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www. BOSOM CSC arial ae al Com SMU Verbs with a bullet (¢) can also be followed by gerunds. See Chart 14-11 Verbs Followed Immediately by an Infinitive 1, agree They agreed to help us. 25. learn He learned to play the piano, 2. appear ‘She appears to be tired. 26. likes [ike to go to the movies. 3. arrange —_I'/ arrange to meet you at the airport. 27. lover Hove to go to operas. 4, ask He asked to come with us. 28. manage She managed to finish her work ea 5. beg He begged to come with us. 29. mean I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. 6. begins It began to rain. 30. need I need to have your opinion. 7. canitatford | can't atford to buy it 31. offer They offered to hep us. 8. can't beare | can't bear to waitin long lines. 32. plan I'm planning to have a party. 9. canttstand* | can't stand to waitin long tines 33. prefers Ann prefers to walk to work. 10. cant wat We can't wait fo see you. 34. prepare Weprepared to welcome them. 11. care I don't care fo see that show. 35. pretend He pretends not to understand. 12. claim ‘She claims to know a famous movie 36. promise I promise not to be late. star 37. refuse I reluse to believe his story 13, consent She finally consented to marry him. 38. regrets | regret to tell you that you filed. 14, continues He continued to speak, 39. remembers remembered to lock the door. 15. decide {have decided to leave on Monday. 40. seem Thatcat seems to be friendly. 16. demand | demand to know whois 4. slants! tsterted to ran, responsible; 42. stop Let's stop to get a snack. 17. deserve She deserves to win the prize. 4G. cage SRE aaa: 1h. expect! sespect ip enter ractmte actos in 44, swear She swore fo fol the truth. 19. fail ‘She failed to return the book to the 45s tend He tendis (o felt #00 much, ay tie 46. threaten She threatened to tell my parents. 20. forget® _LYoreot toa the eter. 47. tye {'m trying to learn English. 21. hates hate to make sly mistakes. 48, volunteer He voluntered to help us. 22. hesitate Don't hesitate (0 ask for my help. 49. wait (8 wait to hear from you. 23. hope Jack hopes to arrive next week 50. went —_S want to fel you something, 24 intend —_ Halted a roightoe 51. wish She wishes to come with us. Verbs Followed by a (Pro)noun + an Infinitive 1. advise She advised me to wait until | 15. invite Harry invited the Johnsons to come tomorow. to his party 2. allow She alowed me to.use her car. 16. need We needed Chr to help us figure 3. ask \asked John to help us out the solution. 4, beg They begged us to come. 17. order The judge ordered me to pay a fine. 5. cause Her laziness caused her to fail 48. permit He permitted the chiloren to stay 6. challenge She challenged me to.race her to plate. the comer 49. persuade | persuaded him fo come for a visit 7. convince I couldn't convince him to accept 20. remind She reminded me to lock the door. ‘our heip. 21. require Our teacher requires us 0 be 8. dare He dared me to do better than he on time. had done. 22. teach My brother taught me to swim. 9. encourage He encouraged me to ty again 23. tell The doctor told me to take these 10. expect —_ expect you to be on time. pils 11. forbid forbid you to tell him, 24, urge urged her to apply for the job. 12. force They forced him to tell the truth. 25. want | want you to be happy. 13. hire She hired a boy to mow the lawn. 28. warn warned you not to drive too fast. 14, instruct He instructed them to be caretul. Gerunds and tnfinitives, www. 14-11 Reference List of Verbs Followed by Gerunds Verbs with a bullet (+) can also be followed by infinitives. See Chart 14-10. 1. admit He admitted stealing the money. 2. adviser ‘She advised waiting until tomorrow. 3. anticipate | anticipate having a good time on vacation. 4. appreciate | appreciated hearing from them, | 5. avoid He avoided answering my question. 6. begine It began raining. 7. can't beare |ican't bear waiting in tong tines. 8. cant help Jean't help worrying about it. 9. can't imagine Vean't imagine having ne friends. 10. can't stands | can't stand waiting in tong lines. 11. complete Iinally completed wnting my term paper. 12. consider | will consider going with you. 13. continues He continued speaking. 14. delay He delayed leaving for school. 15. deny She denied committing the crime. 