Boats With Open Mind

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69 Advanced Sharpie 29

In 1980 ldc:.igncd ashore. high-sided. 25'h-fooc sharpie. hu~rralkJ k"ie Cooper.

fur a singJc utan to li ve on hoard permanently. [ hn<l :lhllt.11 the tlc:-.ign. \vhi<.:h
\vas the n1ltithesis of v.•bat r·d be.en hrough1 up 10 think of ns. suilnble sh•1rpil! propor-
tions. The con1111issio11ed one never got buil1, bu1sevl·n1I01her.) did. ancJ they tu1'11t.·l.I out
tu be surprisingly govd s...'lilL·r~ and ea~y boals to like.
Jessie Cooper \vas designed to have an oJd-f:ishionerl cmS.."-·1>IJnked ho1101n. lnid on
the borcom-up lower panel of the pl)wood :.ides. The f("t of che e'~~sernttJ freebvaru
was added as a rai""d deck afcer the lower hull had been turnc'<I rightsidc-up. After the
fin.tone or t\vo boats. I \Va~ advi~ing huilders to U!-.e 3 thick plywood ho1101n 1hn1 could
he sheathed perfectly tighc. the cost savins io lhecros<-planked bouom not justifyinJ: its
There "'Crc other "oeaknt."'S..~S. no1 as ea.Qly corrcc1ed:

1- Tiie deep daggerbo:lrd was good for sailing but very bad for ohool-..,ater u..c: 1t
colk<'lcd "'«tl """ heavy to lifL and jannned in an act:idcntal ~n1undintt.
2. 1be heavy mast was sccpped through the de<:k. needing a crru1c to lift it out.
J. The settee.$ in the 1nain cahin \\<ere too shon to sleep on: she had n fine doublt
berth. but no place to bed gue>IS-
4. An ou1boarrl rudder sh.ired the transom \l/ilh an outOOard motnr, '"'hjch look.:>.
and i<. a mokeshif1: the rudder is or risk of fouling the motor, and the motor is likely to
pitch out of the wacer on one tack and get wa<hed on the other.111i' la>t wns exacerbated
by the placement of her ma:.!> and daggerboard far o lI' center. with the result thai 'he
haJ approciabl)' n1nre stnhilicy on one tack lhan she diJ on the 'Hhcr.


369 f383/436)

;; p ~·
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- - - --
Nine year' of :'\por.uJil'. run1ination.,. a n<l son1c 1,, t1111ul:ttinn froni \\'Oul<l·bc O\\'n~r!'-.
led 10 wha1 I l>o.1"ingly named 1h~ ,\d\ anced Sh:u11ie. ('11ie ch-,ign r~presenled fina l
i"n,:1ocipation f roo1 HO\\<.u'd Ch~tpeJJe ·\tutelage :ind M>111l· 1u~tJfic:i1ion of the )!fC'91 pain'
he took v.·ith JH)' educ.ation. A lul uf Ray Huuf_, inOucUl'C :-.Uf\ i\ctl.1 'lllO:-i: l\VO. and Hcm.."""Shoff. 'hapcd n1y ...1y1e. \\rhich i\ ironic 'i•'k.~ 1h~y ;ill <lc,pi't."<I each Olhcr.
Hunt. ,,,.ho nt.~\-er loe'v 1h:1l I exi\1~1. h.:td '~ l0tl)!e:-.1·l:t"ing t·n·,......_ hy 1ht• c.•x:unple hi!
<el (\fa 1...:hnical <>pell miud.
Ad,·anccd Sharpie 29 i"lo 4 feet lon~r than JC',,k on abour the ...uuc nndM.-..:.1ion. lltc
added length allO\\'ed sleeping-Jengrh ~nee' anti nlorc \10\\.l,SC' 'f>'ICC. ·rhe rudder '"a'
brought inhoafd. cl~r of :1 'hi1hhape c~nlctline- c1li-::inc in,fallouioo hut in :a f ree-Oooding

''ell co avoid the problt..."11b of·r trunl,.. ·nlC 111:unn1u-.( ''·~ llhl\\.~ atll..·~MJ of Lhe
cabin. to be cctucrcd in a tabcn1al·lc." ilh rhc ho\\' upcr\\..'tl out fur th!.·'" 111e the ,·oon-
tef"\\-eighted heel of lhe n1a".
Tbt· Jaggerboatd \\ ~tS r,~p1~1Cl'd b) a f)t\o'c.)(111~ hili..~h<K1r,J 111 :1 'inlil:sr hut '' itier
t nu1k. l 'lk:.g\.'OJ1tclr)' of tlK.· bil!!l·bo.;.1rd 111adc it too -.ltallo''· '" I duplicatt."tl 1t on the ocher
The.,,e hoats are th0roug hhrecl -:ailen: \\'ith ele)!•HU nt;1nru \\~ri ng rornt 'fh\'.~ ~an :-.l<.t)
\\' ilh n1o"l au.xili;:irie... to \Vin<l\\':l1\ I. a nd outn.·a<:h ;ind outl'un 1110,t. ~' cu \Vithoul e'plo it-

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AllV/IN((I) $11ARPIC )fl

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371 f385/436)

;; p ~·j
D ~ W ,;;, nl C Mosaustu •' M
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J7:! RfJ\l C"Rlll'>ER~

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ing shallO\~. \1.:ater anLI lu\I/ bridg<.'.5.. ' f lu.:-y n:tuvcr fn.)111 k11uckdovr11:) in 1x:t1~:-.uring H15.h -
Enthu~iasn1 usually begins 'Nith l hc c;lhi n. 1>ros:iic n~ ii l1)(1k~. le d~s n't ph(>tn.graph
well. $01\le of its SiltisfactiOllS being due to a lack of COtlCcSSiOllS W phOlography. Every
J'caturc of it \•.:as directed by u~c sccn a1iu~.
\\.'hen Bradford Story \\'ilS b uilding 1hc i:nhin in \Vhich l'n1 \.Vritill!'.• I hatl spc.:ifiecl
ho\v jt \.VtJS lf1 be. painted. He's no1 fond of painting. ~lnd one day he ~s"cd nlc \11h:l1 1he
paint 'vas for. t opt·uc<l u1y n1(>uth co ~u1sv.•t:r. nn<.I no 'vo1·<l:, c:-unc. No 111u1·e- vui111i11g \Vfl))
ever done on nl)' boat on any surfal·c ll1L' :-.u11· ~ rn<liatiun l"an , I nttuck. Oi..'\.·orJtion is ~~v­
crJI hundred baHcrcd book .... and. lcrnponu·ily IJtckcd UJ), a loc:1I ch:u1. " pholo of 1he
haunting l ,...'Unhorghini Countorch ~tuon1ohile••ind :i pl'int rif :i Ro.::~ Sh:ircllv\V pninting
of tbl! b..1rk Entletn:o"r in "·hich each cre,v111tr11bt:r·~ ind1vhhwl pers.on:ilily ~1pp1!a1'S.
·n1i~ last ha.~ bc:cn up for son1c tin1c, a~ it'.., hard to cxhnu~I.
I have doubts :1bou1 inte1ior c1CC'Or.11ion :l~ ::a rn1fc,sicm. Pule<-., fClr instance.
;, an a11is1 of a high order. I apJ>lau.i her ~11i111<1c about dc,ipn :oncl I lo'c to <tuJy her
,,-CJl'k. But 1 \VOttl<l not ""u1t to live in a wort. of art Jay 10 and da) out any u1ore th1.n •• I
ant one of the Br.indcnburg Cont.~'ftt)!\ continu:tll)' playing. Sonic :l!iilcn..:c i~ lk.'t-<lcd.
lbe vi~ual equi,·alent is spon1anci1y. In TI1e C1>111111()11 .St•11{r " / Y1n·lu D1~:rign. L Francis
HeJ'l"'e$hoff recounted lus. ni~hln\an· in the &1"·:11\liilll ,.er\ioo (.l f an interio.- dt*C'Ofi1toc r.. 0

dreaot: A ··very~obcr voin···::,.aid. ~lo\\'ly. a<. he slcpl. ··vuu \\'ill 1-.C\ c1 see frai1k'S.
nor deck bcan-.s. nor<.-arling~ You \\·ill ne'er a~ain \CC boll hc3\I ... nor '4."n:"' b:~.. nur
rh'et:-.: no. n<>r the clan1p. nor 1he .;e3n1.; of 1hc planking. No. nc\·t:r." LF.H. \\a.-. the
\VO.-St deli-ignc!r of cabins evc:r 10 n1ak:e a ll).1'fk dc...ignins bcxu .... hut he \\ :1, :1 great
plU l(Xoi.Opher: the ch..iptcr on 1..--:tbin arran~'<'n1~1u b. unc of thl· l'lii.:'l in the onl) l?n.·at hook
on boat <lc:-.ign.
The ~\<l\.'a11ced Sharpie:-. suffer fron1 boon1ing ptlunding tu :.u11:hor. #l'hc :squ;tre bo'v
l hrCl\VS Olll :'Ill intCller:tbJe :11uount o f rr~)th in chopry \\'!11cr. They're con1plicatc<l <.uu.l
e::xpeu,ive. I ha\·~ th<' glirn1nl!ring,; of 'onito: idto:a... f\'>r i11 1pro\·cn,~1H\.

372 p86!436)
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MJVA N(l(J SIMJ<l'/L 313

Slta,.,,ic 29s:
(<op} And
B&y (bot<qm}

373 387/436)

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~ W ,;;,
C Mosaustu •' M
us at af " ,{'- A ~ 'bJ c:J ») ctl' TUR 2225
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71 Ataraxia
11 meters (36.0 feet) x 3 meters (9.84 feet) x
.7 meter (27.5 inches)

Ataraxit1 was huilt hy Story Roatbuilding of Essex. Mn<snchuseus. for r>nvi,I

O'Neill of Hnrtford (he was living in Toromo while we were <lesigning her). Th< I'O I-
lo\\1ing essay " •as \Vriucn as a contribution to an as yet unpublished book r1bou1hl'eak·
do\vn~ proofing long-distance cruising boat\.
Atcmrxio was an illusll'ation of what could be done at the desii;n srngc. In Cl\.-ck, the
nan1e signifies "calmness unlroobled by 1nen1aJ or c1notionnl excit:tlion.*'
Her pn)portions are as compact as possihle \Vithnut hcing ~nuhbedl LO 1nake her
undemanding in be1thing and co minimize imposed <tresses hy wa\'eS and by inking the
ground. Discontimiities ""'re avoided in plan and profile, and as for ns possible in MX·
lion. Excrescences beyond the main envelope \Vere kept to a minimu1n. The deck ill! a
segmenc of a cylinder from bow to stem, with ~traight deck ~clingers replacing trans-
verse bea1ru-. Among other advantages. t:his method of framing the deck fumi>hes O\'Cr-
bcad grabr4ils. and head conlact is usually glancing.
1be ends are upright co 1ake all !he a•-ailable woterline length and co produce sbarp
forebody sections for smoom action in head sea<. She is shallow-bodied and hi¢1·sided
for initial and reserve stability with a minimum of b.11111.\t: has shallow drnfl for the obvi-
ous. l"Onvcnience: and is straight·kccled to avoid misunderstandin,gs in docks nod lifts.
Construction i< cirvel planking on <1eam·hcn1 frame..;. a quick method of realizing
a complex shape with reliable quality control. The m;iny rrnnsvcrse frames accept a
large number of closely spaoed fastenings (silicon-bron,.,, screws) to spre:id strc>.'IC•
widely. The frJ.mes carry a cedar ~hcathing inside; in the bay~ bct\\o'CCn chc fntmcN~ air
circulates continuously around the hull from the shaded side 10 the sunlic side at a race
of a> much as one revolmion per cninure. The inner she.ithing is always dry and radiates
al lhc internal temperature. The wood stn1cmre in general has good in"1l11ting proper-



•• p ~·
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a.'I ,;;, nl C Mosaustu
•' M u st a f a " ,{'- A ~ 'bJ c:J >l) ctl' TUR 2226 ~l
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1i~. l\o paiot or fini~l cooting ot any kin<.I is u.;.cll i1l~idc 1hc hull The CC4:l.01r ~hc:ithing
j , fa.~1eoed wilh roppcr nail'-. \Vhic-h show ~ plc-a~u1t ~line.
The ccd3r-ph111kcd bouom is lam:d and 'l1<:athcd l'<thidc willl 16-<>um-,• ,·oppcr
M.-curccl \Yith ring nail.;. (pcri.;.001 coppc!r <.'an l:k.· lorn t'n.1111 tit..- lh:.:.KI~ of cite nuiJ:-..
\\'hich are left io the \\' ood). The .;ol)pcr h;l' good nn1ifouling UfHl anti•:-hip'"·onn prop
ertie" and futni . . he' 1nechaniral as 'vcll ,t:-1 rl1en1h:ul p1ocec1in11 rnr the ""'no,l-fn)n1 k:~,
for in~l:111cc. It 'viii last a~ long :L\ 14 year:_.. if 1hc boat i!<. ~crched n1('1~l of Chi." 1in1e. half

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381 f395/436)

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a.'I ,;;, nl C Mosaustu ' • M ust a f a " ,{'- A ~ 'bJ c:J >l) ctl' TUR 2228 ~l
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181 REAi. rRlfl$ERS

Ihat lf 'he i; continually underway. The copper <h.!mh1n~ ean be cleaod >imply by di;··
ing it: fouling "ill drop off on rhe ne~t tide. Ele.-rrkal gmundin~ is V<"I')' effective.
(Ho,vcvcr. 1hc oopp.'T ,,jlJ rcacl ,,,ith lc:ad 10 lhc: lalh.. 'f·,
di~\Untagc: <lUL~ide balla..~t
<h<x1ld nor be sheathed.)
Tiie upp.:r<ide< orrai<;ed dect. where 1here'< oo ad,·onra~• in a ,·0111ple' ;hape. and
\\here drying ou1 aod re-\\ettinp cre:i.te proble1nco in 1rnditional \\uod con,tnK."tioo. ~
plywood. a; is lhe deck. 10 be a smble 00,.,, for o libcrgla."·cpo•y 'hca1hing. Ex1emal
angle; are rounded and inlcrnal angles co,·cd 10 clin1in:11c "~' poinc' and dirt traps.
The whole ouisicle of1he hoo1 i< poin1ed whi1e for eood "'" reft,-.:1ion and ready rouchup
as ond wbete netded.
Atartt'Cia h..'lS 01\l: nl;,:-t. one s.'\il. no stnnt.ling rigging. 1ninhnu1n runnin¥ rigging.
Her t'Titical co1nponcnts are an order of magnilud\! fc,...·cr 1hun in u conventional con-
ten1por-.iry rig. The fe\v rhac she ha' nre 1nas~i\'e. ~uch n:-. the 1nn'l nnd ta~~rnacle. or
readily "atched and r~placed. a> co!'dagc and blocks.
It is assu1ncd thal she \\·ill Jo all rnantuvcring under pO\.\'t:r-~1llhough . \.\'ith the
peak halyard rig sho\vn, dipping the lugs.ail i~ no1 n1uch 1nor\! lnhoriou' than c::rcking an
overlapping jib. The peak halyard supports 1hc y:ird and most of 1he sail clear of th~
de.:k while the rack of the sail is brought bnck around 1hc llHL\f, The process o frncking
a <lipping lug docs nol in\'ol\·c uny part.\ s\.\•ccping t11,,TOS.~ the lk-ck, allo\11i11g tall sn1oke and other obstructions :.1long the ccn1crlinc.
The lugsnil C(ln be con\•ertccl inco a nl'a1·~~qun1\"!~ilil for do\Vl\\.\1ind p~•~snges by
brin~jng fh(' tack to tht· dcrk edge abreast of the 111rt~l :)nd po li11g 0 111 tl1c ~It'\¥. Chafe is
slight, and the \'esscl c~tn he broughl to the \Vin<l quh.:kly in a nutn·ovcl'hoar<l :-.ill1ation.
The s1nall trysnil is for o.;tendying. ;:'sit can he ~hrcccd Jlnt, 1hcri>hy 1h~l:din~ no :it1enti<ln;
she 'vould be underpo\\·ered in stroH~ ,,.,ind """iU1out it. ·rhe ~"Iii ~u·en i~ only ~3 square
111ctcrs. but all of il is effective at nil tin1c:-.. \\'ith no tirca \\"<l in acute angle~. over-
laps, or inLcl'fercncc bct\\•ccn 111111Liplc sails .and 'pnrs.
The short Lnas\ is fully counterv.·l!ighted 10 S\vin~ up nnd do\\ n nt ''touch for hridge
clearance. but it will nonnally be carried erect 10 elem· rile deck. TI1c deck ,Jot for Ille
heel is placed 10 drip of tnatlrc..·s~c:-.. The \IOI CO\'Cr i" utili1..cJ U\ a !!tkylighl and as a
ha'-C for grabrails. besides being a u"eful tOCl""Jil.
Two small eogio~s allow each to be hand-srnned. <avin~ l-Onccrn aboul 1>n11ery
capacity. llch dri ..·e~ Jocatc the l"n.gin~s in a tlry und <k'Cl'"-~iblc po~i1ivn: their ljghl
\\'eight makes the high place1nent harntles.;. Tnc propcllc~ :•re lo\V anJ c l<>M; lo the o:n-
1erlioe: lhe lee-<icle one should o)\\3)1' he free of oir inge<1inn. TI1c kocl-moun1cd rudder
i; blo"o by 1he stream of ~i1her propeller. <he '""" he held back by re,-crsin~ ei1her
engine as the $lcm is :)\\'Ung by 1hc ocher. 3llo" ing u.~ of 1hc n.orc fa\'Ol'3blc rot:ilion.
The small propellers ore «>lid 1hree-h ladcs, :icccpcing 1hc drJg for propubi' c cOit;cocy
and elin1ill31ion of n1oving pans.
l1l¢ d~sels- are air-cook."<I . elhninating s.ea con1k..~'1ions. 11-.e Op.!n 'rem pro'·ide:-.
f:bt lumo\'cr of cngiocroorn :air ~•rxl <li,~ipatcs nuiM.·. Spray balllc~ a11J ht.':\\)-\\e:llh~r
co\·e.r~ are pro\'ided. r\on1inal cruising rnngc und~r pO\\'Cf i!oo 1.600 naullco.11 111ila. at 6
knot>, but she is sup~ to use ~ai l :.nd ~lO\\Cf in eonjunction 10 n1ain1ain a :-.chcdulc
in li.g;t1l-\\'ea1her zone::). ' l'ht: ~nil plnn i~ j>O\'fcrful e:nouth ro di~p..!n'~ \\ith <Uher roll ..
J:unping tlcvicc$.
The propeller:-. can be r~<lchcd by crouching')" the bo110111 c,:n<.I plate of the rudder
(ll'\f ('()tllhlll(''' OH page JN5)

382 1396/436)
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181 REAi. rRlfl$ERS

Ihat lf 'he i; continually underway. The copper <h.!mh1n~ ean be cleaod >imply by di;··
ing it: fouling "ill drop off on rhe ne~t tide. Ele.-rrkal gmundin~ is V<"I')' effective.
(Ho,vcvcr. 1hc oopp.'T ,,jlJ rcacl ,,,ith lc:ad 10 lhc: lalh.. 'f·,
di~\Untagc: <lUL~ide balla..~t
<h<x1ld nor be sheathed.)
Tiie upp.:r<ide< orrai<;ed dect. where 1here'< oo ad,·onra~• in a ,·0111ple' ;hape. and
\\here drying ou1 aod re-\\ettinp cre:i.te proble1nco in 1rnditional \\uod con,tnK."tioo. ~
plywood. a; is lhe deck. 10 be a smble 00,.,, for o libcrgla."·cpo•y 'hca1hing. Ex1emal
angle; are rounded and inlcrnal angles co,·cd 10 clin1in:11c "~' poinc' and dirt traps.
The whole ouisicle of1he hoo1 i< poin1ed whi1e for eood "'" reft,-.:1ion and ready rouchup
as ond wbete netded.
Atartt'Cia h..'lS 01\l: nl;,:-t. one s.'\il. no stnnt.ling rigging. 1ninhnu1n runnin¥ rigging.
Her t'Titical co1nponcnts are an order of magnilud\! fc,...·cr 1hun in u conventional con-
ten1por-.iry rig. The fe\v rhac she ha' nre 1nas~i\'e. ~uch n:-. the 1nn'l nnd ta~~rnacle. or
readily "atched and r~placed. a> co!'dagc and blocks.
It is assu1ncd thal she \\·ill J o all rnantuvcring under pO\.\'t:r-~1llhough . 'A'ith the
peak halyard rig sho \vn, d ipping the lugs.ail i~ no1 n1uch 1nor\! lnhoriou' than c::rcking an
overlapping j ib. The peak halyard supports 1hc y:ird and most of 1he sail clear of th~
de.:k while the rack of the sail is brought bnck around 1hc llHL\f, The process ofrncking
a <lipping lug docs nol in\'ol\·c uny part.\ sv.•ccping t11,,TOS.~ the lk-ck, allo\11i11g tall sn1oke and other obstructions :.1long the cc n1crlinc.
The lugsnil C(ln be con\•ertccl inco a nl'a1·-~qun1\"!~ilil for do,vn~1 ind p~•~snges by
brin~jng fh(' tack to tht· dcrk edge abreast of the 111rt~l :)nd po li11g 0111 tl1c ~It'\¥. Chafe is
s lig ht, and the \'esscl c~tn he broughl to the \Vin<l quh.:kly in a nutn·ovc l'hoar<l :-.ill1ation.
The s1nall trys nil is for o.;te ndy ing. ;:'sit can he ~hrcccd Jlnt, 1hcri>hy 1h~l:din~ no :it1e nti<ln;
she 'vould be underpo'A·ered in stroH~ v. ind """iU1out it. ·rhe ~"Iii ~u·en i~ only ~3 square

