Khmer-English Buddhist Dictionary

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ភាគ ២

វចននុ កមពុទធ សន
ែខ្មរ - អង់េគ្លស

Part II
Khmer - English
Buddhist Dictionary
អក រកត់

adj. Adjective eccl. ecclesiastical

(K.) in Khmer usage lit. Literally
(mis.) Misleading n. Noun 
v. verb * newly coined Pali term

េ ប បេធ បអក ររម

៉ូ ុ ំងែដលេ បជបលី

អ ឥ ឦ ឧ ឩ ឯ ឱ a à i ì u ù e o

ក ខ គ ឃ ង k kh g gh æ

ច ឆ ជ ឈ ញ c ch j jh ñ

ដ ឋ ឌ ឍ ណ å åh ð ðh ä

ត ថ ទ ធ ន t th d dh n

ប ផ ព ភ ម p ph b bh m

យ រ ល វ ស ហ ឡ ◌ំ y r l v s h ø ç
(ö ឬ ŋ)

នេម តស ភគវេ អរហេ សមមសមពុទធស ។

សពបបស អករណំ កុសលស ូ បសមបទ

សចិតបរ ិេយទបនំ ឯតំ ពុទធន សនំ ។

Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammàsambuddhassa.

Sabbapàpassa akaraäaç, Kusalassùpasampadà,
Sacittapariyodapanaç; Etaç Buddhàna sàsanaç. 

កង្ខា (Kaækhà) doubt; uncertainty. aeon; world-age; world-cycle; world-
(Kaåattàkamma) casual act;
កដតា្ត កម្ម period. 2. the life-term; life-period;
the duration of life.
cumulative or reserve kamma.
កឋិន (Kaåhina) the Kathin ceremony; កប្បនា (Kappanà) 1. merit dedicated to
the annual robe-presentation the departed. 2. េមីល អគារដាក់កប្បិយវត្ថុ
ceremony (in the month following កប្បពិន្ទុ (Kappabindu) a smudge that
the end of the Rains Retreat); makes a new robe allowable; dark
postlenten robe-offering; Post-Retreat mark or small black dot applied to a
Robe-Presen-tation. new robe to make it lawful. v.
កណ្ឌ (Kaäða) 1. a chapter, portion or ( ដាក់កប្បពិន្ទុ ) to make a robe
part (of a religious book). 2. a allowable by applying a disfiguring
sermon. smudge (by which the owner can also
កណ្ឌ េទស (Dhammadesanàpùjà*, Dham- identify it); mark with a smudge.
makathikadeyya*) offerings for a កប្បិយការកៈ (Kappiyakàraka) one who
sermon. makes things suitable for a monk;
ុ (Kataññutà) gratitude; grateful-
កតញ្ញតា attendant of a monk.
ness; appreciation. កម្ម (Kamma) 1. karma; kamma; a
កតញ្ញូ (Kataññù) adj. grateful; obliging; volitional action; action; deed; good
knowing the done favour. and bad volition. 2. work; job;
កតញ្ញូកតេវទិតា (Kataññùkatavedità) the activity; transaction.
quality of being a grateful person; កម្មកេិ លស (Kammakilesa) an action
gratitude; gratefulness. causing impurity; depravity of action;
កតញ្ញូកតេវទី (Kataññùkatavedì) one who vice of conduct.
is thankful for benefits received and កម្មដ្ឋាន (Kammaååhàna) subjects of
reciprocates them. meditation; meditation exercises; the
កតតា្ត កម្ម េមីល កដតា្ត កម្ម act of meditation or contemplation;
ground for mental culture.
កតេវទី (Katavedì) one who reciprocates
the done favour.
កម្មនិយាម (Kammaniyàma) order of act
and result; the Law of Kamma.
កថាវត្ថុ (Kathàvatthu) 1. “Points of
Controversy”; name of the fifth book
កម្មបថ (Kammapatha) course of action;
of the Abhidhamma Piåaka. 2. a way of action; kamma as the way
subject of discussion. leading to the woeful or blissful
កប្ប , កល្ប (Kappa) 1. an aeon; world-
កម្មភព (Kammabhava) kamma-process;
the active process of becoming. កាមរាគៈ (Kàmaràga) sensual passion;
កម្មវាចា (Kammavàcà) the formal words sensual lust; sense-desire; sensuality;
of an act; text of a formal act, i.e. a desire for sensual pleasures.
motion ( ញាត្តិ ) together with one or កាមេលាក (Kàmaloka) the world of
three proclamations ( អនុសាវនា ) that sense-desire; the Sense Sphere; the
may follow. world of sensual pleasures.
កម្មវាចាចារ្យ (Kammavàcàcariya) Act- កាមវិតក្ក (Kàmavitakka) thought of
Announcing Teacher; (First) Ordina- sensual pleasures.
tion-Teacher. កាមសុខ (Kàmasukha) worldly
ករុណា (Karuäà) compassion; pity. happiness; happiness arising from
កលលៈ (Kalala) the embryo in the first sensual pleasures.
week after conception.
កល្យាណមិត្តតា (Kalyàäamittatà) good (Kàmasukhallikànuyo-ga) self-
indulgence; sensual indul-gence; the
frien-dship; good company;
constant attachment to sensual
association with the virtuous. pleasures.
កសិណ (Kasiäa) a meditational device; កាមសុមិចា្ឆចារ (Kàmesumicchàcàra)
object of meditation; the method of
sexual misconduct; sensual
inducing concentration by gazing at misconduct; unlawful sexual
any of the ten objects, viz., earth,
intercourse; adul-tery.
water, fire, air, blue, yellow, red,
កាមសំវរៈ (Kàmasaçvara) sexual
white, space and light.
កាម (Kàma) sense-desire; desire; restraint.
sensua-lity; an object of sensual
កាមាវចរ (Kàmàvacara) belonging to the
enjoyment; sensual pleasures. Sense Sphere.
កាមគុណ (Kàmaguäa) sensual កាមាវចរភូមិ (Kàmàvacarabhùmi) the
pleasures; objects of sensual Sensuous Plane of Existence; the
enjoyment. Sense Sphere; the Sensuous Sphere.
កាមឆន្ទៈ (Kàmachanda) sensual desire; កាមុបាទាន (Kàmupàdàna) sensuous
excitement of sensual pleasure. cling-ing; attachment to sensuality.
កាមតណ្ហ ា (Kàmataähà) sensual craving; កាយ (Kàya) 1. the body; material body.
craving for sensual pleasures. 2. the body of psychic factors,
កាមភព (Kàmabhava) the sphere or namely, Vedanà, Saññà and
state of existence dominated by
sensual pleasures; Sensuous
កាយកម្ម (Kàyakamma) bodily action;
Existence; Sense Sphere. actions performed by the body.
កាយគតាសតិ (Kàyagatàsati) mindfulness
with regard to the body; reflection or កាលមរណៈ (Kàlamaraäa) timely death.
contemplation on the 32 impure parts កាសាវព្រស្ត (Kàsàya, Kàsàvavattha)
of the body.
cloth dyed with astringent decoction;
កាយទុច្ច រតិ (Kàyaduccarita) misconduct the yellow robe; ochre robes.
by the body; bodily misconduct; កិច្ចវត្ត (Kiccavatta*) religious routine;
misconduct in action.
daily religious observances.
កាយទ្វារ (Kàyadvàra) 1. the body-door; កិចា្ចធិករណ៍ (Kiccàdhikaraäa) business
bodyavenue; the outlet of bodily
senses. 2. the body-door; the channel to be enacted by the Sangha; legal
of bodily action. questions concerning obligations;
កាយវិញ្ញត្តិ (Kàyaviññatti) bodily intima- កិ រិយាចិត្ត (Kiriyàcitta) functional
tion; bodily expression.
conscious-ness; inoperative
កាយវិញា្ញណ (Kàyaviññàäa) body-con- consciousness.
sciousness; consciousness by means កិេលស (Kilesa) defilements; impurities;
of touch.
កាយវិេវក (Kàyaviveka) seclusion of the កិេលសកាម (Kilesakàma) sensuality as
defilement; subjective sensuality;
កាយសង្ខារ (Kàyasaækhàra) bodily
desire; lust.
forma-tion, i.e. in-breath and out- កឹករណីេយសុ ទក្ខតា (Kiækaraäìyesu
dakkha-tà) the willingness to give a
កាយសម្ផស្ស (Kàyasamphassa) bodily helping hand.
contact; bodily touch. កុក្កុច្ច (Kukkucca)remorse; brooding;
កាយសុច រិត (Kàyasucarita) good conduct confusion; repentance; worry.
in action; good conduct by the body; កុង្សី (Guäassàmì*) a title unoffi-
bodily good conduct.
cially used in speaking to or of a
កាយានុបស្សនា (Kàyànupassanà) the con- monk of a higher rank; “Chao Khun”;
templation of the body; mindfulness “The Right Venerable”. េមីល
as regards the body.
កាយិកទុក្ខ (Kàyikadukkha) physical
កុដិ (Kuåì) an abode of a Buddhist
pain; bodily pain; physical suffering.
monk or novice; a monk’s cell; a
កាយិកសុខ (Kàyikasukha) physical monk’s lodging; dormitory; living
happi-ness; bodily happiness. quarters of monks.
ុ (Kàlaññutà) the quality of one
កាលញ្ញតា កុលុបកៈ (Kulupaka) a family-
who knows the proper time; knowing frequenter; family-friend monk;
the proper time; knowledge of how to family mentor.
choose and keep time.

កុសល (Kusala) adj. wholesome; merito- េកាសៈ (Kosa*) mortuary urn; funeral
rious; moral; skilful; kammically urn.
wholesome. n .merit; good action; េកាសជ្ជៈ (Kosajja) idleness; indolence;
virtue; the good; wholesome action. sloth.
កុសលកម្ម (Kusalakamma) wholesome កំេណីត េមីល េយានិ
or meritorious action; right conduct. (Àràmika; Àràmika-kumàra;
កុសលកម្មបថ (Kusalakammapatha) the Daharàràmika; Kappiyakàraka)
ten-fold way of good action; the temple boy. េមីល សិស្សវត្ត
tenfold wholesome course of action.
្រកសួងធម្មការ (Sàsanàdhikàra*)
កុសលចិត្ត (Kusalacitta) meritorious
Department of Religious Affairs.
thought; moral or wholesome
consciousness. ្រកាបវន្ទា (Abhivàda) to bow to the
កុសលេចតនា (Kusalacetanà) right or ground; to pay respect by making the
five-point prostration; to prostrate.
whole-some volition; good intention.
កុសលមូល (Kusalamùla) (the three) roots ្រកាលកឋិន េមីល កឋិន
of good; root of good action; ្រកាល្រគង (Attharati) v. to spread;

kammically wholesome root; the stretch; lay out; carry out (the kaåhina
wholesome roots. robe-making ceremony).
កុសលវិតក្ក (Kusalavitakka) wholesome េ្រកាកទទួល , ការ (Paccuggamana)
thought. rising to receive.
កុហនា (Kuhanà) deceit; fraud; ក្លស (Mahàchatta, Dussakuåikà) a
hypocrisy; trickery. sun-shade; an umbrella-like tent.
េកីតថ្មី េមីល ជាតិេ្រកាយ ក្ស្រត (Khattiya) 1. a man of the warrior
េកតុមាលា (Ketumàlà) garland of rays caste; the warrior-ruler; nobles. 2. a
round the Buddha’s head; the halo.
េកាធៈ , េ្រកាធ (Kodha) anger; furious
or wrathful passion.

ខណៈចិត្ត (Cittakkhaäa) a thought- ខន្តី (Khanti) patience; forbearance;
moment. tolerance; endurance; firmness;
ខណិកសមាធិ (Khaäikasamàdhi) fortitude.
momentary concentration. ខន្ធ (Khandha) aggregate; category.
ខណិកាបីតិ (Khaäikàpìti) momentary ខន្ធ្របាំ េមីល បញ្ចក្ខន្ធ
joy; instantaneous joy. ខមា (Khamà) patience; tolerance;
pardon. of the Pali Canon”; name of the fifth
ខមាេទាស , ការសុំ (Khamàpana) asking of the five main divisions of the Sutta
for pardon. Piåaka.
ខាងេខ្នីត (Juäha-pakkha, Sukka-~) the ខុទ្ទកបាឋ (Khuddakapàåha) “Shorter
waxing moon. Texts”; the “Text of Small Passages”;
ខាងរេនាច (Kaäha-pakkha, Kàëa-~) the name of the first division of the
Khuddaka Nikàya.
waning moon.
ខាទនីយៈ (Khàdanìya) hard or solid
ខុទ្ទកាបីតិ (Khuddakàpìti) slight sense of
interest; lesser thrill.
ខីណា្រសព (Khìäàsava) an Arahant; the
ែខ្សចំណង (Parittasutta*) sacred thread;
sacred cord.
cankerfree one; one whose mind is
free from mental obsessions.
ខុទ្ទកនិកាយ (Khuddakanikàya) “Smaller
Collection”; the “Minor Anthologies

គណៈ (Gaäa) group; denomination; Saægha.
monastery section. គតិ (Gati) (the five) courses of
្ច រសាធារណៈ existence; destiny; destination.
(Sàdhàraäakàrà-dhikàra*) Board of គន្ថធរុ ៈ (Ganthadhura) the burden of
Public Works. studying the Scriptures; the burden of
គណៈកម្មការ្រគប់្រគង្រពះសង្ឃ the books.
(Saæghapàlanà-dhikàra*) Board of គន្ធ (Gandha) odour; odorous object;
Eccl. Admini-stration. smell.
គណៈកម្មការផ្សព្វផ្សាយ្រពះធម៌ គន្ធព (Gandhabba) 1. a heavenly musi-
(Dhammapakàsa-nàdhikàra*) Board cian. 2. a being ready to take a new
of Propagation. existence.
គណៈកម្មការសិក្សា (Sàsanasikkhàdhikàra*) គម្ពីរ (Gantha, Potthaka, Pakaraäa) (T.) a
Board of Education. scripture; text; canon; religious book.
គណបូរកៈ (Gaäapùraka) one who គរុកម្ម (Garukakamma) Weighty
completes the quorum; quorum- Action; kamma of serious or strong
completing monk. effect.
គណៈសង្ឃ (Saægha) the monastic order; គរុដ្ឋានីយបុគ្គល (Garuååhànìyapuggala) a
the Church, especially the Buddhist respectable person.
monastic order; the Order; the គរុធម៌ (Garudhamma) (the eight) strict
conditions or chief rules to be sense perception; a sense-object. 2. a
observed by the Buddhist nun suitable  place; resort for alms; alms
throughout her life. resort.
គហិបដិបត្តិ (Gihipaåipatti*) practices for េគាចរគាម (Gocaragàma) a village
the layman; code of morality for the where a monk goes for alms or
laity. obtains his food; alms-resort village.
គាថា (Gàthà) 1. a verse; stanza of 4 េគាតម (Gotama) name of the clan to 
half-lines. 2. (K.) a magic spell. which the Buddha belonged.
គាមវាសី (Gàmavàsì) (K.) a town-monk. េគា្រត (Gotta) clan; ancestry; lineage.
គារវៈ (Gàrava) respect; reverence; ្រគង (Ekaçsaç) v. to arrange the upper
esteem; attention; appreciative action. robe over one shoulder (the left one).
គិលានបច្ច័យ (Gilànapaccaya) support for ្រគងចីវរ (Nivàseti, Pàrupati) v. to don;
the sick; requisites for the sick; wear; put on (the yellow robe).
medicine. ្រគបបា្រត (Pattapidhàna) lid or cover for
គិលានេភសជ្ជ (Gilànabhesajja) drug; an alms-bowl; alms-bowl lid.
medicine. ្រគហស្ថ (Gahaååha) a householder;
គុណ (Guäa) 1. quality; property. 2. layman; the laity.
good quality; virtue; merit. 3. (K.) ្រគូស្រូ ត (Upasampadàcariya,
help; aid; benefit; support; favour. Kammavàcà-cariya +
គុណធម៌ (Guäadhamma) goodness; Anusàvanàcariya) the two monks
virtue. who chant the formal words of an act
គុណពិេសស , គុណ វិេសស (Visesa) (especially, of ordination); Act-
unusual virtue; extraordinary state; Announcer; Ordination-Teacher.
specific attainment.
េគាចរ (Gocara) 1. field or sphere of

ឃនសញា្ញ (Ghanasaññà) perception of rules of household conduct; qualities
compactness; the idea of of a good layman.
massiveness. ឃានៈ (Ghàna) the nose.
ឃរាវាស (Gharàvàsa) 1. the household ឃានទ្វារ (Ghànadvàra) nose-door; nose-
life. 2. (K.) a householder; layman; the avenue.
laity. ឃានវិញា្ញណ (Ghànaviññàäa) nose-
ឃរាវាសធម៌ (Gharàvàsa-dhamma) consciousness.
virtues for a good household life; េឃាសប្បមាណិកា (Ghosappamàäikà)

those who measure or judge by voice; voice or good repute; those attached
those whose faith depends on sweet to voice.

េងឿងឆ្ងល់ (muååhassati) confused; េងឿងឆ្ងល់ , េសចក្តី (sammosa)
muddled; deranged. confusion; falling into oblivion.

ចក្ខុ (Cakkhu) the eye. composed.
ចក្ខុទ្វារ (Cakkhudvàra) the eye-door; ចតុបច្ចយ័ (Catupaccaya) េមីល បច្ច័យ
eye-avenue. ចតុព្វិធពរ (Catubbidhavara*) the
ចក្ខុ វិញា្ញណ (Cakkhuviññàäa) eye-con- fourfold blessing; the four excellent
sciousness. things, viz., long life, beauty,
ច្រក , ច្រកធម៌ (Cakka) the set of four happiness and health.
virtues, being like the four wheels of
ចតុរា រិយសច្ច (Cattàri Ariyasaccàni) the
a carriage, constituting the means to Four Noble Truths; the Four Holy
prosperity; virtues wheeling to Truths.
prosperity. ចតុវគ្គ (Catuvagga) a chapter of four
ច្រកវាឡ (Cakkavàøa) a world-circle; monks.
solarsystem; universe. ចន្ទគតិ (Candagati*) the system of a
ចង្កូមែកវ េមីល ទាឋធាតុ lunar calendar.
ច្រង្កម (Caækama) walking up and ចេ្រមីន្រពះពុទម្ធ ន្ត (Parittabhaäana) (K.)

down; a terraced walk. v. to walk up (used for auspicious ceremonies) to

and down. chant holy stanzas.
ចង្វាក់សូ្រតធម៌ (Vatta, Bhàäassara*) ចរណៈ (Caraäa) behaviour; conduct;
mode of chanting. good conduct.
ចណ្ឌ ាល (Caäðàla) an outcaste; the ចរិត (Carita) the intrinsic nature of a
untouchable. person; (the six types of)
ចតុត្ថជ្ឈាន (Catutthajjhàna) the fourth characteristic behaviour; character;
Jhàna; the fourth absorption.
ចតុធាតុវវតា្ថ ន (Catudhàtuvavatthàna)
ចរិយាបិដក (Cariyàpiåaka) “Modes of
Conduct”; name of the fifteenth
analysis of the four elements; division of the Khuddaka Nikàya.
determining of the elements;
contemplation on the four essential
ចរិយាវត្ត (Cariyàvatta*) 1. customs and
qualities of which the body is manners to be observed; duties

concerned with conduct. 2. conduct ចិត្ត វិសុទ្ធិ (Cittavisuddhi) purity of mind;
and duties; moral conduct and the purification of consciousness.
performance of duties. ចិត្តសង្ខារ (Cittasaækhàra) mental forma-
ចាគៈ (Càga) 1. charity; generosity; tion; mental function, i.e. perception
sacrifice; self-denial; liberality; and feeling.
munificence; benefaction. 2.
ចិតា្តនុបស្សនា (Cittànupassanà) the
abandoning; giving up; renunciation.
contem-plation of mind;
ចាគសម្បទា (Càgasampadà) achievement contemplation of various states of
of charity. mind; mindfulness as regards mental
ចាគានុស្សតិ (Càgànussati) reflection on states.
generosity; recollection of liberality. ចិត្តុប្បាទ (Cittuppàda) the rise of a 
ចាតុទ្ទសី (Càtuddasì) the 14th day of a thought; thought; intention.
fortnight. ចិន្តមយបញា្ញ (Cintamayapaññà) under-
ចាតុម្មហារាជិកា (Càtummahàràjikà) the standing through reasoning; wisdom
Four Guardian Deities; the realm of resulting from reflection.
the Four Great Kings. ចីវរ (Cìvara) 1. the yellow robe (of a
ិ ត (Càturaægasannipàta) the
ចាតុរង្គសន្នបា Buddhist monk or novice); any of the
Great Assembly of Disciples marked three garments of the monk. 2. (K.) the
by the union of four factors. upper or inner robe.
ចាន្រសាក់ (Bhattahàrikà*) food carrier; ចីវរអធិដ្ឋាន (Adhiååhitacìvara) the
tiffin carrier. deter-mined robes; the three robes
ចារិក (Càrika) 1. a traveller; wanderer; determined for regular personal use.
way-farer. 2. a wandering place. 3. a ចុតិ (Cuti) shifting (out of one
journey; wandering. 4. (T,) v. to existence to another); decease; the
wander; go on a journey. final thought-moment of a particular
ចារឹក (Likhati) v. to inscribe; incise; life; death.
engrave. ចុតិចិត្ត (Cuticitta) death-consciousness;
ចិតកាដ្ឋាន (Citakà) a funeral pile; dying or death-consciousness; the
cremato-rium; pyre; crematory; consciousness disconnecting the
catafalque. present life.
ចិត១្ត (Citta) thought; mind; a state of ចុតិ វិញា្ញណ (Cutiviññàäa) េមីល ចុតិចិត្ត
consciousness. ចុតូបបាតញា្ញ ណ (Cutùpapàtañàäa) the
ចិត២្ត (Citta) thought; thoughtfulness; know-ledge of the decease and
active thought. rebirth of beings; the clairvoyant
ចិត្តនិយាម (Cittaniyàma) psychic order; supernormal vision dealing with the
death and rebirth of beings; the
psychic law; order of mind.

perception of the appearing and េចេតាបរិយញា្ញ ណ (Cetopariyañàäa) know-
disappearing of various beings ledge of others’ thoughts; telepathy.
according to the consequences of េចេតាវិមុត្តិ (Cetovimutti) deliverance of
their past deeds.
ចុល្លវគ្គ (Cullavagga) “Smaller Section”; េចាទក (Codaka) reprover; accuser;
name of a book of the Vinaya Piåaka.
ចូលវស្សា េមីល ៃថ្ងចូលវស្សា េចាទនា (Codanà) reproof; charge; accu-
េចតនា (Cetanà) volition; will;
sation; plaint.
intention. េចៅអធិការ (Vihàràdhipati*,
េចតភូត (Attà, Jìva) soul; the self;
Adhikàrapati*) the abbot who is an
àtman. Ecclesiastical Sub-District Chief as
េចតសិក (Cetasika) mental well.
concomitants; mental factors; mental េចៅអាវាស (Vihàrapati*) the abbot.
states; mental activities; the adjuncts ចាំវស្សា , ការ (Vassàvàsa) Vassa-
of conscious-ness; mental adjuncts;
mental coefficients. residence; the rains-retreat; rains-
residence; keeping the Buddhist Lent;
េចតសិកទុក្ខ (Cetasikadukkha) mental keeping the rainy season; welling
pain. permanently at a suitable place
េចតសិកសុខ (Cetasikasukha) mental throughout the three months of the
happi-ness. rainy season.
េចតិយ (Cetiya) 1. a person, place  or ្រចូចទឹក (Dakkhiäodakapàtana) v.
object worthy of worship; reminder. pouring the water of dedication (to
2. (K.) a sepulchral monument; transfer merit to other beings).
pagoda; shrine; dagoba; bell-shaped
stupa (with a slender spire); tapering-
spired stupa; Phra Chedi.

ឆកាមាវចរសួគ៌ for truth and understanding. 2.
(Chakàmàvacaradevaloka) the six consent; declaration of consent to an
heavens of sensual pleasures. official act by an absentee; proxy
ឆ័្រត (Chatta) royal canopy; sunshade; vote.
ឆន្ទ (Chanda) metrics; prosody; a
ឆន្ទៈ (Chanda) 1. will; aspiration; the metre; metrical composition.
will to do; resolve; zeal; desire;
ឆន្ទាគតិ (Chandàgati) the wrong way of
impulse; wish; loving interest; desire behaviour consisting in predilection;

prejudice caused by love; partiality. ឆាន់ (Bhuñjati) v. (of a monk or
ឆព្វណ្ណរង្សី (Chabbaääaraçsì)
the ray of novice) to eat; take food.
six colours. ឆាយា (Chàyà) 1. (K.) the Pali monastic
ឆឡភិញា្ញ (Chaøabhiññà) the sixfold name of a Buddhist monk; ordina-
super-normal knowledge; the six tion-name. 2. shade; shadow.
psychic powers. ឆ្លង (Mahakamma) celebration. v. to
ឆាកសំពត់ េមីល បង្សុកូល celebrate.

