Men Will Always Be Men: A Piece From Freshmind

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Men Will Always be Men

If the opposite gender rejected your proposal does that makes her prompt to poverty? Nope.

Most of the major gender(men) have some certain believe that amaze me most time, how can you
believe that minor gender that rejected your proposal is prompt to poverty and dilemma. We have to
change our mindset. Love is not by false, rather, it’s by willingness.

Do not put pressure on one’s desire in other to forcefully amend that one’s desire under your favour.

Islamically, every man is required to marry four wives, provided that you have the capability and like-
mindedness to govern and rule over them. If you woo any of the opposite gender(women) and she
seems not interested, just forget and move on for the interested ones. It’s not advisable to betroth
oneself upon anybody. I repeat, ‘Love is by willingness not by betrothing oneself upon any one'. Let us
be guided.

A piece from Freshmind

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