111eters. but a ll of il is effective at nil tin1c:-.. v.·ith no tirca \\"<l in acute angle~. over-
laps, or inLcl'fercncc bct\\•ccn 111111Liplc sails .and ' pnrs.
The s hort Lnas\ is full y counterv.·l!ighted 10 S\vin~ up nnd do'' n nt '' touc h for hridge
clearance. but it will nonnally be carried erect 10 elem· rile deck. TI1c deck , Jot for Ille
heel is placed 10 drip of tnatlrcs~c:-.. The \IOI CO\' Cr i" utili1..cJ U\ a !!tkylighl and as a
ha'-C for grabrails. besides being a u"eful tOCl""Jil.
Two small eogio~s allow each to be hand-srnned. <avin~ l-Onccrn aboul 1>n11ery
capacity. llch dri ..·e~ Jocatc the l"n.gin~s in a tlry und <k'Cl'"-~iblc po~i1ivn: their ljght
\\'eight makes the high place1nent harntles.;. Tnc propcllc~ :•re lo\V anJ cl<>M; lo the o:n-
1erlioe: lhe lee-<icle one should o)\\3)1' he free of oir inge<1inn. TI1c kocl-moun1cd rudder
i; blo"o by 1he stream of ~i1her propeller: <he '""" he held back by re,-crsin~ ei1her
engine as the $lcm is :)\\'Ung by 1hc ocher. 3llo" ing u.~ of 1hc n.orc fa\'Ol'3blc rot:ilion.
The small propellers ore «>lid 1hree-h ladcs, :icccpcing 1hc drJg for propubi' c cOit;cocy
and elin1ill31ion of n1oving pans.
l1l¢ d~sels- are air-coolt.-d. elhninating s.ea con1k..~'1ions. 11-.e Op.!n 'rem pro\·ide:-.
f:bt lumo\'cr of cngincroorn :air ~•rxl <li,~ipatcs nuiM.'. Spray balllc:. a11J ht.':\\)-\\e:llh~r
co\·e.r~ are pro\'ided. r\on1inal cruising rnngc und~r pO\\'Cf i!oo 1.600 naullco.11 111ila. at 6
knot >, but she is sup~ to use ~ai l :.nd ~lO\\Cf in eonjunct ion 10 n1ain1ain a :-.chcdulc
in li.g;t1l-\\'ea1her zone::). ' l'ht: ~nil i~ j>O\'fcrful e:nouth ro di~p..!n'~ ''ith <Uher ro ll ..
t.l:unping tlcviCc$.
The propeller:-. can be r~<lchcd by crouching')" the bo110111 c,:n<.I plate of the rudder
(ll'\ f ('()tll h lll(''' OH page JN5)

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witJ1 head out of water. The rutl<lcr i• in•lanlly vi>ible. well protected. nnd ma«ively
built and 1nounled. 1be \'ane ~tcercr functions lhn>Ugh a lraiJing--cJgc tab well oul of
hann's \V::t)'~ balanced for leas1 pov.-er requirc:ntent. and tlC,lt.'\rcd by !l \'31\C nlnun1cd on
the rodder with tbe most straighlforwnnl linkage imaj?in:lble. She will al<O have tiller-
n1ountcJ electronic Autohelm. When aUlopilot steering ;, inappropriate. the tiller will
he u~ directly. \vith an extensioo for hea\')~·wea1her leverage. The dnghouc;c i"" ,.Ix:her
for a solitary watchkeeper.
On deck- the bulwarks arc high enough to take the whole ><>le of a foot 111ere arc
no outboanl lifelines (the owner on<.'<' Inst a friend by a lifeline foilureJ. but then: an:
large and solid inboard grabs, and s1rong point< for nnachment of pe"onal lifeline> the
full len~th. Wi1b this rig. it is 1~xuy to go on deck lo shorten ,ail, \\hich at any rate
clitninatcs jwn-intlucing tun1ing block.~ and lines !->lrerchcd over the deck. 'fhc ,u.jl cun
be hoisted and lo\\:ered oo any point of sailing includ·ing cle:ad before the '-''ind. nnd the
low rig and exaggemted reserve buoyanr.y oi 1he bon1 redurt the 11rgency of 11100t ;,ail
Below decks, lhe unaffected layou1reduce< 1he di<tance i1's po«ihle to fn ll. She b
well furnished with stanchions and grnbs. The double be11h forward b fur i11-por1 u,,e; m
sea the box berths \Viii be used. adjusu1bll! fOr angle of hcl!l nn<l c;lo~c to ull the nxcs of
The sauna gray-\vafer discharge. The portable toilel. \\•ith one 01 n1ore
spare base tanks. obviates all plunlbing. Fresh \Vutcr is carried in jcrricun:-. \Vithout pip·
ing or pu1nps.
All hatches are pl:1cecl where drip is in11ocuo11s, excepc for the e~cape hntrh forward.
'vhith has an ovcr~i1.e co,1cr to~ tilted for vcntil<Hion \vi th r.iin protc1.·tion in ,.,."rtu. caJn1
v.·cather. All stowage and n1~1u-resses are inside the inner .;hcnlhlng 0J' 1hc hull.
1110 galley stove and water beatel' use diesel fuel from the main inn ks. which 111·e of
680 liters (180 U.S. gallon~i capaci1y. Vomila1iun exhaust' in the vicinity of the hcut
She will have currem electronic navigation and pilotini; equipment. b;1ckcd by <ex-
talll. Walker Jog. and lead. Kedge ancl bower n11t'h01$ will be Urt1ce type. with :1 horge
lloJgcr anchor (a \\•c1ded version of a threc~piece Y tll'htsn1!tn llnc..·hur) can-icd in the bilgt.:
for cri<e!<. A saddle for her chain. with appropria1e weights. will he carried 10 ollow ber anchors. Wi~t her masc down ftm and her sce;idy ridini: hnbir>. ''"' should
have a good chanre. an1.•horcd clear of the fleet in a gale.

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57 Blueberry
20·3· x 1 r x 2·s·

R/i1tbe1 1:V \V(I~ dcsi~ned by her OV.'l\t..'r <llld hllildcr. r>avid t lu1nt·. I coll\ll>oCTUed nnd
had a lol to say abour i1. but I d id rny best not lO 1n1nper \Vilh 1hc ~piI'il of the io:011ccpl.
\Vhich conlriVC$> lo he striking \VilhotH being prc1cn1 iou,.
r;.1rt of her at1r:)Ction is due to her high lin i~h ~ind general ncn1nc:,.s, H~r tnvncr put
:,.even year.;. of spare tinlc into building her. a1\d i1f.hov.·~. TI\l'I'<' arc no unf~tir lines. no
rou~h s.pots. no nl;-tk..:~hifl~. In the: fin~ art\. paiutin8 auJ ~culpturc. il's uft('n that
c.a rcful dc:tnlling takes the ~kill of a \Vyclh h> :ivoid a luborcd look. bul Blu~berry tloc!-.
nt'lC lo<>k labored 10 n1e. She's a hu\)• de-:-.ign. but ~1l 1hc bu,ynl!~'- j~ inhcr...:111 in th<' con·
\.-Cpl. None of i1 i.:-. stuc-k~on de1.'ora1ion.
Han.1-chined f:rui~ing boat~ go bat·l 10 l ht.• tun1 vf the l.-'Cl1tury and bcfurC'. u1any of
tl'h."ll\ by amalcur d~igncn. \\·ho found the ·1hrcc·linc.. plan' l.'.':t'Y lo nmkc and the
...1r.tight fr:1nle!; encour:Jging 10 ~I up. 11lc fiNI one ~~ii;ncd for pl)'\\·flOd l"lanking \\C:I'
by Charle< G. McGregor. who 1>ioneer.-d the u«.· of the new material on the late 19."IO<.
Ona.· ii \\"a..' wttk~loc.xJ lhat Wx.·t 111atcri:1I \\orlcd be~ "hen 'hapcJ lo ~~nll"nl~
of i·u1111..':\ and cylinders. the co1nn1oncs1 \vny of prujc\.i.1ni: :a ply\\.ood bo41u1n \V'.Ji.\ tu ran
out the lines rcpre__~nting the surf~ of a 1."0lle \\1lO-.C ccnt\!rlitll.! \\'3.' c:1111cd out rron1 an
apt"x helow the hull and out ah•·ad. on the opp<»i1<· ,;de of the bolll from the p.111,•I hc:ing
proj<ccted. ·111is producrs a r.ikin~ mid<l-ction. dwp anJ >li:1ri> fOf\•ard. >hallnw and flat
af1. 'l'hi~ \\:~t:-o a popular "hap: in :lny c-.isc-i1',., churoctcri,tic of the Fricn<.l~hip ,.,1~.
ror ioo.tance-hur in 3 pJy\vood b<mt it U'-U;lll)' flmduc.:s Jl hO\\' that iii. blunt a:-. V.'C:IJ ~l.\
clecp and co.10·< go as fasl a~ till· long run to tht: ~tc11l 1nlpli~~. ff yo41 c:in 1nak\! :• hoat·,
bo\\' go f3."iC. the .slcrn \lt'ill generally kc\.·p up. but th\.·n,•'~ 1\U \\ :t)' ll1r ii fn-.l '\f\'fll IQ f1:1S'
~' s lo\\
bo \\•.
Argu1ncnts ahout optin1unl sh~1~"' for ~nilinl; u.,idi:. a ' h:illtn' ~tern \!XaCcrb..1h;~ th~:

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------ -- _.,...,...-.

biggest problem of the very smaU cabin boot, which i> that her crew i\ fo"'ed oft whcro
the weight makes hcr drag h<:r tail.
I put lhc projection apex on the near side above the waterline, the controlling lines
fanning out across the chine toward the keel. With the prnjccrion ape• near amicl,hips.
the two ends of the boat aren't so dissimilar. and the stem carries some depth whore 11
\Viii Ooot t.hc C.TC\V's \\·eight without pulling ~o rnuch lntr~Oltl in lhc \I/Oler. r vc u~cd
variations of thi!!. s.hape in ~c,,·eral other boats.
In this case I fudged the projection slightly; R/11ehnry is not a true developed
shape, though she's close enough to it 10 get the plywo<XI on without buckling th~

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" ·- •• !
4 ....

30< \'ACATI O.'l HOME.S

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<rJ ~ ·® @;
,rll, ® ,,..,,.....,.. .. ' "'

The deep body aft made room for !he engine installation. Th<- big I J-h.p. Wcslorbc~c
was dr.Jwn bi;IOrc the engine ""'a."' c.hosen. to show tile maxin1um lh~tt v.·oulcl fit. She actu·
ally got a IOY2-h.p. Vetus diesel that drives her powerfully enough. e<pecially <ince i1 \
inunune to pitching out The prop is in a deadwood aperture 10 allow the use of a fixcd-
pitch propeller. My obscrvatic>n is that \'cry small folding P"'P> arc unreliable, I >Uppo>e
bec01u;e the blades are too light for the centrifugal force rbat exrends 1hem 10 o"ercome the
friction thal bolds lhem dosed. ·nie hole in Ille deadwood no doubt has a IOI of turt>ulct1<-e
drag. but being well dear of the rudder ii doel<n'1 seem to affect the handling of UJC boaL
There's supJlO"Od IO be room in the apenure to get the prop off the shaft. and r, e shown
a hole through the stempo& so the shaft can be drawn from ou1,,;<1e. 11·<rare 10 want 10 get
a shaft ou~ and I suggested Iha! lhis bok: be drilled if and when ir's needed.
1bc long keel with a lot of drag {that is., sloping down from bow to .iem) doc'n't
place a ballast coscing as low as ic could be if the honom of the keel mn forward Jc,-el to
a loe just forward of amidships, wilh a steep leading edge up to che hull from 1bere. The
sloping l eel mak('~ a s lower-turning boo.t "nd probably need> more surfocc area 10 allow
her to go where she look~ clo~e~haulcd. Against thal, the imp~t in a hard grounding i$
likely to be glancing, and the keel take.s the ground so far aft that <hifting weight for-
wa1-d may free the boat. This keel configuation is easier to gel on and off n trniler. 1used
to think iL tracked beUer in a following sea, bile if so the difference is 1101 g1-eut.

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At one 1ime I made builder-; 1>ke a 101of 1rouhle roundin~ olf the comer> on >uch
keeb. on !he lheo~ Iha! they >houltl act like 1he leadinjl edge ol a hi~hl~· '""'P'
winp. A
t·ooplc of experiences su~~~eJ th:u I \\'3.~ ~i' lug aw..ty nu,_,n.: in lah:l"'dl·planc cffi. "Clive· .
oess 1han I '~-as gaining in rcdoc'Cd dr.i~. M> no\\' I "ho\\ the edge\ (I doube tha< a
square leading edge \\o'O\lld be an impt0\'cmen1 in an C'(ln!1ne dtl13 ..,11,·io~ aircro.11 lil..e tJ~
S:>.1b Dmkeo. because the plane flies :u ,.et> high angles or inci<kocc <'Ot11J>"n.'d wilh a
~ood boafs yaw angle.)
I l'OITlplaincd at an earl) '">lagc u( t:l-~i~n that \\'C ,,·ere chc:uing on 1hc cahin layout
by making tbe berths imprac1ical1y narrow al lhe foot. Da•id retorted lhat one of 1he
rrew 'vas Ollteh shoner 11Kul Che otl~r.. w ..our leer '"ill o'rrlap nteely. Anyone crui:otin!!
on this ~ice- vessel is likely lo be in a preU) afJ'c.·ction~lh.~ n:l.tt1on~hip. MJn..·ly. and clo:-ic
quarters for the rcc1 would be at lca,t supportable and pcrhap. plcason1:· The ea;;y chair
C::lrrie~ OUt this ft!<lSOl\illg_. though Ill}' O\\.'tl picture O( ir in Uli.t? ii;. OI lhe OU·\\.'3lCh llll;:'.'lll·
ber >itting there. bove-to in a gale olf ~oundin~>. exactly 0 11 the axi> ol pitch and rull.
v•ith ll'Cl braced against lhc galley drt:-i.\l!r. ;\ ~1!'> ..,hip p~u:-.c~. \•.:ondcrin.g if th..: tiny
boat is in trouhle. and the c1'C\Vn1an :-.ho\\'!<i head an<l !oohouldcri-.. coffee cup in hand. ~ips
calmly. lifts a hand in casual reassurnnce. and vanishes below D111·ing lhe design
Jiscu~~ions tht~re \\.'rlS n1entiun. 1101 \f<..'ry ...eriOU!ot, or ;l l'nlis~ in th..: Da\·i~ StrJjt,
A lol of the livubility of this t•abin is Ju..: to pluc.·ing. tht: toilet in un oiuhou~e. Tn u~c
it, the tiller has to be unshipped, on 1he nssun1p1ion 1hu1 01hcr:•rnu1gcnlcn1s \\. ill be 111ad~ 1

unde!'way. Given fairly limber users. a boom tCtU. a11J pk111y or 1ag$,ing around the
l"Xh t1ust pipes lo prOLCl~l calves. it 1nay bl: \V01·kt1bk·.
ll \vould not have occurred 10 1ne to rig ~ln 18- foot•\V{Uerlinc hou1 ai- :1 cutler. hul it
looks surprisingly unnffected hoth on the drnwinss ntld in >lCli()n. 1'he 29-square-foul
staysail is probably \\'OJ'Ch 1nore lhan its nrea sug~ei-1s. :i:. n "le:uJinl!·edge ~lat" l'ur lhe
n1ainsai l. Jt a1k>\VS: her lo hca\'c to in a s13blc a11iludc \Vilh u l'ull 01· 1·cclCd 111ainsail sc.L
This isn' Ldone n1uch no\v in thii; country. hut it cnn be 1111 ...cful 1nun..:uvcr. Fnr1his pur·
po;e. the siays.1il ough1 10 ha\'e 1wo shc~1s ~o it can be bnckcd from the cockpit. B111
then; are alrca<ly a Jot of lines in che rig. and it ·sonly a Ct) uple ur ~!cps. with ,good hand·
holds. to go for\\l"'J.rd and guy th<.~ sail oul.
The cutler fores1ay supports the ma<t wi1hoo1 depending on 1hc security or the
bowsprit. She's O\-er:?6 ree1rrom1he end ol the bowsprit to the end of th• main boom.
~uiog 285 square fi:et of snH-a 101 f<>r her cli~plat..'t'IHCH1. 1'h~nklo to it~ tort!! b..'\~e and
the gaff rnain~il. the rig i~ nor high for i1s )>O\\Cf, Shc'lf,; a QjfT hoo;1. \Vith her Wallo"'
hody and wide watertine. bu1 e•en <0. ~11" co11ldn'1carry1hi< much <ail if i1had10 he set
inside a >l:Utding backstay. I'd be >urpri~ if >he doc'>ti't Olten walk by boals of her size
\vith con\'C-nlional contemporary rig!..
The hig ma.;;1he3d jib is both 1he $trcngrh nnd "-eukncs.' of lhc ri£. 11', an i1u1m.·n.\CI)'
powerful <ail. bot 10 SCI u up 1igh1 for clo<e-winded <ailing in a f:tir braele ;, more than
it"~ fair lo c>.pcct of the :o.intpk· running b.'lCl!\lay~. TilC O\\Oer h:t' talk\..~ of incre~in~
Ilic power or 1he hackslays wi1h pun:h:i.'C< or Highlicld le\ C,.,., n.;, would 110 doubt
help. up 10 1he point 31 which the bo\l <prit s1>11' buckling in compt'\:"ion. In really
strong wind. \\·itJ1 the jib rolled up. Che n.~fed 1nai1)ir.:ail nnd ~uayuil " 1ill 111akc a very !'.tiff
and gcut~ra.tly \\'l'alhcrl)' rig . I'd gut·ss lhJt in open \\'Uter, ~t11.·h ~s I .on~ Island Sound. a
\\:ind in v•hich sh,: couldn't carry her \•.:hole n1ain ...uil 'voul<l pul up a ~ea th;,1( no boat thi~
si1e can bu(k to ndvanrage.
The l'Unning backstnys ;:i1·en't suppo~ed to he n ccc,~:n)' to the s~curity of thl· 1 n;l~t.

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Hun1e•s L~XL~l'Pl pu~sibly llt·t'un..· lJt(· 'Nine.I in v...:ry hL·uvy \\'<,:t1th1.:r. l{u1\11111~ u1· J'L'u1.·hio~ i11 t)h>lk:r-
Blueberry ~tlc \Vtathtr. they can be 1icJ off tu the :-.hroud,.
The 1:ihe111a~le qep hm1..'e!' 1he fool of the nla't enough '" allO\\ 1he ...inglc ' hrouJs
\VithOUl 1nu~li drift an. A deck-"h:pped 1nasc \\'t"lllld nc-ed bClh.'1 :'.1:"1)111\~ ;!C01netry 1han
thi ..... or ~1.s.t \\'Ott Id JL·pend n1orc 011 'cuing up the runninl! b:l(.'k:-.1:.y~ Oil ~1JI UCCil'.<'liOnl!-. the pi\Of point \,.{}fur ahovc 1h~ tlcck lca\'C!\ o nly 17Yl rc\!I ol 11l4-l'-l tu sv.·ing
do\\·n. The 1:iherna.:Je i:-. capere<l hcJo"' d.xk. t;1'king u1, Iiu le n1n1'1? 'p:.1...-e than a throu~h­
dec~ Ol.:'lf-t aod creating. no drip. Tnbernaclc' .arL" cxpc:n'i"c in ho1h lab,11 ~11u.I n1a1r-ria1~.
~utd \Vilh big 111a....1~ tJ1c) c.:rc;:uc tough probk·n,, of h.·,·c.:r.lg1.· tor .u1J IO\\-t·11n~. In
1hi~ mini:ilure .st.--alc 1hc d~igo pnJbl~n1 j, 1ri"·i;1I.
1\frer droning on for~ 1n11ch sp.-...~ :lhou1 \\ih}t \\C dicl 1h1' in ...1t~;ul of 1hat 10 1nak~
IJ/ueberry an ~.-fti1.·k·ul n."t·n.~llion:d \'c.~t111.·k.·. i1 ·, obviou' 1h:11 1h:u i-11 nOI Y. hy 'hl" i\ 3' c;he
~. There \\":b a ti1nc Y.hco 1aling 1hi' 111~h 1ruubk 1noch 1tl()n: 1han lhe fUU\'lion. ii
an). \V3.Jr.lnt(,.-\Vould have hei-n c:tlled an offering nr\:n11on \\'"-· tlun·1 h:l\C.' "llCh
good words for it no\\·, or SUt.i1 ;ul e-ac.y r..11ion.1li1a1inn of 1hc hnpul~. hul 1here ~-cnt!rr> to
tx- no di1ninution of the.· Uf1?C to create '01llt:thin~ nd1nir.1hl('.

