage Calculation] of any
[Style: Arc Slayer / Timing: Attack] Talent used with <<Blade Flash>>. This Talent does not apply to
[Weapon Attacks].

Dragon Carrier – [GM2]

This Type specializes in offense. Although it boasts high physical capability normally, it can
also enhance [Physical Attacks] and [Magical Attacks] by transforming. Characters must have
an [Item: Accessory] equipped to use [Dragon Carrier: Type A] Talents.
※ <<Crystal Transformation>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [5]
Through crystallizing spirit energy, you transform yourself as you desire into a mode suited for
Unique Effect.
For the rest of the combat, the target gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent does
not spend the user's [Start].

<<Combat Leap>>
Timing : Prep/Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Strengthening your motive abilities with spirit energy, you make a tumbling evasion, or move by
bounding across the battlefield.
Unique Effect.
The target gains one of the following effects according to the [Timing] used. This Talent may be
used once per round.
[Prep]: The target may move up to 4 squares, ignoring [Engagements].
[Unique]: The target changes [Falling Damage] they would take to 0, and gains [Remove: Fallen].

<<Spark Zapper>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
You coat your weapon or bullets in spirit energy crystals, causing sparks as you attack and
penetrate armor.
Physical Attack.
The user gains +1 [Physical Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. Also, the target [Halves] their [Armor].

<<Shooting Alter>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
You transform your weapon into a bow or gun, and continually fire bullets or arrows of spirit
Ranged Attack.
The user changes the [Form] of an equipped [Weapon] to [Ranged]. Also, the user gains +1
[Physical Rank] at [Damage Calculation].

<<Force Strike>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Charge 4 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, 5]
Releasing spirit energy from your entire body, you gain explosive rushing power while unleashing
an attack.
Physical Attack.
The user gains +1 [Physical Rank] at [Damage Calculation].

<<Force Buster>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [5,5]
Coating your weapon or bullets with spirit energy, you create an explosion at the moment you hit,
carving through your opponent's defenses.
Physical Attack.
The user gains +1 [Physical Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. Also, the target cannot apply a [Halve]
effect during [Damage Reduction].

<<Spin Guard>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [5]
Twisting through the air as you take a physical hit, you lessen its impact as you land.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target gains +5 to [Armor].

<<Physical Augmentation>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Having awakened to your non-standard power, you display incredible fortitude and physical
abilities even without crystallizing.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +2 modifier to [Armor] and the result of {Strength} and {Agility} checks.

<<Smash Form>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By taking a unique stance before attacking, you can accumulate enormous spirit energy, refining a
technique into a killing art.
Unique Effect.
The target gains +2 [Rank] at the [Damage Calculation] of a [Style: Dragon Carrier / Timing: Attack]
Talent that is not marked with ●. This Talent does not spend [Prep], and may only be used once
per session.

● <<Crystal Smasher>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : [E, 5, 5]
Focusing highly concentrated spirit energy into a single point, you release that power and mow
down an entire area.
Physical Attack.
The user gains +2 [Physical Rank] at [Damage Calculation].

● <<Storm Burst>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [5]
Causing spirit energy and crystals to swirls around you like whirlpools, you rush forward as they
explode, hurling you across the battlefield.
Unique Effect.
The target changes the [Range / Target] of their [Timing: Attack / Effect Class: Physical Attack]
Talent to [Charge 10 Sq. / 1#]. This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Piercing Crystal>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Keeping your weapons and bullets coated with crystals that carry special properties, you pierce
your opponents' armor.
Passive Effect.
The target [Halves] the [Armor] of the [Target] of their [Physical Attack] at [Damage Calculation].

● <<Final Force>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This represents having mastered your own unique killing arts while training as a Dragon Carrier.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target gains a +[any one of the user's {Main Stats} x 2] modifier at [Damage Calculation]. This
Talent may be used once per combat.

● <<Special Move>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When you leap sky-high, you gather spirit energy by spinning your whole body, then wreathe
yourself in its protection.
Passive Effect. <<Combat Leap>> Required.
After the target uses <<Combat Leap>>, they change any one of their [Spirit] dice to a "5". This
Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Hyper Force>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You strike with over double your normal force, thanks to even stronger coating, or an emission of
your spirit energy.
Passive Effect. <<Force Strike>> or <<Force Buster>> Required.
When the target uses <<Force Strike>> or <<Force Buster>>, they gain an additional +2 [Physical
Rank] at [Damage Calculation] (in other words, a total of +3 [Physical Rank]).

● <<Clock Spin>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Once you master your spinning defense, and vastly improve the efficiency of your use of spirit
energy, you can eliminate gaps in your guard.
Passive Effect. <<Spin Guard>> Required.
Each time the target uses <<Spin Guard>>, it does not spend [Defense], and they treat it as though
its [Cost] has already been paid.

● <<Transformation Unnecessary>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Causing crystal to float around you rather than covering your form, you can gain all of the benefits
of being transformed without needing to change your appearance.
Passive Effect. <<Physical Augmentation>> Required.
While the target is under the effect of <<Crystal Transformation>>, they gain a +5 modifier to
[Armor] [Barrier] and {Initiative}.

◎ <<Crystal Enforcer>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents having awakened as an atypical Dragon Carrier. Enormous spirit energy
constantly flows from your body, making stronger crystallization possible.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses <<Crystal Transformation>> or a [Timing: Attack / Effect Class: Physical
Attack] Talent, they treat it as though any one portion of the [Cost] has already been paid.

◎ <<Second Stage Transformation>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You additionally strengthen your crystallization, plunging into a secondary transformation that
makes the power of your physical attacks soar.
Passive Effect.
While under the effect of <<Crystal Transformation>>, the target gains a +[any one of the user's
{Main Stats}] modifier at [Damage Calculation] of any [Style: Dragon Carrier / Effect Class: Physical
Attack] Talents.

◎ <<Storm Form>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
A Dragon Carrier ultimate technique that causes an evolution in their form, applying one's crystal
transformation or the crystals they have formed around them to their charge attack.
Passive Effect. <<Storm Burst>> Required.
The target adds the following to the effect of <<Storm Burst>>: "The target gains a +[any one of
user's {Main Stats}] at the [Damage Calculation] of any [Timing: Attack] Style Talent that is not
marked with ●."

◎ <<Force Master>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As one who has mastered the Dragon's Veins, you draw upon part of the Veins you possess when
battle begins.
Passive Effect.
Each time [Timing: Start] occurs, the target may change any one [Spirit] die to a "5".

This Type specializes in defense. It displays an incredible resilience to [Physical Attacks] and
[Magical Attacks]. You must have an [Item: Accessory] equipped to use [Dragon Carrier: Type
B] Talents.
※ <<Crystal Install>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [5]
Crystallizing spirit energy around yourself into an original armor suit or costume, you enhance your
Unique Effect.
For the rest of the combat, the target gains a +3 modifier to [Armor] and [Barrier]. This Talent does
not spend the user's [Start].

<<Crystal Shoot>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 10 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
A Dragon Carrier's signature magical attack that uses crystallized spirit energy.
Magical Attack.
Inflict [Rank: 3] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]).

Timing : Defense
Range : Charge 4 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [5]
You make a crystal burst, sending you flying in the way of an attack directed at your allies.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The user takes the [Damage] and all other effects that would have been inflicted, in place of the
target. If used against a [Magical Attack], treat it as though the {Resist} check failed. This Talent
has no effect against [Target: Area (or) Combat Zone] [Attack Actions].

<<Crystal Guard>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Doubles]
Coating a weapon you wield in crystals and bringing it to bear, you extinguish the power of a
magical attack.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target gains a modifier to [Barrier] equal to the [PD] or [MD] of one [Equipped] [Weapon].

<<Crystal Divider>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
You create a glimmering wall or pillar via crystallization, halting an opponent's attack.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target reduces the amount of [Damage] they take by 2. This Talent may be used once per
round, and has no effect on Talents where the outcome of {Resist} would [Cancel].

<<Intellect Enhancement>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Awakening as a mighty Dragon Carrier, you are able to manifest heightened powers of recall and
perception even without crystallization.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +2 modifier to [Barrier], and to the result of {Intellect} and {Luck} checks.

<<Material Shield>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When you perform a particular defense, you erect a wall of light that resembles your Spirit Crest,
giving you heightened physical defense.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses an [Effect Class: Use On Damage Reduction] Talent, they gain a +5
modifier to [Armor]. This effect is instant upon each use of the designated Talents, and does not
persist, nor does it stack.

<<Ethereal Shield>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When you perform a particular defense, you erect a wall of light that resembles your Spirit Crest,
giving you heightened magical defense.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses an [Effect Class: Use On Damage Reduction] Talent, they gain a +5
modifier to [Barrier]. This effect is instant upon each use of the designated Talents, and does not
persist, nor does it stack.

<<Crystal Attack>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Charge 2 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
You wreathe your own body and your weapon in crystals as you charge, then unleash a powerful
Physical Attack.
The user gains +1 [Physical Rank] at [Damage Calculation].

● <<Dash Guard>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Giving yourself explosive speed by bursting a crystal, you transform even the range of <<Guard>>.
Passive Effect.
The target becomes able to use <<Guard>> with [Cost: E]. Also, the target changes the [Range] of
<<Guard>> to [Charge 10 Sq.], and ignores [Engagements] when using <<Guard>>.

● <<Crystal Reinforce>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You condense spirit energy when you use a crystallization ability, drastically reducing impact
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses a [Timing: Unique / Effect Class: Use On Damage Reduction] Talent, they
[Halve] [Magical Damage] they take.

● <<Crystal Bunker>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Awakening as a mighty Possessor of the Dragon's Veins, you house powerful spirit energy within
your entire body, constantly providing heightened defensive effects.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +2 modifier to [Armor] and [Barrier]. Also, the target may ignore the following
sentence: "This Talent has no effect on Talents where the outcome of {Resist} would [Cancel].”

● <<True Crystal Install>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Awakening due to talent or discipline, you transform into the true form hidden within you.
Passive Effect.
While under the effect of <<Crystal Install>>, the target gains a +5 modifier to [Armor] and

● <<Protection Move>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
After covering for an ally, you move with speed unseen by the naked eye, claiming advantageous
terrain for yourself.
Passive Effect. <<Guard>> Required.
The target is able to use <<Guard>> as though it were [Cost: O]. Also, after using <<Guard>>, the
target may move up to 4 Sq., ignoring [Engagements].

● <<Crystal Counter>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [5]
As you block an attack, you release a powerful counterattack.
Unique Effect. <<Crystal Shoot>> or <<Crystal Attack>> Required. Use after the target uses a Style
Talent with [Effect Class: Use On Damage Reduction].
The target may use one [Style: Dragon Carrier / Timing: Attack] Talent, treating the [Cost] as
already paid. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Regalia Intercept>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You make your use of spirit energy more efficient, swinging your Regalia coated in crystals faster
and more precisely, which likewise gives you higher defense.
Passive Effect. <<Crystal Guard>> Required.
Each time the target uses <<Crystal Guard>>, they treat one portion of the [Cost] as already paid.
● <<Accelerant Crystal>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You super-accelerate your body by materializing crystallized spirit energy around yourself, and are
then able to move at tremendous speed.
Passive Effect.
While under the effect of <<Crystal Install>>, the target gains +5 to {Initiative} and [Barrier]. If
<<Crystal Install>> is used while [Out of Combat], for the rest of the scene the target is able to
move at the same speed as an [Automobile].

◎ <<Crystal Enhance>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Awakening as an atypical Possessor of the Dragon's Veins, you rapidly enhance certain defensive
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}. Also, while under the effect of <<Crystal Install>>, the
target reduces [Damage] they take by 5.

◎ <<Ultimate Form>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Awakening to a unique crystallization ability, you change your defensive form into the ultimate
Passive Effect.
While under the effect of <<Crystal Install>, the target gains the effect of either ① or ②.
①: +7 to [Armor] (total +10)
②: +7 to [Barrier] (total +10)

◎ <<Secret Crystal Art>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As you attack, you draw all of the spirit energy from the crystals covering your form, then drive
your own special ultimate strike into your foe.
Use On Damage Calculation. <<Intellect Enhancement>> Required.
The target gains +3 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent can be used once per combat (or

◎ <<Crystal Evolution>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Causing the nature of your crystal to evolve, you're able to freely control it.
Passive Effect. <<Crystal Divider>> Required.
The target may choose to change the effect of <<Crystal Divider>> to the following: "Use On
Damage Reduction. The target [Halves] the [Damage] they take. This Talent may be used once per
round, and has no effect on Talents where the outcome of a {Resist} check would cancel."

God Hand – [GM3]

This Type specializes in melee attacks. Other than that, one may acquire boosting techniques that
enhance the power of attacks. In order to use [God Hand: Type A] Talents, you must be [Equipped]
with [Unarmed].
※ <<Heaven and Earth>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [6]
By bringing together mind and body, you generate tremendous power and send your foe flying.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target gains +1 [Rank]. Also, the target may forcibly move any [Target] that took [Damage] up
to 3 Sq. from their current square, ignoring [Engagements]. This Talent may be used once per

<<Storm Smite>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [6]
You rapidly enhance your power by unleashing an attack that places tremendous strain on your
Physical Attack. The user gains +2 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. After [Timing: End], all
[Weapons] used for <<Storm Smite>> are unable to be [Equipped] until [Combat End].

<<Smiting Wave>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Charge 4 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
You hammer your opponent with a powerful strike while your whole body is wreathed in spirit
Physical Attack.
The user gains a +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] modifier at [Damage Calculation].

<<Spirit Armament>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You flood an object with spirit energy, converting it into a temporary Artificial Regalia, then use it
to attack.
Unique Effect.
This Talent cannot be used unless there is an [Obstacle] in a square adjacent to the user. The
[Obstacle] is destroyed, [Equipped] [Weapons] are changed to be [Stored], and then for the rest of
the combat, the user is [Equipped] with [Improvised Weapon].

<<Swift Art>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
You wreathe yourself in spirit energy, accelerating your mind and body, and then unleash a
technique of divine speed.
Use On Active Check.
The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of the [Active Check]. This Talent may be used once per

<<Hundred Strikes Art>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [6]
You wreathe yourself in spirit energy, accelerating your mind and body, and then unleash a
tremendous barrage of strikes as your attack lands.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target gains a +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] modifier at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent
may be used once per round.

<<Extension of Self>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through supernatural power or training, any Regalia in your hands is just an extension of your fist.
Passive Effect.
Once the target has acquired <<Extension of Self>>, they may use [Style: God Hand / Type: A] Style
Talents regardless of what [Weapon] they have [Equipped]. Also, they may change each [Style:
God Hand / Type: A / Timing: Attack] Style Talent's [Range] to be [Item].

<<Hidden Pressure Points>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Assessing the weak points your opponent's spirit crest and then striking those, you cause their
spirit energy to run wild and explosively scatter.
Passive Effect.
The target adds the following to the effect of <<Heaven and Earth>>: "The user may inflict [Shift:
Dead] on all Mononoke with "x#" written in their name (multiple Mononoke treated as one) that
they dealt [Damage] to." (<<Dark Killing Arts>> applies.)

<<Fa Jing>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have acquired an even greater spirit energy manipulation method.
Passive Effect.
The target may change the [Cost] of [Style: God Hand / Timing: Attack] Talents to [Steps], and if
they do, gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. While applying this effect, even if the [Cost] of a
Talent is "X", treat it as though "X, X". (Cannot receive the effect of <<Power of Despair>> or
<<Flowing Kotodama>>. Note that if <<Inner Heaven>> is already acquired, it may still be used to
reduce cost to one die, negating the downside of this Talent.)

● <<Explosive Breath>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Making full use of a special breathing technique, you dramatically amplify your spirit energy.
Unique Effect.
The target gains 2 [Overflow]. This Talent may be used once per session.

● <<Thunderous Tremor>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [6, 6]
Stomping or striking something, you cause the spirit energy within a body to reverberate,
amplifying the power of your technique.
Physical Attack.
The user gains +3 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Shrieking Throw>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Sheathing a throwing weapon in spirit energy, you vastly enhance its power.
Passive Effect. <<Extension of Self>> Required.
When the target makes a [Ranged Attack] while [Equipped] with a [Weapon] that has any one of
"Throw" "Use as a [Ranged Weapon]" or "Spend [Timing: Prep]" written in its effect field, they gain
a +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] modifier to [Physical Damage].

● <<Regaliazation>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Continually filling your limbs with spirit energy, you make your fists and feet akin to a powerful
Passive Effect. <<Spirit Armament>> Required.
The target gains a +[user's [World Influence LV] (Max 10)] modifier for the [Damage Calculation] of
[Unarmed] or [Weapons] that are treated as [Unarmed].

● <<Sen-No-Sen>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You bring your mind and body together and read the opponent's movements, then take the
initiative just before you opponent can.
Unique Effect.
The target gains a +[any one of user's {Main Stats} x 2] modifier to {Initiative}. This Talent does not
spend [Start], and may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Heavenly Motion>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [6]
Through a unique skill, you instantly charge a long distance.
Unique Effect.
The target can move up to 7 Sq. from their current square, ignoring [Engagements]. Also, the
target gains a +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] modifier at the [Damage Calculation] of their next
[Style: God Hand / Timing: Attack] Talent. If used [Out of Combat], for the rest of the scene, the
target is able to move at the same speed as an [Automobile].

● <<Smiting Cross>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [6]
You unleash a secret move of God Hands as you evade, delivering a tremendous blow when the
opponent isn't expecting it.
Unique Effect. <<Storm Smite>> Required. Use after the target succeeds at a [Reactive Check].
The target may use one [Style: God Hand / Timing: Attack / Cost: X (or) X, X] Talent, treating the
[Cost] as already paid. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Go-No-Sen>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [6]
You bring your mind and body together to read your opponent's killing intent, then begin your
actions just before they strike.
Unique Effect. This Talent may be used only when the user is [Ready]. Use when the target takes
their [Turn].
The user takes their [Turn] before the target takes theirs, regardless of the user's {Initiative}. This
Talent may be used once per session.

◎ <<Invite Ruin>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Using an ultimate technique you devised yourself, you hammer your opponent with a strike that
will bring certain death.
Passive Effect.
The target adds the following to the effect of <<Heaven and Earth>> "The user gains a +[any one of
the user's {Main Stats}] modifier at [Damage Calculation]. Also, the user may destroy any
[Obstacle] they deal [Damage] to."

◎ <<Inner Heaven>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Causing your spirit energy to circulate in a spiral using a special breathing technique, you
dramatically enhance the efficiency of its use.
Passive Effect.
The target is now able to use <<Heaven and Earth>> as [Cost: E], and [Style: God Hand / Type: A /
Timing: Attack] Style Talents as [Cost: 6].

◎ <<Power Cleave>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [6]
With a fearsome knifehand or kick, you break a spiritual attack launched over a wide area.
Use when the target declares a Talent.
Cancel the effect of one [Range: Combat Zone / Target: Combat Zone / Timing: Attack] Talent. This
Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

◎ <<One With Heaven and Earth>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have completely unified your mind and body, allowing you to wield the techniques of a God
Hand at your will.
Passive Effect. <<Inner Heaven>> Required.
The target is able to use <<Heaven and Earth>> as though it had [Cost: None], and [Style: God
Hand / Type: A / Timing: Unique] Talents as though they had [Cost: O].

This Type specializes in defensive arts, throws, and joint locks. In order to use [God Hand: Type B]
Talents, you must be [Equipped] with [Unarmed].
※ <<Hua Jin>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [6]
You soften your opponent's spirit energy by bringing together your body and mind as you defend,
then turn their attack aside.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target reduces the [Damage] they would take by [any one of user's {Main Stats}]. This Talent
may be used once per round.
<<Smiting Tornado>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
With a fierce twist, you throw the opponent to the ground. At the moment of impact, you bind the
opponent's body with spirit energy, so the force directly strikes their soul, rather than their flesh.
Physical Attack.
The user gains a +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] modifier to [Physical Damage]. If the target takes
at least one point of damage from this Talent, they also take [Shift: Fallen].

<<Spirit Warhead>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Area
Cost : [E, 6]
Lifting up a car, electric pole, or even a building, you convert it into a temporary Artificial Regalia
by coating it with spirit energy, and then hurl it at an opponent.
Physical Attack.
This Talent cannot be used unless there is an [Obstacle] in a square adjacent to the user. The
[Obstacle] is destroyed, and then the user makes a [Special Attack] against the target, gaining a +
[destroyed [Obstacle]'s [Armor] value] modifier at [Damage Calculation].

<<Smiting Drop>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [6, 6]
Grabbing your opponent, you throw them in a distinct way, smashing them into the ground. At the
moment of impact, you bind the opponent's body with spirit energy, so the force directly strikes
their soul, rather than their flesh.
Physical Attack.
The user gains a +[any one of user's {Main Stats} x 2] modifier to [Physical Damage].

<<Spirit Palm>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
You ward off your opponent's attack with your palm, coated in spirit energy, reducing the power
of the blow.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target reduces the [Damage] they would take by 3.
<<Spirit Retaliation>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You manipulate your spirit energy while performing a particular movement following an evasion,
and send the shock of your opponent's attack back at them.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target inflicts [Shift: Fallen] to [Range: Engaged / Target: 1#] that made the [Attack Action].
This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Divine Dragon Defense>>

Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
You manipulate the flow of spirit energy using a special technique, focusing a broad attack on you
Use On Damage Reduction.
Change the [Target] of the [Attack Action] the target is making to [1#], with the user taking the
[Damage]. Treat this [Damage] as though a {Resist} check had been failed. This Talent may be used
once per round.

<<Feat of Training>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The discipline you have gained while in the process of refining your techniques can be put to use
with particular actions.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +2 modifier to the result of {Strength} and {Agility} checks, as well as +2 to

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
A high-level maneuver where you link your spirit energy with your opponent's, and nullify their
Passive Effect.
The target may change the effect of <<Hua Jin>> and <<Spirit Retaliation>> to either ① or ②.
(With <<Spirit Retaliation>> acquired, the user is able to gain the effect of ① and ② up to twice
a round.)
①: Use On Reactive Check. The target gains +2 to the result of the [Reactive Check].
②: Unique Effect. Use after succeeding at a [Reactive Check]. The target may make 1x [Weapon

● <<Shortened Earth>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : None
You move with lightning speed while avoiding a particular long-range attack by a hair's breadth.
Use On Damage Reduction.
Only in the case where the target's [Attack Action] is either [Range: X Sq.・Combat Zone], the user
changes the [Damage] they take to [HP Damage: 5], and ignore other effects that might've been
inflicted. Then, the user moves up to 7 Sq. from their current square, ignoring [Engagements]. This
Talent may be used once per combat.

● <<Soul Grip>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [6]
You take decisive action by putting a fallen foe in a joint lock. Rather than their bodies, you pin
their soul, and break it. The pain exceeds human reasoning, such that even an Aramitama would
Unique Effect. Use when the target has taken [Shift: Fallen].
Inflict the effect of either ① or ② on the target. This Talent may be used once per round. The
target does not make a [Reactive Check].
①: The target loses 3d6 {HP}.
②: The target takes [Shift: Pain].

● <<Blindside Barrage>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [O, 6]
You slip into your opponent's blindspot the moment they recover from a condition shift, then
unleash an attack.
Unique Effect. Use when the target [Removes] a [Shift].
The user may make one [Timing: Attack / Cost: X (or) X, X] Style Talent, treating it as though the
[Cost] had already been paid. This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Feat of Resilience>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By freely controlling spirit energy, you strengthen your body to become like steel.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}. Also, when using [Effect Class: Use On Damage Reduction]
Talents, the target reduces [Damage] they take by 4.

● <<Reactive Expert>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [6]
Having accumulated even more special training, you can handle not just physical attacks, but
magical ones too.
Use On Reactive Check. <<Feat of Training>> Required.
The target may use either {Evasion} or {Resist} for a [Reactive Check], treating the result of the
check as the result of the [Reactive Check]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Wild Strike>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [6]
Within the swirl of battle, you unleash your unique continuous attack called a "Wild Dance",
combining it with a particular strike or throw.
Unique Effect. Use after the target uses a [Timing: Unique] Style Talent.
The target may use one [Style: God Hand / Timing: Attack] Talent, treating the [Cost] as already
paid. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Smiting Hurl>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [6]
Within the swirl of battle, you grip another's arm, leg, or soul with divine speed, then either break
them, or set them right.
Unique Effect. User after the user uses a [Timing: Unique] Style Talent.
Inflict the effect of either ① or ② on the target. This Talent may be used once per round, and
the target does not get a [Reactive Check].
①: Target loses 2d6 {HP}, and takes [Shift: Fallen].
②: Target loses 2d6 {HP}, and takes [Remove: Fallen].

● <<Etherialization>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through a sacramental form of training, you strengthen your body spiritually rather than
materially, diminishing the effect of various hits.
Passive Effect. <<Feat of Resilience>> Required.
The target gains a +15 modifier to {HP}. Also, the target reduces [Damage] they take by 3.

◎ <<Hua Jin Expert>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through proficiency in hardening, you can manifest more supernatural defensive and combat
Passive Effect.
The target is now able to use <<Hua Jin>> as though it were [Cost: O], and is able to use <<Hua
Jin>> up to three times per round. Also, when the target uses [Timing: Attack] Style Talents, they
gain +1 [Rank].

◎ <<Outer Heaven>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By using a special breathing technique, you circulate enormous spirit energy throughout your
entire body, vastly enhancing the efficiency of your spirit energy.
Passive Effect.
The target is now able to use [Style: God Hand / Type: B / Timing: Attack] Style Talents as though
they had [Cost: 6]. Also, the treat treats [Timing: Defense / Cost: X] Style Talents as though the
[Cost] were already paid.

◎ <<Enlightenment>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Mastering the discipline of a God Hand, you acquire a breathing method used by gods and sages.
Those who have acquired this ultimate art boast a lifespan ten times longer than normal.
Passive Effect.
The target may use [Style: God Hand / Timing: Unique] Talents as though they had [Cost: E]. Also,
the target gains +1 [Rank] when they use [Timing: Attack] Style Talents.

◎ <<Hua Jin Master>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Having mastered the vector-controlling method of Hua Jin, you become able to use any kind of art.
Passive Effect. <<Hua Jin Expert>> Required.
Each time the target uses a ※ Talent, they treat one portion of the [Cost] as already paid. If the
Talent is already [Cost: None], then they may add or subtract 1 from two [Spirit] die (adjusting a
single [Spirit] die by 2 is allowed; this effect cannot raise above 6 or below 1).

Legion – [GM4]
This Type specializes in different kinds of attack actions. There are no restrictions to using [Legion:
Type A] Talents.
※ <<Focused Assault>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [5, 5]
Utilizing special combat techniques, you make an unparalleled focused assault.
Use While Active.
The user performs two [Weapon Attacks] against the [Target]. The user may apply effects that
affect [Attack Actions], such as <<Martial Arts Enhancement>> (Scion Racial Ability), but if making
a [Ranged Attack・Magical Attack], this Talent cannot be used after a [Combat Move]. This talent
may only be used once per round.

<<Target Assessment>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Assessing multiple targets, you ignore accuracy in favor of hitting them all.
Unique Effect.
When making an [Attack Action], the user selects a single value of 1, 2, or 3, and then takes a
penalty to their [Active Check] equal to that value. Then, they increase the # of [Targets] of their
[Attack Action] by the same value. (For example, if they select 2, then they take -2 to the [Active
Check], but gain +2# [Target].) If the [Attack Action] is already [Target: Area, Combat Zone], then
instead the user takes -2 to the [Active Check], and gains +1 [Rank]. The Talent does not expend
the user's [Start] Timing.

<<Aim Where It's Weak>>

Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Seeing through your opponent's armor or barrier to their weak points, you unleash a sudden strike
at those places.
Physical Attack.
The user makes a [Physical Attack] against the target, and gains one of the following effects at
[Damage Calculation].
1: [Physical Rank] +1
2: [Target] [Armor] is [Halved]

<<Special Technique>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
You unleash an attack timed to a gap in your opponent's awareness, or just with inhuman speed,
hindering your opponent's evasive maneuvers.
Physical Attack.
The user makes a [Special Attack] against the target. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Combat Maneuver>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Just after unleashing an attack, you nimbly move with a cartwheel, flip, or backspring.
Unique Effect. Use after the target makes an [Attack Action].
The target may move up to three squares. This Talent may not be used while [Engaged], and may
only be used once per round.

<<Focused Fire>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
By focusing a broad attack to a single point, you also focus the power.
Unique Effect. Use before the user makes an [Attack Action].
For each 1# the user reduces the [Target] of their [Attack Action] by (to a minimum of 1#), they
gain a +3 modifier at [Damage Calculation] (to a maximum of 12). If the [Attack Action] is [Target:
Area, Combat Zone], then change the [Target] to [1#], and gain +1 [Rank]. This Talent lasts until
[Timing: End] of the current round, and may only be used once per round.

<<Field CQC>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Using practiced, close-in fighting techniques, you knock down an opponent near you.
Unique Effect. Use after the target performs [Damage Calculation], or after they are successful at a
[Reactive Check].
The target inflicts [Shift: Fallen] on [Range: Engaged / Target: 1#] (no [Reactive Check] is made.)
This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Strategic Move>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Your ally moves according to your plan, strategically seizing advantageous terrain.
Unique Effect. Use when the target becomes the [Actor].
The target may move up to five squares (if [Engaged], they cannot move, however if through the
effect of another Talent they can ignore [Engaged], then they can move; also, the target may
refuse this effect.) This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Maximum Range>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Using sniping techniques you've honed on the battlefield, you increase the range of your weapon
beyond its capabilities.
Unique Effect.
The target selects any one of the following values: 1・2・3. Then, they take a penalty to [Active
Checks] equal to that value, and after that, increase the [Range] of their [Attack Actions] by a
number of squares equal to their chosen value (for example, if 2 is selected, take -2 to [Active
Checks], then gain +2 Sq. to the [Range] of [Attack Actions]). If [Range] is something other than [X
Sq.], then gain +2 at [Damage Calculation] instead (to a maximum of +6).

● <<Counterstrike>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [5]
When you are wounded or are shifted, you turn aside while making a counter attack.
Unique Effect. Use after the target takes [Damage], or is inflicted with any one of [Shift: Darkness,
Fallen, Pain].
The target gains one of [Remove: Darkness, Fallen, Pain], and then may make one [Weapon
Attack]. This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Ace in the Hole>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You unleash an original secret move as a last resort, vastly enhancing the power of your attacks.
Use On Damage Calculation.
After [Influencing], the target treats the highest value die applied at [Damage Calculation] as
though it were an 8 (even if the result is a 1, treat it as an 8, such that [Rank: 4] would mean the
damage would be 8 * 4 = 32.) This Talent may be used once per combat.

● <<Ranged Attack Proficiency>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are skilled in the operation of ranged weapons and weapons akin to those.
Passive Effect.
While [Equipped] with a [Form: Ranged] [Weapon] (or a [Weapon] with "Gun" or "Bow" in the
name), the target gains a +5 modifier at [Damage Calculation]. Also, the target is now able to
[Equip] [Item: Weapon / Form: Ranged] [Weapons], or [Weapons] with "Gun" or "Bow" in the
name ignoring their [Restricts].

● <<Massacre>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through long years of training, you have distilled the combat techniques of a Legion so that they
are certain to bring death.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {Initiative}. Also, when inflicting [Damage] to the [Target] of
[Style: Legion / Timing: Attack] Style Talents, the target may inflict [Shift: Dead] to all Mononoke
with "x#" written in their names (multiple Mononoke treated as a single entity). <<Dark Killing
Arts>> cannot be applied to this effect.

● <<Long Range Snipe>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [5]
Sniping from long range, you hit an opponent's vitals.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target gains a modifier at [Damage Calculation] equal to the number of squares to the [Target]
of the [Attack Action]. (To a maximum of +10. For example, if there are 6 Sq. to the target, then
gain +6 at [Damage Calculation].) This Talent may be used once per round, and cannot be applied
to [Weapon Attacks].
● <<Callous Pursuit>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
You make a followup attack on a fallen enemy, having no mercy for them.
Unique Effect. Use at any time the target has a negative [Shift].
The user may make 1x [Weapon Attack]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Eagle Eyes>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You enhance your vision and focus by using spirit energy, allowing you to ignore distractions for a
moment and make an attack.
Use On Active Check.
The target momentarily changes the total of all [Active Check] penalties received this round to 0.
(For example, even if "dark place", [Darkness], and <<Maximum Range>> would inflict -7 to [Active
Checks], change -7 to 0.) This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Concentrated Assault>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By unleashing a focused assault with even greater precision, you can converge continuous attacks
into one deadly strike.
Passive Effect.
The target may choose to change the effect of <<Focused Assault>> to the following: "Use While
Active. Make an [Attack Action] on the target, and gain the effect of either ① or ②.
① [Physical Attack]: User gains +3 [Rank].
② [Magical Attack]: Deal [Rank: 4] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves])."

◎ <<Arms of the Asura>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Due to the techniques learned through long years of military service, you know exactly when to
use the right tool for the right job.
Passive Effect.
When using [Timing: Attack] Style Talents, the target gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation].
Also, three times per round, the target may immediately swap one [Equipped] [Weapon] for one
[Stored] [Weapon], and [Equip] it.

◎ <<One Man Army>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents being a supernaturally skilled warrior that, alone, is the equivalent to a
large military force.
Passive Effect.
When using [Group: Martial / Timing: Attack] Style Talents, the target may treat them as though
one portion of the [Cost] has already been paid.

◎ <<Precision Snipe>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Making a snipe from long range, you pierce an opponent's vitals with unparalleled precision.
Passive Effect. <<Long Range Snipe>> Required.
When using <<Long Range Snipe>>, the target gains an additional modifier at [Damage
Calculation] equal to the number of squares to the [Target] of the [Attack Action]. (Combined with
<<Long Range Snipe>>, maximum +20. For example, if there are 6 Sq. to the target, then gain +12
at [Damage Calculation]. This cannot be applied to [Weapon Attacks].)

