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Differentiated worksheet 2 A, B and C:

Modal fun
Aim: To recognise/practise modal verbs for giving advice, talking about obligation and
making polite requests.

The worksheets are designed to be self-explanatory. They can be set for homework. Remember
to choose the most appropriate worksheet for each learner’s level. Tell learners to look at the
information in the box at the top of the handout and use it to answer the questions.

Worksheet A
A 1, 2, 9
B 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10
C 1 Could 2 should 3 need to 4 Would
Worksheet B
A 1 would, 2 Could, 3 would, 4 should, 5 need to, 6 shouldn’t, 7 need to, 8 don’t need to,
9 need, 10 must, 11 must, 12 Could
B 1 P, 2 A, 3 O, 4 P
Worksheet C
A 1 would, 2 Could, 3 would, 4 should, 5 need, 6 shouldn’t, 7 need, 8 need, 9 need, 10 must,
11 must, 12 Could
B Learner’s own answers.

Global English – Nicola Mabbott © Cambridge University Press 2021 1


Name ___________________________________ Date _____________

Worksheet 2A: Modal fun

should, must and need would and could
Use should, must and need to to give advice or Use the modal verbs would and could for
to talk about obligation. For example: polite requests. For example:
 You should use mosquito nets to protect  Could I have a glass of milk, please?
you when you sleep.  Could / Would you close the door, please?
 You must use an insect repellent.
 You need to be careful when you visit these

A Tick the sentences which contain a request.

B Which sentences contain strong advice? Write the numbers here. __________________________

1 Could I have a cheese and onion sandwich please?

2 I’d like steak and chips, please.
3 You eat a lot of meat; you should eat less.
4 I think you need to cut down on sweets, too.
5 … and you should drink fewer sugary drinks!
6 You shouldn’t eat so much salt. It is unhealthy!
7 We need to get enough protein for our muscles.
8 If you don’t drink milk, you need to make sure you get enough calcium.
9 Could you get me some milk when you go shopping?
10 If you are vegetarian, you must make sure you get enough protein from
nuts, cereals, beans and dairy products.
C Circle the correct modal.
1 Could / Should I have a piece of chocolate cake, please?
2 You could / should eat fewer sweets. You eat too many!
3 We need to / could study a lot to learn new things.
4 Would / Should you tell me your surname, please?

Global English – Nicola Mabbott © Cambridge University Press 2021 2


Name ___________________________________ Date _____________

Worksheet 2B: Modal fun

should, must and need would and could
Use should, must and need to to give advice or Use the modal verbs would and could for
to talk about obligation. For example: polite requests.For example:
 You should use mosquito nets to protect  Could I have a glass of milk, please?
you when you sleep.  Could / Would you close the door, please?
 You must use an insect repellent.
 You need to be careful when you visit
these countries.

A Sandia and Xavier are in a café. They are talking about their diets.
Circle the correct modal verbs.

Assistant What (1) would / should you like?

Sandia (2) Could / would I have a cheese and onion sandwich please?
Xavier I (3) would / should like steak and chips, please.
Sandia Do you eat a lot of meat, Xavier?
Xavier Yes, I love meat. In Argentina we have fantastic meat!
But perhaps I (4) should / must eat less meat. What do you think, Sandia?
Sandia I think you (5) need to / would cut down.
You (6) should / shouldn’t eat so much meat. It is unhealthy!
Xavier Yes, Sandia. But we (7) need to / would eat some meat to get enough protein.
Vegetables are not as good for meat as protein.
Sandia I don’t agree, Xavier. I’m vegetarian. I don’t eat any meat – you (8) shouldn’t / don’t need
to eat meat to get protein. Vegetarians can get all the proteins they (9) need / must from
beans, dairy products and wholegrains, like oats.
Xavier OK! But if you are vegetarian, you (10) must / could make sure you get enough
vitamin B12.
Sandia Yes, you’re right. We (11) would / must make sure we get enough vitamin B12.
Xavier (12) Could / Must you pass me the salt please, Sandia?

B Write O (for obligation), A (for advice) or P (for polite request) next to each sentence.

1 Could I have a piece of chocolate cake, please? ________________

2 You should watch less TV. You watch too much! ________________
3 We need to study a lot to learn new things. ________________
4 Would you tell me your surname, please? ________________

Global English – Nicola Mabbott © Cambridge University Press 2021 3


Name ___________________________________ Date _____________

Worksheet 2C: Modal fun

should, must and need would and could
Use should, must and need to to give advice or Use the modal verbs would and could for polite
to talk about obligation. For example: requests. For example:
 You should use mosquito nets to protect you  Could I have a glass of milk, please?
when you sleep.  Could / Would you close the door, please?
 You must use an insect repellent.
 You need to be careful when you visit these

A Sandia and Xavier are in a café. They are talking about their diets.
Choose the correct modal verb from the box to fill each gap.
Some words are used more than once.

could would must need should shouldn’t

Assistant What (1) ____________ you like?

Sandia (2) ____________ I have a cheese and onion sandwich, please?
Xavier I (3) ____________ like chicken and chips, please.
Sandia Do you eat a lot of meat, Xavier?
Xavier Yes, I love meat. In Argentina we have fantastic meat! But perhaps I
(4) ____________ eat less meat. What do you think, Sandia?
Sandia I think you (5) ____________ to cut down. You (6) ____________ eat so much meat.
It is unhealthy!
Xavier Yes, Sandia. But we (7) ____________ to eat some meat to get enough protein.
Vegetables are not as good for meat as protein.
Sandia I don’t agree, Xavier. I’m vegetarian. I don’t eat any meat – you don’t (8) ____________
to eat meat to get protein. Vegetarians can get all the proteins they (9) ____________
from nuts, beans, dairy products and wholegrains, like oats.
Xavier OK! But if you are vegetarian, you (10) ____________ make sure you get enough
vitamin B12. It’s essential!
Sandia Yes, you’re totally right. We (11) ____________ make sure we get enough vitamin B12.
Xavier (12) ____________ you pass me the salt please, Sandia?

B Write six sentences in your own notebook. Each sentence should use one of the modal verbs from the
word box.

Global English – Nicola Mabbott © Cambridge University Press 2021 4

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