Author's Note
Oa,·id Hun1t• ha~ ,1,:rillcn an t•ngaging book ullOtU lhC de ..i~1l1n~. huild111g. anti cnti' 4

ing of Blueberry (406 \\'ind"•::ir<l Drlv~. \\' ih11ingron ~(.\ 2X409l. l \\1~~ al'ru1d th•U ahcr
'even ye~~f' of enjoyahle carpientry, he n1i~h1 fintl ling die li1,i:i.hcU boat un :.l nli~ liHl~lX.
l1111 the U'iH1sition 'vent <;1noothly.

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21 Bobcat
12·3· x 6 o·

De¥ SB!:
Evef>' issue. •Atlen I read Phil 8ol gt., · ~ carloor\ ollcr1119, 1ny drca1n!Jodt <.01nf'~ to 1nir1U.
Eoch year, we vac•tion on the south shore of Cape Cod. We always take our trailerable
"1ilboat with us (four different boa1s, so far). but I always find myself e11vy111g the Beetle
C•t sailors.
The si7e, shape, style, and sailing characw1st1cs of the I nle cat are great. but trailering
a pla11~ed boat 1s almost an imµussib1hty. To have such a boat 111 • frc>l 1watcr lioke n
upstate Nevv York, "°'here \.Ve snil thP rest oi !h~ )'("<'lr, inv11(\!. 1ot as \ \I(' I ~ 1rn1ina fCC'~, and
Ii-nit~ ~iling venues. The O<!\V plastic <~1S from NM.JW1 Mt1nnf:l Mr OC'fl1 bu: f,:tr from <heap.

I proµose • smaU catboat ol light con>tructioo. pcrl>aP> a str p-plan~ed. '1bc19lass-

C0\1ered Beede Cat buit Lik£> SOffil' CMIO£>S of la!<'. Or m.¥><' a Cotui: Slo!I l)'P<' t>o.1t bu It
"'ith the :ack-and·tape me~iod. A boat such as this would giY(' some of us inl,lfld ~·
I~ a bn of salty style with a practical touch~allow draft. and easy 11a•e<ing. launch-
ng, ar.d r 99109.
I realize this is askllg quite a o I. but I look fO<Ward to yoor ideas n this reg<lfd.
Tom Flynn. Syiacu!><'. New Y0<l

Dear Mr. Flynn:

I've aJv;ays 1hough1 the Reetl~ C:u \VOuld be lllOn! ho:u ror lhc 1non-..!y if it \Vere
stretched out 3 fee t oo thc same breadth and depth. I ~uc" •hat 1he "'"'"Ith and depth are
right l"or }'OU, ~U1d that you \\'fllll il :IS ~hOrt :l\ il ii\, nl.)l h) IU:lkC ii <i,,hOl'I hul 10 1nake it
( te\'t co111i1111ed uu JJ(l,l.fl! 103)

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con1pacL More lengd1 \VOUld give you .s.peed out of proportion to the added cost. bu1 you
don·1 oeed lhe speed.
Other lhing.' being. equal. the short boa! "~II be ligh1er Utan lhe long one. A bool in
lhc lighier-lhan-oir cotegory would be flightier 10 move around in than you might like.
but generally speaking, 1be lighter a •railer boa• is. lhe le'-< 01>e hcsi1at<?< 10 rake it some-
where and lauocb i1. (I' ve just finished a design for a 1railer bom 40 feet long. weighing
upwards or 7,000 pounds. but she ·s a cus1om job for a couple of profe»ional cattle
truckers. and even so I have sonle doubts about hov.• good an idea it is.)
I agree 1hat it's not fair to a Ree1Je Cat to dry-sail iL It should be kcp1 ""''·prefer-
ably wilh sall waler, as you sugges1. I suppose the re=n sah wnterscem< 10 inhibi1 ro1
somewhat i10 that the salt aura<·t~ moisture. so lhe cycle~ from \\'el ro dry'1 a~ dra..~
tic as they are in fresh \vater.
The Beede Cat is a living fossil. h was designed in 1920. bul i1 wus almosl o.< rcac-
lionary then"" it i> now. In ii> proportions. share. cons1ruction, and rig. ii'< a 1ypicnl
production boa1 of the early 1900s. 'Ibey knew a lot abou1 mas< production in those

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µ, · A ~ 'bJ c:J >l) ctl' TUR 21.28 ~l
- -, 05.01.2019
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104 SAii iNC 1 RAii FK HO:\ rs

day>. but Ute)' doJ><nded on a pool of crafhm<rl "ho woulJ wort ,1c.1J1ly .11 t1..111cmdi11~.
rcpc1i1ivc wort. The lh"'-'hold of borcJom ha' hccn "eaJrly druppini; for 50 or 60
years. such thal a le<J.nt Jile the one at the Conc..'orJia ("on1fk1ny. \\/here 1he Beetle~ are
now built. i~ phenomenal. I think it'< much heuer 10 lhc rn 19114 than rn 1904. but•
respo:ctful bow is in nnter for the ""do it rigl11 o'er anJ O'er. fo,f" cmfhmai1.J1tp that \\"5
uoce taken for- granted.
As for fiberg_fass 'l·onSITU<:"lion. once a crofts:rnun h:t\ or);:11u1..:d the operation. good
boai. can be built by people who ha\c-n"1 'JlC"' )CaN leomrng how. dnn'1plan10 do ii
all dl<ir live<, and are thinking about <0me1hins el~ whrlc th<) work flul 111<: pro<luc-
lion se1Up bas 10 be so elabora1e 1ha1 unle" you can >p<CaJ u.., 'tartin$ co,1 over""'"'
boat~ than tl1eapparent ik1n:i11ll for U.CXtlc Ca<~. the price~°"' into orhil. Al,o. lhc n1o~t
econun1ical lYJ>C or libergl~ cun~tn1c1ion produce' \'Cr) hcu\'y boat~.
I decided to pick up your sugge:-.rion for tack·nnd·lflpe con-.tn1ctio11, but I should
1nencion thar it's e"-pensive to de:1:ign on ~ccoun1 of the crh:l.y prvJ..;(tiuu' of dtc prcf.-ib-
rit~ated panels. an<.I it'~ noL c:cono1nical for 3 full·tinle prufc~!'liunal lo build b\.'c.:nu~c chc
job ha..:. to ke!.!p Stopping 'Nhile lhe rc~in (.'UH~\. 11lC lir~t pmj\!ct or\\ htU ht?talll\o! the Cap\.'
f>ory Con1pany \Vas an experinlenral hatch of light dorie~ u~in~ thit.\"! con-
srn1c1io11. Tbe hulls they buih for me w~r'e Jigluer nnd proved to '"""I up bo:lter 1hm1 che
l'.uuvc1uional ply\\loOd doric~ I \VtlS on.k:ring cl~C\Vli•.;r¢ :u the 1in1c. bot they 'vcrcn·t
con1pcti tivc in labor c.·osL The n1cthod j, good 1\>t• p~u·t·tiOlC buildcl's \11110 hilvc to v.·ork
in short $tints \Vilh lo ng gaps in het\11een~ ilin1ilnl'ly. i1 t'nigh1 \\'01'k out for a nHlQnlight-
ing prof~s$jo11al. ·rhe 011/.v \vay to g..~c n ont!·off bunt buil1 1.' ht'nply ,.:; to fln<.I so1n~body
who for sunte reason is willing 10 discounl a Jut of hcl' cinu.:.
The nicely rorn1ed forefoot of the Beel IC (.':u (.''Ut' I he duplicatcU in -.hc.;l-ply\VOOd
c{lns1ruction, but !he di fference In beh:ivior is <111ih! snl;ill. The Ree1le would he hetter in
a small chop if the two boms were chc 'amc wolghr. but rhc lig.hter wci~hl of 1he ply-
v.·ood boat probably just about evens the si.;(lf C. 1llc 1110,l noti<.·cabl..: ~tt<.:l'ifl.;c i' Jook ....
The snuhhcd, shaHO\\f ho\V of the pl}'\.\'OOcl ho:1l \Viii :-.lir up u ~h~1pc.Jc ...:-. heap or foan1 in
place of 1he clear, curling bow wove ol'1hc flec1lc. Some 1hi11k 1he fo1111er is preuier; on
advcrtisiHg agcllC')· oJlC'e rclou~:hcd a plloco of a lXl'"~rboar I'd th.·1,,j~uc<.1. cu -..ho\v 111ure
The ply,vood Bobca1'1,,cen1erhoard i\ '"'ell fo1"\v::u"<l. ns in 1hc Beetle C'al :ind in 1900
pra..'1ice gencr:illy. I used to chink 1he rud<kr outln 001 10 hi: made 10 can;• any or the
lalcr:il-plane function. bu1 I"' c changed Ill)' mind. Cah with •hallow r\r<kk:r- have a bad
orunc for "-cathcrcoclin,g again\t a h3n.J...ovcr rudJer "~>en thcy'n! 0\'CfPU'"-ered. but
!-inc.-e I learned to pul end plale'.'> ac'°')\ 1he houorn' of lh\!" I ha\cn·l had any
complain1' abou1 this. I <1aned u<ing end plare• abou1 15 re:ir- ai:o. and l"w readied the
poinl \vb.ere a rudder'\\ ithotH one look\. naki..-d to Jlk.·. If<- a1rJoni,hin~ ho'v h-h:1Uo\\ a n1d-
dcr can be and MiU >leer tlx: bo.•t. if 1hc w:i1cr i, lcpt from ni<hin~ off the bouom of lhc
blade. I have an idea the principle could do wnnJer< for .J1allo\\ I.eel' mid bi1¥c lt"<''-'·
1hoogh making lhe ho<i?Onlal pan •tmn~ cnou~h ;, a pmhlc111 1hcf\:.
l haven·1duplkared111<: curved cockpll ro:unin~ or 111<• B«:lle Car. I like 1he tool'
of ic. bti1 it doc.sti"t :-ccm to M1i1 rhc 't)'lc of lhl' pl) wc•od t.x11 "' w.:11. and there·' no
funt·tional a<.lvanc1ge. h's anecunun1y in a :-.hup v.·ith :1 .)\~::un bu\ guin~ ._,11 the tune and
a "-teady supply of fresh.cut oak con'lin~ in, hul nol .)()inn pl)''''ood·J11<.l-gluc up..·rulion.
The ri~ -;carted 001 to be :. standanl B~tll! rig. left fl\·cr fnun a pt:ri~hi.;d hull or
bou~hl ll~\~.. frorn Coni.·orJia.1'l1e boo1n. gnff, ;u1d ...:\11 \l,O\\'tl lllt~ \vi1hin the Beetle cla:-.s

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limit>. The mast is a linle longer Ulan that of th~ llce1k. partly boc•u>c llubcat ha> a
higher IXl\\' and panly be<-.ausc I ~ Boole~ ~ailing "'ilh Je,, n1a\thc:.d above lhc gaff
jaws than I like. I lhink a gaff sail <et< and <lrul<l< be<I with the peak halyard hl0<·k well
up-at a right angle off the middle of the gaff. if 1>os<>ible
A gaff sail Jil,e lh1s can be cut just a, clOS<'-wind<.'d a:. • jibhc:idcd .,..;1 It Oic i,1alf
··""!.'> uir:· ir , be<:aUSt' the .ail i> not set ur <heeled prop:rly. and the '38 can happen ju>t
as "'"ily to the top of a triangular sail. 1t•s true th>t thi< ~ail will t\\i<t up" hen ii'< ,J:i<kcd
out to run before a <tiff l:>reeze. lose wme power. aml do that >eary rolliniH<>-" 11ld" nrd
act The mudeni dinghies don't have that vie<:. The reao.on i'> not their jibhc:ldcd >ail> but
lhcir claborJlc \'angs or "kicking straps•• that oontml 1hc boom. I'm ~un: you don '1 \.\'anl
to 00.hcr with one of those. and the foot of the s.1il \\OUld h.1ve 10 1'e cut n 1<11 hii:her to
take it. Another way to do it is 10 use a sprit boom "ith its heel up about "here the lm•er
rn•>t hoop is shown here. I just came »ho« from Otc lir>t tri•I' of a 450-.'1.iu•re-f<X>l i;aff
cat rigged that \.\'ay. She'~ a goud sailer \\'ith a11 arnunct good rn:anncr'. nnd ~:10,c 4 \vindcc.I

by any standal'd. but the rigging of the sprit boom is ;omewhat complex. and unfmniliur
to most peopl~. l settled here for u long traveler hon.e anti the foll ufthc mai1bhee1 taken
to a lee si<lc clcal lo <lainp lhc gyr.itions of th\.' bocnn !-.01nc\.vhut.
1\ real advantage of the gaff rig in a cal is lhal the ~ail arcn doesn't n1ovi: u~ far ror 4

\Vartl when you reef as it does in a cnt v.·i1h a fl'inng,ukir sail. The 1nore n cn1is expected
to be rccl<.·.d. the less her gaff should lx.~ pt~akl·(J. h's t·vco pussiblt.~ that a tccf nc.:ro!t:, th~
peak of the snil , tied up t<> the. gaff and tying ofi a trinnglc t'ro1n the thl'out out to ~lune
point on the leech, \\'ould he useful. They used 10 reef huccners 1hn1 \vny.
l can·t rmhom why the Beetles. and most cats this si1e. use purchn<e< (Ill peak hal-
yi.:ffd~. 1\IJ this does is slov.· dov.:n hoisting and clutter lhe boat \i.tilh tv.•o or thn:<.· tinu.:~ {t:-.
111uch expensive n>pe as is needed. Gall snils ~l so usuaHy hav1; ul ICtt\l l\ViCl.l: as n1ttny
mast hoops as they need. If this boat wel'e mine. rd cleat the halynrtls at th~ foot or th~
n•ast in5t('<.td of tun1ing tht~m through deck. blocks. buc a <'asc can be 1nndl-.. for kl!~ping
Cl'e\\' \Vei~hc an \Vhile hoisting anc.l )O\\'Cring. The rig ~hov.·u \\'Vrks \VClJ if' th~ l.IC<.'k
blocks ru·e big enough and have good hearing,.

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nl C Mosa ustu t Mustafa » ,{'- A ~ 'bJ c:J >l) ctl' TUR 21 .29
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~ Libra!)~ I 1111 i= •. I - - '4 ~

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2 Brick
8'0 " x4'0"

Brick. sta11ed as an ('Xercisc in ho\1,. 1H11ch bout could lX' buill lHll of th1'cc 4 x 8-foot
shl!ets of p ly\1.:ood. ll' .s a :1i11'1plc plciLt;lffl! IC> coin<.· l) UI even \Vi th 110 ~rap l~ll over. I try
1101 to Jet chis ga1ne he(.·01nc an ohsession: 1hcrc's 1111 8 x .32-inch rectangle here for
\vhich l dicln'1 s1rajn ro find .n place.
She's prnclicall)' a srnkd·up To11oh e Puul (6 fool 6 i11ohn by 3 fool 2 i11chcs. sail!
\vith a little 111alicc to be 1ny best dc..·.1;ignj. The sides nrc ion hii;h to ro\v 1,,. 't•n1fortably. bu1
she'll carry rour n1en and a big. frigh rened dog, ~vi1h plrn1y nf h11nya11cy lef1. s1ill ohle
10 sail lhough wilh lots of noisy wa,es.
Buih of \1-inch plywood as spc-cilicd. she j , flim,y. I had a half·jo~ing lcllcr fron t
a huilder descrihing the di ..1011ion!\ in her \h:1pc :ind 1~r C\"Cnn1:al dixint.:gr:uion a!t he
and his crew hiked ou1 10 drh\! her. I re1011ed (wi1h 3 bad roni.cicncr. '"I'd l()lal.>d a
~fortobe lhc ~ainc \\ta)') th::tl ~in<.·c driving hc.r ,,,oold11·11nu~c hc1 go fn~cr. on at.."'\.'0\1n1
of ~ging do\vn in her o\vn "·a\'C'3. 1hcrc \\':'-' no cxcu:i.e for bn.·akin~ ,..._,. up. Briel
would hehave perfec1ly L>uih of 1h -inch plywood and >la1ll<!n.-d wi1h epo.<y lillcb. 11131
\\.llllkf 1nake hcr rut?gcd. but a I()( lllOre e.'<J)L'll'l\i\'C' and ''' iC\"' ;u: ht"3\')' 10 call)' around.
''ilcn!'as lbe d~blc. \'C'r.iiou " •ill la'it a long 1inlC " 'ith hun1:inl! handling.
It's di.s<'OOC'Crting 1ha1 these hox ho<11s do C\'Cl)'lhing heller llmn claborntrly mod-
eled hoars of the S:lOlt' O\'emll dinl¢nsionl\., if rhcy ho1h h:l\'C 10 \.'U:rT) lhc &.u nc load.
Rounding or cape-ring lake-<; a\\ ay \'Olun1t: 1hc bo:ll !\Cllk-' deeper in the \\'atcr a nJ 111alf..-~
<lee.per. ~1ecpcr \vav~. le"~ possible that runnin,g the.· botto1n 'tr.1iµh1b-1ck10 a ~rrcctly
r\X!languJar 'ilern \vou1d increase capacity n10rt.' than rl·~i~ttuu."C. ·11t~ d\"Cptr transo111
\'lOUld fit on the stipul~lted ply\vooU if t~ 1·ut1dcr '"'ere 1n~tllc :--hnll0\11.'i.!I' ("•hich it couJd
stnnd), and the- c1uat1er Mlees lli,plnccd by the ~1nrocke1·cd nfrcl' ~i<lc:- \Voukl just u~e up
that lc:flo\'cr n:ctangl..:.

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Masa ustu " Musta f a " ,f. @ 'Q c:J ») ,(}, TUR 21 17 ~
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ton4e.m Brick


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C Mosaustu •• Must a fa " ,{'- A ~ 'bJ c:J ») ctl' TUR 21 19
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VERY S~.1..\U. &OATS

..I\ good reason fur the r<>l'l crcd stcn1is1h;.11 .;.he's (lesi~ntd to drive ~lt·n1-li~L under
1>0v.eer. The n1otor is 1nountcd C">n 1he raked bo\\1 l r:tnsorn v. here it doc~n't inll!rfcre \Vi1h
the- ntddt·r or foul the 1nnin~hee•. Th(' side-!\h:ppc:J n1a~1 leave' the (..'el1fe1line ntot.or
JUOUnt \Virh mdder <hipped or tilkr la...ticJ. and the sail rolled 111>. she~°"" back-
v.-:.rd a.~ faS( as fOl'\'-':trd: lhat is, not \'Cry fas-1.
TI~ photo sf1~·:. Bernie \Volfard's 1wo R1icks: pinll\.,--d in tanJcrn un a l'\.'.'ntra1 ~pacer
to male an 18-foot schooner. •-astly roomy. The amalgam;, du1!l'Y to handle. hut fO( a
fantily outing i1 cooju:red up sornc plca.....an1 M."Cn3rio:.,. Tb! cen1rnl uoil. Grvat. \\'3~
decked watertight 10 stow picnickinl' suPf1lics, and the rwo din~hie> Nold b<' fr<'cd in a
few minutes to sail separately. The aggrcg~tc i> much f:'.bter 3nd """" •mblc thru1 the
M" cornp:HlCnt.s.