◎ <<Clever Tactics>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You can execute any number of techniques and tactics due to the cleverness created over long
years of combat intuition.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 modifier to [Active Checks]. Also, when the target uses <<Combat
Maneuver>> <<Focused Fire>> or <<Strategic Move>>, they treat one portion of the [Cost] as
already paid.

This Type specializes in tactical commands and fighting using explosives. There are no restrictions
to using [Legion: Type B] Talents.
※ <<Battle Command>>
Timing : Start
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
Through decisive battle command, you support the actions of your allies.
Unique Effect. The target gains the effect of either ① or ②. This Talent does not spend [Start],
and may be used once per round.
①: +1 [Overflow]
②: +5 {Initiative}

<<Obstacle Deployment>>
Timing : Start
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1# (1 Sq.)
Cost : [Steps]
By blowing up or effectively utilizing your surroundings, you can set up an obstacle on any terrain.
Unique Effect.
The user [Installs] one [Obstacle] equivalent to a "Common Residence" in an unoccupied square
within [Range]. This Talent does not spend [Start], and may be used once per round.

<<Spread Out!>>
Timing : Prep
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : [5]
Making decisive tactical commands, you urge your allies into advantageous positions.
Unique Effect.
[Range: Combat Zone / Target: Combat Zone] other than the user may move up to 2 Sq. (If
[Engaged], they cannot move. This effect may be refused.) This Talent does not spend [Prep], and
may be used once per round.

<<Tactical Strike>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [5]
Utilizing weapons or firearms, you unleash an attack to ensure a tactical advantage.
Use While Active.
Make an [Attack Action] on the target, and gain the following effect as appropriate. The user may
forcibly move a target that took at least 1 [Damage] from this [Attack Action] 1 Sq. in any
direction, ignoring [Engagements].
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Deal [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist [Cancels]).

<<Demolition Tactics>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, 5]
Detonating pre-placed explosives in a certain order, you blow the target in whichever direction
you like.
Use While Active.
Make an [Attack Action] on the target, and gain the following effect as appropriate. The user may
forcibly move a target that took at least 1 [Damage] from this [Attack Action] 2 Sq. in any
direction, ignoring [Engagements].
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Deal [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist [Cancels]).

<<Perfect Cover>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Making full use of your cover, you enhance its defensive effects.
Use On Damage Reduction.
This Talent cannot be used unless there is an [Obstacle] in a square adjacent to the user. The
target is able to apply [Shift: Cover] even against [Damage] taken from [Engaged]. Also, the target
reduces the [Damage] taken by an additional 10 (for a total of -15). After, the target selects one
[Obstacle] in a square adjacent to them, and destroys it. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Offense and Defense as One>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [5]
Just after evading, you take a stance and then unleash a counterattack.
Unique Effect. Use after succeeding at an {Evasion} check.
The target may make 1x [Weapon Action] against [Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. This Talent may
be used once per round.

<<Assault Support>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
You attack or go for a fake-out on your opponent, letting you ally move while the opponent is
Unique Effect. Use when the target takes their [Turn].
The target may move up to 3 Sq., ignoring [Engagements] (the target may refuse this effect). This
Talent may be used once per round.
<<Explosive Proficiency>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Due to special training, you are skilled in the use of throwing grenades, shuriken, rocket launchers,
and talismans.
Passive Effect.
The target uses [Item: Consumable] and gains a +[user's [World Influence LV] (max +10)] modifier
at the [Damage Calculation] of [Weapon Attacks] performed with that [Item].

● <<Construct Fortification>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 2# (2 Sq.)
Cost : [5]
By blowing up your surroundings or utilizing terrain effectively, you set up an advantageous
position for yourself.
Unique Effect.
The user [Installs] one [Obstacle] equivalent to a "Common House" in two unoccupied squares
each within [Range].

● <<Collapse Obstacle>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [5]
Embedding explosives within obstacles, you detonate them as an opponent draws close to them,
stopping their movement.
Unique Effect. Use at any time, when the target moves into a square adjacent to an [Obstacle].
The target's [Move Action] or movement gained through a Talent ends in that square (the target
does not get a [Reactive Check]). After, all [Obstacles] adjacent to the target are destroyed. This
Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Zone Collapse>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [5]
Embedding explosives within obstacles, you detonate them the moment gets close to one,
blowing them away.
Unique Effect. Use at any time, when the target moves into a square adjacent to an [Obstacle].
Deal [Magical Damage: 15 x # of [Obstacles] adjacent to the target] (Max 60) to the target, and
also [Shift: Fallen] (the target does not get a [Reactive Check]). After, all [Obstacles] adjacent to
the target are destroyed. This Talent may be used once per combat.

● <<Flaming Explosion>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [5]
Exploding something simultaneously with an attack, you inflict mortal wounds on your opponent.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target gains a +[any one of user's {Main Stats} x 2] modifier at [Damage Calculation]. This
Talent may be used once per combat.

● <<All-Out Charge>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
Making full use of your singular tactics, you make an all-out charge with your nearby allies, vastly
improving your power.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target gains a modifier at [Damage Calculation] equal to the number of PCs (target included)
[Engaged] with them, x3 (to a maximum of +15). The effect of this Talent cannot be applied to
[Weapon Attacks]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Efficient Operation>>
Timing : End
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Due to the skill with which you operate, lacking waste of any sort, you can use medicine or throw
an explosive during a break in the fighting.
Unique Effect.
The target uses one [Stored] [Item: Consumable]. This Talent does not spend [End], and may only
be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Instant Installation>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Utilizing a nearby car, boulder, residence, or even corpse, you create an obstacle or cover with
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target [Installs] one [Obstacle] equivalent to a "Common House" in an adjacent unoccupied
square. This Talent may be used twice per round (or scene).

● <<Control Distance>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Precisely grasping the distance between enemy and ally, you can gain a decisive advantage by
controlling those factors.
Passive Effect.
The target increases the [Range] of their [Attack Actions] by 2 Sq. (if [Range: Combat Zone], gain
+2 at [Damage Calculation] instead). Also, when using a [Style: Legion] Talent that allows
movement, increase the distance that can be moved by 2 Sq. (for example, when using <<Spread
Out!>>, the target may move up to 4 Sq. instead).

◎ <<Tactical Expert>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Whether it's modern combat or guerilla combat, urban combat or magical combat, when it comes
to tactics in war, you know them all.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier at [Damage Calculation]. Also, when using [Timing: Start] Talents,
the target treats one portion of the [Cost] as already paid.

◎ <<Ingenious Schemes>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Making full use of your sly intellect and eye for tactics, you make highly sophisticated strategies.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {Initiative}. Also, the target is now able to use [Style: Legion /
Timing: Unique] Style Talents as though they had [Cost: O].

◎ <<Guiding Tactics>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [5]
Utilizing cover or an obstacle and leading an enemy, the moment your foe reaches a certain spot,
you let them have it.
Unique Effect. Use at any time that the target moves adjacent to an [Obstacle].
The user may use one [Style: Legion / Timing: Attack / Cost: X (or) X, X] Talent, treating the [Cost]
as already paid. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

◎ <<Veteran Soldier>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents having high combat prowess, having mastery as a Legion, due to your harsh
training or long years of experience.
Passive Effect.
When the target has [Shift: Covered], they reduce [Damage] they take by an additional 10 (when
using <<Perfect Cover>>, reduce [Damage] by 25). Also, when using [Style: Legion / Timing: Attack]
Talents, the target gains an additional +1 [Rank].

Soul Eater – [GM5]

This type is good at attacking. There are no limits on using [Soul Eater: Type A] Talents.
※ <<Garyou Sen>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [2, 2]
Unleash a powerful blow with negative energy and turn your opponent’s health into your own
Physical Attack.
The user gains +2 [Rank] on [Damage Calculation]. Additionally, the user gains 1 [Overflow] after
[Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Garyou Attack>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
Unleash a powerful blow with negative energy and blow your opponent away.
Physical Attack.
The user gains +1 [Rank] on [Damage Calculation. Targets that perform [Damage Reduction] gain
[Shift: Fallen].

<<Garyou Destruction>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [2, 2]
Build up negative energy within your regalia to its limits, exploding it at the point of impact to
break through defenses.
Physical Attack.
The user gains +1 [Rank] on [Damage Calculation], and the target cannot apply [Halve] effects
during [Damage Reduction].

<<Garyou Dance>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
By cloaking your entire body in negative energy while avoiding an attack, you capture the spirit
energy released by the attacker and convert it into your own.
Use on {Evasion} Check.
The target adds or subtracts 1 from the value of one of their [Spirit Dice] (Cannot go above 6 or
below 1).

<<Garyou Afterimage>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [2]
Manipulate negative energy to create an alter-ego and have the opponent attack it, then
immediately counter.
Unique Effect. Use after succeeding a [Reactive Check].
The target may perform one [Weapon Attack]. This Talent may be used once per round (or Scene).

<<Garyou Thorns>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : None
In the moment an opponent is hindered, entwine them with thorns formed by negative energy,
which robs them of their power.
Unique Effect. Use any time the target has a negative [Shift].
The user gains 1 [Overflow]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Spirit Eater>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
When either struck by or landing an attack, you absorb the opponents spirit energy to heal
Unique Effect. Use when the target performs [Damage Calculation] or [Damage Reduction].
The target [Recovers] 10 {HP}. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Garyou Shadow>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
After dodging, you transform negative energy into an alter-ego, turning it into an opportunity to
absorb spirit energy from the opponent.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses a Talent with [Effect Class: Use on {Evasion} Check], they may add or
subtract 1 from the value of one of their [Spirit Dice] (cannot go above 6 or below 1).

<<Garyou Mutation>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Improve your strength or disguise yourself by cloaking your body in negative energy.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of {Strength}, {Intellect}, and {Accuracy} checks.
Additionally, the target transforms into any figure they have previously seen for the rest of the
scene (treat as [Maneuver: Disguise / Result: 20]).

● <<Garyou Seal>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [2]
At the moment of impact, you imprint negative energy onto the opponent's soul and hinder any
recovery for a short period of time.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target reduces [Recovery] effects by 20 until after [Timing: End] of the next round. This Talent
may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Garyou Sever>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [2]
At the moment you attack, you pour negative energy in to temporarily cut off the flow of spirit
energy within the opponents body.
Use on Damage Calculation.
When the target uses a [Timing: Attack / Cost: Steps or 2, 2] Style Talent, the user gains a +[any
one of user's {Main Stats}] modifier to [Damage Calculation. This Talent may be used once per
round (or Scene).

● <<Garyou Study>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Double the power of negative energy talents by sharpening and developing them.
Passive Effect. <<Garyou Shadow>> Required.
When the target uses a [Cost: Steps or 2, 2] Style Talent, gain +2 [Rank].

● <<Garyou Explosion>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
At the moment an attack lands, it explodes with negative energy and penetrates the opponents
Passive Effect.
When the target uses a [Timing: Attack / Cost: Steps or 2, 2] Style Talent, targets that perform
[Damage Reduction] [Halve] their [Armor] or [Barrier].

● <<Garyou Bisection>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [2]
Focusing the jet-black energy on your regalia, when you make an attack you also cut through the
concept of the enemy themselves.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target reduces [Armor] or [Barrier] by -[Any of user's {Main Stats} x3]. This Talent may be used
once per session.

● <<Garyou Rampage>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : Area
Cost : [2]
Temporarily stoke the negative energy that circulates through your body into a rampage, robbing
your surroundings of vitality.
Unique Effect. Use at Any Time.
The target loses 2d6 {HP}, then afterwards the user gains [Shift: Fallen]. This Talent can only be
used once per round (or scene).

● <<Garyou Magic>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By repeatedly studying, you have created a special magic system using your negative energy.
Passive Effect.
The user may change a [Timing: Attack / Cost: Steps or 2, 2] Style Talent's to [Magical Attack /
Rank: 4 / Resist: Halves]. It still retains the effects of the original Style Talent.

● <<Garyou Prison>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By mastering the secrets of Soul Eater, you have dramatically improved your ability to siphon spirit
energy from your opponents.
Passive Effect.
The target may [Recover] 10 {HP} each time [Damage Calculation] is performed using a [Timing:
Attack / Cost: Steps or 2, 2] Style Talent.

◎ <<Garyou Freedom>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By mastering the skill of manipulating negative energy at will, you become an expert in various
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses a [Timing: Attack / Cost: Steps or 2, 2] Style Talent, treat it as though one
portion of the [Cost] has already been paid.

◎ <<Garyou Torrent>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Apply negative energy in a variety of techniques to dramatically increase their power.
Passive Effect. <<Garyou Shadow>> Required.
When the target uses a [Timing: Attack / Cost: Steps or 2, 2] Style Talent, they gain a + [any one of
user's {Main Stats}] modifier at [Damage Calculation].

◎ <<Garyou Extinguish>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [2]
By capturing the soul of the target and injecting it with your negative energy, the soul itself is
Unique Effect. Use after the target performs the [Damage Calculation] of a [Style: Soul Eater /
Timing: Attack] Talent.
The target rolls 1d6, and on any result other than a [1], apply [Shift: Dead] to any non-[Boss], non-
[Aramitama] [Mononoke] that performed [Damage Reduction]. This Talent may be used once per
combat (or scene).

◎ <<Garyou Master>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By mastering the operation of your negative energy, you can reduce its cost when activating
various techniques.
Passive Effect. <<Garyou Dance>> Required. The target may use [Timing: Unique / Cost: 2] Style
Talents as though they were [Cost: E]. If already [Cost: E], treat as though the cost has already
been paid.

This type is good at defensive actions. There are no limits on using [Soul Eater: Type B] Talents.
※ <<Garyou Reversal>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [2, 2]
While simultaneously resisting magic, you develop negative energy around you and rob the
opponents power to launch a counter-attack.
Unique Effect. Use after the target succeeds at a {Resist} check.
The target may perform x1 [Timing: Attack]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Garyou Roar>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Charge 5 Sq
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
After surrounding your body in negative energy, you immediately make a full charge at your
Physical Attack.
The user gains +1 [Rank] on [Damage Calculation].

<<Garyou Inversion>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [2]
While evading, you circulate negative energy to heal and then counterattack.
Unique Effect. Use after the target succeeds a [Reactive Check].
The user makes a [any {Main Stat} check / TN: 20] and gains an effect according to the following.
This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).
Check Failure: The target [Recovers] 5 {HP}.
Check Success: The target makes x1 [Weapon Attack].

<<Garyou Sphere>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By deploying negative energy around you, you can instantly respond to the spirit energy of others.
Use after the target succeeds an {Evasion} Check.
The target may use <<Garyou Reversal>>, spending the [Cost] as usual. This Talent may be used
once per round (or scene).

<<Soul Divider>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By wrapping your whole body in negative energy and reading the trajectory of an attack made
with wild abandon, you absorb its spirit power.
Unique Effect. Use before Reactive Check.
On succeeding the [Reactive Check], the target gains 1 [Overflow]. This Talent may be used once
per round (or scene).

<<Garyou Flight>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Fly a long distance at once by manipulating negative energy into huge wings from your back.
Unique Effect. Use after the target succeeds at a [Reactive Check].
[Install] the target up to 5 Sq away. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Garyou Illusion>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
When an ally is attacked, the negative energy released creates an illusion and guides the attack
Unique Effect. Use before the target makes a [Reactive Check].
The user makes the [Reactive Check] in place of the target using either {Evasion} or {Resist} (and if
successful, may use <<Garyou Reversal>> or similar). If the [Reactive Check] fails, then the user
takes the [Damage]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Garyou Performance>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
While dodging, you deploy negative energy around your body, and while moving through the air,
the opponent's spirit is siphoned.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses <<Garyou Reversal>>, treat it as though one portion of the [Cost] has
already been paid.

<<Roaring Skill>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are especially proficient in using Garyou Roar.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses <<Garyou Roar>>, they treat it as though one portion of the cost is
already paid.

● <<Garyou Shield>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Steps]
Create an armor of negative energy to diminish the power of an attack.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target gains + [One equipped weapon's [PD] or [MD]] to [Barrier].

● <<Garyou Tornado>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : Area
Cost : [2]
Instantly deploy a tornado of negative energy around you to blow your opponents away.
Unique Effect. Use at Any Time.
[Install] the target up to 3 Sq away. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Garyou Sharpening>>
Timing : Constant
Range : Use
Target : User
Cost : None
Further refine the Garyou Reversal into a more powerful technique.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +2 [Rank] on [Damage Calculation] of <<Garyou Reversal>>.

● <<Garyou Fortress>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Negative energy is diluted around you constantly, keeping you in a ready state.
Passive Effect.
The target may use <<Garyou Reversal>>, <<Garyou Sphere>>, and <<Garyou Illusion>> one
additional time per round.

● <<Garyou Binding Chain>>

Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
Bind an opponent with a long chain made of negative energy to reduce the power of the target's
Use on Damage Calculation.
The target gains a -[Any of user's {Main Stats}] x2 modifier to [Damage Calculation]. This Talent
may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Garyou Diffusion>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : Area
Cost : None
Develop a special barrier formed of negative energy around you, and exchange spirit energy with
the allies under its cover.
Unique Effect. Use at Any Time.
The user may exchange one [Spirit Dice] with each target within [Range: Engaged / Target: Area]
(the target may reject this effect). This Talent may be used once per session.

● <<Soul Offense and Defense>>

Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [2]
Immediately before being attacked, the negative energy surrounding you charges with murderous
intent, showing the illusion of death to the opponent and blocking the attack.
Use on Active Check.
The target gains a -10 modifier to their [Active Check] (to a minimum of 0). This Talent may be
used once per session.

● <<Garyou Replenishment>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By replenishing negative energy throughout your body, the cost of spirit energy is diminished.
Use when the target declares a Talent. <<Garyou Diffusion>> Required.
When the target declares a [Timing: Unique / Cost: 2] Style Talent, they treat it as though 1 portion
of the cost is already paid. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

◎ <<Garyou Counter>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By focusing your negative energy into the counter attack you always land a strong blow.
Passive Effect.
While [Ready], the target gains a +10 modifier to [Damage Calculation] of [Attack Actions]. This
Talent does not apply to [Weapon Attacks].

◎ <<Garyou Condensation>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Condensing the negative energy within your body and drawing from its supply, you reduce the
cost of techniques.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses a [Timing: Unique / Cost: X, X] ※ Style Talent or [Timing: Defense] Style
Talent, they treat it as though one portion of the cost is already paid.

◎ <<Garyou Ranbu>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [2]
By manipulating negative energy to create countless illusions, you can avoid even the inevitable
strikes of god.
Use on Reactive Check.
The target may use any {Main Stat} value for the [Reactive Check]. This Talent may be used once
per session.

◎ <<Extreme Counter>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [2]
By mastering negative energy, you freely control its emission.
Unique Effect. Use when the target declares <<Garyou Reversal>>.
The target gains a +20 modifier to the [Damage Calculation] of <<Garyou Reversal>>. This Talent
may be used once per round (or scene).
Aura Breaker – [GM6]
This type is excellent at attacking. There are no limits on using [Aura Breaker: Type A] Talents.
※ <<Aura Bash>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4, 4]
When an attack lands, you release a burst of ki at the moment of impact, crushing the target with
tremendous spiritual light.
Use on Damage Calculation.
The target gains +2 [Rank]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Aura Rage>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4]
By circulating ki throughout your body, you are engulfed in a blue-white flame-like spiritual light,
increasing the power of your techniques.
Unique Effect.
The target gains +1 [Rank] on [Damage Calculation]. This Talent does not spend [Prep], but may
only be used once per round (or scene).

<<Aura Ray>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
You focus pure destructive energy in your fingertips or palms and release it in a shot at an
Magical Attack.
Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] (Resist [Halves]). If the target has [Shift: Flight] or [Move: Fly],
gain an additional +1 [Rank] (for a total of [Rank: 3]).

<<Aura Strike>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [4, 4]
By charging your attack with a vast amount of cultivated ki, you crush the enemy's defenses.
Physical Attack.
The user gains +1 [Physical Rank] on [Damage Calculation], and the target cannot apply [Halve]
effects on [Damage Reduction].

<<Aura Reflection>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Steps]
You flood power into your weapon or similar in order to intercept an attack, and deflect the
incoming damage.
Use on Damage Reduction. The target gains a modifier to [Armor] equal to the [PD] or [MD] of one
[Equipped] [Weapon].

<<Aura Boost>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
You channel your ki towards an ally to boost the destructive power of their techniques.
Use on Damage Calculation.
Targets other than the user gain +1 [Rank]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Aura Convert>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You convert your own spiritual power into ki by using the ripples of energy that occur when using
a technique.
Passive Effect.
The target may change 1 [Spirit Dice] into [Overflow] when using a [Timing: Prep] Style Talent
(Including [Timing: Prep / Unique]).

<<Aura Enhance>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By strengthening the circulation of your ki, you enhance your own vitality while also making it
easier to convert into destructive power.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}, and the target may use <<Aura Bash>> as though it were
[Cost: Steps].

<<Aura Extend>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4]
Pure destructive power is unleashed as you use your technique.
Unique Effect. Use before [Active Check].
Change the [Range] of a [Timing: Attack] Talent to [Combat Zone]. This Talent may be used once
per round (or scene).

● <<Aura Penetrate>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [4]
You manipulate the release of ki to produce high-frequency wavelengths that pierces through
armor like wood and barriers like paper.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target [Halves] their [Armor] or [Barrier]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Aura Defender>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By enhancing the circulation of your ki you can boost your physical strength and reflexes,
enhancing your defenses.
Passive effect. <<Aura Reflection>> Required.
The target may use [Group: Martial / Timing: Defense] Style talents as though they were [Cost: E].
If it is already [Cost: E], then treat the cost as already paid.

● <<Aura Control>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You learn how to manipulate the ki circulating in your body in precise timing with your techniques,
creating a unique spiritual wavelength.
Passive Effect.
When the target uses a [Group: Martial / Timing: Prep - Unique] Style Talent, they may add or
subtract 1 from the value of one of their [Spirit Dice] (cannot go above 6 or below 1).

● <<Aura Focus>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By learning how to efficiently focus your ki, you reduce the amount of power necessary to perform
the technique.
Passive Effect. <<Aura Enhance>> Required.
The target may use <<Aura Bash>> as though one portion of the cost has already been paid.

● <<Aura Device>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
By training your ki, you can amplify and instantly generate energy.
Unique Effect. Use at Any Time.
The target gains 1 [Overflow]. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Aura Mail>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By using a powerful shout to release ki, you offset the impact of magical attacks and abilities.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target gains a +10 modifier to [Barrier]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Aura Buster>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You learn a technique to cultivate a huge amount of ki, and are able to radiate destructive power
in all directions.
Passive effect. <<Aura Convert>> Required.
The target gains a +5 modifier to [Magical Damage]. Additionally, the target may change the
[Target] of <<Aura Ray>> to [Area], and the effect to "Magical Attack. Inflict [Rank: 3] [Magical
Damage] (Resist [Halves]). If the target has [Shift: Flight] or [Move: Fly], gain an additional +1
[Rank] (Total [Rank: 4]).
● <<Aura Refrain>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You use a higher level ki control that imitates the wavelengths of spiritual power used for specific
techniques, enabling them to be used repeatedly.
Passive Effect.
The target is able to use [Group: Martial / Timing: Unique / Range: User / Target: User / Cost:
None] Style Talents marked with ● with the effect "This Talent may be used once per round", one
additional time per round.

◎ <<Aura Liberate>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through great skill at manipulating ki, you are capable of converting all the hidden spiritual power
within your body to pure destruction.
Unique Effect. Use at Any Time.
The target gains 1 [Overflow], and may convert 1~4 [Spirit Dice] into [Overflow]. This Talent may
be used once per combat.

◎ <<Aura Condense>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By mastering the output of ki, you greatly increase the efficiency of conversion into destructive
Unique Effect.
Use when the target is using a [Cost: 4, 4] Style Talent. The target gains a +[Any one of the user's
{Main Stats}] modifier during [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be used once per round (or

◎ <<Aura Traffic>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By transforming your own soul into a central point for the cultivation of surrounding spirit energy,
you gain great vitality and can instantly convert spirit energy into destructive power.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, the target may use <<Aura Bash>> one
additional time per round, and change it to [Range: Combat Zone / Target: 1#].

◎ <<Aura Master>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You become the master of cultivating ki, and skilled in the use of all forms of secret techniques.
Passive Effect. <<Aura Liberate>> Required.
The target may use ※ Talents as though one portion of the cost is already paid. If it is [Cost:
None], instead add or subtract 1 from the value of two of their [Spirit Dice] (One dice may be
adjusted by 2, cannot go above 6 or below 1).

This type is excellent at defense and support. There are no limits on using [Aura Breaker: Type B]
※ <<Aura Wall>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4, 4]
You instantly deploy a cultivated ki and create a shining barrier to block enemy blows.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target [Halves] [Damage] they take. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Aura Alter>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
By radiating your ki as spiritual light, you convert the target's spiritual power.
Magical Attack.
The target changes 1 [Spirit Dice] into [Overflow] (Resist [Cancels]).

<<Aura Barter>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
You have mastered instantaneous movement using ki, and can swap positions with another.
Unique Effect. May only be used in [Combat]. Use before the target makes a [Reactive Check].
The user [Installs] by swapping their position with the target, ignoring [Engagements]. Afterwards,
the target of the [Attack Action] becomes the user, and the user makes the [Reactive Check]. This
Talent may be used once per round.

<<Aura Response>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4]
At the moment you are attacked by an enemy, you circulate your own ki and automatically trigger
an acquired technique.
Use on Damage Calculation.
Change the [Range / Target] of one [Timing: Attack] Talent the user has acquired that does not
deal [Damage] (<<Aura Alter>>, <<High Cure>>, etc), to [User / User] and use it immediately,
treating the cost as though it has already been paid. This Talent may be used once per round (or

<<Aura Counter>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4]
By circulating ki, you block the sensation of pain from taking a powerful attack and instantly
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target performs x1 [Weapon Attack]. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Aura Vacuum>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
You manipulate the ambient spiritual power in the air and draw it into yourself.
Use on Damage Reduction.
Change the target of an [Attack Action] to [Target: 1#], and the user receives the [Damage] (treat
as though the {Resist} check had failed). This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Selling Aura>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You bolster your vitality and improve the efficiency of your spiritual power required to deploy
barriers with ki.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}, and may use <<Aura Wall>> as though it were [Cost:

<<Enchantment Aura>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You improve the defensive effect of your protective regalia by imbuing it with ki.
Effect: Item.
One item selected by the target gains a +5 modifier to [Armor].

<<Aura Shoot>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
You transform your ki into a hand-sized projectile of light, which strikes the target at high speed
and explodes on impact.
Physical Attack.
The user gains +1 [Physical Rank] during [Damage Calculation].

● <<Aura Cyclone>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4]
By deploying multiple shields of destructive energy and rotating them at high speed, you create an
effective defense against long-range attacks.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target [Halves] [Damage] from targets other than [Range: Engaged]. This Talent may be used
once per round (or scene).

● <<Optimal Aura>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By optimizing the circulation of ki, you require less spiritual power to execute techniques, as well
as strengthening your vitality.
Passive effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, the target may use <<Aura Wall>> as though
one portion of the [Cost] has already been paid.

● <<Pile Aura>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By training to accumulate and cultivate excess ki within your body, you boost your vitality and can
continuously deploy barriers of ki.
Passive effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}, and may use <<Aura Wall>> one additional time per round.

● <<Enhanced Aura>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By infusing ki into your equipped armor, you can dramatically reinforce your body.
Passive effect.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, the target gains a modifier to {HP} equal to
"Number of Talents with [Effect: Item]" x10 (maximum 30) that the target has already acquired.

● <<Landing Aura>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When struck by a projectile, you dissipate the impact using your ki.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target makes an [Appearance Check] and gains an effect based on the value of the [Check],
according to the following. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).
Check value 14 or less, or [Pomander] used: reduce [Damage] by 10.
Check value 15 to 24: reduce [Damage] by 20.
Check value 25 or higher, or <<Scion's Advent>> used: [Halve] [Damage].

● <<Aura Shield>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [4]
Reduce the power of attacks by deploying a ki shield in front of your allies.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target reduces [Damage] by [Any one of the user's {Main Stats}]. This Talent may be used once
per round (or scene).

● <<Aura Explosion>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Steps]
At the moment you are attacked, you explode your ki from within your body and blast away the
surrounding enemies.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The user inflicts 40 [Magical Damage] against [Range: Engaged / Target: Area] (This damage is
fixed and cannot be increased by using items, Talents, etc), and [Installs] each target that takes
[Damage] up to 4 Sq away. This Talent may be used once per combat.

● <<Aura Swing>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4]
In the midst of an attack, you grab an opponent and carelessly toss them aside.
Unique Effect. Use on Damage Calculation or Damage Reduction.
[Install] [Range: Engaged / Target: 1#] that either performed [Damage Calculation], or received
[Damage] from the user up to 7 Sq away, and they gain [Shift: Fallen]. This Talent may be used
once per round (or scene).

◎ <<Aura Revive>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By concentrating the ki you have cultivated within your body, you can stand up even from fatal
injuries and maintain your physical strength for a while longer.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target changes the [Damage] they take to 0, and sets their current {HP} to 10. This Talent may
be used once per combat.

◎ <<Aura Expert>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By mastering the circulation and cultivation of ki, you achieve an extremely high threshold of
vitality and tremendous efficiency when using spirit energy.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, the target may treat [Cost: 4, 4] Style Talents
marked with ※ as though one portion of the cost has already been paid.

◎ <<Aura Dexterity>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By mastering a specific technique using ki, you achieve a synergistic effect between your vitality
and spiritual circulation.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, the target may use [Style: Aura Breaker /
Timing: Unique / Cost: X] Style Talents as though they were [Cost: O].

◎ <<Aura Disturb>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [4]
At the instant an opponent tries to draw out the power of a regalia, you use a ki technique to
extinguish its spiritual power.
Unique Effect.
Use when the target declares an [Additional Effect]. Cancel one [Additional Effect] declared by the
target. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

Dark Hunter – [GU1]

This Type specializes in offense. Besides offense, characters can acquire Talents for pursuing
the enemy, and supporting allies. There are no restrictions for using [Dark Hunter: Type A]
※ <<Shadow Breach>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Steps]
Combining physical arts with skillful shadow manipulation, you move while sending the opponent
Unique Effect.
The target makes a [Combat Move] (they do not ignore [Engagements] unless the effect of
another Talent would make it so), and then forcibly inflicts [Shift: Fallen] on [Range: Engaged /
Target: 1#].
FAQ: This movement does not count as a Move Action, and the user can make Ranged and Magic
attacks after moving.

<<Shadow Tool>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Manipulating shadows, you instantly produce a drug while within your barrier and immediately
use it.
Unique Effect.
The target uses one [Stored] [Item: Consumable].

Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Detonating shadows while striking, you send the enemy flying with the force of your attack.
Use While Active.
The user makes an [Attack Action] against the target and gains an effect according to the
following. If the target takes at least 1 point of damage, the user may force the target to move 1
square in any direction, ignoring [Engagements].
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist [Halves]).

<<Shadow Clone>>
Timing : Defense
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [2]
Creating a shadow clone, you aid another's evasion.
Use On {Evasion} Check.
The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of the {Evasion} check.

<<Shadow Double>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [2, 2]
Generating a shadow clone, you unleash a technique with a time delay.
Unique Effect. Use after the target's [Damage Calculation].
The target uses one [Timing: Attack] Talent, and treats it as though the [Cost] has already been
paid. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Interrupt Support>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Your movements in themselves create a blind spot, aiding another's actions.
Unique Effect. Use after the target becomes [Not Ready].
The target designates a [Ready] character with [Range: Combat Zone / Target: 1#], and that
character interrupts the turn order, taking their turn immediately regardless of their {Initiative}.

<<Shadow Freerun>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You create a shadow gate when you move, and are able to freely change your position when you
go through it.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +2 modifier to {Initiative}. Also, when the target makes a [Combat Move] with
[Timing: Prep], it does not spend their [Prep]. This applies to the [Combat Move] made by
<<Shadow Breach>>.

<<Shadowrun Proficiency>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By lurking in shadows, sprinting with no openings, and riding the shadows, you can easily reach
high places.
Passive Effect.
The target becomes able to make [Full Moves] with [Prep], and ignores all penalties of [Full Move]
and [Withdraw]. Also, when the target [Climbs], they succeed at the [Check] regardless of the
outcome of the [Roll] (treat as [Result 20]).

<<Spinning Move>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
After attacking, you capitalize on your shadow-enhanced physical abilities, putting space between
you and an opponent with a flip or twist.
Unique Effect. Use after [Damage Calculation].
The target can move up to 2 Sq. ignoring [Engagements]. This Talent may be used once per round
(or scene).

● <<Execution Shadow Art>>

Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [2, 2]
An execution art that embeds shadow in the target, hindering their recovery.
Use While Active.
The user makes an [Attack Action] against the target. If the target fails their [Reactive Check], then
until after the next round's [Timing: End], the target reduces any [Recovery] effects on them by 30.
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical
Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]).

● <<Pursue Weakness>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : #1
Cost : [2]
You chase after a panicking enemy's weaknesses.
Unique Effect. Use after the target has received a negative [Shift], or a [Remove].
The user may make one [Weapon Attack] against the target. This Talent may be used once per

● <<Shadow Slay>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [2]
Wreathing a finely honed shadow around a weapon or bullet, you detonate that shadow as you
hit, penetrating armor.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target [Halves] their [Armor]. If the user is [Equipped] with a [Form: Sword, Spear, or Ranged]
weapon, then the target additionally [Halves] their [Armor]. This Talent may be used once per

● <<Dark Shadow Art>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have acquired a special technique that draws spirit energy from shadow, making the cost of
certain techniques more efficient.
Unique Effect.
The target is able to use [Timing: Prep] Talents as though they had [Cost: E]. Treat Talents that
already have [Cost: E] as though the [Cost] has already been paid.

