This Story About Robin Esrock

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This story about Robin Esrock.

He created and he is a host a TV show called World Travels. We filmed it in

36 countries, and it’s in 21 languages, and over 100 countries on travel channel
worldwide. I’m a travel writer, the show follows me as a travel writer.
Once he asked 1,732 people from 46 countries in every conceivable
background, three questions about their lives. One of the questions was “Finish the
sentence: I regret … ”

Now, a few people said, “I regret not working harder” and “I regret not being
more successful.” One guy said, “I regret not driving a nicer car.” No. The most
universal, common answer that I received was “I regret not traveling more.” And
travel means many things to many people, right? It’s a form of escape..

Eight years ago, I set out on a journey that hasn’t really stopped. And along the
way, I’ve learned some truths, and it’s these truths that I would like to share with you
today. Starting with the fact that those of us who traveled for a long time, well, we’re
either running away from something, or we’re looking for something, and
certainly, I was looking.
Once he had an accident and got, I received a 20,000 dollars insurance
settlementhe booked around-the-world ticket, and I visited 24 countries on five
continents in 12 months.

He visited –Rio de Janeiro in Brazil /

La Paz, Bolivia, and the rather dilapidated house of democracy. One of the
legends on the gringo trail is to mountain-bike down the world’s most dangerous
road. And it’s as much fun as it is standing on the edge of this red carpet

Also he vesited Colombia – kidnapping! Ethiopia – whoa! Sri

Lanka – terrorism! Papua New Guinea My experience has taught
me that people would rather help you than hurt you. Locals take
great pride in showing us, the traveler, their world. Whatever the
culture, you wouldn’t believe the lengths of hospitality that people
go through.

His huge guns was smile/

I smile when I’m nervous, and I laugh when I’m scared, because it sure beats
screaming and crying. You don’t want to hear me scream and cry.

Trust your guts. The more we use our instinct, the more we hear it, the more
we use it, and the more we use it, the more chance we have to avoid whatever it is
that’s trying to save us from. Use your gut, trust it, listen to it, it works so well when
you’re out there, and it works so well when you’re here as well.

And here’s one of the best lessons that he learned, people you meet create
the paradise you find.
because people we meet on a journey out there, on our journey in here, shape
the world, shape the way we look at everything.

In Transylvania, I meet the 74 year-old farmer, who teaches me how to dance

with my heart and smile with my eyes.

Two little words, so important, which is why they put these words on the cover
of what I think is one of the best guidebooks have ever written.
“Well, don’t panic!” Surround yourself with good people, and just know that
people will rather help you than hurt you. Listen to your instinct, smile, and, you
know, before you go on any journey, make sure you pack the right state of mind,
whether or not you’re traveling, whether you’re staying at home. And okay, don’t
forget your toothbrush. Thank you.

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