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Today, we can see the impact of the globaliz-

ing world in many areas. Although this situa-

tion has some positive effects, it has a very
important and critical negative effect, which
is the destruction of local cultures and tradi-
tions. Although this situation is not much no-
ticed today, it will affect our children, espe-
cially our grandchildren, in the future. This is
why we must avoid this extinction . It may be
useful to teach young people about our own
culture and traditions and to establish cultural
museums. This essay will briefly explain the

First of all, as in everything else, education in

the cultural field should start from childhood.
As children begin to understand something,
we have to explain our culture, our traditions,
and even show them by applying them. At
the same time, some small activities related
to this subject may be held in schools. But
we must teach our own culture without forc-
ing the children, without putting pressure on
them. When children see behaviors that they
see differently, these behaviors can be of in-
terest to them and may be more attractive. In
such situations, judging them is one of the
worst things to do.

Secondly, some museums that will introduce

our culture to the public should be estab-
lished. Some materials from the past to the
present, even local clothes can be exhibited
in these museums. Of course, there are mu-
seums of this concept in some places, but
we have to spread them throughout the
country so that each part of the country can
learn about our culture and our past properly.
In addition, having free entrance to these
museums will make them even more attrac-
tive. This will increase the impact of muse-
ums on society.
As a result, it is a known fact that our tradi-
tions have disappeared with the effect of
globalization, but as I explained above, some
measures can be taken to prevent this. In
other words, if we include our culture more in
our lives, we can get rid of these negative ef-
fects. But since we do not experience this
disappearance immediately, we should not
expect to solve the problem suddenly.

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