● <<Shadow Swarm>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [2, 2]
By pulling in three, or four times the number of shadows to attack and then releasing them, you
unleash a strike impossible to defend against.
Physical Attack. <<Pursue Weakness>> Required.
The user gains +2 [Physical Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. Also, when the target performs
[Damage Reduction], they [Halve] their [Armor]. This Talent may be used once per round (or

● <<Shadowrunner's High>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As you dash across the battlefield at high speed, you draw in spirit energy from your surroundings,
replenishing yourself.
Unique Effect. <<Shadowrun Proficiency>> Required. Use after the target performs a [Combat
Move] (this includes the [Combat Move] from <<Shadow Breach>>).
The target may change one [Spirit] die to a "2". This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Phantom Clone>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You strengthen your shadow clone technique, making a greater number of them, which makes it
harder to tell them apart.
Passive Effect. <<Shadow Clone>> Required.
The target is able to use <<Shadow Clone>> as though it had [Cost: O]. Also, the target may choose
to change the effect of <<Shadow Clone>> to the following: "Use On Reactive Check. The target
gains +2 to the result of the [Reactive Check]."

● <<Dark Execution Arts>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Refining your execution arts, you further enhance their power.
Passive Effect. <<Execution Shadow Art>> Required. The target may choose to change the effect of
<<Execution Shadow Art>> to the following: "Use While Active. Make an [Attack Action] on the
target. Until [End] of the next round, targets that fail their [Reaction Check] take a -30 penalty to
[Recovery] effects.
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +3 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Deal [Rank: 4] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves])."

◎ <<Silhouette>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Manipulating shadow, you create a clone that exactly resembles you, and by controlling it you can
repeatedly pressure an enemy.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target spends [Timing: Prep], they may make one [Weapon Attack] with [Range:
Item / Target: 1#]. This effect does not apply unless [Timing: Prep] is actually spent.

◎ <<Shadow Ruin Art>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [2, 2]
You unleash a killing strike you've perfected yourself, inflicting mortal wounds on the enemy.
Unique Effect. Use when performing [Damage Calculation] for a [Style: Dark Hunter / Timing:
Attack] Talent.
The target gains a +[user's {Initiative} total] modifier at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may only
be used once per session.

◎ <<Lethality>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Mastering a special Dark Hunter art, you instantly move into an opponent's blind spot, then
unleash a certain-kill strike.
Unique Effect. Use before the target performs [Damage Calculation] for a [Style: Dark Hunter /
Timing: Attack] Talent.
The target rolls 1d6, and if the result is any other than a "1", they may inflict [Dead] on any one
non-[Boss] non-[Aramitama] [Mononoke] that is performing [Damage Reduction]. This Talent may
be used once per combat (or scene).
◎ <<Shadow Eater>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
An ultimate technique of Dark Hunters concerning shadow manipulation, that allows you to
combine powerful arts rather than physical techniques.
Passive Effect. <<Shadowstrike>> Required.
The target may choose to change the effect of <<Shadow Breach>> to the following: "The user
may use, once, a single [Style: Dark Hunter / Timing: Attack] Talent on the target, treating the
[Cost] as already paid. This Talent may be used once per round."

This Type specializes in support. Besides this, characters can acquire Talents that lets them
move freely, or hinder the enemy. There are no restrictions for using [Dark Hunter: Type B]
※ <<Shadow Gate>>
Timing : Start
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
You engulf yourself and another in controlled shadows, forcibly switching places.
Unique Effect.
The user [Installs] by swapping their position with the target's, ignoring [Engagements]. For
example, if the user is in square A1, and the target in square A4, then the user will [Install] in A4,
and the target in A1. A [Reactive Check] cannot be made for this Talent.

<<Shadow Wind>>
Timing : Start
Range : 7Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
Unique Effect.
The target gains a +1d6 modifier to {Initiative}. This Talent does not spend [Start]. If used [Out of
Combat] on a target performing [Acrobatics], they succeed at the check regardless of the outcome
of the [Roll] (treat as [Result: 20].)

<<Shadow Leap>>
Timing : Start
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O, 2]
Linking shadows while utilizing your superior physical arts, you cross over a space in a single
Unique Effect.
The target is made to move from their current square to any square within 7 squares, ignoring
[Engagements]. This Talent does not spend [Start], but may only be used once per round. The
target may not refuse this effect.

<<Flying Shadow>>
Timing : Start
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O, 2]
You guide your shadows imperceptibly fast, making someone move instantly.
Unique Effect.
The target gains a +3 modifier to {Initiative}. Also, the target is made to move from their current
square to any square within 3 squares, ignoring [Engagements]. The target may not refuse this

<<Shadow Spirit>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 17 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
Filling your own shadow with unique spirit energy, you conceal someone else's shadow with your
own, influencing their spirit.
Magical Attack.
The target adds or subtracts 1 to any one of their [Spirit] dice (cannot raise above 6 or lower below

<<Shadow Restore>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Filling a shadow you control with unique spirit energy, you recover health by concealing your
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses a [Timing: Attack] talent that doesn't deal [Damage] (such as <<Shadow
Spirit>>), add the following effect: "The target recovers {HP} equal to [Rank: 1] [Magical Damage].”

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [2]
The instant you are struck, you move while hidden in shadow, controlling the spacing between you
and your opponent.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target may move up to 5 squares ignoring [Engagements]. This Talent may be used once per

<<Explorer of the Dark>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Your superior talents have grown as a Dark Hunter, and as such, you are able to exhibit enhanced
investigative abilities.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +2 modifier to {Initiative} and to the result of {Intellect} and {Luck} checks.

<<Shadow Slaying Art>>

Timing : Attack
Range : Charge 2 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
Grappling with an opponent as you move, or after restraining them with shadow, you hurl your
opponent into the ground or a wall with a unique throw.
Use While Active.
Make an [Attack Action] on the target, and gain an effect as appropriate below. When the target
fails their [Reactive Check], they additionally take [Shift: Fallen].
[Physical Attack]: User gains +1 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Deal [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]).

● <<Shadow Break>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Reading the flow of actions, you intercept an opponent's technique by flinging a shadow at it,
preventing its activation.
Use when the target declares a Talent.
Cancel the effect of a [Timing: Start or Prep] Talent that the target used. This Talent may be used
once per round.

● <<Shadowbind>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [O, 2]
Generating a shadow that materializes right before your opponent's eyes, you capture their attack
itself, obstructing it.
Use when the target declares a Talent.
Cancel the effect of a [Timing: Attack] Talent that the target used. This Talent may be used once
per round.

● <<Shadow Ride>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
The instant you take a negative effect from your opponent, you repel it with shadows or physical
abilities, then instantly make an imperceivable dash.
Unique Effect. Use after receiving a negative [Shift] other than [Downed, Taken Out, or Dead].
The target [Removes] one [Shift], and then may immediately use ※<<Shadow Gate>> (however,
they must pay the [Cost] as normal). This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Shadow Art Amplify>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Applying the method of drawing spirit energy from shadows to a particular technique, you create
stronger spirit energy.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses a [Timing: Attack] Talent that deals no [Damage] (for example <<Shadow
Spirit>>, but does not include the [Recovery] of <<Shadow Restore>>), add the following effect:
"The target gains 1 [Overflow]."

● <<Shadow Absorb>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
After using a particular technique, you manipulate shadows to gather the surrounding spirit
energy, letting you absorb it.
Unique Effect. Use after the target uses any one of <<Shadow Gate>> <<Utsusemi>> <<Shadow
Ride>> or <<Shadow Raid>>.
The target gains 1 [Overflow]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Decoy Shadow>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [2]
Instantly incorporating a unique Dark Hunter technique, you can attack while your opponent is
Unique Effect. Use after the target uses any one of <<Shadow Gate>> <<Utsusemi>> <<Shadow
Ride>> or <<Shadow Raid>>.
The target may make 1x [Weapon Attack]. Or, they may use one [Style: Dark Hunter / Timing:
Attack] Talent as though the [Cost] was already paid. This Talent may be used once per round (or

● <<Shadow Raid>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [2]
As you evade, you manipulate a shadow with speed the eye can't follow, unleashing a Dark Hunter
technique on your foe.
Unique Effect. <<Shadow Slaying Art>> Required. Use after the target succeeds at a [Reactive
The target may use one [Style: Dark Hunter / Timing: Attack] Talent, treating the [Cost] as already
paid. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Shadow Blade Eruption>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By altering a spirit energy tuning technique, you change your manipulated shadows into countless
blades that burst through the ground and space around an opponent, carving them up.
Passive Effect. <<Shadow Spirit>> Required.
The target may choose to change the effect of <<Shadow Spirit>> to the following: "Deal [Rank: 4]
[Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Cancels])." When this happens, because <<Shadow
Spirit>> with <<Shadow Blade Eruption>> applied deals damage, the effect of <<Shadow
Restore>> and <<Shadow Art Amplify>> cannot be gained.

◎ <<Applied Shadow Arts>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through growing skilled at handling shadows, you have learned to master your arts, and can vastly
improve the efficiency of your spirit energy expenditure.
Passive Effect.
The target may use [Timing: Start / Cost: n (OR) n, n] Talents as though they were [Cost: E]. If
already [Cost: E], then treat that Talent as though the [Cost] has already been paid.

◎ <<Shadow Crossing>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Repeatedly forced switching from shadow to shadow with incredible speed, you continuously
swap places with others.
Passive Effect.
The target changes the [Range/Target] of <<Shadow Gate>> to [Combat Zone / 1#]. Also,
<<Shadow Gate>> no longer spends [Start], and may be used up to twice per round.

◎ <<Precise Knowledge>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As a superb Dark Hunter, you show unrivaled precision when sensing spells or identifying enemies.
Use when performing [Maneuver: Identify {Intellect} ・ Maneuver: Sense {Luck}]. <<Explorer of
the Dark>> Required.
The target succeeds at the [Identify {Intellect} ・ Sense {Luck}] check regardless of the [Roll]. At
the same time, the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used twice
per session.

◎ <<Ephemeral Shadow>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
A Dark Hunter ultimate ritual technique that bestows offensive power and quickness of mind that
surpasses human understanding, by augmenting a technique that draws one across shadows and
puts it towards a different use.
Passive Effect.
The target may choose to change the effect of <<Shadow Gate>> to either ① or ②.
①: Gain +10 {Initiative}.
②: +10 at [Damage Calculation].

Elemental Adept – [GU2]

This type can strengthen all kinds of [Attack Actions] by controlling an [Element]. Also, in
addition it is able to strengthen or hinder others. There are no restrictions for using [Elemental
Adept: Type A] Talents.
※ <<Element Burst>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
You manipulate an origin element, causing it to flare to life alongside an attack.
Use On Damage Calculation.
When the user first acquires this Talent, they designate any one [Element] (after, this [Element]
will be referred to as [Origin Element A]). The target is bestowed with [Origin Element A] at
[Damage Calculation], and additionally gains +1 [Rank] (the target may refuse the [Origin Element
A] bestowal.) This Talent may be used once per round.

Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3]
You focus your origin element into a single point, simultaneously enhancing its activation and
Unique Effect.
The target gains +1 to the result of [Active Checks], and to [Rank] at [Damage Calculation].

Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
You bring your origin element to bear, releasing a layered strike.
Use When Active.
Make an [Attack Action] bestowed with [Origin Element A] on the target, and gain an effect
according to the following.
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist [Halves]).

Timing : Attack
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : [O, 3, 3]
Releasing your origin element, you unleash devastation upon your surroundings.
Use When Active.
Make an [Attack Action] bestowed with [Origin Element A] on the target, and gain an effect
according to the following.
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Physical Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist [Halves]).
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3, 3]
You strengthen yourself with the power of your element, supporting or attacking in a flash.
Unique Effect. Use after the target's damage calculation.
The target may use one [Timing: Attack / Cost: X (OR) X, X], treating it as though the [Cost] has
already been paid. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Boost Action>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [3]
Pouring your origin element into someone, you invigorate their movement, immediately making
them act.
Unique Effect. Use after the target becomes [Not Ready].
The user designates a [Ready] character with [Range: Combat Zone / Target: 1#], and that
character interrupts the turn order, taking their turn immediately regardless of their {Initiative}.
This Talent may be used once per round.

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have grown into your origin element, and with that power you can lay waste to masses.
Passive Effect.
Add the following effect to <<Element Burst>>: "The user may apply [Shift: Dead] to all Mononoke
with "x#" written in their [Name] (a single Mononoke treated as multiple) that they deal [Damage]
to." (<<Dark Killing Arts>> may be applied.)

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By layering the same element, you amplify your destructive power.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation] when they are bestowed with [Origin Element

<<Element Waylay>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3]
As you're hit, you drive an element-laden counterattack into your foe.
Unique Effect.
Use after the target's [Damage Reduction]. The target makes 1x [Weapon Attack] bestowed with
[Origin Element A]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Element Blast>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [3]
You detonate your origin element right before your opponent, hindering their techniques.
Use when the target declares a Talent. Cancel any one effect of a Talent with [Timing: Defense (or)
End]. If the user's [Origin Element A] is [Fire] or [Light], the user may also choose Talents with
[Timing: Unique]. This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Element Support>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [3]
Focusing the energy held within your origin element on another, you give aid to their actions.
Use On Check.
The target gains a +2 modifier to the result of that check. If the user's [Origin Element A] is [Shock]
or [Phantom], improve the modifier to the result by an additional +1 (for a total of +3). This Talent
may be used once per round.

● <<Element Viper>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [3]
Manipulating your origin element like a snake, you expand its range.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target increases the [Range] of an [Attack Action] by 2 squares, or if a [Range] other than [X Sq
(OR) Charge X Sq.], gains +2 to [Damage]. If the user's [Origin Element A] is [Cold] or [Poison],
additionally increase [Range] by 1 square (for a total of +3 squares), or [Damage] by +3 (for a total
of +5). This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Element Break>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [3]
You cause your origin element to swell, instantly widening its scope.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target increases the number of [Targets] of their [Attack Action] by +2#, or if the [Target] is
something other than [X#], gains +2 to [Damage]. If the user's [Origin Element A] is [Wind] or
[Magnet], additionally increase [Target] by +1# (for a total of +3#), or [Damage] by +3 (for a total
of +5). This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Element Fury>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Charge 3 Sq.
Target : Area
Cost : [3, 3]
A secret art of Elemental Adepts, wielding fury itself by focusing, then sheathing your whole body
in an enormous amount of your element.
Physical Attack. <<Concentrate>> Required. This Talent cannot be used unless under the effect of
Make a [Physical Attack] bestowed with [Origin Element A] on the target, and the user gains +3
[Physical Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Undermine>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Twisting a supportive effect from your element, you make it into a fatally debilitating effect for a
Passive Effect. <<Element Support>> Required.
The target may choose to change the effect of <<Element Support>> to the following: "Use On
Check. The target reduces the result of their check by 2. If [Origin Element A] is either [Shock・
Phantom], then reduce the result by an additional 1 (total 3). This Talent may be used once per

● <<Maximum>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Augmenting the range enhancing effect brought by your element, you make your attacks reach
even further.
Passive Effect. <<Element Viper>> Required.
The target may choose to extend the effect of <<Element Viper>> until [End] of the current round,
and additionally increases the [Range] of their [Attack Action] by 2 Sq (total 4 Sq.), and if [Origin
Element A] is either [Cold・Poison], increase [Range] by an additional 1 Sq. (total 6 Sq.); the
modifier to [Damage] does not change.
● <<Diffusion>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Further expanding on the multiplying effect generated by your origin, it spreads out even more,
with a force like a heavy downpour of deadly rain.
Passive Effect. <<Element Break>> Required.
The target may choose to extend the effect of <<Element Break>> until [End] of the current round,
and additionally increases the [Target] of their [Attack Action] by 1# (total 4#), and if [Origin
Element A] is either [Wind・Magnet], increase [Target] by an additional 1# (total 5#); the modifier
to [Damage] does not change.

◎ <<Element Master>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents being an expert that has mastered your origin element.
Passive Effect.
The target may use <<Element Burst>> up to twice per round. Also, the target gains a +[any one of
the user's {Main Stats}] modifier to [Damage Calculation] that is bestowed with [Origin Element A].
The effects of this Talent do not apply to [Weapon Attacks].

◎ <<Origin Power>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Breaking down your origin element and converting it into enormous spirit energy, you manipulate
the flow of that energy.
Passive Effect.
The target may use <<Element Burst>> and [Timing: Unique / Cost: X] Talents as though they were
[Cost: O].

◎ <<Element End>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
A hidden ultimate art that bestows an fearsome instant death effect on the spirit energy of the
origin you are bestowed with.
Unique Effect. <<Boost Action>> Required. Use when the target uses <<Element Burst>>.
After applying the effect of <<Element Burst>>, the target rolls 1d6. If the result is anything other
than "1", they may inflict [Dead] on any one [Mononoke] that is not a [Boss] or [Aramitama] that is
performing [Damage Reduction]. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

◎ <<Element Flare>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The ultimate of ultimate arts that refines your power to wield your elements, implementing both
power increases and efficiency.
Passive Effect. <<Origin Power>> Required.
The target may use <<Element Burst>> as though it had [Cost: None]. Also the [Target] of the
user's <<Element Burst>> gains an additional +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation] (total [Rank] +2).

This type enhances defensive power by controlling an [Element]. With it, characters can
acquire Talents that aid others, and grant positive Shifts. There are no restrictions for using
[Elemental Adept: Type B] Talents.
※ <<Element Garb>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
You erect a strong defensive wall with your origin element.
Use On Damage Reduction.
When the user first acquires this Talent, they designate any one [Element] (after, this [Element]
will be referred to as [Origin Element B]). The target [Halves] [Physical Damage] they take. If that
damage is bestowed with [Origin Element B], they [Halve] it again (making it a quarter). This Talent
may be used once per round.

Timing : Prep
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
Skillfully manipulating your origin element, you temporarily disguise another's form.
Unique Effect.
The target gains +1 to the result of their checks. If the user's [Origin Element B] is [Light] or
[Phantom], the target gains [Shift: Hidden] even if there are no [Obstacles] around.

Timing : Prep
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [3]
Skillfully manipulating your origin element, you temporarily give flight to another, letting them
move up to a certain point.
Unique Effect.
That target may move up to 3 squares ignoring [Engagements]. If the user's [Origin Element B] is
[Wind] or [Magnet], the target gains [Shift: Flight] until [Timing: End] of the current round.

<<Ether Power>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [3, 3]
You unleash a supernatural attack converged with your origin element.
Use When Active.
Make an [Attack Action] bestowed with [Origin Element B]. The user gains an effect according to
the following.
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +2 [Physical Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: 3] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]).

Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1# (1 Sq.)
Cost : [Doubles]
Skillfully controlling your origin element, you generate a pillar taking the form of the energy of
your element on a specific point.
Magical Attack.
The user generates an [Obstacle] equal to a "Common House" in any square in range. If the user's
[Origin Element B] is [Shock] or [Poison], they generate an additional [Obstacle]. This Talent may
be used once per round.

Timing : Defense
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [3]
The moment an ally takes an attack, you grant defensive power like steel by generating a
defensive wall with your origin element.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target reduces the amount of [Damage] they take by 3. If the user's [Origin Element B] is [Fire]
or [Cold], the target reduces [Damage] by an additional 4 (for a total of -7).

<<Element Rondo>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
Deploying your origin element on a large scale, you protect all allies near you.
Use On Damage Reduction.
Change the [Target] of the [Attack Action] the target made to [1#], and the user receives the
[Damage]. Treat this [Damage] as though a {Resist} check had failed. This Talent may be used once
per round.

<<Chain Element>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By combining with a different element, you vastly enhance the power of your attacks.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation] when bestowed with an [Element] other than
[Origin Element B].

<<Element Jamming>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Wielding the power of the element that you control, you nullify the beneficial shifts of a foe.
Unique Effect. Use when the target receives a positive [Shift].
[Remove] one of the positive [Shifts] the target receives. This Talent may be used once per round
(or scene).

● <<Element Change>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
You convert the energy another would take into your origin element, and then transform it into
powerful spirit energy.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target gains 1 [Overflow]. If the [Damage] the target received is bestowed with [Origin
Element B], the target gains an additional 1 [Overflow] (for a total of 2). This Talent may be used
once per round.

● <<Remove Status>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O, 3]
Circulating your origin element throughout one's whole body, you cancel out a negative shift.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
Excluding [Downed, Taken Out, and Dead], the target [Removes] any 2 negative [Shifts] from
themselves. This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Element Counter>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3, 3]
Laying out your origin element, you're prepared to counterattack after taking damage.
Unique Effect. Use after the target's damage reduction.
The target may make one [Weapon Attack] with [Range: Item / Target: 1#], or the target may use
one [Timing: Attack] Talent treating the [Cost] as already paid. This Talent may be used once per

● <<Whisper>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Awakening to the will that resides within your origin element, you create spirits that only the
Awakened themselves can see, granting support.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +2 modifier to the result of {Intellect} and {Luck} checks, and a +10 modifier to

● <<Disappear>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The instant you conceal yourself with the power of your origin, you circle around to an enemy's
blind spot above their head or behind their back, vastly enhancing the power of your next attack.
Passive Effect. <<Banish>> Required.
The target adds the following to the effect of <<Banish>>: "The target gains a +[any one of user's
{Main Stats}] modifier at [Damage Calculation] when bestowed with [Origin Element B]. This effect
does not apply to [Weapon Attacks]."

● <<Gliding>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As you take to the sky with the power of your origin, you're able to gather the spirit energy from
your surroundings while gliding at high speeds.
Passive Effect. <<Flight>> Required.
When the target uses <<Flight>>, they change the distance they can move while ignoring
[Engagements] to 7 Sq., and additionally add the following effect: "The target can change one
[Spirit] die to any value."

● <<Explosion>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Causing the origin energy you've summoned up to explode makes for a tremendous magical
Passive Effect. <<Geyser>> Required.
The target may choose to change the effect of <<Geyser>> to the following: "Deal [Rank: 4]
[Magical Damage] bestowed with [Origin Element B] to the target (Resist [Halves]). This Talent
may be used once per round (or scene)."

● <<Obstacle>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through skill in handling your origin element, you strengthen your defensive walls even more,
leaving no gaps when you invoke them.
Passive Effect. <<Barrier>> Required.
When the target uses <<Barrier>>, reduce [Damage] by an additional 3 (total of 6, or if [Origin
Element B: Fire・Cold], total 10). Also, <<Barrier>> no longer spends [Defense].

◎ <<Becalm Element>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through proficiency with your origin element, you can manifest its defensive effects against even
spells, and make certain techniques more efficient.
Passive Effect.
The target is able to apply the effects of <<Element Garb>> to [Magical Damage] (and if bestowed
with [Origin Element B], the [Magical Damage] is [Halved] again). Also, the target is able to use
[Range: 7 Sq. / Target: 1#] Talents as though they had [Cost: E].

◎ <<Master Adept>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Extending beyond the realm of an expert, you are able to use certain techniques multiple times.
Passive Effect.
The target is able to use <<Element Garb>> and [Timing: Unique / Cost: X] Talents up to twice per
round (this has no effect if the Talent is 'X per combat' or 'X per session').

◎ <<Element Force>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You've grown into an elite controller of your element, and as such your entire body overflows with
your element, which you've learned to freely manipulate as though your own spirit energy.
Passive Effect.
Each time [Timing: Start] occurs, the target may change any one [Spirit] die to a "3".

◎ <<Simulacra Arrows>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You direct one of your spirits to possess a foe, then cause the spirit to manifest the same wounds
you take.
Unique Effect. <<Whisper>> Required. Use before the target performs [Damage Reduction].
Deal the same amount of [Damage] the target would take to [Range: Combat Zone / Target: 1#]
who did the [Damage Calculation] (they may then perform [Damage Reduction]). This Talent may
be used once per session, and the target may not make a [Reactive Check].

Contractor – [GU3]
This Type can perform powerful [Attack Actions] by riding [Bound Steeds]. In order to use
[Contractor: Type A] Talents, the character must be [Equipped] with a [Item: Weapon] that has
[Range: Charge X Sq.]
※ <<Rider & Steed As One>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [4, 4]
Leading a decisive charge while wreathed in spirit energy, you smash your opponents.
Use While Active.
Make either type of [Attack Action] against the target.
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +2 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Deal [Rank: 3] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist [Halves]).

<<Astonishing Rush>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4]
Leaping sky high in on your Bound Steed or wheeled vehicle, or else racing across a wall or ceiling,
you pass obstacles and opponents by.
Unique Effect.
The target [Installs] themselves anywhere within 5 Sq. of their current square.

<<Prepare to Charge>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Encouraging your Bound Steed, or revving the accelerator of your vehicle, you enhance the power
of your next charge.
Unique Effect.
The target gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation].

<<Full Power Breakthrough>>

Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
Pressing through a gap in the enemy's awareness, you break through their encirclement while
Use While Active.
The user makes either type of [Attack Action] while ignoring [Engagements].
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Deal [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]).

<<Spirit Tracking>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Using the spirit energy characteristic of The One Who Binds, you track the opponent's spirit
Use On Active Check.
The target gains a +1 modifier to their [Active Check]. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Explosive Leap>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4]
After charging, you grasp hold of spirit energy and cause it to explode underfoot, leaping utilizing
the force.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target gains a +2 modifier at [Damage Calculation]. Also, the target [Installs] themselves
anywhere within 2 Sq. of their current square. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Mounted Combat>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You skillfully wield a melee weapon while riding.
Passive Effect.
While [Equipped] with a [Range: Charge X Sq.] [Ranged Weapon], the target may [Equip] an
additional [Mode: One Hand] [Melee Weapon] ([Mode: Switch Hand] is not permitted). If this is
done, the [ACC] [PD] [INIT] [Additional Effects] all stack. For each [Attack Action], apply either one
of the [Equipped] [Weapons]' [Range/Target] (for example, when applying [Combat Bike], use
both [Combat Bike]'s [Range/Target]). The effect of this Talent cannot be paired with

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You skillfully wield a ranged weapon while riding.
Passive Effect.
While [Equipped] with a [Range: Charge X Sq.] [Ranged Weapon], the target may [Equip] an
additional [Mode: One Hand] [Ranged Weapon] ( ※ included) ([Mode: Switch Hand] is not
permitted). If this is done, the [ACC] [PD] [INIT] [Additional Effects] all stack. For each [Attack
Action], apply either one of the [Equipped] [Weapons]' [Range/Target] (for example, when
applying [Combat Bike], use both [Combat Bike]'s [Range/Target]). The effect of this Talent cannot
be paired with <<Mounted Combat>>.

<<Free Ride>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You ride your Bound Steed or combat bike freely, and with grace.
Passive Effect.
The target may ignore [Engagements] during [Combat Moves].

● <<Relentless Advance>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, 4]
While killing an opponent during your charge, you're also able to track another opponent down.
Physical Attack.
The user gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. If the target is made [Downed・Taken Out・
Dead], the user may additionally move up to 3 Sq. ignoring [Engagements], and then make a
[Weapon Attack] against [Target: 1#]. This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Circling Blockade>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [4]
Reading the flow of battle, you stop an opponent's attempt to break away or withdraw.
Unique Effect. Use after the target declares [Breakaway] [Withdraw], or a Talent that is not
[Timing: Constant] that allows them to ignore [Engagements].
Cancel the effect of any one of the target's [Breakaway] [Withdraw] or Talent that ignores
[Engagements]. This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Storm and Drive>>

Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [4]
You swiftly strike an opponent that enters your space, then charge.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
Make a [Weapon Attack] against a target that just became [Engaged], then move up to 2 Sq.
ignoring [Engagements]. This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Reaper of the Battlefield>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When you combine the use of a larger weapon with your mastery of riding, you enhance the
power of your charges.
Passive Effect. <<Mounted Combat>> or <<Dragoon>> Required.
When the target acquires <<Reaper of the Battlefield>>, they gain either one of the following
effects in addition to <<Mounted Combat>> or <<Dragoon>>.
①: Rather than [Mode: One Hand], [Equip] a [Mode: Switch Hand (apply the two-handed data)]
②: In addition to [Mode: One Hand], [Equip] a [Form: Shield].

● <<Smashing Charge>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As you smash through obstacles looming before you one by one with your charge on your steed or
bike, you advance across the battlefield.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target may destroy any one [Obstacle] in a square adjacent to them. This Talent may be used
twice per round (or scene).

● <<Crossing Paths>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [4]
As you advance across the battlefield, you bring swift death against foes that cross your path.
Unique Effect. Use at any time during the target's [Turn].
Make 1x [Weapon Attack] against the target. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Drive Move>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [4]
Someone else temporarily joins you on your Bound Steed or combat bike. Or, they become snared
by your steed's tail, or chains, and you pull them along.
Unique Effect. Use after the target's [Turn] has ended.
From their current square, the target [Installs] into any square that would put them [Engaged]
with the user (the target may not refuse this effect). This Talent may be used once per round (or

● <<Charge Accelerate>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4]
You bind spirit energy to your god-like speed, and add that speed to your power.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target gains a modifier at [Damage Calculation] equal to the number of squares moved during
this round via [Move Actions] (to a maximum of +10; for example, if the target has already moved
5 Sq. due to a [Combat Move], they gain +5 to [Damage Calculation]). This effect does not include
[Installs] or movement gained from Talents (excluding <<Shadow Breach>>).

◎ <<Heroic Charge>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [4]
Skillfully controlling your Bound Steed or vehicle, you make a fearsome charge, like a legendary
hero, and unleash a long-range attack.
Use when the target declares a Talent.
Make a [Weapon Attack] against the target. Or, use one [Style: Utility / Timing: Attack] Talent (pay
the [Cost] as normal). This Talent may be used once per round.

◎ <<Knight of Legend>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses a [Style: Contractor / Timing: Attack] Talent, they treat one portion of
the [Cost] as already being paid.

◎ <<Unrivaled Rush>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4]
By using various techniques continually during a charge, you can wreak havoc as you please across
the battlefield.
Unique Effect.
The target may use one [Style: Contractor / Type: A / Timing: Unique] Style Talent with a "X per
round" limitation, disregarding whether or not it has been used already this round. This Talent
may be used once per round.

◎ <<Fearsome Rider>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents that, as a high-ranking Contractor, you can not only handle Bound Steeds
and combat bikes, but have mastered their techniques as well.
Passive Effect.
The target becomes able to use [Style: Contractor / Type: A / Timing: Unique] Talents as though
they had [Cost: E].

This Type controls, and is strengthened by, the spirit energy in their Bound Primals. There is no
restriction to using [Contractor: Type B] Talents, but when the character's [Bound Primal] is either
[Backstage] or [Dead], Talents with "May only be used while the user's [Bound Primal] is
[Appearing]" cannot be used.
※ <<Contract Summon>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Instantly summon and control a divinity you've formed a contract with.
Passive Effect.
When the target acquires <<Contract Summon>>, they select one from [Beast・Insectoid・Plant・
Mechanical]. By spending 3 {Crest} and 1x [Start], the target may cause a single [Mononoke] with
[LV = target's World Influence LV] and [Class = one Class the user selected], and freely control it
(this [Mononoke] is referred to as [Bound Primal]).

<<Sensory Share>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
By sharing your senses with your Bound Primal, you can aid the actions of your allies.
Unique Effect. Use before the target [Influences]. May only be used while the user's [Bound
Primal] is [Appearing].
The target may reroll their [Roll] (this includes [Criticals] and [Fumbles]; after rerolling the target
may [Influence]). This Talent may be used once per round, and the target may refuse the effect.

<<Spirit Sunder>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [4]
You enhance the power of techniques by combining its power with your Bound Primal.
Use On Damage Calculation. May only be used while the user's [Bound Primal] is [Appearing].
The target gains a +[any one of the user's [Bound Primal]'s {Combat Stats}] modifier at [Damage
Calculation]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Bestow Spirit Wall>>

Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [4]
As you grow more powerful, you're able to grant spirit energy armor to your Bound Primal.
Use On Damage Reduction.
[Halve] only the [Magical Damage] the user's [Bound Primal] takes. This Talent may be used once
per round.

<<Power Attraction>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [4]
By your Bound Primal's own will, it absorbs a wide area attack.
Use On Damage Reduction. May only be used while the user's [Bound Primal] is [Appearing].
Change the [Target] of the target's [Attack Action] to [1#], and the user's [Bound Primal] takes the
[Damage]. Treat the [Damage] taken as though its {Resist} check had failed. This Talent may be
used once per round.

<<Summoner & Primal As One>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
With your Primal supplying your spirit energy and vice-versa, your coordination is enhanced, which
serves to enhance your own combat power.
Passive Effect. May only be used while the user's [Bound Primal] is [Appearing].
The target gains a +2 modifier to [Damage Calculation] and {Luck} checks.

<<Amplify Attacks>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By oversupplying your Primal with spirit energy, you vastly enhance its combat prowess.
Passive Effect.
The target's [Bound Primal] gains a +[user's [World Influence LV] x 3] modifier at [Damage
Calculation] (to a max of +15).

<<Empathic Growth>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Establishing an empathic link through spirit energy, you can cause your Bound Primal to grow as
you do.
Passive Effect.
The target's [Bound Primal] gains a +[user's [World Influence LV]] modifier to the result of its
[Active Checks].

<<Power of the Divine Beast>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The unique powers of a Bound Primal can be granted upon its contractor.
Passive Effect.
The target gains two [Item: Gear / Cost: Unsellable] and can use them. If this Talent is designated
for "Change Talent" at [Advancement], the target loses both [Item: Gear / Cost: Unsellable] they

● <<Amplify Defense>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [4]
Wreathing your Bound Primal in spirit energy, you enhance its defenses.
Unique Effect. May only be used while the user's [Bound Primal] is [Appearing].
The user's [Bound Primal] gains a +10 modifier to [Armor].