ជដិល (Jaåila) a class of ascetics with lives. 2. “Birth Stories”; name of the
matted hair, usually worshipping fire, tenth division of the Khuddaka
sometimes classed under Isi; matted- Nikàya.
hair ascetic. ជាតិ (Jàti) birth; rebirth.
ជនកម្ម (Janakakamma) reproductive ជាតិេ្រកាយ (Paraloka, punabbhava)
kamma; regenerative kamma. rebirth; reexistence;future life.
ជម្ពូទប្វី (Jambùdìpa) the continent of the ជាតិមុន (Atìtabhava) a previous birth;
roseapples, i.e. India. former life.
ជយមង្គលគាថា (Jayamaægalagàthà) ជិនៈ (Jina) 1. the conqueror; the victor;
stanzas for the blessing or glory of the Buddha. 2. Jain; Jaina.
victory. ជិនបុ្រត , ជិេនារស (Jinaputta, Jinorasa)
ជរា (Jarà) old age; decay. a disciple of the Buddha.
ជលាពុជៈ (Jalàbuja) womb-born ជិ វា្ហ (Jivhà) the tongue.
creatures; those born from the ជិ វា្ហទ្វារ (Jivhàdvàra) tongue-door; tong-
womb; the viviparous. ueavenue.
ជវន (Javana) impulsion; apperception; ជី (Muäðakaupàsikà*) a shaven-
impulsive moment; a phase or stage headed female devotee who wears
of the process of consciousness at white robes and observes five or
which there is full perception and at eight precepts; white-robed female
which kamma is performed, usually lay follower.
lasting for seven thought-moments. ជី វិត (Jìvita) life; vitality.
ជាគរិយានុេយាគ (Jàgariyànuyoga)
ជី វិតិ្រន្ទីយ៍ (Jìvitindriya) vitality; life-
practice of watchfulness; avoidance
prin-ciple;psychic life; the faculty of
of sleep; wakefulness.
ជាតក (Jàtaka) 1. a birth story; the ជី វា្ហវិញា្ញណ (Jivhàviññàäa) tongue-cons-
stories of the Buddha’s previous

ជុក (Moli) topknot (of hair on the bowlstand.
crown of the head). េជីងពាន (ratanaghara*) back plate
េជីងថ្ករ េមីល ចិត កាដ្ឋាន ជ្វា (Kaääikà, Kùåapilandhana*)  the
េជីងេទៀន (Sitthadìpàdhàra*) curved finial (of a gable); gable-
candlestick. finial; (elongated ornate) gable spire.
េជីងបា្រត (Pattàdhàraka) bowl-support;

ឈាន (Jhàna) meditation; absorption; ឈាបនកិច្ច (Jhàpanakicca) cremation.
a state of serene contemplation ឈាបនដ្ឋាន (Jhàpanaååhàna)
attained by meditation; (mis.) trance; crematorium.

ញត្តិ , ញតិ (Ñatti) a motion. treatment towards kinsmen; the
ញាណ (Ñàäa) knowledge; real knowledge; helping of one’s relatives.
wisdom; insight.
ញាតិសាេលាហិត (Ñàtisàlohita) relations
ញាណទស្សនៈ (Ñàäadassana) knowing and blood relations.
and seeing; perfect knowledge; all-
ញាយ្យ , ញាយ្យធម៌ (Ñàya) right path;
com-prising knowledge; a vision of right method; the Noble Path; truth;
truth; insight; vision through wisdom. Nibbàna.
ញាណទស្សនវិសទុ ្ធ (Ñàäadassana-visuddhi) េញយ្យធម៌ (Ñeyyadhamma) anything
purity of knowledge and vision; that should be learnt or understood;
purity of vision regarding intuitive the knowable.
wisdom; purification by knowledge េញាម (Posì) appellation used by a
and vision. monk for his parents or his patron or
ញាតិ (Ñàti) a kinsman; relative. supporter.
ញាតិពលី (Ñàtibali) offering to kinsfolk;
the helping of one’s relatives.
ញាតិសេ្រង្គាះ (Ñàtisaægaha) good

ដាក់បា្រត (Piäðadàna) v. to offer food ដាក់សពំ ត់ [ បង្សុកូល ]
to the monks on their almsround. (Paçsukùlacìvaranik-khipana) (K.) v.

to lay a robe (as an offering to a to a monk. 3. (K.) written request for
monk at a funeral or memorial donation. 4. (K.) petition; appeal.
ceremony); lay down a funeral robe. ដុំថ្មនមិ ិត្តសីមា (Sìmànimittùparisilàpaååa)
ដាក់អាយុសង្ខារ (Àyusaækhàra-vossajjana) boundarymarking slab (usually made
to relinquish the vital force; the of stone and erected over a buried
Buddha’s announcement of his boundary-marking stone to show its
coming death. place). េមីល លូកនិមិត្ត
ដីកា (Åìkà) 1. a sub-commentary. 2. (K.)
a letter of invitation or invitation card

ឋាន (Åhàna*) pedestal (as of a entourage.
Buddha image). ឋានានុសក្កិ (Åhànànusatti) the authority
ឋានានុ្រកម (Åhànànukkama*) the based on one’s rank or dignity.
ecclesia-stical order of retinue; ឋិតិ , ឋីតិ (Åhiti, Åhìti) duration; static
assistants or staff members;  moment; the moment of standing.

តចបញ្ចកកម្មដា្ឋ ន (Tacapañcaka- the Thus-gone; the Truthwinner; an
kammaååhà-na) the “skin pentad” of epithet of the Buddha. 2. an Arahant.
meditation subjects; the subject for 3. a being.
meditation comprising the five តទង្គប្បហានៈ (Tadaægapahàna)
constituents ending with the skin (the abandoning by substitution of
four others being hair, body hair, opposites.
nails and teeth) តទង្គ វិមតុ ្តិ (Tadaægavimutti)
តជ្ជនីយកម្ម (Tajjanìyakamma) the formal by substitution of opposites.
act of censure. តបៈ (Tapa) 1. religious austerity;
តណ្ហ ា (Taähà) craving; desire; thirst. penan-ce. 2. exertion; mental
តតិយជ្ឈាន (Tatiyajjhàna) the third devotion; ascetic practice.
Jhàna; the third absorption. តស្សបាបិយសិកា (Tassapàpiyasikà)
ត្រតមជ្ឈត្តតា (Tatramajjhattatà) inflicting a penalty on one who is at
equanimity; equipoise; mental fault; decision for specific depravity.
balance. តាបស (Tàpasa) a hermit; ascetic.
តថាគត (Tathàgata) the 1. តាលបត្ត (Tàlapatta) a palm leaf. (K.) a
Accomplished One; the Thus-come; fan made of palm-leaves, with a long

handle, used by a monk in េតេជាកសិណ (Tejokasiäa) fire-
ceremonies; ceremonial fan. េមីល ផ្លិត contempla-tion; fire as a meditational
ដំែណង device.
តាវត្តិង្ស , តាវត្តឹស (Tàvatiçsà) the realm េតេជាធាតុ (Tejodhàtu) fire-element; the
(or heaven) of the Thirty-three Gods; element of heat; heat.
name of the second heavenly abode, េតវាចិក (Tevàcika) lit. pronouncing
of which Sakka is the king. three words or three times; especially
តិណវតា្ថ រកវិនយ
័ (Tiäavatthàrakavinaya) one who pronounces the threefold
pro-cedure for covering over (as) formula of refuge, the first being
with grass, (a reconciliation of both Yasa’s father.
parties without need for clearing up ្រតាស់ដឹង (Bodhi) Enlightenment. v. to
the rights and wrongs). be enlightened; attain enlightenment.
តិរចា្ឆ ន , កំេណីត េមីល ៃ្រតចីវរ (Ticìvara) the three robes of a
តិរចា្ឆ នេយានិ Bhikkhu, consisting of the under, the
តិរចា្ឆ នកថា (Tiracchànakathà) a variety upper and the outer robes; Triple
of worldly talk; childish talk; aimless Robe.
talk. ៃ្រតទ្វារ (Tidvàra) the three doors or
តិរចា្ឆ នេយានិ (Tiracchànayoni) the avenues of action: body, speech, and
animal kingdom; the realm of the mind.
brute creation. ៃ្រតបិដក (Tepiåaka) lit. the Three
តិរចា្ឆ នវិជ្ជា (Tiracchànavijjà) a low art; Baskets; the Tipiåaka; the three
pseudosciences; any study tending to divisions of the Buddhist Canon, viz.,
be an obstacle on the way to Vinaya, Sutta and Abhidhamma,
Nibbàna. generally known as the Pali Canon.
តិ រិយ្ថ (Titthiya) an adherent of another ៃ្រតភព , ៃ្រតភូមិ (Tibhava, Tebhùmi)
religion; heretical teacher. the Three Spheres, viz., the Sense
តិសរណគមនូបសម្បទា (Tisaraäagamanùpa- Sphere, the Form Sphere and the
Formless Sphere; three realms; three
sampadà) ordination by taking the
worlds; three planes of existence.
Threefold Refuge.
តុេរៀបេ្រគឿងសកា្ក រៈ (Pùjanapìåha*) a set of ៃ្រតមាស , ្រតីមាស (Temàsa) three
months, especially those of the rainy
altar tables.
តុសិត (Tusità) the realm of delight; the ៃ្រតរតន៍ (Ratanattaya) the Three Jewels;
delightful realm; the heaven of the
the Three Gems; Triple Gem. េមីល
satisfied gods;  name of the fourth
heavenly abode, of which Santusita is រតន្រត័យ
the king. ៃ្រតលក្ខណៈ (Tilakkhaäa) the Three

Charac-teristics; the Three Signs of Refuge; Three Refuges; Triple
Being; also called the Common Guide.
Characteristics. េមីល សាមញ្ញលក្ខណៈ ៃ្រតសរណគមន៍ (Tisaraäagamana) taking
ៃ្រតេលាក (Tiloka) the three worlds. េមីល the Threefold Refuge; going to the
ៃ្រតភព Buddha, the Dhamma, and the
Sangha for refuge.
ៃ្រតេវទ (Tiveda) lit. the three
knowledges; the three Vedas; the
ៃ្រតសិកា្ខ (Sikkhàttaya) the Threefold
three divisions of the Brahmanic Learning; the Threefold Training; the
canon of authorized religious Three Studies: morality, concen-
teaching and practice, viz., Irubbeda, tration and wisdom, (preferably,
Yajubbeda and Sàmaveda, to which training in higher morality, in higher
the fourth, Athabbana, was added mentality, and in higher wisdom).
ៃ្រតសរណៈ (Tisaraäa) the Threefold

ថង់យាម (Thavikà) a small bag in steal.
which the monk carries things; a េថយ្យេចតនា (Theyyacetanà) intention to
monk’s bag; satchel. steal.
ថម្ភ (Thambha) obstinacy; immobility; េថយ្យសំវាស (Theyyasaçvàsa) living
hardness; obduracy. clandestinely with the monks;
ថីនៈ (Thìna) sloth; unwieldiness; disguising oneself as a monk;
impliability; morbid state of mind. communion by theft.
ថីនមិទ្ធ (Thìnamiddha) sloth and torpor; េថរៈ (Thera) an elder; a senior member
sloth and drowsiness; torpor and of the Order; a senior monk (of at
languor; stolidity and drowsiness. least ten years’ standing).
ថុល្លច្ច័យ (Thullaccaya) a grave offence; េថរគាថា (Theragàthà) “Psalms of the
Serious Transgression. Brethren”; “Verses of the Elders”;
ថូបារហបុគ្គល (Thùpàrahapuggala) name of the eighth division of the
Khuddaka Nikàya.
persons worthy of a tope; those
whose relics should be enshrined.
េថរវាទ (Theravàda) the Doctrine of the
ថូផ្កា (pupphàdhàna*) a vase. Elders; Teaching of the Elders; the
Southern School of Buddhism.
េថនៈ (Thena) a thief; (K.) unbecoming េថរានុេថរៈ (Therànuthera) senior monks
religious; shameless monk. in general.
េថយ្យចិត្ត (Theyyacitta) intention to េថរី (Therì) a woman elder; senior nun.
េថរីគាថា (Therìgàthà) “Psalms of the ៃថ្ងេពញបូរណ៍ (Puääamìdivasa) the full-
Sisters”; “Verses of the Women moon day.
Elders”; name of the ninth division of ៃថ្ងឧេបាសថ១ (Uposathadivasa) the
the Khuddaka Nikàya. Buddhist holy day; Buddhist
ៃថ្ងេការ (Kesoropaäadivasa*) Shaving Sabbath; day of merit-making;
Day; the eve of a Buddhist holy day. observance day.
ៃថ្ងចូលវស្សា (Vassùpanàyikàdivasa) the ៃថ្ងឧេបាសថ២ (Uposathadivasa) 1. េមីល ៃថ្ង
first day of the rains-retreat; ឧេបាសថ១ 2. observance day; the day
beginning of the rains-residence; on which the Fundamental Rules of
Rains-Entry Day. the Buddhist monks are recited.
ៃថ្ងេចញវស្សា (Pavàraäàdivasa) the last ថ្វាយ (Deti) v. to offer, give or present
day of the rains-residence; end of the (to a monk or a prince).
rains-retreat; Retreat-Ending Day. ថ្វាយ្រពះេភ្លីង (Sarìrajjhàpana) the
ៃថ្ងបវារណា (Pavàraäàdivasa) the last day cremation ceremony.
of the rains-residence, on which the
Pavàraäà ceremony is performed;
Pavàraäà Day.

ិ ា (Dakkhiäà)
ទក្ខណ a gift; donation; ទក្សិណនិកាយ (Dakkhiäanikàya) the
dedicatory gift; an intercessional Southern School of Buddhism, i.e.
expiatory  offering; donation given to the Theravàda.
a holy person with reference to un- ទណ្ឌ កម្ម (Daäðakamma) punishment;
happy beings in the Peta existence, penalty.
intended for the alleviation of their ទធិ (Dadhi) curd; sour milk.
ិ ានុប្បទាន (Dakkhiäànuppadàna*) ទមៈ (Dama) self-command; self-
offering made to a monk or monks on control; taming; subjugation;
behalf of the dead. training; mastery; adjustment.
ិ ាវដ្ដ (Dakkhiäàvaååa) winding to
ទក្ខណ ទសជាតិ (Dasajàti) the ten longest birth-
the right; clockwise. stories of the Buddha, regarded as the
most important.
ទក្ខេិ ណយ្យបុគ្គល (Dakkhiäeyyapuggala)
ទសបារមី (Dasapàramì) the ten
an individual deserving a donation;
one worthy of a donation. perfections; the ten principal virtues
practised by a Bodhisatta.
ទក្ខេិ ណាទក (Dakkhiäodaka) water of ទសពរ (Dasavara) the ten blessings; ten
dedication; consecrated water.

boons. this world; the present life;
ទសពល (Dasabala) 1. the Ten Powers of temporality.
the Buddha. 2. one who is endowed ទិដធ្ឋ ម្មេវទនីយកម្ម
with ten supernormal powers, i.e. the (Diååhadhammavedanìya-kamma)
Buddha. immediately effective kamma;
ទសពលញា្ញ ណ (Dasabalañàäa) the ten kamma ripening during the life-time.
supreme intellectual powers of the ទិដធ្ឋ ម្មិកត្ថ (Diååhadhammikattha) gain
Buddha. for this life; present benefit; temporal
ទសពិធរាជធម៌ (Dasaràjadhamma) the welfare; sources of happiness in the
ten-fold code of the king; the tenfold present life.
virtue or duty of the king; the ten ទិដ្ឋា វិកម្ម (Diååhàvikamma) an open
royal virtues; virtues of a ruler. state-ment of one’s view; explanation
ទស្សនៈ (Dassana) 1. seeing; sight; of views; view clarification.
intuition. 2. view; opinion; theory. ទិដ្ឋិ (Diååhi) 1. a theory; view; belief;
ទឡ្ហីកម្ម (Daøhìkamma) making firm; opinion; speculation; dogma. 2.
strengthening by repeating, as re- misbelief; erroneous opinion; false
ordination. theory.
ទាឋធាតុ (Dàåhadhàtu) the tooth relic (of ទិដ្ឋិ វិសទុ ្ធិ (Diååhivisuddhi) purity of
the Buddha). under-standing; purification of view.
ទាន (Dàna) giving; gift; alms-giving; ទិដសា ្ឋិ មញ្ញតា (Diååhi-sàmaññatà) equality
charity; generosity; benevolence; in view; unity in view.
liberality; a gift; donation; alms; ទិដជ្ឋុ ុកម្ម (Diååhujukamma) straightening
benefaction. of one’s own views.
ទានបតី (Dànapati) 1. lord of alms; ទិដបា ្ឋុ ទាន (Diååhupàdàna) clinging to
master in liberality. 2. one in charge erro-neous opinions; attachment to
of alms-giving; chief donor. views.
ទានមយៈ (Dànamaya) (merit) gained ទិព្វ (Dibba) divine; heavenly; celestial.
through, or connected with, alms- ទិពច្វ ក្ខុ (Dibbacakkhu) divine eye;
giving; the way of making merit, heavenly eye; clairvoyance.
consisting in alms-giving or charity. ទិពេ្វ សាត (Dibbasota) divine ear;
ទាយក (Dàyaka) almsgiver; donor; heavenly ear; clairaudience.
benefactor; the lay supporter of ទី (Saæghikavatthu) monastery
Bhikkhus; lay giver; lay supporter.
ទាយិកា (Dàyikà) a female donor. ទីឃនិកាយ (Dìghanikàya) the Collection
ទិដធ្ឋ ម៌ (Diååhadhamma) the visible of Long Discourses; Dialogues of the
order of things; present condition; Buddha; name of the first main

division of the Sutta Piåaka. Truth of the Extinction of Suffering.
ទីធា្លវត្ត (Àràmavatthu, Vihàravatthu) ទុកេ្ខ វទនា (Dukkhavedanà) painful
monastery compound. feeling.
ទីបំផតុ េមីល អន្តធម៌ ទុក្ខសមុទយអរិយសច្ច (Dukkhasamudaya
ទីវត្ត (Kappanàvatthu*) monastic Ariya-sacca) the Noble Truth of the
revenue estate. Cause (or, the Origin) of Suffering;
ទឹកេដាះខាប់ (Navanìta) fresh butter; the Noble Truth of the Condition of
the Arising of Suffering.
(accor-ding to some, ghee).
ទុក្ខអ រិយសច្ច (Dukkha Ariyasacca) the
ទឹកេដាះថ្លា (Sappi) ghee; clarified butter.
Noble Truth of Suffering.
ទឹកមន្ត (Parittodaka*) consecrated ទុគ្គតិ (Duggati) (the 3 or 4) States of
water; blessing water; lustral water;
Unhappiness; woeful courses of
holy water. existence; evil states; woeful existen-
ទុកដ្ក (Dukkaåa) an offence of ces.
wrongdoing. ទុច្ច រិត (Duccarita) bad conduct; wrong
ទុក្ករកិ រិយា (Dukkarakiriyà) the practice action.
of austerities; self-mortification. ទុតិយជ្ឈាន (Dutiyajjhàna) the second
ទុក្ខ (Dukkha) 1. suffering; misery; Jhàna; the second absorption.
woe; pain; ill; sorrow; trouble; ទុពា្ភសិត (Dubbhàsita) an offence of
discomfort; unsatisfactoriness;
wrong speech.
problematic situa-tion; stress;
conflict. adj. unsatisfac-tory;
ទុស្សីល (Dussìla) of bad conduct; void
miserable; painful; subject to of morality; immoral.
suffering; ill; causing pain. 2. physical េទៀន (Sitthadìpa) a candle.
or bodily pain; difficulty; unease; ill- េទៀនវស្សា (Vassadìpa, Vassikapadìpa)
being. candle for the rains; Lenten candle.
ទុក្ខតា (Dukkhatà) the state of being េទព (Deva) lit. a shining one; god;
subject to suffering; painfulness; deity; divine being.
stress; conflict. េទយ្យទាន (Deyyadàna) a gift fit to be
ទុកន្ខ ិេរាធគាមិនីបដិបទា given; gift; donation.
(Dukkhanirodhagàmi-nìpaåipadà េទយ្យធម៌ (Deyyadhamma) that which
Ariyasacca) the Noble Truth of the
has the quality of being given; gift;
Path that leads to the Cessation (or,
offerings (to monks).
the Extinction) of Suffering.
ទុកន្ខ ិេរាធអរិយសច្ច (Dukkhanirodha Ariya- េទវតា (Devatà) a celestial or heavenly
being; deity.
sacca) the Noble Truth of the
Cessation of Suffering; the Noble េទវតានុស្សតិ (Devatànussati) recollection

of heavenly beings; reflection on េទាមនស្ស (Domanassa) a painful mental
deifying virtues as found in oneself. feeling; (mental) displeasure; sad-
េទវតាពលី (Devatàbali) an offering to mindedness; grief.
the deity. េទាស (Dosa, Vajja, Àdìnava) fault;
េទវទូត (Devadùta) lit. gods’ messenger; blemish; defect; corruption;
divine messenger; a symbolic name depravity; disadvantage.
for those things which remind man of េទាសៈ (Dosa) hatred; anger; ill-will;
his future and rouse him to earnest aversion.
striving. េទាសចរិត (Dosacarita) the hateful; one
េទវធម៌ (Devadhamma) divine virtue; of hating temperament; a quick-
the virtues that make divine, i.e. tempered person.
moral shame and dread. េទាសាគតិ (Dosàgati) wrong way of
េទវរូប (Devarùpa*) an image of a deity; behaviour consisting in hatred;
idol. prejudice caused by hatred.
េទវេលាក (Devaloka) world of gods; ទ្វារ (Dvàra) 1. door; avenue. 2. a sense-
heaven; celestial realm. door; sense-avenue. 3. door of action.
េទសកាល (Desakàla) a season for merit- េទ្វវាចកៈ (Dvevàcika) lit. pronouncing
making and local festivals. two words or two times; especially
េទសនា (Desanà) preaching; discourse; those who pronounce the words,
sermon; instruction. v. to preach; taking only two refuges, viz., the
expound the Doctrine; give a sermon. Buddha and the Dhamma, Tapussa
េទសនាមហាជាតក (Mahàjàtakadesanà*) and Bhallika being the first ones.
(K.) “Great-Birth Sermon”; a sermon
on the great birth story of the
Bodhisatta Vessantara.

ធម៌ - េមីល ធម្ម - especially Nibbàna. 5. quality;
ធម៌ វិន័យ (Dhammavinaya) Dhamma- righteousness; virtue; morality; good
conduct; right behaviour. 6. tradition;
Vinaya; the Norm-Discipline; the practice; principle; norm; rule; duty.
Doctrine and the Discipline. 7. justice; impartiality. 8. thing;
ធម្ម , ធម៌ (Dhamma) 1. the Dharma; phenomenon. 9. a cognizable object;
the Dhamma; the Doctrine; the mind-object; idea. 10. mental state;
Teachings (of the Buddha). 2. the mental factor; mental activities. 11.
Law; nature. 3. the Truth; Ultimate condition; cause; causal antecedent.
Reality. 4. the Supramundane,

ធម្មកថា (Dhammakathà) ethical discus- monument.
sion; religious talk; talk on the ុ (Dhammaññutà) the quality of
Dhamma; Dhammalecture. one who knows the Law; knowing
ធម្មកថិក (Dhammakathika) one who the cause or origin; knowing the
preaches the Doctrine; a preacher. principles.
ធម្មកាមតា (Dhammakàmatà) the quality ធម្មតា (Dhammatà) general rule;
of one who loves the Dhamma; love nature; the law of nature; cosmic law.
of Truth. ធម្មទាន (Dhammadàna) the Gift of
ធម្មក្ខន្ធ (Dhammakkhandha) a portion Truth; gift of the Dhamma.
of the Dhamma; a main article of the ធម្មទតូ (Dhammadùta*) Dhamma-
Doctrine; a textual unit; a category of messen-ger; Buddhist field-preacher;
the Dhamma. Buddhist missionary.
ធម្ម្រកក (Dhamakaraka) a filter; water- ធម្មេទសនា (Dhammadesanà)
strainer. expounding the Dhamma; preaching;
ធម្មគណ ុ (Dhammaguäa) virtue or exposition of the Doctrine; a sermon.
quality of the Dhamma. ធម្មេទសនាមយៈ (Dhammadesanàmaya)
ធម្មចក្កប្បវត្តនសូ្រត (merit) connected with, or to be
(Dhammacakkappavatta-nasutta) the gained through, preaching; the way
discourse of setting in motion the of making merit consisting in moral
Wheel of the Doctrine; the Discourse instruction.
of the Foundation of the Kingdom of ធម្មធរៈ (Dhammadhara) “Dhamma
Righteousness; the First Sermon. bearer”; one versed in the Dhamma;
ធម្មចក្ខុ (Dhammacakkhu) the Eye of an expert in the Dhamma.
Truth; the Eye of Wisdom. ធម្មធាតុ (Dhammadhàtu) 1. a mental
ធម្មច្រក (Dhammacakka) the Wheel of object. 2. the cosmic law.
the Doctrine; the Wheel of the Law; ធម្មនិយាម (Dhammaniyàma) order of
the Wheel of Truth; the Kingdom of the norm; law of the Dhamma;
Righteousness; the First Sermon. certainty or orderliness of causes and
ធម្មច រិយា (Dhammacariyà) observance effects; general law of cause and
of righteousness; righteous conduct. effect.
ធម្មចា រិកៈ (Dhammacàrika) wandering ធម្មបដិសម្ភិទា (Dhammapaåisambhidà)
Dhamma-preacher; spiritual-welfare Dis-crimination of the Law;
worker. analytical knowledge of the Law;
ធម្មេចតីយ៍ (Dhammacetiya) a shrine in discrimina-ting knowledge of
reasons, conditions or causal
which sacred texts are housed; a relations.
shrine of theDoctrine; doctrinal