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13 Cruising Rowboat
2 1·0· x so·

--- --::v

This buat was <.k·signcJ fur t rllising around Luk~ ~1ichi~:t1n fro1n the ucighborhoo<l
o r Chit·ago as far as l\tlackin(lC lslnnd. l)r. Ncnad Belie srcci llc.:J lhul sht.! he able (O carry
ha1f a ron of supplies <lnd keep rhe 1;,C:l in nny ""'cn1h~-..r. in c~'sc n dn.~:un l'l l•jsc acroi,i, th1.·
North Pacific canll! to pas!..
At the pov.!er a single oarstnan can keep up. a bonl 1norc than l 5 feet long c.J oe!t-n ·1
go rast enough for \vavemlking to h~ 'Oigr~ificnnt. All her hydrodyna1nic drag is fmn1
'vcue-<l·surf:ice fricEion. The 1nosc effective "":lY 10 reduce v.'tttcd surface is It) anakc 1hc
boo1 compac1. The onc·-shorHon full-lood Jisplnecmcn1 aimed 31 <'OU Id be c<irricd by n
hcn1i.~.phcre 5 feel in diameter~ lhe hoac \\lould he :t <.•onlplctc :ro.rhcl\'.'. half 1tnn'K'
That v.•ouJd have 1he nlinimunl of \ve11ed surf~ce. h!.u ::u ahnut 2 nl.Jl.h. high dr:ig fron1
\ and turbulen1 Row ,,,ould SCI in. and sh<.· \VOttld nOI i;o ~•raighl \Yi1bou1 a
big skc~ which would pul back a ~.ood deal of1hc ""' in11 in >urfuc-.: at\:J. Some 1a11~ 1csi.
on a proposed hen1ispheric:il Oooting fon ~ho"'\.~ 1hat at a very h>''' ~pt.-cJ. airul~'i
eddie• enveloped the nidder and mode it unromrolloblc. lk<icle<. 1hc 5-foot <phcrc h.•s
no ploce to lie down.
rve f0\1.·ed a 19-fool-\\'alerline boa1 a good rnany rnile.> \¥ithoot 1nuch ~•n:ss. lo a
dead calm and a !\mooth ~a. that i~ pmh.1hly more 1han the: optifnunt lcn~lh. but (.VO-
sidering do\VR\Yind (O\\•iog :uld \\."'3\'C encoun1et. ii ~n1ed ;a likcl)' choice for Dr.
Relic"> boa1. The bow wa, made >h"'f> e110t1¥h 10 'Plit .mall""'"'· 1he .icrn full·lin<>J
but \\'itll a large ~keg to <.:ontrol cJdy·n1aldng. A 1.k·i..·pcr. ~11<>t'l~I' fin could h:i' c lcs..~ areo.t
bul v.·oulJ pick up lloating \I/Ced. The vertical tnliling cJg~ \1.:ill ta"c a rudd~r the O\Vllcr
intends to 1ry; jt n1ay pay \\•hen m\i:ing hcfo<<! the \Vind. \V~ discus!'l~d fiuing ~ lecbot.lnl
(tl'.\'f co111ilu1C'tl an pllg£ 5Y) 1

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Key to Construction Plans

1. HtAlshell~ant '12 ° cedar strips. mal<imum as with the boat bonom-uo the weight of water
wdth about t 1/;", edge-nai!OO with 2· 14 galva· on each cou1d be as much as 250 poonds.
nized Anchorfast nails on about 6' spacing. stag- 13. Venu atO<S with baffles and flush ra,.,.is
gered 8 '_ Epoxy-glueo and sealed throughout. up of 11• • plywood assembled wnh epo><y f~­
Dynel·sheathed on the exte<ior. Inside, in W"f o f lets. Don' t oiler the geometry or these vmts wrtn-
the rowing well, sheatne wnh t 0-oz. glass doth out checking with me as they are oe9gned to be
turned up the ins"de faces of !he well.
immune 10 flooding through 360 dc<Jrces of roll.
2. Deck sim~ar to hull but with center flat Hinged-plate dampers inside with screw ildjusters
between the hatches 112" p;ywood. as diagrammed.
3. Stem and stempost lam;nated. sided 14. Drains of venulators about 1 · square open
2 1/;", mo'ded 1\h". straight throvgh both sides of hull.
4. Sheer clamp from %" x 1 1/2 •. 15. Stringers over oarports l/1" >< I '12 •.
S. Deck transom 1h" plywood whh 3;.· fas· 16. Faces of oarport ramps 1/•" plywood.
lening rrame. 17. Sills of ramps •;,·.
6. Web frames 1/2" plywood; no fostening 18. Drain channels of flush hdtche; I" wide,
lrames; cove out against hull and deck planking
2" deep. with o~rboard drains at the corners
with epoxy fillets about 1/i" radius. adjacent 10 lhe web frame>. The channels extend
7. Stem cap sided 11/2". molded as dimen- from Frame 3'~ 1/2" to frame 18' to lorn1 deck
sioned on the lines drcnving. girders. They're covered flvsh with the deck
8. Skeg sided 1 1/2 ", built up as shown or a> between the hatches.
convenient (could be plywood), faired as shown 10 19. Hato:hes 1/2" plywood with l/•" square
31. • face along the bottom and '!." face up the perimeter flanges 10 111 imo the drain channels.
after edge. Seal with epoxy. with soft rubbcroid sealing around the outside
edges to m1nimi1e the amount of water the chan-
9. Sister lceelsons of Yi· plyvvood f0<m
nels oroins mvst handle. E.lch hatch is to have two
inboard faces of water tanks and bins. and walls oi
lanyards which may be at the ends or sides, per-
the rowing-sleeping well. Cove out v.ith epoxy fl-
lets to the bonom on borh side.•. manently fost to the hatch and made fast to "n
adjacent deat under the deck, each side 0< eno.
10. Transverse wals o' fresh water cells 'I>"
20. Struts to SUPPOft pardy.qien hatct>cs.
plywood, all filleted wa;etlighL (These water cells
They jam into the drain chaMels, with notches at
are suppo5ed to be filled with seawater as they're the upper ends to ht the hatch flanges. One 9 "
elJl)tied of fresh water, to maimain a self-righting
(shown), three 6", <'Ind three 1'12· wedges, all
ballast ratio.) At least two of them sho.ild always
with no-lose lanyilfds Any edge of each hatch can
be lull.)
be propped up to the sel«ted opening and lashed
11. Breasthoo!<slroml'lz"x3 1/2". oo.>m hard on i ts strut wrth the hatch lanydfds.
12. Bin flats '12· pl}'\'OOd from end to eno; The hatc~es can also be remoYed entirely and
3;a • x t" cleats on hull side need not be con!Jnu- stowed instde.
ous. Cove up against hull side. Take $0eCial cate 21. Oars: twO pairs 8', one pair 9'; consult
with fastenings and glue in way of the water ce'ls, owner for design, leathering, etc. All stow under

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the deck as shown with shock-cord-anc·toggle 30. End pil.i<s lt• · x4" ,rabbetted and !.haocd
slings to web frames. h" shank offset oarlocks to plan-view e-.!ipse snap<> of canopy.
with two spare pairs: *Ashb<eeie• type recom-
fl'ended if available. The oars are supposed to h.M! 31. Windows It· Lexan bent to plan-view
'abric sleeves inside the ports. perma11('fltfy 'ast rur;es of the canopy
around the port fanges w11h enough slack to dlow 32. Penmeter of canopy lop CdM!O from a
a ful Slrolce, and wilh large enough open;ngs to laminated bloc\: to f1n1Sh not more than 3/•" thick,
•I aw the b1ades of the oars to be drawn inthrough rabbetted to take window$.
them. The slack 'abnc at the withcrawal openings 33. Flat center of canopy top 'I•· pywood.
taken up semi-watertight with elastic lashings
around tl"e looms of the oars. Ir is supposed to be 34. Track for roll1og seat dboul 33' long.
possible tQ lay the oa<s in to the position shown on 35. Rolling seat 12 • x 23 '. sli9l'llly shaped as
the outboaro arrangement drawings without dis- shown and fitted with a 3* foam cushion: consult
turb·ng the sleeves, and to unship the oars forward oi.vner about mate<1a of cushion cover. ~ou r
into the boat, with the port ge<>metry shown. wheels about 2" diameter
22. Brackets to support outboard ends of laid-
36. Rack for foot braces w11h detents Qn about
in oars.
2" centers.
23. Socket and bracket for seven-fool stall of
37. Foot braces pivoted on • full-brl!adth
radio antenna and radar reflector. The staff can be
transverse bar. Seat and foot braces have to be
an aluminum tube. Mount VHF etc. in consultation
wi th the owner, perhaps port side forward of and
removab'e to clear t11e rowing we I for sleeping.
above the oarport. 38. Four-footed 8" bronze cleats port and
24. Removable lids of stowage bins: provide starboard, bolted throu9h transom reinforcement.
hole-down latches. One 6" cleat forward n the vent ramp as 'hown.

25. Covors for bins at each end of rowing \Wll 39. Stem fitting made up from 111&" x 1 1/2"
11• plywood. All bin covers have holes for lifting stainless stc>el straps to form a y, .. lh;ck eye for a
and vent ilation more or less as shown. 'fl• shackle Sphce a four-foot W· 1 >< 19 strand
wire pendant to the shackle. w th a T ftttmg on the
26. Plastic screw plates for water cells at least
outer end made up of about 1.4" outside diameter
6" diameter. pipe wit h 6 • leg and 4 · crossbar. Anchor warp,
27. Spherical bulkhead-moonted 4' magnetic 112' diameter by 200 feet. os mad<> fast to tho 1
compass. and paid oot until the pendant takes up the strain
28. lcdgci of canopy 'rem ~, • x t • • with the tail of the warp slaclc. This arrangement i s
supposed to el mnate chafe. The anchor bed
29. Side p ilars J/• • x 6 •. rabbened to take
winoows. 14-pound Deha panem and wil also "'""" as a
droque with 0< withoot some added drag.

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('R(Jl~l/l.'G H()WH()/11 59

~ _.___ _.• ; _- :-; :_i ·-:_- - - -·- --~

10 keep her from crabbing in side winds. but my gue~s is thal the ,hallow. rt)unded hull
will make less drag by crabbing than the drag of a l•'d><Ktrd big enough to 'l•lf' the crnb·
bing. ·inc lccboanl 1night be a godse.nd if she had 10 \\'ork alnng a lee ~horc in ::in over·
powering wind. h can easily he tined 10 drop through bt·•cket' fo1ward of lhc ompon>.
If you could count on cahlb. this would be a fino sinikhanJc·r. abk 10 cover "'
much :is ~O mile. a day and get into place,; open 10 no oihcr enclosed boot. l'"c been
comfonoblc for a month in wocse cahin;. This one CQU!d he rea1r.1nged to acco1111110da1r
o t'Ouple, with increased t:111ge by laking tums rowing.
A >lt'Oll$ wir>d f<XWar<I of the beam will break the hean of any oan.num. J\ll tha1 can
be dooc i!<i to wail it out. beached~ anchored. or, offshore, riding to a parochucc drasiuie.
TI1C pendant <hackled to the eye in the Siem takes the warp of onchor or droi:oe clear of
chafo. With an air mattn..""'- in the footwell on the a.~e. of pitch and rt~I. and with• radar
reftt!\.'1or displayt,'tl. the waits oot the bad chanc:c in patient relaxation. llx.: b<xu
can be closed in tighL wi1h \'entilo1ion from the bafncd opening• at the end<. TilC<e
ve11t< are ducted lo preclude flooding e\'en wi1h 1he hoa1 bott(lm-up. and >he i> i11>t:mtly
self-righting frorn bouom up. In better wea1her. ventilation i> controlled by opening LI><:
thn.:e h<itchcs at various angles. retaining shade.
1did e\•erything I could think of to t•ut \Vind rc~i~tancc, to enable her 10 keep goinG

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bO R0\'ilNC l.IOA·I S

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CRl!ltlNr. ROIY8f>AT 61

-=--- -

...____.... --
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0tg<lin~l •-tnd ;1<.To~s soinc \Vind 'fhc roundcd·off r.:ti:-..ccl tlct.:k v.•ith flu:-.h hntchcN and
1-.....-cessed ventila1or>. and the rounded hood for 1he o:irsrnan·, head. \VCl'C de:-.igned for
the leas1 po:...t.ible v.'ind drag in all c.Jirectjon~. Or. llclir think!t 1h:u lhi-. i~ IC\~ i1nporhlnl
tbau 1 do. With hb high-kchnology buil<ll'r. Ste\'o Najjar of Palo Aho. Culifonuu. ho
dcvi!->cd an angular alunlinuo1·fran~ed hood \\lith hinged u.•inl10w~. and ti11ed her vvilh
metal-framed hatches that protrude a couple of ioches abo\'e deck. A 101 of nn11oyi11~
drips may be pre•-entcd and •·cntilatiou impnwcd. Wind n:•i•t:tnce i> doobkJ. The urgu-
mcnt i~ that C\'CO the •~~r i~ prohibitive, hu1 I'm unconvinced that there aren't
borderline ~ituations 1hat \\•ould justify 1he original d~ign.
1be o.1tp0f!S accommodate 9-foot oors with counterweighled loom~. with 1wo pair..
of 8-fOOI oor.. "1ung up under 1hc tlt..:k in n,-,.,m:. 1be oar.. rnn he laid in alnlO>l p;ir.d-
lcl. and P"'-..:d inboard from the laid in l""ition_ 1be p<>rts arc v:ih-..-d with lOOM: sk'C''"
in.,ide. slack enough 10 allow a full swing of the oar.- wi1h<ltu bindin~. The wri<t' of th.:
,,.,.,,.•, opeo wide enough to pass the blade.- of the oor< throujlh but are jlalhen.-.J around
the l00t11>. n~lf the grips. with cla!.tic lashings.
·me boat was designed before Dr. Belie chose a builder. :-.<> I :-.ho'ft•ed 'hcttthcJ strip
planking a."i. the least de1nanding i.vay 10 execute rhe conlplex "'IH11>e. S1ci.·c Naij:ar i~
exp.: rt at cold-molding. which saved a couple of hundred pound.~ of" eight \\· ith no IOS>
of .strength. An inlcnn1.xtiatc po~sibility ~·oold ha\·e been a t'oa1n-c.·on·J OI' b:tl\u~co1\:U
Jibcrglas..\-sand\vich :-.hell.

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61 r! Q 1.~' IN C GOA rs


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26 Japanese Beach Cruiser

3.8meters (12'6")x1.8 meters(5'6")

De.:ir Phil:
I wonder if you could design a leeboard cat-yawl, a craft lhdl could h•ve •ccornpa·
nied the Swallow. Amazon. and Scarab ol Arthu1 Ransome's books, for my ust' on Mpon's
Inland Sea. A leeboard version of rhe loose-footed spntsoil ro1-yawl shown in you1 100
Small Boat Rigs would be about right.
Although I have rnade only your lorto1se and l eal, I want 10 bui d 1 myself. I feel that
plywood lapstrake with minimal frames would be suitab'e fo1an amateu1 builder like
This, I th"1k, would make a unique boat

I've made this boat a lin~ .boner and "idcr than ti'°"' in the boob: 3.8 by 1.67
meten,. Ot' 1.8 me1ers "'ide O\'cr thc k"Cboard guards. as again" obom ~. I by 1.35 m.:tc"-
With the prJ.111 bow we con make her more comf)<lc•. but I <usse.1 lhc bow mainly
becalL'IC ii >uits 1be plywood lopS(rake constmctinn. Tbe elm plnnking of 11tc old Bri1i>h
dinghies could be steamed to take the >harp cur>e in 10 1hcir poin1cd bow,.1>t11 'teaming
plywood is ineffoctive. Also. a kcboankr needs tu carry her br~:idlh fart her fnrwnfd
thrn1 is usual in centerboarders to get bearings !Or the bonrd" v.•ithout a clu1nsy prujcc·
tion of the leehQard guard~.
The stability of the pt'run shape is about the !'kuuc rlS 1hat of u v.1cll~(aircd. p<~int..:<l·


127 p41/436)

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::i.Allll\G TRAIUR SO:\TS

ho\\' hoat :.i 1neler lon,g~1-. ihc long.:r boat could be dri\ l"n harder in l'uugh \\o'tUcr but
v. ouJd be hca,•icr and le:!\S agile.·.
For t1uisiu.g. it seemed \\orth\\.'h11c to 1n3ke rour hont cl~1ll?'r in,i<k than a <."{lnven-
Lional '3iling dinghy <o 111:11 ad11l1< can,;, <lo"·n inside. well hr;iced, nnd al>J,• 10 ,ail her
for many hou~ witbou1 growin)l dan~eromly 1ircd anJ 'Liff. Added 10 lhe hi~1 •id<.·; b
t"tlough "''• \U)unll' to 1nakc.· her i1111nunc 10 ''''u1np1ng. "lh:!l-1.? fat.1or.. prudu<."C a
boat tho.'\t t·m1 face rough \\~lcr and lo.~ liu1e ti1nc :ind di1;.1;ulC'~ 10 pnHknce.
The en<fa of the boat are \hown hulkhca<k'd \\alentglu. and 1he chamber,, urx1er 1h..-
coc:kpit henches are al«> watenigh1. The boat can be -.iikd willl all lhc: \\akr her CO<'k-
p;1 cao hold. L"nkss she •«·nt all lhc wny o\'t"r to bonom-up. >I><: \\OUld rc.-ov~r from any
l.oocl.du\\11- lf a big breaking <ea diJ pul h.?r ut"itlc down. •I..- woukl flwl hi~h mid
could be righted by \\.Tapping a line around her p;.\rhucl..le.f;a,hion. lO allo" her Cl':\\' to
stand on th~ under.;id< of 1he lccboard guar,1 oJtd hike 0111.
Th~ last ::.ct..nario llcp;·nd) on •h~: M·<:urity ol tlK.· lot\\'t1rd h;uch. \\ hich ~houh.1 do,g
du'\'H on ga~kct~. The hatch opi:ning giv~s ucl.:'1.·:-.:-. tu the StO\\'\-d ca1uping g1.·ar. \\'hich
!'-houl<l :-.tay dry. The dry hold can 1nake the difl'\?rcnc\! hel\\'Cl!n contcnt111..:nl and 111isery
after a rough passage. The "fcn1 co1n1xu1111ent ancl side chn1nht.:~ could fHl\•~ !'-i1ni1ar

128 p421436)
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halchcs. but lht· 111un: o~nings tht·rc an.:. the 1nore liki:Jy it i!-. that one \Viii be npcn al lhc
\Vn>ng tilnc. The drainage i~ arr.mgcd lo gel condcn~alion \Yater (or. peri~h 1he 1houglu.
leakage) to 1he accessible forepeak by canting •he boa1.
nic sides and after conlj)artments could be filled with foam 10 noai Iler high if you
;bould hi! her against a rock. I would ha•-c some foam if she were mine. about a tenth o f
a cubic 1neter sJuog up under the bench scats, in ca...;;c I "'anted to pu1 sonlC in10
he1 for singlehandiog. Tb:tt much foam would enwre •hat she wouldn·t go out from
under me if •he had a hole punched an her. or if I lost the hatch rover. I wouldn't have
•Ouch more because foam i~ hea't<icr lhan most people rcah1..c; il \\'CtlkJ be C:l\Y 10 add
enough weight to be a handicap on a steep beach.
1be cockpit is 2 meters long with the benches and bottom clear for sleeping in lhe
boat. IL would be po!>Sible to use the mainsail for a rent by devotin!l some thuuti111 tu
gmmmcls in !he sail and padcy•-s on the hull located LO cumpcn.>:tlc for the irregular
•hape of the sail. I haven't gone into that. as i!'s be'L done by mock-up on tho boal.
An arched thatch shelrerover ahe cockpit, as is nr used 10 he common in your local-
ity. is an auraciivc idea and suirs the style of 1he boot. I'd use n Dacron cover on fiber-
gla!'.l'i b<J\1iS in place of the thatch on ba1nboo. to rnakc:- it easier to ~lo\\· \Vht.:n il 's nol

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The Jcchoard~ are 1he ~in1p!es1 1>0,,ihl!! I) ('IC. 8ro;Kt. thin llQ.11d, li~c 1he ..e g;:iin ne>..L
to noihing by foil section': rhey"re lla1 e.xeep1101 t.•notijlh \.'d~t· f:11r1n~ to nvuit.I l"h;.ltler-
ing. The pi,'ots coru.b.1 of 9111111 ropt.· cau~hl '''ilh \topper J..nOC1' lhroo~h hole~ iu the
hoard'. taken ovcr tile ~llO\l-:tlc~ and~• up to clc:H, ju't in, .
..\pan fron1 heing cheap and hard 10 cL1nt.i~e. thi' :uTan~ntenL 111aJ..c, it .:a ..y 10 take
the board' off \\!hen <he boat i:.n't under -ail. They <tow acr°'' the af<c1dcd. Tiie pi'OI
ro~ need~ freque111 tightl'ning a.\ ii \tn:ltill''-t'a') lodo '",the \.'lcat,, II t.l°"•,o't hold
thC' boo.rd:) line..~ up IOn:-and-aft. ;:uxl. if the) 'r~ lc(I dtru·n off th~ \\'uki. ti-.:} ' n: apl lo "-itl!'
out off the guardo;. and skitaer along the ,urface. \\'hen the hoo.11 'lid' '1<le'"'a)'~. one
hoard \\'ill .;"·ing hack in '"ith tl h.unp tllld a ;en:-. I'' e kno,~·n n ho:u \\ ith 1h1 ... :-1mn1ge~
ment 10 t~ ca1:tSi2ed by 1hejolt in a hanl jit>1..·. but it"~ not h~1d to 1~1\\e prC\·onuioiK.
"Ille bo..'lt is loo high-<\i<l(.-d to rt)\\' con1ror1;1hl)' front ~' '1llilll:! Jx;...ili()ll. \,() rv\'.'
1nadcd lhC' locks for rO\\'ing :-.landing, (acin~ (or\\'Ord. ·n,j,i,n' l an crtich.'lll \\3) to fV\\.
far. hut 1t•, very good for s~cing \\hcri: 1hc rocl, ;ire inn narrO\\' cntranc..·c. fl u:-.c<l Lo he
1he 1;.candard 1nechod u1 f\.1alne. \Vh('re thl" l~oa...l ha!!> a I<'' tn conHnon '" ith the In lnnd Sen.
·rh~ o;.trs. a rc ~ho,vu \Vilh a joint, to he.! t:tkl·n apart •uu.l\Vl"d in 1he h'Ktt\vell. hut I'd