● <<Summoner's Dance>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [4]
You vastly enhance the power of techniques by combining its power with your Bound Primal.
Use On Damage Calculation. May only be used while the user's [Bound Primal] is [Appearing].
The target gains a +[any one of the user's [Bound Primal]'s {Fixed Stats}] modifier at [Damage
Calculation]. This Talent may be used once per combat.

● <<Ancient Being>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You summon a powerful Bound Primal that has existed since antiquity.
Passive Effect.
The target's [Bound Primal] gains a +5 modifier to [Barrier]. Also, the target's [Bound Primal] can
make [Ranged Attacks] and [Magical Attacks] after any [Move Action]. If they can already make
[Ranged Attacks] and [Magical Attacks] after [Move Actions], then they gain a +1d6 modifier at
[Damage Calculation].

● <<Massive Size>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The Bound Primal you've made a contract with is a massive example of its class.
Passive Effect.
The target's [Bound Primal] gains a +2 modifer to [Size], and a +[user's [World Influence LV] x 3]
modifier to {HP} (maximum +60).

● <<Beast Summon>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Forming a new contract with divine messengers or youkai, you become able to summon them.
Passive Effect.
The target adds [Beast] to the [Class] selected for <<Contract Summon>> (for example, if they
initially selected [Insectoid], it becomes [Insectoid・Beast], and they are able to summon one
[Bound Primal] from either [Class]).

● <<Insectoid Summon>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Forming a new contract with divine insects or tokoyo-no-kami, you become able to summon them.
Passive Effect.
The target adds [Insectoid] to the [Class] selected for <<Contract Summon>> (for example, if they
initially selected [Beast], it becomes [Beast・Insectoid], and they are able to summon one [Bound
Primal] from either [Class]).

● <<Plant Summon>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Forming a new contract with holy trees or spirits, you become able to summon them.
Passive Effect.
The target adds [Plant] to the [Class] selected for <<Contract Summon>> (for example, if they
initially selected [Beast], it becomes [Beast・Plant], and they are able to summon one [Bound
Primal] from either [Class]).
● <<Mechanical Summon>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Forming a new contract with magical constructs or tsukumogami, you become able to summon
Passive Effect.
The target adds [Mechanical] to the [Class] selected for <<Contract Summon>> (for example, if
they initially selected [Beast], it becomes [Beast・Mechanical], and they are able to summon one
[Bound Primal] from either [Class]).

◎ <<Share the Burden>>

Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [4]
Forcibly applying the Contractor's characteristic empathic abilities, you take on another's wounds.
Unique Effect.
Change the [Damage] the target takes to [HP Damage: 5], and then the user takes it instead. This
Talent may be used once per combat.

◎ <<Mythical Summon>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are a master summoner that can make a contract with mythical creatures that are very close
to gods.
Passive Effect.
The target adds the [Mythic] [Class] to the [Class] selected with <<Contract Summon>> (for
example, if they chose [Beast], then when they use <<Contract Summon>>, they may summon
either one of [Beast・Mythic]). Also, while the target's [Bound Primal] is [Appearing], the [Bound
Primal] gains a +1d6 modifier at [Damage Calculation].

◎ <<Bond of Power>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
Manifesting the bonds you and your primal have formed as power itself, the summoner protects
the Primal.
Use On Damage Reduction. <<Summoner & Primal As One>> Required.
May only be used while the user's [Bound Primal] is [Appearing]. Change the [HP Damage] the
user's [Bound Primal] takes to 0. After, the user's [Bound Primal] [Removes] all negative [Shifts],
and then the user changes their current {HP} to 10. This Talent may be used once per session.

◎ <<Primal Companion>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By forming a deep friendship with your Primal, while not fighting, you are able to summon them
with your vital energies, rather than your Spirit Crest.
Passive Effect.
The user's [Bound Primal] gains +20 to their maximum {HP}. Also, while [Out of Combat], the
target is able to use <<Contract Summon>> by losing {HP} equal to the [LV] of the designated
[Bound Primal], rather than {Crest}. (At [Combat Start], 1x [Start] and 3 {Crest} must be paid as
normal. If this cannot be paid, then the [Bound Primal] automatically [Exits]).

Legacy User – [GU4]

This Type controls weapon-style [Godforged Regalia]. You must be [Equipped] with a [Godforged
Regalia: Weapon] in order to use [Legacy User: Type A] Talents.
※ <<Sublime Etherlight>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Enormous etherlight streams from your Regalia, enhancing spirit energy and your power. As it
does, a sound like a roar resounds through the area.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation], and gains 1 [Overflow]. This Talent may be
used once per combat (or scene).

<<Spirit Inversion>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
By utilizing the power of your Regalia, you create unique spirit energy.
Unique Effect.
The target gains 1 [Overflow]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).
<<Phantom Flash>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : Area
Cost : [Steps]
Drawing on the power of your Regalia, you create countless phantoms of it that are as deadly as
the real thing.
Use While Active.
The user makes either type of [Attack Action] against the target (if already [Area], then gain an
additional +1 [Rank].)
[Physical Attack]: The user gains a +1 modifier to the result of their {Accuracy} check.
[Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: 1] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves].)

<<Spirit Ray>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Upon your attack, your Regalia bursts with overflowing etherlight, widening your range.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target changes the [Range] of their [Timing: Attack] Talent to [Combat Zone] (if already
[Combat Zone], gain +1 [Rank].) This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

<<Etherlight Regalia>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Pale etherlight radiates from your Regalia, and by basking in its glow, you can manipulate your
spirit energy.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target adds or subtracts 1 from any two of their [Spirit] dice (adding or subtracting two from
one die is allowed; this effect cannot raise above 6 or lower below 1.) This Talent may be used
once per combat (or scene).

<<Reproduce Memories>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [2]
Reading the memories that dwell within your Regalia, you reproduce the power of one of its
former wielders.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target may use an [Equipped] [Godforged Regalia: Weapon] [Additional Effect] that has "X per
combat" written in it one more time, regardless of whether they've used it already or not. This
Talent may be used once per round, but may only be applied once per combat to a single
[Additional Effect]. (For example, if applied to [Cleaving Wave], after, the user cannot use
<<Reproduce Memories>> on [Cleaving Wave] again for the rest of the combat, but could use it on
another effect.)

<<Regalia of Ruin>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [2]
By drawing on the mighty spiritual power of your Regalia, you bring ruin to all it touches.
Unique Effect. The user gains one of the following effects. This Talent may be used once per round
(or scene).
①: Use at any time. One [Obstacle] within [Range: 5 Sq.] is destroyed, regardless of {HP}.
②: Use On Damage Calculation. When the user performs an [Attack Action], they get +1 [Rank].

<<Matched Pair>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Due to various circumstances, you've received an additional Godforged Regalia.
Passive Effect.
The target is able to purchase one more [Godforged Regalia: Weapon]. (In other words, unless
they have lost one, the target is able to store and equip up to two total [Godforged Regalia:

<<Protecting Etherlight>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Wielding the power your Regalia hides, convert that power into defensive strength.
Unique Effect.
The target selects one value from 6・8・10, then takes a penalty to their total {PD} equal to that
value (if this would lower it below 0, that value cannot be selected). After, the target gains a bonus
equal to the chosen value to [Armor]. (For example, if 6 is selected, reduce {PD} by 6, then
increase [Armor] by 6).

● <<Cut the Thread of Life>>

Timing : Unique
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
By using your Regalia, you are able to temporarily sever the regeneration of impurities and the
blessings of health.
Use On Damage Reduction. Until [Timing: End] of the next round, the target takes a penalty that
reduces all [Recovery] received by 20 (to a minimum of 0). This Talent may be used once per round
(or scene).

● <<Overflowing Power>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [2]
Charging the business end of your Regalia to its limit with spirit energy, for just a moment, it
becomes invisible.
Unique Effect. Use when the target becomes the [Actor].
The target gains [Shift: Assault] on the first [Attack Action] of their turn. This Talent may be used
once per round.

● <<Specialized Assault Arms>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Your Regalia displays maximum killing power against a certain class of divinity.
Passive Effect.
When the target first acquires this Talent, they designate one [Class] of Mononoke, and then when
performing [Attack Actions] against that [Class], they gain a +2 modifier to the result of their
[Active Check], and +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation].

● <<Armycrusher Regalia>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Your Regalia carries unique spirit energy that instantly butchers small fry.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier at [Damage Calculation]. Also, the target may inflict [Shift: Dead] on
Mononoke with "x#" written in their name (multiple Mononoke treated as a single entity) that
they deal [Damage] to (<<Dark Killing Arts>> does not apply to this effect.)

● <<Spirit Surge>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Instantly transferring the power held within your Regalia to yourself, you are bathed in a sublime
glow of etherlight.
Unique Effect. Use when the start spends [Timing: Start].
When the target spends 1x [Start], they change the value of one [Spirit] die to "2". This Talent may
be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Automatic Attack>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The power enveloping your Regalia seizes your body, and once it recognizes an enemy, it
automatically directs you to unleash a vicious assault.
Unique Effect. Use when the start spends [Timing: Start].
When the target spends 1x [Start], make 1x [Weapon Attack]. This Talent may be used once per
combat (or scene).

● <<Regalia Unification>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By unifying with the spirit of your Regalia itself, you can draw out spirit energy with greater
efficiency, enhancing the power of your techniques.
Passive Effect. <<Spirit Ray>> or <<Etherlight Regalia>> Required.
Until [End] of the round in which the target used either <<Spirit Ray>> or <<Etherlight Regalia>>,
they gain a +[user's [World Influence LV] (max +10)] modifier at [Damage Calculation]. This effect
cannot be applied to [Weapon Attacks].

● <<Spirit Replenish>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
After launching an unseen strike, you replenish your Godforged Regalia with the spirit energy
drifting through the area.
Passive Effect. <<Overflowing Power>> Required.
After using <<Overflowing Power>>, the target changes the value of one [Spirit] die to "2".

◎ <<Raging Etherflame>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [2]
Etherlight like fire bursts from your Regalia, reawakening your abilities.
Unique Effect.
The target may use one [Style: Legacy User / Type: A / Timing: Unique / Cost: None] Style Talent
that has "X per combat" written in it, regardless of whether they've already used it or not. This
Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

◎ <<Regalia Awakening>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When you awaken your Regalia, it emits tremendous etherlight, distilling spirit energy down to its
purest form.
Passive Effect.
When the target uses <<Sublime Etherlight>>, add the following effect to that Talent: "The user
gains a +[one [Equipped] [Godforged Regalia: Weapon]'s [PD] or [MD]] modifier at [Damage

◎ <<Regalia of Elimination>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Embodying a legendary Godforged Regalia using your spirit energy, you become highly effective
against certain kinds of enemies.
Use On Damage Calculation. <<Regalia of Ruin>> Required.
The target gains a +"1d6 x 6" modifier at [Damage Calculation] made against a non-[Boss]
[Mononoke]. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

◎ <<Curse of Death>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
A frightening curse resides within your Godforged Regalia, and those who are wounded by it
cannot heal for while afterwards.
Passive Effect. <<Cut the Thread of Life>> Required.
Change the effect of <<Cut the Thread of Life>> to the following: "Until [End] of the next round,
the target reduces [Recovery] effect they receive by 40 (to a minimum of 0)."

This Type controls non-weapon [Godforged Regalia]. You must be [Equipped] with either of
[Godforged Regalia: Armor, Accessory] in order to use [Legacy User: Type B] Talents.
※ <<Sacred Treasure of Healing>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [2]
Drawing on the power of your Regalia, you cause wounds to quickly heal.
Use On Damage Reduction.
Unless the target has [Shift: Downed・Taken Out・Dead], they [Recover] 20 {HP}. This Talent may
be used once per round (or scene).

<<Regalia of Protection>>
Timing : Defense
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [2]
Drawing on the power of your Regalia, absorb the shock of an attack another receives yourself.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The user receives the [Damage] and any other effect that the target would have received in place
of the target. Treat [Magical Attacks] as though the {Resist} check had failed. This Talent has no
effect against either [Target: Area・Combat Zone] [Attack Actions].

<<Unite Their Hearts and Minds>>

Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : None
Using your Regalia, you convert the encouragement and feelings of your allies into spirit energy.
Unique Effect.
The target may spend one of either their [Spirit・Overflow]. The user gains [Overflow] equal to the
amount of all [Spirit・Overflow] the targets spent. (For example, if [Target: 3#] each spend 1
[Spirit], the user gains 3 [Overflow]. The target may refuse this effect. Cannot gain [Spirit] from
[Bound Primals].) This Talent may be used once per session.

<<Etherlight Shield>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Doubles]
Using the etherlight hidden within your Regalia, you temporarily gain high spiritual defenses.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target [Halves] received [Magical Damage]. This Talent may be used once per round (or

<<Armor of Divine Majesty>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Steps]
Emitting enormous spirit power from your Regalia, you gain absolute defense by wrapping that
power around you like armor.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target gains a +[one [Equipped] [Godforged Regalia: Suit・Shield]'s [Armor] or [Barrier]]
modifier to either their [Armor] or [Barrier]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Etherlight Coating>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Altering the effects of your etherlight shield, it will even have an effect against physical damage.
Passive Effect. <<Etherlight Shield>> Required.
The target is able to apply the effect of <<Etherlight Shield>> to [Physical Damage] as well.

<<Vessel of Life>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The unique spiritual powers that dwell within your Regalia amplify your own vital energies.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}.

<<Ritual Set>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Due to various circumstances, you've collected a set of powerful Godforged Regalia.
Passive Effect.
The target is able to purchase one more of either [Godforged Regalia: Protector・Accessory] (in
other words, unless they have lost one, they are able to store and equip up to two [Godforged
Regalia: Protector・Accessory] total.)

<<Regalia's Powers>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Due to various circumstances, your Regalia has come to possess unique powers, and as its
possessor, you can use them.
Passive Effect.
The target gains two [Item: Gear / Cost: Unsellable] and can use them. If this Talent is designated
for "Change Talent" at [Advancement], the target loses both [Item: Gear / Cost: Unsellable] they

● <<Implement of a Guardian Deity>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Drawing on the characteristics of your Regalia to their fullest, you wield its power over a wider
Passive Effect.
The target is now able to use <<Sacred Treasure of Healing>> and <<Regalia of Protection>> as
though they had [Cost: O], and changes the [Range] of <<Regalia of Protection>> to [7 Sq.]
(Through this effect, abilities like <<Becalm Element>> may be applied.)

● <<Regalia Proficiency>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through many years of training as a Legacy User, you have become skilled in the handling of
powerful Regalia.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}. Also, the target may use <<Armor of Divine Majesty>> one
additional time per round.

● <<Blessing of Vitality>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents that you are the possessor of a rare Regalia that blesses the life of its
owner, extending their lifespan.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}. Also, the target increases the [Recovery] effect of <<Sacred
Treasure of Healing>> by an additional 10.

● <<Self-Godforging>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Causing your own body to change into a powerful Regalia, you gain likewise powerful spirit energy.
Passive Effect.
The target is able to use [Timing: Unique / Cost: Doubles - Steps] Style Talents as though they were
[Cost: E] (Specific numerical values such as [1, 1] are not included).

● <<Automatic Counter>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [2]
The power surrounding the Regalia controls it possessor's body, and unleashes a counterattack
upon its possessor being damaged.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target may make 1x [Weapon Attack]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene), and
the target of the [Weapon Attack] does not get a [Reaction Check].

● <<Vessel of Victory>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Materializing power to bring victory in combat, the Regalia grants its possessor that power for but
a moment.
Use when the target declares a talent.
The target may use that Talent as though it were [Cost: O]. This Talent may be used once per

● <<Sacred Treasure of Counteraction>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents that your Regalia is a powerful item, its spirit energy capable not only of
healing but detoxifying as well.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +5 {HP}. Also, the [Target] of the user's <<Sacred Treasure of Healing>>
additionally gains any one of [Remove: Darkness・Poison・Pain].

● <<Regalia of Eternity>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents that your Regalia has, for many, many years, brought glory to its possessor.
It grants tremendous vitality to the Awakened, and long-lasting life to Innocents.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +15 {HP}.
◎ <<Effect Dispersal>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [2]
Releasing unique spiritual power from your Regalia, you cancel out the abilities other Regalia
Unique Effect. Use when the target declares the use of an [Additional Effect].
The user selects one [Additional Effect] with a "once per round/combat/session" limit that the
target used, and cancels it. This Talent may be used once per round.

◎ <<Regalia Roar>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Doubles]
Releasing the power of your Regalia, you return the shock you received back to your opponent.
When you do, a sound like a beast's roar resounds throughout.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The user may make 1x [Weapon Attack], or one [Timing: Attack / Cost: X (OR) X, X] Style Talent
against the [Target] that performed [Damage Calculation] on them, treating the [Cost] as already
paid, and may also change the [Range] to [7 Sq.] This Talent may be used once per round (or

◎ <<Ritual of Revival>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You draw tremendous power from your Regalia by embodying the legend of a resurrection, which
rejects your wounds and revives you.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target changes [Damage] they take to 0. After, the target [Removes] all negative [Shifts] other
than [Downed・Taken Out・Dead], and changes their current {HP} to 1. This Talent may be used
once per session.

◎ <<Melee Weapon Resist>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
With your Regalia adorning your body, you become resistant to a certain form of weapon, by its
embodying the story of repelling a hero's sword or spear.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +5 [Armor]. Also, when the target acquires this Talent, this designate one from
[Form: Sword・Spear・Axe・Hammer]. When they do, record the name of this Talent like
<<Melee Weapon Resist: X>> (where X is the chosen [Form]). The target [Halves] the [Physical
Damage] they take from the designated [Form] of [Melee Weapon].

Mastery – [GU5]
Type is good at attacking and strengthening attacks. There are no limits on using [Mastery: Type A]
※ <<Silk Splitting Technique>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, 5, 5]
You strike an opponent with a combination of technique, magic, and spiritual power.
Use When Active.
Make an [Attack Action] on the target, gaining an effect according to the following. This Talent
may be used once per round (or scene).
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +3 [Physical Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: 4] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]).

<<Instantaneous Move>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
By rapidly moving around buildings or obstacles that exist in your proximity, you can control your
position in battle.
Unique Effect.
The user makes an [Appearance Check / TN: 20], gaining one of the following effects depending on
the result:
Check Failure, or Pomander used: The target gains +1d6 to [Initiative].
Check Success: The target gains +2d6 to [Initiative].

<<Beyond Truth>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [5]
By interweaving feints with illusion magic, you can shift the trajectory of your attacks to trick your
Unique Effect.
The user makes an [Appearance Check / TN: 25] (Pomanders cannot be used), and depending on
the result, obtains one of the following effects:
Check Failure: The target gains a +5 modifier at [Damage Calculation].
Check Success: The target gains a +10 modifier at [Damage Calculation].

<<Elude Death>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Moving without fear of death, you forcibly circulate your own spirit energy.
Unique Effect.
The target [Installs] in any square within 2 Sq. of their current square, then performs an
[Appearance Check / TN: 20]. The target gains one of the following effects depending on the result
(but cannot raise above 6 or lower below 1):
Check Failure, or Pomander used: The target adds or subtracts 1 to any one of their [Spirit] dice.
Check Success: The target adds or subtracts 1 to any two of their [Spirit] dice.

<<Ability Upgrade>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You dramatically increase the power of a technique you've acquired via pedigree or inheritance via
by adding your own unique improvements to it.
Passive Effect.
When the target acquires <<Ability Upgrade>>, they designate any one [Timing: Attack] Racial
Talent. The target gains an additional +1 [Rank] to the [Damage Calculation] of the specified

<<Range Upgrade>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You dramatically expand the range of a technique by adding your own unique improvements to it.
Passive Effect.
When the target acquires <<Range Upgrade>>, they designate any one [Timing: Attack] Talent.
The target gains a +2 Sq. modifier to the [Range] of the specified Talent (If the [Range] is [Engaged]
it becomes 3 Sq, if it is [Charge 2 Sq.] it becomes [Charge 2 Sq.], etc. If the range is already
[Combat Zone], <<Range Upgrade>> has no effect).

<<Mystery Upgrade>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You simplify the type of spirit energy required to perform a specific technique by adding your own
unique improvements to it.
Passive Effect.
When the target acquires <<Mystery Upgrade>>, they designate any one [Timing: Attack] Talent.
When the target uses the specified Talent, they may treat one part of the [Cost] as though it were
[Cost: E] (For example, Secrets of the Destroyer may be treated as though it were [4, E]).

<<Simplified Spiritual Power>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You reduce the amount of spirit energy consumed by a familiar technique by simplifying it's
Passive Effect.
When the target acquires <<Simplified Spiritual Power>>, they designate any one [Timing: Attack]
Talent. When the target uses the specified Talent, they may treat one part of the [Cost] as though
it were [Cost: O] (For example, Secrets of the Destroyer may be treated as though it were [4, O]).

<<Body Remodeling>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Rebuild your body through intense martial arts training and weightlifting.
Passive effect.
The target gains a modifier equal to +1 to {Strength} and {Intellect} checks, and +5 modifier to

● <<Physical Training>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By forging your own body like steel, you gain a tremendous vitality.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}.

● <<With Lightning Speed>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By adding further improvements to the <<Instantaneous Move>> Talent, you can achieve
tremendous speed and agility.
Passive Effect.
The user changes the effect of <<Instantaneous Move>> to the following:
Check Failure, or Pomander used: The target gains +2d6 to [Initiative].
Check Success: The target gains +4d6 to [Initiative].

● <<Fearless>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By adding further improvements to the <<Beyond Truth>> Talent, you can feint into deadly blows
from outside of your opponent's field of view.
Passive Effect.
The user changes the effect of <<Beyond Truth>> to the following:
Check Failure: The target gains a +10 modifier at [Damage Calculation].
Check Success: The target gains a +20 modifier at [Damage Calculation].

● <<Strengthened Secret>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You make great improvements to your techniques by learning the secrets of your skills and spirit
Passive Effect.
When the target uses <<Silk Splitting Technique>>, the target adds an additional +1 to the result of
the [Active Check], and to [Rank] at [Damage Calculation].

● <<Hachimenroppi>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 3 Sq.
Target : Area
Cost : [5, 5]
After launching yourself into an enemy, attack with an artificial regalia at such a speed that it
creates afterimages.
Physical Attack. <<Elude Death>> required.
The user gains +3 [Physical Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be used once per

● <<Accuracy Upgrade>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You increase a technique's accuracy by making unique improvements to it.
Passive Effect.
When the target acquires <<Accuracy Upgrade>>, they designate any one [Timing: Attack] Talent.
The target gains a +2 modifier to the result of the [Active Check] of the specified Talent.

● <<Secret Sublimation>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Sublimate a basic technique into a far more powerful one.
Passive Effect.
When the target acquires <<Secret Sublimation>>, they designate any one [Timing: Attack / Cost:
X, X] Style Talent marked with ●. The target gains a +{Main Stat} modifier to the [Damage
Calculation] of the specified Talent.

● <<Experienced>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have gained a strong body and extensive knowledge via years of experience.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}. In addition, when making a [Maneuver: Identify {Intellect},
Assess {Strength}, or Spot {Luck}] check, the target may substitute any {Main Stat}.

◎ <<Unusual Ability Mastery>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By mastering your unique abilities, you've gained the ability to manipulate them like your limbs
themselves, drastically increasing their power.
Passive Effect. <<Physical Training>> Required.
When the target acquires <<Unusual Ability Mastery>>, they designate any one [Timing: Attack]
Racial Talent. When the target uses that talent, they gain an +{Main Stat} modifier at [Damage

◎ <<Perfected Self Control>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through intense training, you have acquired a strong body and precise spirit manipulation
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, each time the target uses a [Style: Mastery /
Timing: Attack] Talent, they treat it as though one portion of the [Cost] has already been paid.

◎ <<Spirit Energy Upgrade>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By improving the quality of the spirit energy that you release, you can penetrate an opponent's
armor when you unleash an attack.
Passive Effect. Requires <<Experienced>> Required.
When the target uses a [Timing: Attack / Effect Class: Physical Attack] Style Talent marked with ※,
the target [Halves] their [Armor] of the [Target] of their [Physical Attack] at [Damage Calculation].

◎ <<Secret Upgrade>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Dramatically increase your combat ability by making powerful improvements to the secret
techniques you rely on.
Passive Effect. <<Accuracy Upgrade>> Required.
When using a ※-marked [Timing: Attack] Style Talent, the target gains +2 [Rank] at [Damage

Type Type is good at defensive actions and strengthening defense. There are no limits on using
[Mastery: Type B] Talents.
※ <<Technical Defense>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [5]
By utilizing your physical abilities, knowledge, and intuition, you can instantly and effectively
defend against an opponent's attacks.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target makes a {Main Stat} check against [TN: 20], gaining one of the following effects
depending on the result. This talent may only be used once per round(or scene):
Check Failure: The target [Halves] [Physical Damage] they take.
Check Success: The target [Halves] all [Damage] they take.

<<Quick Attack>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Charge 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
By making full use of a unique gait, you instantly cross the distance to an opponent and deliver a
sharp blow.
Use When Active.
The user makes an [Attack Action], and gains gains an effect according to the following.
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +1 [Physical Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]).

<<Predictive Defense>>
Timing : Defense
Range : Charge 4 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [5]
By predicting an opponent's attack, you can instantly interpose yourself in front of the targeted
ally and intercept it.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The user takes the [Damage] and all other effects that would have been inflicted, in place of the
target. If used against a [Magical Attack], treat it as though the {Resist} check failed. This Talent
has no effect against [Target: Area - Combat Zone] [Attack Actions].

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
With a unique technique, you can counterattack immediately after receiving an attack.
Unique Effect. Use after the target's [Damage Reduction].
The target may make one [Weapon Attack]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Master's Art>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [5]
By demonstrating extraordinary concentration, you succeed in a maneuver, exercise, calculation,
or search.
Use On {Main Stat} Check.
The target succeeds at the {Main Stat} check regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the same
time, the target may change two [Spirit Dice] to any value. This Talent may be used once per

<<Predictive Blockade>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
Using your own body and walls of spirit energy, you prevent the spread of wide-area attacks.
Use On Damage Reduction.
Change the [Target] of the [Attack Action] the target is making to [1#], with the user taking the
[Damage]. Treat this [Damage] as though a {Resist} check had been failed. This Talent may be used
once per round.

<<Receiving Technique>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Withstand an opponent's attack by hardening your entire body like steel, or empowering your
defenses with spirit energy.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, whenever the target uses <<Predictive
Defense>>, they gain +5 [Armor] and [Barrier].

<<Essence of Defense>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You simplify the type of spirit energy required to perform a specific technique by adding your own
unique improvements to it.
Passive Effect.
When the target acquires <<Essence of Defense>>, they designate any one [Timing: Defense]
Talent. The target may use the specified Talent as though it were [Cost: O].

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Make use of all of the skills and knowledge you've acquired for the purpose of searching and
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of {Agility}, {Will}, {Luck}, and {Evasion} checks.

● <<Objective Defense>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Doubles]
Protect yourself from physical attacks made by opponents with powerful, self-created defenses.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target makes a {Will} check against [TN: 20], gaining one of the following effects depending on
the result. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).
Check Failure: The target reduces [Physical Damage] received by 10.
Check Success: The target [Halves] all [Physical Damage] received.

● <<Anti-Magic Defense>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Doubles]
Protect yourself from magical attacks made by opponents with powerful, self-created defenses.
Use On Damage Reduction. The target makes an {Agility} check against [TN: 20], gaining one of the
following effects depending on the result This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).
Check Failure: The target reduces [Magical Damage] received by 10.
Check Success: The target [Halves] all [Magical Damage] received.

● <<Predictive Counterattack>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O, 5]
Use knowledge and experience you've cultivated so far to predict an opponent's attack, then
launch an effective counterattack.
Use after Damage Reduction.
The target may use a [Timing: Attack / Cost: X, X] Talent, treating the [Cost] as though it had
already been paid. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Constant Focus>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have mastered a special skill that allows you to exert incredible concentration.
Passive Effect.
The target can use <<Master's Art>> an additional time per session. Additionally, the target can
treat the cost of <<Master's Art>> as [E] or [O].

● <<Impermanence>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Divert power from an attack that you just received in order to instantly move to a targeted
Unique Effect. Use after Damage Reduction.
The user makes an [Appearance Check / TN: 20], and depending on the result, [Installs] a certain
distance away. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).
Check Failure, or Pomander used: The target [Installs] in any space within 5 Sq.
Check Success: The target [Installs] in any space within 8 Sq.

● <<Proximity Guard>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Doubles]
Utilize a unique technique to exert a powerful defense against attacks from outside of your
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target [Halves] damage taken from outside of [Range: Engaged]. This Talent may be used once
per round (or scene).
● <<Reflexive Pursuit>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [5]
Using the sum of your knowledge and experience, you can unconsciously attack an opponent the
instant they move.
Unique Effect.
Make a [Weapon Attack] against a target that just became [Engaged], or a target that has declared
[Breakaway] or [Withdraw]. This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Body Control>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
After intensive training, you have gained complete control over your physical, mental, and spiritual
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to [Initiative]. Also, when the target uses [Talents] from [Style:
Mastery], the [TN] of the [Main Stat] and [Appearance] check generated by the effects of those
Talents is reduced by 5.

◎ <<Total Self-Defense>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By improving the technique behind Technical Defense, you've gained a powerful defensive ability.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}. Also, the target may use <<Technical Defense>> one
additional time per round.

◎ <<Total Improvement>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By making unique improvements to the techniques of Mastery itself, you've dramatically reduced
the amount of spirit energy they consume.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses a [Style: Mastery / Timing: Unique] Talent, they treat one portion of the
[Cost] as though it has already been paid.
◎ <<Spirit Diversion>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Utilize spirit energy derived from an opponent that just attacked you to alter the flow of your own.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target may change up to 4 [Spirit Dice] into [Overflow]. This Talent may be used once per

◎ <<Spirit Reflection>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O, 5, 5]
Use a special technique to reflect spirit energy directly back at the one who created it.
Use on Damage Calculation. <<Finesse>> Required.
The target receives [Damage] calculated by themselves (No Reactive Check). This Talent may be
used once per session.

Treasure Hunter – [GU6]

This type is excellent at attacking and gathering materials. There are no limits on using [Treasure
Hunter: Type A] Talents.
※ <<Mysterious Treasure>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Doubles]
Withdraw a mystic treasure from your spirit barrier in preparation for battle.
Unique Effect. Use at Any Time during [Combat].
The target immediately acquires and [Stores] one [Material / Name: Treasure / PD+2: 1000G
(Potency: 2)]. All materials acquired through <<Mysterious Treasure>> are destroyed at the end of
combat. This Talent may be used once per round, but cannot be used [Out of Combat].

<<Anti-Mononoke Attack>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Utilizing your experience as a treasure hunter, you perform an attack that is effective against
Physical Attack.
The user gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. Additionally, if the target is a non-Boss
[Mononoke], the user can expend 1 [Material] to gain a +10 modifier at [Damage Calculation].

<<Anti-Aramitama Attack>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : [O, 1]
Utilizing a holy artifact, you make an attack particularly effective against unusual supernatural
Physical Attack.
The user gains +2 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. Additionally, if the target is a Boss [Mononoke],
the user can expend 1 [Material] to gain a +10 modifier at [Damage Calculation].

<<Action Leap>> (Note: Action as in action movie)

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
After taking damage, you make an extremely flashy jump to move out of range.
Unique Effect. Use on [Damage Reduction].
The target [Installs] up to 4 squares away, ignoring [Engagements]. This talent is usable once per
round (or scene).

<<Shining Treasure>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
Fill a treasure with an excessive amount of spiritual energy in order to boost your target's power.
Use On Check.
The user expends 1 [Material], then the target gains a +[Potency of the expended Material]
modifier to the result of that check. This talent is usable once per round (or scene).

<<Intuitive Grasp>>
Timing : Prep
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Area
Cost : [O]
Draw on your experiences as a treasure hunter to discern the abilities of an enemy.
Unique Effect.
The user may perform [Maneuver: Identify ({Intellect} check)] or an [Insight] [Check] on the
Note: The Talent does not specifically say so but I have to assume this means making an Insight
check in place of an ID check

<<Brilliant Taijutsu>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [1]
Using exquisite technique, you instantly escape an opponent's grasp and make use of a spell or
Unique Effect.
The target may [Install] themselves in a square up to 3 Sq away from their current square, then
perform [Action 7: Use Item] once.

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Use your skill as a treasure hunter to adapt to any situation.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}. Also, the target ignores all environmental penalties ("Dark
Place", "Bad Footing", "Submerged", etc).

<<Siege Breaker>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
After preparing for an attack, moving, or using an item, use a physical technique to breakaway.
Passive Effect.
After spending [Timing: Prep], the target [Installs] themselves anywhere within 2 Sq. of their
current square.