ធម្មបទ (Dhammapada) 1. “Way of of the first book of the Abhidhamma
Truth”; “An Anthology of Sayings of Piåaka.
the Buddha”; name of the second ធម្មសភា (Dhammasabhà) the Hall of
division of the Khuddaka Nikàya. 2. a Truth; a hall for the discussion of the
line or stanza of the Doctrine; a word Dhamma; a place for religious
of the Doctrine; talk or discourse on meeting.
the Dhamma. ធម្មសវនៈ េមីល ធម្មស្សវនៈ
ធម្មប រិយាយ (Dhammapariyàya) disquisi- ធម្មសាកចា្ឆ (Dhammasàkacchà)
tion. discussion about the Doctrine;
ធម្មប្បមាណិកា (Dhammappamàäikà) religious discus-sion.
those who measure or judge by right- ធម្មសាលា (Dhammasàlà) preaching hall;
eousness; those whose faith depends study hall.
on the Dhamma or on righteous ធម្មេសនាបតី (Dhammasenàpati)
generalis-simo of the Dhamma;
ធម្មយុត្តិ , ធម្មយុត្តិកនិកាយ Commander in Chief of the Law; an
(Dhammayuttika-nikàya*) the epithet of the Venerable Sàriputta.
Dhammayutika Sect; “Law-Abiding ធម្មស្សវនៈ (Dhammassavana) hearing
Sect”; Smaller Sub-Order (of the
Khmer Monkhood); smaller the Dhamma; hearing the preaching
of the Dhamma; hearing a sermon;
denomination. េ្របៀបេធៀប មហានិកាយ
listening to the good teaching.
ធម្មវាទី (Dhammavàdì) one who speaks ធម្មស្សវនមយៈ (Dhammassavanamaya)
according to the Dhamma; speaker of (merit) connected with, or to be
the doctrine; speaker of the rightful gained through, hearing a sermon; the
things. way of making merit consisting in
ធម្ម វិច័យ (Dhammavicaya) investigation listening to the Dhamma.
of the Truth or the Doctrine; (K.) ធមា្ម ធម្មបដិបត្តិ
research on the Dhamma; search of
practice in perfect conformity to the
ធម្ម វិជ័យ (Dhammavijaya) conquest by Dhamma.
piety; conquest by righteousness. ធមា្ម ធិដ្ឋាន (Dhammàdhiååhàna)
ធម្ម វិភាគ (Dhammavibhàga) exposition in terms of ideas; teaching
classification of dhammas; with reference to ideas.
enumeration of the Dhamma; ធមា្ម ធិបេតយ្យ (Dhammàdhipateyya)
Dhamma classification.
regard of the Dhamma (the Law or
ធម្មសង្គណី (Dhammasaægaäi) righteousness) as being supreme;
“Classifica-tion of Dhammas”; supremacy of the Dhamma; dominant
“Enumeration of Phenomena”; name

influence by the Dhamma; rule of the ធាតុកថា (Dhàtukathà) “Discussion with
true law; rule of righteousness. reference to the Elements”; name of
ធមា្ម នុបស្សនា (Dhammànupassanà) the the third book of the Abhidhamma
Con-templation of Mind-object; Piåaka.
contem-plation of phenomena; ធាតុកម្មដ្ឋាន េមីល ចតុធាតុវវតា្ថ ន
mindfulness as regards the Dhamma. ធាតុេចតីយ៍ (Dhàtucetiya) a shrine over
ធមា្ម នុស្សតិ (Dhammànussati)
the Buddha’s relic; dagoba.
recollection of the Doctrine; ធាតុមនសិការ េមីល ចតុធាតុវវតា្ថ ន
reflection on the virtues of the
Dhamma. ធាតុវវតា្ថ ន េមីល ចតុធាតុវវតា្ថ ន
ធមា្ម ភិសម័យ (Dhammàbhisamaya) ធិតិ (Dhiti) energy; courage; steadfast-
under-standing of the Truth; ness; firm character; resolution;
conversion to the Dhamma; wisdom.
enlightenment. ធុតង្គ (Dhutaæga, Dhùtaæga)(the
ធមា្ម រម្មណ៍ (Dhammàrammaäa) a mind- thirteen) Austere Practices;
object;  cognizable object; cognos- constituents of ascetic practice to
cible object. remove defile-ments.
ធមា្ម សនៈ (Dhammàsana) the Dhamma- ធុរៈ (Dhura) burden; load; duty;
seat; a seat on which a monk sits charge; office; responsibility.
while preaching; pulpit. ធូប (Dhùpa) an incense-stick; joss-
ធម្មីកថា (Dhammìkathà) religious talk; stick.
discussion concerning the Doctrine; ុ ្យ (Puññakaraäa) merit-making;
Dhamma talk. performing meritorious action. v. to
ធាតុ (Dhàtu) 1. an element; natural make merit; do merit; do good;
condition; that which carries its own perform meritorious action.
characteristic mark. 2. a relic,
especially that of the Buddha or an

នក្ខតឫ្ត ក្ស (Nakkhattakìøana) the ~ វាទ (Natthikadiååhi) lit. the
celebra-tion of a festival; festivity. theory of nothingness; nihilism;
នច្ចគីតវាទិត វិសូកទស្សនៈ nihilistic view.
(Naccagìtavàditavisù-kadassana) នមស្សការ (Namakkàra) salutation; the
dancing, singing, music, and act of paying homage; homage;
unseemly shows (or stage plays). veneration; (K.) salutation with joined

palms. punishment; censure; reproach;
នមស្សការេពល្រពឹក (Pubbaäha-sajjhàya*, rebuke; chastisement of a perverse
Pàta-bhàäa*) morning chanting. monk.
នមស្សការេពលលា្ង ច (Sàyaäha-sajjhàya*, និ្រគន្ថ (Nigaäåha) lit. one who is freed
Sàya-bhàäa*) evening chanting. from all ties; a member of the Jain
នរក (Naraka, Niraya) abyss; hell; Order; ascetic in Jainism.
purgatory. េមីល និរយៈ
និច្ចភត្ត (Niccabhatta) a continuous
foodsupply; monthly food allowance.
នវកភិក្ខុ (Navakabhikkhu) a neophyte;
និច្ចសីល (Niccasìla) regular precepts;
newly ordained monk (of less than 5
uninterrupted observance of virtue;
years’ standing).
the good conduct to be observed
នវកម្ម (Navakamma) building new; uninterruptedly, i.e. the Five
construction; making repairs. Precepts.
នាគ (Nàga) 1. a serpentlike water-god. និទាន (Nidàna) 1. source; cause; origin;
2. (K.) an applicant (or candidate) for reference. 2. (K.) a story.
ordination; ordinand. និទាន (Vaçsa) tradition; chronicle.
នាម (Nàma) mind; name; mental និេទ្ទស (Niddesa) 1. “Expositions”;
factors; mentality.
name of the eleventh division of the
នាមរូប (Nàmarùpa) Mind and Matter; Khuddaka Nikàya. 2. description;
name and form; mind and body; analytic explanation.
mentality and corporeality. និន្ទា (Nindà) blame; reproach; fault-
នាសនៈ , នាសនា (Nàsana, ~nà) causing finding; calumny. v. to blame;
to perish; expulsion. calumniate; speak ill of a person.
និកាយ (Nikàya) 1. a collection; group; និពា្វន (Nibbàna) Nirvàäa; Nibbàna; the
any of the five main divisions of the extinction of the fires of greed, of
Sutta Piåaka. 2. a sect; school; hatred and of ignorance; the
denomination. Unconditioned; the supreme goal of
និេក្ខបបទ (Nikkhepapada) a verse or Buddhism; the Summum Bonum of
words of summary; thesis; verse or Buddhism; the Final Goal; the
passage set up for detailed treatment extinction of all defilements and
in a discourse; a saying quoted for suffering.
discoursing; discourse-opening verse. និពទ្វិ ា (Nibbidà) dispassion; disinterest;
និេក្ខបបទ (Nikkhepapada) topic; theme; disenchantment.
subject; subject matter; gist; point of និមន្ត (Nimanteti) v. to invite (monks),
a discussion; query. especially for a collective action.
និគ្គហកម្ម (Niggahakamma) suppression; និមន្ត , ការ (Nimantana) invitation (for

a monk). v. to invite (a monk). offence entailing expiation with
និមិត្ត (Nimitta) sign; omen; mark; forfeiture.
portent; cause; mental image; mental និស្ស័យ (Nissaya) 1. េមីល និស្សយ 2.
reflex; boundary marker. habit.
និមិត្តសីមា (Sìmà-nimitta, Nimitta) a និស្សយ (Nissaya)
that on which
boundary marker, boundary-marking anything depends; foundation; help;
stone. resource; support; protection;
និមា្មនរតី (Nimmànarati) the realm of the guidance; tutelage; dependence.
gods who rejoice in (their own) និស្សយកម្ម េមីល និយស្សកម្ម
creations; name of the fifth heavenly និស្សយមុត្តកៈ (Nissayamuttaka) lit.
abode of which Sunimmita is the released from dependence, or
king. independent of protection; a legally
និយស្សកម្ម (Niyasakamma, Niyassa~) independent monk; a monk who has
the formal act of subordination; completed five years of living in
giving guidance; causing (a monk) to dependence on the preceptor.
live (again) in dependence. និស្សរណវិមតុ ្តិ (Nissaraäavimutti) deliver-
និយាម (Niyàma) certainty; fixed ance by escaping from defilements;
method; regular order; the state of freedom by deliverance; Nibbàna.
certainty; the five orders of processes នីវរណៈ (Nìvaraäa) (the five)
which operate in the physical and hindrances; obstacles.
mental realms; natural and regular េនក្ខម្ម (Nekkhamma) renunciation;
orders governing all things; natural
giving up the world; escape from
sensual-ity; absence of greed;
និរយៈ (Niraya) hell; woeful state. independence of sensual desire and
និរុតប្តិ ដិសម្ភទិ ា (Niruttipaåisambhidà) the pleasures; self-denial; self-
Discrimination of Language; know- abnegation.
ledge of dialects or philological េនក្ខម្ម វិតក្ក (Nekkhammavitakka)
analysis; analytical knowledge of the thought of renunciation; thought free
language (with regard to the true from selfish desire.
meaning and the Law). េនន េមីល សាមេណរ
និេរាធ (Nirodha) the Cessation or េនយ្យ (Neyya) one who is to be led or
Extinction of Suffering; cessation;
extinction. instructed; one requiring guidance; a
trainable or teachable person.
និវាតៈ (Nivàta) humbleness; humility; េនវសញា្ញ នាសញា្ញ យតនៈ
lowliness; gentleness.
(Nevasaññànàsaññà-yatana) the
និស្សគ្គយ ិ បាចិត្តិយ (Nissaggiyapàcittiya) an Realm of neither Perception nor Non-

perception; the fourth immaterial sphere.

បករណ៍ (Pakaraäa) a literary work; បច្ច័យ (Paccaya) condition; aiding
book; canonical text; scripture. condition; factor. 2. (the four)
បក្ខ (Pakkha) a fortnight; one half of requisites, viz., clothing, food,
the lunar month; (lunar) half-month. dwelling and medicine; necessities.
បង្កាន់ៃដ (Ratanapàkàra) consecrated បច្ចយសន្និស្សិតសីល (Paccayasannissitasìla)
wall; a parapet (surrounding a sacred discipline as regards the four
building). requisites; conduct in connection
បង្គន់ (Vaccakuåì) the water closet; with the necessities of life.
toilet (for monks); privy.
បច្ចយាការៈ (Paccayàkàra) “the Mode of
បង្សុកូល (Paçsukùla) lit. soiled or Dependency.” េមីល បដិច្ចសមុប្បាទ
loathesome as dirt; like a dust បច្ចេវក្ខណៈ (Paccavekkhaäa) reflection;
heap; discarded; disposed of; consideration; reviewing.
unwanted. 1. rags from a dust heap; បច្ចុបដ្ឋាន (Paccupaååhàna) appearance;
a robe made of rags taken from dust- mode of appearance; phenomenon.
bins; discarded cloth; rag-robe. 2. (K.) បេច្ចកពុទ្ធ (Paccekabuddha) a private
a yellow robe dedicated to a deceased Buddha; a Silent Buddha; a Buddha
person. v. to take such robes after who has won enlightenment by
contemplating on the imper-manence himself, but does not teach others;
of compounded things; meditate and one who gains liberation for himself
take a funeral (or memorial) robe. alone.
បង្សុកូលចីវរ (Paçsukùla-cìvara, បចា្ឆ ភត្ត (Pacchàbhatta) afternoon; after
Assàmika-vattha) “Forest Robe”; the mealtime of the monk.
(probably, សំពត់បង្សុកួល ) cloth បចា្ឆ សមណៈ (Pacchàsamaäa) a junior
discarded in the forest or on a charnel monk who walks behind a senior on
ground; discarded cloth; (K.) a robe his rounds; accompanying monk;
left for the monks to take as a attend-ant.
discarded cloth. v. ( ដាក់សពំ ត់ ) to បច្ឆិមជាតិ (Pacchimajàti) the last birth.
leave a robe (together with other បច្ឆិមភត្តកាល (Pacchimabhattakàla*) the
offerings) for the monks to take as a
limited time for the second and last
discarded cloth; hold a Forest-Robe
meal of the monk; lunchtime for
Presenta-tion Ceremony.
Buddhist monks, (11.00 A.M. to 12.00
បច្ចន្រ្ត បេទស (Paccantadesa) the out- noon); forenoon meal.
skirts of a country; bordering regions.

បច្ឆិមយាម (Pacchimayàma) the last Training Rules.
watch (from 2:00 to 6:00 a.m.). បញា្ញ (Paññà) wisdom; knowledge;
បច្ឆិមវាចា (Pacchimavàcà) the last word; insight; discernment.
the last saying. បញា្ញ ចក្ខុ (Paññàcakkhu) the Eye of
បច្ឆិមឱវាទ (Pacchimaovàda) the last Wisdom.
instru-ction; the last advice or បញា្ញ វិមុត្តិ (Paññàvimutti) liberation
exhortation. through wisdom; emancipation
បច្ឆិមិកាវស្សា (Pacchimikà) the later through insight.
period for keeping the rains. បញា្ញ សម្បទា (Paññàsampadà)
បញ្ចក្ខន្ធ (Pañcakkhandha) the Five achievement of wisdom; the blessing
Aggre-gates; the five groups of of higher knowledge.
existence; the five causally បញា្ញ សិកា្ខ េមីល អធិបញា្ញ សិកា្ខ
conditioned elements of existence បញា្ហ (Pañhà) a question; inquiry;
forming a being or entity, viz., problem.
corporeality, feeling, perception, បដិកូលសញា្ញ (Paåikùlasaññà)
mental forma-tions and
consciousness of impurity;
perception of loath-someness.
បញ្ចង្រ្គ បតិសា្ថន (Pañcappatiååhitena
បដិគា្គហកៈ (Paåiggàhaka) a recipient;
vandana) five-point prostration; the
one who receives.
method of veneration or obeisance by
prostra-ting oneself or kneeling and បដិឃៈ (Paåigha) repulsion; irritation;
touching the ground with five parts of anger; illwill; grudge.
the body, viz., the knees, elbows and បដិច្ចសមុប្បាទ (Paåiccasamuppàda) the
forehead. Dependent Origination; the Law of
បញ្ចទ្វារ (Pañcadvàra) the five sense- Causation; the Chain of Causation;
doors: eye, ear, nose, tongue and the Law of Dependent Arising; the
body. Chain of Phenomenal Cause and
បញ្ចធម៌ (Pañcadhamma) the five ennob- Effect; the Conditional Arising and
Cessation of All Phenomena; (the
ling virtues.
twelve links of) conditioned co-
ិ (Pañcavaggiya) “belonging to
បញ្ចវគ្គយ production.
the group of five”; the five Bhikkhus; បដិញា្ញតករណ៍ (Paåiññàtakaraäa) doing
the five ascetics; the five mendicants,
namely, Aññàkoäðañña, Vappa, according to what is admitted;
Bhaddiya, Mahànàma, and Assaji. proceeding on the acknowledgement
(by the accused monk).
បញ្ចសីល (Pañcasìla) the Five Precepts; បដិបត្តិ (Paåipatti) the practice.
the Five Rules of Morality; the Five
បដិបទា (Paåipadà) path; way; method;
mode of progress; means of reaching process.
a goal; practice; line of conduct. បដិសន្ធិ វិញា្ញណ (Paåisandhiviññàäa)
បដិបទាញាណទស្សនវិសុទ្ធិ rebirth-consciousness; relinking
(Paåipadàñàäadassana-visuddhi) purity conscious-ness.
of knowledge and vision of progress. បដិសម្ភទិ ា (Paåisambhidà) (the four)
បដិបស្សទ្ធិ វិមតុ ្តិ (Paåipassaddhivimutti) Discrimination; analytic insight;
deli-verance by tranquillization. Analytical Knowledge; discrimina-
បដិភាគនិមិត្ត (Paåibhàganimitta) ting knowledge.
conceptua-lized image; counterpart បដិសម្ភទិ ាមគ្គ (Paåisambhidàmagga) “the
sign; counter image. Way of Analysis”; the Way of
បដិភាណៈ (Paåibhàäa) perspicuity; Discriminating Knowledge”; name of
sagacity; shrewdness; ready wit. the twelfth division of the Khuddaka
បដិភាណបដិសម្ភទិ ា (Paåibhàäa- Nikàya.
paåisambhidà) the Discrimination of
បដិសារណីយកម្ម (Paåisàraäìyakamma)
Sagacity. formal act of reconciliation.
បដិមា (Paåimà) an image; figure. បដិស្សវៈ (Paåissava) promise; assent.
បដិរបូ េទសវាស (Paåirùpadesavàsa) living បដ្ឋាន (Paååhàna) “the Book of Causal
in a suitable region; residing in a Relations”; name of the seventh book
suitable locality; dwelling in a of the Abhidhamma Piåaka.
favourable place. បឋមជ្ឈាន (Paåhamajjhàna) the first
បដិេលាម (Paåiloma) reverse; opposite; Jhàna; the first absorption.
contrary; backward; in reverse order. បឋមេទសនា (Paåhamadesanà) the First
បដិេវធៈ (Paåivedha) penetration; Sermon; the First Discourse. េមីល ធម្ម
realiza-tion; comprehension; ចក្កប្បវត្តនសូ្រត
attainment; insight; knowledge. បឋមយាម (Paåhamayàma) the first
បដិសង្ខរណៈ (Paåisaækharaäa) watch (from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m.)
restoration; reparation; repair; បឋមសាវ័ក (Paåhamasàvaka) the first
mending. disciple: Aññàkoäðañña.
បដិសណ្ឋ ារៈ (Paåisanthàra) friendly បឋវីធាតុ (Paåhavìdhàtu) lit. the earth-
welcome; kind reception; hospitality; element; the element of extension;
greeting. solid; the substratum of matter.
បដិសន្ធិ (Paåisandhi) relinking; rebirth; បណិធាន (Paäidhàna) aspiration;
reunion; conception. determi-nation; resolution.
បដិសន្ធខិ ណៈ (Paåisandhikkhaäa) បណ្ឌ កៈ (Paäðaka) a eunuch.
relinking moment; the initial thought- បណ្ណ តវ្តិ ជ្ជ (Paääattivajja) formulated
moment of life; the initial thought-

fault; breach of the training rules; that ordination of a novice; admission to
which is blamable by the regulation. novicehood; Initiation.
េ្របៀបេធៀប េលាកវជ្ជ បពា្វ ជនីយកម្ម (Pabbàjanìyakamma) the
បេណ្ត ញ , ការ (Pattanikujjanà) the act of banishment; exile; the
formal act of exclusion from punishment made to a monk
association; excommunication. deserving to be expelled.
បត់េជីង (Aððhapallaækanisajjà) v. to sit បមាទ , េសចក្ត្រី បមាទ (Pamàda)
flat with both legs tucked back to one heedlessness; carelessness;
side; sit sideways. negligence; indolence; remissness.
បតា្ត នុេមាទនា (Pattànumodanà) rejoicing បរចិត្ត វជិ ្ជា េមីល េចេតាបរិយញា្ញ ណ
in others’ merit. បរទារកម្ម (Paradàrakamma) adultery;
បតា្ត នុេមាទនាមយៈ (Pattànumodanàmaya) unlawful intercourse with others’
(merit) connected with, or to be wives.
gained through, rejoicing in others’ បរនិម្មិតវសវត្តី (Paranimmitavasavattì) the
merit. realm of gods who lord over the
បត្តិទាន (Pattidàna) giving of merit; creation of others; name of the sixth
transference of merit; letting others heavenly abode of which Vasavatti is
share or participate in doing good. the king.
បត្តិទានមយៈ (Pattidànamaya) (merit) បរមត្ថ , បរមត្ថធម៌ (Paramattha) 1. the
connected with, or to be gained highest good; the highest ideal; the
through, the giving out of one’s highest gain; the highest benefit; the
accumulated merit; the transference final goal; the Absolute Truth; the
of merit or letting others share in Ultimate Reality; Nibbàna. 2. (the
doing good as a way of making merit. four) Ultimates; Ultimate Realities.
បទដ្ឋាន (Padaååhàna) a proximate cause. បរមត្ថសច្ច (Paramatthasacca) the
បធានៈ (Padhàna) effort; exertion; absolute truth; ultimate truth.
striving; the Four Great Efforts. បរមធាតុ , ្រពះ (Dhàtu) the Buddha’s
បបញ្ច (Papañca) diversification; relics.
diffuse-ness; multiplicity; បរេលាក (Paraloka) the other world; the
proliferation. world beyond; the world to come.
បព្វជិត (Pabbajita) an ascetic; recluse; បរវាទី (Paravàdì) the opponent (in
monk; the ordained; religious; argument or controversy.)
renunciate; monastic. បរិកម្ម (Parikamma) 1. arrangement;
បព្វជ្ជា (Pabbajjà) 1. leaving the world; pre-paration; preliminary action. 2.
going forth; adopting the ascetic life; (K.) repetition; pronouncing
ordination. 2. the lower ordination; incantations; recitation (or to recite)

for the purpose of making sacred. religious mendicant; wanderer.
បរិកា្ខរ (Parikkhàra) requisite; (the បរិេភាគេចតីយ៍ (Paribhogacetiya) a tree,
eight) requisites of a Buddhist monk: shrine, dwelling, bed, etc. used by the
the three robes, the bowl, a razor, a Buddha and consequently remindful
needle, the girdle and a water- of him and sacred; the monument of
strainer; accessory; equipment. the Buddha’s utility; shrine by use (or
បរិចា្ចគ (Pariccàga) donation; charity; by association).
sacrifice. v. to donate; give; give up. បរិយត្តិ (Pariyatti) the Scriptures; study
បរិចា្ចគ (Pariccàga) giving up; sacrifice. of the Scriptures; the Teachings to be
បរិេច្ឆទ (Pariccheda) a chapter; studied.
បរិវារៈ (Parivàra) “Epitome of the
បរិញា្ញ (Pariññà) accurate or exact Vinaya”; “the Accessory”; name of
the last book of the Vinaya Piåaka.
knowledge; full understanding;
បរិវារ (Parivàra) 1. retinue; suite; pomp;
បរិញា្ញ (Pariññù*, Pàliññù*) one versed followers; following. 2. accessories.
or learned in Pali studies; one who
បរិវាស (Parivàsa) probation.
has passed the examination of any of បរិេវណវត្ត (Àvàsapariveäa) the
the seven higher (3 to 9) grades of compound of a monastery; the Wat
Pali studies; eccl. graduate of Pali compound.
studies; Pali graduate; Pali scholar. ុ (Parisaññutà) the quality of
បរិេញ្ញយ្យធម៌ (Pariññeyyadhamma) that one who knows the assembly;
which is to be known accurately; that knowing the assembly; knowledge of
which should be understood or groups of persons.
comprehended, i.e. suffering (or all បរិស័ទ (Parisà) surrounding people; an
conditioned things). assembly; company: association; the
បរិត្ត (Paritta) verses of protection or four assemblies of the Buddhist
safeguard; protective chants; holy devouts: the assemblies of monks,
stanzas. nuns, male and female lay devotees.
បរិេទវៈ (Parideva) lamentation. បលាសៈ (Palàsa) rivalry; envious
បរិនិពា្វន (Parinibbàna) the final or rivalry; domineering.
complete Nibbàna; the complete បលិេពាធ (Palibodha) obstruction;
extinction of all passions; the final hindran-ce; obstacle; impediment;
release from the round of rebirth; the drawback.
Great Decease of the Buddha; death បល្ល័ង្ក (Pallaæka) a couch; throne;
(after the last life-span of an Arhant). crossedlegged sitting.
បរិពា្វជក (Paribbàjaka) a wandering បល្ល័ង្កដម្កល្រ់ ពះពុទ្ធរបូ (Mahàpaåimà-

patiååhà-na) base (for the principal បាចិត្តិយៈ (Pàcittiya) 1. “Minor
Buddha image); pedestal. Offences”; one of the books of the
បវារណា (Pavàraäà) 1. invitation; giving Vinaya; 2. an offence entailing
occasion or opportunity; allowance. expiation.
2. invitation to ask. 3. invitation to បាដិេទសនីយៈ (Pàåidesanìya) an offence
speak; the act of inviting others to to be confessed.
advise one or to speak of one’s បាដិេមាក្ខ , បាតិេមាក្ខ (Pàåmokkha,
offences or any unbecoming behav-
iour; the ecclesiastical ceremony at Pàtimok-kha) “the Fundamental
the end of the rains retreat, in which Precepts”; the fundamental rules of
the Order; the 227 disciplinary rules
monks invite one another to speak of
any offences or unbecoming behav- binding on Bhikkhus; a collection of
the fundamental precepts of the
iour they have seen, heard or
Order recited every fortnight;
suspected to have been committed
during the rains. v. to invite to ask or fortnightly recitation of the
fundamental precepts; Disciplinary
to speak.
បសាទៈ (Pasàda) confidence;
បាដិេមាក្ខសវំ រសីល
satisfaction; joy; calm and clarity of
mind; appreciation; faith.
(Pàåimokkhasaçvarasìla) discipline
as prescribed by the Pàåimokkha;
បស្សទ្ធិ (Passaddhi) tranquillity;
moral discipline as regards the
quietude; calmness; repose; serenity; Fundamental Precepts; restraint with
relaxa-tion. regard to the monastic disciplinary
បស្សាសៈ (Passàsa) out-breathing; code.
exhala-tion. បាដិហារ្យ (Pàåihàriya) marvel; wonder;
បហាតព្វធម៌ (Pahàtabbadhamma) that miracle.
which is to be eradicated or បាណាតិបាត (Pàäàtipàta) taking life;
abandoned, i.e. the Cause of killing.
Suffering. បា្រត (Patta) a bowl; alms-bowl.
បហានៈ (Pahàna) giving up;
បាប (Pàpa) evil; wrong action;
abandoning; removal; eradication;
demerit; (mis.) sin. adj. evil; bad;
wicked; demeritorious; (mis.) sinful.
បហានបធាន (Pahànapadhàna) the effort បាេមាជ្ជ (Pàmojja) delight; joy;
to discard evils that have arisen; the
gladness; cheerfulness.
effort to overcome unwholesome
states. បារមី (Pàramì) (the ten) Perfections;
បាច (Abbhukkirati, Siñcati) v. to stages of spiritual perfection achieved
by a Bodhisatta on his path to

Buddhahood (or by those who are with gold leaf; put a gold leaf on. adj.
determined to become Pacceka- gilded; covered with gold leaves.
buddhas or Arahant disciples of a បិតុឃាត (Pitughàta) patricide.
Buddha). បិត្តិ វិស័យ , េបត្តិ វិស័យ (Pittivisaya,
បារាជិក (Pàràjika) 1. “Major Offences”; Pettivisa-ya) the plane of the
the first of the two divisions of the departed; the world of manes; the
Suttavibhaæga of the Vinaya. 2. a realm of ghost-beings.
grave offence involving expulsion បិយវាចា (Piyavàcà) pleasant speech;
from monkhood; Defeat. 3. one who
has committed the grave offence of kindly speech.
expulsion; defeated one. បិសុណាវាចា (Pisuäavàcà) malicious
បារិសុទ្ធិសីល (Pàrisuddhisìla) the four speech; slandering; tale-bearing.
kinds of Higher Sìla; the fourfold បីតិ (Pìti) joy; rapture; delight; zest;
moral purity; morality for interest.
purification; morality consisting in ុ (Puggalaññutà) the quality of
purity. one who knows individuals; knowing
បាលី (Pàli) 1. Pàli language; the the individual; knowledge of
language adopted by the Theravàdins individuals.
as the language  in which to preserve បុគ្គលបញ្ញត្តិ (Puggalapaññatti)
the memorized teachings of the “Description of Individuals”;
Buddha. 2. Tipiåaka; the text of the “Designation of Individuals”; name
Pali Canon; the Buddha’s teachings of the fourth book of the
as contained in the Tipiåaka. Abhidhamma Piåaka.
បាវចនៈ (Pàvacana) the fundamental បុគ្គលាធិដ្ឋាន (Puggalàdhiååhàna)
text; the Scriptures; the Dhamma and exposition in terms of persons;
the Vinaya; the Doctrine and the teaching with reference to persons;
Discipline. teaching by means of personification.
បិដក (Piåaka) a basket; any of the three cf. Dham-màdhiååhàna.
main divisions of the Pàli Canon. េមីល បុចា្ឆ វិស្សជ្ជនា (Pucchàvissajjanà)
ៃ្រតបិដក catechism; question and answer.
បិណ្ឌបាត (Piäðapàta) food received in (Puññakiriyàvatthu) (the
បុញ្ញកិ រិយាវត្ថុ
the alms-bowl (of a Bhikkhu); alms- three or ten) items of meritorious
gathering; almsfood. v. to go for alms; action; way of making merit.
go for collecting alms; go for alms- បុណ្យ (Puñña) merit; meritorious
gathering; go on an almsround; action; virtue; righteousness; moral
receive food-offerings. acts; good works. adj. meritorious;
បិតមាស (Suvaääàlepa) v. to gild; cover good.

