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The Security

Industry Authority
Introduction About Us

Before 2004 anyone could work in the private

security industry. Sometimes this meant that those
holding positions of trust and responsibility held
criminal records, or had no training to do their job
properly. The security industry had a poor reputation
and few regarded working in security as a The Security Industry Authority (SIA)
worthwhile career choice. is the organisation responsible for
regulating the private security industry.
It was acknowledged by the public, the government We are a small independent government
body established in 2003, reporting to
and the industry itself that the criminal element in the Home Secretary under the terms of
private security needed to be removed and standards the Private Security Industry Act 2001.
of professionalism raised. In 2001, the Private Security As a non-departmental public body with
the sponsorship of the Home Office
Industry Act addressed these issues by allowing for we contribute to the overall aims and
the regulation of licensing the industry through a new objectives of that department.
regulator, the Security Industry Authority. Since then, We have two main duties. One is the
some of the benefits of regulation to the private compulsory licensing of individuals
undertaking designated activities within
security industry have included increased levels of the private security industry; the other
professionalism and probity, the reduction of staff is to manage the voluntary Approved
Contractor Scheme which measures
turnover, and greater involvement in the private security suppliers against
Government co-ordinated approach to independently assessed criteria.
national security. We work with many different
organisations, sharing information, ideas
This leaflet gives a brief overview and knowledge which helps us maintain
of the Security Industry Authority high standards in the work that we do.
We have strong relationships with the
and our responsibilities. More detailed Home Office, courts in England, Wales
information can be found on and Scotland, local authorities, police and in our forces and the Association of Chief Police
Officers in England, Wales and Scotland.
publications which are also available
Our active partnerships with awarding
from our website. bodies and Qualification Regulation
Authorities have been very useful in our
efforts to combat training malpractice.
We also provide intelligence and
support to police operations which
target organised crime.
Our vision, mission What we do Training and
and objectives qualifications
Our vision is to work with others to Licensing It is important that everyone working
create a safer environment for the public The SIA licenses those working in in the private security industry has the
and better opportunities for the private specific sectors of the private security right skills and knowledge to do their job
security industry. industry in England, Wales, and Scotland, well and safely. In the past training was a
and we will be regulating Northern hit and miss affair of varying quality and
Our mission is to regulate the private
Ireland in 2009. standards – if any training was taken at all.
security industry effectively; to reduce
The SIA, in consultation with the industry,
criminality, raise standards and recognise Licensing ensures that those working
awarding bodies, other government
quality service. in private security are the right people
departments and training organisations,
for the job and that they are properly
Our objectives are to: set up the criteria required for the
trained and qualified. Whether a licence
courses and qualifications.
• Reduce criminality within the private is needed or not depends on the duties
security industry and activities undertaken and not the job We do not deliver training courses,
• Raise quality standards within the title. The activities defined by the Private provide funding or award qualifications
private security industry Security Industry Act 2001 are: but we do endorse a number of
awarding bodies, to approve training
• Continually improve and develop our • Manned guarding, which includes:
providers, oversee standards and award
organisation and our performance – Cash and valuables in transit qualifications recognised by the SIA.
• Meet financial targets and – Close protection
demonstrate value for money to the – Door supervision A recognised qualification is needed
Home Office and fee paying customer – Public space surveillance (CCTV) before an application for a licence. This
– Security guarding will normally involve knowledge and
• Build on our credibility with
practical skills training, including role
stakeholders • Immobilisation, restriction and removal
play, followed by exams. Check out the
• Review the application of the Private of vehicles – which includes wheel
training pages on our website or in
Security Industry Act 2001. clamping
Get Licensed to find out which training
• Key holding. course and qualification is needed to
The Private Security Industry Act get a licence and whether any previous
2001 also allows us to license private training and experience would be
investigators, security consultants and exempt from part of the training. You can
precognition agents, but at the moment also find out about approved training
these sectors are not licensed. organisations from Get Licensed or call
our contact centre for further details.
To get an SIA licence, an applicant
needs to be over 18, hold a recognised
qualification relevant to the security
sector, and pass a criminal record and
other fit and proper person checks.
There is no legal responsibility for the
SIA to carry out right to work checks –
that is the role of the employer – but we
are continually improving our processes
to ensure as far as we reasonably can,
that SIA licence holders are not
illegal workers.
For more detailed information
on our licensing criteria, read
Get Licensed available on our
website. And you can keep up
to date on licensing by signing
up for information on our
Compliance and SIA and
enforcement Crimestoppers
We expect compliance with the law at We work in partnership with the
all times and try to help organisations charity Crimestoppers. If you know of
and individuals meet their licensing any illegal activity regarding licensing,
requirements. However, we and our such as unlicensed door supervisors
enforcement partners do have the or undisclosed convictions, call

The Approved capability to prosecute offenders, and

to apply to the courts to confiscate any
Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. All calls
are treated with absolute anonymity and
Contractor assets that have been obtained as a result
of criminal activity.
cannot be traced.

Scheme If an individual works without the correct

You can also report illegal activity using
our online forms on the SIA website
SIA licence, or if unlicensed people are
We also manage the voluntary Approved being supplied to carry out licensable
Contractor Scheme (ACS), which security activities, then the penalties are:
companies can join if they pass our
criteria.The objective of the ACS is to • For those working in a licensable
raise performance standards across the role without an SIA licence; upon
whole business model and to assist the summary conviction at a Magistrate’s
private security industry in developing new Court, Sheriff Court or District Court,
opportunities.The scheme is voluntary a maximum penalty of six months
and was developed in consultation with
representatives from across the industry. It
imprisonment and/or a fine of up to
If you need a
covers only those sectors of the industry
that are regulated by the SIA.
• For those supplying unlicensed
staff; upon summary conviction at a
Magistrate’s Court, Sheriff Court or You can apply for a licence through
Buyers of security can look to ACS to
District Court, a maximum penalty of the website or by
provide a recognised hallmark of quality
six months imprisonment and/or a fine completing an application form available
within the private security industry and
of up to £5,000. If upon conviction from our call centre (0844 892 1025) or
security staff who are amongst the best.
on indictment at Crown Court, High security and training suppliers.

Our online Court of Justiciary or Sheriff and jury

trial, an unlimited fine and/or up to five

registers years imprisonment.

We publish our enforcement strategy,
All licence holders have their name and activities and code on
licence details published on a public
online register of SIA licence holders –
and You can
search the register by licence number or
by a combination of personal information
such as the name of the licence holder
and their role. This register also contains
details of licences that have been revoked
or suspended and is a useful tool to
Further Information
check that security staff are SIA licensed. Write: Security Industry Authority
Our Register of Approved Contractors PO Box 1293
lists all of the organisations that have Liverpool
met the requirements for the Approved L69 1AX
Contractor Scheme. If you are looking for Phone: 0844 892 1025 (contact centre)
an ACS organisation or need to check Email:
that your supplier is a bone fide ACS
member, then use this register.
The publication Get Licensed gives details
All our registers are available online at on licensing and who needs a licence. It is available on our website or phone the
Printed on paper containing minimum
75% recycled fibre content SIA contact centre for a copy.
COR 13/09-10 January 2009

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