● <<Hunter's Assault>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
Launch a powerful physical attack while simultaneously stripping materials from an opponent.
Physical Attack.
The user gains +3 [Physical Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. When the target that failed their
[Reactive Check] is an NPC with [Materials], the user immediately rolls 2d6 to obtain [Materials]
from them (If the target has been changed to 2 or more, select any 1 NPC to obtain [Materials]
from). Note that this has no effect on the amount of materials the user receives after the battle.
This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Protective Treasure>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
Fill a treasure with spiritual energy and throw it to an ally in order to remove a negative influence
from an ally and bolster their power.
Unique Effect. Usable at any time.
The user expends 1 [Material], and the target changes 1 [Spirit Dice] into [Overflow]. Additionally,
target may [Remove] a number of negative [Shifts] other than [Shift: Downed, Taken Out, Dead]
equal to the [Potency] of the expended material. This Talent may be used once per round (or

● <<Dazzling Treasure>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
By holding a treasure skywards and praising its power, you can grant an ally's technique a surge of
spirit energy.
Unique Effect. Use on Damage Calculation. <<Shining Treasure>> Required.
The user may expend 1 [Material] to gain a modifier to [Damage Calculation] equal to +"[Potency
of the expended Material] x 5". This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Radiant Treasure>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
Fill a treasure with spiritual power and throw it to an ally, granting all of its spirit energy to them.
Unique Effect. Use on Damage Calculation. <<Survival>> Required.
The user may expend 1 [Material] to gain a modifier to [Rank] equal to +"[Potency of the
expended Material]". This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Continuous Leaps>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Jump repeatedly to bypass enemies and move a long distance in the blink of an eye.
The user makes an [Appearance Check / TN: 15] (Pomanders cannot be used). On a success, the
user may [Install] themselves into a square that will be [Engaged] with a [Mononoke] in the
[Combat Zone]. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<High Spirits>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Uplift your spirit while launching an attack in order to project both your inner courage, and spirit
Use on Active Check.
The target gains +2 to the [Check]. Additionally, the user gains 1 [Overflow]. This Talent may be
used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Demon and God Dissection>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Uplift your spirit while launching an attack in order to project both your inner courage, and spirit
Unique Effect. <<Intuitive Grasp>> required. Use before or after the target acquires [Materials].
When the target obtains [Materials] from a [Mononoke], add +2 to the roll. This Talent may be
used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Curse Perception>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [1]
Instantly detect the existence of nearby distortions and the trajectory of special attacks.
Passive Effect. Use when performing {Luck} or {Insight} checks.
The target gains a +5 modifier to the [Result] of {Luck} or {Insight} checks. This Talent may be used
once per round (or scene).

◎ <<Greatest Treasure>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You've collected a huge number of treasures throughout your adventures and stored them in your
spirit barrier.
Passive Effect.
Change the effect of the [Material] acquired via <<Mysterious Treasure>> to [Material / Name:
Legendary Treasure / PD+3: 1000G (Potency: 3)]. Also, the target may use <<Mysterious
Treasure>> as though it were [Cost: E].

◎ <<Master Adventurer>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Your many adventures as a treasure hunter have endowed you with extreme physical abilities.
Passive Effect.
When using [Timing: Attack] Style Talents, the target gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation].
Additionally, the target may create one additional [Material] when using <<Mysterious

◎ <<Motion Mastery>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You've improved your efficiency and become extremely skilled in physical techniques and arts
through your experiences as a treasure hunter.
Passive Effect.
When using [Timing: Prep] Style Talents, the target may treat them as though one portion of the
[Cost] has already been paid. Additionally, the target may use <<Mysterious Treasure>> one
additional time per round.

◎ <<Peerless Accuracy>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By eliminating every wasted move, you can unleash physical attacks with unerring accuracy.
Passive Effect.
When using [Style: Treasure Hunter / Timing: Attack] Talents, the target may treat them as though
one portion of the [Cost] has already been paid.

This type is excellent at magical attacks and defense. There are no limits on using [Treasure
Hunter: Type B] Talents.
※ <<Legendary Treasure>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Steps]
You pull a legendary treasure from your spirit barrier in preparation for combat.
Unique Effect. Use at Any Time during [Combat].
The target immediately acquires and [Stores] one [Material / Name: Relic / MD+2: 1000G
(Potency: 2)]. All materials acquired through <<Legendary Treasure>> are destroyed at the end of
combat. This Talent may be used once per round, but cannot be used [Out of Combat].

<<Treasure Sorcery>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 8 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Utilizing a special magic that uses a spiritual treasure as a power source, you perform a magic
attack that is especially effective on mononoke.
Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist Halves). Additionally, if the target is a non-
Boss [Mononoke], the user can expend 1 [Material] to gain a +10 modifier at [Damage

<<Treasure Ritual>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 8 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, 1]
You perform an attack that is especially dangerous to peculiar supernatural beings by using a
treasure as a power source.
Inflict [Rank: 3] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist Halves). Additionally, if the target is a
[Boss], the user can expend 1 [Material] to gain a +10 modifier at [Damage Calculation].

Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Utilizing your knowledge and experience, you immediately discern what kind of being has
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target may perform [Maneuver: Identify ({Intellect} check)].

<<Discordant Treasure>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
Fill a treasure with an excessive amount of spiritual energy and detonate it near an opponent in
order to interfere with their actions.
Use On Check.
The user expends 1 [Material], then the target gains a -[Potency of the expended Material]
modifier to the result of that check. This Talent is usable once per round (or scene).

<<Treasure's Blessing>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
Transform a treasure into a spiritual shield in order to protect an ally.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The user may expend 1 [Material] to gain a modifier to [Armor] and [Barrier] equal to +"[Potency
of the expended Material] x 5". This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Tracking Proficiency>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You can identify various treasures based on your experiences, rather than actual knowledge.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +2 modifier to {Initiative}. Also, the target may substitute {Intellect} in place of
{Agility} when making [Tracking] checks, treating the result of the former as though it were the

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Your skills as a treasure hunter enable you to increase your probability of acquiring materials.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 modifier to [Active Checks]. Also, whenever the target acquires [Materials]
from a [Mononoke], they gain a +1 modifier to the acquisition roll.

<<Emergency Withdrawal>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [1]
You are extremely talented at keeping track of your location in a sanctum, and can withdraw to
another point in the case of emergency.
Unique Effect. Use on an [Appearance Check].
The target succeeds at the [Appearance Check] regardless of the outcome of their [Roll]. Also, if
used during [Sanctum Purge], all PCs may, when performing "Change Area," move to any [Area]
where "Resolved" has been checked off. This Talent may be used twice per session.

● <<Pillaging Spell>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
A special spell that strips an opponent of their materials.
Magical Attack.
Inflict [Rank: 4] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist Halves). When the target that failed their
[Reactive Check] is an NPC with [Materials], the user immediately rolls 2d6 to obtain [Materials]
from them (If the target has been changed to 2 or more, select any 1 NPC to obtain [Materials]
from). Note that this has no effect on the amount of materials the user receives after the battle.
This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Treasure of Life>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The moment you're injured, you trigger a regenerative effect using the power of a treasure to heal
your wounds.
Use on Damage Reduction. <<Tracking Proficiency>> Required.
The user expends 1 [Material], then [Recovers] HP equal to "[Potency of the expended Material] x
10". This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Treasure Extension>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
By expending all of the energy in a treasure, you forcibly extend the range of a technique.
Use on Active Check.
The user may expend 1 [Material] to gain a modifier to [Range] equal to +"[Potency of the
expended Material]" (If [Engaged], it becomes 2 Sq.; if [Charge 2 Sq] it becomes [Charge 4 Sq]).
This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Treasure Expansion>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
By expending all of the energy in a treasure, you forcibly expand the scope of a technique.
Use when the target declares a talent.
The user may expend 1 [Material] to gain a modifier to [Target] equal to +"[Potency of the
expended Material]". This talent has no effects on [Target: Area / Combat Zone]. This Talent may
be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Mystic Treasure>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Utilizing a unique technique, you pull a large amount of power from a treasure and double your
own attack power.
Use on Damage Calculation.
The user may expend 1 [Material] to gain a modifier to magic [Damage Calculation] equal to
+"[Potency of the expended Material] x 10. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Breakthrough>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You utilize your experience as a treasure hunter to present an effective solution to a difficult
Unique Effect. Use at any time while [Out of Combat].
The target value to [Mend] a [Distortion] or [Sanctum Event] is reduced by 5. This Talent may be
used once per scene.

● <<Material Expertise>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You possess excellent knowledge of harvesting materials from curses.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to [Magic Damage]. Additionally, when rolling to acquire randomly-
generated [Materials], treat the outcome of "Determine X" as though it is a "9" or higher."

● <<Treasure Memory>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Using special magic, you draw out the thoughts and memories that reside within treasure, and,
using it as a catalyst, expand its influence over a wide area.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}. In addition, the target can perform the action "Use
Material" as [Timing: Unique / Effect Class: Use at Any Time / Range: Combat Zone / Target:
Combat Zone].

◎ <<Phantom Treasure>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are an expert at using treasures you previously obtained in your adventures.
Passive Effect.
Change the effect of the [Material] acquired via <<Legendary Treasure>> to [Material / Name:
Legendary Relic / MD+3: 1000G (Potency: 3)]. Also, the target may use <<Legendary Treasure>> as
though it were [Cost: O].

◎ <<Treasure Master>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Your many adventures as a treasure hunter have endowed you with extreme physical abilities.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +7 modifier to {Initiative}. Additionally, the target may create one additional
[Material] when using <<Legendary Treasure>>.

◎ <<Treasure Sublimation>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
You transform a treasure into pure spirit energy and then transfer it into an ally.
Unique Effect. Use at Any Time.
The user expends 1 [Material], then the target gains [Overflow] equal [Potency of the expended
Material]. This Talent may be used once per session.

◎ <<Sleight of Hand>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You demonstrate amazing dexterity via the skills you've cultivated as a treasure hunter.
Passive Effect.
The target may use [Style: Treasure Hunter / Cost: 1] Style Talents as though they were [Cost: O].
Additionally, the target may use <<Legendary Treasure>> one additional time per round.
Elder Mage – [GA1]
This Type specializes in powerful [Magical Attacks]. It also specializes in hindering foes. In
order to use [Elder Mage: Type A] Talents, characters must be equipped with [Item: Magical
※ <<Grand Spell Invocation>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : Area
Cost : [E, 6, 6]
You invoke a deadly spell that embodies massive destruction.
Magical Attack.
Inflict [Rank: 4] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist [Halves]).

<<Accelerate Spell>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Instantly amplifying your physical abilities, you are able to race across a certain distance with
speed enough that no one can touch you.
Unique Effect.
The target may move up to 2 squares ignoring [Engagements]. This Talent does not spend [Prep],
and may be used twice per round.

<<Instant Ritual>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [6]
Using the memories drawn from your Shard, you abbreviate a magical ritual, widening the scope
of your techniques.
Unique Effect.
The target increases the [Target] of a [Timing: Attack] Talent by 2#. If the Talent is something other
than [Target: X#], increase [Damage] by 2. This Talent does not spend [Prep].

<<Magic Missile>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
Generating a unique magic circle that takes the form of your Spirit Crest in front of you, you
rapidly fire missiles of spirit energy from it.
Magical Attack.
Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist [Halves]).

<<Sympathetic Wounds>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O, 6]
You establish a sympathetic link between your mind and another's, and by making certain
motions, you bring them harm.
Magical Attack.
Inflict [Rank: 3] [Magical Damage] on the target, and also any one of [Shift: Fallen, Darkness, or
Poison] (Resist [Cancels]).

<<Alter Mass>>
Timing : Attack/Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [6]
You manipulate another's mass through advanced spells.
Unique Effect.
The target gains one of the following effects according to the [Timing] used. This Talent may be
used once per round.
[Attack]: Magical Attack. Until after [Timing: End] of the current round, the target is [Flying] (Resist
[Unique]: Change [Falling Damage] the target takes to 0, and they gain [Remove: Fallen].

<<Detonate Spell>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Predicting your opponent's actions, you instantly release a wounding spell with their movements,
robbing their strength at its roots.
Use when the target declares a Talent.
The target loses 5 {HP}. The target may not perform a [Reactive Check] in response to this Talent.
This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Hindering Missile>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [6]
Firing spirit energy bullets at a charging opponent, you hinder their movement itself.
Unique Effect. This Talent cannot target anyone within 4 squares of the user. Use the moment
when the target makes a [Move Action].
Change the distance the target can move with [Combat Move, Full Move, or Withdraw] to 2
squares. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Spiritualist Technique>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 4 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
Invoking a unique spell, you direct a paranormal being to possess someone for a moment, granting
them healing, or manipulating their memories.
Magical Attack.
Inflict the effect of either ① or ② on the target.
①: The target [Recovers] {HP} equal to [Rank: 1] [Magical Damage].
②: May only be used [Out of Combat]. The user may erase or manipulate the thoughts and
memories of one Innocent in the [Scene] (the GM decides the details).

● <<Cursed Gaze>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
The instant the target meets your gaze, you send a binding curse to the very core of their spirit
Unique Effect.
The target reduces their {Initiative} by 10 (to a minimum of 1). This Talent may be used once per

● <<Dispersal Spell>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [6]
You crash the wavelength of your spirit energy into your opponent's, causing their spirit energy to
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target immediately loses one [Spirit] die, or one [Overflow], that the user designates. This
Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Quick Spell>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [6, 6]
You activate your specialized attack magics alongside your own techniques, or those of your
allies, or enemies.
Use when the target declares a Talent.
The user may make one [Weapon Attack] against the target, or use a [Group: Arcane / Timing:
Attack] Talent, treating the [Cost] as having already been paid. This Talent may be used once per

● <<Concept Materialization>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Utilizing the secrets of the sacraments, you massively expand the area of effect of your already
grand spell.
Passive Effect.
The target changes the [Range / Target] of <<Grand Spell Invocation>> to [Combat Zone].

● <<Illusion Spell>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
By casting a powerful illusion over a foe, you cause them to believe that the ground below them
has gotten bad, or their sight has gone dark.
Unique Effect.
Inflict the penalty of either ① or ② on the target.
①: The target gains the "dim lighting" penalty.
②: The target gains the "bad footing" penalty.

● <<Weakness Hex>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [6]
By placing a powerful suggestion over a foe, you plant a fear of a certain weapon type in their
minds, then cause it to manifest through spirit energy.
Unique Effect.
The user designated one of [Form: Sword・Spear・Axe・Hammer]. Afterwards, for the rest of the
combat (or scene), the target [Halves] their [Armor] when taking [Physical Damage] from the
designated [Form].

● <<Gravity Control>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You seize hold of gravity through the use of a high-level spell, allowing you to move quickly and
gracefully over walls and through the sky.
Passive Effect. <<Alter Mass>> Required.
The target gains +5 to {Initiative}. Also, the target ignores "bad footing" penalties, and can make
[Magical Attacks] after [Combat Moves].

● <<Eye of Lucifer>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You perfectly replicate as a high-level spell the demonic visage of a fallen angel said to be the
origin of the evil eye.
Passive Effect. <<Cursed Gaze>> Required.
The target ignores "dim lighting" penalties. Also, by paying [Cost: 6], the target may use <<Cursed
Gaze>> ignoring the "X per combat" limitation, regardless of whether it has been used or not.

◎ <<Attack Magic Expert>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents being an expert, particularly in spells of cursing or wounding.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses an [Effect Class: Magical Attack] Talent, they may treat any one portion
of the [Cost] as already having been paid.

◎ <<Sacrament Seal>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have a sacramental seal conceived by the gods themselves manifested upon your body, which
remarkably enhances your spells' destructive power.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses an [Group: Arcane / Effect Class: Magical Attack] Talent, they gain a +
[any one of user's {Main Stats}] modifier at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent does not apply to
[Weapon Attacks].

◎ <<Ritual Chant>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By using a chant that can only be mastered by high-level orthodox mages, you can simplify certain
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses a [Style: Elder Mage / Timing: Prep] Talent, they treat one portion of the
[Cost] as already paid.

◎ <<Hex Expert>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As a veteran mage, you are skilled in the handling of hexes—spells that hinder the actions of
Passive Effect.
The target may choose to use [Style: Elder Mage / Timing: Unique / Cost: X] Talents as though they
were [Cost: E] instead.

This Type specializes in a healing system of [Magical Attacks]. One may also acquire defensive
Talents, as well as Talents that strengthen. There are no restrictions for using [Elder Mage:
Type B] Talents.
※ <<High Cure>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [6]
You command high-order healing magic, and can instantly mend another's wounds.
Magical Attack.
The target [Recovers] {HP} equal to [Rank: 3] [Magical Damage].

<<Intuition Boost>>
Timing : Start
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [6]
You deploy a field of amplified spirit energy, raising the combat intuition of others.
Unique Effect.
The target gains a +1d6 modifier to {Initiative}. This Talent does not spend [Start].

<<Combat Power Amplification>>

Timing : Start
Range : 7sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
Releasing strengthening spells, you enhance the combat power of others.
Unique Effect.
For the rest of the combat, the target gains the effect of either ① or ②.
① [Physical Rank] +1
② [Magical Rank] +1

Timing : Attack
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
Invoking spells that have a stimulating effect, you remove certain conditions.
Magical Attack.
The target gains effect of any one of ①②③④.
① [Remove: Darkness]
② [Remove: Poison]
③ [Remove: Pain]
④ [Remove: Paralysis]

Timing : Attack
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
Releasing a regenerative spell, you restore a defeated ally.
Magical Attack.
The target [Removes] [Shift: Downed], and changes their {HP} to 1. The target may refuse this

<<Support Spell>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 17 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
A strengthening spell that amplifies one's combat power, or their strength and quickness.
Magical Attack.
For the rest of the combat or scene, the target gains the effect of either ① or ②.
① +2 to [Damage]
② +2 to the result of {Strength} and {Agility} checks.

<<Spell Strengthening>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 17 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
A strengthening spell that enhances one's defenses, or their reasoning and willpower.
Magical Attack.
For the rest of the combat or scene, the target gains the effect of either ① or ②.
① +2 to [Armor] and [Barrier]
② +2 to the result of {Intellect} and {Will} checks.

<<Spirit Flux>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Using a particular technique, you manipulate another's spirit energy.
Passive Effect.
The target adds "Also, the target may add or subtract 1 from any one [Spirit] die (cannot go below
1, or above 6)." to the effect of [Timing: Attack] Talents that deal no [Damage] (such as <<High
Cure>> and <<Invigorate>>.)

<<Motion Spell>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [6]
By reinforcing another with spells, you allow them to instantly get closer, or withdraw.
Unique Effect. Use at any time during the target's [Turn].
The target may move up to 3 Sq., ignoring [Engagements] (the target may refuse this effect). This
Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Obstructing Wall>>
Timing : Defense
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [6]
You generate a field with a spell, reducing the power of the spell another takes.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target reduces the [Magical Damage] they take by [any one of the user's {Main Stats}].

● <<Spell Influence>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
Commanding an original spell of your own making, you temporarily manipulate another's spirit
Unique Effect.
Change any three of the target's [Spirit] dice to any value (the target may not refuse this effect).
This Talent may be used once per session.

● <<Healing Obstruction>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [6]
Utilizing a curse, you hinder another's regeneration or healing.
Unique Effect. Use when the target declares a Talent or uses an [Item] with a [Recovery] effect.
Cancel the [Recovery] effect the target would have received from the Talent or [Item].

● <<Curse Expansion>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You vastly enhance the effect area of a particular technique.
Passive Effect.
The target changes the [Range / Target] of [Timing: Start / Cost: X] Talents to [Combat Zone]. If the
Talent was already [Combat Zone], then this has no effect. Those in [Range: Combat Zone/Target:
Combat Zone] can reject effects under this Talent's effects.

● <<Defensive Wall>>
Timing : Defense
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [6]
When taking a physical attack, you erect a wall with a defensive spell, robbing the power from the
Use On Damage Reduction.
Reduce the [Physical Damage] the target takes by [any one of the user's {Main Stats}].

● <<Discerning Prayer>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [6]
The moment you "discern" another's technique, you automatically go into prayer, letting you use
support or healing spells.
Use when the target declares a Talent.
Make 1x [Weapon Attack] on the target. Or, use one [Style: Elder Mage / Type: B / Timing: Attack]
Talent, treating the [Cost] as already paid. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).
● <<Eminence>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As a mage with a standing above even the great experts, you are able to handle even more
powerful reinforcement magic.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +5 to [Magical Damage]. Also, the target may choose to change the effect of
<<Intuition Boost>> and <<Combat Power Amplification>> to the following, as appropriate:
<<Intuition Boost>>: The target gains +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] to {Initiative}.
<<Combat Power Amplification>>: Until [End] of the current round, the target gains ① +2
[Physical Rank] or ② +2 to [Magical Rank].

● <<Magus Inner Circle>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As a great Magus with high standing even within the Mage Association, you are able to use superb
reinforcement magic.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +5 to {Initiative}. Also, the target may choose to change the effect of <<Support
Spell>> and <<Spell Strengthening>> to the following, as appropriate:
<<Support Spell>>: ① +5 to [Damage Calculation], ② +3 to the result of {Strength} and {Agility}
<<Spell Strengthening>>: ① +5 to [Armor] and [Barrier], ② +3 to the result of {Intellect} and
{Will} checks.

◎ <<Healing Magic Expert>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents being an expert particularly skilled in strengthening and healing spells.
Passive Effect.
The target is now able to use [Timing: Attack] Talents that deal no [Damage] (such as <<High
Cure>> and <<Invigorate>>) as though they had [Cost: O].

◎ <<Shining Heal>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You simultaneously wield advanced healing while invoking strengthening magic.
Passive Effect.
After the target uses a [Timing: Attack] Talent (such as <<High Cure>> and <<Invigorate>>) that
deals no [Damage], they may use <<High Cure>> one time (paying the [Cost] as normal). The effect
of <<Shining Heal>> may be used once per round.

◎ <<Ultimate Rite>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As a powerful Magus, you've devised your own secret rites, and by using those, you can freely
wield all kinds of spells.
Passive Effect. <<Support Spell>> Required.
Each time the target uses a [Style: Elder Mage / Type: B / Timing: Start・Defense] Talent, they
treat one portion of the [Cost] as already paid.

◎ <<Fragment of the Root>>

Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As a superb Magus, you have touched part of the truth of all magic, the Root, and with that
knowledge you can freely draw upon spirit energy.
Unique Effect. <<Spell Strengthening>> Required.
The target changes one [Spirit] die to a "6".

Digital Sorcerer – [GA2]

This Type specializes in the efficiency of [Spirit]. Other than that, this Talent allows characters
to acquire magical attack Talents, and Talents that hinder others. In order to use [Digital
Sorcerer: Type A] Talents, characters must be equipped with an [Item] that has [Restrict:
Digital Sorcerer].
※ <<Zohar Method>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [1, 1]
Providing your own spirit energy using a spell program, you cover another's spirit costs.
Use when the target declares a Talent.
The target treats the [Cost] of the Talent they use as though it has already been paid. This Talent
may be used once per round.
<<Extend Code>>
Timing : Start
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
You bolster another's reasoning and physical capabilities using a spell program, causing persistent,
strong focus.
Unique Effect.
The target can make [Ranged Attacks] and [Magical Attacks] even after a [Combat Move].

<<Usher Accel>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
You enhance another's physical abilities using a spell program. This effect depends upon a magical
weapon or a device.
Unique Effect.
The target gains a +[the [MD] of one [Magical Weapon] equipped by the user] modifier to

Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [1]
Analyzing an opponent's magical defenses with a spell program, you overwrite your own ability to
oppose those.
Unique Effect.
The target gains a modifier to [Magical Damage Calculation] equal to [the [Barrier] of [Range:
Combat Zone / Target: 1#] the user designates]. The effects of this Talent do not apply to [Weapon
Attacks]. Also, this Talent may be used once per combat.

<<Assault Module>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, O]
You boot up an assault spell program, and fire a destructive light ray from a magic circle taking the
form of a lightning bolt.
Magical Attack.
Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] with [Element: Shock] on the target (Resist [Halves]).

<<Combat Module>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : Area
Cost : [Steps]
You boot up an offensive spell program, loosing countless missiles from a magic circle that take
the form of rays of light.
Magical Attack. Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] with [Element: Light] on the target (Resist

<<Buster Algorithm>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
You enhance an another's combat potential using a spell program.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target gains +1 [Rank]. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Battle Interpreter>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [1]
Using a spell program, you repeatedly make fierce attacks.
Unique Effect. Use after the target has used a [Effect Class: Magical Attack] Talent.
The target may make one [Weapon Attack]. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Might Iterator>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You enhance the effect of an attack spell through a program that iterates its power within your
Passive Effect. <<Assault Module>> or <<Combat Module>> Required.
The target gains +1 [Rank] at the [Damage Calculation] of [Style: Digital Sorcerer / Timing: Attack]

● <<Effect Core Dump>>

Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : [Steps]
Using a spell program, you record an opponent's technique, analyze it, and become able to use it
in a flash.
Use While Active.
The user can use one [Timing: Attack] Talent that [Range: Combat Zone / Target: 1#] used while [In
Combat], treating it as though the [Cost] has already been paid (ignore restrictions; Boss Talents
may be used; if 'once per X', etc., is written, treat as though unused). This Talent may be used once
per combat.

● <<Spell Converge>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [1]
Using a spell program, you change the spell itself into a point-blank focused attack.
Unique Effect.
The target changes the [Range/Target] of a [Timing: Attack / Effect Class: Magical Attack] to
[Engaged/1#], and gains a +[any one of the user's {Main Stats}] modifier to [Damage Calculation].
The effect of this Talent does not apply to [Weapon Attacks]. This Talent may be used once per

● <<Support Program>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Using a spell program, you mitigate the spirit energy expenditure and amount of focus necessary
to use a technique.
Passive Effect.
The target may use [Timing: Unique / Cost: X] Talents as though they were [Cost: O]. If the [Cost] is
already [Cost: O], then treat it as though the [Cost] has already been paid.

● <<Killing Code>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You use a spell program to bestow an instant death effect, or else raise your power.
Passive Effect.
When the target uses a [Effect Class: On Damage Calculation] Talent, they may add "Can apply
[Shift: Dead] to Mononoke with "x#" written in their [Name]." to the effect of that Talent. If this
Talent already has that effect, then instead the target gains a +10 modifier to [Damage

● <<Protection Code>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
You've got an emergency spell program installed in your mobile, ready for you to deploy it around
yourself when you're targeted by an attack spell.
Use On Damage Reduction. <<Extend Code>> Required.
The target reduces the [Magical Damage] they take by [any one of user's {Main Stats}].

● <<Cyber Lord>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
As an elite Digital Sorcerer, you've mastered various techniques of hacking and cracking.
Use On {Intellect} or {Will} Checks.
The target succeeds at the {Intellect} or {Will} check regardless of the outcome of the [Roll]. At the
same time, the target may change one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used twice per

● <<Power Sort>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [1]
You round up the spell programs within your mobile, then enhance the power of a technique by
executing them all at once.
Use On Damage Calculation. <<Overwrite>> Required.
The target gains [any one of user's {Main Stats}] at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be used
once per round (or scene), and cannot be applied to [Weapon Attacks].

● <<Multi-Programming>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
Even in the middle of an action, you execute a spell program alongside your own, or someone
else's invocation, smashing an enemy.
Use when the target declares a Talent.
Make 1x [Weapon Attack] on the target. Or, use one [Style: Digital Sorcerer / Timing: Attack]
Talent, treating the [Cost] as already paid. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

◎ <<Custom Code>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You mod a spell program to fit with a certain technique, changing part of its effect.
Passive Effect.
The target may use [Timing: Start / Cost: X (OR) X, X] Talents as though they had [Cost: O]. If the
Talent was already [Cost: O], treat it as though the [Cost] has already been paid.

◎ <<Digital Mastery>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You use a spell program to control spirit energy and transcend all laws.
Passive Effect.
The target may use <<Zohar Method>> as though it had [Cost: Steps]. Also, the target may use
<<Zohar Method>> up to twice per round.

◎ <<Battle Code>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Modifying a spell program for combat use, you make a magical attack more efficient.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +5 at [Damage Calculation]. Also, each time the target uses a [Style: Digital
Sorcerer / Timing: Attack] Talent that inflicts [Damage] (such as <<Assault Module>> or <<Combat
Module>>, etc.), they treat one portion of the [Cost] as already paid.

◎ <<Rollback>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By going back over the data stored in your mobile periodically, you access the spirit and vital
energies that have accumulated over time.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +15 {HP}. Also, each time [Timing: Start] occurs, the target may change any one
[Spirit] die to a "1".

This Type specializes in defense, and the efficiency of [Spirit]. Other than that, this Talent
allows one to acquire Talents that hinder others. In order to use [Digital Sorcerer: Type B]
Talents, you must be equipped with an [Item] that has [Restrict: Digital Sorcerer].
※ <<Yetzirah Method>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
You use a spell program to supply another with excess spirit energy.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target gains 1 [Overflow]. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Program Shell>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [1]
You use a complicated spell program to erect a defensive wall of varying layers.
Unique Effect.
The target selects any value between 1-10, then increases their [Armor] by that value, and
decreases their {Initiative} total by the same value (this may not reduce {Initiative} below 1). For
example, if 10 is selected, increase [Armor] by 10, and reduce (Initiative} also by 10. This Talent
does not expend the user's [Start].

<<Accel Domain>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : [1]
You use a spell program to set up a high spirit energy region, greatly enhancing others' conjuring
efficiency and physical speed.
Unique Effect.
The target gains a +1 modifier to {Conjure} checks, and a +1 square modifier to the [Speed] of
[Combat Moves].

<<Cure Program>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 10 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
You use a spell program to instantly close another's wounds.
Magical Attack.
The target [Recovers] {HP} equal to [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage].

<<Clock System>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
You use a spell program to enhance another's physical capabilities.
Magical Attack.
Until after [Timing: End] of the next round, the target gains +3 on [Damage Calculation], and +3
square modifier to the [Speed] of [Full Moves] and [Combat Moves].

<<Armor Paste>>
Timing : Defense
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
You use a spell program to align allies or enemies, changing the rating of their armor to the same
Use On Damage Reduction.
Change the target's [Armor] value to be the same as the user's [Armor] value.

<<Dual Library>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You add a unique mod to a spell program, and are able to boot it up at a different moment.
Passive Effect.
The target may use [Timing: Start] Talents as though they had [Timing: Prep] (this does not make
the [Timing] entry be [Prep]).

<<Skill Device>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Using a spell program, you're able to acquire particular skills and knowledge, and are able to
apply those.
Passive Effect.
The target selects any three [Maneuvers] with different names, and gains a +2 modifier to the
result of those [Maneuvers], and to [Damage Calculation].

<<Guard Routine>>
Timing : Defense
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
You deploy a semi-automated defense barrier using a spell program.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The user takes the [Damage] and other effects that the target would have taken, in their stead.
When this happens, treat taking [Magical Damage] as though the {Resist} check had failed. This
Talent cannot be used on [Attack Actions] that are either [Target: Area・Combat Zone].
● <<Crack Cast>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, 1]
You analyze your opponent's weapon with a spell program, and temporarily "crack" its functions
spirit energy.
Unique Effect.
The target cannot make [Weapon Attacks] until after [Timing: End] of the current round.

● <<Backup>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Using a spell program, you remove a shift.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
Not including [Downed - Taken Out - Dead], the target [Removes] any one negative [Shift] on

● <<Defuse System>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Attuning others together with a spell program, you spread out wounds.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target causes [Range: Combat Zone / Target 1-5#] to take on any portion of the [HP Damage]
they are about to receive (the target alone takes any [Shifts]). The [Range: Combat Zone / Target
1-5#] may refuse the effect (they also cannot take more [HP Damage] than their current value of
{HP}). This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Digital Domain>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You keep in your possession an imaginary digital space you made yourself, and are able to some
extent to manipulate the flow of spirit energy from your supply of spirit energy kept there.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier at [Damage Calculation]. Also, each time the target [Influences],
they may add or subtract 1 from any one [Spirit] die (this may not reduce below 1, or raise above
● <<Overclock>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
Clocking the functions of your mobile or other device to their utmost limits, you release attack
spells beyond their normal performance.
Magical Attack. <<Clock System>> Required.
Deal [Rank: 4] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]). This Talent may be used once per
round (or scene).

● <<Program Bunker>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By making sophisticated modifications to defensive spell programs, you're able to use them
without their limitations.
Passive Effect. <<Program Shell>> Required.
The target does not change their {Initiative} score when they use <<Program Shell>>. For example,
if they choose a value of 10, they gain +10 [Armor], and no adjustment is made to their {Initiative}.

● <<Protect Domain>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
A spell program that, by setting up a unique region, allows it to not only provide speed, but
defense as well.
Passive Effect. <<Accel Domain>> Required.
The target adds the following to the effect of <<Accel Domain>>: "The target reduces [Physical
Damage] they take by [any one of user's {Main Stats}]."

● <<Ether Macro>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By setting up a large-scale spell program as a macro, you can trigger it with improbable timing.
Passive Effect.
The target may use a [Timing: Attack] Style Talent that does not inflict [Damage] (such as <<Cure
Program>> or <<Clock System>>) as [Timing: End]. (Note that this does not change the [Timing]
field to be [End].)

◎ <<Original Domain>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Using a spell program, you rewrite the contents of the barrier system capabilities, and perfectly
display your own power.
Passive Effect.
While the target is under the effect of a [Timing: Start] Talent, the target alone gains a +[any one
of the user's {Main Stats}] at [Damage Calculation]. The effect of this Talent does not apply to
[Weapon Attacks].

◎ <<Boosted Program>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Using a spell program of your own design, you instantly cause amplify massive spirit energy.
Passive Effect.
The target may use <<Yetzirah Method>> as though it had [Cost: O]. Also, the target may use
<<Yetzirah Method>> up to twice per round.

◎ <<Mystic Suppression>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By abbreviating a portion of a large spell program, you can retain the spirit energy that passes
through that line of code.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses a [Timing: Attack] Style Talent that does not inflict [Damage] (such as
<<Cure Program>> or <<Clock System>>), they treat one portion of the [Cost] as already paid.

◎ <<Ether Chunk>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Enormous spirit energy accumulates within your mobile, and by manipulating it, you can make
certain spell programs semi-automated.
Passive Effect. <<Skill Device>> Required.
Each time the target uses a [Style: Digital Sorcerer / Timing: Start・Defense] Talent, they treat one
portion of the [Cost] as already paid.
Divine Talker – [GA3]
This Type strengthens the power of techniques by chanting mantras, or forming special mudra.
There are no restrictions to using [Divine Talker: Type A] Talents.
※ <<Esoteric Mantra>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
You chant esoteric kotodama, strengthening the materialization of your spirit energy.
Unique Effect.
The target gains +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent does not spend [Prep].