បុណ្យជ្វា , ពិធី (Kaääikàropana*) (K.) (Pubbenivàsànussati-ñàäa)
the ceremony of mounting the gable- Reminiscence of Past or Previous
finial. Births; the recollection of former
បុណ្យេនៅផ្ទះ (Gehamaægala*) house- lives; supernormal know-ledge which
enables one to remember the various
blessing ceremony. past courses of one’s own existences.
បុណ្យបញ្ចះុ សីមា (Sìmànimittanidhàna) បុេព្វសន្និវាស (Pubbesannivàsa) living
cere-mony of depositing boundary
toge-ther in the past; previous
marking stones; burial of boundary association; cohabitation in a
markers. previous life.
បុណ្យសព (Sarìrajjhàpana) funeral; បុ រិមិកាវស្សា (Purimikà) the earlier period
obsequies; cremation ceremony. for keeping the rains.
បុណ្យេឡីងផ្ទះ បូជនីយបុគ្គល (Pùjanìyapuggala) a
(Gehapaåhamaparibhogamaæ-gala*, venerable person; person worthy of
Gehappavesana-maægala*) honour; one entitled to homage.
housewarming ceremony.
បុថុជ្ជន (Puthujjana) a worldling;
បូជនីយវត្ថុ (Pùjanìyavatthu*) an object
of worship.
worldly person; ordinary man.
បូជនីយសា្ថ ន , បូជនីយដ្ឋាន
បុព្វកតបុញ្ញតា (Pubbekatapuññatà) the
(Pùjanìyaååhàna*) a place of
state of having done meritorious
worship; place of sanctity; religious
actions in the past; to have done good place; shrine; holy or sacred place;
deeds in the past; having prepared sanctuary.
oneself with good background.
បុព្វកម្ម (Pubbakamma) a former deed; a បូជា (Pùjà) worship (external and men-
tal); honour; veneration; homage;
deed done in a former existence. devotional attention; devotional
បុព្វករណ៍ (Pubbakaraäa) preliminary offering.
works. បូរណ៍មី (Puääamì) the full-moon day.
បុព្វកា រី (Pubbakàrì) one who does a បួស , ការ (Pabbajjà, upasampadà)
favour before; a previous benefactor.
giving up the world; adopting the
បុព្វកិច្ច (Pubbakicca) preliminary ascetic life; ordination. v. to go forth;
function; preliminary duties. give up or renounce the world;
បុព្វនមិ ិត្ត (Pubbanimitta) a foregoing become an ascetic, a Bhikkhu or a
sign; prognostic; portent. novice; be ordained; join or enter the
បុព្វេបតពលី (Pubbapetabali) offerings Order.
dedi-cated to the deceased. េបតវត្ថុ (Petavatthu) “Stories of the
បុេព្វនិវាសានុស្សតិញាណ Departed”; name of the tenth divi-
sion of the Khuddaka Nikàya.

េបយ្យវជ្ជ (Peyyavajja) lit. “drinkable ្របទក្សិណ (Padakkhiäà) respectful
words”; kindly speech. clock-wise circumambulation. v. to
េបសុញ្ញវាទ េមីល បិសុណាវាចា circumambulate; make a triple
បំេពញ , ចេ្រមីន (Pùreti, Bhàveti) v. to circumambulation.
fulfil; cultivate; develop; practise.
្របមាទ េមីល បមាទ
្របេគន (Sakkaccaç sahatthà deti) v. to ្របស់ទឹកមន្ត (Parittodaka-abbhukkiraäa*;
present (something to a monk) with ~- siñcana*) to sprinkle the holy
the hand. water.
្របជុេំ ភ្លីង (Citakàlimpana, ្របាង្គ េមីល ្រពះ្របាង្គ
Sarìrajjhàpana) v. to light the funeral េ្របត (Peta) a departed being; ghost;
pyre. ghost-being; hungry ghost; the ghost
្របណម្យ (Añjaliç karoti) v. to lift the of the departed.
joined palms as a token of reverence;
put the hands together (at the chest or
forehead) in salutation.

ផរណាបីតិ (Pharaäàpìti) rapture; Åhànantaravìjanì) an ornamental
diffused rapture. long-handled fan used as insignia of a
ផរុសវាចា (Pharusavàcà) harsh speech; monastic rank; fan as rank insignia;
rank fan; official fan; fan insignia.
harsh language.
ផ្សព្វផ្សាយ (ធម៌ ) (Pakàsana,
ផល (Phala) fruit; result; consequence;
Vipulakaraäa) propagation;
dissemination; spread-ing.
ផស្ស (Phassa) contact; touch; mental ផ្សាយកុសល េមីល ឧទ្ទិសកុសល
ផាណិតៈ (Phàäita) treacle; molasses; ផ្សាយេមតា្ត (Mettàya pharaäà) radiation
of loving-kindness. v. to wish others
(or all beings) to be well and happy.
េផីងេជីងធូប (Dhùpabhàjana*) incensory;
េផាដ្ឋព្វ (Phoååhabba) tangible object.
ផ្លិតតំែណង (Cittavìjanì,

ព័ទ្ធសីមា (Baddhasìmà) boundary establi-shed by the Saægha;

ពិន្ទុ , ពិន្ទុកប្ប េមីល កប្បពិន្ទុ
ពីជនិយាម (Bìjaniyàma) physical
ពរ (Vara) boon; blessing; favour. organic order; biological laws.
ពលៈ (Bala) power; strength; health; ពុទ្ធ (Buddha) the Buddha; a Buddha;
energy. enlightened one.
ពលី (Bali) religious offering. ពុទ្ធកាល (Buddhakàla) the time of the
ពហុលកម្ម (Bahulakamma) េមីល អាចិណ្ណកម្ម Buddha (or a Buddha); the advent of
ពហុស្សូត (Bahussuta) one who has great the Buddha.
knowledge; a very learned man; well- ពុទក្ធ ិច្ច (Buddhakicca) the Buddha’s
taught man; man of great learning. daily routine; duty of the Buddha.
ពាល (Bàla) a fool; spiritually defective ពុទគ្ធ ុណ (Buddhaguäa) the quality
person. (virtue or character) of the Buddha.
ពាហុសច្ច (Bàhusacca) much learning; ពុទច្ធ ្រក (Buddhacakka) the Buddhist
great learning; profound knowledge. monastic order.
ពិធី (Vidhàna) arrangement; perform- ពុទច្ធ រិយា (Buddhacariyà) the Buddha’s
ance; ceremony. conduct; the Buddha’s course of
ពិធីកម្ម (Pùjàvidhi, Càrittaniyama*) rite; conduct; the Buddha’s career or style
ritual; ceremony. of life; the Buddha’s life activities;
ពិធីករ (Vidhikara*) master of the way of the Buddha.
ពុទន្ធ ្តរ (Buddhantara) a Buddha-
ពិធីដម៏ ង្គល (Maægala, Maægala-samaya) interval; the period between the
appearance of one Buddha and the
auspicious ceremony; festive occa-
ុ ្យក្នុងវត្ត (Cetiyamahàpùjà*,
ពុទប្ធ ដិមា េមីល ្រពះពុទ្ធបដិមា
Vihàra-samajja*, ~ussava*, ~maha*)
ពុទប្ធ រិស័ទ (Buddhaparisà) the Buddhist
temple fair. assembly; the four assemblies of
ពិធីមង្គលការ (Vivàhakàla, Buddhists; Buddhists (collectively).
Vivàhamaægala) wedding; marriage
ពុទបា្ធ ទ (Buddhapàda) the Buddha’s
ceremony. footprint.
ពិធីេស្តច េមីល រាជពិធី ពុទ្រ្ធ បវត្តិ (Buddhapavatti*) the life of
ពិធីអពមង្គល (Avamaægala, the Buddha; life-story of the Buddha.
Petadakkhiäà-dàna) funeral; rites
ពុទ្ធភាសិត (Buddhabhàsita) what was
for the dead; funereal occasion; said by the Buddha; the Buddha’s
memorial service; inauspicious sayings.

ពុទ្ធមាមកៈ (Buddhamàmaka) one buting to enlightenment; virtues
devoted to the Buddha; one who partaking of enlightenment.
professes Buddhism; Buddhist. េពាធិសត្វ , ្រពះ (Bodhisatta) the
ពុទរ្ធ បូ េមីល ្រពះពុទរ្ធ បូ Bodhisatta; Bodhisattva; a Buddha-
ពុទវ្ធ ចនៈ (Buddhavacana) the word of to-be; Enlig-htenment  being;
candidate for Buddhahood; one who
the Buddha; (K.) any sayings or has resolved to attain enlightenment
teachings of the Buddha. for the helping of his fellow beings.
ពុទវ្ធ ំស (Buddhavaçsa) “the History of ព្យាករណ៍ (Vyàkaraäa) answer; explana-
the Buddhas”; name of the fourteenth tion; declaration; exposition; predic-
division of the Khuddaka Nikàya. tion.
ពុទ្ធសករាជ (Buddhasaka*) the Buddhist ព្យាធិ (Byàdhi) disease; sickness;
Era (B.E.). ailment.
្ធ សនា េមីល ្រពះពុទសា
ពុទសា ្ធ សនា ព្យាបាទ (Byàpàda) ill-will; hatred;
ពុទសា្ធ សនិក (Buddhamàmaka) a malevolence; aversion.
Buddhist; adherent of Buddhism. ព្យាយាម , េសចក្តី (Vàyàma) effort;
ពុទ្ធានុស្សតិ (Buddhànussati) recollection exertion; striving; endeavour.
of the Buddha; reflection on the ្រពហ្ម (Brahma) 1. (in Hinduism)
virtue of the Buddha. Brahma; the Creator; the Universal
ពុទ្ធាវាស (Buddhàvàsa*) ‘residence of Self. 2. (in Buddhism) a divine being
the Buddha’; the sanctuary or public of the Form Sphere or of the
precincts of a monastery. Formless Sphere; brahma god; happy
ពុទច្ធិ រិត (Buddhicarita) the intellectual; and blameless celestial being;
the wise; one whose behaviour or inhabitant of the higher heavens.
character is wisdom; an intelligent- ្រពហ្មច រិយៈ (Brahmacariya) the Holy
natured person. Life; sublime life; religious life;
េពាជ្ឈង្គ (Bojjhaæga) (the seven) Consti- celibate life; chaste life; strict
tuents (or Factors) of Enlightenment; chastity; Brahma-faring.
enlightenment factors. ្រពហ្មចា រី (Brahmacàrì) one who leads a
េពាធិ៍ ( េដីម ) (Bodhirukkha) the “Bo” holy or chaste life; celibate; Brahma-
tree; the Bodhi Tree; pipal tree; the farer.
Ficus Religiosia. ្រពហ្មទណ្ឌ (Brahmadaäða) lit. sublime
េពាធិញាណ (Bodhiñàäa) Enlightenment; punishment; punishment by suspend-
supreme knowledge. ing or breaking off conversation and
េពាធិបក្ខិយធម៌ (Bodhipakkhiya-dhamma) communication; sanctioned punish-
ment by silent treatment.
(the thirty-seven) qualities contri-

្រពហ្មេលាក (Brahmaloka) the Brahma more or less permanently for
world; the Fine-Material and Imma- worship; Buddha image (to be) set
terial Worlds. (on an altar) for worship; altar
្រពហ្ម វិហារ (Brahmavihàra) (the four) Buddha-image.
Divine States (of mind); the four
្រពះពុទប្ធ ដិមាធំៗ
noble sentiments; the Highest (Padhànabuddhapaåimà*) the
Conduct; the sublime states of mind. principal Buddha image (in the
្រពាហ្មណ៍ (Bràhmaäa) a Brahmin; man Uposatha hall); main Buddha image.
្រពះពុទប្ធ ន្ទំ
of the Brahmin caste; a priest.
្រពះ្រកាប (Abhivàdanacela*) cloth for paåimà*, Sayànapaåimà*) Reclining
placing the forehead on when bowing
down; prostrating cloth.
្ធ ទ (Buddhapàda)
្រពះពុទបា the Buddha’s
្រពះ្រគូ (Garuååhàniyabhikkhu*) the title footprint.
of a monastic dignitary lower than
្រពះពុទរ្ធ បូ (Buddharùpa) the figure of the
Chao Khun; Phra Khru; Venerable Buddha; a Buddha image.
Teacher. ្រពះពុទសា
្ធ សនា (Buddhasàsana)
្រពះដ៏មាន្រពះភាគ (Bhagavà) the Blessed Buddhism; the teaching of the
One; the Exalted One. Buddha.
្រពះធម៌ (Dhamma) Dhamma; Dharma; ្រពះសង្ឃ (Saægha) 1. Saægha; the Order;

the Doctrine; the Teachings; the Law; the monastic order. 2. (K.) a monk.
the Norm. ្រពះសថូប (Thùpa) (round-topped)
្រពះបរមសាសា្ត (Satthu) the Master; the tower-like stupa with a pronged
Teacher; the Great Master; the crown-piece; Phra Prang.
Buddha. ្រពះសយ្យាសនៈ េមីល ្រពះពុទ្ធបន្ទំ
្រពះពុទ្ធ (Buddha) the Buddha; Lord ្រពះអង្គ (Khuddakabuddhapaåibimba*) a
Buddha; the Enlightened One; the small Buddha image (often used as
Awakened One. an amulet or talisman); amuletic
្រពះពុទប្ធ ដិមា (Buddhapaåimà) a Buddha Buddha image.
្រពះពុទប្ធ ដិមាតូចៗ
(Patiååhànabuddhapaåimà*) a Buddha
image of a larger size fit to be placed

ភគវា េមីល ្រពះដ៏មាន្រពះភាគ ភង្គ (Bhaæga) dissolution; cessation;

dissolving or waning moment. meditation; merit accomplished by
ភណ្ឌ ាគារិក (Bhaäðàgàrika) a store- mental culture; mental culture as a
keeper or treasurer. way of making merit.
ភណ្ឌូ កម្ម (Bhaäðùkamma) close ភាវនាមយបញា្ញ (Bhàvanàmayapaññà)
shaving; act of shaving close. wisdom resulting from mental
ភត្ត (Bhatta) food; meal; boiled rice. development; understanding through
ភត្តកិច្ច (Bhattakicca) taking a meal. ភាេវតព្វធម៌ (Bhàvetabbadhamma) that
ភត្តុេទ្ទសកៈ (Bhattuddesaka) one in which is to be developed, i.e. the
charge of the distribution of food; an Noble Eightfold Path.
elder who supervises the distribution ភាសិត (Bhàsita) a saying.
of food; superintendent of meals;
issuer of meals.
ភិកា្ខ (Bhikkhà) alms; begged food.
ភព (Bhava) becoming; existence; pro- ភិកា្ខចារ (Bhikkhàcàra) going about for
cess of becoming; state of existence. alms; begging for alms.
ភ័យ (Bhaya) fear; fright; danger. ភិក្ខុ (Bhikkhu) a Bhikkhu; Bhikshu;
ភយាគតិ (Bhayàgati) wrong way of Buddhist monk.
behaviour consisting in fear;
ភិក្ខុនី (Bhikkhunì) a Bhikkhuni;
prejudice caused by fear. Bhikshuni; Buddhist nun.
ភវង្គ (Bhavaæga) life-continuum; the ភូត (Bhùta) 1. the elements of which
subliminal consciousness; constituent the body is composed. េមីល មហាភូតរូប
of becoming; the passive state of 2. a living being; born creature. 3. a
mind. ghost. 4. an Arahant.
ភវតណ្ហ ា (Bhavataähà) craving for exist- ភូមិ (Bhùmi) 1. ground; plane; stage;
ence; craving for rebirth; craving for level. 2. plane of existence; plane of
sensual pleasures connected with the consciousness.
view of eternalism. េភសជ្ជ (Bhesajja) medicine; drug.
ភាវៈ (Bhàva) fixed nature; condition; េភាគ (Bhoga) wealth; riches;
state of being. possession; enjoyment.
ភាវនា (Bhàvanà) development; mental េភាជន (Bhojana) food; meal.
culture; meditation. េភាជនដ្ឋាន (Bhattagga) refectory.
ភាវនាបធាន (Bhàvanàpadhàna) the effort េភាជនីយ (Bhojanìya) fit to be eaten;
to develop unrisen good; the effort to
soft food.
develop wholesome states.
េភាជេន មតញ្ញតា
ុ (Bhojanemattaññutà)
ភាវនាមយៈ (Bhàvanàmaya) (merit)
moderation in eating.
gained through, or connected with,


មក្ខ (Makkha) depreciation of មណ្ឌ ប (Maäðapa) a pavilion;
another’s worth; detraction. temporary shed; square spired
មគ្គ (Magga) the Path; the Way; the pavilion.
Noble Path; the Noble Eightfold ុ (Mattaññutà) moderation; tem-
Path; the Path leading to the perance; sense of proportion.
Cessation of Suffering. មទៈ (Mada) intoxication; pride; sexual
មគ្គនាយក (Magganàyaka*) lay leader of excess.
a congregation (or, of a Wat lay មទ្ទវៈ (Maddava) gentleness; softness.
community). មធ្យម្របេទស (Majjhimadesa) the middle
មង្គល (Maægala) festivity; good omen; country including the Ganges basin.
auspice; auspicious ceremony; (the មនៈ , មេនា (Mana) mind; thinking
thirty-eight) blessings. adj. auspicious.
func-tion; thinking faculty.
មច្ចុ (Maccu) death. មនសិការ (Manasikàra) attention;
មច្ចុរាជ (Maccuràja) the king of death; pondering; attentiveness; advertence;
the Death. mental application; reflection.
មច្ឆ រិយៈ (Macchariya) meanness; avari- មនុស្ស (Manussa) a human being.
ciousness; stinginess; possessiveness. មនុស្សធម៌ (Manussadhamma) humanity;
មជ្ជ (Majja) an intoxicant. virtue of man; the Five Precepts.
មជ្ឈិម (Majjhima) middler; a monk មនុស្សេលាក (Manussaloka) the human
who has been ordained between 5 world; the human realm; the world of
and just under 10 years. humans.
មជ្ឈិមនិកាយ (Majjhimanikàya) មេនាកម្ម (Manokamma) mental action;
“Collection of Middle-length action done by mind.
Discourses”; “Further Dialogues of មេនាទុច្ច រិត (Manoduccarita) evil mental
the Buddha”; name of the second of
action; evil of mind or thoughts;
the five main divisions of the Sutta
Piåaka. misconduct by mind; mental
មជ្ឈិម្របេទស េមីល មធ្យម្របេទស មេនាទ្វារ (Manodvàra) the mind-door;
មជ្ឈិមយាម (Majjhimayàma) the middle
watch (from 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.). មេនាធាតុ (Manodhàtu) the mind-
មជ្ឈិមាបដិបទា (Majjhimà paåipadà) the element; element of apprehension;
Middle Path; the Middle Way; the via the ideational faculty.
media; the golden mean. េមីល មគ្គ មេនាមយិទ្ធិ (Manomayiddhi) the magic
power of the mind; mind-made Elders; the Saægha Supreme Council.
magical power. មហានិកាយ (Mahànikàya*)
មេនាវិញា្ញណ (Manoviññàäa) mind- Mahànikàya Sect; “Great Sect”;
conscious-ness; the mind cognition. Greater Sub-Order (of the Khmer
មេនាវិញា្ញណធាតុ (Manoviññàäadhàtu) Monkhood); greater denomination.
mind-consciousness element. េ្របៀបេធៀប ធម្ម -យុត្ត
មេនាសង្ខារ េមីល ចិត្តសង្ខារ មហាបុរស (Mahàpurisa) Great Man.
មេនាសុច រិត (Manosucarita) good mental មហាបុរសលក្ខណៈ (Mahàpurisalakkhaäa)
action; good conduct in thought. (the thirty-two) marks of the Great
មន្ត (Manta) a charm; spell; Man.
incantation; sacred or magical មហាភិេន្រស្កមណ៍ (Mahàbhinikkhamana)
formula or invocation; verbal the Great Renunciation; the going
formulas used as incantations in the forth of the Bodhisatta into the
magic of sound. េមីល សូ្រតមន្ត homeless life.
ម្រន្តីសង្ឃ (Saæghamanti-gaäa, ~- មហាភូតរូប (Mahàbhùtarùpa) (the four)
samajjà*) Council of Saægha primary elements; great essentials;
Ministers; Eccl. Cabinet. material qualities of matter.
មមង្ការ (Mamaækàra) lit. the making of មហាយាន (Mahàyàna) “the Great
the utterance ‘my’; selfish Vehicle”; the school of the Great
attachment; the notion of ‘my’; ‘my’- Vehicle (of salvation); the Northern
making. េ្របៀបេធៀប អហង្ការ School of Buddhism.
មរណៈ (Maraäa) death. មាឃបូជា (Màghapùjà) Worship on the
Full-Moon Day of the third lunar
មរណភាព (Maraäabhàva*) death (of a month in commemoration of the
monk or novice). Great Assembly of Disciples.
មរណសតិ (Maraäasati) mindfulness of មាតាបិតុឧបដ្ឋាន (Màtàpituupaååhàna) the
death; meditation on death. support of mother and father;
មលៈ (Mala) dirt; impurity; stain; ministering to parents; looking after
refuse; dust. parents.
មហា (Mahà*) the title of a អ្នកធំ មាតិកា (Màtikà) 1. matrix; schedule;
មហាជាតិ (Mahàjàtaka) the Great Birth list; heading. 2. (K.) funeral chanting
Story; story of the Buddha when he (of Abhidhamma matrices or
was born as Prince Vessantara. េមីល schedules).
េទសនាមហាជាតិ មាតុគាម (Màtugàma) a woman;
women-folk; women (collectively).
មហាេថរសមាគម (Mahàtherasamàgama*)
Mahathera Council; Council of
មាតុឃាត (Màtughàta) matricide.

មានត្ត (Mànatta) penance. different levels to designate its
មានះ (Màna) conceit; pride; inordinate equivalent in the Ecclesiastical
Order, e.g. Eccl. District Officer, for
feeling; lust for power.
អនុគណ 2. chief monk of a
មាយា (Màyà) illusion; deceit; trick; the monastery- section.
display of an illusion.
េមគណេខត្ត (Nagarasaæghapàmokkha*)
មារ (Màra) the Evil One; Death; the
the Ecclesiastical Provincial
Tempter. Governor.
មិចា្ឆទិដ្ឋិ (Micchàdiååhi) wrong view; េមគណតំបន់ (Mahàsaæghamaäðalapàmok-
false view. kha*) the Chief Superintendent of the
មិត្តបដិរបូ កៈ (Mittapaåirùpaka) a false (Central, North, South, East, or
friend; one pretending to be a friend. Dhammayuttika) Ecclesiastries;
មិទ្ធ (Middha) torpor; drowsiness; Chief of the ... Eccl. Jurisdiction;
languor. Eccl. Governor General.
មុខបាឋ (Mukhapàåha) word of mouth; េមគណភូមិភាគ
verbal recital; oral tradition. (Cùøasaæghamaäðalapàmok-kha*)
មុទិតា (Mudità) sympathetic joy; the Ecclesiastical Regional Governor.
altruistic joy. េមតា្ត (Mettà) loving-kindness; friendli-
មុទិតាចិត្ត , ការសែម្តង (Muditàkamma*) ness; goodwill.
congratulation. េមថុនធម្ម (Methunadhamma) sexual
មុសាវាទ (Musàvàda) false speech; intercourse; coupling; coitus.
lying. េមរុ , េមន េមីល ចិតកាដ្ឋាន
មូលកម្មដ្ឋាន (Mùla-kammaååhàna) basic េមាក្ខ (Mokkha) salvation; release;
meditation subject (comprising the deliverance; liberation; the state of
five exposed parts of the body, viz., disentanglement; release; freedom.
head hair, body hair, nails, teeth and េមាក្ខធម៌ (Mokkhadhamma) salvation;
skin). deliverance; freedom.
មូលបញ្ញត្តិ (Paññatti, Mùlapaññatti) root- េមាហៈ (Moha) delusion; ignorance;
regulation; main rule; principal or dullness.
primary rule. េមាហចរិត (Mohacarita) the
េមគណ (Gaäàdhipati*) 1. chief monk of unintelligent; the ignorant; one whose
an administrative division; eccl. chief habit is infatuation; a man of foolish
officer; eccl. governor. The term habits; the stupid- or dullnatured; one
Ecclesiastical, or its abbreviation Eccl. of deluded temperament.
can be prefixed to the title of a េមាហាគតិ (Mohàgati) wrong way of
government administrative officer at behaviour consisting in delusion;

prejudice caused by delusion or from meat; vegetarianism.
stupidity. មា្ច ស់េដីមបុណ្យ . (Nimantaka, Dànapati)
មំស វិរតិ (Maçsavirati*) abstinence the host; sponsor; chief donor.