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n 11 II

Lhink about using one.piece oa~ (Ind ~tO\Ving the1n i'lll nlonA 1he hnt"ln1kin over the
t•or longer distances. a yuloh \VOuld be less ciring. One r<:Clson <he ruUdcr is
rnountc<l on a skeg is Lo allo\\• plenty of fin are:l nfl \Vith the rudder 1,inncd. lo keep Lhc
iail from wagging 1he dog when sculling. The boat c<>uld be sculled wi1h n c<>ckpi1 ~hcl·
tel' rigged. bul l'd keep the ro,ving arrangcn1enc shov.1n be.:ause it flltO\vSqui"·k<·r :uld
rnorc ct·rtain nlancuvcring..
The cal-yawl rig allows the boal to heave to wilh her bow well ur 10 the sea. TI>c
big spritsail is powerful for its heeling effec1. With no hoom to irip the bnni, irs espe·
cially guo<I in squally \WHther. Tbc foll of the >notter is brought back lo the coclpit >O
ii can be freshened a< ii strclchc.<. to keep the peak of the sail ><:I up light. The wo"'t fault
of a hoo1nless spritsail sho\vs up v.·hen you run free: The sheet docsn'l control the pe-nk
of the spril. which twist> forward of the mast and rolls the boat to windward ns wel I as
1ol\ing dri\'c.
The guy to the peak will keei> the sprit rrom going forward of the """m. It> cffcx-
ti"eness is limited by the sail bellying out below the sprit, but the guy "~II help <omewhat
and not be much in the way. ll "~II help to get hold of the peak wl~n furling ti~ >ail.
The reef hy folding the peal: Jown to the tack has b..-en lc-.tcd. ·nicrcclucc-d >WI i>
DO( close-winded. but eases ao o•-espowered boot dr~motically. If )'ou needed 10 "3il in
a really bard c hanc:c. a step and panoer chock (nor shown oo Ibo pion$) would allow
<tepping the miu.en at the forward end of the cocl:pit with the mainsail furled or. bcucr.
with the mainmast unstepped. The 1iny sail. 2.25 square meters. won't give enough
lhtusl lo drive the boat to windward, but she would go along under control reoching and
running ln a gale of \Vind.
This crofr would m'1kc a good s hip's boat with lifeboat cnpabilitie>. Compared" ith
a lifernft, her ability to sail a s hipwrecked crew to safety i> something tu >cl agnin.>t her
liability to clamage in a he:l\'Y·Wealher launching. She would tow lightly behind a
i.:-rui~cr too ~mall to take her on board: nod it's to be noted th~u ~01ne 17lh· and 18th ~
century exploreo;. Hudson for one. habitually lO\\.·ed si7.ahle bo::u~.

13t p 45/436)

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67 Leeboard Catboat
21·10· x 7•9· x 1·9·

'l'his boat \Vas designed ror Hugh rvtillcr, un 1\uc klund, NC\V 2'.culand. hnuthuiJdcr
ror his O\Vn use, osu~11Jy singleh<Jncted. The open s1t:rn \Va!-> "Pc<:ificd fnr rod..and..,.ecJ
fishing. 1Vith the long boom topped up out of the w11y. She""'" jtoing to b~ a 20-footcr
to lie in a plrticular shop. but l t~dkctl hi1n info pulling n h.anpor~u·y adl..lition tx:yontl the
shop doors. I suggestc-d 1hat on(.-e the :-.tern \Vas :1!10\vccl 10 ).ti<;:k 001 through lht.! door1;..
the boac mighr as well be s1re1ched ro 25 or 30 fret. buc he dug in hi< heel; at 22.
The follovling fiction, v.thich \VflS \Vril1cn for \V,~)deulltHll 11"1gntinc, i:, IOVM!ly
ba~c<.I on iny O\vn cxpcricnc-c. My boal ha" to be nux:h bigger thun thi!l- one bcl·ausc
she's 1ny office and drafling roon1 ao; \\'ell a~ rny honlC, ;tnd he.can~ the book~ to '"'·hich
I' 111 addicied are he.wy and bulky. She i< ulOOttd a< de.<eribed. chough oot behind a ser-
vke ~tat ion. '!be small boats on my lloat> are Spur II tChaJ>tc'< 11 ). a Shoebox 1'11111 (like
the Brcakdu\\•11 in Chapter I. hu1 one piece). and a nice ka)ul that D)namitc P.Jy"°"
built for me 20--0dd years ago and which ha< al,.·ay< had more ""' than anything cbc
'"" o"·ned. lfo ...l:e.•v: and SP<millll (Chap!"" 17 nod 22) arc iicd up a. I wriie: ,.,,·re
abotu 10 launch a yfi<:rooawler (Chapter 5-1). Olhc"' cimllmc 1hrougl1.

The Resident
1·heservit·e station. on lhc cau~~\\·:t) acn~ a !t>ah rna~h \.\Quid not be nllO\li-Cd 10 be
built no1A.'aday;c;. It is grJndfathercd and \varch~d hy agent~ of lh4.: l::PJ\, BchinJ tile' ~ta­
lion :.1 creek tv.:ists off through the nlarsh IO\\';lrd :• 1nain ch~u1n.;:ol of1hc i:stuary. his no\v
OOre 11n1d. A s111all cn1bing boat st:uu.I~ on the 1nud: ~h..~ \\'CH1ld ht up1ii;h1 on her Aat ki:cl
if the 1tn11.J \\'t'rt le\' cl. bul it isn' t. :•nJ the bo31 i!-> a lilllc ""'"'" by the he Old Olnd ..·~u11ed to


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l.E£BOARD CAT80A T 359


i '!'

r t ~

pon. A string of ftoat.s extend~ ovc-r the maM gra~(i. 10 high ground. 1\ ~av) elcc1ric
C3hle runs fmnl a tneter in the statinrl. do",." o\·er 1he flo.11~ to tht ho:u.. The floa1 con1·
pie\ b moored with anctior.; and;, assened to be temporruy.
\Vi1.b lltt.· tide ool. on a gr.ty day in Juoc. tlk· boat Jool~ forlorn. hut ii lhc O\Vncr
\W:rc on boani the cabin \\'Otdd look ~nug to him. The umbilicnl to ~hore r<>" cr allo~
him bright lights and a clean electric stove. He ha, built n re.-e" under the 'in~ for an
tlectrk ht'ater whoo<' fan keel"> the air from la}cring. 'llte n:c.-.., ;, high 1·nuugh tu b<:
\\ell above the bilge. and the AC wiring harness include~ circuil brcukcr.. if uny1hing i~
a little too scnsiti\'e. The 12-volt DC sy-.tem is entirely 'tparate. hut a baUef)' chn:r~er
can be plugged imo t~ AC oullets. The owner ;, defen,ive nhou1 hb depenckncc on
shore power but claims that he isn't trying to prove anything. Suppo>edly for <r11hint:.
he ha:-. 12-voll lights 3Jld an alt·ohol ~lU\'C. In fa<.'l. h<.· no longer c 1·uiM!:-.: hl; find' that
there is no place he \.\'ould l'ather be lhan here. 1\ dinghy lies on 1h~ outcnn('ISl


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t. - ----,--

.. L.__

float-<1uick to launch and sail on impulse. lcs winter equivalem ha wooden Whitehall
pulling boat. oow in covered •torJgc.
He has li\•ed aboard the hoa1 for 1wo years. since hi~ v.·ilC invited hi1n to nto\'e nut
of their house. Ar first he was in a marina. but his arTangcmcm \\•ith the service <tmion
i5 better. It'• cheaper becau.«e nobody else \vanL< lhe dry-out benh, and he is tu
hi~ car. It is quiet at nighL and the view ucrus.~ the m~h i~ beautiful. if he 111m) hi~ back
on the old tires piled behind the service station. There ore snowy cgl\.'1' at half tide, and
plovers and sandpiper> and terns and ducks at various tim..'l> and o<ea<.>n<: gull<io th<ir
evil beauty arc alway• present.
1bc boat draws more water than the floats. When he fir<t ticd up, the Jloot' dropp<.-d
away with the tide uotil 1bey bung all their \veight on his hrca<1 line<. Eventually he
worked out that the btenst lines had 10 go under rhe boot's keel, mode fn<r on th• •ide
away from the float. to go ,;Jack as tlle Ooat went down un thc rnud. He CXJ'."-'Cl<-d to have
a chafe problem \i,·here rhe keel .sat Jown on the lines. but it <loi.·~ nvt huppcn. He US(.~
very long spring lines.
In winter th;.., berth is i.mp1-actkal because 1he ice builds up in,i~ggco Ooc> with the
lick:~. At 1he end of November he ntovcs to a deep-water bcrlh vfll'flh:.J by ~• ~·hate-

361 f375/436)

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~brary l llll i= •- 1 -- '4~

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---- -


\V3tching boat that operales ou1 of Key \Vest in 1hc ice nlOtllh~. She n.·tun1~ in April. but
by ~ien the dry-<>Ut lX'nh i' al\\ 3)' ' dear.
Of <.·.oursc. the t.-abin \Vit.'\ not <lcsigncJ for hi' pn.·~1.:nt purpo~~ . He houl!hl th~ llo.11
expecting his wif-e to go cruising \\•i1h him. She ~c1ncd to like lhc full·he3droon1 galley
and ~-onunodious wa<hroom. She wonied • door for th<' l:tUcr b\lt ~'Ot a cunain. Thi•
'JXi"" j, all fibergl.,,,,->heathed. with a high ,ill tu «ontain >O:lp) water from 'pong«
batlb when: it c.a n OC thoroughly 1nopp:-d up. He 00\\1 '3\'C~ 1nopping by doing n1cx1 of
his " 'ashing at a he-Jhh cluh. He U'\C!\ no s.o.1p on hoard. uni~~ you rotull p.1ckaged fO\'- -
elenes. t>ishwashing i< done with a p.111 of boiling water to ri1L<e di<l-.c. scrubbed dean
with damp paper tO\\el,.
When he mowd aboard. hc condutkd that the 'ccond l>cnh "''" cxpcodahlc. He
made a hanging space for shore c l0thc~ in one or chc alcQV\!_ , ncJCC co 1he \\.'t1~hroo1n.
The>e alcoves are 11le most reliably dry plal't> 011 ooar<I. Tlw book,helf in the one un the
other !>iJe nO\\' contains ~1 big J it:tionnry nnJ about u d02Cn other boo~:-.. He h.;.1.\ ~L ltu.:ory
tln1t gOQd \1.:ritcr!' <lo lhcir hi:st \Vork \\'hen they think they're pothoiling. He tia... Rohen
Graves·s Ho1ner 's /)nughter. J< Oevnl"i; piny TtH'rn·;c/J, <fe Cn1np •~ I .t.'.'fl Oar~llt'SS
f'all, ~1arjory Sharp's Chary /Jro1vn, J larr}' I f<lrrison'' 1't·,·hnicofor '/i'1ne i,1ac:hin<'.
~·lariou Zhn1ner Bradley's 7'/1e SJraueretl ('/udn. rind John M ri~cficlll '~ 1'11e IJird of
Dah'lliug. anlong olhcr~. Thcn:'s ll"'ually i1 lihr..try hook or l\VO 1~lu<. cxpi:nduhlc p:_ipcr·
hack' a nd 1nagazines. The only "hoat hook" ht: hus nc prcscn1 i~ Bruce Bi11gha1n's
Sailvr ·s Sketcl1book. and he ha~ 1naclc crude nd•·1ptions of sonlc! or its nii:cti\!s.
OuC<loor clothes arc o n the starbo:.trd :-.idt· or thl· c nginl'l'UtHH. 'l'hi: g"r u\l'nts
trail on the planking, and lhey'rc all <l\Vk\vard to te'1ch. Other clothes nrc in the bins
un<ler 1hc berths, \vhich are top-opening ~nd lend lo he lllt1t\IYn:-. \\1cll ~'~ innccessihle: 1he
arrcss panels !>hould have b.;cn in the froo1 ffll'l•:-., 1101 uucll·r th~ 1nnt11'tSM!!>. I fe plans 10
have a bun:au buih over the aflcr cnd of th.; :-.larboard berth. !V1orc of' his. poirlM':-.:-.ions arc
in lhe hoJd t1nder the Cot•kpil \Vi th Ihe life j:1ckelS, S~1nlC Of Ihis \f"IUOC i'< SO hard lo get at
thm he has forgotten whm is there aud is nfraid to look on :iccoun1of ni&htinores o f n"t·
rut. and mildew. The empty part of the ' tarbonrtl bc11h b piled u1> with •cmi-tm11'knt
ile1ns. all of \vhich have to he 1nnved 10 gc1 :11 the bin hcncalh. H~ i:-. lutky in having
Slilrted \\'i1h a heavy-displace1ncn1 bo:tt thnt easily llt,a1cd hal r a Ion of hii- PO'<"i.C-Z..i-ion ...
Sbe ha:- nearly 3.000 pounds of in:-.ide balht\l and j , !-tiff C"OOugh 10 lake ~onH' out if nec-
e,,sa11'. des.pile lhc big cat 1ig f\l_,"'\.'<lcJ to Jrivc hC'r bull. Sh.; i~ a guod and \\'C'atl~J'ly
sailer though she does bog do\\TI in her O\\'ll wa\'C"" \\'hen '\hC ·... driven hanJ: ~he·~ al ht....-
bes1 in light and moderate weatl...,r. Before TI1c R°'idcnt took root. he u,.ro to 'ail her
over to the Sooth Shore. or down tu Pun•n10uth •'i:o the l<le< of Shoals. on weekend<. In
annual \<acacion~ he cruised to ~arrngan.~H Bay and <.k>\\'O eas.t a' far 3.' Boolhb.iy
Harho<. TI>e ho:t1 hml<lled any wea1her d"' ""'t wi1h in rca-..'11rini; f1L,hicln. She""' b..'1-
1er mannetS in sq ..111s than a cla«ical cmbo'1t: the high frccboanl :md lirtcd quan<"
allow li.-r to »<til sharply hecktl Site i> quicL in '"')" but abo ""' i:ood momentnnL
Thr: <Hll.' lL"1hle berth ic. nr..tdc up \\'ilh 10lll..i:l~ • ..,iJt<.-c he- dl·cilk.-J th:11 it \\'a~ e:bier 10
get shc.!ts washed than a <leeping b:tg dry-clc:incd. mid thm lhc >h•:<:b wcw plea'3111er
to :>ltcp oo. ·rbe b\.~ is ntade up by 'prcadin~ 1hc c.hccc~ and hlunkc1:. in po:.ition <Jn tht·
1naurcss. thc-n tipping lt up on eJgc to ~•nooth lfll' bedd ing uodernca1h on the o il sick·: a
' 'cry tight beJ rcsulls. A <lurnblL'\.·:t<l t.' OVCf!<. the nlttck!·up bet.I for ~iuing and
recli ning in waking hflu~. /\ sn1~1ll tclevi..:,ion ~~1 is rnuunu.'1.1 ou a i-\i,·i11gi11g t>rut..~ket in
front of the bookshelves.

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Jb4 RLAL (.KUl~cKS'

About c' cry other week he has to cany the tank of the ponublc toilet up to the ser-
vice "-talion's Hush 1oilc1: oJlentr if he ha..\ ('(HDJXU1y. He increa\C" 1hc intcn·al" b)' pi"S-
ing into 8~unce in'-lant·ooll·~c ja:rs. He cn1plic' the ja1~ nvcr 1hc 1iide. an am1y 111edlc
ha,ing once told him that urine w:t.< <1erile and rould be u«.'<I as a dhinfcctanl He can
nx-all "hcn all marine toilets d1schatg<'<I >lnli)!ht un<l a gouJ many l'C''P!e
thought bocla.'t..\ "ere better. '11tc fish M"Cnh."d 101hri,c. bul he ac.hniu that 1f:t hundred
boots in 3 1113003 311 llush<:d O\•crhoard at once. rhe effect could be
Thanks to the he<lhh club. he ha<n'I found the lack of n11111in~ \\atcr a harJ>hip. He
b.b l\\'O 3-gnllon jerric.\l.ns of f~h \\-atet. but the)' la:.t a long tirnc bc....:ause the 11-.:lt
\\'atc-r fron1 his i<:cbo;.. !1-Upplics 1nore dinn he u-..c~. H..: boil.., it in ca~ lhc ice company's
m.1Chinery should he conraminarcd. (He h<M1ghr >11rcnnartc1 ice until he found out
where the supermark.:ts got i1.) He has three pln>1ic bt1cke1., e<peci:llly made to fit the
bouom of hi> link keoo>.. Two of 1hc>c hold a tot:il of 301>ou11<b 11f chopped kc. which
v.:ill la:-;t lOur or tiv..: <lay~ in \Varn' \Vcathcr. \Vhcn it i' ultno~t gone l'k:. gather:-. the
re1naining ice into one bucket, salvages th~ 1ncll \\1u1cr. :ind tak e~ the \\\ 0 einpties for a
refill. Now and then he recalculme. the cost of an ek~11·1c n:fri~crnior :111<1 put> off gel-
ling on1:. though he \VOulU like a fr..:czcr. in \Vlli~h he "'ould keep ic..: C1'l·u1u.
He hn.s a VHF radio but rejoices in the liberating Ji:-.covc-ry thut Iii'..: is po~sihle \vith-
oot a telephnne. 1-te regrets the ye:in:: he pu1 up \11i1h it.;. intru1;,irnls 1 and sn1i les a\lg
~nlile '11he1' nuisance calls are 1nenfio11ed. 1'hc radio i~ seldo1u activated~ 011ce or t'vice
he ha.... u~cd it to rnakc coJlect cnlls co his ln"·ycr.
·111e liberation extends lo a nc\V uHituc.Jc about rx;rsonul possC.'il-ions. He \valkcd
a\vay fro1n a 1nasslve pile of lVoo,frnRtXll and ;Vr11io1111/ GqoRrttJJllic hack issocs:
libruric~ keep the1n lllt•Ch better filed and indt.!xcd chnn his. A lot of toOJl!-. picll•c'~l).
clothes, and lc>y~ lhat he took for grim tee.I that he ux:a!iurccJ. ht.! doc~ nut 111i~~. If hi~ co1u-
pnny v.• ant~ Lo transfer hin1. he \Viii 111ove like a hennit c rob carrying h~ shell. He gels.
ltfH.ler\\'ay so seldo1n thnt it ha~ crossed his 1nind thrH he 1nigh1 Jive co1nfnrtnhly in the
boat i11 the n1iddlc of a sand dt!>l'rt.
He is plotting a bigger boat. ho\vcvcr or r::11hcr. a longer o ne- in \Vhich every-
thing_ \Viii be n1ovetl apa1t. The thing he "-'an1~ wnn't he huricd hchind ~<n11cthing e lse.
He wants better access to th~ engine. Since he ha~ to live wilh it :ot cloi:e 11uai1en;, he
lakes a fe,...· n1inule~ dail)' to \ViJ>t! it off. and al- ii i' it takt·:-. a ~'Ontonionil!-t lo get at 1he
port side. He also v.·ant~ a functional \.C'OOJ1<l h.t,.,-rth. and hue I)' .an \>c.."C&ion crulk: up that
mode him wish for a double benh. He 1hink' thai all thi' coulJ be aminged ir 1he boat
"ere stretched out 6 or 7 f~t longer on the .ome mid>Cetion.

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44 Micro
15·4· x6'0" x 1·9·

Micro uias nriginally t/1?.fiigued ji>l' the /are ElroH' LtrRnit•t~. a rt•tir1:d cler,gyu1n11 an<I
fou111/er of Co1111no11 Sense Designs, It> sail on Tout/h1 Bny. Thr cutltfy h'tts .for sl1e/1er
.fr,J1n an ,~(lernou111lttttufers1onn. Tlte 1Jesi.i:t1 Juru(·c/ out 10 /JI! oue of111y be:-,1 effiJ11s. coul
a .fleet oj' the /xJa/s htl.\' been bu;J1 .frn11t 1V£•11• 'ktthuu/ to 1:;uJ011d. 1'he .fullon i'1g JictfrJH,

u·1i11enfor l.YnndenBoat 1uagazlnt!, ,.,f n11 t11nrllg11u1nj'dijJ'etl'tU1x.•011le 's experiences p/Jtf

,fo/111' of111)~ t )U'l1 in the u•n1rrs t~f 1/u> j('llinJ!.