<<Origin Mudra>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Forming the mudra that represents an Origin element, you bestow it upon your techniques.
Unique Effect.
When the user first acquires <<Origin Mudra>>, they select one [Element] (after, the designated
[Element] is referred to as [Origin Element D]). The target is bestowed with [Origin Element D] at
[Damage Calculation]. If they were already bestowed with [Origin Element D], then they gain +1

<<Incarnation Mudra>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3, 3]
Forming a special mudra and making certain motions, you change the wavelength of your spirit
Unique Effect.
For the rest of the round, the target changes [Attack Actions] to [Special Attacks].

Timing : Attack
Range : 17 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [3]
You cause spirit energy to flood into your foe with a single word, piercing them with your
Magical Attack.
Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist [Cancels]).

<<Archaism of the Sacraments>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3]
By speaking a single forgotten word, you expand a technique.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target changes the [Target] of their [Timing: Attack] Talent to [Area]. This Talent may be used
once per round.

<<Flowing Kotodama>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3]
The hidden techniques and spells you've mastered continue to roll off your tongue.
Unique Effect. Use after the target performs [Damage Calculation].
The target may use 1x [Timing: Attack / Cost: X] Talent, treating the [Cost] as already paid. This
Talent may be used once per round.

<<Holy Word Strike>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Using a special word, you enhance your own spirit energy.
Use On {Conjure} Check.
The target gains +1 to the result of the {Conjure} check. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Spirit Mudra>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By forming an ancestral mudra, you are able to regulate your spirit energy when combat is near.
Passive Effect.
At the start of combat only, the target may add or subtract 1 from two [Spirit] dice (adjusting a
single die by 2 is allowed; cannot raise above 6 or lower below 1).

<<Sacred Word of Radiance>>

Timing : Attack
Range : 17 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
A high-power offensive spell unique to Divine Talkers, which fires a spirit energy light beam at
maximum destructiveness through use of kotodama.
Magical Attack.
Deal [Rank: 3] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Cancels]).

● <<Kotodama Purification>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [3, 3]
By throwing a powerful kotodama against the materialization of spirit energy, you stop its
Magical Attack.
This Talent does not deal [Magical Damage] to the target; instead, select one Talent that is not
[Timing: Constant] that the target is under the effect of, and cancel it (Resist [Cancels]). This Talent
may be used once per round.

● <<Kotodama of Malediction>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [3]
The instant your opponent moves, you attack, creating words like chains.
Unique Effect. Use when the target makes a [Move Action], or when they use a Talent (other than
[Timing: Constant]) that allows them to move.
The user may make 1x [Weapon Attack] against the target. This Talent may be used once per

● <<Twisted Words of Anathema>>

Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [3]
When an opponent would be healed, you hinder their recovery with kotodama.
Unique Effect. Use when the target receives a [Recovery] effect from a [Timing: Attack] Talent.
The target [Halves] the [Recovery] they would have received. This Talent may be used once per

● <<Simplified Mudra>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By simplifying a special mudra, you make your spirit energy more efficient.
Passive Effect.
The target is able to use [Timing: Prep] Style Talents as though they were [Cost: 3].

● <<Infinite Spiritual Destruction>>

Timing : Attack
Range : 17 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [3, 3]
A secret art that weaves together enormous spirit energy with kotodama, amasses power in the
form of a yin-yang symbol with mudras, and then releases everything. As a secret of secrets
among high-level Divine Talkers, its power is unmatched.
Magical Attack.
Deal [Rank: 4] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]). This Talent may be used once per

● <<Esoteric Sacred Word>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Chanting high-level sacred words while signing mudras, you materialize divine spirit energy and
wreathe yourself in it.
Passive Effect. <<Origin Mudra>> Required.
When the target uses <<Origin Mudra>>, they are able to bestow another [Element] other than
[Origin Element D] (they may still only bestow one, however). Also, while under the effect of
<<Origin Mudra>>, the target gains a +[user's [World Influence LV] (maximum 10)] modifier to

● <<Chant Incarnate>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You enhance your reflexes by chanting high-level kotodama. Also, when forming a particular
mudra, you can gain a high defensive effect.
Passive Effect. <<Incarnation Mudra>> Required.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {Initiative}. Also, while under the effect of <<Incarnation
Mudra>>, the target gains a +[user's [World Influence LV] (maximum 10)] modifier to [Barrier].

● <<Sacred Spirit Mudra>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Due to the formation of sacramental mudras, you can control spirit energy moment by moment.
Passive Effect. <<Spirit Mudra>> Required.
The target changes the effect of <<Spirit Mudra>> to the following: "Passive Effect. Each time
[Timing: Start] is reached, the target may add or subtract 1 from up to two [Spirit] dice (adjusting a
single die by 2 is allowed; this effect cannot raise it above 6 or lower it below 1)."

◎ <<The Soul of Words>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3]
By arriving at the essence of kotodama, you freely control certain techniques.
Unique Effect. Use after the target uses a [Timing: Attack] Talent.
The target may use 1x [Timing: Attack / Cost: X (OR) X, X] Talent, treating the [Cost] as already
paid. This Talent may be used once per round.

◎ <<Mudra Expert>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through complete understanding of mudras, you vastly enhance the power of your techniques.
Passive Effect.
When the target gains the effect of a [Timing: Prep] Style Talent, the target gains +[any one of
user's {Main Stats}] modifier to the [Damage Calculation] of [Timing: Attack] Style Talents. This
effect does not apply to [Weapon Attacks].

◎ <<Sacred Word Echo>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Utilizing the echo of your kotodama, you can continuously weave together even more powerful
Passive Effect. <<Flowing Kotodama>> Required.
The target changes the effect of <<Flowing Kotodama>> to the following: "Unique Effect. Use after
the target uses a [Timing: Attack] Talent. The target may use one [Timing: Attack / Cost: X (or) X, X]
Talent, treating it as though the [Cost] has already been paid. This Talent may be used once per
round (or scene)."

◎ <<Secret Mudra Mastery>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By combining secret mudras handed down by each tradition, you are able to form mudras that
control the opponent before they are even able to move.
Passive Effect.
The target may use [Timing: Prep] Talents as though they were [Timing: Start] (this does not make
their [Timing] entries be [Start], however). Also, each time the target uses a [Timing: Prep] Talent,
they treat one portion of the [Cost] as already paid.

This Type strengthens oneself, enhancing a character's magical defenses with special songs. There
are no restrictions to using [Divine Talker: Type B] Talents.
※ <<Armored Hymn>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
By weaving a song, you wreathe an ally in an anti-magic barrier of light.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target [Halves] the [Magical Damage] they've taken. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Amplifying Psalm>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3]
Resounding with a unique song, you amplify anti-magic effects.
Unique Effect.
The target chooses any value between 1-10, and then increases [Barrier] by that value, and
decreases {Initiative} by the same value (this may not lower {Initiative} below 1). For example, if 10
is selected, gain +10 [Barrier], and reduce {Initiative} by 10. This Talent does not spend [Start].

<<Harmonic Excitation>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 17 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
Resounding with a unique song, you fold someone in etherlight, causing them to regain
consciousness lost from serious wounds.
Magical Attack.
The target [Removes] [Shift: Downed], and sets their {HP} to 1. The target may refuse this effect.

<<Invigorating Psalm>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, 3, 3]
With the powerful spirit energy hidden in your voice, you instantly heal another.
Magical Attack.
The target [Recovers] {HP} equal to a [Rank: 5] [Magical Attack].

<<Psalm Bulwark>>
Timing : Defense
Range : 17 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [3]
Singing in a unique voice, you construct a field before someone's eyes, protecting them from spells
and supernatural abilities.
Use On Damage Reduction.
Change the target's [Barrier] value to be the same as the user's [Barrier] value.

<<Harmonic Barrier>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3]
Singing in a unique voice, you materialize an invisible wall before yourself.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target [Halves] the [Damage] of a [Special Attack] they've taken. This Talent may be used once
per round.

<<Healing Amplification>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Singing in a unique voice, you amplify healing effects.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +5 to the [Recovery] effect from Talents.

<<Hymn of Protection>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 17 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
Singing in a unique voice, you converge an area attack.
Use On Damage Reduction.
Change the [Target] of the target's [Attack Action] to [1#], and the user takes the [Damage]. Treat
the [Damage] as though a {Resist} check had failed. This Talent may be used once per round.
<<Hymn of Life>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3]
Through a sacramental song that praises life, you can immediately regenerate and heal wounds
you take.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target [Recovers] 5 {HP}.

● <<Dirge of the Fallen Gods>>

Timing : Unique
Range : 17 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [3]
Utilizing a secret art particular to Orators, you draw out the maximum potential of someone's
combat power.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target gains +[any one of user's {Main Stats} x 2] at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent may be
used once per combat.

● <<Twisted Words of Recovery>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You change the meaning of your technique itself through words of power, dramatically enhancing
your healing power.
Unique Effect. Use when the target declares a Talent with a [Recovery] effect.
The target gains a +[any one of user's {Main Stats} x 3] modifier to the [Recovery] effect. This
Talent may be used once per session.

● <<Attire of the Muse>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Even a normal voice can change into the power of song, which will last eternally.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +15 to {HP}.

● <<Prayer of Recovery>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Changing the nature of your song, you are able to heal wounds and fatigue.
Passive Effect.
The target grants the effect of one from ①~④ below to the [Target] of their [Timing: Attack]
Talents that deal no [Damage] (such as <<Harmonic Excitation>> or <<Invigorating Psalm>>).
①: [Remove: Darkness]
②: [Remove: Poison]
③: [Remove: Pain]
④: [Remove: Paralysis]

● <<Power Prose>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 17 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
With a sacramental voice, you grant another large amounts of spirit energy.
Unique Effect.
The target changes one [Spirit] die to any value. This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Armament Psalm>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By embodying a sacred sound, you can gain resistance against physical attacks, and high vitality.
Passive Effect.
The target may apply the effect of <<Amplifying Psalm>> to [Armor] as well as [Barrier]. For
example, if 10 is selected, gain +10 [Armor] and [Barrier], and reduce {Initiative} by 10.

● <<Eternal Tone>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are able to sense the flow of the world's spirit energy as sound, and by utilizing that, you can
sing in a sacramental voice with greater efficiency.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +5 to [Recovery] effects from Style Talents. Also, the target may use <<Amplifying
Psalm>> as though it were [Cost: O], and <<Invigorating Psalm>> as though it were [Cost: 3].

● <<Psalm Transposition>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By shifting the interval of your song to a unique form, you materialize the spirit energy of your
psalms with a timing that wasn't possible before.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +5 [Barrier]. Also, the target is able to use [Timing: Attack] Style Talents that deal
no [Damage] (such as <<Harmonic Excitation>>, etc.) as though they were [Timing: Prep] (this does
not change the [Timing] entry to be [Prep]).

◎ <<Singer of Blessings>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Mastering a song of the sacraments, you continually materialize spirit energy, overflowing with it.
Passive Effect.
Each time [Timing: Start] occurs, the target gains 1 [Overflow].

◎ <<Song of the Muse>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Utilizing the spirit energy in song, you make certain distance techniques more efficient.
Passive Effect.
The target may use <<Armored Hymn>>, <<Harmonic Barrier>>, and Talents with [Range: 17 Sq /
Target: 1#] as though they had [Cost: E].

◎ <<Forbidden Prose>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
By singing a forbidden song, you gather enormous spirit energy from the area around another, and
grant it to them.
Unique Effect.
The target gains 2 [Overflow]. This Talent may be used once per session.

◎ <<Absolute Paean>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have learned a sacramental paean that grants absolute defense against attacks using spells or
special abilities.
Passive Effect.
When the target uses <<Armored Hymn>>, they may additionally [Halve] the [Magical Damage]
the target takes (quartering it). Also, each time the target uses a [Timing: Defense] Style Talent,
they treat one portion of the [Cost] as already paid.

Time Wizard – [GA4]

This Type specializes in accelerating time. You must be [Equipped] with [Item: Accessory] in order
to use [Time Wizard: Type A] Talents.
※ <<Chronos Traitor>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
With a temporal spell, you free another from the shackles of time.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target loses 5 {HP}, and afterwards, until [End] of the current round they gain the effect of
either ① or ②. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene) (the target may refuse the
①: The target gains +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] to {Initiative}.
②: On [Attack Action], target gains +1 [Rank].

<<Blink Move>>
Timing : Prep
Range : 3 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
Weaving a spatiotemporal spell over another, you cause them to move fast enough to produce
Unique Effect.
The target may move up to 3 Sq., ignoring [Engagements]. This Talent does not spend [Prep], and
may be used once per round.

<<Chronos Slash>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : Area
Cost : [E, 1]
A spatiotemporal spell known for its wounding capabilities that slices into opponents by shifting
space around them.
Magical Attack.
Make a [Special Attack] against the target, dealing [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage]. <<Chronos Slash>>
can be [Canceled] by succeeding at [Reaction Check] using {Insight}.

<<Chronos Blast>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, 1, 1]
An ultimate spatiotemporal spell that collapses space around your opponent.
Magical Attack.
Make a [Special Attack] against the target, dealing [Rank: 4] [Magical Damage]. <<Chronos Blast>>
can be [Canceled] by succeeding at [Reaction Check] using {Insight}. This Talent may be used once
per round (or scene).

Timing : Defense
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Interceding as an opponent launches a spell, you cut away the space of the magical attack itself.
Unique Effect. Use before the target makes a {Resist} check.
The user makes the {Resist} check in place of the target. (If successful, the user takes any damage
such as from [Halve], but is able to use Talents like <<Exceed Accel>>.) If the user fails the
[Reactive Check], they take the [Damage]. This Talent has no effect against [Target: Area・Combat
Zone] [Attack Actions]. This Talent does not spend [Defense]. The target may refuse this effect.

<<Flip Warp>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
After using a technique, you make an unstoppable high-speed move using a spatio-temporal spell.
Unique Effect. Use after the target uses a [Timing: Unique] Style Talent.
The target may move up to 3 Sq., ignoring [Engagements]. This Talent may be used once per round
(or scene).

<<Rapid Avoid>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Steps]
Using your space-time magecraft, you perceive an attack's trajectory and evade it.
Use On Reactive Check.
The target may use either {Evasion} or {Resist} for the [Reactive Check], treating the result of that
check as the result of the [Reactive Check]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).
<<Clock Action>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Combining spatiotemporal spells with your personal martial arts style, you are able to manipulate
space when you evade.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +2 modifier to {Initiative}. Also, each time the target is successful at a [Reactive
Check], they may move up to 2 Sq., ignoring [Engagements] (if they have acquired <<Dispersal>>
or similar, they may move up to 4 Sq.)

<<Break Leap>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
You accelerate your personal time at regular intervals, making it look as though you repeatly
Unique Effect.
The target may [Install] themselves in a square up to 2 Sq. away from their current square. This
Talent does not spend [Prep], and may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Exceed Accel>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [1]
After reacting, you unleash an advanced temporal spell to counterattack.
Unique Effect. Use after the target succeeds at a [Reactive Check].
After reacting, the target loses 10 {HP}, and then may use one [Timing: Attack / Cost: X (OR) X, X]
Style Talent, treating the [Cost] as already paid. This Talent may be used once per round (or

● <<Double Aria>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [1]
Using a secret technique of space-time magic, you double your speed even as your body shrieks in
Unique Effect.
The target loses 5 {HP}, and then gains the effect of either ① or ②. This Talent may be used
once per round (or scene).
①: Use at any time. Until [End] of the current round, the target gains a +[any one of user's {Main
Stats}] modifier to {Initiative}.
②: Use On Check. The target gains a +3 modifier to the result of that check.

● <<Triple Aria>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [1]
You triple your speed by using a forbidden secret technique. When you do, as the world corrects
itself for your spell, the force scrapes at your flesh and bones.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target loses 5 {HP}, and then until [End] of the current round, they gain the effect of either ①
or ②. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).
①: Ignore [Engagements].
②: After a [Combat Move], may make [Ranged Attacks] or [Magical Attacks].

● <<Laplace Code>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [1]
For some reason, you have touched the secrets of time, and so are able to transcend the time of
others by using that secret.
Unique Effect. Use after the target spends [Timing: Attack].
The target may move up to 4 Sq., ignoring [Engagements], and then make another 1x [Timing:
Attack]. This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

● <<Chronos Intercept>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [1]
You intercept your opponent's weapon attack with an accelerated art or your own special spell.
Unique Effect. User when the user becomes the [Target] of a [Weapon Attack].
Make an [Opposed Check] using {Conjure} against the result of the [Weapon Attack] (treat this as a
[Reactive Check]). If successful, cancel the [Damage] and other effects of that [Weapon Attack].

● <<Clock Aim>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [O]
Invoking a spatial spell as you aim, you pierce your target's weak point with supernatural
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target [Halves] their [Armor] or [Barrier]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Clock Remove>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
While invoking your technique, you create a momentary gap in time using a spatial-temporal spell,
then take that moment to regain your footing.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +5 to {Initiative}. After the target uses a Style Talent of either [Timing: Prep・
Unique], they gain one of [Remove: Fallen・Darkness].

● <<Clock Charge>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Invoking a unique spatial-temporal spell as you use a technique, you build up power accordingly to
the distance you move.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a modifier at [Damage Calculation] equal to the number of squares moved during
this round via Talents the target used on themselves (to a maximum of +10; for example, if the
target has already moved 9 Sq. due to using <<Blink Move>> and <<Zero Style>>, they gain +9 to
[Damage Calculation]). This effect does not carry over to the next turn, and does not count [Move
Actions] (excluding <<Shadow Breach>>) or [Installs].

◎ <<Quadruple Aria>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
You take the initiative, quadrupling the speed of your personal flow of time without regard for the
pain on your own body, all to interfere with the opponent's techniques.
Use when the target declares a Talent. This Talent may only be used while the user is [Ready].
The user takes their [Turn], before the effects of the target's Talent take place (after the [Turn] is
over, the target's Talent is handled normally). This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

◎ <<Fate Breaker>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As a traitor to space and time that has mastered ultimate techniques, you are skilled in the
invocation of various spatio-temporal spells.
Passive Effect.
The target is now able to use <<Chronos Traitor>> and <<Judgement>> as though they had [Cost:
None]. Also, the target is now able to use [Style: Time Wizard / Type: A / Timing: Unique] Style
Talents as though they were [Cost: E].

◎ <<Chronos Boost>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Gathering spirit energy as you invoke a spatial-temporal spell, you convert the power you gained
into a warm glow after losing your spell, infusing your whole body with it.
Unique Effect. <<Clock Action>> Required. Use after the target uses a Style Talent of either
[Timing: Prep・Unique].
The target gains 1 [Overflow]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

◎ <<Time Master>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This Talent represents that you are an expert who has mastered the foundations of space-time
magic. Within the Mage Association, those who have this distinction are granted ranks higher than
those of High Masters.
Passive Effect.
The target is able to use <<Blink Move>> <<Flip Warp>> <<Break Leap>> and <<Chronos
Interception>> as though they were [Cost: None].

This Type specialized in the slowing of time. You must be [Equipped] with [Item: Accessory] in
order to use [Time Wizard: Type B] Talents.
※ <<Kairos Coffin>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, 1]
Through your own personal temporal spells, you suspend an opponent's time for just a moment.
Unique Effect.
The target [Halves] their {Initiative} total (this does not change the speed of [Move Actions]). This
Talent does not spend [Start], and may be used once per combat (or scene).
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
Using temporal magic, you donate your personal time to another.
Unique Effect.
The user selects any one value between 1 and 10, reduces their {Initiative} total by that much (to a
minimum of 1), and then increases the target's {Initiative} total by the same amount (for example,
if 10 is chosen, the user's {Initiative} is reduced by 10, and the target's {Initiative} is increased by
10). This Talent does not spend [Start].

<<Time Donate>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
Using a special temporal spell, you convert your personal time into spirit energy, and then donate
it to another.
Unique Effect.
When the user spends [Start], they select either 5 or 10, then reduce their {Initiative} total by that
amount (if they are unable to reduce it, they cannot use this Talent). After, the target gains
[chosen value / 5] [Overflow] (for example, if 10 is chosen, the user reduces their {Initiative} by 10,
and then the target gains 2 [Overflow]). This Talent may be used once per combat (or scene).

<<Kairos Bleed>>
Timing : Prep / Attack
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
Using a special spatiotemporal spell, you launch countless bullets of light that tear down space
Magical Attack.
The user spends 1x [Timing] of either [Prep・Attack], then makes a [Magical Attack] on the target,
dealing [Rank: 1] [Magical Damage] (Resist [Halves]). This Talent may be used once per round (or

<<Kairos Disaster>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : [1, 1, 1]
Invoking a powerful spatiotemporal spell, you collapse all space around your opponents.
Magical Attack.
Deal [Rank: 3] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]). This Talent may be used once per
round (or scene).

<<Time Trap>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E, 1]
Halting time when you use a technique, you place an attack and then let it fly as time resumes.
Unique Effect. Use after the target uses a [Timing: Unique] Style Talent.
The target may make 1x [Weapon Attack] on [Range: Item / Target: 1#]. This Talent may be used
once per round (or scene).

<<Arts Stagnate>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
Invoking a special temporal spell, you slow the time of a persistent technique.
Unique Effect.
The target may extend the effect of one [Style: Time Wizard / Type: B / Timing: Start] Style Talent
that lasts X number of rounds, by +1 round. This Talent does not spend [Start]. This Talent may be
used once per combat (or scene).

<<Time Wall>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Dramatically slowing down an opponent's time, you cut down on how far they can move.
Passive Effect.
The target adds the following effect to <<Kairos Coffin>>: "Also, the target cannot make [Simple
Moves], and changes the distance they can move with [Combat Moves] to 3 Sq., and [Full Moves]
to 5 Sq."

<<Kairos Move>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [1]
After evading an attack, you invoke a temporal spell to slow down time, letting you instantly move
a certain distance.
Unique Effect. User after the target succeeds at a [Reactive Check].
After the reaction, the target may move up to 5 Sq., ignoring [Engagements]. This Talent may be
used once per round (or scene).
● <<Time Bind>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, 1]
Influencing an opponent's time, you limit the attack actions that exert themselves broadly,
freezing them in time.
Unique Effect.
Until [End] of the current round, the target cannot make [Range: Combat Zone / Target: Combat
Zone] [Attack Actions].

● <<Time Freeze>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
You manipulate the time of a particular area through the execution of a spatiotemporal spell.
Use On Check.
The target reduces the result of their check by 2. If used while [Out of Combat], reduce the
[Difficulty] of a check by 2. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene.)

● <<Upstream>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
Invoking a special temporal spell, you reverse cause and effect by moving against the flow of time.
Unique Effect. Use after making an [Opposed Check] with the target.
The user exchanges their result with that of the target's. This Talent may be used once per combat
(or scene).

● <<Time Axis>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Having experienced a certain point in time being repeated for some reason, you are proficient the
invocation of magic utilizing that effect.
Passive Effect.
The target is now able to use [Style: Time Wizard / Type: B / Timing: Start] Style Talents as though
they were [Cost: E].

● <<Time Shield>>
Timing : Start
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
You throw up a shield of time itself around another, causing the velocity of incoming bullets and
projectiles to drop precipitously.
Unique Effect.
The target [Halves] [Damage] taken from [Form: Ranged・Magical] [Weapon Attacks].

● <<Kairos Crash>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : [1, 1, 1]
You invoke a powerful temporal spell when you touch your opponent, causing their soul itself to
be torn apart.
Magical Attack.
Deal [Rank: 6] [Magical Damage] to the target (Resist [Halves]). This Talent may be used once per
round (or scene).

● <<Time Snare>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Weaving together time slowing spells while you invoke a technique, you unleash an attack in the
momentary gap you make.
Unique Effect. Use after the target uses either of a [Timing: Prep・Unique] Style Talent.
The target may make 1x [Weapon Attack]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Time Break>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
By freezing part of their spirit energy, you render the technique your opponent is about to use
incomplete, canceling it.
Use when the target declares a Talent.
Cancel the effect of a single [Timing: End] Talent the target uses. This Talent may be used once per
round (or scene).

◎ <<Time Twister>>
Timing : End
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [1]
Invoking a forbidden spatio-temporal spell, you are able restart your condition from a certain
point in time.
Unique Effect.
The target [Removes] all negative [Shifts] other than [Downed・Taken Out・Dead], and [Recovers]
100 {HP} (do not exceed maximums). This Talent may be used once per session.

◎ <<Kairos Decline>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Mastering the use of a secret spatiotemporal spell, cause time to be frozen at a certain point.
Unique Effect. Use when the target uses <<Kairos Coffin>>.
Change the [Range / Target] of <<Kairos Coffin>> to [Combat Zone], and the effect to: "Change the
target's {Initiative} to 1 (and, until [End] of the current round, the target cannot receive any effects
that adjust their {Initiative}, such as from Talents, [Items], or [Additional Effects])." This Talent may
be used once per session.

◎ <<Time Assault>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [1]
You slow time right when an enemy starts to move, then when they stop moving, you invoke a
powerful spell.
Unique Effect. Use after the target's [Move Action] or [Install] ends.
The user may use one [Timing: Attack / Cost: X (or) X, X] Talent, treating the [Cost] as already paid.
This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

◎ <<Time Exception>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
A Time Wizard ultimate art, wherein by manipulating your internal time, you can gather your
circulating spirit energy and create a redundancy, which can be utilitized.
Passive Effect.
The target may use [Style: Time Wizard / Type: B / Timing: Unique] Talents as though they were
[Cost: O].

Last Creator – [GA5]

An excellent type for attack and defense. Characters must have a [Restrict: Last Creator / Item:
Weapon] [Equipped] in order to use [Last Creator: Type A] Talents.
[Last Creator A] ※ <<Spirit Refinement>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3]
From your compressed spiritual power, instantly create a simple artificial regalia and store it
within your own spirit barrier.
Unique Effect. Use at any time during [Combat].
The target immediately acquires and [Stores] up to 2 [Alchemy /○○] [Weapons] or [Protectors]. All
weapons acquired through <<Spirit Refinement>> are destroyed at the end of combat. This Talent
may be used once per round, but cannot be used [Out of Combat].

<<Materialize Regalia>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Withdraw a stored regalia and equip it while moving.
Unique Effect.
[Install] the target up to 3 Sq away. Afterwards, the target may [Equip] one [Stored] [Alchemy/ ○○]

Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3]
By applying alchemy magic, you reshape the created artificial regalia, dividing it into several
Unique Effect.
The target increases the [Target] of a [Timing: Attack] Talent by 2#. If the Talent is something other
than [Target: X#], increase [Damage] by 2. This Talent does not spend [Prep].

<<Regalia Fusilade>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 8 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, 3]
Dividing the artificial regalia you created into several pieces, you project them all at once, creating
a spiritual explosion.
Physical Attack.
The user selects up to 3 [Alchemy/○○] [Weapons] they have [Stored], then gains [Number of
Selected Weapons + 2] [Rank] on [Damage Calculation]. Afterwards, all selected [Alchemy/○○]
weapons are destroyed.

<Regalia Unleash>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 8 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [O, 3]
Creating countless replicas of your spellbooks and charms, you launch them simultaneously in an
all-out attack.
Magical Attack.
The user selects up to 3 [Alchemy/○○] [Weapons] they have [Stored], then inflicts Magical Damage
with [Rank: Number of Selected Weapons + 2] (Resist [Halves]). Afterwards, all selected
[Alchemy/○○] weapons are destroyed.

<<Armor Refinement>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Instantly protect yourself with your created artificial regalia to boost your defense.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target gains [Armor] and [Barrier] equal to the [Armor] and [Barrier] of one [Alchemy/○○]
[Protector] they have [Stored]. Afterwards, the selected [Protector] is destroyed.

<<Regalia Bomb>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3]
Turn your created artificial regalia into a mass of spirit energy, making it explode as you strike.
Use on Damage Calculation.
The target gains a +[Equipped [Alchemy/○○] weapon's PD or MD] modifier on [Damage
Calculation]. Afterwards, the [Equipped] [Alchemy/○○] [Weapon] is destroyed. This Talent may be
used once per round (or scene).

<<Spirit Reactor>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When activating another technique, you use your created artificial regalia as fuel and convert
them into spirit energy to dramatically increase your destructive power.
Use on Damage Calculation.
When using an [Effect Class: Magical Attack] Racial Talent, the user selects up to 3 [Alchemy/○○]
[Weapons] they have [Stored], then gains +1 [Rank] on [Damage Calculation] for each weapon
selected. Afterwards, all selected [Alchemy/○○] weapons are destroyed. This Talent may be used
once per round (or scene).

<<Gold Refinement>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3]
By applying the alchemic techniques you have learned, you can instantly generate Fool's Gold
from your compressed spirit energy.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target immediately receives [250g]. This Talent may be used once per session.

● <<Regalia Barrier>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Immediately before taking an attack, a created artificial regalia is automatically ejected from your
barrier to intercept.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a modifier to [Armor] and [Barrier] equal to [Number of [Stored] [Alchemy/○○]
[Weapons] and [Protectors]] x2 (Maximum +10).

● <<Refinement Proficiency>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Further improving your skills, you master the delicate spirit energy manipulation unique to
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {Initiative}. Additionally, the target may use <<Spirit
Refinement>> one additional time per round.

● <<Alchemic Luminary>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have become a well-known alchemist in the secret world, and can freely create artificial
Passive Effect.
While [Out of Combat], the target becomes able to use [Purchase] [Weapons], [Protectors] and
[Accessories] while [Appearing]. Additionally, the target may use <<Spirit Refinement>> one
additional time per round.

● <<Deep Alchemy>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By mastering alchemy magic, you reduce the cost of manipulating and creating artificial regalia.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target uses a [Style: Last Creator] Style Talent, they may treat it as though one
portion of [Cost: E] has already been paid.

● <<Regalia Ray>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 10 Sq
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, 3, 3]
Convert your created artificial regalia into an enormous amount of spirit energy, releasing it as a
Use while Active.
The user may select one [Alchemy/○○] [Weapon] they have [Stored]. After that, the user performs
an [Attack Action] on the target according to the following, gaining a +[[PD] or [MD] of the [Stored]
[Weapon]] modifier on [Damage Calculation]. Afterwards, the selected [Alchemy/○○] weapon is
[Physical Attack]: The user gains +3 [Rank].
[Magical Attack]: Inflict [Rank: 4] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist [Halves]).

● <<Weapon Enhancement>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You apply your alchemy magic to reinforce your melee and ranged weapons.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to [Armor]. Additionally, the target's [Alchemy/○○] [Melee
Weapons] and [Ranged Weapons] that are [Equipped] or [Stored] gain a +5 modifier to [PD] (This
value may be applied to <<Regalia Bomb>> and <<Regalia Ray>>).

● <<Charm Enhancement>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You apply your alchemy magic to reinforce your spell books and charms.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to [Barrier]. Additionally, the target's [Alchemy/○○] [Magic
Weapons] that are [Equipped] or [Stored] gain a +5 modifier to [MD] (This value may be applied to
<<Regalia Bomb>> and <<Regalia Ray>>).

● <<Armor Enhancement>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You apply your own alchemy magic to reinforce your armor and shields.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, the target's [Alchemy/○○] [Protectors] that
are [Equipped] or [Stored] gain a +5 modifier to [Armor] and [Barrier] (This value may be applied
to <<Armor Refinement>>).

◎ <<Infinite Refinement>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3, 3, 3, 3]
Using all the spirit energy you have, you reconfigure the spirit barrier and temporarily transform it
into your own workshop.
Unique Effect.
Each time the target uses a [Style: Last Creator] Style Talent, they may treat it as though two
portions of the cost have already been paid. This Talent may be used once per session.

◎ <<Refinement Mastery>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Further improving your skills, you master the alchemic magic of creating artificial regalia.
Passive Effect.
The target may use <<Spirit Refinement>> as though it were [Cost: E]. Additionally, the target may
use <<Spirit Refinement>> one additional time per round.

◎ <<Gold Counter>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Neutralize the effect of incoming attacks by deploying your created artificial regalia to intercept.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target chooses one [Stored] [Alchemy/○○] [Weapon or [Protector] and destroys it, then
changes the [Damage] from a [Weapon Attack] to 0.

◎ <<Regalia Refinement>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3, 3]
By achieving the apex of alchemic magic, you can create complex and powerful artificial regalia
from compressed spirit energy.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
For the rest of combat, the target gains a +5 modifier to the [PD] or [MD] of any [Equipped] or
[Stored] [Alchemy/○○] [Weapons] (This value may be applied to <<Regalia Bomb>> and <<Regalia
Ray>>). This Talent may be used once per session, but cannot be used [Out of Combat].

An excellent type for assisting others. There are no limits on using [Last Creator: Type B] Talents.
[Last Creator B] ※ <<Tool Refinement>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Steps]
With the aid of unique alchemical magic, you can instantly create spiritual tools and spells from
compressed spirit energy.
Unique Effect.
The target creates and [Stores] two [Cost: 300G] or less [Consumables]. Any [Consumables]
created by <<Tool Refinement>> are destroyed at the end of combat and can no longer be used.

<<Tool Throw>>
Timing : Prep
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [3]
By throwing spiritual tools or spells that were filled with spirit energy in advance, you apply their
effects to an opponent.
Unique Effect.
The user uses one [Consumable] of [Range: Engaged / Target: 1#], applying the effect to the

<<Healing Elixir>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 17 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [E]
You instantly create a healing elixir and throw it to a partner, dramatically restoring their vitality.
Magical Attack.
The target [Recovers] {HP} equal to [Rank: 1] [Magical Damage]. The user may spend 1
[Consumable] at [Damage Calculation] to gain an additional +10 modifier to the [Recovery] effect.

<<Toxin Refinement>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 17 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, 3]
Rob your opponent of their vitality by throwing a virulent toxin you've created at them.
Magical Attack.
Inflict [Rank: 3] [Magical Damage] on the target (Resist [Halves]). The user may consume 1
[Consumable] at [Damage Calculation] to [Halve] the target's [Barrier] on [Damage Reduction].