យក្ស (Yakkha) 1. a demon. 2. an abode, of which Suyàma is the king.
attendant of Kuvera or Vessavaäa. 3. េយភុយ្យសិកា (Yebhuyyasikà) decision
a messenger of Yama. 4. a fallen according to the majority.
angel; deity. 5. Sakka. 6. any of the េយាគៈ (Yoga) 1. effort; endeavour;
Four Great Kings. 7. the individual application; undertaking. 2. bond; tie;
soul. attachment.
យញ្ញ (Yañña) 1. (in Hinduism) េយាគាវចរ (Yogàvacara) one who
sacrifice; offerings. 2. (in Buddhism) practises spiritual exercise; meditator.
alms-giving; charity. េយាគី (Yogì) one who devotes himself
យថាភូតញាណទស្សនៈ to spiritual things; an earnest student;
(Yathàbhùtañàäadassana) absolute one devoted to mental training;
knowledge; the knowledge and vision meditator.
according to reality; knowing and េយាជន៍ (Yojana) a measure of length; a
seeing things as they are.
distance of about 10 miles, or 16
យមកៈ (Yamaka) “The Book of Pairs”; kilometres.
name of the sixth book of the េយានិ (Yoni) 1. origin; way of birth;
Abhidhamma Piåaka.
place of birth; realm of existence;
យមកបាដិហារ្យ (Yamakapàåihàriya) the source; (the four) Modes of Births. 2.
Twin Wonder; the Twin Miracle; the thoroughness; knowledge; insight.
miracle of the double appearances, េយានិេសាមនសិការ (Yonisomanasikàra)
consisting in the appearance of
proper attention; systematic attention;
phenomena of opposite character in
having thorough method in one’s
pairs, as streaming forth of fire and
thought; proper consideration; wise
water at the same time.
consideration; thorough attention;
យមរាជ (Yama) the Lord of the Under- critical reflection; genetical reflec-
world; ruler of the kingdom of the tion; analytical reflection.
dead; death.
យស (Yasa) glory; fame; repute;
success; honour; high position.
យាមា (Yàmà) the realm of the Yàma
gods; name of the third heavenly


រង្វាស់បល្ល័ង្ក (Pallaækappamàäa)
”lap- restlessness; distraction; flurry.
front measure”; the method of រូប (Rùpa) 1. matter; form; material;
measuring the size of a crosslegged body; shape; corporeality. 2. object of
sitting Buddha image. the eye; visible object.
រតន្រត័យ (Ratanattaya) the Triple Gem; រូបជ្ឈាន (Rùpajhàna) Jhànas
the Triple Jewel; the Three Jewels. (Absorptions) of the Fine-Material
រត្តញ្ញូ (Rattaññù) an elder of long Sphere.
standing. រូបរាគៈ (Rùparàga) desire for life in the
រេបៀង [ ្រពះវិហារ ] (Maåha, Samanta- world of form; craving for form;
paghaäa) cloister. attachment to realms of form; greed
រេបៀង្រពះវិហារ (Maåha; Samantapaghaäa) for fine-material existence.
រូបេលាក (Rùpaloka) the world of form;
រស (Rasa) 1. taste; sapid object;
the Form Sphere.
flavour. 2. function.
រូបារម្មណ៍ (Rùpàrammaäa) visible object.
រាគៈ (Ràga) lust; passion; excitement; រូបាវចរភូមិ (Rùpàvacarabhùmi) the Plane
greed; attachment. of Form; the Form Plane; Fine-
រាគចរិត (Ràgacarita) the lustful; one Material Sphere.
ៃរអង្គាស , ការ (Samantayàcanà*)
whose habit is passion; one of
passionate behaviour; the lustful- request for donation; collection of
natured; one of lustful temperament. voluntary contributions.
រាជពលី (Ràjabali) offering to the king េរាងដាក់ជងួ (Gaäðighara) belfry; bell
or the government, as by paying tower.
taxes. េរាងឧេបាសថ (Uposathagga,
រាជពិធី (Ràjavidhi*, Ràjapùjàvidhi*) a Uposathàgàra) the uposatha hall; a
royal ceremony. chapter house; a hall or building in a
រាជាគណៈ (Ràjàgaäayati, monastery in which ecclesiastical
acts or ceremo-nies are performed;
Cùøasaægharàjà*) (a dignitary
consecrated assembly hall; (mis.)
belonging to) the Royal Chapter (of church; temple.
monks); Chao Khun.
រាន្រពះភូមិ (Bhummadevaååhàna*)
(guardian-) spirit house.
រាយមាយ , េសចក្តី (uddhacca)


លក្ខណៈ (Lakkhaäa) a characteristic; េលាកបាល េមីល ចាតុម្មហារាជ
sign; mark; distinguishing mark; េលាកមា្ច ស់ (Bhikkhu, Pabbajita) title
prog-nosticative mark; quality. used when speaking of a Buddhist
លទ្ធិ (Laddhi) a theory; view; doctrine. monk; venerable. 2. a Bhikkhu;
លយ្របទីប (Puåaplàvana*) ‘leaf-vessel Buddhist monk; monk; (in other
floating’; the Loy Krathong Festival. religions) a priest; minister;
លាចាកសិកា្ខបទ (Sikkhaç paccakkhàti) to clergyman; etc.
give up the Training; leave
េលាកវជ្ជ (Lokavajja) worldly fault;
monkhood. េមីល សឹក breach of the ordinary moral law;
action reprehended in the world; that
លាប (េម្សៅ៉ ) (Abbhañjati) v. to which is blamable by the world.
anoint; n. anointment. េ្របៀបេធៀប បញ្ញត្តិវជ្ជ
លាភ (Làbha) gain; acquisition. េលាកីយ៍ (Lokiya) adj. mundane;
លុតជង្គង់ (Jannukàhi nipatati) v. to sit on worldly; belonging to the world.
one’s heels; kneel. េលាកុត្តរ (Lokuttara) adj. supramundane;
លូខប្បមាណិកា (Lùkhappamàäikà) those transcendental; beyond these worlds.
who measure or judge by shabbiness; េលាកុត្តរធម៌ (Lokuttaradhamma) (the
those whose faith depends on nine) supramundane states: the Four
shabbiness or miserable life. Paths, the Four Fruits and Nibbàna.
េលាក (Loka) the world; a world; plane េលាកុត្តរភូមិ (Lokuttarabhùmi) the Supra-
of existence. mundane Plane (of consciousness).
េលាកធម៌ (Lokadhamma) (the eight) េលាភៈ (Lobha) greed; covetousness;
worldly conditions; things of the acquisitiveness.
world; worldly vicissitudes.
េលាហិតុប្បាទ (Lohituppàda) wounding of
េលាកធាតុ (Lokadhàtu) a unit of the
a Buddha; causing a Buddha to suffer
Universe; world; sphere; another a contusion or to bleed.
term for Cakkavàla.
លះ (ចីវរ ជាេដីម ) (Paccuddharaäa) to
េលាកធិបេតយ្យ (Lokàdhipateyya)
give up the use (of an old robe);
dependence on public opinion; remove; revoke.
following the influence of the world;
supremacy of the world; dominant
influence by (the censure of) the


វគ្គ (Vagga) a group; party; chapter religious observance.
of a book. វត្ត្រពះរាជា (Ràjavaravihàra*, Ràjàvàsa*)
វចីកម្ម (Vacìkamma) verbal action; royal monastery.
deed by word; action performed by វត្តរា្រស្ត (Gàmikavihàra*) private
speech. monastery; community monastery.
វចីទចុ ្ច រិត (Vacìduccarita) misbehaviour វត្ថពន្ធចេង្កះ (Kàyabandhana) a girdle;
in words; misconduct by speech; waistband.
verbal misconduct. វត្ថុកាម (Vatthukàma) objective
វចីទ្វារ (Vacìdvàra) speech as a door of sensuality; lovely sense-objects;
action; speech-door. sensual pleasures.
វចី វិញ្ញត្តិ (Vacìviññatti) verbal វត្ថុមង្គល (Maægalavatthu*) amulet;
intimation; verbal expression. talis-man; fetish; lucky piece; charm;
វចីសង្ខារ (Vacìsaækhàra) verbal good-luck charm.
formation, i.e. Vitakka and Vicàra; វត្ថុមានអំណាច , វត្ថុស័ក្តិសទិ ្ធិ (Parittavatthu,
verbal volition. Indajàlikavatthu*) something said to
វចីសុច រិត (Vacìsucarita) good action in have magic power; magic object;
speech; good conduct in word. amulet; talisman; charm; fetish.
វច្ចកដុ ិ (Vaccakuåì) េមីល បង្គន់ វត្ថុស័ក្តិសទិ ្ធិ (Indajàlikavatthu*) an
វដ្ដ (Vaååa) the round of rebirth; the amulet; talisman.
round of existences; the cycle of
វ័យ (Vaya) 1. (the three) ages; periods
rebirth. of life. 2. decay; loss.
វណ្ណ ៈ (Vaääa) 1. colour of the skin; វស្ស (Vassa) a year; rainy season; the
appearance; complexion; beauty. 2. rains; rains-retreat; rains-residence;
caste. 3. fame; repute. the Buddhist Lent.
វត្ត (Vatta) duty; service; function; វស្សូបមាយិកា េមីល ៃថ្ងចូលវស្សា
monastic daily routine or service; វាចា (Vàcà) speech; word; saying.
custom; observance. វាទៈ (Vàda) theory; saying; doctrine;
វត្ត (Vihàra, Àràma) Wat; a monastery; creed.
templemonastery; (mis.) temple. វាយាមៈ (Vàyàma) effort; endeavour;
វត្តចាស់ (េគេបាះបង់េចាល ) exertion; striving.
(Suññavihàra*) deserted monastery; វាេយាធាតុ (Vàyodhàtu) the air-
uninhabited monastery. element; motion; the element of
វត្ត្របតិបត្តិ (Vata) ascetic practice; motion; vibration.

វិកប្ប (Vikappa) to share ownership (of monastic discipline; the rules of
an extra bowl or robe) with another discipline of the Order. 2. training;
monk. guidance. 3. organization; system.
វិកាល (Vikàla) improper time; wrong វិន័យធរ (Vinayadhara-gaäa, ~-
time; unseemly hours; afternoon and samajjà*) Eccl. judicature.
night. វិន័យធរ (Vinayadhara) one versed in
វិក្ខម្ភន វិមុត្តិ (Vikkhambhanavimutti) the Discipline; an expert in the
deliver-ance by suppression. disciplinary code. េមីល គណៈវិនយ ័ ធរ
វិច័យ (Vicaya) investigation; (K.) វិន័យបិដក (Vinayapiåaka) the Basket of
research. Discipline; the Discipline Basket; the
វិចារ (Vicàra) sustained application; Book of Discipline.
discursive thinking; deliberation. វិនិបាត (Vinipàta) bad falling; place of
វិចិកិចា្ឆ (Vicikicchà) doubt; perplexity; suffering; perdition; birth of demons.
scepsis; scepticism; indecision; វិបត្តិ (Vipatti) failure; falling away;
uncertainty. misfortune; downfall; disadvantage;
វិជ្ជា (Vijjà) knowledge; transcendental abortion; invalidity.
wisdom; the Threefold Knowledge. វិប រិណាម (Vipariäàma) change;
វិញ្ញត្តិ (Viññatti) 1. intimation; transforma-tion; alteration.
expression. 2. begging; (unlawful) វិបលា្ល ស (Vipallàsa) derangement;
request (for food and other perver-sion; perversity.
requisites); hinting. វិបស្សនា (Vipassanà) insight; intuitive
វិញា្ញណ (Viññàäa) consciousness; act of vision; introspection; comtempla-
consciousness; (T., mis.) soul; spirit. tion; intuition; insight development.
វិញា្ញណញា្ច យតនៈ (Viññàäañcàyatana) the វិបស្សនាកម្មដ្ឋាន េមីល វិបស្សនាភាវនា
Realm of Infinity of Consciousness; វិបស្សនាធុរៈ (Vipassanàdhura)
the Realm of Boundless Conscious- burden of comtemplation; obligation
ness. of insight development; task of
វិញ្ញូ (Viññù) a wise man. meditation practice.
វិតក្ក (Vitakka) initial application; វិបស្សនាភាវនា (Vipassanà-bhàvanà)
thought conception; thought. insight development.
វិតក្កច រិត (Vitakkacarita) the discursive; វិបាក (Vipàka) consequence; effect;
the ruminating-natured; one of result; resultant; fruit.
speculative temperament. វិបាកចិត្ត (Vipàkacitta) resultant
វិន័យ (Vinaya) 1. discipline; the conscious-ness; kamma resultant.
monastic regulations; the code of វិប្បដិសា រី (Vippaåisàra) remorse;

repentance. វិវាទធិករណ៍ (Vivàdàdhikaraäa) legal
វិភង្គ (Vibhaæga) “the Book of questions concerning disputes;
Divisions”; “the Book of Treatises”; contention (concerning the Doctrine
name of the second book of the and the Discipline).
Abhidhamma Piåaka. វិេវក (Viveka) seclusion; solitude;
វិភវតណ្ហ ា (Vibhavataähà) craving for detachment.
selfannihilation; craving for (or វិសង្ខារ េមីល អសង្ខតធម៌
attachment to) sensual pleasures វិសជ្ជនា (Visajjanà) answer;
connected with the view of nihilism;
craving for non-existence. explanation; exposition; elucidation.
វិមាន (Vimàna) a celestial mansion; វិស័យ (Visaya) 1. range; reach; scope;
fairy-palace. sphere; realm; power; capacity. 2.
វិមានវត្ថុ (Vimànavatthu) “Stories of វិសាខបូជា (Visàkhapùjà) Worship on the
Celestial Mansions”; “Stories of the
Full-Moon Day of the sixth lunar
Mansions”; name of the ninth
division of the Khuddaka Nikàya. month in commemoration of the
Buddha’s Birth, Enlightenment and
វិមុត្តិ (Vimutti) deliverance;
Passing; the Buddhist New Year; the
emancipation; release; salvation; Festival of the May Full Moon;
liberation; freedom. widely known as Wesak or Vesak, but
វិមុត្តិសុខ (Vimuttisukha) Bliss of Eman- preferably,Vesakh or Wesakh.
cipation; bliss of freedom. វិសុទ្ធិ (Visuddhi) purity; purification;
វិេមាក្ខ (Vimokkha) េមីល វិមុត្តិ stage of purity.
វិមំសា (Vìmaçsà) investigation; វិសុំគាមសីមា (Visuçgàmasìmà) a land
reason-ing; reflection; examination; grant (set apart for the Saægha of a
testing. monastery); consecrated boundaries;
វិរតិ (Virati) abstinence; (the three) consecrated area; concession; a tract
abstinences. of land (now, usually a small
វិរាគៈ (Viràga) detachment; rectangular plot of ground) officially
granted to the Saægha for establish-
dispassionate-ness; absence of lust; ing the boundaries of the jurisdiction
destruction of passions. of a community of monks (now, for
វិ រិយារម្ភ (Viriyàrambha) application of consecrating as the site of the
exertion; stirred-up energy; energetic Uposatha hall of a monastery).
effort. វិហារ (Vihàra) 1. a dwelling-place (for
វិវដ្ដ (Vivaååa) freedom from rebirth; monks); retreat; monastery; abode. 2.
absence of the cycle of existence; a state of mind; mode of life. 3. (K.) a
Nibbàna. temple; repository of Buddha images;

Buddha-image hall; shrinehall. person; teachable person.
វិហឹសា វិតក្ត (Vihiçsàvitakka) cruel េវយ្យាវច្ច (Veyyàvacca) service; helpful
thought; thought of cruelty; thought activity; attention; duty.
of violence. េវយ្យាវច្ចករ (Veyyàvaccakara) a servant;
វីថិចិត្ត (Vìthicitta) thought process; attendant; monks’ agent; one who
process of cognition; a single unit of renders a service; lay bursar (of a
cognition; different serial processes monastery).
of cognition; conscious mind. េវយ្យាវច្ចមយៈ (Veyyàvaccamaya) (merit)
វី រិយៈ (Viriya; Vìriya) effort; energy; to be gained through, or connected
vigour; endeavour; exertion; with, rendering one’s services.
perseverance. េវរា (Vera) enmity; hostile action;
េវទនា (Vedanà) feeling; sensation. hatred; revenge.
េវទនានុបស្សនា (Vedanànupassanà) the េវសារជ្ជ (Vesàrajja) intrepidity; perfect
contemplation of feelings; the selfconfidence.
contemplation of sensations; mind- េវស្សៈ (Vessa) a member of the third
fulness as regards feelings. caste; merchant and agriculturalist;
េវេនយ្យ (Veneyya) one who is tradesfolk.
accessible to instruction; one who is
ready to receive the Teaching (of the
Buddha); a tractable person; trainable

សកទាគាមិផល (Sakadàgàmiphala) the attached to the title of សេម្តច្រពះសង្ឃរាជ
Fruit of Once-Returning. (Saægharàja), i.e. the Supreme
សកទាគាមិមគ្គ (Sakadàgàmimagga) the Patriarch, or chief of the Buddhist
Path of Once-Returning. Order of Thailand.
សកទាគាមី , ្រពះ (Sakadàgàmì) the សកវាទី (Sakavàdì) the affirmative;
Once-Returner; one who has attained proposer.
the second stage of the Path and will សកា្ក យទិដ្ឋិ (Sakkàyadiååhi) self-illusion;
be reborn on the earth only once the delusion of self; belief in a
before attaining the final personal self; theory of soul; egoistic
emancipation. view.
សកលមហាសង្ឃបរិណាយកៈ (Sakalamahàsaæ សកា្ក រៈ (Sakkàra) honour; worship;
gha pariäàyaka) top leader of the hospitality.
entire Great Sangha; head of the សគ្គ េមីល សួគ៌
national Sangha; the secondary title

ស្រង្កាន (Mahàsaækanti) (K.) the festival សង្គាយនា , សង្គីតិ (Saægìti)rehearsal; a
celebrated on the day of the passage Council; general convocation of the
of the Sun to Aries, the first sign of Sangha in order to settle questions of
the Zodiac; Songkran Festival; water- doctrine and to fix the text of the
throwing festival; the traditional Scriptures.
Khmer New Year. សង្គីតិកថា (Saægìtikathà*) preaching or
សង្ខតធម៌ (Saækhatadhamma) things chanting on the account of the First
condi-tioned by causes; things Council of Buddhism.
produced by combination of causes; សេ្រង្គាះ (Saægaha) 1. to treat kindly;
conditioned or compounded things. give help; favour; aid. 2. to compile;
សង្ខារ (Saækhàra) 1. compounded collect; comprise; include; group.
things; component things; សង្ឃ (Saægha) community;
conditioned things; the world of assemblage; a chapter of (not less
phenomena; all things which have than four) Buddhist monks; the
been made up by pre-existing causes, Sangha; the Order; the Buddhist
(as in Sabbe Saækhàrà aniccà). 2. clergy; the Buddhist church; Holy
volitional activities; formation; Brotherhood.
kamma forma-tions; mental សង្ឃកម្ម (Saæghakamma) an act or
formations; mental predispositions;
ceremony performed by a chapter of
volitional impulses; impulses and
emotions; volition; all the mental Buddhist monks assembled in solemn
conclave; a formal act.
factors except feeling and perception
having volition as the constant factor, សង្ឃគុណ (Saæghaguäa) (the nine)
(as in the Five Aggregates and in the virtues of the Saægha.
Law of Causation). 3. essential សង្ឃដីកា ឬ ឆាយា (Suddhipaååa*)
conditions; the sum of the conditions identity card; identification papers.
or essential properties for a given សង្ឃទាន (Saæghadàna) offering to the
process or result; constructing or Order; gift to the Sangha; offering
formative factors, (as in dedicated to the Sangha; gift
Àyusaækhàra, Kàyasaæ khàra). 4. dedicated to the Community as a
conducive factors; instiga-tion (as in whole.
Sasaækhàrika, Asaækhàrika). សង្ឃនាយក (Saæghanàyaka*) Eccl.
សង្គណី េមីល ធម្មសង្គណី Prime Minister.
សង្គហវត្ថុ (Saægahavatthu)
objects of សង្ឃេភទ (Saæghabheda) schism;
sym-pathy; objects of favour; causing dissension among the Order;
principles of kindly treatment; the creation of a schism in the
principles of service and social Saægha.

សង្ឃមណ្ឌ ល (Saæghamaäðala) the Order; សញា្ញ ប័្រត(Saññàpaååa*) commission;
the Monastic Order; the Sangha; the royal certificate of appointment.
monkhood. សេញា្ញ ជនៈ េមីល សំេយាជនៈ
សង្ឃម្រន្តី Eccl. Minister. េមីល គណៈសង្ឃ សតិ (Sati) mindfulness; attentiveness;
សង្ឃរាជ , សេម្តច្រពះ (Saægharàja) (His detached watching; awareness.
Holi-ness) the Supreme Patriarch. សតិប្បដ្ឋាន (Satipaååhàna) (the four)
សង្ឃសភា (Saæghasabhà) Eccl. Foundations of Mindfulness; setting
Assembly. up of mindfulness.
សង្ឃាដី (Saæghàåi) the outer robe of a សតិ វិន័យ (Sativinaya) verdict of inno-
Buddhist monk. cence; procedure for the acquittal of
សង្ឃាទិេសស (Saæghàdisesa) an offence an Arahant who has fully-developed
entailing initial and subsequent mindfulness.
meetings of the Saægha; Formal សេតកិចា្ឆ (Satekicchà) adj. curable;
Meeting. amendable; remediable. n. monastic
សង្ឃាធិការ (Saæghàdhikàra*) an offences which can be corrected
ecclesia-stical official; eccl. through some kinds of punishment,
administrative officer. i.e. all offences except the four grave
សង្ឃានុស្សតិ (Saæghànussati) recollection ones called Pàràjika. េ្របៀបេធៀប អេតកិចា្ឆ
of the Order; reflection on the virtue សតា្ត វាស (Sattàvàsa) (the nine) spheres
of the Saægha. inhabited by beings; abodes of
សង្ឃាវាស (Saæghàvàsa*) the monastic beings.
precincts; living quarters of the សតា្ត ហករណីយៈ (Sattàhakaraäìya)
monks. business to be attended to within
សច្ច (Sacca) truth; truthfulness. seven days; grounds or occasions on
which monks are permitted to leave
សច្ចធម៌ (Sacca) the truth; Truth. the rains-residence for the limited
សច្ឆិកាតព្វធម៌ (Sacchikàtabbadhamma) time of seven days.
that which is to be realized, i.e. the សត្វ (Satta) a being; living being;
Cessation of Suffering or Nibbàna. creature; person.
សញ្ញមៈ (Saññama, Saçyama) restraint; សថូប (Thùpa) a relic mound; reliquary
self-control; abstinence. mound; tope; cairn; monument
សញា្ញ (Saññà) perception; idea; erected over the ashes of a holy
ideation. person; stupa.
សញា្ញ ប័្រត (Adhikàrapaååa*) certificate of សទារសេន្តាស (Sadàrasantosa)
appointment; credentials; eccl. contentment with one’s own wife.
warrant. សទ្ទារម្មណ៍ (Saddàrammaäa) audible
object; sound. favourable condition.
សទ្ធម្ម (Saddhamma) the true Dhamma; សប្បិ (Sappi) េមីល ទឹកេដាះថ្លា
true doctrine; doctrine of the good; សប្បុរស (Sappurisa) a good, worthy
good law; good principle. man; righteous man; gentleman.
សទ្ធម្មបដិរបូ កៈ (Saddhammapaåirùpaka) សប្បុ រិស េមីល សប្បុរស
false doctrine; pseudo-Dhamma. សប្បុ រិសធម៌ (Sappurisadhamma) virtue
សទ្ធា (Saddhà) faith; confidence. of the righteous; (the seven) qualities
សទ្ធាចរិត (Saddhàcarita) the devout; the of a good man.
faithful-natured; one of faithful ស្រពហ្មចា រី (Sabrahmacàrì) a fellow
temperament. monk; fellow in the holy life; co-
សទ្ធាេទយ្យ (Saddhàdeyya) a gift of faith; celibate.
a gift offered through faith. សព្វញុ្ញតញា្ញ ណ (Sabbaññutañàäa)
សទ្ធាសម្បទា (Saddhàsampadà) omniscience.
achievement of faith. សព្វញ្ញូ (Sabbaññù) the Omniscient One;
សទ្ធិ វិហារិក (Saddhivihàrika) a co- an epithet of the Buddha.
resident; pupil. សភាវៈ (Sabhàva) nature; condition;
សន្តតិ (Santati) continuity (especially of state; reality.
consciousness); a series of moments. សភាវធម៌ (Sabhàvadhamma) principle
សន្តាន (Santàna) 1. continuity of subli- of nature; natural condition; natural
minal consciousness; the ever mov- phenomenon.
ing, flowing panorama of successive សមជី វិតា (Samajìvità) balanced
mental states. 2. intrinsic or inherent livelihood; regular life; living
qualities of character; inborn trait; economically; living within one’s
innate character. means.
សន្តិ (Santi) peace; tranquillity; សមណៈ (Samaäa) a recluse; a Buddhist
calmness. monk.
សន្តុដ្ឋី េមីល សេន្តាស សមណេទ្ទស (Samaäuddesa) a novice.
សេន្តាស (Santuååhi, Santosa) សមណធម៌ (Samaäadhamma) duties of a
contentment; satisfaction with monk; monastic observances.
whatever is one’s own. សមណ្រពាហ្មណ៍ (Samaäa-bràhmaäa)
សន្ទនាធម៌ េមីល សាកចា្ឆ recluses and brahmins; ascetics and
សន្លឹកបឹតមាស (Suvaääapatta) (K.) gold priests; the recluses and mendicants
leaf. of non-Vedic or non-Brahmanical
សប្បាយ (Sappàya) beneficial;
1. adj. systems (such as Buddhism and
wholesome; suitable; favourable. 2. Jainism) and the brahmins of the

priestly caste of the Vedic religion. សេម្តច (Upasaægharàja*) Somdech; any
សមណស័ក្តិ (Samaäasatti*) eccl. of the highest dignitaries in the
honorific rank; title. hierarchy of the Khmer Saægha,
សមណសញា្ញ (Samaäasaññà) awareness second only to the Supreme
of one’s monkhood; consciousness of Patriarch.
proper behaviour of a monk; a សែម្តងអាបត្តិ (Àpattidesanà) the
monk’s sense of duty. confession of an offence. v. to confess
សមណសារុប្ប (Samaäasàruppa) a monk’s an offence.
proper behaviour; the mien and សម្បជញ្ញ (Sampajañña) clear
deportment appropriate to a monk. comprehen-sion; discrimination;
សមថៈ (Samatha) calm; tranquillity; circumspection; clear consciousness;
quietude of heart. awareness.
សមថកម្មដ្ឋាន េមីល សមថភាវនា សម្បត្តិ (Sampatti) success; attainment;
សមថភាវនា (Samathabhàvanà) achievement; accomplishment;
advantage; fulfilment; happiness;
concentration development; the bliss; fortune; wealth; prosperity;
method and practice of concentrating
perfection; soundness; validity.
the mind; tranquillity development.
សម្បទា (Sampadà) achievement; fulfil-
សមាទាន (Samàdàna) undertaking;
ment; accomplishment; attainment;
observ-ance; acceptance. v. to
success; happiness.
undertake; take upon oneself.
សម្បរាយៈ (Samparàya) a future life; the
សមាធិ (Samàdhi) concentration; one-
beyond; the hereafter; spirituality.
pointedness of mind; mental
សម្បរាយិកត្ថ (Samparàyikattha) gain for
សមានត្តតា (Samànattatà) impartiality; the hereafter; future benefit; spiritual
welfare; sources of happiness in the
sociability; state of equality; even
future life.
and equal treatment; equality and
សម្បរាយិកភព (Samparàya) a future