The Lovers
An April sun is rising over Italy. far our of <iglu over 1he Ice quarter of 1he 11ny ca1-
yawJ makin~ her way 1owanl l'm1><.oe. 'Ille liulc boal has been bobbini; alooi; al 4 kooi..
c..·losc-haulcd in a gcnllc \\.'CStcr1y hK~1.c. all ni!hl and \it'k.'e da\vn the day before. 11>¢
tll()Unlain< of Cors~ wen1 under the horizon abo111 noon. The youns woman at 1he 1iller
i< <illing on 1be wea1her side. lll!r \\f1~h1 n.'dudn~ the an~le of he<!I. If 1he wind"""'
01uch ligh{l·r she. would 1no\.-c to 1he Ice \ide. ~incc 1hc llat bouo1n is noi~) if the boat is
sailed boh·uprighl.
/\ very s1mU inftaiable bom i< in 1ow. The 1illcr i< hckl in a mck. and the how ;,
keeping a good course uns1eered, "i1h 1he minen shec1 <lighll) freer 1han the main-
~het:I. Tbc " 'on\an <:icca.,i<>nally lum'i. a fl:t.\hlight on the box COlllpa~:. lh:u i,)chocli..ed olT
a,gain~t th.: hreak of the deck. Near her fcc1, in 1hc open hatch urthc hold undl.!r Utl' af'ter-
deck. are dry-cell navigation ligh1s rc~1dy 10 l'lhO\V nppnxtching ~hip~. She uM.."t.I tbcnl
once during her \Vtttl.'h \Vhen ~' Jargl' po\\.'~f ynch1 ..:rosc;cd their cour,~-hound for
Geno..'\, she ~ucsscd.


218 (232/436)
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MICH() l/9

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Her hu•h.1nd is <leeping below, his feet under her lef1 b1111ock. hh head on 1he • k>P·
ing forward eod of lite cuddy sole. A lengll1 of c"1Mc. laid un<k•r hi> ntalln:» and
'>lretdx.'(f up 3-0l·m alxwc lhc inboard edge of 1hc berth would h1~d him in plac:c if the
boat heeled much. He <Jeeps on lbe weather <ide. m be li\'C h.1llaS1- '"" ntc"e<Snl)' in
1hi' we•ther. bl.II a gtcal help 10 1he boor when there' < more wind. Iii< "eigh1 i• cen1ered
well b.'lCk fron11he bow. and his wife's wei~hl. in the cockpit. is far from 1he ''""'· ~<:cp­
ing the coo~ of the Mat light as \\-ell~ halann-d. 111h~ i~ c.-sp.-cially nccc,sary hccau!ooe.
while 1he hoa1 is non1inally •II of 4¥1 meter.; long. each end i< a free-Hooding well. more
of cu1wa1er and s1em plaifom1 1b:ln bo.11 proper: 1he acwal wa1crti~h1 envelope i> barely
3 nh.:.tcr~ lung. ·111e arrangen:tenl 1nake.::. certain th<U outboard n1otor fuel. stU\\.'C\I Jn. ~u"-1
1nudd)' 3nchors and \1;~ups, sto\vcd fonvanJ. \\'Of\ ·L con1a1ninnlc the cuddy . So1nc of lhcir
olhcr supplies are al ~o stowed in th\! end \veils. including a 4~H1er jug of' red \ViJ'e
wrapped in life vesls.


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no Rf.f> •\ND Rltfi\Kf .\5·1. $.\II


The; <.:u<ldy is reasonably t•)c::s11, hu1 it'\ h:1rclly clry. TilC~ hc11h~ h~\'C 1hc !':unc prob-
le1n tba1 quarter berths do in 1nore 1·ea"on~1bly -.i1¢<1crui'-t~:1hey're in the '"'~1y of drips
:sod ~pla~hc~ rroo1 tht• co1npaniou\\·ay. The.· i'orn·llrcl \cntil:;ilor has lx.-cn lnown to ~pit
\\lltcn there·, a ~tn,ng hc:ad\\<int.L TI1i: coc·lpit hatch i\ \Uppo-.cJ 10 be ki:pt shut unJ~r­
,,..ay. btu the couple find it -.o con1fort:ihle co 1'i1 '' i1h their teer in i1 th:n thcy u~ually ha,·.,;
it open. Through venrilatioo i~ ~ood het,vccn the o~oiug~ in 1ht f(lr\\·ard bulkhead :.od
the: one in front of the ~ten1p<ht: the <lrafl '''ill ''orl '''ith l'tlhcr bo" or 'lent to lhe ''ind.
so the Cuddy <lric!> qui(·kly \\'b:ttc\~cr t~ j, <lry. Th:) ...crub ii 001 'vnh fn:~l ,,·atl!'r
"hen 1hcy can. On one gloriou~ O!.."CtF•ion they found thcn\~lvc' \\'irhin rcac..-ti of a larc:'C
yacht·, deck hoo;e. with a group ot amiabk d~kh:uid< looling down :11 them. They
stripped the cudtly and hair-foiled the bo.11 with '''"h w:ncr without 111:.king au apptt-
c.:1:tblc. inruaJ on lhc )'•K."ht' ~~a\\ ater con\'cr;;iun c..·aixtt:i1y. TI1c) hat.I u nicru~..'rabh: Mk'll..·
ing bath in the fl<><xlcd cudcly. ;1nd 1ook no ofr~n'e "-'h\!n a \'Oicc tron1 ~\00\·..: \Ya' hcarJ
10 <ay, ··1 knew there had 10 be --ome l\'<1Wll for a"°'" 1h:11 '""re!""
The)' norn1.:,lly kt.."l"P tllt•ir fc\v l·lotlu.~'· tnl·lud111tt ~0111ie 1011~~ h~11h (O\\CI,. in \V;1ter.
proof bags. 1\ portable toilet live:-. und\.'.r th..: fonv:u\I cnJ 01·the l'l'X'.~pit. bet\i,'ce11 lhe lee:t
uf lhc berth:-.. It is :-.lid fon1,:a rd under th\.'.: COlllj'):tnio n\\'UY h~Ut..•h ror U\t,!, ·rh~y Uunlp it
furti\•cly Clver rhc :-.i<le n, faroff:":horc ~\.-:; po~"ihlc.

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/lflCRO 121


I I·®
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They ha,·e found that a boat \\'ith a keel dta\\•ing 53cnl v.·ith d'IC 00.">I 1rinuned lev~J
(and less when she·, down b)' lhe head) does not alway< have to lie in the cruw<k.-d nod
quam:bome ranh of Mediterranean yacht harbor<. Near!)• every port they' vc vi,itcd ha.'
a ~allow place sonle\\.'here, th3t ha~ :illo\\•ed 1hcnl 10 lie 001 of the \\'ilY :1nd h::t\'C (,('1ne
prh·acy. The)' motor arou1ld in search of it. frequently pursued by a hort>onno~1er 11 ying
10 warn tl1<:m away from the shoab. They have arran~-tl ..uppom for the cuddy noor-
boardi. at the >lightly high<:< level of th< berth<. to mnV<:rt the ruddy into ;1 bo.-d ahllO'>t
185cm wide. A square awning shades the companionwa)' and "'°"'
of the cucltpit: it
hang< <lightly cockeyed betwe~n the mainn~t and the off-cet11er mincn. The long ;prit
boom ftJOn' a ridgepole: mizzen boom and boomkin .crve a> tmn"e"' ~re<lder..
A propane"°'" i< u<ed in the cockpit. when they're in port Undcrwa) the couple
ti\'cs on bread. c~.-.e. fn1it. aod the red \Vine. They have l\i..-o \\'ulkman ca,'\Cuc pl3yc~
and a paperback copy of £1 Conde de M0t1t<' Cri.<w. the Inner now ahn0<1 1icri<lled.
TIICl"(.. s a dry-<-cll riding light which is more often for .:abm lig,htmg. For rcadin~
after tl~lrk 1hcy u~e candles. rour at a time in a socketed hloc:l of \\'ooJ 111ountcll tx!l\.\·ccn
the heads of the berths. There h::ive been son1e nights \Vhcn the heat of the cnndlc\ V.'U!'I
They were lucky in their weather. and they hopped from port 10 pon aro1111d the

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Zi!'i! RED Al\0 BREAKFAST. S·\11.

And kis

Gulf of Genoa \\"i1h i ncreasing ~oo fidcncc. ful fill ins a dr~:l1n l:\y 1eaching
Tiiey considered pu:.liing on to th< Strait uf U1•lif:lcio but <kcide<l lh<)' ,lid n01 h:" "
tinle'. If (hey haJ pasS\.-d Un.· !-.lrai1 lhl')' ,,·o ulJ :1huo...L<.-cr1Jinly hJ\t.• l~t lhc boat. 'll 1c
Libccc-io. a r.outh\\'t:!'-t dry gale. hie'' up out of :1 clear ' " Ya' tl'k!y ni.'al\..."'CJ Cap C<WM:. a1xJ
e\•cn uncle< lhe l~ <'f Corsiett 1hey got the sc~rt of tl'1:ir Ji,"'' :'Ind juM rn.'Kk ii into Ra~1ia
'' ith dee1l-reeft"CI 01a1nsail anti 1notur " it.le open. 'll'Cy cantc C'IOM: to betn~ blO\' n O\"t:r
to tftt.· J1alian COO..~L If 1hey·J been on 1hc ,,r·c-.1 c."tXl'l of Cc,."'"·a. they '' nuld ha\t' pil1.."\I
up on the i..""C shore.
After 1he fri~ht, they 'enturell the lo.lg ju1np 10 Fr;11'kX "llh 1heir hc.1rt' in 1heir
mouth~. but tilt-)' \viii ~1 later thal none of 1hcir ,gc~r ~hifh.-d or j!QC \\"\'.I. In 1n11h. lhe
shin~ \Veren., Ui~ol\lrous ;.ul<l lhc ''-cuing \\"us lintitcJ. \\'hill' '\aiti n~ l'ur th...• gal\.· lo b)u\\
it!<>elf out. they 3dck.~ so~ more hook'- :lnd ey'""~ anti bought \01uc net rnJtcriaJ to
impro,·e re.."'1rain1 :l~;1jnsi be:un-eth.l'i knockdo"'rt~.
T he \\'Oll)<\u looks ahcaJ and ::ice~ tltc 1nountain!t of l'ro\ li:'llC'c t:tt\.'h lhe flr~t s unlight
beh ind a. gap that ought to he the Gulf o f Saint T r\lpc1, lh.·r Cf)' . '"f i\•rr:i !'' brio~!> h~r
h u~han<l':-. to tL..,lcd head oul of th(' h:.tch . Ir';\ :t ~ood ~ign th.:11 hlo! look~ ~voJ lo her a lter
a 111on1h in tha1 ho~u.

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54 Microtrawler
14'6· x 7' 11.

Nobody look!> al a ~11crolr.nvll~r without !\1niling or lau~hing. Sht..~·~ a ..:011t1~bution

lO tht: public stock uf good huu1or. Shi; l':tn taki; her pluc;:c in a purudc or toy tug!\. ·rhc
other~ \viJI be plov.•ing at .'i knots \Virh in1prc~sivc \VUVC:-.. tvficro11·u\vlcl' i~ happy al th:u
sreed. buc her waves aren'1 as phntuge11ic-chere are11't any cv 'l>~ak of. ju't n small
feather a1 her bo\v and :-.onte rninor. by 1990!t ~•anJnrd~. turbulenc..: bcbind. She lr.Jt'k!t
an<l ;;;Leers bener than most. except fClr being hlo\vn :l\vay in a bcan1 \Vind. If the \Valeri!\
ch(lj)p)', her people don't get wet-<>nly jan·ed a litcle.
Af1er Che parade. Microua1>'ler suddenly acceler:nes and skiuh away at 20-odd
l.nol!t. leaving a long. narrO\\'. Hat. \\ hi1c lr.til. Sht· ride-' on h~rt,.'cnt.ral ~li. Jt, up-c.:unl·d

fonvard cod hold~ her bo\v up as it~ ~harp \Vatcrline, ~li<.'C throu~h the (.'l"C.'l~. l'hc 'crti-
cal and hori1.0ocal are motched: Water encountered by the 'ide:. goe• out around
the side>: v.·a1er eocountered by the bottom ~"e' under lk·r. N0t1<• 1•1> 10 ~o around tbe
corner. the streamlining being 3'> cffCC'livc a~ th:t1 of a torpedo. She j, 'tabiliti..."\I. an<l tbc
~mall amount of ~pray wppres...~. by rhe '' ide. \vidc ~pnn;;;on ... "''hich dru111 fic-n..'CI) in
the process. The balf-scak m~I "hich 1>ro• ed the concep< <rn11ed 10 come unstuck due
to \·ibratioo in her sponson bouom~ :tfter jurnping ~0111e ~lecp "3\ e<.: lonp:iludiual stiff-
ener.;. cured the tn>Ublc \Yithin n:a~on nnd ,,·ere c01niL-d over into the big¥cr boaL Titc
throe weh keelson.< in each bilse of Hawkc)c (<cc Chapter 17). a later and lighll·r
design. are suppose<! co make her !-land •till more puni,hment. t>tu I e•pect that a
rvlk-rotra\\<Jer·~ ere"'' "'~i11need10 ea~ up b.:lurc ~he..• \I~~.
·rhese shapes arc not plca.~ant to ride at the \\'R>n~ ~pl-Cd in th\· 'i.' rvn~ l\·n~lh of h~ad
~ca.Running do\vn a 'ea they're \•ery good, 1racling 'tr.aight and lccping their chin~ up.
and they're ''eady inn hean1 sen. 1'hottgh hnnl-ridin~ in a head 'ca. they' re dry, an<l
they' re not stopped if they· re stuck together ; trungly enous,h.

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1 _J_

They don't bank on fast rums:. but they don ·1 skid. hcn~c don "t 1rip, :ll lc;i\t al an)'
•peed 1ha1 011gh110 l:>e of in1eres110 OWOCI'!> of >UCh craft. I wrpo'e 1ha1 if a Micm1r:1wlor
bad 1>0wer euough. sho would lake off and ba.-l-some,,,;1ul1. I won ·1 be .1pologe1k hi
anybody 10 \\•horn this happens.., ~ince che boat will gi\·c fair \van1ing that 'he·~ over·
po"·cred and o\·erdriveo to aoyooe in rh.eir righl n1ind. "nlere Olay he ~me ri'k n.f reel·
less euphoria from c:\posure lo a boa< 1ba1 loob like Mi~rotmwler. 1ha1 perform< a-• <he
The btunt·pointed upper-bo\V is: ITIOStl)' e&;.mc1ic. though a ca.;c can he nl..-.cic 1hat ii
is s1iffer. ligh1er. nnd less io harm·s way 1han 1he !-quare-acros.< bow like 11\m of a gar-
''CY or jo11boa1 !hat would be easier 10 <L<scmblc. The origin of the co1iccp1 ""'-' an
~Ulcrnpl to do M>nicthing ahout the plo\ving. ~kidding. :.tnd air ingc\tion ur ~l gat\'C)' by
adding buoyancy uoder the gar>-ey·< 1oboggan bow.
As~embly is rightside-up. froir. lhe keel bo~ up. When I huih Ha>'keye J 1hough1 i1
would be oem lo (1SSC111bk her bottom-up. using her nm deck '" :t b\1ilding ji~. Thi>
wurkcxt but it didn '1 seem to ~ave any trouble. and righting the g.. foot·Widc hull \Vilhoul
damaging the fi in1sy buhvark..<I\ \.vas
(le.i;I <·lJ11tinited t>il J'CI~'-' 2~6)

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Nlicrotra,vlcr is u sn1all ho~ll by }lny d"1linilit..lll. anJ

~he's noL \'<..•ry cxpl':n~ivt· rnr a
high ·~pecd c1uiser \Vith (\\'O fulf-~ize he1ih'< nncl n ~1:inding-hcncl!'(\(lnt 'vhcelhcu1c;c and
gall~y. She weighs rhree-fifrhs of a shorr 1011 and may be rhe expensive 14 Y:>-f0otcr
in e-xi~cence. Con1pac1nes!>. is cll'~irable, hut i1's no1 t•qui vulent to ~irnpHci1y. But if a
~·1icrotr~l\v]e.r replacccl a 40.. footcr I hat \Vas even nlo1·e co111plica1cd and h:1d to he taken
1nore seriously. she 1niglu be cost-effer:rivc.

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55 Miniature
Steel Tug
1 s ·11 • x 7'9 • x 3·0·

Dear SBJ;
The State of Washington has just imposed a new tax on all sail Md power boats
whose length exceeds 16 feet overall. There are many runabouts and planing boats under
the limit, but few are suitable for hea;y work. I'd like .i maxrmum-di~pl•r..ement workboat
just under 16 feet that is indestrU<;bble, e<onomical to n m, and has an easy motion. This
boat wou1d be a miniature tug that 1could use for salvaging logs, seu ,ng moorings. taking
small tows, and lo beat the tax.
I was thinking of a deeply veed steel h. 11 with p umb bow. sides, and stem (for ma>0-
mum waterine) with one of these heavy 30-h.p. Ch"'ese diesels for bal~I. A speed of S
knots or so would keep the motion~ in a seaway. A flush sreel de<k wrth bull rads
would allow the boat ro sit on a hook wthout collecting water. The p•othouse should be
ply.vood, to lower the center of mass and to allow a compass to v.<lllc. I'd i ke the pilot-
house to be lilfge enough 10< two friendly people to sit on stools when the weathe< coop-
erates. A smal b!Akhead heater to boil coffef' "'°uld be hancly. The pio:hoU5C' door would
be rn the after eno of the house so !ha: the s\Ce decks could be of reasonable width.
Sounds i ke a toug'> but usefu' ittle workboat to me.
Bi l Wald, Vashon. Washington

Dear Mr. Wald:

rm all lor <lodging lhc revenuers. keeping in mind their habit of changing lhe mies
in the middle of the gatne~ I can sec then1 tl1iu.ling it clever to lo\vcr the lhnit to IS feel

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nc.xt yt·.:.1r. ln niaking a "neighhor gu1)" a fcv.• year' ngo, I cu1dov.•n1he barrel of nn o ld
shotgun to 20 inches instead of 1he legal 18 inche~ ''~ ~ precaulion ag\lin~t th...'l.l auj1ude.
I •tarted the boat with a box keel bully enough 10 hvu-c lhc Chinc'c ubcl wilh
•.:Jear.ance enough lo g<.'.t an ann <lov.·n pa't it un c;•ch ~i~.k:. 111c hox i:-. :-.loped and rock·
cred enough at the forward end to kl!<'p the cddie~ fmm making h~r wi ld to •leer. This
keel has high drag al its ;1fter end becau~ the water there h\l:t to rurn a sharp corner
befot'C j( >left ooltind. 'J1tcre'> 3 lot of drag lo fill)' OIT'Jll~'Concrtl lhUI will prul<CI 3 2-fool-
di31netcr propeller. and 1hi~ hoot has 'o 1nuch drag fro1n v.ra,·e·rnaking and ,urfacc fric·
tion that I doob1 a little more from rurbulence will n»ke much difference.
1lie bull above Uie bo• keel ha> lot:. of'\e buoyancy, hpel!tally fol'\"ard. Tugs
are prone to burying the1nsclve\ in 1heir o\\·n \\r..t\ c ... C\ en to the tl:u1~cr point. ·irus Of~
"un ... She·n he \\'Orth looling al :II 6 Y1 L:nor ... " 'ith n rro1hing 1nu~1achc up lo lhc chine
guard oll around her™""" a frothing wake botlin~ bac l from tlie ruh molding around her
stem, and a long series of rolling swelh following her. She'll look mo n: at home" itl1 a
barge on her to,vlint. 1no\'ing al 2 or 3 l1KJt!\ ' ' ilh u ntL"C bt.·hiud fk!r prop.
J"d expect her to be first~cla~:i. at prcci,ion 1n.ancu\'cring. c,)pccially in a gale "'hen
a n<>nnal ()O\\·erho.-i1 i~ hlO\\'ll our of con1m l ;ll lo\\' spcccl<.. I pic1urc 1hi' one in a yacht
anchorage during a sror1n. picking up one bu..1l nflcr nnochcr us they ;;tan clmgging their
1noorings. Nlaking her fit for rough ,,·atcr i!» one rea!\OU J' n1 'uggc~tin~ thr nai~ed deck
furv.·~1nL IL~ buoyancy \\'OU)d pick her up in,tunlly if; \Vt;r\: hO\C \lo\Vll on h~I' !)ide by
a combin;nlon of :1 hrc:tking \\'ave :ind :1 '\kC\V~d lO\V. h 't:t:nl~ lo 1uc th:u the t.lcck :.;pace

