Kinetics of Particles - Collisions - Class

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Dynamics of Particles
Kinetics of particle
Impulse & Momentum

Collision and Impact

or impacts
Collisions or impacts
Impact occurs when two bodies collide with each other
during a very short period of time, causing relatively
large (impulsive) forces to be exerted between the bodies

➢Crashes between cars
➢Impacts between billiard balls
➢Impacts between parts of machines and so on

Collisions or impacts
➢In general, collisions (or impacts) between parts of a
mechanical system result in loss of energy
➢A collision (or impact) between two or more bodies in
which some of the kinetic energy is lost is called an
inelastic collision.
➢In an inelastic collision, the total kinetic energy of the
bodies (system) is less after the impact than before.

➢If the total kinetic energy of the system does not change
during a collision, it is said to be an elastic collision
➢Kinetic energy of the system is conserved in an elastic
➢There are two types of impact
➢1. Direct central impact
Occurs when the direction of motion of the mass centers
of the two colliding particles is along a line passing
through the mass centers of the particles. This line is
called the line of impact, which is perpendicular to the
plane of contact.

➢2. Oblique impact
When the motion of one or both of the particles makes an
angle with the line of impact, the impact is said to be an
oblique impact.

Line of
• In the case of direct central impact,
two colliding bodies A and B move
Plane of
Contact vB along the line of impact with
velocities vA and vB , respectively.
B • Two equations can be used to
determine their velocities v’A and
A Before Impact v’B after the impact.
• The first represents the
conservation of the total
momentum of the two bodies,
mAvA + mBvB = mAv’A + mBv’B
The total linear momentum before collision is
the same as the total linear momentum after collision.
v’A After Impact
Line of mAvA + mBvB = mAv’A + mBv’B
Impact The second equation relates the relative
velocities of the two bodies before and after
impact, v’ - v’ = e (v - v )
B vB, − v ,A v ,A − vB,
e= OR e =
v A − vB vB − v A
Before Impact
The constant e is known as the
vA coefficient of restitution; its value lies
between 0 and 1 and depends on the
material involved.
v’B ➢ When e = 0, the impact is termed
perfectly plastic (inelastic); Where the
particles cling together after collision.
➢ When e = 1 , the impact is termed
A perfectly elastic.
v’A After Impact
Summary of Coefficient of Restitution
In general, e has a value between zero and one. The two
limiting conditions can be considered:
Elastic impact (e = 1): In a perfectly elastic collision, no
energy is lost and the relative separation velocity equals
the relative approach velocity of the particles. In practical
situations, this condition cannot be achieved.
Plastic impact (e = 0): In a plastic impact (perfectly
inelastic); the relative separation velocity is zero. The
particles stick together and move with a common velocity
after the impact.
Some typical values of e are:
Steel on steel: 0.5 - 0.8 Wood on wood: 0.4 - 0.6
Lead on lead: 0.12 - 0.18 Glass on glass: 0.93 - 0.95
Line of In the case of oblique central impact, the
Impact n velocities of the two colliding bodies before
and after impact are resolved into n
t components along the line of impact and t
B components along the common tangent to
the surfaces in contact.
In the t direction (Along the plane of contact):
A Before Impact

vA (vA)t = (v’A)t (vB)t = (v’B)t

v’B n
while in the n direction (Along the line of impact)
v’A B vB mA (vA)n + mB (vB)n =
mA (v’A)n + mB (v’B)n
(v’B)n - (v’A)n = e [(vA)n - (vB)n]
vA After Impact 10
Line of Oblique central impact
Impact n
In the t direction (Along the plane of contact):
t vB
B (vA)t = (v’A)t (vB)t = (v’B)t
A Before Impact There are no forces exerted in that
vA direction so the velocities in that
v’B n direction are unchanged by the impact
v’A B vB

vA After Impact 11
Line of
Impact n oblique central impact
while in the n direction (Along the line of impact):
t vB Linear momentum is conserved
mA (vA)n + mB (vB)n =
A Before Impact mA (v’A)n + mB (v’B)n
vA v’B n
t (v’B)n - (v’A)n = e [(vA)n - (vB)n]
v’A B vB

vA After Impact 12
plane of contact
Line of (vA)t = (v’A)t (vB)t = (v’B)t
plane of Impact
contact Line of Impact
vB mA (vA)n + mB (vB)n =
t B
mA (v’A)n + mB (v’B)n
(v’B)n - (v’A)n = e [(vA)n - (vB)n]
A Before Impact
Although this method was developed for
vA bodies moving freely before and after
v’B n impact, it could be extended to the case
t when one or both of the colliding bodies
is constrained in its motion.
v’A B vB
vA Or v1 Before collision
v’A Or v2 After collision
vA After Impact 13
The ball strikes the smooth wall with a velocity of
(vb)1=20m/s. If the coefficient of restitution between
the ball and the wall is e = 0.75, determine the velocity
of the ball just after the impact.