សមាបត្តិ (Samàpatti) attainment; existence; next life; future life.

meditat-ive attainments.
សម្ផប្បលាបៈ (Samphappalàpa) frivolous
សមុេច្ឆទ វិមុត្តិ (Samucchedavimutti) talk; idle talk; vain talk.
deliver-ance by extirpation.
សម្ផស្ស េមីល ផស្ស
សមុដ្ឋាន (Samuååhàna) origination; សម្ពុទ្ធ (Sambuddha) onewho has been
cause. well enlightened or has thoroughly
សមុទយៈ (Samudaya) the Cause of understood; a Buddha; the Buddha.
Suffering; the Origin of Suffering.
សេមា្ព ធ េមីល ឆ្លង
សម្ភេវសី (Sambhavesì) lit. seeking birth

or existence. 1. a living being at the សមា្ម សមាធិ (Sammàsamàdhi) Right
first stage of life or during the birth- Concentration.
process; a being yet to be born. 2. a សមា្ម សម្ពុទ្ធ(Sammàsambuddha) the
being subject to rebirth; worldling. 3.
Fully (or Perfectly) Enlightened One.
(K.) a spirit seeking (or awaiting)
rebirth. េ្របៀបេធៀប ភូត សមា្ម អាជីវៈ (Sammààjìva) Right
Livelihood; Right Living; Right
សម្មតិ (Sammati; Sammuti) convention; Means of Livelihood; Right Pursuits.
agreement; consent; authorization;
appointment; election.
សម្មុខាវិន័យ (Sammukhàvinaya) verdict
in the presence of (a Sangha, the
សម្មតិសង្ឃ (Sammatisaægha;
persons and the matter concerned,
Sammutisaægha) Saægha by and the Doctrine and Discipline).
convention; conventional Saægha;
សេ្រមច (Pàpuäàti; Sacchikaroti;
community of ordained monks.
សម្មតិសច្ច (Sammatisacca; Abhisa-meti) to attain; realize; reach;
achieve; experience for oneself.
Sammutisacca) conventional truth.
សយម្ភូ (Sayambhù) the Self-Existent;
សម្មតិសីមា (Sìmàsammati) v. to establish an epithet of the Buddha.
the boundary of the Sangha
សរណៈ (Saraäa) refuge; help;
communion area. n. consecration of
the Assembly Hall boundary. protection; guide; remembrance.
សម្មប្បធាន (Sammappadhàna) (the Four) សរណគមន៍ (Saraäagamana, ~äàgamana)
Great Efforts; Supreme Efforts; Right taking refuge (in the Triple Gem);
Efforts. going for refuge.
សមា្ម កម្មន្តៈ (Sammàkammanta) Right សរភញ្ញ (Sarabhañña) intoning; a
Action; Right Conduct; Right particular mode of recitation
Behaviour. (allowable to monks).
សមា្ម ទិដ្ឋិ (Sammàdiååhi) Right View; សរេសីរ , េសចក្តី (Pasaçsà) praise;
Right Understanding. commen-dation.
សមា្ម វាចា (Sammàvàcà) Right Speech. សរីរៈ (Sarìra) the (physical) body.
សមា្ម វាយាមៈ (Sammàvàyàma) Right សលាកភត្ត (Salàkabhatta) food to be
Effort; Right Endeavour; Right distributed by tickets; ticket-food.
Exertion. សស្សតទិដ្ឋិ (Sassatadiååhi) eternalism; the
សមា្ម សង្កប្ប (Sammàsaækappa) Right doctrine of the continuance of the
Thought; Right Mental Attitude; soul after death; the doctrine that soul
Right Motives; Right Aspiration. and the world are eternal.
សមា្ម សតិ (Sammàsati) Right សហធម្មិក (Sahadhammika) co-
Mindfulness; Right Attentiveness. religionists; fellow Dhamma-farer.

សឡាយតនៈ (Saøàyatana) the six senses; living.
sense-bases; sense-organs; sense- សារី រិកធាតុ េមីល ធាតុ
spheres. សាលា (Sàlà) hall; pavilion; wayside
សឧបាទិេសសនិពា្វន (Saupàdisesa-nibbàna) shelter; study and merit-making hall;
Nibbàna realized with the body public building; preaching hall;
remaining; Nibbàna with the multipurpose hall.
substratum of life remaining. សាលាសូ្រតមន្ត (Sajjhàyanasàlà*) chanting
សាកចា្ឆ (Sàkacchà) conversation; hall; hall for daily meeting and
discussion. chanting.
សាជីវៈ (Sàjìva) the code of discipline; សាវ័ក (Sàvaka) a disciple; hearer;
all the disciplinary rules abiding on follower.
the life of the monk. សាសនសម្បត្តិ (Sàsanasampatti*) ecclesia-
សាេថយ្យ , សាេតយ្យ (Sàåheyya) stical property; temporalities.
hypocrisy; craft; treachery. សាសនា១ (Sàsana) teaching; message;
សាមគ្គី (Sàmaggì) concord; unity; doctrine; the Dispensation.
harmony; unanimity; union. សាសនា២ (Samaya, Diååhi, Pàsaäða) a
សាមញ្ញលក្ខណៈ (Sàmaññalakkhaäa) the religion.
Common Characteristics (of compo- សាសនាចារ្យ (Sàsanàcariya) a religious
nent things), viz., impermanence, teacher; moral instructor; mission-
state of conflict and not-self. ary. េ្របៀបេធៀប អនុសាសនាចារ្យ
សាមេណរ (Sàmaäera) a novice; one who សាសនិក (Sàsanika) an adherent;
is ordained by taking the Three
Refuges and observes the Ten
Precepts. សាសា្ត (Satthu) a teacher; master; (the
សាមេណរី (Sàmaäerì) a female novice; Six) Teachers; (K.) the founder of a
female apprentice of a nun.
សាមីចកិ ម្ម (Sàmìcikamma) proper act of សាសា្ត , ្រពះបរម (Satthu) the Master;
the Great Master; the Teacher.
respect; opportune gestures of
respect. សាសា្ត ព្យាករណ៍ (Anàgatavattu*) a
សាយ (Saækharoti; Abhisaækharoti) to prophet.
think under the influence of some សិក្ខមានា (Sikkhamànà) a female novice
passion or motive; proliferate. undergoing a probationary course of
សារម្ភ (Sàrambha) contention; vying; two years (before receiving the
higher ordination).
សារាណីយធម៌ (Sàràäìyadhamma) states សិកា្ខ (Sikkhà) learning; study; training;
of conciliation; virtues for fraternal

សិកា្ខបទ (Sikkhàpada) a disciplinary of virtue; fulfilment of moral
rule; rule of morality; precept; conduct.
training rule. សីលសាមញ្ញតា (Sìlasàmaññatà) equality
សិស្សវត្ត (Àràmika, Kappiyakàraka, in moral conduct; unity in moral or
Bhikkhu-sissa) monastery boy; disciplinary practices.
monastery pupil; temple boy; a សីលសិកា្ខ េមីល អធិសីលសិកា្ខ
monk’s pupil. សីលាចារវត្ត (Sìlàcàravatta*) moral
សីមា (Sìmà) a boundary; limit; conduct, manners and duties; moral
precinct; consecrated area habits, mien and deportment; the way
(established by sanctioned of behaving and observing one’s
boundaries). duties.
សីល (Sìla; Sikkhàpada) 1. morality; សីលានុស្សតិ (Silànussati) recollection of
moral conduct. 2. a precept; rule of morality; reflection on the advan-
morality; training rule. tages of morality or on one’s own
សីល (Sìla) morality; moral practice; morals.
moral conduct; code of morality; សីហេសយ្យា (Sìhaseyyà) lying like a lion;
Buddhist ethics; a precept; rule of lying on the right side.
morality. សឹក (Uppabbajati, Vibbhamati) v. to
សីលធម៌ (Sìla; Sucarita; Àcàra) leave the Order; leave monkhood;
morality; morals. disrobe. េមីល លាចាកសិកា្ខបទ
សីលព្វតបរាមាសៈ (Sìlabbataparàmàsa) សឹង (Seyyaç kappeti) v. (of a monk or
adher-ence to mere rules and rituals; novice) to sleep.
clinging to rules and vows; សុក្ខ វិបស្សកៈ (Sukkhavipassaka) a dry-
overestimation regarding the efficacy
visioned Arahant; bare-insight
of rules and observances.
សីលព្វតុបាទាន (Sìlabbatupàdàna) clinging សុខ (Sukha) 1. happiness; ease; joy;
to mere rules and rituals; adherence
comfort; pleasure. 2. physical or
to rites and ceremonies; attachment
bodily happiness or ease.
to the belief in the efficacy of
religious ceremonies and rituals. សុគត (Sugata) the Happy One; the
សីលមយៈ (Sìlamaya) (merit) to be Well-Farer; the Buddha.
gained through, or connected with, សុគតិ (Sugati) (the two or twenty-
morality. seven) Happy States; blissful states
សីល វិសុទ្ធិ (Sìlavisuddhi) purity of of existence; good bourn.
morality; purification of morality. សុច រិត (Sucarita) right conduct; good
សីលសម្បទា (Sìlasampadà) achievement conduct; uprightness.

សុតៈ (Suta) that which is heard or Precepts. េមីល បាដិេមាក្ខ .
learnt; hearing; learning. សូ្រតបួងសួង , ការ [ ទូេទៅ ] (Àyàcanà)
សុតមយបញា្ញ (Sutamayapaññà) prayer. v. to pray; chant; say a prayer.
understand-ing acquired by learning; សូ្រត្រពះអភិធម្ម (Abhidhammabhaäana*)
wisdom resulting from study. funeral chanting (of Abhidhamma
សុត្តនិបាត (Suttanipàta) “Collected excerpts); requiem chanting.
Discou-rses”; “Woven Cadences of សូ្រតមន្ត , ការ [ ក្នុង្រពះពុទ្ធសាសនា ]
Early Buddhists”; name of the fifth (Sajjhàya, Uddesa, Padabhàäa,
division of the Khuddaka Nikàya. ~gàyana, ~bhaäana, Parittakaraäa)
សុត្តន្តបដិ ក (Suttantapiåaka) “The Basket recitation; chanting (especially of
of Discourses”; The Basket of protective verses); rehearsal. v. to
Sermons”; the second main division of recite (the Buddha’s teachings);
the Pali Canon containing discourses. chant; chant the holy stanzas.
សុទ្ទ េមីល សូ្រទ សូ្រទ (Sudda) a person of the lowest
សុទ្ធាវាស (Suddhàvàsa)(the Five) Pure caste; the workers; those who
Abodes (in the Form Sphere) where contribute the necessary physical
the Non-Returners are reborn. labour; a Sudra; servant; menial;
សុភាសិត (Subhàsita) pleasant speech; workpeople.
well-spoken words; a proverb.
សួគ៌ (Sagga) a place of happiness;
សុរាេមរយមជ្ជបមាទដ្ឋានា heaven; heavenly abode.
េសក្ខ , ្រពះ (Sekha; Sekkha) the
(taking) intoxicants tending to cloud learner, i.e. one who is in the course
the mind; intoxi-cants causing of perfection; one who has reached
carelessness. one of the stages of holiness, except
សុ រិយគតិ (Suriyagati*) the system of a the last, and has yet to undergo a
higher training.
solar calendar.
េសខិយវត្ត (Sekhiyadhamma;
សូ្រត (Sutta; Suttanta) a discourse;
Sekhiyavatta) (the seventy-five) rules
dialogue; aphorism.
for training; rules of good breeding;
សូ្រត , ្រពះ (Sutta; Suttapiåaka) the the code of etiquette.
discourses; the original sermons and េសចក្តីផតុ ្រសឡះ េមីល វិមតុ ្តិ
dialogues of the Buddha. េមីល េសនាសនៈ (Senàsana) sleeping and
សុត្តន្តបិដក sitting; bed and seat; dwelling;
សូ្រតបាដិេមាក្ខ , ការ (Pàåimokkhuddesa) lodging.
recit-ation of the Fundamental េសយ្យា (Seyyà) bed; bedding; sleep;
Precepts of the Buddhist monks. v. to rest; lying down; reclining.
recite or chant the Fundamental

េសាក (Soka) grief; sorrow. Collection of Connected Discourses;
េសាតទ្វារ (Sotadvàra) the ear-door; ear- Book of the Kindred Sayings; name
of the third main division of the Sutta
avenue. Piåaka.
េសាតវិញា្ញណ (Sotaviññàäa) ear-
សំេយាជនៈ (Saçyojana) (the ten) Fetters
conscious-ness. (that bind man to the round of
េសាតាបត្តិផល (Sotàpattiphala) the rebirth).
Fruition of Stream-Entry; Fruit of សំវរៈ (Saçvara) 1. to be composed;
Stream-Entrance. self-controlled; restrained; decorous;
េសាតាបត្តិមគ្គ (Sotàpattimagga) the Path sedate. 2. commingled; mixed (food).
of Stream-Entrance; Path of Stream- សំវរៈ (Saçvara) restraint.
សំវរបធាន (Saçvarapadhàna) the effort
េសាតាបន្ន (Sotàpanna) a Stream-
to prevent the arising of unrisen evils;
Enterer; Stream-Winner; one who has
the effort to avoid unwholesome
attained the first stage of holiness.
េសាមនស្ស (Somanassa) a pleasurable សំវាស (Saçvàsa) communion.
mental feeling; mental pleasure; glad-
mindedness; joy; delight.
សំេវគ (Saçvega) sense of urgency.
េសារច្ច (Soracca) gentleness; meekness; សំេវជនីយសា្ថ ន (Saçvejanìyaååhàna) a
suavity; gentility; refinement; place apt to rouse the sense of
mannerliness; graciousness. urgency; (the Four) Holy Places of
េសាវច្ចស្សតា (Sovacassatà) “state of Buddhism.
being easy to speak with”;
សំសារ (Saçsàra, Saçsàracakka) lit.

amenability to correction; obedience; faring on; the Round of Rebirth; the

admonish-ability. Round of Existence; the Wheel of
េសាឡស (Soøasa) sixteen. Rebirth; the Wheel of Life; the Life
Process; Rebirth process; the Process
សំណាក់សង្ឃ (Saæghanivàsa*, of Birth and Death.
Saæghaniketa*) monastic residence; សំសារវដ្ដ េមីល សំសារៈ
monks’ lodging.
សំពត់ងូតទឹក (Udakasàåikà) a bathing-
សំេសទជៈ (Saçsedaja) moisture-born
សំពត់ងូតទឹកេភ្លៀង (Vassikasàåikà) cloth
ស្គរតូច (Paäðava) a small drum.
for the rains; rains-cloth.
េស្តចច្រក (Cakkavatti) 1. world-king; a
សំពះ (Vandana, Namassana) v. to salute universal monarch, endowed with the
seven valuables or treasures. 2. (K.) an
with joined palms.
សំយុត្តនិកាយ (Saçyuttanikàya) ស្បង់ (Antaravàsaka) inner garment;
the undergarment of a Buddhist in; bowl-case; bowl-bag.
monk, nun or novice; the under robe. សា្វ ធ្យាយ , េមីល សូ្រតមន្ត
្រសង់ទឹក (Nhàyati) v. (of a monk or [ ក្នុង្រពះពុទសា
្ធ សនា ].
novice) to bathe.
េ្រសាមបា្រត (Pattathavikà) the bag with a
sling, used for carrying an alms-bowl

ហត្ថបាស (Hatthapàsa) the distance Theravàda.
within a hand’s reach. េហតុ (Hetu) a cause; causal condition;
ហទយវត្ថុ (Hadayavatthu) heart-base; root-cause.
mind-base; the heart; the physical េហាជាង (Gahasikhara) gable; pediment.
base of mental life. េហារៃ្រតយ៍ (Tipiåakàlaya*;
ហសិតុប្បាទចិត្ត (Hasituppàdacitta) smile- Potthakàgàra*; Ganthàlaya*)
producing consciousness. monastery library; Scripture Library;
ហិ រិ (Hiri) moral shame. library of sacred writings.
ហីនយាន (Hìnayàna) the Lesser ហំសបាត (Haçsapàda) crimson.
Vehicle; the Smaller Vehicle; the
Southern School of Buddhism;

អកតញ្ញូ (Akataññù) ungrateful. អកុសលកម្ម (Akusalakamma) an evil
អករណីកិច្ច (Akaraäìyakicca) deed which action; unwholesome action.
should not be done; improper action; អកុសលកម្មបថ (Akusalakammapatha)
unbefitting action. (the tenfold) way of bad action;
អកាលមរណៈ (Akàlamaraäa) untimely unwholesome course of action.
death. អកុសលចិត្ត (Akusalacitta) demeritorious
អកិ រិយទិដ្ឋិ , ~វាទ (Akiriyadiååhi) lit. the thought; immoral consciousness.
theory of nonaction; the theory that អកុសលមូល (Akusalamùla) (the three)
there is no after-effect of action; view roots of evil; the roots of bad actions;
of the inefficacy of action. kammically unwholesome roots;
អកុសល (Akusala) adj. unwholesome; demeritorious roots.
demeritorious; immoral; kammically អកុសលវិតក្ក (Akusalavitakka) unwhole-
unwholesome; unskilful. n. demerit; some thought.
bad action. អេកា្ក ធៈ (Akkodha) non-anger; freedom
from hatred. អណ្ឌ ជៈ (Aäðaja) egg-born creatures;
អគតិ (Agati) wrong way of behaviour; the oviparous.
prejudice; bias. អតិថិពលី (Atithibali) offering to guests;
អេគាចរ (Agocara) wrong pasture; reception.
wrong resort; non-resorts for alms; អតិមានះ (Atimàna) pride; arrogance;
improper haunts; evil haunts. contempt; disdain; scorn.
អគ្គសាវ័ក (Aggasàvaka) the most អតិេរកចីវរ (Atirekacìvara) an extra robe.
distinguished disciples; (the two) អតិេរកចីវរ (Atirekacìvara) extra robe.
Chief Disciples, i.e. Sàriputta and
Mahàmoggallàna. អតិេរកលាភ (Atirekalàbha) extra acqui-
អង្គ (Aæga) factor; constituent. sitions.
អង្គារ (Aægàra) 1. charcoal; ashes. 2. អេតកិចា្ឆ (Atekicchà) adj. incurable;
ash; the ashes, especially of the unamendable; irremediable. n. the
four major offences, called Pàràjika,
which entail expulsion from the
អង្គាស (Parivisana) v. to serve with Order. េ្របៀបេធៀប សេតកិចា្ឆ
food; wait upon at a meal.
អង្គុត្តរនិកាយ (Aæguttaranikàya) the អត្តកិលមថានុេយាគ (Attakilamathànuyoga)
Self-Mortification; the constant
collection of discourses arranged in
attachment to Self-Mortification.
accordance with number; Adding-
One Collection; Collection of ុ (Attaññutà) the quality of one
Numerical Sayings; the Book of the who knows oneself; knowing oneself.
Gradual Sayings; name of the fourth អត្តភាព (Attabhàva) personality; indivi-
main division of the Sutta Piåaka. duality.
អង្គុយសមាធិ (Pallaækaç àbhujati) to sit អត្តវាទុបាទាន (Attavàdupàdàna)
(flat on the haunches) cross-legged. attachment to the self- (or soul-)
អង្ស័ក (Açsa) 1. a part; side. 2. theory; the belief in a persistent self
shoulder. 3. (K.) shoulder piece; chest or soul; clinging to the Ego-belief.
cloth; the sleeveless one-shouldered អត្តសមា្ម បណិធិ (Attasammàpaäidhi)
singlet of a monk. setting oneself in the right course;
អចិេន្តយ្យ (Acinteyya) the (four) aspiring and directing oneself in the
unthink-ables. right way; perfect self-adjustment;
អច្ឆ រិយៈ (Acchariya) adj. wonderful; thorough pursuit or development of
one’s personality.
marvellous; astonishing; exceptional;
extraordinary; (K.) genius. អតា្ត (Attà) 1. self; soul; ego; personal
អញ្ជលី េមីល ្របណម្យ entity. 2. mind; the whole personality.
អដ្ឋកថា (Aååhakathà) a commentary. អតា្ត ធិបេតយ្យ (Attàdhipateyya) self-

depen-dence; self-reliance; affair; lawsuit; dispute; disciplinary
supremacy of self; dominant case of dispute; legal process; legal
influence by oneself (or by self- question.
regard). អធិករណសមថៈ (Adhikaraäasamatha)
អត្ថ (Attha) 1. meaning; the spirit; the settling of a case, a question, a
correct sense; essence. 2. benefit; dispute or a lawsuit; transaction;
advantage; gain; welfare; the good. 3. settlement of legal processes.
goal; purpose. អធិកវារៈ (Adhikavàra) intercalary lunar
អត្ថច រិយា (Atthacariyà) benefaction; day; (a year with) an extra day (15th
useful conduct or behaviour; doing a of the seventh waning moon).
favour; life of service; doing good. អធិកសុរទិនៈ (Adhikasuradina*) (K.)
ុ (Atthaññutà) the quality of one
អត្ថញ្ញតា intercalary solar day; (a year with) an
who knows what is useful or who extra day (29 February).
knows the correct meaning of អធិចិត្តសិកា្ខ (Adhicittasikkhà) training in
something; knowledge of the higher mentality; mental discipline.
meaning; knowing the purpose; អធិដ្ឋាន (Adhiååhàna) resolve; decision;
knowing the consequence.
resolution; determination. v. to
អត្ថបដិសម្ភទិ ា (Atthapaåisambhidà) know- determine (a robe or a bowl) for
ledge of the meaning (of words); the regular personal use.
Discrimination of the Meaning; អធិបញា្ញ សិកា្ខ (Adhipaññàsikkhà) training
analytic insight of consequence.
in higher wisdom.
អទិន្នាទាន (Adinnàdàna) taking what is អធិបេតយ្យ (Adhipateyya) 1. supremacy.
not given; stealing.
2. (K.) sovereignty.
អទុក្ខមសុខ (Adukkhamasukha) neither
អធិេមាក្ខ (Adhimokkha) determination;
pain nor happiness; indifferent
resolution; conviction.
feeling. adj. neither painful nor
pleasurable. អធិសីលសិកា្ខ (Adhisìlasikkhà) training in
អេទាសៈ (Adosa) non-hatred; non- higher morality.
anger; amity; hatelessness. អនត្តតា (Anattatà) soullessness;
អធម៌ (Adhamma) misconduct; unright- egoless-ness.
eousness; injustice; false doctrine. adj. អនតា្ត (Anattà) adj. no-soul; soulless;
unjust; unrighteous. not-self. n. non-self; non-ego.
អធិកមាស (Adhikamàsa) intercalary អនភិជ្ឈា (Anabhijjhà) non-
month; (a year with) an extra eighth covetousness; nonavarice.
lunar month. អនាគាមិផល (Anàgàmiphala) the Fruit of
អធិករណ៍ (Adhikaraäa) a case; question; Never-Returning; the Result of the