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~crificcd isn·1 \VOrth much. You can Juck through 1hc cabin 10 'tick )our head aod
\hou1ders out the forY.'ard hatch :.tbout a' fa,L a,, you can ,,·alk around outside. '' 1thout
the risk of being cru.<hed against 1he siring piece of a "'harf or a big boat'> O\Crtlang.
The other reason for 1he ra1>Cd deck h die room in>ide. Unde"' 3)'. ;.1anding in the
'''hcclbousc uf tJtc type of tug yoo'n:- thinljng :dx>ut j, nice. for a \vhilc: hut al 5 or 6
knOL"' i1 get tiring before you get ,,·here you're going. That fu1J.,i1.e bcnh j, a great
amenity. Foor. even five, people could get in oul of 1he "'t'l IO >Mre your coffee. Yoo
could all si1 down :uld be <ociable afttr Ille 10\\ has b..;:n dchv('l\."\I. A •ini,:k man could
rnal..c him~f ~nug indefinitely. though in 1h:u ca.1<.e I '''ould pul a locker for oil~kin$ in
place uf the high sc:tt ahafl the wheel. and make a few other odju,1111en". The portable
1oilet could go under 1he l>erth. but i1 would hnve 10 be at 1he af!er end where th< llal .ole
is widest. which wouldn't be goo<l \\hen tht're are >e,eral people in the whcclhou.e.
There·!" room for a good·siLcd itcbox un<lcr lhc ~olc. rnr\\•::trd of the fuel tank.
The view ahead isn ·,as good with 1hc raised dock ns ii could he wi1hou1 ii. bu11he
helJnsn1an can see the watel' to \Vichin 20 feli'!t of the bow ri:;ht O\'CJ' th~ ;,ten1 and n1uch
closer over the starboard 00\v. 'l'his shape \\'On'l ~quut at uny ~peed. Sh..:' II ~ctLlc Jo\vn
<lc..:pcr in the. \1/311.!r as shcspcc<ls up. hut ~he' ll sc.:ltlc ;111 ulc>nH. Or pos~ib ly 1-n<>n:. for\v~ir<l
than aft. so the vle\v fron1 the helnl \Vlll in1pl'O\'C rnther th;u1 de1eriora1e.
In $pite of the great Jltu·e of th~ buw, she'll be wel in a her1J ><~•.with s1.rcm11s of
~pta)' b lov;u up off the crest o f the bow \Vave. The for,vun.l·l't)king windshield. \vhich l' 111
l<>ld is cultural in your parts, sheds :-pr:ly best. l'n1 nnl fond th~nl :'lS n 1i_1Jc 1 hccnusc in
1he usual case in \vhich the \vindshicld ht1s to cl1.~:lr n co1upnnion\vny, a for\vard ~lope
makes 1he whole house much bulkier 1han fin nf1-sloping windshield would. ln lhis case
lhc (b r1A•ard :-.lope fits vc.~ry \Vcll. A thrL'C•p:inc.·1 \VindshiclJ \11ith .~ides nngk:d hack for tJ1c
Ice p:incl 10 blo\vcle~tr in a quartering wind \Vould he an in1provcn)~nc in hca\'}' spr:ly. hu1
there is 1101 room for it. either inside or out. Pcrhnps we could knock ju,1 tho comer off to
rnake a narro\I.' panl!I for a IC't'-Side vie\v ahead. but llK.· ~u·uightfor,var<l Jlat slope look~
better to n·ie·. The corn pass can n1oun1 up under 1hc O\'C,rhend. a~ fur fro rn the ~tce1 hull as
possible: check to see wha1 happens "hen you •Wilch on 1he spo1ligh1.
lllis boa1 will be corky and boum')' in a se:mny. in both roll and pil~h. I <1011·1 like
the molion. but the only \vay I kno\v to reduce it n1ut:h jl,, to cul d0\\'11 the rc~r,·e buoy-
ancy ancf stabili1y. \Vhich I Jjke s1ill lc.'\s. A friend ri( 1ninc "·a.\ d1'tl\vnc<l a fc\\' year~ ago
it1 one of these easy-motion half-tide rock~. I le reckon...>d 1hat ,1ie was 11wul11erJble. like
a submarme. bu1 he lus1 power in among a mes., of ledge> in a "'inter nonbea,1cr. l >Ur-
mi~ she look in a sea at her romhtL'itinn :tir in1:.Lc.
I show 1he exbauc<t oul 1he <tem 111<tcad of up in the 3ir. TilC rounded .tc'Tn will kl
the fumes go clear wi1ho<11 any n>I: of their eddying in10 Ille wheelhoo,e. The Chin=
tli~rs e;o.hau~ i~ not hol or noi~y c:ornpan.--d \\1lh n1ore nlt>lk'n1 de~ign.ii. ~1y S:lbb
engine. \\itich \Vas son1c\\'ha1 similar. had an unl:iggcd C'(h:lUSI. and you eot11d put your
hand on the clry secrioo right ocxt fO rhc n1:inifold "'ilh chc cughlC up tc) crui~ing tcm-
reramre. 1l>e hand would come away preny fn.<1. bu1 lc:l\·c no , kin hehind. The Chinese
engine louks like a great bargain for any boat 1ha1 can handle it> wdi;hl and bul.k. I
as~u1ne 1.hat the lo~· price conlC:- oul of th<.· hid-.:s of the \Vor~11~11 in ;1 countl')" \\'here the
government O\\'OS lhc lahor unio11s. Pos.sihl)' the n1:.lnDgtr~ Jon'l knc.>"' \\hill the engine
costs to nlake. socialist bureaucrals being \\1eak nn cconnrnic' hy Ucfinilion. I've ~ecn
unly one of lhcse co~ines in:,lalled. but it looked to n1e. nnd h'l ~0111c hcucr judge.~. like
an c;<L-c)f<:nl job of t'Ogin1..'C.~ring.

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l9l RED,\'JD Rr<tA~rAST, r o 1.\'ER

Con~lru~tion '~;ould s.tart \I, ith about 1i•·inth pl:ttc for the n.u houo111 ufthc bo:\ l...1.-~I:
:-.o n1uch the \\'or.-c fN the rock. you hi(! On a IC\'(.'1 Nlttorn '1lC'd '1and uprigh1on1hi'
l>o<tom preuy reli:thly. but >he ought to he kg~cJ. ,, if .Jic did foll mw 'he' cl ~o do\\ n
O\ er -U degree:. witb a ~r"-11 bump.
·1'he rest of the steel \Cntl'ture \\"o old be ~ iut.·h ~utc.I cur\) \'nou~h lo ~-cl alun!! "ilh
, -c ry little fran1iog. llx.~rc \\"Ould h3\'t.' IO be an cl.1bur;1lc jig h> (onlt I~ plat in!!. but (ffli'l!
welded together "1e'd n.!Cd onl} a fe\\ """~er< in the after part of the upp<r hull Nit-
tom. an<l one each side of the forward end of die bo' leeI. to pie\ tul oikmtnint?.
1·<l ha\-¢ the afttrdccl and cite bul\\.'i.lrb ...tcxl :t..\ \\ell. bc..-.:au)C ant0ng oahcr n:a~m~.
it might not be '0 C'J~Y 10 n1ount th~ tO\\'ing hiu on 1hc rcmo\ ahl~ p:u'k.!I <lYcr 1hc ~ngioc
if wood were use<t The rai' ed deck and hou-.c would be pl~~' OOd for the rea'-Oll< you
give. The whole thing could be built as a uni1 aml bol!cJ 10" fl,111gc on tli< 'tc<I l\ull so
it "·uul<l bl: ca:-iil)· n.-plac:c<l ir il gol UtunagcJ or ruth.:d out.
The rob moldings could l)C. half-pipes. or Lhc 11ic..: Chui r\!:trfully c.'<p..!nsivc) ruh-
beroid extrusions. Co ndemned fire ho<c b very ~00<.I if you don' t care al'IO<ll looks. but
J s~c thi~ boat a!) ~ollle\vhal yacluy. .She·~ guin~ lo be:· one.: of lh...· 1uo~t ...-xpcn~i\t' 16
foolcr~ in history. The 5J)()().poun<l .. plu~ Uis pl:1ct.:nl~ UI is nol n:<lul.'cd fo1· co:-;t purp<l:-\..''
by hei1lg cornpre:\sed into :i very co1npac1 p:1ckn~c.

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41 Scow Schooner
2s·o· x 9·10· x 1·3·

Dear SBJ:
Here in norlhern California there used to be a >Ort of working craft called a hay
schooner. These were big S<:ows with ii bowsprit and a nice sheet that looked as pretty as
any schooner in profile The sides were f lared. but they we1e scows will! S(juored-off bows
a~d dead-flat bottoms They worked in shal'ow, narrow sloughs where they could navi-
gate righl up lo the ecge oi a hayfic·ld to pick up c.irgo.
I've often t hoJght that someU•in9 smaller • long U1e>o line> would be a mo>t u.eful
oa1t here in my backyard, along th• S.1nam~n:o and S3n Joaquin RM!tS and 1hPir deha,
.-.ilich is a 1,000-mi'e maze of sloughs and channels. lhe \I/ind howls il<fQSS these, lMiile
toe water re<r...,ns flat in all but the most elq)<)Sed channels.
My idea would be fat ;ometh1ng aroond 28 fee1 on dee!<, with,, stod.less nxld<.>r and
sm.ill dec~noose aft just like the big boys hod I have a son of 1un0< cargo vessel in mind
that would also serve Y.<el lor daysaiinq w• th two or three couples. One 0< two aew
ought to be able to make her 90, and with al tlMt dl!rl: '11<1<1? there ougnt to be plenty o'
room IOf non-working crew to Le aboul
In the house. rd room for two peop'c to ~""'P or fou1 to'"' to >1t-perha11> or1
Ure bunks with a foldaway t.ib e in between Standing headroom would not be needed,
but good ven:ilat1on would.
Forward of the house, I'd lil:P • nonna'ly <onfigurod rargo hatch W•th board> and tar-
pdul:n. juS"t so I could haul stuff around or let kids crash below on air mattresses. I cou d
keep bags of sand ;,nd a ponable toilet there under some cruising condrtions
The rig could be sloop or «:hooner, gaff rt pos~ible. and the ma>t(>l~hou d be in a

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tdbcfnadc to allow passa<;es beneath dra.•1lridges that a1e no l009<!r manned t woold
be nice ii a boat such as tnis could have a powcrlu' engine to allow relatively pa nless
Ul)5tream runs when thP wind dies.
The old-time<S had ceoterboard$, out I'd go for leeboards if I he.lid a COO'peihnq
argument. Plywood construction v.wld ~n mr fine>.
Waite< Wiiey, Sacramento. CahfOfni.I

Dear Mr. Wiley:

·n1is loo~s pot-bt-Uied at fit>t glance. but if you co111p;.m' the µ<'ofile of the l'OttOm
"'ilh the b<n.,··buuut·k lint.-s of a nom1al auxili~H)'. you·11 finJ the)· re in the ~u111c cla~~.
The ach:antage of 11,ing pleuty of rocker is th:u 1he ~t cnn he deep in 1he n1iddl~ \\ ith~
uuteuorrnou-!) displace1nent. Lot!'! of 1·ockeral~o 1na~e' for quick turn ins:. u'irtul inn. bo..i1
that <loc~n·1 have much 1norncntum rclati\'c to her n.·\i,t:uH:c.
The advantage of heing deep is that the point of 111axin1un1 snil -cn1Tyi ng pO\\'i..'r.
when the weather chine stam to fly. comes nt n big e11ough 011gle of heel lO ~o i11to n
hcaJ s<:a \Vilh as little slanuning as anybody has a right 10 ex peel in 3 llatahouo1n~(] hull.
The hallasl c an h~ placed lov.• relati ve to th~ height of he r sicl~s. l Jnlikc very 'h:1l1ov.1
'cows. which behave more like cntumnraus. sniling ooh-upright umi l they ' uddenly fiip
bollu1n-up. Lhi~ boat has. a range of stability .!-.in1ih1r ltl thut of 1nost HltlllOhulls. Th~
deepe r scow c:1n he clri ven in a breeze v.1ilhol1t intense conccntn11inn hc1.:~1i1:-.c she' 11 v.•a111
you when she's O\'er-pressed.
1lcr upright v.'uH:rJinc..· is short) which <.:uts ch•\Vn \•t'CLh;d surl'iu:c i11 light \VCt.llllcr:
but. as :-he heels. the \Vaterline lengthens for fas1 '\:1 iling. Sh~ clr~nvs LILii 1-: a hit 1nor..-
wnter heeled thm1 she does upright-handy for the kind of,niling you dc,cribe. Yvu r:m
hu1.J a boaJ'c.I till she f<.x:ls Lhc bolhnn. Pulling I.he he-Int down tu l:tc1'. v.•ill rt·du~i; llu.: c..lrah
enough to go Lhrough stays clear of 1he 1nud.
I tried various an~les of rake on the bow transom and dccid<'d 10 lc;ive it plumb. :;11~
1uust :i.aiJ oo her botluut and a vcrLit.';aJ lran!.<.>11> 1nL'!. the botto1n be longi:r ant.I c~lr
ried higher. so i1 takes a deeper pitch or a caecpcr \\•ave to dig the Lr~1n!.on1 in. 1\ r:1ked
transo111 Ila> less drag than a vertical one. but it"s >till prohibitive when 1111111<.'n><'<l. Left
LO 1uy:i.elf. r ti pul it \'l~nical. but I \\tOUfc.ln. t be \ chc:rncntly again)oot OlOf\'. ur It.:~ .. l'"Jl c.

lllC cuddy cabin is buih all 1he \Yay 001 to the ~ides. 1\dvantages: 1oorc roorn in..,ide.
and quite a bit more reser\'e stability and buO}':tlll')• in a kno..~down. ·nic dmwback i>
clhnb1ng O\'C( it \...""\ CfY-ti111c you go f(..>rn..J..RJ or all. 11H.."f\.'·, a gooJ l\.'CtanguJar IJ"Jn,c.1111

berth on each side. \vith the gal le)· acros' the fOf\vard end hct"•een 1hern. Tile 1oile1 i~ in
the outhou.o;;.e up forn•ard.
The hold is 8 feet long. abom 8\11 feet average breadth. and around 3 feet deep. give
or take 6 inches depending on \\:here you 111caMJr~ i1. 1'hc hold h3tchc' open wide (or
bulky objc-cls, hut for ohvi0tL< "''"""' 1hc 0111board p:inds ore suppo<ed t(I be dOj!gcd
down tight when sailing. A boom for lifting cnrgo c0<1ld be rigged on the nminmit>t.
111l"·~~ ru<ldc:r \\'Ori...\ in nc.;Jtl)' since \.\It.' have to u,<.. \.\heel :.lct.·rin~ u11y,vay.
·n1crc·s too little roorn for the length of till~r she' d need, The'e orrnngcn1cn1:. have
buill·in o;;.Jop th~t irricates n1e. rhough st·i ff springs in 1he ~tcrrinj! rabies tnight t~1~~ Ct\n.'!
of n1o~t of ii. Tl1e nlaiu ad\taJ\tage is that the con1pon~nt~ are all c~l!'<i)' tu bui lU. :.trung.
and n:a<lily iuspcc.·tcd.

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No auxiliary engine is shov.:n. :\n inboonl engine could be put cithl-r in the cuJc.Jy
or in the hold, but it would spoil one or che other. An outboard could he ,·orricd on a
l>rockel, bul I'd op! for a yawlbonl, a >1iff cen<ler wilh a l>ig ou1bo.1rd and heavy 1.idding
lo 13.\h up to the stern or oo cilhc.·r quarter. If the gear i~ i1nal!inativcl)' \Ct up. thi~ \.\ill
drive the mother dlip al least a."> \\'ell as a bracket motor anti is le~'\ lilcly to be 'wurnpcd
or pitched ou1 of wa1er. 1-e.'<lllse 1he <01,111 ho.11 conforms co wove <ha~<. h ol<n cocour-
"&"' keeping ao able tender. A discount-•10re jonbo:u would be appruprinic.
Be.sides yuur su~~ion. I a letter aoi;;king for pnntifif.""Jtion on lt.."eb<Xlnl,. I U.\Ctl
to mount 1hem a< cln<e co parallel wi1h 1he cemertine 0< I could gee them. hut la1cly I've
been trying a very smaU toe-in. about I degree. In theory. toe-in 'hould hc ju,1 enough
lo cotoct·l lcc\\·ay. In pr.u:ticc, ifs u:rribly easy to O\·erdo it. converting the lccboard 11110
an effective br.tke. A very slight toe-in keeps the weather hoard (rom kiting OUI. Ihough
leel>oords should be ,lesi)!lled on !he assump1io111ha11he weather board "111 be len down
aud ...;11 kit~.
They ~hould be mounted ar an out\\•urd nnglc, rtHher thun vertically. i-fl 1h~tl thcy"ll
lie quie1ly oo their guards aod 001 swin~ ou1 and billlg bnc~. Th" excep1ion b 1he 1ypo
th..1t h..1.\ bearing!) both above and belo\v the pivot as in 111y Dov1..~lic dc\ign anu.>ug oth·
eNi. bul the arrangentent can have high drag unless the board" nrc 1natchcd ju:-.1 right to
1he shope of the hull.
I luJIS '.''ilh fla1ing si<leS rtteJ 1/Cr)" \Vide guf1['((~. but thc:o;(: (II'(: hard 10 builc.J !th'01tgly
enough, arc apt 10 pound in a ~ea\•.:ay, a nd ..:ollect \Veed nn<I other .~culch. 'T'hiN j, a hnd
hnbit of leeboan1s. in general.
Earh leeboar<l should be cqut:il in tlrL·.a to \\lh:uever llu..· bon1 \VOulJ nc..:d iu :.1 t:Cnh.:1··
board or lin keel. Bui if lhc boar<ls a rt. brat:cd \Vl.!11 clear or lhc hull, us here. the Ur'C~I (.'HU
be ligured fron1 the \Vaterline so the hoards' drafl \Vhen lov.•el'ed 'viii he le.~~ .... I \Vt'>uldn' 1
advise anybody to get craf1y wid1 high·aspec1-ra1io bon1ds wi1h ~ophi>1ica1ed foil
shapt.~"· A u1on g. other problcn1~. lhcsc have to \\'ork a1 high unglc.•s of incidence 10 be
effective ~u lov.1 speeds. \\:i1hou11he slots and ft:lps of aircrafl. thcy 1nay ...1ull and let 1he
boa1 sog lo leeward. Even if they don"t srnll. the drag of 1he bonr<h Md hull will be lnrge
as the boal is pu!>-lH:<l along parll)' sidc\\'!l)'"· An ~tin.·~t n Jc~ig11cr du<..·..,n'l ui-uall)' 0.1~
how high 1he drag i" v,rbeu his plane i' flying lo\v and .;,)ow. bul a 'ailbo:u nugh1 10 ::iitn
for low resistance in Ligtu air. Leeboard area should be somc11\in)! upw;orJ, of 1wice
"·h;:it ;:icrorutulicaJ·typc cak·ulatit>LlS may ~uggt:st. (Jf \Oln1..·onc i' ol ~li()c".
1hey are grJvity~pt1\vered~ and if you Uy in one you'll lind. e\pccinlly \lw'hcn ii f.'Olnc:-. in
10 land. 1ha1 il doesn't Oy slowly:)
·11.ere·~ al\\•3)':. a proble1n n1aking leebo..1rJ!t s1iff .:nough 10 prevcnl 1ht.·1n froui
warping und.:r pre~"' of sail, because thcy·re brj(..-c<l Jfi., comprehcn,i\·cl) lhan center·
00..nls. If they're b<1ih 1hick for Milfuesi.. 1hey have a IOI of huoyan~y and need so much
ball0>110 •ink 1hai U1cy' re heavy 10 raise. l'\'C 1ried them hollow and allo"ing
theni to flood. but the Hooding and draining is 100 ~lo\Y when lhe) 're \YRnled upordO\YH
in a hurry. Bcsl make them a.< 1hin a.< you dare. and. if 1hey're a.< big a< 1hc<e here.
arrange a three- or four-pan purchase on the pendam<. There's :11<>110 he <aid for a dt·d-
ica1ed "'indt on each bo.-u-d.
In 1his propo,al. the hull and rig me bo1h proporrionCtl 10 placo the lecboanl' m lhe
point '"'here the now of \1,:ater arountl th~ hull is more <>r le~~ p;lrullcl to 1hc bo•1nl1o:. · ~CC·
tion. Conversions of cen1e.rbo,1rders to leeho.1rd~ nre11't u~unlly sn1i~fnctory hecnu...e 1he
leeboords havo lo be too far forward. where the hull fo1-ebocly is pu,hing 1he wa1er across