<<Duplicate Consumption>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Combine your spells in a unique way to double their spiritual power.
Use at any time, while [Out of Combat].
The target spends any two [Consumables] of the same name at the same time, and the effect is
doubled. This Talent may be used once per scene.

<<Golden Compound>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Dramatically enhance the efficacy of your remedies with a unique formula.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The user spends [100G], then adds the effect [Remove: Darkness/ Poison / Pain / Paralysis] to one
[Consumable] that includes a [Recovery] effect. This talent may only be used once per round (or

<<Illegal Compound>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Dramatically enhance the efficacy of your remedies with formulas forbidden by the Mages
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The user spends [100G], then adds the effect line "The User [Recovers] 20 HP" to one
[Consumable] that does not include a [Recovery] effect. This Talent may only be used once per

<<Golden Alchemy>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3]
*Instantly create fool's gold by empowering your alchemy with spirit energy.*
Unique Effect. Use at any time. The target immediately receives [250G]. This Talent may be used
once per session.

<<Alchemic Gift>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Immediately before using a spiritual remedy, you recombine the components in order to
dramatically increase the amount of recovery it provides.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The user may pass up to 3 [Consumables] they have [Stored] to [Range: 7 Sq. / Target: 1#]. This
Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Miraculous Spray>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
Dramatically enhance the efficacy of your remedies with formulas forbidden by the Mage's
Unique Effect.
Use before using a [Consumable]. Change the [Target] of a [Range: Engaged / Target: 1]
[Consumable] to [Area]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Tool Collector>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are a collector of powerful spells and items, with a large inventory.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +[200G] to the [Cost] limit of the [Consumables] created with <<Tool
Refinement>>, and can create one additional [Consumable] when using it.

● <<Alchemic Improvement>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have improved your alchemic magic to the point that you can quickly create spiritual tools or
remedies from condensed spirit energy.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {Initiative}. Also, the target can create one additional
[Consumable] when using <<Tool Refinement>>.

● <<Special Compound>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Immediately before using a spiritual remedy, you recombine the components in order to
dramatically increase the amount of recovery it provides.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, when the target uses a [Consumable] with a
[Recovery] effect, they gain a +10 modifier to the effect.

● <<Enhanced Tools>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Immediately before using a spiritual remedy, you recombine the components in order to
dramatically increase the amount of recovery it provides.
Passive Effect.
When the target uses a [Timing: Attack] Talent, they gain +1 [Rank] at [Damage Calculation].
Additionally, when target uses a [Consumable] with [Effect Class: Use On Damage Calculation],
gain a +1d6 modifier to [Damage Calculation].

● <<Elixir Capsule>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By ingesting a special capsule as you begin a preparatory action, you draw a huge amount of spirit
energy from your body.
Unique Effect. Use after the target uses a [Timing: Prep] Style Talent.
The target gains 2 [Overflow]. This Talent may only be used once per combat (Or scene).

● <<Alchemy User>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3]
Skillfully use alchemical components or charms according to the situation on hand.
Unique Effect. Use after the target uses a [Style: Last Creator / Timing: Attack] Style Talent.
The target may use [Action 7: Use Item] once. This Talent may be used once per round (Or scene).

● <<Elixir Expert>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have a high level of knowledge in the manufacture of alchemical components, and are able to
freely manipulate tools and remedies from them.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}. Also, the target gains +[200G] to the [Cost] limit of the
[Consumables] created with <<Tool Refinement>>.

◎ <<Charm Specialist>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Immediately before using a spiritual remedy, you recombine the components in order to
dramatically increase the amount of recovery it provides.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}. Also, the target can use <<Tool Refinement>> as though it
were [Cost: E].

◎ <<War God Medicine>>

Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, 3]
Explosively power up an attack by simultaneously adding an alchemic solution to it.
Use on Damage Calculation.
The user spends a [Consumable] with a [Recovery] effect, then the target gains a modifier of
+"The [Recovery Value] of the [Consumable]" at [Damage Calculation] (Effects like <<Special
Compound>> may be applied). This Talent may be used once per session.

◎ <<Consecutive Tools>>
Timing : Attack
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [3, 3]
You have a high level of knowledge in the manufacture of alchemical components, and are able to
freely manipulate tools and remedies from them.
Unique Effect.
The target performs [Action 7: Use Item] twice. This Talent may be used once per round (Or

◎ <<Solution of Immortality>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [E, 3]
Survive a fatal injury like an immortal by using a divine medicine in time with an opponent's attack.
Use on Damage Calculation.
The user spends one [Consumable] with a [Recovery] effect, and the target gains a modifier to
[Damage Calculation] equal to ([Damage Calculation] - (The [Recovery] Value of the Consumable
used)) (Effects like <<Special Compound>> may be applied). This Talent may be used once per
Enigmatic – [GA6]
This type is excellent at magical attacks and strengthening. There are no limits on using [Enigmatic:
Type A] Talents.
※ <<Divine Descent>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [6]
You learn the principle technique of divine workers, which allows a deity to manifest itself in your
presence and bolster your combat ability.
Unique Effect.
For the rest of combat, the target gains +3 modifier to [Damage Calculation]. This Talent does not
spend [Start].

<<Divine Explosion>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
The deity itself launches an attack.
Magical Attack.
Inflict [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage] (Resist [Halves]). While the user is under the effect of ※
<<Divine Descent>>, instead inflict [Rank: 3] [Magical Damage] (Resist [Halves]).

<<Divinity Change>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [6]
You have learned how to call on a variety of deities, and reacting to the situation, you call forth
one that is the natural enemy of your opponent.
Unique Effect.
This Talent may only be used while under the effect of ※ <<Divine Descent>>. For the rest of
combat, the target bestows one of [Element: Fire - Cold - Shock] to their [Damage].

<<Divine Prayer>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You offer a prayer to your deity in order to receive various benefits.
Unique Effect.
This Talent may only be used while under the effect of ※ <<Divine Descent>>. The target gains the
effect of either ① or ②.
①: The target [Recovers] 5 {HP}.
②: The target [Installs] up to 2 Sq away.

<<Divine Expansion>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
By drawing power from your deity, you temporarily boost the effective range of your technique.
Use when the target declares a Talent.
The target increases the [Target] of a [Timing: Attack] Talent by 2# (If [Area - Combat Zone], this
has no effect). This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Divine Wave>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [O]
At the moment you are hit by an attack, your deity releases its spiritual power and blasts the
attacker away.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target rolls 1d6, and then [Installs] [Range: 7 Sq / Target: 1#] who inflicted damage on the
target a number of squares away equal to the result of the roll. This Talent may be used once per
round (or scene).

<<Giant Manifestation>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : Area
Cost : [Steps]
Your deity temporarily becomes giant and releases a burst of spiritual power, blasting away
enemies that were nearby.
Unique Effect. Use at Any Time.
The users [Installs] the target up to 2 Sq away, then the target loses 2d6 {HP}. This Talent may be
used once per round (or scene).

<<Divine Strengthening>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are further empowered by the deity that has manifested itself upon you.
Passive Effect.
While under the effect of ※ <<Divine Descent>>, the target gains a +2 modifier to [Damage
Calculation (for a total of +5). Additionally, when the target uses a [Timing: Prep] Talent while
under the effect of ※ <<Divine Descent>>, gain +1 [Rank] until [Timing: End] of the current round.

<<Divine Power>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
By borrowing spiritual power from your deity, you improve the accuracy of your attacks.
Use on Active check.
The target gains a +1 modifier to the check. This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Legendary Divinity>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : Area
Cost : [6, 6, 6]
A secret technique of divine workers that reproduces the authority of your deity in a concentrated
Magical Attack.
Inflict [Rank: 5] [Magical Damage] (resist [Halves]). While under the effect of ※ <<Divine
Descent>>, increase the [Magical Damage] by +[Any one of user's {Main Stats}]. This Talent may be
used once per round (or scene).

● <<Divine Shackles>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [6]
By harnessing the power of your deity, you temporarily bind a target's movement.
Unique Effect. Use when the target declares a [Move Action].
Change the [Speed] of the [Move Action] to 1 Sq, and the target loses 1d6 {HP}. This Talent may be
used once per round (or scene).

● <<Full-Power Divinity>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [6]
Temporarily drawing a vast amount of spiritual power from your deity, you dramatically boost the
power of a technique.
Use on Damage Calculation.
The target gains a +[Any one of the user's {Main Stats}] modifier to [Damage]. This Talent may not
apply to [Weapon Attacks], and may be used once per round.

● <<Divine Connection>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You rapidly circulate spiritual power received directly from your deity.
Unique Effect. Use at Any Time.
The target changes all "1" and "2" [Spirit Dice] to "6". This Talent may be used once per round.

● <<Regalia Inclusion>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By containing your deity entirely within your regalia, it continually outputs massive power.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}, and while under the effect of ※ <<Divine Descent>>, the
target gains a +5 modifier to [Physical Damage].

● <<Permanent Descent>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By internalizing your descended deity completely within your body, you can draw power from
them at any time.
Passive Effect.
While under the effect of ※ <<Divine Descent>>, the target gains a +5 modifier to {Initiative} and
[Magical Damage].

● <<Contract With The Gods>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By forging a contract with many deities, you gain incredible vitality and spiritual power.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, the target adds [Wind - Magnet - Phantom]
to the list of [Elements] they can bestow with <<Divinity Change>>.

● <<Higher Deity Contract>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By forging a contract with a high-ranking deity, you gain tremendous combat ability.
Passive Effect.
While under the effect of ※ <<Divine Descent>>, the target gains a +5 modifier to [Damage
Calculation]. Additionally, the target adds [Light - Toxin] to the list of [Elements] they can bestow
with <<Divinity Change>>.

◎ <<Ultimate Divine Wisdom>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By receiving magical training from your deity, you become skilled at handling specifical magical
Passive Effect. <<Divine Connection>> Required.
The target may use [Group: Arcane / Timing: Unique / Cost: X] Talents as though one portion of
the [Cost] was already paid.

◎ <<Advent>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By perfectly combining the soul of your deity with your own body, you gain mastery over certain
Passive Effect.
The target may use [Timing: Start] Talents as though one portion of the cost was already paid.

◎ <<Divine Union>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Each time you unite with your deity, you temporarily become a pseudo-leyline and overflow with
spiritual power you can manipulate at will.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, the target may add or subtract 1 from the
value of two [Spirit Dice] when using either ※ <<Divine Descent>> or <<Divinity Change>> (May
not go above 6 or below 1).

◎ <<Second Coming>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By amplifying your power at calling down the divine, it near-perfectly reproduces the divine
authority possessed by your deity.
Passive Effect.
When the target uses <<Legendary Divinity>>, after performing [Influence], the target treats the
highest value die applied at [Damage Calculation] as though it were a "7" (Even if the result is "4",
it is treated as though it is "7", such that [Rank: 4] would mean the damage would be 7 * 4 = 28).

This type is excellent at attacking and supporting. There are no limits on using [Enigmatic: Type B]
※ <<Divine Possession>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [6]
You learn the principle technique of divine workers, which allows a deity of your choosing to
possess you while rejecting the influence of its spiritual power.
Unique Effect.
For the rest of combat, the target reduces [Damage] by 3. This Talent does not spend [Timing:

<<Possession Change>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [Steps]
You learn the secret of being possessed by various deities, and depending on the situation, you are
able to call upon a suitable deity.
Unique Effect.
This Talent may only be used while under the effect of ※ <<Divine Possession>>. The target
chooses one of [Element: Fire - Cold - Shock], and for the rest of combat, [Halves] [Damage] they
take from that [Element].

<<Divine Transfer>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [E]
With the help of your possessed deity, you temporarily take on a spirit-life form to pass through
Unique Effect.
The target [Installs] up to 4 Sq away from their current square.

<<Divine Healing>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
With the help of your possessed deity, you rapidly heal the injured.
Magical Attack.
The target [Recovers] {HP} equal to [Rank: 2] [Magical Damage].

Timing : Attack
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
With the power of your possessed deity, you revive an unconscious ally.
Magical Attack.
Remove the target's [Shift: Downed] and set their {HP} to 1. The target may refuse this effect.

<<Divine Protection>>
Timing : Defense
Range : 5 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : [6]
Your deity extends a hand or wields a weapon to shield allies from attacks.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The user receives the [Damage] and other effects instead of the target. Treat this [Damage] as
though a {Resist} check had failed. This Talent has no effect on [Target: Area - Combat Zone].

<<Divine Embrace>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Doubles]
Your deity grows to a gigantic size to intercept attacks as if embracing them.
Use on Damage Reduction.
Change the target's [Attack Action] to [Target: 1#], and the user takes the [Damage]. Treat this
[Damage] as though a {Resist} check had failed. This Talent may be used once per round (or

<<Divine Enhancement>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Further strengthen the power from your possession.
While the target is under the effect of ※ <<Divine Possession>>, reduce [Damage] by 2 (toal -5),
and when the target uses a [Timing: Prep] Talent while under the effect of ※ <<Divine
Possession>>, they gain a +5 modifier to [Armor] until [Timing: End] of the current round.

<<Breath of the Divine>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have greater spirituality by sharing your spirit energy with your deity.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP} and to the [Recovery] effects of Talents.

● <<Divine Splendor>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : [Steps]
You entrust yourself to the deity and react to your opponent with an appropriate technique.
Use when the target declares a Talent.
Use one [Timing: Attack] Talent that does not deal [Damage] as though the [Cost] had already
been paid. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Divine Counter>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [6]
You make a prayer to your deity in advance, and it counters semi-automatically.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target makes x1 [Weapon Attack]. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

● <<Divine Regeneration>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [6]
Upon being wounded, you immediately regenerate the damage using spiritual power from your
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target [Recovers] 20 {HP}. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).
● <<Divine Defense>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : [6]
Your deity instantly enlarges and takes a defensive stance, halving the power of incoming attacks.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target [Halves] [Damage] they take.

● <<Divine Offering>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : [6, 6]
You heal all the injured within the area by making an offering to your deity and replicating its
Magical Attack. <<Breath of the Divine>> Required.
The target [Recovers] {HP} equal to [Rank: 3] [Magical Damage]. This Talent may be used once per
round (or scene).

● <<Divine Harmony>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You harmonize with the ambient spirit energy that exists around you, ensuring you always have a
supply of spirit energy.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, when calculating their {HP}, the target
calculates using "[World Influence LV] x5" instead of "[World Influence LV] x3".

● <<War God Possession>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By studying the art of the gods, you can draw on the possession of a deity of war with powerful
combat skill.
Passive Effect.
The target reduces [Physical Damage] by 3. Additionally, the target adds [Wind - Magnet -
Phantom] to the list of [Elements] they can bestow with <<Possession Change>>.

● <<Miracle God Possession>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By studying the art of the gods, you can draw on the possession of a wish-granting deity that has
mastered terrifying magical power.
Passive Effect.
The target reduces [Magical Damage] by 3. Additionally, the target adds [Light - Toxin] to the list of
[Elements] they can bestow with <<Possession Change>>.

◎ <<Inner Divinity>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You maintain the possession indefinitely within your body, facilitating the use of your deity's
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, the target may use ※ <<Divine Possession>>,
<<Possession Change>>, and <<Protection of the Divine>> as though one portion of the cost had
already been paid.

◎ <<World Soul>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By turning yourself into a pseudo-leyline, you raise the rank of your deity by a level.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, while the target is under the effect of ※
<<Divine Possession>>, they reduce [Damage] by 5.

◎ <<Divine Synthesis>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By making contracts with various deities and integrating their power into your own body and soul,
you always have access to enormous reserves of spirit energy.
Passive Effect. <<Inner Divinity>> Required.
The target gains a +5 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, the target may use [Timing: Start] Style Talents
as though one portion of the cost had already been paid.

◎ <<Always Possessed>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By further strengthening your art of possession, it remains in effect permanently and you always
have access to great spiritual power and vitality.
Passive Effect. <<World Soul>> Required.
The target gains a +10 modifier to {HP}. Additionally, the target may use [Style: Enigmatic / Timing:
Unique / Cost: X] Talents with the effect "This Talent may be used once per round", one additional
time per round.

Lv5+ High Talents – [HT1]

<<Accuracy Boost>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are proficient in actions that require strength. You are also proficient at physical attacks,
which significantly raises your hit rate.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 dice modifier to the [Rolls] of {Strength} and {Accuracy} checks. This Talent
may be acquired multiple times. However, the effect will only stack up to +2 (a total of 4 dice
rolled, including the check dice).

<<Evasion Boost>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are proficient in actions that require agility. You are also proficient at defense, which
significantly raises your evasion rate.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 dice modifier to the [Rolls] of {Agility} and {Evasion} checks. This Talent may
be acquired multiple times. However, the effect will only stack up to +2 (a total of 4 dice rolled,
including the check dice).

<<Conjure Boost>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are proficient in actions that require intellect. You are also proficient at magical attacks, which
significantly raises your conjuring rate.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 dice modifier to the [Rolls] of {Intellect} and {Conjure} checks. This Talent
may be acquired multiple times. However, the effect will only stack up to +2 (a total of 4 dice
rolled, including the check dice).

<<Resist Boost>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are proficient in actions that require will. You are also proficient at magical resistance, which
significantly raises your resist rate.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 dice modifier to the [Rolls] of {Will} and {Resist} checks. This Talent may be
acquired multiple times. However, the effect will only stack up to +2 (a total of 4 dice rolled,
including the check dice).

<<Insight Boost>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are proficient in actions that require luck. You are also proficient at defense, which
significantly raises your insight rate.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 dice modifier to the [Rolls] of {Luck} and {Insight} checks. This Talent may be
acquired multiple times. However, the effect will only stack up to +2 (a total of 4 dice rolled,
including the check dice).

<<Continuous Action>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Having strengthened your combat methods and speed, you can act more efficiently than others.
Passive Effect.
Each time the target becomes the [Actor], they gain+1 [Timing: Attack]. This Talent may be
acquired multiple times. However, the number of [Timing: Attack]s increased by this Talent is
capped at +3.

<<Style Acquisition>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have gained new knowledge and techniques, and acquired a new style.
Passive Effect.
The target acquires one [Style] they did not already have, gain its automatic Talent, and afterwards
may acquire Style Talents from that [Style] when they level up. When you acquire the [Style], the
target must select either [Type A or B]. This Talent may be acquired multiple times.

<<Combo Skill>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You unleash a powerful combination attack you devised yourself.
Unique Effect.
Use when the target declares an [Effect Class: Physical Attack] Talent. The target may use and
stack the effects of another [Effect Class: Physical Attack] Talent that they already have acquired
(each Talent's [Cost] must be paid individually). This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Killer Magic>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You sling your specially-devised sure-kill spell.
Unique Effect.
Use when the target declares an [Effect Class: Magical Attack] Talent. The target gains one of the
following effects. This Talent may be used once per round.
①: +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] at [Damage Calculation]
②: +3 to result of {Conjure} check.

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You unleash your specially-devised ultimate counterattack.
Unique Effect.
Use after the target succeeds at a [Reactive Check]. After the target's reaction is resolved, the
target may make 1x [Timing: Attack] on [Target: 1#] that performed the [Attack Action].

<<Enhanced Combat Prowess>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Seeking out your own fighting methods, you make unique adjustments to your tactics and improve
your combat power to its utmost limits.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +2 [Physical Rank].

<<Strengthened Vitality>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Living your life constantly prepared for battle at any time, you've gained a fierce tenacity.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +30 modifier to {HP}.

<<Additional Dragon's Veins>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As a superb Awakened, you have abnormal spirit energy and can put it to use.
Passive Effect.
The target adds 1 die to their [Essence]. This Talent may be acquired multiple times. However, this
effect may only increase the limit of [Spirit] by two dice (for a total of six dice).

<<Specialized Art>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through studying a particular art over many years, you've made improvements to it and made it
your own.
Passive Effect.
The target designates one Talent they have already acquired, and when they use that Talent, they
may treat it as though one portion of the [Cost] has already been paid.

<<Owner of Bad Luck>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Whatever the situation or crisis is, that just means that you are the owner of bad luck that
overturns it.
Unique Effect. This effect activates when the User causes either of [Critical] or [Fumble].
In the case of [Critical], change one more (2 in total) [Spirit Die] to any number. In the case of
[Fumble], change one [Spirit Die] to any number rather than "1". This "talent" can only be used
once per Turn (or scene).
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
It is easy to reproduce a spirit pattern that is a proof of supernatural existence - that is, the spirit
itself represents a unique constitution that is easy to reproduce.
Unique Effect. Used when the Target makes a [Crest Check].
The target further recovers 3d6 [spirit crest]. This "talent" can be used only once during one

<<Latent Spirit Release>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Liberate the spiritual power hidden within oneself, and prepare to use it at a speed that disregards
common sense.
Unique Effect. Can be used at any time.
The User changes three [Spirit Die] to any number. This "talent" can be used only once per session.

Lv10+ High Talents – [HT2]

※ <<Quickening>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Whether through latent talents or the results of training, you're now able to amplify your Dragon's
Veins--the source of all spirit energy.
Passive Effect.
When a character reaches [LV] or [World Influence LV] of 10 or higher, they may acquire this
Talent in place of either <<Style Ultimate>> or <<Style Growth>>. The target adds 1 die to their
[Essence] (meaning if they would roll 4d6 for [Spirit], they now roll 5d6 instead.)

※ <<Style Ultimate>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You draw from the memories that dwell within your unique Shard, and are now able to use the
ultimate technique of a Style.
Passive Effect.
When a character reaches [LV] or [World Influence LV] of 10 or higher, they may acquire this
Talent in place of either <<Quickening>> or <<Style Growth>>. The target acquires one ◎ Talent
from a [Style] other than their [Main] that they had at [Initial Creation].

※ <<Style Growth>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Having amassed a certain amount of experience, you automatically acquire another [Style], and
are able to use its techniques and abilities.
Passive Effect.
When a character reaches [LV] or [World Influence LV] of 10 or higher, they may acquire this
Talent in place of either <<Quickening>> or <<Style Ultimate>>. The target acquires one [Style]
they don't already have (choose whether Type A or B).

<<Fearsome Expert>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As an outstanding Awakened, you have enhanced your martial arts to unimaginable heights.
Passive Effect.
That target gains a +15 modifier to [Physical Damage].

<<Great Caster>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As an outstanding Awakened, you maintain extremely powerful spirit energy.
Passive Effect.
That target gains a +10 modifier to [Magical Damage].

<<Redoubtable Defense>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As an outstanding Awakened, you have uncommonly advanced defensive techniques.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +15 modifier to [Armor].

<<Anti-Magic Shell>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As an outstanding Awakened, you have uncommonly advanced magical resistance capabilities.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 modifier to the result of {Resist} checks, and a +10 modifier to [Barrier].

<<Strengthen Capacity>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through mental focus, you can freely control the flow of your spirit energy.
Unique Effect.
The target may change two of their [Spirit] dice to any value.

<<Dragon's Veins Tuning>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As a superb Awakened, you pride yourself over your ability to tune your magnificent spirit energy.
Passive Effect.
When rerolling [Exhausted Spirit] after [Timing: End] (or after the [Scene] ends), the target may
select one rerolled die and change it to any value before returning it to [Spirit].

<<Prodigious Vitality>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As a powerful Awakened, you pride yourself on your tenacious vitality.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +50 modifier to {HP}.

<<Dragon's Veins Rebirth>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When you're in a crisis, you revive yourself by releasing the enormous spirit energy within
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target changes the [HP Damage] they take to 0. Afterwards, the target [Removes] all negative
[Shifts] other than [Downed・Taken Out・Dead], and changes their current {HP} value to 20. This
Talent may be used once per session.

<<Unlock Restrictions>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As someone who's lived through countless battles with the supernatural, you've mastered the use
of all kinds of weapons and equipment.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +1 [Rank]. Also, the target is able to [Equip] all [Items] while ignoring [Restrict],
and does not take penalties to [Maneuvers] even while [Equipped] with [Restrict: Martial] [Suits].

<<Stand at the Pinnacle>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are a shining example of an Awakened, able to draw out the full strength of your Shard.
Passive Effect.
The target acquires one ◎-marked Style Talent from a [Style] they already possess that isn't their

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have honed your various skills into one great technique with which to destroy your enemies.
Unique Effect. Requires <<Combo Skill>>.
This Talent is used when the target declares <<Combo Skill>>. The target can use one duplicate of
a talent of [Effect Class: Physical Attack] which is already being used in <<Combo Skill>>. Also, the
target gets two [Overflow]. This Talent can only be used once per turn (or scene).

<<Great Unique Magic>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have strengthened your killer magic and completed it as a deadly magic unique to you. Effect:
Unique Effect. Requires <<Killer Magic>>.
Used when target has declared <<Killer Magic>>. After applying the effect of <<Killer Magic>> to
the target, you get one [Overflow]. Also, when calculating [Magic Damage], the target gets +[any
one of user's {Main Stats}] at [Damage Calculation]. This talent can only be used once per round
(or scene).

<<Machine-Like Precision>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through talent and training, you are capable of thinking and acting at a speed that can not be
understood by an ordinary person.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a +1 modifier to [Reactive Checks] and +10 to [Initiative].

Lv15+ High Talents – [HT3]

<<Annihilating Strike>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
At the moment of your attack, you broaden its scope with enormous spirit energy, laying waste to
every enemy around you.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target changes the [Range/Target] of their [Attack Action] to [Combat Zone]. If [Range/Target]
is already [Combat Zone], then the target gains a +[any one of user's {Main Stats}] to [Damage
Calculation]. This Talent may be used once per combat.

<<Materializing Wave>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
You unleash your latent talents, releasing a wave that causes spirit energy to materialize, which
strengthens your target's actions.
Unique Effect. Use after the target calculates [Result].
The target gains a +2d6 modifier to their [Result] (these extra dice are not a [Roll] and cannot be
[Influenced]). This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Killing Blow>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You place the whole of your being into a single strike, a technique learned only through true
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target gains a +[user's [World Influence LV] x 2] modifier at [Damage Calculation]. This Talent
may be used once per round.

<<Nine Lives One Death>>

Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
You grant to your target a defensive effect that can only be called "the ultimate defense,"
something only those who have crossed the edge of death many times can know.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target [Halves] the [Damage] they take. This Talent may be used once per round.

<<Dragon's Veins Emission>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You forcibly emit the energy hidden within your Shard from your body, making even the most
stagnant spirit energy circulate.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target changes two of their [Exhausted Spirit] dice to any value, and then returns them to
their [Spirit] pool. This Talent may be used once per round (or scene).

<<Life Allotment>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Circulating spirit energy throughout your whole body, you rise again, even after taking fatal
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target changes the [HP Damage] they take to 0. Afterwards, the target [Removes] all negative
[Shifts] other than [Downed・Taken Out・Dead], and changes their current {HP} value to [user's
World Influence LV x 2] (do not exceed maximums). This Talent may be used once per combat (or

Lv20 High Talents – [HT4]

※ God-Killing Power
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You have a special ability to confront the primordial deity and kill it.
Passive Effect.
In a [Combat Zone] where the user is, The HP Value of an Avatar of Ruin (Complete Body) will be
set to 2000.

<<Limit Break>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
You release all of the vast spirit energy within you. All of it.
Unique Effect.
Until [End] of the current round, the target changes the [Cost] of all Talents to [None]. Characters
with {Fixed Stats} may use Talents with [X/Round] or [X/Combat] restrictions once, regardless of
whether those Talents have been used already. This Talent may be used once per session.

<<Mortal Strike>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You unleash a strike that cuts fate itself.
Use On Damage Calculation.
The target gains the effect of either ① or ② at [Damage Calculation]. However, if multiple
[Targets] are specified ([Area], [Combat Zone], or [2# or more]), then <<Mortal Strike>> only has
an effect if the user willingly selects [Target: 1#]. This Talent may be used once per session.
①: Change [Rank] to 10.
②: Gain +50 at [Damage Calculation].

<<Fatal Effect>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
You twist fate through the of your enormous spirit energy, guiding the actions of another to
Use On Check.
Change the outcome of the target's [Roll] to a [Critical]. If <<Execution>> is used against <<Fatal
Effect>>, the effects cancel each other out, and the [Roll] is resolved like a normal [Opposed
Check]. If an [Active Check] is a [Critical], no [Reactive Check] can be made, so <<Fatal Effect>>
would have no effect on it. This Talent may be used once per session.
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
Use On Check.
Change the outcome of the target's [Roll] to a [Fumble]. If <<Fatal Effect>> is used against
<<Execution>>, the effects cancel each other out, and the [Roll] is resolved like a normal [Opposed
Check]. This Talent may be used once per session.

<<Absolute Guard>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
Deploying a barrier of powerful spirit energy in front of their eyes, you negate an attack meant for
your target.
Use On Damage Reduction.
The target treats the [Damage] they took as 0, and cancels all other effects of the attack. This
Talent may be used once per session.

<<Dragon Awaken>>
Timing : End
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
By activating the vast spirit energy within, you essentially resurrect another.
Unique Effect.
The target [Removes] all negative [Shifts] aside from [Dead], and they change their current {HP} to
200 (do not exceed maximums). This Talent may be used once per session.

Lv1+ Boss Talents – [BTX1]

<<Massive Spirit Emission>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Wreathed in powerful spiritual energy, this enemy repels a particular type of attack.
Unique Effect.
The target gains +1 to [Active Checks], and [Halves] [Damage] received from [Weapon
Attacks]. This talent may be acquired multiple times, and may be used up to a number of times per
combat equal to the number of times it was acquired.
<<Hidden Depths>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This enemy releases the hidden depths of their
power, rapidly improving their combat capabilities.
Unique Effect.
The target gains +1 to [Active Checks], and gains a +[User's LV x 2] modifier at [Damage
Calculation]. This talent may be acquired multiple times, and may be used up to a number of times
per combat equal to the number of times it was acquired.

<<False God’s Eye>>

Timing : Attack
Range : Other
Target : Other
Cost : None
By crossing this enemy's line of sight, the prey's heart is captured and controlled at will.
Unique Effect. May only be used [Out of Combat].
The user erases or manipulates the memories and thoughts of all Innocents within the [Scene].
Also, the user may change an Innocent into a single [Type: Chaos] Mononoke (they return to
normal once they are [Downed]).

<<Winds of Death>>
Timing : Attack
Range : 7 sq.
Target : 4#
Cost : None
By using something akin a sealed weapon or a forbidden spell, this enemy mows down their
Active Check.
The user performs a [Weapon Attack] and gains a modifier accordingly. This Talent may only be
used once per round.
[Physical Attack]: +2d6 to [Damage]
[Magical Attack] : +3 Sq. to [Range]

<<Indestructible Body>>
Timing : Defense
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By cutting off their sense of pain through some power, this enemy can make a comeback from
being placed in a bad position.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
For each 5 {HP} the target loses, they may [Remove] any one non-[Faint, Downed, Dead] negative
[Shift] they are suffering from. This Talent does not spend [Defense], and may be used up to twice
per round.

<<Soul Smash>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This enemy embodies the concept of crushing souls, and is able to shatter one's very existence
Unique Effect. Use when the target declares a [Timing: Attack] Talent.
The character that succeeds at the [Reactive Check] for the Talent used with <<Soul Smash>> loses
2d6 worth of {Crest}. (If an NPC, they lose 2d6 worth of HP instead. If the [Reactive Check] failed,
this Talent has no effect.) This Talent may be used once per combat.

<<True Words of Ruin>>

Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
Giving forth the words of the gods, this enemy causes their prey to fall to ruin instantly.
Use On Damage Calculation.
If the target is an Innocent, treat this Talent as [Effect Class: Use at any time.] and inflict any one
of [Shift: Faint, Downed, or Dead]. If the target is an Awakened, the user gains a +1d6x[LV] (max 5)
modifier during [Damage Calculation]. Each time this Talent is used, the user loses 10 {HP}. This
Talent may be used once per round.

<<Fearsome Strike>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Making full use of weapon arts or even physical abilities that defy human reasoning, this enemy
unleashes continuous attacks like surging waves.
Unique Effect. Use after having used [Timing: Attack].
The target may move up to 4 squares while ignoring [Engagements], then may make one more
[Timing: Attack]. This Talent may be used once per combat.

<<Forbidden Miracle>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
Influencing the flow of fate by using a forbidden work of the gods, this enemy twists physical laws,
rewriting all outcomes.
Unique Effect. Use after making an [Opposed Check] with the target.
The user swaps the result of their check with the target's. This Talent may be used once per

<<Calamity Caller>>
Timing : End
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
By making use of a fearsome secret art, this enemy gives new life to a fallen creature, reviving it.
Unique Effect.
Remove all negative [Shifts] from any one Mononoke that has "x#" written in its name that
has either Downed, Taken Out, or Dead, and it recovers HP up to its maximum value. Additional
[Materials] [XP] and {Crest} are not gained from defeating the Mononoke again.

<<Savage Divinity>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By overflowing with rage, this enemy manifests hidden divinity and wields fury itself.
Passive Effect.
When the target's {HP} becomes 200 or less, they gain +1 to the result of [Active Checks], and each
time they become the [Actor], they gain 1 additional [Timing: Attack].

<<Fearsome Power>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Once this enemy has sustained enough injury, their body itself causes concept materialization to
spring forth, raising combat power remarkably.
Passive Effect.
When the target's HP becomes 200 or less, they gain +1 to the result of [Active Checks], and gain a
+2d6 modifier to [Damage Calculation].

<<Defy Common Sense>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
This enemy has gained a body that defies human reasoning due to their astonishing powers, and
boasts uncanny life energy.
Passive Effect.
It is not recommended to give this Talent to Aramitama. The target gains a +100 modifier to
their HP.

<<Concept: False God>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Due to a certain curse, this enemy has become unkillable.
Passive Effect.
Until all [Distortions] other than those with [Sense: N/A] appearing in the episode are dealt with,
or until the [Final Battle], when [Combat End] occurs the target gains [Remove: All negative Shifts],
and can recover up to their maximum HP. This Talent has no effect if there are [Distortions] in the

<<Concept: Invincible>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through some method, this enemy has materialized the concept of "I am a god and therefore
invincible," and wreathed their body in that power. Because of that, they cannot be injured
through any common physical means.