អនាគាមិមគ្គ (Anàgàmimagga) the Path អនុបាទិេសសនិពា្វន (Anupàdisesa-nibbàna)
of Never-Returning; the Path of the Nibbàna without any remainder of
Non-Returner. physical existence; Nibbàna without
អនាគាមី , ្រពះ (Anàgàmì) a Never- the Five Aggregates remaining.
Returner; Non-Returner; one who has អនុព្យញ្ជនៈ (Anubyañjana) subsidiary
attained the third stage of holiness. characteristics.
អនាគារិក (Anàgàrika) lit. a homeless អនុព្វីកថា (Anupubbikathà) a gradual
one; one who enters the homeless life instruction; graduated sermon;
without formally entering the regulated exposition of the ever more
Saægha. valued and sublime subjects.
អនិច្ច (Anicca) adj. impermanent; អនុេមាទនា (Anumodanà) 1. thanks-
transient. giving; chanting the holy stanzas of
អនិច្ចតា (Aniccatà) impermanence; blessings. 2. rejoice; approval;
transiency. appreciation; congratulation.
អនិដ្ឋារម្មណ៍ (Aniååhàrammaäa) អនុរក្ខនាបធាន (Anurakkhanàpadhàna)
unpleasant or unagreeable object. the effort to maintain or augment
អនិយតៈ (Aniyata) Indefinite Rules; arisen good.
undetermined offence. អនុេលាម (Anuloma) conforming; in
អនុគណ (Nigamasaæghàdhipati*) the proper order; in forward order.
Ecclesiastical District Officer. អនុវាទាធិករណ៍ (Anuvàdàdhikaraäa) legal
អនុចរ (Anucara) follower; attendant; questions concerning accusations.
companion; accompanier; retainer; អនុស័យ (Anusaya) latent dispositions;
retinue; entourage. underlying tendencies; (the seven)
អនុដីកា (Anuåìkà) a sub- Evil Inclinations or Biases.
subcommentary. អនុសាវនា (Anusàvanà) announcement;
អនុបញ្ញត្តិ (Anupaññatti) auxiliary proclamation.
regula-tion; supplementary rule; អនុសាវនាចារ្យ (Anusàvanàcariya) ordina-
additional rule. tion  proclaiming teacher; (Second)
អនុបសម្បន្ន (Anupasampanna) one who Ordination-Teacher.
has not yet received the full អនុសាសន៍ (Anusàsana) advice;
ordination; novices and the laity; instruction.
unordained one. អនុសាសនាចារ្យ (Anusàsanàcariya) a
អនុបាទិន្នក (Anupàdinnaka) adj. not chaplain; minister; religious or moral
grasped by craving or false view; instructor.
kammically ungrasped. អនុសាសនីបាដិហារ្យ (Anusàsanìpàåihàriya)
the miracle of teaching; the wonder

worked by the instruction (of the permission by consultation.
Dhamma). អបាយ (Apàya) state of loss and woe;
អនុស្សតិ (Anussati) constant unhappy existence; sorrowful ways.
mindfulness; (the ten) Reflections; អបាយភូមិ (Apàyabhùmi) (the four)
recollection. planes of loss and woe; (the four)
អេនសនា (Anesanà) wrong way of states of misery; (the four) lower
earning one’s living; improper worlds; unhappy existence.
search; improper livelihood. អបាយមុខ (Apàyamukha) cause of ruin;
អន្តគាហិកទិដ្ឋិ (Antagàhikadiååhi) (the ten) ways of squandering wealth; ruinous
views taking extreme sides; the view ways of life; vicious ways of
of the extremist; extremist view. conduct.
អន្តរវាសកៈ (Antaravàsaka) េមីល ស្បង់ អប្បនាសមាធិ (Appanàsamàdhi) fixed
អន្តា (Antà) extremes (the two concentration; established concentra-
extremes). tion; full concentration; attainment-
concentration; absorption concentration.
អន្តិមវត្ថុ (Antimavatthu) an extreme
offence; ultimate or worst trans-
អប្បមញា្ញ (Appamaññà) the Unbounded
gression; Defeat; Pàràjika offence. States; the Illimitables.
អេន្តវាសិក (Antevàsika) lit. one who lives អប្បមាទ (Appamàda) non-negligence;
in; a monk who lives under his heedfulness; zeal; diligence; earnest-
teacher; a pupil; apprentice. ness; carefulness.
អបចាយនៈ (Apacàyana) reverence; អប្បិច្ឆតា (Appicchatà) paucity of
humility. wishes; frugality; desiring little;
អបចាយនមយៈ (Apacàyanamaya) (merit)
អពមង្គល (Avamaægala) bad luck; ill
to be gained through being humble or
respectful. omen; adj. unlucky; unauspicious; (K.)
អបទាន (Apadàna) “Lives of Arahants”;
អព្យាកតៈ (Abyàkata; Avyàkata) adj.
name of the thirteenth division of the
Khuddaka Nikàya. indeterminate; neutral; unexplained.
អបរាបរិយេវទនីយកម្ម អព្យាបាទ (Abyàpàda) non-hatred;
(Aparàpariyavedanìya-kamma) absence of ill-will; loving-kindness.
indefinitely effective kamma. អេពា្វ ហារិក (Abbohàrika) insignificant;
អបេលាកនៈ (Apalokana) v. to look negligible; ineffective.
towards for approval; consult; obtain អភិជ្ឈា (Abhijjhà) covetousness.
an approval by consultation. អភិញា្ញ (Abhiññà) (five or six kinds of)
អបេលាកនកម្ម (Apalokanakamma) the Higher Knowledge; Superknowledges;
act of obtaining consent or Supernormal Powers; higher psychic

powers. អរហត្តផល (Arahattaphala) the Fruit of
អភិធម្ម (Abhidhamma) the Higher the Worthy One; the final stage of
Doctrine; Further Dhamma; the holiness; final freedom.
analytic doctrine of the Buddhist អរហត្តមគ្គ (Arahattamagga) the Path of
Canon. the Worthy One; the Path of
អភិធម្មបិដក (Abhidhammapiåaka) the Arahatship.
Abhidhamma Piåaka; the Basket of អរហន្ត , ្រពះ (Arahanta) an Arahant;
the Higher Doctrine. Arahat; worthy one; the Holy One;
អភិេន្រស្កមណ៍ េមីល មហាភិេន្រស្កមណ៍ perfected one; one who has attained
អភិបាលកិច្ចសង្ឍ Nibbàna.
(Gàmasamùhasaæghàdhi-pati*) the អរហន្តឃាត (Arahantaghàta) the murder
Ecclesiastical Commune Chief; Eccl. of an Arahant.
Sub-District Head. អរិយ្រទព្យ (Ariyadhana) the sublime
អភិសម័យ (Abhisamaya) attainment; treasure; noble treasure; noble
realization; penetration. wealth.
អភិសមាចារ (Abhisamàcàra) higher អរិយបុគ្គល (Ariyapuggala) a noble
training in proper conduct; higher individual; noble one; holy person.
practice of the training; rules about អរិយផល (Ariyaphala) the (four) Noble
decent conduct; specialized or minor Fruits; Fruits of the Holy Life.
precepts. អរិយមគ្គ (Ariyamagga) 1. the (four)
អភិសេមា្ព ធិ (Abhisambodhi) the supreme Noble Paths; Sublime Paths of the
enlightenment. Holy Life. 2. the Noble (Eightfold)
អមតៈ (Amata) the deathless state; Path.
ambrosia; Nibbàna; immortal. អរិយសច្ច (Ariyasacca) the Noble Truth;
អមូឡ្ហ វិន័យ (Amùøhavinaya) verdict of (Cattàri Ariyasaccàni) the Four Noble
past insanity. Truths; the Four Holy Truths.
អេមាហៈ (Amoha) non-delusion; អរូបជ្ឈាន (Arùpajhàna) the (four)
wisdom; knowledge; undeludedness. Absorptions of the Formless Sphere.
អេយានិេសាមនសិការ (Ayonisomanasikàra) អរូបភព េមីល អរូបេលាក
disorderly or distracted attention; អរូបរាគៈ (Arùparàga)desire for life in
unsystematic attention; improper or the formless worlds; greed for the
unwise consideration; lack of analytic formless; greed for immaterial
reflection. existence; attachment to formless
អរញ្ញវាសី (Araññavàsì) one who dwells realms.
in the forest; forest-dwelling monk; អរូបេលាក (Arùpaloka) the formless
the forest order. world; the world of the formless; the

Formless Realms; the Immaterial loathsomeness; impurity. 2. a corpse.
Sphere. អសុរកាយ (Asurakàya) the plane of
អរូបាវចរ (Arùpàvacara) adj. belonging Asura demons; demons.
to the Formless Plane. អេសក្ខ (Asekha) one who does not
អរូបាវចរភូមិ (Arùpàvacarabhùmi) the require any further training; an
Formless Plane; Formless Sphere; Arahant; the adept.
Immaterial Sphere. អស្សាទៈ (Assàda) enjoyment; attraction;
អលជ្ជី (Alajjì) shameless monk; satisfaction; gratification; advantage.
immoral monk. អស្សាសៈ (Assàsa) in-breathing;
អេលាភៈ (Alobha) non-greed; greedless- inhalation.
ness; liberality; generosity. អហង្ការ (Ahaçkàra) lit. the making of
អវិជ្ជា (Avijjà) ignorance; nescience; the utterance “I”; egoity; egotism;
lack of knowledge; delusion. ego-consciousness; the concept of ‘I’;
អវិេរាធនៈ (Avirodhana) non- ‘I’-making; (K.) arrogance; haughti-
obstruction; non-opposition; non- ness. េ្របៀបេធៀប មមង្ការ
violation; non-deviation from the អហិង្សា , អវិហិង្សា (Ahiçsà, Avihiçsà)
Dhamma. non-violence; non-harming;
អវិហារ (Avahàra) action of stealing. inoffensive-ness; noninjury.
អវិហិង្សា េមីល អហិង្សា អេហតុកទិដ្ឋិ , ~វាទ (Ahetukadiååhi) lit.
អវីចី (Avìci) the Avìci Hell; the lowest the theory of causelessness; the
hell. theory that there is no cause of a
អសង្ខតធម៌ (Asaækhatadhamma) that phenomenon; doctrine of non-
which is not conditioned by any
cause; the Unconditioned; Nibbàna. អេហាសិកម្ម (Ahosikamma) defunct
អសេង្ខយ្យ (Asaækheyya) incalculable. kamma; an act or thought which has
no longer any potential force.
អសទិសទាន (Asadisadàna) Unparalleled
Gift; incomparable alms-giving.
អសុភ (Asubha) 1. ugly; loathsome. n.

អាកាស [ ធាតុ ] (Àkàsa) space. អាកិញ្ចញា្ញយតនៈ (Àkiñcaññàyatana) the

អាកាសានញា្ច យតនៈ (Àkàsànañcàyatana) Sphere (or Realm) of Nothingness.
the Sphere of Unbounded Space; the អាគន្តុកៈ (Àgantuka) a guest; new-
Realm of Infinity of Space. comer; stranger.

អាឃាត (Àghàta) malice; hatred; អាបតា្ត ធិករណ៍ (Àpattàdhikaraäa) legal
revenge-fulness. questions concerning offences; legal
អាចារៈ (Àcàra) conduct; behaviour. processes concerning committed
អាចារ្យ (Àcariya) a teacher; regular offences, the awarding of them and
the atonement for them.
អាបត្តិ (Àpatti) an ecclesiastical
អាចិណ្ណកម្ម (Àciääakamma) habitual
offence; offence.
kamma; habitual act.
អាជីវក (Àjìvaka) a kind of non- អាេបាធាតុ (Àpodhàtu) lit. the liquid
element; water; cohesion; the element
Buddhist ascetics, mostly naked. of cohesion.
អាជីវបារិសុទ្ធសីល (Àjìvapàrisuddhisìla) អាមិស (Àmisa) food; flesh; materiality;
discipline as regards purity of
material things. adj. material;
livelihood; Purity of Conduct physical; carnal.
connected with Livelihood.
អាជ្ជវៈ (À jjava) honesty; integrity. អាមិសទាន (Àmisadàna) donation of
requisites (i.e. food, lodging, etc.);
អាត្មន័ (Attà; Sanskrit: Àtman) the self; material gifts.
soul. អាយតនៈ (Àyatana) the Twelve
អាទិកម្មិកៈ (Àdikammika) 1. name of the Spheres; the Twelve Bases; bases.
first main division of the Vinaya ខាងក្នុង : sense-organs; the (six)
Piåaka. 2. the beginner; the first
senses; sense-bases; sense-fields.
transgressor; the first doer.
អាទិ្រពហ្មច រិយៈ (Àdibrahmacariya)
ខាងេ្រកៅ : sense-objects and mind-
rudiments of the training in the Holy
Life; fundamentals of the Sublime
អាយុ (Àyu) 1. age; life-span. 2.
Life; fundamental or major precepts. longevity; long life.
អាទីនវៈ (Àdìnava) disadvantage; peril; អាយុសង្ខារ (Àyusaækhàra) constituents
defect; danger. of life; vital principle. េមីល
អាេទសនាបាដិហារ្យ (Àdesanàpàåihàriya) ដាក់អាយុសង្ខារ
marvellous ability of mind-reading or អារក្ខសម្បទា (Àrakkhasampadà) the
guessing other people’s character; achieve-ment of protection; to be
marvel of thoughtreading. endowed with wariness or
អានាបានស្សតិ (Ànàpànasati) mindfulness watchfulness.
on breathing; mindfulness regarding អារម្មណ៍ (Àrammaäa) sense-objects; an
breathing. object of consciousness.
អានិសង្ស (Ànisaçsa) profit; merit; good អារាមិកៈ (Àràmika) monastery-
result; advantage. attendant.

អាសនៈសង្ឃ (Saæghàsana*) monks’ seat; អាហារ (Àhàra) food; nutriment.
dais or raised platform for monks. អ្នកេទសនា េមីល ធម្មកថិក
អាសន្នកកម្ម (Àsannakamma) death- អ្នកបួស១ (Pabbajita) a religious; priest;
proximate kamma; a kamma done monk.
immediately before death; proximate អ្នកបួស២ (Yati, Vatavantu) one who
takes up a religious practice or
អាសវៈ (Àsàva) mental intoxication or observes a religious vow; ascetic;
defilement; worldly influxes; recluse; hermit.
accumulation; outflows; corruption; អ្នក្របកបេដាយធម៌ (Dhammika*) one
canker; taint; pollution.
learned in the Doctrine; Doctrine-
អាសវក្ខយញា្ញ ណ (Àsavakkhayañàäa) the knower; one who has passed the
knowledge of the cessation of mental examination of any of the three
intoxication; knowledge of the grades of Dhamma-study; eccl.
destruction of cankers; knowledge graduate of Dhamma studies;
that the outflows are extinct. Dhamma graduate; Dhamma scholar.
អាសាឡ្ហបូជា (Àsàøhapùjà) worship on the អ្នកសូ្រត (Dhammagàyaka*) a chanter.
full-moon day of the Àsàøha month
(the eighth lunar month) in
commemoration of the First Sermon
and the foundation of the Buddhist

ឥចា្ឆ (Icchà) 1. desire. 2. (K.) េមីល ឥស្សា four Roads to Power; basis for
ឥតិវុតក្ត (Itivuttaka) “Thus said” success.
Discour-ses; name of the fourth
ឥទ្ធិ វិធី (Iddhividhi) psychic powers;
division of the Khuddaka Nikàya. different psychic powers; various
ឥទ្ធិ (Iddhi) success; supernormal magical powers.
ិ សំវរសីល (Indriyasaçvarasìla)
power; psychic power; magical
power. discipline as regards sense-restraint;
ិ ដិហារ្យ (Iddhipàåihàriya) a wonder
ឥទ្ធបា Sense-Restraint; purity of conduct
consisting in the restraint of the
of psychic power; marvel; miracle.
ឥទ្ធបាិ ទ (Iddhipàda) the Four Paths of ី ៍ (Indriya) 1. the sense-faculties;
Accomplishment; Means of Accom-
the sense-forces. 2. spiritual faculties;
plishment; the means of accomplish-
ing one’s own end or purpose; the

ឥរិយាបថ (Iriyàpatha) deportment; ឥស្សា (Issà) envy; jealousy.
ឥសី (Isi) an ascetic; sage; seer.

ឧេក្ខបនីយកម្ម (Ukkhepanìyakamma) a Buddha image.
the formal act of suspension; ឧទ្ធច្ច (Uddhacca) restlessness; unrest;
ostracism. distraction; flurry.
ឧគ្គហនិមិត្ត (Uggahanimitta)
mental ឧទ្ធច្ចកុក្កុច្ច (Uddhaccakukkucca) restless-
image; learning sign; sign to be ness and worry; flurry and worry;
grasped. restlessness and anxiety.
ឧេច្ឆទទិដ្ឋិ (Ucchedadiååhi) ឧបក្កេិ លស (Upakkilesa) impurity; defile-
annihilationism; the doctrine of the ment.
annihilation (of the soul); belief in ឧបឃាតកកម្ម (Upaghàtakakamma)
the annihilation of the soul. destruc-tive kamma.
ឧដ្ឋានសម្បទា (Uååhànasampadà) the ឧបចារ (Upacàra) neighbourhood;
achievement of persistent effort. surround-ing area.
ឧតុនិយាម (Utuniyàma) physical ឧបចារសមាធិ (Upacàrasamàdhi)
inorganic order; physical laws. proximate concentration; approaching
ឧត្តរាសង្គៈ (Uttaràsaæga) the upper robe. concentra-tion; neighbourhood-
ឧត្ត រិមនុស្សធម្ម (Uttarimanussadhamma) concentration; access-concentration.
superhuman state; extraordinary ឧបជ្ឈាយ៍ (Upajjhàya) a spiritual
attainment. teacher; preceptor.
ឧទាន (Udàna) an utterance; a paean; ឧបដ្ឋាក (Upaååhàka) attendant; lay sup-
“Paeans of Joy”; the Solemn porter.
Utterances of the Buddha; name of ឧបត្ថម្ភកកម្ម (Upatthambhakakamma)
the third division of the Khuddaka supportive kamma.
Nikàya. ឧបនាហៈ (Upanàha) ill-will; grudge;
ឧទ្ទិសកុសល , ការ (Pattidàna,
Dakkhiäàdisana) dedication or ឧបបជ្ជេវទនីយកម្ម (Upapajjavedanìyakam-
transference of merit; radiation of
merit. ma) subsequently effective kamma;
kamma ripening in the next life.
ឧេទ្ទសកេចតីយ៍ (Uddesikacetiya) shrine ឧបបីឡកកម្ម (Upapìøakakamma) obstruc-
by dedication; memorial object of
worship referring to the Buddha, i.e. tive kamma; counteractive kamma.
ឧបមា (Upamà) simile; parable.
ឧបសម្បទា (Upasampadà) full (or faithful layman; lay Buddhist.
higher) ordination; taking up the ឧបាសិកា (Upàsikà) a female devotee; a
Bhikkhu-ship; Full Admission to the female lay follower.
Saægha; Ordination Ceremony. v. to ឧេបកា្ខ (Upekkhà) 1. equanimity; even-
be ordained; enter the monkhood; mindedness; neutrality; poise. 2.
join the Order. indifference; neutral feeling; neither
ឧបសម្បន្ន (Upasampanna) the ordained; pleasurable nor painful feeling.
a Bhikkhu or Bhikkhunì. ឧេបាសថ (Uposatha) 1. observance; the
ឧបាទាន (Upàdàna) attachment; observance of the Eight Precepts. 2.
clinging; grasping. biweekly recitation of the Vinaya
ឧបាទានក្ខន្ធ (Upàdànakkhandha) rules by a chapter of Buddhist
aggregate (as object) of clinging. monks; the days for special meetings
ឧបាទាយរូប (Upàdàyarùpa) the of the order, and for recitation of the
Pàåimokkha. 3. the Uposatha hall;
Derivatives; derivative or secondary consecrated assembly hall.
material properties dependent on the
Four Great Essentials; material
ឧេបាសថសីល (Uposathasìla) the Eight
qualities derived from the Four Great Precepts observed by lay devotees on
Essentials; derivative matter. Uposatha days.
ឧបាទិន្នកៈ (Upàdinnaka) lit. grasped by ឧប្បាទៈ (Uppàda) arising; genesis.
craving and false view; kammically ឧេព្វគាបីតិ (Ubbegàpìti; Ubbeægàpìti)
acquired; kammically grasped. uplifting joy; thrilling emotion.
ឧបាយ (Upàya) means; method;
resource; expedient.
ឧបាយាស (Upàyàsa) despair.
ឧបាសក (Upàsaka) lit. one who comes or
sits near; a lay devotee; a devout or

ឫទ្ធិ េមីល ឥទ្ធិ ឫស្យា េមីល ឥស្សា

ឯកគ្គតា (Ekaggatà) one-pointedness ឯតទគ្គ (Etadagga) foremost; first or
(of mind); mental one-pointedness; best of that class or type.


ឱក្កន្តិកាបីតិ (Okkantikàpìti) oscillating ឱវាទ (Ovàda) admonition; exhortation;
interest; showering joy. advice.
ឱជា (Ojà) nutritive essence; nutriment. ឱវាទបាដិេមាក្ខ(Ovàdapàåimokkha) the
ឱត្តប្ប (Ottappa) moral fear; moral Principal Teaching; the Fundamental
dread. Teaching; exhortatory Pàåimokkha.
ឱបបាតិកៈ (Opapàtika) creatures having
spontaneous births.

ភាគ ៣
វចននុ កមពុទធ សន
អង់េគ្លស - ែខ្មរ

Part III
English - Khmer
Buddhist Dictionary
abandoning; abandonment bhan³, adaptability kmμØta

caK³, ¬karlHbg;, kare)Hbg;¦ adept Geskç

abiding vihar ¬Fm’¦ adherence to habits and practices

abode PB, esnasn³, Galy³,
adherent sasnik
adjustment Tm³
absolute sense brmtß
admonition »vaT
absolute truth brmtßsc©
adultery kaemsumc
i äacar
absorption Qan, Gb/na
advantage GanisgÇ
abstention evrmNI. v. to abstain.
adverting GavC¢³
abstinence virti
advice »vaT
access concentration «bcarsmaFi
aeon kb/, kl/
accessory brivar, brivar ¬rbs;rbr¦
affliction BüaFi
accompanied by shKt³
age v½y
accomplishment, basis of \T§i)T
ageing Cra
achievement sm/Ta
aggregate xn§
acquisition laP
agility lhuta
act kmμ
agitation «T§c©
act, formal sgÇkmμ
agreeable \dæ ¬tamR)fña¦
action kmμ, kmμnþ

agreement smμti ¬karyl;RBmrYmKña Arahatship Grhtþ, Grhtþpl

dak;tYnaTIEtgtaMg¦ ardour tb³, Gatb³, esckþIBüa-

aim Gtß yamdutkMedAkiels

allowable adj. kb/iy³ arising «b/aT, «b/tþi

alms, alms food Pikça, Tan, Tanvtßú, ariyan Griy³

biNÐ)t arrogance GtimanH

alms-bowl )Rt ascetic \sI, tabs, Gñk«TÞis,

alms-gathering biNÐ)t, karedIr GñkbYs

biNÐ)t ascetic practices tb³, FutgÁ

alms resort eKacr ¬TIedIreTA biNÐ- aspect Gakar³

)t, TIrkGahar¦ assembly sPa, bris½T ¬=brisa -

almsround karedIrbiNÐ)t TIRbCuMCn¦

alteration vibriNam associated with sm/yutþ

analysis viPgÁ, vinieBÖaK association sm/eyaK, esvna

analytic insight bdismÖiTa assuming «)Tan

anger ekaF³, esckþIeRkaF attachment «)Tan

annihilationism «ecäTvaT, «ecäTTidæi attainment GPism½y ¬karseRmc¦,

anxiety «T§c©kukáúc© smabtþi

appreciation Cvn³ attainment concentration Gb/na-

arahant; Arahant RBHGrhnþ smaFi

attendance «bdæan ¬karTMnukbRmug, authority GaCJa, \sSriy³

karbeRmI, karBüa)l¦ avarice mcäriy³

attendant «bdæak aversion bdiX³, Garti

attention mnsikar avoidance virti, sMvr

attentiveness karmansti Awakened One, the RBHBuT§

audible object sTÞarmμN_, sTÞ Awakening GPisem<aFi

austere practices FutgÁ awareness sm/CØ

austerities tb³

bad )b. emIl evil. benefaction Tan, Gtßcriya

bad company )bshayta ¬esckþI benefactor Tayk

manmitþGaRkk;¦ benefit GanisgS, Gtß

balanced life; balanced livelihood benevolence Gtßcriya
besotting drink mC¢
banishment bBVaCnIykmμ
birth Cati
basis of mindfulness stib/dæan
birth story Catk
basis for success \T§i)T
blameless action GnvC¢kmμ ¬kmμmin
becoming PB, Pv³
maneTas, kareFVIR)scakeTasmin
being stV
manxesAhμg EtmanRbeyaCn_¦
belief in a Soul of Self skáayTidæi

Blessed One, the PKva ¬RBHd¾man border district bc©nþCnbT

RBHPaK¦ boundary sIma

blessing Br, mgÁl, GnuemaTna, bourn Kti

GanisgS bowl emIl alms-bowl.

bliss sux Brahma-farer RBhμcarI

Bodhisatta, Bodhisattva RBHeBaFi- Brahma-faring RBhμcriy³

stV Brahmin, brahman RBahμN_

bodily, adj. kayik ¬pøÚvkay¦ breathing in GsSas³ ¬kardkdegðIm

bodily action kaykmμ cUl¦ (=in-breathing.)