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1he leeboard,.. The _gu::ir1..t, ha'e to he Hlt"I broad. \\.ilh a had hull inter f;.k."'f. IJo;1l' ''1th bilt;l"
keels bave the same 1Jroblem. tll<' ""'<l" '° "'"") ,,r1hem nr~ 1101 '~I') goU<l -..tiler-..
Ltx·' C"Jn IX 1uounh.":J and pivoll'tl in a ''"i<lc 'ari1:1 y ol '"~') '· 1ntK:h Ion big a
~ubja·t to go into her.?. A h..-:.t of \\'hcthcr thc- \ludcnl ,gn1'f"' tb: 'ubJ"-"Cl i' 10 c"an1ine th1!
difforence io 1he action nf 1h.: hoard' in 1hc Dutch 1-'tnm<1ry I 1Mmll) U><'. nn<l the aher-
nme principlt uJ\·euted by Frnnci' Hem."<h<>ff. Study "he1t and Ill "t~11 an~te:. lb<:
b«aJ~ end op a:. l11¢)' S\ving on· lhe hull at vo1riou-. IO\\ ettd pu,ition~. 11.c Outl"h boards
...tay parallel \\ilh the hull l'\l'n if tht') ...,, in~ out orr rhc hull to hori1on1al. llie
Herre-ohnff hoord;;; cant their leading '--<lgc' do''"''. Jrd . ;1.. 1hC) ''' ini:, our. '''hich fore~
them back 10 their imen<J,'d po>ition on tht•or gmmh.
·111c ri.g i:-. lk"~igned ulOre for fun ll~111 econu1l1). She·U l'.k." 'ub~lttnti~tll) c.:h'-'a.J)\'.'r lo
ri~. an<l ,·cry likely soroc of tht: link.', \\'ith a gan·t:ut ri~. J\ c:u ya,..·1 '""xald be
n1flre forgiving 10 handle. h111 nor ac; fasr a' 1he ~trnigh' ca1. Ho\\C\'er. vnC't! yQt1°\\! paiJ
for all lhe 'P"r< and sai ls. a <chooner like this i, g1·tnt <port. With 1h.: l•ii; 111:ti11 >t")sai l
::-.C't. lhl'n.··:-i. 684 !l.QU:lr<.' fl'et of :-ail. und she' ll up tu il b\.''-\tu:-.c if, \.'t1rri<:d lo,,·. I
haven't hothcrcd Lo tigurL~ her r.llio tlf :-.ail area 10 \\.'Cllcd ~ul'f1K·t:. htll I i..:nn '~~ ~I :i
glance 1hat she \11011ld pmhabl y astoni<\h anybody \vh('l lhOuJ!hl hi! k11rv.1 v.•IHU t'~"'' boal~
look like. J-ler besr point of s;liling 'voukl be rcachint, in light tu 1noc.h.:r:Ht.! \Vine.I~; h'-'r
\\'Ur:-.t. rlOS\..'-hault:J in light i.tir :ind a leftover Sh)p Or bnhhlc of lll()(t'll'btHll \V:tkC:-..
In strong \ 1.'inds. \\•ilh the jih ;,ind 1hc -.1ays;.iil furled.;• deep reef in 1hc rn:linstlil. and \I
fuJI foresail. she \VOUld b~ \veathl'rly a11d fnsc. coping \Vi th :l hc:id \C:) a~ \veil :.1:-i. n1o~l bo~1t.s.
"J]K' 111a:-.l:-. pi\'O( <lO\\'ll flfl J(>r b1i dg:t· t'li..':.inttH.'I; of lc~S thi.111 ()feel, 'J'ht·y' t'\: ~hort and
:-tiff enough to Jo,•.:~.r \Vil hout con1plicatcd gear. 1"hcir localion and the gcn~r:t1 arrangc-
1nent of the hoat alJn\vs thi' ro \VOrk \vi1hou1 h;lvinJ; to cu1 hole"' in tht'" deck for lh~ h1..~els
tu ~\ving tl1tuugh-a plus for che ~chooncr rig.
Construction j, intended to be alI ply\voo<l, and could cu,ily be luid out fo1' pn;:fab-
ri<.·ation. I've designed ' i1.ablc Hat boun1ns '''ith regularc:ro...s·plnnking. 'vith Qluccl~,1rip
<'ros~-pl:inking. ~nd with multiple layer< of J'lywnod. ()uc bo:tt httd :t th111 plyw<>od bot-
lOll) s.htalhed \\'ilh natural tilnbtr laitJ f'ore-rint.J ..rif't and 1upcreJ to 1lulhc hl!r boll01H ~•bout
4 inch1..'. <.; thhJ.. an1idships hua only ·Y~winch 1hick a1 rhc end\. I've ul"o Unn..: hot1u1n~ fon.·-
and-aft planked Oil trnnsver...e fr;;une.... :llld \1r·ich \'ariou' fra1ning ~y... 1\.!1n ... in '-lt~I and a1u-
01ino1u. A nlecal bo~u ot (bi:- nlodcl i"I. practic-al, but ni:tJ, JC\"P lo11~icudin~1I t.lnnger' to
...tilrtn iL
The nluhiple pl~'\\·ood bonon1 .. ha,·c ...cc1ncd the ~1 <."<>tnbin:uion of eeonoin)r anti
freedom rmm •rouble. I'd b.i'< thi' bouom ~t k:ht t \I• incli."' thi~~ ovemtl-,:iy. three
eotl~ of ~iocb-\\'ith a rouplt of ~I ringer.. and liulc or nu fr:11ni11)! in Ix.I\\ eco the
bulkh\.-ad~. I'd M'lt."'.l.thc ii \\ith titx·r~l...t.-.-. :\II O\cr lhc Otll,idc 10 'a\'C lini~h \\O~ or if
C'OflfK.'r price:;,. ~ayed knv l\t rhink :l~)(ll cnpf)er ~he:uhing ~lo\\ the \\-a11:rfinc: 16·
ouoce copper sheel '' aboul the ulciJn;u.e in IO\\' 1nainttno~ and p:l)"\ for it...elf long
Ix-fore it \\·~out. ir i1 e\'er d<x..--......
For- a long ti1ne , . \·c tried 10 ch.~,jg.n l\ 00;11or1Jtj, l)"JJll: \\ ith h~r hUU."'-<." \'Olrri~xl ti~ ruu
lcng1h or nearly "-<l 10 nl:ake ri 'iailing hou\eboi.11. h j,,ft ca').

Auth or's Note

I did later desig n a 36-footer v•ith a long hnu...c, hur ... he ho,n'l b...·1..·n buill a~ till~
hook i!-> \\Titten. See the Superbrick <.le'\ign, Ctl:tp1~r fla.
lnr th..: n:1tuf\: of ch..: pn.>bl("111~.

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73 Shady Lady
39·0- x 14'0" x 3 ·9·

1',1cl Traber 'vas, until he rc1ircd. a profcssionul s1cch\+t\1'kcr \\1i1h n big: high. \veil
equipped s hop. which his boat was designed t<> At. A Int of the de1a iled dcsi~n is hi s, but
I have no problem with any of it and cou ldn't ~weur which of u~ ~uggcstcd which fea-
lurc. The targo boorr1 \vas his idea. ils funl' tiou being to S\ving his big Hurll!y-Davi<lsou
motorcycle from the quarterdeck en a \Vharf. The box keel '"'ilh squarc·corncrcd t'Ul\.\'a•
ter is mine-my favorite solution to the problem of gelling ,omc buoyancy out to the
ends of a panel-constrt•ction boat without nrnking her"" blunt-cndc<l thal •he '""he•
half the ocean ahead of he.rand drdgs the rest behind.
These keels drive ea.,ily becau,;;e rhe profile rocker i" ~in1ilar 101hc plan~vic'v t.apcr.
They push soJne of the \Vater out 1n the sjde~ :tnd nn c<1uttl nJnourH dn,vn,vards, "i1h no
tendency to eddy around the comer. 'Jllat·, on J>aper: in foct. Uiere-. ""'1lC eddying
there. ceruinly quite a IOI when 1hc boat pitches and roll\. I 'vc <lo.."i~nc<l a couple uf
boats in which 1his join1 was fomicd fn:>m a sogmeni of a big pipe. i\ good crnlisman <-an
do this smoo1hly with these gentle curve<. but I'm not "'re it'> wonh the complica1ion
of an extra weld line. especially l>ioc-c the cumlon of the full-widtl~ Y:-uicb-t11icl keel
plate would be impractical. \Vi1h tha1. br-.i<'Cd by 1hc •tiff "enkal b<:•lll• uf the ko..'CI
sides. it's unimaginable that she could land oo ony1hin~ 1ha1 e<>t1ld hun her. •hon of high
explosive. and even that might toss hcr away without holin~ her.
Grounded an<l left by 1he tide. she would .iand upri~hl if the oonom were level. an
objection being that ii would he h>rd 10 leg her level on a 'lOf)in~ bonom. nn<I that if >lie
fell over she '"'0t1ld do\vn 1nore 1han 30 degree,;.
She has a great rese"·e of buoyancy and .<tability. wi1h high 'id«' and '1rung d<x:k-
\\.'Orks. fit tu roll over anJ over anJ fini~h the ri~hl \\'ft)' up :.nd functiouin~. She',; too
(fl''t ('t11U/t11u•,f on pag'' 395)


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SHAD\' V.VY 393

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SlrAdy La4y

•• I


! •- ..

• I ,__ ···-

"" I"

""horl lo h..: an ideal ocean·cro...;ser; her cruising speed for hcst rang\! \VOuld h..: 6 1/1 knocs.
Mel cruises her at 7 112 knots. and she can probably come close to') wide open. wiLh the
120-h.p .. six-cylinder engine he subscituted for the 80-h.p. four I showod 011 Lhc plun>.
1-iis reasoning v.•a..\ lhat the.! added cost \\las negligible at the. sculc or Lhc tocul invc:-.tn1cnt.
and 1h:it you can't have too n1uch pov.•e-r if you have sense enough not to use it un1il you
need it
11or real occt1n v.·ork she \VOUld need roH-d~1n)ping p:travt1nc~: nut Lhal ~he's nn
cxccptionaJJy bad roller. but all powerboat~ roll enough to \Vear out their c.·1·i:v.•:-..
Ho\\'C\'er, Rern1uda \\'OU Id he about the lin1it of her intended u~c, .:ind rhree duy~ of hold..
ing on tight is nOI coo high a price co pay for saving che cluner of pnrnvane genr. She's
too stiff. and not fast enouglL for hull-mounted anti-rolling fins 10 bo effective.
The <..plir~l evel cahin arr.wgcmcnl obviaLc..-.s ~ccp ladOCrs. Quick ~.sag~ fon,rnrd
and aft is complemented by fairly wide waterway< along the ou~<idc and a wheelhouse
opening al deck levd 0<1 each side. with cllan cable and navigating gear beside the helnL
Tue ,q._'W from the helm is as gootl as front son1e flying bridges.
I don't see an)1hing missing that I would mi."Os..

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68 Superbrick
19'6" x 1·10· x 10"/ 3'6" (board down)

There have been shanty-boats Linte out of n1inJ. SOn'tl! \Vilh sails ror -,hif'ting berth.
Outboard motors have been niountt·<l on thcrn since thc.·.rc: have b1;cn outhourtl 111otors.
Govenunents and O\vners of \V(1terfron1 property have never likerl che1n hccnuse 1hey' re
bard to tax. intn1de on expensi,•ely preser"cd views. find teod 10 be inhrihicC'l.l lly pri1ni·
tivc people v.•ho s hoot the nice du..:k.s instc~1d of buying thit'lCn k..illi;d 0111 of 'ight iu
sanilaJ)' fac1ories. Proper Boaunen look on shan1y·boa1~ \Virh condescension as long as
there aren't foo n1any in the \vay.
·me Proper Boatmen join the others in hO>tili1y when a ,11unty·bom >how> 1>reten-
sions to a11-around sailing abiliry and ~vcn vcn1ur...:." into open \Vulcr. Jf~ rcnliniM.--cnt of
the indignation of a nledievaJ n1an-at-amls in exrensive arnlor. f:tecd hy a (')C~unr \.\ ith 1

a cheap bow and arrow. The reaction then Md now is "no quaner:·
Dc.!oiigning one of these i.s an exercise in rnaliciOU.!. hurnor. Bad Ut"olc i:ot not al1 it
takt-s. 1llc joke'• edge i.• blunted if the thing dne<n't worl rca<0nubly \\Cll A double
berth. two singles. an enclosed washroom. a s1aod-up Litchen. and •1>proprfate closcl>
an<I olher storage-plus an effecti>e sailing rig with lat~ral plnne and rodder. abili1y 10
di•manllc Ilic rig without shore help. and an outboard motor pla<'Cd to" orL ckar or the
sailing gear-can be fitted into a package'"'" than 8 feet by 8 feet by 20 f.,.,t, by a plan-
ner witb<>ut prejudices abou1 symmelry or inhibition< about rurhulent hydrodynamic,..
TI1e conclusion is an incivility to serious-minded p<!Ople. The in1crior and dc<:L
joincrwork is almosl as expensive as those of 3 genuine boot with n doubl""· bc:rth. ''"'o
singlc..-s, and the rest. T he boat i~ expcnsi\'c to lx...'rth bccuu'>c of it'> unpopulurity. II'~ 100
wide, high. and heavy to be a good 1railer boat. notwithsrnnding it< paper lcgali1y. II'•
noi~y and slO\V in choppy \\'aler. and prone lO get out of conc1 ·01 if h'~ driven hard in
lrtxt rrm1/1111td "" pagr JtS.~)


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© I •~" .. _.,_
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Slrong 'vind (if tile square <:orncr of lht· Ice bu"' gel~ into ~oliJ \\later. it \vi11 keep dig·
ging in until Lhc. hoat stop~ and hronchc..,,). A1'axin111n1 'pc.ed.. p<l\\'cr or sai1, j~ ohout 5
knot<. wi1h a J"Olliog wake and a be>ne in Jhe tee1h.
It's self-righting., strong. and ~tiff. none e>f which cotitks ii to be called
M.·.av.·onhy. if only bccaust.·. in baJ \\•l".<.tlhcr. :u 'icu. it ''ou1d jar and r.JUle ll'o. lTC\V to
Irresponsible. A ~ratuilous mocl..~ry of Ri~ht-Tiiinkin~ Uo.iunrn and other ~nobs.

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9 Supermouse
11'6" x6'6" x 1•3•

Lorry Sedge\vick huilt a Field1nousc dinghy fro1n 1ny plans. TI1is i~ n clinkcr.. buih
prom, 7 feet 6 inches hy 4 feet 0 inches. very high-sided and bulky, wi1h h<lth trnn<oms
vertical. Jt carric.~ a huge rig for it!> size in a full)' LHHh.:ncd t_;~ll rig. Lun·y unU his \vifc
liked the boat and a!'kcd me to v.•ork on a bigger vcrsion lhtll could have u cudcJy cabin.
Since they liked the plumb ends of the small hoat. these were carded into the big-
ger one Y>'ilhuut argUlnCnt. Raked Lr~ulSOlns 1nnke a ft\!.ICr boat lc:-.s baUI y :-.hipped by
waves ifthcy•rc raked out fron1 the given botton1 length. hut in thut cu:-.c the v.·ou1d
he hetter still if the waterline were carried out 10 1>lumh transom~ a1 the new overall
Ieng~• ....
Even in much bigger boats. di\•iding 1hc space into ··bctn"'.. and ..on dccJ.. ·· rn~n'
that both suffer. I look for a way tocnmbine the functions, 10 u..e the whole b<>at day and
nigh.t. The llirdw:ucher layout (see Chapter 46) wid1 the transparent raised ~k i> my
fa"ori te •olution su far. II give.< shelter a nti shade. i' ca\y In close up cntin:ly wnh fab-
ric CO\'ct<. and its high and wide buoyancy make1' a ho:1111ncap< in the CO<llcxt <lf
small-lake sailing. High freeboard is an efficient sub:.timtc for lo" ballaSt. In 1hi' ca,e.
the sides op<.'11 out: lhc assumption is that they would be closto.I before die ><1uall
strikes-a fair bet. though I'm more comfortable \>ith lixcd windowi.. which don't"'"-
ally make the enclosed cockpit hoc becau;e there'< an eddying How of wind fmm the
open cented ine standing room.
The ::-.1anding mom allov·iS w-alking \\."ith hand!<. in pockets, st..inding up lo lool..
around. and an end·to-end tent at 1'.tanding heighr. Stepping rorwurd 10 the mat;.t j( an
improvement over leading the halyards aft. whence somebody hn~ to clnmher to the
111.'1.Sl lo clear the jam at the turning blocks.
The v;atcrlight \veil!\ take care of oily objects an nnd 1nucldy one'\ forward. The


35 (49/436)

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living motn should never be '"~ th:in drunp. A t·unain can ~paro1ie oir tit~ coill't for
Tbc lkhlmou,e h•d bi~ lccboonh. The.., don'1 marry wdl "ilh 1l1c i;la:.' h<llL-e. A
calf-deep J..eel.eemed a minimal nui»nce ei1her m l.111ochin~ nnd h:mling. orin >hallo"
\\alcr: it 1nake~ inboard rudder practK'al anc.I. in tum. 1hc rno't con,enicnt and ctli-
cicnt nlOlor ntow1ting. This k&!I is 1lOI lxtlla~ted. but heing thin, hollO\\', and fl\:'t.....llooding.
it doe'.)o·t b:l\'C much effect on lht ~tability of 1hi.. stiff hull. In._, l..nocldcn\'11 il ,,·o ulJ
COUit' out or the \Valer and help right her hcfOO! if COl1ld dr~tin. It i.\ ~trungcr than it look.~
iu tbc secliQnal vi¢\\> bt.~.:ausc the rocker of the ho:.1·~ bothllll of(~I-' the end' of the keel
l"run1 the ntidJJc for a good lev("r am\ to rc:-.i~t a \idc .'\tre~s. Keels like 1hj., hul.J on lo
\vind\1.:ard quite \\"ell unles.'\ dtl~ \\'inti h:is blo'''" hard (!U()U~I) u11d luHt! c11ou~_d1. over a

Jil Adobe Digital Editions - Boats with •n op•n mind x

SUPCR1\fOusr 31

big enough stretch of v.·;itcr. to sl art the surface \Vatcr drifling. In other \vords. they \Vork
un lakes and bnys. and in gende \\'eather.
111e high boom makes the nominal sail area le" 1hnn llw1 of more normal rig> of
~ual driving pov.•c.r and he.c.ling ctTccL 11lc gaff rig aHo\vs u shol'tcr n1ns1 :.ind i:-. ca:-.icr
to lower and furl 1han the baiwing sail of 1he smaller bont. h li;i, the ;:1111c :idvontaye
over a triangular sail-lhat the center of sai I area dOC')o.Jt' 1~hi ft :-.o Cur nhcnJ n~ the sai I is
r~e(C<l. {See the accon1panying es~ay on cathoat design.)
Tilc inspiration for the supers1ructure \ 1he hnn,boo~nnd·lhtuch shelter ~cen on
liveaboard s<>mpan' all over the Far Ea,1. On 1hern it's quain1ly a11rnc1ivc.

37 1511436)

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- -, 05.01.2019
Jil Adobe Digital Editions - Boats with • n op•n mind x

JR \•FR'\· S~1AU.. BOAT.>

On Catboat Design
If you identify the midsection on the left on don't have 10. A good short boar be built on
page 39 as • narrow boat. and the one on the that section.
'ight a. a wide boa1, you're right. The left-hand In thP 1890s, ,.,"'<'fl racing boa;s were m<?aSUwd
section is that of an English cutters'• tlmesas I0'\9 f()( handQp by waterline length. ~al cats were
as sre IS .... de. The rignt-hanc section is a Cape buir with long C>Yefhanging bows a'ld stems
Cod CdtbOdt tVIO bedfflS long. But, how c0tM you om from b&'lm)' CM boaI bortoms The best ol these
tell how long they are? long-decked cats was the HerTesl1off-bu•t Wanda.
Af"1ft from recognemg lhem for what they are. rn the photo she IS skmmng aklng, seem ng barely
and noting that depth-to-beam ratio has as much 10 IOuCh tile watet. and you t.ake it Iha\ m the
IO do wi~ what makes a boat wide "' narrow as lign arr shown, or "' more ...,nd with a mote mod-
leng1h-to-beam, there's a good reas-0n W>y the e<: sa.I and boom, ~ wM • sweel-handlng aah.
cuner miclsectlOO represents a narrow boat If you Her beam was abou1 what would be cxp<cted in a
buolt a two-beam boat on that sectiO'l, it wou d be cat or ret waterline length-her lu>es ~
• very b<ld bo•l. >low, we<, and \\ild-steering. If stretched r.1thct th.on enl<irged. Besides allowmg
you built a six-beam boat on the cat m d·sECtion, sleeker lines. 1hc cxtra lcn91h added :o her Stdbility.
that would be a good boot n1e point is that ;'Ou she could carry more sail than a short0< boat


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