16. discuss They oiscussed opening anew business. 17. dislike | dislike driving tong distances. 18. enjoy We enjoyed visiting them. 19. finish ‘She finished studying about ten. 20. forgets Wi never forget visiting Napoleon's tomb. 21. hates I hate making silly mistakes. 22. imagine imagined getting a scholarship, and | did 23. keep | keep hoping he will come. 24. kee ike going to movies. 25. love Hove going to operas. 26. mention She mentioned going toa movie. 27. mind Would you mind helping rme with this? 28. miss I miss being with my family. 29. postpone Let's postpone leaving until tomorrow. 30. practice The athlete practiced throwing the ball. 31. prefers ‘Ann prefers walking to driving to work. quit He quit trying to solve the problem. 33. recall | don't recall meeting him before. 34. recollect | don't recollect meeting him before, 36. recommend ‘She recommended seeing the show. 36. regrete | regret telling him my secret. 37. remembers I can remember meeting him when | was a child. 38. resent I resent her interfering in my business. 39. resist | couldn't resist eating the dessert 40. risk She risks losing all of her money. 41, starte It started raining. 42, stop She stopped going to classes when she got sick. 43. suggest She suggested going to a movie. 44, tolerate She won't tolerate cheating during an examination. 45. trys Itried changing the ight bulb, but the lamp still didn’t work. 46. understand | don't understand his leaving school. 47. urge The official urged using caution. 328 CHAPTER 14 www. SEPA eae ae ea Chm ttm Smelter} Preposition Combinations + Gerunds 1. apologize for He apologized for forgetting his | 14. look forward to I'm looking forward to gong wife's birthday. home. 2. approve of The company manager 15. object to The voters objected 10 approved of hiring me. increasing taxes. 3. blame someone for She blamed him for stealing her | 16. participate in The entire staff participated in phone. welcoming students on the 4. complain about /of She complained about working first day. too hard. 17. prevent someane from Will the medicine prevent me 5. counton 11m counting on going with you. from getting sick? 6. dream about/of He dreamed about /of flying an | 18. prohibit someone from The police prohibited them airplane from leaving. 7. forgive someone for She forgave him for ivin. 49. stop someone from Security stopped a passenger 8 have areason for He had a reason for being from getting on the subway. absent. 20. succeed in He succeeded in getting the 9. have an excuse for Did you have an excuse for job. leaving early? 21. take advantage of Vim faking advantage of having 10. in addition to In addition to studying, V have a free day tomorrow. to work this weekend. 22. take care of ‘She took care of filing out 11. insist on Linsist on coming with you. the paperwork. 12. instead of Instead of sitting there, why 23, takabout /of He talked about / of feeling ‘don't you help us? homesick. 13, keep someone from Cana special plow keep you | 24. thank someone for They thanked him for coming. trom snoring? 25. think about / of ‘She thought about quitting her job. Preposition Combinations with Be + Gerunds 1. be accused of He was accused of stealing. 9. be interested in | am interested in learning more 2. be accustomed to Shes accustomed to working about your country. hard. 10. be opposed to He is opposed to going 3. be afraid of My kids are afraid of being to war. alone. 11. be proud of ‘She was proud of knowing 4, be capable of ‘She is capable of memorizing the answer. long lists of words. 12. be responsible for Who is responsible for 5. becommitted to Dr. Pakis committed to improving repairing the roads? medical care in rural areas, 13. betired of /from He was tired of running. He 6. be devoted to They are devoted to helping was tired from running." the poor. 14, be used to She is used to working 7. beexcited about Shes excited about starting weekends. college. 15. be worried about The driver was worried about 8. be guilty of He was guilty of lying to getting a traffic ticket the judge. "*He was tired of running. = He doesn’t want to run anymore. ‘He was tired from running. = He was tired because of running, Gerunds and Infinitives, Part 1 329

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