Given: The ball strikes the smooth wall

with a velocity (vb )1 = 20 m / s.

The coefficient of restitution between the
ball and the wall is e = 0.75.

Find: The velocity of the ball just after the impact.

The collision is an oblique impact, with the line of impact
perpendicular to the plane (through the relative centers of mass).
Thus, the coefficient of restitution applies perpendicular to
the wall and the momentum of the ball is conserved along
the wall.
Solve the impact problem by using x-y axes defined along and
perpendicular to the line of impact, respectively:
The momentum of the ball is conserved in the y-dir:

m(vb )1 sin 30 = m(vb )2 sin 

(vb )2 sin  = 10m / s (1)
The coefficient of restitution applies in the x-dir:
e = 0 − (vbx )2  /(vbx )1 − 0
 0.75 = 0 − (− vb )2 cos  /20 cos 30 − 0 vB, − v ,A
 (vb )2 cos  = 12.99m / s (2 ) v A − vB
Using Eqs. (1) and (2) and solving for the velocity and  yields OR
(vb )2 = 12.992 + 102 = 16.4m / s v ,A − vB,
 = tan −1 (10 / 12.99) = 37.6 vB − v A
Example 2

X-Direction Solution

The total linear momentum before collision in the x direction is the

same as the total linear momentum after collision in the x direction.



(1) & (2)

v −v
, , v −v , ,

OR e =
e= B A
v A − vB vB − v A

• Applying the principle of linear impulse and momentum

to each particle.
• Note that there is no force in the y direction.


Example 3

• Impact. The line of impact is along the line joining the
centers of disks A and B represented by y axis in Fig. a. Thus

4 3 vA
4 3

x x

Coefficient of Restitution. Along the line of impact (y axis)

Home work
The two identical steel balls moving
with initial velocities vA and vB collide
as shown.
If the coefficient of restitution is e =
0.7, determine the velocity of each
ball after impact and the percentage
loss of system kinetic energy.

Answer: 6.73 m/s, 3.22 m/s, 44.4%

Group Homework
A pile-driving hammer of
mass 1 tonne falls 2 m from
h v1 rest onto a pile of mass 200
kg. There is no rebound and
v the pile is driven 100 mm
into the ground.

100 mm

➢ the common velocity of the pile and the hammer
immediately after impact, and
➢ the average resisting force of the ground in bringing
the pile and hammer to rest.
• Consider the free fall of the hammer using the
constant acceleration formula v 2 = u 2 + 2as
where acceleration a is g = 9.79 m/s2 (Gaborone value)
and s is h in the figure = 2 m
• Hence v1, the velocity of the hammer when it hits the
pile = 2 gh = 6.258 m/s
• Momentum is conserved during the brief impact:

ma (v a )1 + mb (vb )1 = ma (v a )2 + mb (vb )2

➢ 1000 x 6.258 + 0 = 1000vcommon + 200vcommon

Writing this common velocity after the impact
as v, we obtain v = 5.215 m/s 25
➢ Now we need to consider the work done and energy
changes following the impact.
➢ The pile does work against the resisting force of the
ground, and the energy to supply this work comes from
the initial kinetic energy and from the potential energy
that pile and hammer lose as their mass centres move
• Kinetic energy just after impact
= ½(ma + mb)v12 = 0.5 x 1200 (5.215)2
= 16,318 J

• PE at start = 0 (chosen as datum)

• PE at end = (ma + mb)g(change in height = 1200 x 9.79 x (-

0.100) = -1175 J

• KE at end = 0
• From the Work-Energy Equation
T1 + V1 = T2 + V2 + Work Done
16318 + 0 = 0 – 1175 + (Average force F x distance

• Then
16318 + 1175
= 174 900 N = 175 kN


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