<<Dispersal Setup>>
Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through a special technique or a supernatural power, the boss expands how many it can target
with its attacks.
Unique Effect.
The target increases the [Target] of their [Timing: Attack] [Actions] by +2#. If the [Target] is already
[Area・Combat Zone], it gains +1d6 at [Damage Calculation].

<<Widen Range>>
Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Using a forbidden power or a special technique, the boss instantly expands the range of its attack.
Unique Effect. The target may use this Talent at any time, but loses 5 {HP} when they do.
The target changes the [Range] of their [Timing: Attack] [Actions] to [Combat Zone]. This Talent
may be used once per round.
<<Extra Arms・Legs>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Possessing multiple sets of powerful legs or arms, this boss can attack continually.
Passive Effect.
The target gains an additional [Timing: Attack]. When a PC is taking their [Turn], by spending all of
their [Timing: Attack], they may make a [Difficulty: 20] {Strength} or {Intellect} check, and if
successful, the effect of this Talent is lost for the rest of the [Combat] (for this [Combat] only).
Reveal these effects to the players if they are successful at [Identify]. Also, by changing the name
of this Talent (arms/legs), multiples of this Talent may be acquired.

<<Supernatural Cannonball>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Levitating something with tremendous mystic power, or floating it using supernatural abilities, the
boss hurls an object at high speeds at an enemy.
Passive Effect.
Once every round, the target may destroy one adjacent [Obstacle] or Mononoke with "x#" in their
name to make a [Special Attack] on [Range: 7 Sq. / Target: 1#] with [Effect Class: Physical Attack /
Physical Damage: 2d6+"{Accuracy Fixed Value} x 2"]. Destroyed Mononoke may not be revived
with <<Calamity Caller>>, but PCs still gain [XP] {Crest} and [Materials] as normal.

<<Deadly Blow>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Whether through genius, training, or supernatural ability, for whatever reason this boss can
unleash certain-kill strikes.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +1 to the [Active Check], and +5 to the [Damage Calculation] of [Weapon Attacks].
If the target of the [Weapon Attack] is a [Mononoke], the user gains an additional +[(LV x 5)]
(maximum +30).

<<Crest Erosion>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Placing a curse upon itself, when the boss's technique invocations are hindered, it erodes that
enemy's Crest.
Passive Effect.
The [Range: Combat Zone / Target 1#] who uses a Talent to cancel a Talent the target uses (such as
<<Shadow Bind>> or <<Shadow Break>>) loses 5 {Crest}.

<<Art Adaptation>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Through a fearsome chaos technique, the boss has resistance against all kinds of techniques.
Passive Effect.
The target delays the effect of all Talents other than [Timing: Constant] until [Timing: Start] of the
next round. For example, if the target is hit with <<Violent Strike>>, then until [Timing: Start] of
the next round, the target does not take the effects of <<Violent Strike>> (or in other words, it
cancels the effect and [Damage] of <<Violent Strike>> until then).

<<Variant Appearance>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
Temporarily change the opponent's body using the wicked god's ability to dramatically increase
durability and vitality.
Unique Effect. This talent cannot target Godhunters. In addition, <<Variant Appearance>> is
effective only for Targets other than the user.
During battle, the Target gains [HP] equal to [user's [LV] × 10 (maximum 100)], and [Armor] and
[Barrier] both gain +10. This Talent can only be used once per combat.

<<Unusual Movement>>
Timing : Prep
Target : User
Range : User
Cost : None
Move over the battlefield in a line and cross over with a movement that transcends the law of
Unique Effect.
The target moves 3 Sq., ignoring [Engagements]. This Talent does not spend [Prep], but it can be
used only once per turn.

<<Blow of Destruction>>
Timing : Attack
Target : Area
Range : Engaged
Cost : None
A blow that has the destructive power to collapse the whole area.
Physical Attack.
The user gains +3 to the accuracy check and deals physical damage of 5d6+10+[user's [LV] x5
(maximum 50)] to the target. The user may forcibly move the object that failed their [Evasion]
check 5 Sq. in any direction, ignoring [Engagements]. This Talent can only be used once per

Timing : Start
Target : 1#
Range : Combat Zone
Cost : None
Temporarily dominate only a minion's body to dramatically increase their combat capability.
Unique Effect. This Talent is effective only for Targets other than the User.
The Target gains +3 to [Active Checks] and +10 To [Damage Calculation].

<<Family Summons>>
Timing : Constant
Target : User
Range : User
Cost : None
Using magic and ability, summon allies around itself, and manipulate them at will.
Passive Effect.
The target spends [Start] once, and [Installs] 3 Mononoke with x# in the name that are an equal or
lesser [Lvl] to the average PC World Influence Level -1. These Mononoke are summoned within 6
squares, and must be of the same class as the User. This Talent can only be used once per scene or

<<Terrain Mutation>>
Timing : Prep
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1# (Square)
Cost : None
Using evil supernatural forces, the boss changes the terrain to make huge obstacles appear.
Unique Effect.
The user makes one obstacle equivalent to "Large Building (HP: 80 / Armor: 10)" appear in the
square within the specified range. This talent can only be used once per round (or scene).

<<The Collapse of Heaven and Earth>>

Timing : Attack
Target : Combat Zone
Range : Combat Zone
Cost : None
Attack by magic and ability that has enough destructive power to annihilate space itself.
Magical Attack.
The user gains +3 on {Conjure} check, then deals [Form: Magic] 2d6+[user's {Lv}x5] (maximum 50)
Magical Damage (Resist [Halves]). Additionally, any obstacle that take at least 1 point of this
[Damage] is destroyed. This Talent may be used once per combat.

<<Salvo Attack>>
Timing : Attack
Target : 1#
Range : Item
Cost : None
Extend tremendous continuous attacks by using techniques, functions, abilities and the like.
The user can perform [Weapon Attack] twice on the target. This Talent can only be used once
during a turn.

<<Spirit Reversal>>
Timing : Unique
Target : User
Range : User
Cost : None
The mystery of terrible spells that pierce a spirit by breaking bones.
Use On Damage Reduction.
Perform [Weapon Attack] once on [Range: Item / Target: 1#]. The Target of the attack cannot
make a [Reactive Check] on this [Weapon Attack]. This Talent can only be used once per Round.

<<Overly Strange Magical Energy>>

Timing : Constant
Target : User
Range : User
Cost : None
By employing powerful spiritual power, you can dramatically increase your life force.
Passive Effect.
The User gets +50 to [HP]. This Talent can be taken up to three times.

<<Special Existence>>
Timing : Constant
Target : User
Range : User
Cost : None
For a special reason, it shows that there is a mighty existence that has the memory and power of
the world hidden in it.
Passive Effect. This Talent cannot be acquired by Aramitama or Godhunters.
The target gets +100 to their maximum [HP], and on their turn gets +1 [Timing: Attack]. However,
when the target is taken out, each PC gets +50 experience.
<<Invisible Wall>>
Timing : Defense
Target : Combat zone
Range : Combat zone
Cost : None
By causing a wall of spirit to appear before the opponent, the user drastically increases their
Use on Damage Reduction.
The target gets +[user's [LV] x5 (max 50)) modifier to [Armor] and [Barrier]. This Talent can only be
used once per combat.

<<Forbidden Mystery>>
Timing : Unique
Target : User
Range : User
Cost : None
Make full use of secret and forbidden mysteries and arcana to draw out a difficult attack to avoid.
Use on Active Check.
Change the target’s [Attack] to a [Special Attack]. If it is already [Special Attack], you get +2d6 on
[Damage Calculation]. This Talent can only be used once per combat.

Timing : Constant
Target : User
Range : User
Cost : None
Millions of minions form to protect the user.
Passive Effect. This Talent cannot be obtained by Godhunters.
During the [Final Battle], all damage from attack actions is [Halved] for the user. The effect of this
talent is only usable while a Mononoke with a descriptor of x# is on the field, and disappears if all
of them are taken out (even if revived with <<Calamity Caller>>, the effect will not return). This
Talent is revealed to players on successful a [Identify].

<<Formidable Secret Art>>

Timing : Constant
Target : User
Range : User
Cost : None
With special spiritual power, almost no injuries are taken except from attacks with the power of
Passive Effect. This Talent cannot be acquired by Aramitama or Godhunters.
The Target [Halves] damage received from [Attack Action]s that do not have an [Element].
Furthermore, it invalidates other effects that it receives (TL Note: Presumably this means shifts).

<<Secret Spiritual Power>>

Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Using a forbidden art, the boss compresses a wide-range attack, massively boosting its power.
Unique Effect.
When the target performs [Attack Action] with [Target: Area / Battle Zone], change it to [Target:
1#] and the user gains +[Any one of user's {Combat Stats}] to [Damage Calculation], and [Halve]
the target's [Armor] and [Barrier].

<<Spirit Bending>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By compressing and releasing a wide-area attack, the boss makes its trajectory unpredictable.
Unique Effect.
When the target performs a [Range / Target: Combat Zone] [Attack Action], they may change it to
a [Special Attack / Target 1#], and gain +[{Any Fixed Value}] to [Damage].

<<Spirit Interceptor>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : None
Semi-automatically intercept and attack all opponents' magic and range attacks.
Unique Effect.
The target cannot be the [Target] of [Timing: Attack / Target: 2#] Talents, including [Area - Combat
Zone]. This talent may only be used once per session.

<<Instant Transmission>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The boss moves in an instant by amazing acceleration or spiritual transfer.
Unique Effect.
The target moves into any square up to 7 Sq. Away. This talent does not spend [Start], but may
only be used once per round (or scene).

<<Hundred Spirit Waves>>

Timing : Prep
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The boss uses a series of strikes that create countless afterimages, expanding its attack range.
Unique Effect.
Change the target of an [Attack Action] to [Target: Area]. If the [Attack Action] target is already
[Area - Combat Zone], instead gain +1d6 to [Damage].

<<One Shot To Tear The Earth>>

Timing : Attack
Range : Item
Target : 1#
Cost : None
The boss uses a powerful relic, weapon or item that as it strikes, sends out a blow that can tear the
Physical Attack.
The user gains +2 to the {Accuracy Check}, then inflicts [Form: Any Of Sword - Spear - Axe -
Hammer] 4d6+ [Any of user's {Fixed Value}] + [User's {LV}] physical damage to the target.

<<Wave of Thought>>
Timing : Attack
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
An empowered spiritual aura that extinguishes the effects of arts and techniques.
Unique Effect.
The user loses 10 {HP}, and then choose one [Talent] other than [Timing: Constant] used by the
target, and cancels it (no reactive check). This Talent can only be used once per combat (or scene).

<<Mystic Blood Regeneration>>

Timing : End
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By using evil methods on itself, the boss's physical exhaustion is healed and injuries repaired at
regular intervals.
Unique Effect.
The target [Recovers] 20 {HP}. This [Talent] does not spend [End], but may only be used once per
round (or scene).

<<Forced Sealing>>
Timing : End
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
Summoned spirits and beasts are forcibly sealed away by overwhelming them with tremendous
spiritual power.
Unique Effect.
The user rolls 1d6, and on a result other than 1 or 2, the target [Mononoke] gains [Shift: Dead] (No
reactive check). This talent may only be used once per scene.

<<Penetrating Impact>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
By releasing tremendous spiritual power while attacking, the boss pierces the opponents defenses.
Use on Damage Reduction.
The user loses 5 {HP}, then [Halves] the targets [Armor] or [Barrier]. This talent may only be used
once per round (or scene).

<<Giant's Soul>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
By forcing spiritual power out from the body, the boss creates a temporary illusion of great size,
and concentrates attacks onto itself.
Use on Damage Reduction.
Change the target's [Attack Action] to [Target: 1#], and the user receives the [Damage] and effects
(Treat as though {Resist} check had failed). This Talent may only be used once per round (or

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The boss spreads out spiritual power while attacking, expanding the effect of the attack further.
Use While Active.
Gain + 3# to the [Target] of an [Attack Action]. This talent may only be used once per round (or

<<Aura of Despair>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
After receiving serious injury, the boss repels attacks with the evil power of their soul.
Passive Effect.
When the target's {HP} becomes 200 or less, the target [Halves] [Damage] from [Weapon Attacks]
or [Timing: Attack / Cost: X] talents.

<<Continuous Attack Resistance>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
An unconventional spirit makes the boss resistant to repeated attacks.
Passive Effect.
The target gains a modifier to [Armor] and [Barrier] equal to (Number of times the attacker has
performed [Damage Calculation] -1) x20. (For example, the target gains +0 against the first attack,
+20 against the second attack, +40 against the third, and so on. This applies individually per

<<Magic Weapon Arts>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The boss gains the ability to make powerful attacks while fighting with magical weapons.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +20 {Maximum HP}. Additionally, the target is able to make [Weapon Attacks] as
though they were [Magical Attack / Form: Magic / Range: 5 Sq. / Target: 1#] with [Check Value:
Any of users {Fixed Values} / Physical Damage: 2d6+5 + user's {LV}].

<<Commander Aspect>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The boss has characteristics of a tactical commander who served as a leader for many years.
Passive Effect.
NPCs other than [Bosses] in the [Combat Zone] gain +[User's {Lv}] to {Initiative}.

<<Instant Spiritual Manipulation>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The boss activates a special power instantly by freely manipulating spiritual energy.
Passive Effect.
The target may user [Timing: Prep / Start] as though it were [Timing: Unique / Use on Damage
Calculation - Use on Damage Reduction] (This does not change the Timing to [Unique].)

<<Skilled Magical Technique>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The boss has a great proficiency in using forbidden magic.
Passive Effect.
Except for talents marked ★☆, talents that have a limitation of "May only be used once per
combat" instead become "may be used up to a number of times per combat equal to the number
of times it was acquired", and may be acquired multiple times. If the talent already has the effect
"may be acquired multiple times", each time the target uses that talent, they [Recover] {HP} equal
to [User's {Lv}] x5.

<<Evil Law Mastery>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By mastering a certain evil, the boss uses special magic in rapid succession.
Passive Effect.
Specify one acquired Boss Talent other than ★☆ that has the effect "This talent may only be used
once per round (or scene)." The target may use the Boss Talent one additional time per round.

<<Variant Augmentation>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By bringing its concept closer to evil, the boss dramatically boosts its fighting ability.
Passive Effect. This talent can only be obtained by NPCs that do not have "Gain +X [Timing:
Attack]" within their [Attack Methods].
The target gains x1 [Timing: Attack] during their turn, and +5 to [Damage].

<<Death's Footsteps>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
With great cunning, the boss flees from the brink of death.
Passive Effect. This talent cannot be acquired by Aramitama.
The target changes [Damage] received to 0, and current {HP} to 1. Then, the target is considered
defeated and the battle ends. The target leaves the scene immediately without interruption. This
talent may be acquired multiple times, and may be used up to a number of times per campaign
equal to the number of times it was acquired. Additionally, all [PCs] gain +50 [Experience] at [End
of Session] each time <<Death's Footsteps>> is used.

Lv5+ Boss Talents – [BTX2]

○ <<Art of Collapse>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By reinforcing its soul, the boss dramatically raises the power of a certain technique.
Passive Effect. <<Forbidden Mystery>> Required.
Add the following sentence to the effect of <<Forbidden Mystery>>: "In addition, the target gains
+[{Any Fixed Value} x3] to [Damage].

○ <<At-Will Magic>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The boss strengthens itself with reinforcement techniques that allows the quick utilization of
Passive Effect.
The target gains +50 to {Maximum HP}. Additionally, the target does not spend [Timing: Start]
when using [Boss Talents].

○ <<Atrocious Strike>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : None
The boss strikes a powerful blow on an opponent with with its fists, legs, or tail, knocking them a
short distance away, while depriving them of motor ability.
Unique Effect. Use on Damage Calculation.
The user loses 20 HP, then installs the [Target] up to 5 Sq. from their current position. Additionally,
the target loses [1d6x5] HP. This talent can only be used once per round (or scene).

○ <<Awaken Hidden Power>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The boss completely unlocks evil powers hidden within its body.
Passive Effect. <<Hidden Depths>> Required.
The target gains +5 to {Initiative}. Additionally, after using <<Hidden Depths>>, the target may
perform x1 [Timing: Attack].

○ <<Boundary Shield>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By overlapping barriers it has developed, the boss reduces impacts on its body.
Passive Effect.
While the target is [Ready], reduce damage taken by [User's {LV}x4] (Maximum 30).

○ <<Building Warhead>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
A forbidden secret that allows multiple distorted structures to float freely in the air, and by
infusing them with spiritual power, the boss may launch them at high speeds.
Passive Effect. <<Terrain Mutation>> and <<Supernatural Cannonball>> Required.
The target may use <<Terrain Mutation>> and <<Supernatural Cannonball>> one additional time
per round. Additionally, the target may change the [Range/Target] of the [Special Attack] of
<<Supernatural Cannonball>> to [Range: 10 Sq. / Target: 2#].

○ <<Concept: Killing Intent>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Becoming an embodiment of killing intent, the boss exerts immense combat power.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +1 to [Active Checks] and +10 to [Damage].

○ <<Crest Annihilation>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Crush the souls of all those who attack.
Passive Effect. <<Soul Smash>> Required.
The target gains +50 to {Maximum HP}. Additionally, the target may change the effect of <<Soul
Smash>> to "The target that succeeds at the [Reactive Check] for the talent used with <<Soul
Smash>> loses 3d6 {Crest}, or exhausts 2 [Spirit Dice] when failing at the [Reactive check]

○ <<Curse Mutation>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
An all-purpose ability that reverses a curse on the boss into a powerful supernatural attack.
Passive Effect.
When the target receives a shift other than [Shift: Downed - Taken Out - Dead], cancel the shift
and the target may perform 1x [Weapon Attack].

○ <<Curse Neutralization>>
Timing : Prep
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : None
Draining its own life energy, the boss neutralize a powerful curse.
Unique Effect.
The user loses 20 {HP}, then [Removes] two [Negative Shifts] other than [Shift: Downed - Taken
Out - Dead] from the target. This Talent does not spend [Timing: Prep].

○ <<Curse Reflection>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
The boss has the ability to resist a curse and reflect it's spiritual power back upon person who cast
Unique Effect. Used when gaining a negative [Shift].
The target removes one negative [Shift] other than [Downed, Taken Out, or Dead]. Afterwards,
one target within [Range: Combat Zone / Target: 1#] gains that [Shift]. This Talent can only be used
once per round (or scene).

○ <<Demon Seikuken>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Engaged
Target : 1#
Cost : None
The boss uses a special magic or terrifying martial arts that strike a horrifying blow on an
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The user makes an attack using any of their [Fixed Values] as the check value, and preforms a
single [Physical Attack] that inflicts [Form: Sword / Physical Damage: 4d6+{Any Fixed Value}x2].
This talent can only be used once per round (or scene).

○ <<Divine Beast Eater>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The boss has a hidden spiritual power that exerts extraordinary effects on Mononoke.
Passive Effect. <<Deadly Blow>> Required.
Whenever the target performs an [Attack Action] against a [Mononoke], they add [Users {Lv} × 5]
to [Damage].

○ <<Divine Power Penetration>>

Timing : Unique
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Using lost secrets, the boss fully penetrates a target with its divine power.
Use on Damage Calculation.
[Range: Engaged / Target: 1#] takes [Damage] equal to the result of [Damage Calculation] (IE, if
you declare <<Divine Power Penetration>> on [Damage] against [Target: 1#], inflict the same
amount of damage a second time). This talent may only be used once per combat (or scene).

○ <<Elimination of Concepts>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The boss uses spiritual power so immense, it can destroy another's concept of itself.
Passive Effect. <<True Words of Ruin>> Required.
The target gains +20 to {Maximum HP}. Additionally, the target changed the effect of <<True
Words of Ruin>> to "The user gains [1d6x {User's Lv}+1] (Maximum 10) to [Damage] against
[Target: 1#]."

○ <<Flying Death>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
During melee attacks and charges, the boss can extend the distance through emitting spiritual
Passive Effect. <<Widen Range>> Required.
The target may change [Range: Engaged - Charge X Sq.] [Attack Actions] to [Range: 7 Sq].
○ <<Hunter's Eye>>
Timing : Start
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Significantly depleting its vitality, the boss triggers a magic power in its eye that predicts its
opponent's movements.
Unique Effect.
The user loses 10 HP, then gains +3 to the result of their [Active Checks], and -10 to the [Armor]
and [Barrier] of the target of their [Attack Actions] until [Timing: End]. This talent does not spend
[Timing: Start], but can only be used once per round (or scene).

○ <<Incurable Sickness>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
A secret technique that temporarily causes high concentrations of nausea, dramatically reducing
the targets healing ability.
Unique Effect.
Until [Timing: End] of the current round, the target reduces any [Recovery] effects they receive by
the "User's [LV] x 5" penalty (minimum, cannot be changed). This talent does not spend [Start],
but can only be used once per battle (Or scene).

○ <<Intercept Position>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
You are always ready to intercept an incoming attack.
Passive Effect. <<Spirit Reversal>> Required.
The target adds +2d6 to the damage of their [Weapon Attacks]. In addition, the target is able to
use <<Spirit Reversal>> an additional time per round.

○ <<Ki Diffusal>>
Timing : Unique
Range : 7 Sq.
Target : 1#
Cost : None
By eroding away the spiritual power of a technique, its effectiveness is dropped drastically.
Unique Effect. Use at Any Time.
The user loses 10 {HP}, then the target gains a -[1d6x10] modifier to [Damage] or [Recovery]
effects. This talent may only be used once per round (or scene).
○ <<Magic Mirror>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
A forbidden, secret art that reflects an attack another party has made by creating a massive, spirit-
energy dense mirror in front of the boss.
Unique Effect. Use on Damage Calculation.
The target receives [Damage] calculated by themselves (No Reactive Check). This talent can only
be used once per session.

○ <<Malicious Bullet>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
The boss fires off an evil bullet formed from compressed spirit energy that homes in on its target.
Unique Effect. Use at any time.
The target loses [HP] equal to their own [Initiative]. This Talent can only be used once per combat
(or scene).

○ <<Regalia Crush>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The boss has an unusual ability that deprives the spiritual power from cheaply crafted or weak
regalias, opening the target to powerful attacks.
Passive Effect.
When performing an [Attack Action], if the [Target] is equipped with [Form: Suit] under [Cost:
[User's {Lv} x 400G], then the user gains +[User's {Lv} x5] to [Damage] (This effect applies even if
the target is affected by <<Guard>> or similar effects.)

○<<Spirit Destruction>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
Instantly destroy and dissipate the spiritual power the subject is about to release.
Use when target declares a talent.
The user loses 10 {HP}, then cancels the effect of one [Timing: Start] talent used by the target. This
talent may only be used once per round (or scene).

○ <<The Collapse of the World>>

Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By twisting concepts, the boss enhances magical abilities to devastating levels.
Passive Effect. Either <<Blow of Destruction>> or <<The Collapse of Heaven and Earth>> required.
The target gains +50 to {Maximum HP}. Additionally, the target gains [2d6x10] + [User's {Lv} x 5]
(Maximum 50) to the [Physical Damage] of <<Blow of Destruction>>, and may change the [Magical
Damage] of <<The Collapse of Heaven And Earth>> to [1d6x10] + [User's {Lv} x 5] (Maximum 50).

○ <<Wave of Impossibility>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Cladding itself in a body of spirit energy, the boss can withstand any attack.
Passive Effect. <<Indestructible Body>> required.
The target does not lose HP when using <<Indestructible Body>>, and it can be used any number
of times during a turn. Additionally, the target can reduce [Damage] by [User's {LV}x3 (maximum
20)] when using <<Indestructible Body>>.

○ <<Whirlwind of Death>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The boss emits a horrific shockwave that destroys and slaughters all.
Passive Effect. <<Winds of Death>> required.
The target can use <<Winds of Death>> one additional time each round. In Addition, when the
target of <<Winds of Death>> is a Mononoke, the user rolls 1d6 and if the result is not 1 or 2, the
Mononoke gains [Shift: Dead].

Lv7+ Boss Talents – [BTX3]

★ <<Careful Raid>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : None
Using a clever trick, the boss ensures its allies act first.
Unique Effect.
NPCs other than the user change {Wits} to [Clever], and gain +[User's {Lv}x2] to {Initiative}.

★ <<Deity of Madness>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
When severely injured, the boss gains the ability to counter-attack on any target.
Passive Effect.
When the targets HP is 200 or less, each time the target performs [Damage Reduction], they may
perform x1 [Weapon Attack] on [Range: Engaged / Target: 1#]. The target may not perform a
[Reactive Check].

★ <<Elite Mutation>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : None
Bestowing an ally with special spiritual power, the boss enhances it into an elite combatant.
Unique Effect.
NPCs other than the user change {Wits} to [Clever], gain +3 to [Active Checks], and the target
removes "x#" from its name.

★ <<Fate Distortion>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
Manipulating a great deal of spiritual power, the boss distorts a targets fate directly.
Unique Effect. Use after the target makes a [Check] or [Influences].
The user loses 5 {HP}, and the target gains + or - 1d6 to the [Result] of the check. This talent may
only be used once per round (or scene).

★ <<High-Level Presence>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
An extremely high-level presence that has powerful all-purple abilities and immense combat skills.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +100 {Maximum HP}, and x1 [Timing: Attack] during its turn.

★ <<Implosion Barrier>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Compressing and containing its spiritual aura, the boss tremendously boosts its defenses.
Passive Effect. This talent cannot be acquired by Aramitama.
The target gains Either 1, 2, 3 or 4.
1. +20 [Armor]
2. +20 [Barrier]
3. +10 [Armor] and [Barrier]
4. +200 {Maximum HP}

★ <<Intent Alignment>>
Timing : Prep
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : None
By using a mighty spirit aura, the boss focuses its willpower and becomes able to move objects at
Unique Effect.
The user loses 10 HP, and then moves the target 3 Sq. in any direction, ignoring [Engagements]
(the target may refuse this effect). This talent does not spend [Prep], but may only be used once
per round (or scene).

★ <<Sacrificial Curse>>
Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
The boss distorts the range and trajectory of an attack, subjecting a subordinate to its effects
Unique Effect. Use on Active Check.
Change the [Attack Action] to [Target: 1#] and one NPC specified by the user becomes the [Target]
(The NPC may still make a [Reactive Check]). This talent cannot be used unless there is an NPC
other than the user in the [Combat Zone], and may only be used once per combat (or scene).

★ <<Spiritual Overload>>
Timing : Start
Range : Combat Zone
Target : Combat Zone
Cost : None
The boss releases an intense pressure that puts stress on the use of spiritual techniques.
Unique Effect.
The target adds [1] to the [Cost] when using [Talents] other than [Timing: Constant]. (For example,
[Cost: None] becomes [Cost: 1], [Cost: 2] becomes [Cost: 1, 2], [Cost: Doubles] becomes [Cost:
Doubles, 1], etc). This talent can only be used once per combat (or scene).

★ <<The Will of Darkness>>

Timing : Unique
Range : Combat Zone
Target : 1#
Cost : None
The boss crushes and disables special techniques under the power of its own spirit.
Use when the target declares a talent.
The user loses 10 {HP}, then cancels the effects of one [Timing:Unique] talent used by the target.
This talent may only be used once per round (or scene).

Lv12+ Boss Talents – [BTX4]

☆ <<Absolute Belief>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By connecting its convictions to its spiritual power, the boss becomes powerful enough to utterly
reject the intervention of others.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +200 to {Maximum HP}. Additionally, the target may cancel one of the effects of a
[Timing: Unique] talent that targets it, up to twice per round.

☆ <<Cursed Body>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The boss has a body that can absorb curses, and release them into the surroundings.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +300 {Maximum HP}. Additionally, when the target receives a negative [Shift]
other than [Shift: Downed, Taken Out, Dead], remove the [Shift] and [Range / Target: Combat
Zone] loses 3d6 {HP}.

☆ <<Evil God>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
By using a special evil spell, the boss transforms itself into a leyline, or a spirit energy reactor, to
constantly acquire a tremendous amount of spiritual power.
Passive Effect. Only Godhunters can acquire this talent.
The target gains +500 to {Maximum HP}, and +[User's {Lv}] to [Initiative] and [Damage]. Also, the
target gains 10 [Overflow] on every [Timing: Start].

☆ <<Lord of Sacrifice>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
As a supernatural existence, the boss's power is at its highest state.
Passive Effect. ★ <<Sacrificial Curse>> Required.
The target gains +400 to {Maximum HP}. Additionally, instead of once per combat, the target may
use <<Sacrificial Curse>> up to two times per round.

☆ <<Force of Will>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The boss can manipulate others freely by forcing its will onto them.
Passive Effect. ★ <<Intent Alignment>> Required.
The target gains a +400 modifier to {Maximum HP}. Additionally, the target may add the following
sentence to <<Intent Alignment>>: "In addition, the user may make x1 [Timing: Attack] after

☆ <<Forced Criticality>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
A forbidden law that forces a critical state, triggering curses that only activate when near death.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +400 {Maximum HP}. Additionally, the target may apply boss talents that have an
effect when the remaining HP is 200 or less, instead when their remaining HP is 500 or less.

☆ <<Perfect Control>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The boss is able to control evil beings with the power of its terrible spirit.
Passive Effect. ★ <<Careful Raid>> or ★ <<Elite Mutation>> Required.
The target gains +400 to {Maximum HP}. Additionally, the targets of <<Careful Raid>> or <<Elite
Mutation>> reduce damage from [Targets] other than [Range: Engaged] by 40.

Last Boss Talents – [LBX]

※ <<Authority: Ruin>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
The avatar is an embodiment of destruction itself.
Passive Effect. The target changes the [Cost] of all acquired talents to [None].

<<Authority: Greed>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Embodying the vice of greed, the avatar is able to use special techniques beyond their usual limits.
Passive Effect.
The user may target one acquired talent with an "x# per combat" limit, and use it once per round.

<<Authority: Wrath>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Embodying the vice of wrath, the avatar makes its opponents hesitate with turbulent emotions.
Passive Effect.
The target gains x1 [Timing: Start], [Timing: Prep], [Timing: Attack], [Timing: End] each.

<<Authority: Lust>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Embodying the vice of lust, the avatar forces itself past its limits.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +1d6 to all [Rolls] or +4 to all [Fixed Values].

<<Authority: Sloth>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Embodying the vice of sloth, the avatar acquires unearned talents.
Passive Effect.
The target acquires one talent other than a [Last Boss] talent, or talent marked with ◎. [High
Talents] and talents marked with ※ are possible, although [High Talents] are still restricted by {Lv}.

<<Authority: Pride>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None Embodying the vice of pride, the avatar suppresses the forces that control fate.
Passive Effect.
Each time any target in the [Combat Zone] performs [Influence], the target loses [Crest] equal to
the number of dice that were [Influenced] (For example, if the target influences two dice, that
character loses 2 [Crest]).

<<Authority: Envy>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Embodying the vice of envy, the avatar cripples an opponents soul under certain conditions.
Passive Effect.
During a PCs [Crest Check], if the PC rolls the [Death] effect on the "spirit crest compensation"
table, the user may instead forcibly change the result to 1: False Ascension (no reactive check).
Afterwards, the subject loses consciousness and user may control their character data. The GM
must explain this effect before the [Use Kushimitama] step.

<<Authority: Gluttony>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Embodying the vice of gluttony, the avatar devours pieces of damaged spirit to restore its own
Passive Effect.
The target gains +500 {Maximum HP}. In the case of [HP: God], it will be added after applying
<<God-Killing Power>>. This effect also applies to other talents or abilities that increase {Maximum

<<Authority: Folly>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Embodying the vice of folly, the avatar returns the side-effects of techniques with a spirit that
tramples over others.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +200 {Maximum HP}. Additionally, whenever the target receives a negative [Shift]
other than [Shift: Downed, Taken Out, Dead], they may inflict that shift upon [Range: Combat Zone
/ Target: Combat Zone].

<<Authority: Rejection>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Embodying the vice of rejection, the avatars spirit strongly refuses any attacks, weakening them.
Passive Effect.
The target may change [Damage] from targets other than [Range: Engaged] to 0, and ignore other

<<Authority: Cruelty>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Embodying the vice of cruelty, the avatar ridicules the idea of mercy while trampling the fallen.
Passive Effect.
Characters in the [Combat Zone] that gain [Shift: Downed] lose 2d6 [Crest]. This effect cannot be
stopped by using Vital Ignition immediately.

<<Authority: Apathy>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Embodying the vice of apathy, the avatar rejects any emotions that cause interference.
Passive Effect.
The target gains +200 {Maximum HP}. Additionally, the target may ignore any penalties to [Checks]
they receive. (For example, any "-X" penalty to an [Evade] check from a [Talent], [Item], or [Shift]
may be ignored).

<<Authority: Wicked>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Embodying the vice of wickedness, the avatar devours pieces of damaged spirit to restore its own
Passive Effect.
This talent may be used after spending [Timing: Start] once. [Range: Combat Zone / Target:
Combat Zone] makes a [{Will}/ TN: 35] [Check], and if this fails, loses 1d6 [Crest]. If the target is a
Mononoke, instead it gains [Shift: Dead].

<<Authority: Materialism>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Embodying the vice of materialism, the avatar pushes aside all attacks besides those with focused
Passive Effect.
The target reduces damage from [Special Attacks] and [Weapon Attacks] by [User's {Lv} x10], and
ignores other effects.

<<Authority: Atheism>>
Timing : Constant
Range : User
Target : User
Cost : None
Embodying the vice of atheism, the avatar shatters all beings by denying the existence of good
Passive Effect.
The target gains +200 {Maximum HP}. Additionally, when using [Timing: Attack] Boss Talents, the
target gains +2 to the [Active Check] and +20 to [Damage Calculation].

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