bodily avenue kayTVar breathing out bsSas³ ¬kardkdegðIm

bodily formation; bodily functions ecj¦ (=out-breathing.)
Buddha, the RBHBuT§
bodily good conduct kaysucrit
Buddhism RBHBuT§sasna
bodily happiness kayiksux
Buddhist BuT§sasnik
bodily misconduct kayTuc©rit
buoyancy lhuta ¬karRbRBwtþieTA
bodily pain kayikTukç
body kay
burden Fur³, Par³
bond eyaK³

boon Br

calm smf³ chapter of monks KN³ ¬kñúgvin½y¦

Calmed One, the RBHmunI character crit

canker Gasv³ characteristic lkçN³

canon bidk, Km<Ir charity Tan, caK³

carelessness bmaT³, esckþIRbmaT clairaudience TiBVesat

carnalities Gamis clairvoyance TiBVckçú

caste vNѳ clan eKaRt, RtkUl

category xn§ clansman kulbuRt

casual occasion zan classification sgÁh³

cause ehtu clear comprehension sm/CØ

Cause of Suffering TukçsmuTy³, clinging «)Tan

smuT½y coefficients emIl mental coeffi-

cemetery TIsμsan cients.

cognizance citþ
cessation nieraF
cognizable object FmμarmμN_
Cessation of Suffering TukçnieraF,
cohesion, the element of Gae)Fatu
Collection nikay ¬énKm<Ir¦
change vibriNam
comfort pasuk
change-of-lineage eKaRtPU
commentary Gdækfa
chanting karsURFmnþ v. to chant.

common characteristics samØ- conduct Gacar³, criya, crN³,

lkçN³ smacar

community sgÇ confession ¬Gabtþi¦ eTsna ¬kar

companion shay sEmþgGabtþ¦i v. to confess.

compassion kruNa, Gnukm/a. adj. confidence sT§a, bsaT³

compassionate. conformity Gnuelam
compounded things sgçar,
conquest C½y, viC½y
conquest by piety FmμviC½y
comprehension sm/CØ, briØa
conscience hiri
conceit manH
conscientious, adj. lC¢I, manhiri-
concentration smaFi
concentration development smaFi
consciousness viØaN
Pavna, smfPavna
consequence vi)k
concept bØtþi
consideration mnsikar
conception bdisn§i
constituent GgÁ
concord samKÁI
contact psS
condition bc©½y
contemplation GnubsSna, GnusSti
conditioned genesis bdic©smub/aT
contemplation of the body kayanu-
conditioned things sgçar, sgçtFm’

contemplation of the feelings evTna- Council sgÁayna, sgÁIti

nubsSna counterpart bdiPaK

contemplation of the mind citþanu- couplet Tuk³ ¬BYkBIr¦

bsSna course of action kmμbf

contemplation of the mind-objects courteous speech; courtesy biyvaca
covetousness GPiCÄa
contempt mkç, GtimanH
craving tNða
content; contentment senþas, snþúdæI
craving for annihilation viPvtNða
continuity snþti, snþan
craving for existence PvtNða
control of the senses \®nÞiysMvr³
craving for non-existence viPvtNða
controlling faculty \®nÞIy_ craving for sensual pleasures
conventional truth smμtisc© kamtNða

conversion Gavdþ, Gavdþna, karbþÚr cremation Qabnkic©

citþeBleTsna crematorium Qabndæan

co-religionist shFmμik cruelty vihigSa

corporeality rUb, rUbFm’ culture emIl mind culture

corruption sgáiels, «bkiels, curds TFi


danger Gnþray, GaTInv³ death mrN³, mc©ú, cuti

deathless, adj. Gmt³ denigration mkç ¬kiriyalubKuN¦

debauchery \tßIFutþta ¬esckþICaGñk dependence nisS½y ¬kñúgvin½y¦

elgRsI¦ dependent origination bdic©smub/aT

decad Tsk³ ¬BYkdb;¦ deportment \riyabf

decay Cra, Crta derivative matter «)TayrUb

decease cuti derived materiality «)Tay rUb

deceit maya description bØtþi

decision of the majority eyPuyü- designation GFivcn³

sita desire qnÞ³, kam, tNða, \cäa

decline braPv³ ¬esckþIvinas¦ ¬esckþIR)fña¦

deed kmμ despair «)yas

defeat, offence involving Gabtþi destination Kti

)raCik destruction Büsn³, hayn³, vinas,

defilement kiels bhan³, xy³

definition vvtßan destruction of life )Nati)t

deliverance vimutþi, viemakç detachment viraK³

delusion emah³ detraction mkç

demeritorious action )bkmμ development Pavna

demon Gsur, ykS devotee, lay «)sk

demonstration nieTÞs

Dhamma; Dharma, the RBHFm’, Fmμ, disquisition Fmμbriyay

Fm’ dissension esckþIravrk, (in the

diligence Gb/maT, «dæan order) sgÇraCI

direct knowledge GPiØa distraction «T§c©, viekçb ¬esckþIray

disappearance cuti, GnþrFan may¦

discernment vickçNa diversification bbBa©

disciple sav½k divine TiBV, RBhμ

discipline vin½y divine abiding RBhμvihar. emIl

discontent Grti, GnPirti ¬esckþI sublime states.

divine ear TiBVesat
divine eye TiBVckçú
discovery BuT§i, eBaFi
divine life RBhμcN’, RBhμcriy³,
discrimination bdismÖiTa
RBhμcarü. emIl holy life.
discursive thinking vicar
doctrine Fm’, RBHFm’, )vcn³
discussion sakcäa
domain vis½y, PB
disease eraK, BüaFi
domineering blas
disparaging blas ¬sPav³eTAR)s
donation Tan, karbric©aK
edayxül; «³ søwkeQI, cMebuIg¦
donor Tayk
dispassion niBViTa
door TVar
dispensation sasnFm’, RBHsasna
doubt vick
i c
i äa, kgça
dispute vivaT

downfall braPv³ ¬esckþIvinas¦, duties of the King; duties of the
ruler raCFm’
duty kic©, vtþ
drowsiness miT§
dwelling vihar ¬TIenA¦
drunkenness suraFutþta ¬esckþICa
dwelling in the favourable place
Gñkelgsura¦ bdirUbeTsvas
dulness, dullness emah³ dyad Tuk³ ¬BYkBIr¦

ear esat³ embodiment view skáayTidæi

earnestness Gb/maT, Gatab³ embryo kll³, KBÖ

¬esckþIBüayam¦ emergence vudæan

earth bzvI, bzvIFatu. emIl emptiness suØta

extension end Gnþ
ease sux
endeavour bFan, viriy³, vayam³
effort viriy³, vayam³, esckþIBüayam
endurance xnþI, GPivasn³
ego Gtþa, Gatμ½n
energy viriy³
elasticity muTuta
enjoyment briePaK ¬esay, eRbI
elder efr
CamYysm/tþi esckþIsux CaedIm¦,
element Fatu, mhaPUt, GgÁ
elements of enlightenment eBaCÄgÁ
Enlightenment One, the RBHBuT§

enlightenment eBaFi, GPisem<aFi Exalted One, the PKva ¬RBHd¾man

enlightenment factor eBaCÄgÁ RBHPaK¦

enlightenment states eBaFibkçy

i Fm’ exertion bFan³, vayam³

ennead nvk³ ¬BYkR)MbYn¦ exhaustion xy³ ¬esckþIvinas¦

enthusiasm bIti exhortation »vaT

envy \sSa, esckþIb£sSa existence PB

eon kb/, kl/ experience evTyit

equality smantþta exposition nieTÞs, vNÑna

equanimity «ebkça ¬kartaMgcitþCa extension, the element of bzvIFatu

kNþal¦ onlooking-equanimity. extinction nieraF

equipment brikçar Extinction of Impurities kiels

eradication smuecäT, bhan³ briniBVan ¬=s«)TiessniBVan¦

escape nisSrN³ Extinction of Suffering TukçnieraF,

essential of existence «bFi nieraF

eternalism; eternity-view ssSt- Extinction of the Five-Khandha-

process xn§briniBVan ¬=Gnu)Ti-
vaT, ssStTidæi
eunuch beNÐak
extreme Gnþ ¬TIbMput, esckþIcUlcitþ
even-mindedness «ebkça
b¤ RbRBwtþienOylM)k¦
evil )b

Evil One, the mar

expiration, offence of Gabtþi- eye ckçú


factor GgÁ fetter sMeyaCn³, seØaCn_

faculty \®nÞIy_ final knowledge GØa

fading away of craving tNðakS½y, fine-material sphere rUbPB, rUb-

tNðakçy elak

fading of lust viraK³ firmness Fiti ¬esckþIBüayam¦

failure vibtþi Five Precept, the bBa©sIl

faith sT§a. emIl confidence fixation «)Tan

falseness; falsity micätþ flavour rs

false speech musavaT flood »X³

false views micäaTidæi fluid element Gae)Fatu. emIl

fame ys, kitþis½BÞ cohesion.

flurry and worry «T§c©kukáúc©
favourable, adj. sb/ay
follower sav½k, sasnik
fear P½y
fool Bal, mnusSBal
fear of blame «tþb/
foolish man emaXburs
feeling evTna
forbearance tItikça, xnþI
femininity \tßIPav³, \tßi®nÞIy_
forest-dweller GrØvasI

forfeiture, offence of expiation fraud saefyü
involving Gabtþn
i s
i SKÁiy)citþiy³
freedom vimutþi
form rUb
friend mitþ, miRt
formal act sgÇkmμ
friendliness emtþa
formal meeting of the order,
offence entailing a GabtþisgÇa- frivolous talk smöb/lab³

Tiess fruit; fruition pl, vi)k

Fully Enlightenment One, the
formations sgçar
former action buBVkrN³
full moon; full moon day buNÑmI,
former exhibition bueBVnivas
bUrN_mI, eBjvg;
formless GrUb
function kic©, rs
forward order Gnuelam
functional consciousness kiriyacitþ
foundation of mindfulness sti-
fundamental precepts )tiemakç
fundamentals of mindfulness sti-
fragrant, adj. suKn§
Fragrant Cell, the RBHKn§kudi

gain laP gentleness mTÞv³

gambling karelgEl/gPñal; gesture kayviØtþi

generosity caK³, Tan ghee sb/i

ghost eRbt Great Man mhaburs

gift Tan, Tanvtßú Great Renunciation, the mha

giving Tan Pien®sámN_

giving up caK³, bric©aK Great Vehicle mhayan

goal Gtß, brieyasan greed elaP³

god eTv³, eTB, eTvta greediness mhicäta ¬esckþIelaP

going forth (from home) bBVC¢a cg;)neRcIn¦

good, n. Gtß. adj. klüaN, buØ grief eTamnsS, esak

good company klüaNmitþta group-meal KnePaCn

gossip smöb/lab³ Groups of Existence, the Five xn§5

grasping «)Tan growth «bc©y³

grateful, adj. ktØÚ grudging «bnah³

gratefulness ktØúta, ktØÚktevTita guidance nisS½y ¬kñúgvin½y¦

gratification GsSaT³ guide srN³, entþi

gratitude ktØúta, ktØÚktevTita guiding out vin½y

grave offence Gabtþifuløc½y

© guile kuhna

great entity mhaPUt

halo bPa happiness sux

harmlessness GhwgSa hereafter brelak, sm/ray³

harmony samKÁI heresy titßaytn³ ¬kMBg;Twk, lT§i

harsh speech prusvaca dUcCaTwk¦

hate eTas³ heritage TayC¢ ¬esckþICaTayaT,

hatred eTas³, evr mt’k¦

health GeraKü ¬esckþIsb/ay, Kμan hermit enlightened one bec©kBuT§

eraK¦, kløta hexad qká³ ¬BYkR)MmYy¦

hearer sav½k. emIl disciple. higher knowledge emIl super

heart hTy³ knowledge.

higher mentality GFicitþ
heating element eteCaFatu
higher morality GFisIl
heaven sKÁ, sYK’
higher thought GFicitþ
heavenly abiding TiBVvihar
higher wisdom GFibØa
heavenly being eTBþa, eTvta
hindrance nIvrN³
heavenly ear TiBVesat
holy life RBhμcN’, RBhμcriy³,
heavenly eye TiBVckçú
heedfulness bmaT, esckþIRbmaT
holy men smNRBahμN_
hell niry³, nrk
holy one RBHGriy³, RBHGrhnþ
help sgÁh³
homage nm³, nmkáar, bUCa
heptad stþk³ ¬BYkR)MBIr¦
homeless one GnaKarik
here and now TidæFm’

homeless life GnaKariy³, CIvit house-life; household life Xravas,

GnaKarik CIvitRKhsß

honesty GaC¢v³ human being mnusS

honour skáar³, bUCa humility nivat³. ¬karbnÞabxøÜn¦ adj.

hostile action evr humble.

hut kudI
householder KhbtI, RKhsß
hypocrisy saefyü ¬Pav³énbuKÁl


ideation sØa. emIl perception. immaterial sphere GrUbPB,

idleness ekasC¢ GrUbelak

ignoble, adj. Gnriy³, Gnarü immoral, adj. )b, Gkusl

ignorance GviC¢a immortal, adj. Gmt³

illimitables Gb/mØa impartiality smantþta

illumination »Pas impediment blieBaF, kiBa©n³

illusion bemah³, maya impermanence Gnic©ta

ill-will Büa)T impermanent, adj. Gnic©, Gnic©M

image bdima. emIl mental image imperturbability GaenBa¢a, GenBa¢a

I-making Ghgáar impulsion Cvn³, Cv½n

immaterial, adj. GrUb impurity kiels, ml³, mnÞil

in-and-out-breathing Gna)n³, inner sense-sphere GCÄtþikaytn³

GsSasbsas³ ¬Gaytn³xagkñúg¦

incantation mnþ initial application vitká

incense stick FUb inquiry vimMsa ¬R)CJa¦, bribucäa ¬kar

inclination GCÄas½y, GFimutþi saksYr¦

independent, adj. GnisSit insight jaN, TsSn³

indeterminate, adj. GBüakt³ insight development vibsSnaPavna

indifferent feeling «ebkçaevTna, insight into the heart of others

brcitþviC¢a, ecetabriyØaN
insistence GPinievs
individual buKÁl
instigated, adj. ssgçarik
individuality GtþPav³, GtþPaB
instruction GnusasnI, sasn³
indolence ekasC¢
integrity GavC¢
industry GnsSta, «dæan ¬esckþI
intention sgáb/, GFib/ay, ectna
intimation viØtþi
inertia bzvIFatu
intoxicant mC¢, suraemr½y
infinite, adj. Gnnþ
intoxicant, mental Gasv³
infinity of consciousness viØaN-
intrepidity evsarC¢
investigation vic½y, snþIrN³,
infinity of space GakasanBa©aytn³
inheritance TayC¢. emIl heritage

investigation of the Doctrine issuer of meals PtþúeTÞsk ¬Gñkcat;
invitation karnimnþ, GaraFna, bvarNa

jealous \sSa, esckþIb£sSa joy esamnsS, ¬ectsik¦ sux, bIti,

jewel rtn³ ¬kñúg {rtnRt½y{¦ muTita. emIl sympathetic joy.

Kamma; Karma kmμ kinsman jati

Karmically acquired, adj. «)Tinñk³, knowable things ejyüFm’

kmμC¢ knowing and seeing jaNTsSn³

killing )Nati)t knowledge jaN, viC¢a

kindly speech biyvaca

laity, the RKhsß, GñkenARKb;RKgpÞH lay disciple «)sk, RKhsß sav½k

lamentation brieTv³ ¬yM, xSwkxSÜl¦ lay follower «)sk, BuT§sasnik

latent bias Gnus½y EpñkRKhsß

latent tendency Gnus½y laying down karbØtþi ¬sikçabT¦ v.

Law, the RBHFm’ to lay down

layman RKhsß
lay devotee «)sk

laziness ekasC¢, Galsiy³ living in befitting places bdirUb-

learner eskç eTsvas

learning sut³ living within one’s means smCIvita

legal question GFikrN_ loathsome, adj. bdikUl. n.

Lesser Vehicle hInyan loathsomeness
lodgings esnasn³
lethargy fIn³
longing \cäa ¬esckþIR)fña/cg;, kar
lethargy and drowsiness fInmiT§
letter Gkçr³, BüBa¢n³
love ebm³, ebrm³ ¬esckþIRsLaj;¦
liberality Tan, caK³
loving-kindness emtþa
liberation viemakç, vimutþi
lunar, adj. xagcnÞKti
life-faculty Civt
i ®i nÞIy_
lunar calendar RbtiTn
i cnÞKti
life-principle CIv³, CIviti®nÞIy_
lust raK³
life-span Gayu, CIvkal, Cnμkal,
lusting wish qnÞraK³
lying; lying speech emIl false
lightness lhuta
liquor sura

livelihood GaCIv³

magical power \T§i)diharü Mahayana mhayan ¬nikayRBHBuT§

sasna¦ material worship GamisbUCa

maintaining; maintenance Gnurkçna matricide matuXat

malice GaXat ¬esckþIxwg, KMnuM¦ matrix matika

malicious speech bisuNavaca, matted-hair ascetic Cdil

ebsuØvaT matter rUb

malleability muTuta maturity bri)k ¬kiriyacas;CuMvij,

management viFan, sMviFan kiriyaTuM¦

manifestation bc©úb/dæan meal Ptþ, ePaCn

manner briyay, Gakar³ mealtime Ptþkal

marvel )diharü meaning Gtß

masculinity burisPav³, burisi®nÞIy_ meanness mcäriy³

mass smUh³, Xn³ ¬duM¦ means «)y, viFI, beyaK

Master, the RBHsasþa, RBHbrm medicine ePsC¢

sasþa meditation Qan, Pavna

mastery vsI ¬Gñkman\®nÞIy_sRgÜm meditator QayI, GñkbMeBj Qan,

ehIy, GñkbYs¦ GñkceRmInPavna

material gifts GamisTan meekness esavcsSta ¬PaBén

material happiness samissux buKÁl KWeKRbedAgay¦

material qualities rUbFm’, rUb mental, adj. ectsik ¬xagcitþ¦

material things Gamis mental action menakmμ

mental activities ectsik merit buØ, buNü

mental adjuncts ectsik meritorious action buØkmμ

mental avenue menaTVar message RBHFm’, BakübeRgon

mental body namkay ¬kg/BYkén Middle Path, the mCÄima bdibTa

namFm’¦ mind citþ, mena, nam

mental coefficients ectsik mind culture Pavna

mental concomitants ectsik mindfulness sti

mental factors ectsik mindfulness on breathing Gana)-

mental formation; mental functions nsSti
menasgçar, citþsgçar
mind object emIl mental object.
mental formations sgçar ¬én xn§5¦
miracle )diharü
mental good conduct menasucrit misappreciation of virtue and duty
mental happiness ectsiksux sIlBVtbramas

mental image nimitþ misconduct Tuc©rit, micäacar

mentality nam, namFm’, ectsik miserliness mcäriy³

mental misconduct menaTuc©rit misery Tukç adj. miserable manTukç,

mental object FmμarmμN_ CaTukç

mental pain ectsikTukç mode Gakar

mental quality ectsik moderation mtþØúta. (~ in eating =

mercy Tya, GnuT½y ePaCenmtþØúta

moment xN³ moral dread »tþb/

momentary concentration xNik- moral failure sIlvibtþi

smaFi moral habit sIl

momentary joy xNikabIti morality sIl

monastery vtþ, Garam, vihar moral shame hiri

monastic life RBhμcarü, CIvitsmN³ mortal mc© ¬GñkEtgsøab;= stV¦

monk Pikçú, smN³ motion jtþi, jti; vaeyaFatu

monument fUb, sfUb, ectiy mundane, adj. elakiy

moral achievement sIlsm/tþi, my-making mmgáar³


naked ascetic Geclk neither perception nor non-
perception, sphere of envsØa
name nam
name and form namrUb
neutrality, specific tRtmCÄtþta
natural virtue bktisIl
newly ordained monk nvkPikçú
negligence bmaT³, esckþIRbmaT
neighbourhood concentration next life; next world bunCati,

«bcarsmaFi bunPB, CatieRkay, brelak

neither-pain-nor-pleasure GTukçm- Nibbāna, Nirvāäa niBVan

sux, «ebkçaevTna

Nibbāna without any remainder of non-hate; non-hatred GeTas³,
existence Gnu)TiessniBVan
Nibbāna with remainder of
existence s«)TiessniBVan non-ill-will GBüa)T

niggardliness mcäriy³ non-injury GhwgSa

nihilism mtßikvaT, mtßikTidæi non-obstruction GvieraFn³

noble, adj. Griy³, Garü non-opposition GvieraFn³

noble disciple Griysav½k non-returner GnaKamI

noble discipline Griyvin½y non-returning, fruition of GnaKami-

Noble Eightfold Path, the Griy pl

GdægÁikmKÁ, GarüGdægÁikmKÁ non-returning, path of GnaKamimKÁ

noble one GriybuKÁl non-self; non-soul Gntþa

noble treasure GriyRTBü non-violence GhwgSa, GvihwgSa

Noble Truth, the Four Griysc©4, norm Fm’

cturariysc© nose Xan³

noble wealth GriyRTBü nothingness, sphere of GakiBa©-

non-covetousness GnPiCÄa Øaytn³

non-cruelty GvihwgSa not-self, adj. Gntþa

non-delusion Gemah³ novice sameNr

non-greed GelaP³ novitiate sameNr, nvk³

nun PikçúnI

nutrients; nutriment Gahar nutritive essence »Ca

obedience esavcsSta olfactory organ Xan³

object GarmμN_ omen nimit;þ good omen mgÁl

objective-field vis½y omnipotent, adj. sBVaPiPU

objectivity tfta omniscience sBVØúta

oblation BlI, BlIkmμ Omniscient, the RBHsBVØÚ

obligations )tiemakç, kic©, Fur³, Bn§ once-returner skTaKamI

observance «e)sf, vtþ, kar rkSa once-returning, fruition of skTaKa-

¬sIl CaedIm¦ mipl

obsession briyudæan, bbBa© once-returning, path of skTaKa-

obstinacy fmÖ mimKÁ

obstruction nIvrN³. emIl hindrance. one-pointedness of mind ÉkKÁta,

octad Gdæk³ ¬BYk8¦ citþesSkKÁta

odorous object Kn§armμN_ onlooking-equanimity «ebkça

odour Kn§ opposite, adj. bdibkç
offence Gabtþi Order, the RBHsgÇ, KNsgÇ
offering BlI, TkçN
i a, TkSiN, bUCa ordinary man emIl worldling.
old age Cra ordination «bsm/Ta, «bsm/½T v.
to ordain.

origin smuT½y outcast evsS ¬CnefakTab¦

Origin of Suffering TukçsmuTy³, outcaste cNÐal

smuTy³ outguidable person evenyübuKÁl

origination smudæan overcoming bhan³

other world brelak ownership, the bliss of Gtßisux ¬sux

outer sense-sphere Bahiraytn³ ekItBIesckþImanRTBü¦


pain Tukç penetration bdievF³, nieBVF³

painful feeling TukçevTna pentad bBa©k³ ¬BYk5¦

Pali Canon RBHéRtbidk perception sØa

Parinirvana briniBVan perdition vini)t

parricide bituXat, matabituXat Perfect One, the RBHtfaKt

partiality qnÞaKti perfection )rmI

passing away mrN³, kalkirya perfectness sm/tþi

Path, the mKÁ peril GaTInv³, P½y

patience xnþI, xm³ perplexity vick

i c
i äa

patricide bituXat person buKÁl

peace snþi, «bsm³ perspicuity bdiPaN³

perversion vibløas preparation brikmμ

physical, adj. kayik ¬pøÚvkay¦ emIl presumption sarmÖ

bodily. previous benefactor buBVkarI
physical basis of mind hTyvtßú
previous life burimCati, buBVCati, Cati
plane PUmi
pleasant feeling suxevTna
pride manH, mT³
pleasing, adj. )saTik³ ¬naMmknUv/
priest bBVCit, RBahμN_
primary element mhaPUt
pleasure sux
probation brivas
posture \riyabf
probationer sikçmana
power Bl³
proclamation Gnusavna
practice karRbtibtþi, bdibTa
proficiency )KuØta, ekasl
praise vNѳ ¬esckþIsresIr¦,
proficiency as to progress Gay-
preaching eTsna v. to preach.
proficiency as to regress G)y-
precept sikçabT, sIl
preceptor «bCÄay_ proficiency as to the means of
predominance GFibetyü success «)yekasl

prejudice GKti proficiency in knowing gain Gay-

preliminary duties buBVkic© ekasl

proficiency in knowing loss G)y- protection Garkça

ekasl provenance niTan

proficiency of method «)yekasl psychic power GPiØa

profitable, adj. kusl pupil Genþvasik, sisS

profound, adj. KmÖIr³ Pure Abodes suT§avas

prompted, adj. ssgçarik purification visuT§i

propagation karpSBVpSay purity )risuT§i, visuT§i

property sm/tþi purport GFib/ay

prose; prose-exposition evyüakrN_ pursuit GnueyaK

prosperity sm/Ta

quadruped stVctu)T quest Ésna, Kevsna, brieysna

quality KuN, lkçN³, GgÁ question bBaða

quarrel klh³, vivaT quiet, n. smf. adj. vivitþ ¬sgÁ¦

quarter Tis ¬Tisa¦

radiation eteCaFatu rains-residence; rains-retreat caMRBH

rag-robe bgSúkUlcIvr vsSa, vsSavs³

rapture bIti

reaching btþi ¬karseRmc)n¦ refuse-rag-robe bgSúkUlcIvr

reality tfta, yfaPUtFm’ registration tTarmμN³, tTalm<N³

realization scäikiriya, scäikrN³, rehearsal sgÁIti, sgÁayna

GFiKm³ reincarnation Gvtar ¬sasnaRBahμ-

reappearance «b/tþi N_, hiNÐÚ¦

reason karN³, eyani, vimMsa relative; relation jati

rebirth bunPB, CatifμI, kaeekItfμI relaxation bsST§i

recipient bdiKÁahk³, laPI release viemakç, vimutþi

recitation karsVaFüay, kar sURt. v. relics (of the Buddha) RBHFatu, RBH
to recite. sarIrikFatu
recluse smN³
relief PaBFUresüIy
recollection GnusSti
relinking bdisn§i
reconciliation bdisaraNIykmμ remembrance of previous births
reconnection bdisn§i bueBVnivasanusStijaN

rectitude «CuKta remorse vib/disarI, kukáúc©

refectory PtþKÁ ¬eragqan;, renouncing bric©aK

salaqan;¦ renown kitþi, kitþis½BÞ

refraining sMym³, sØm³, evrmNI renunciation enkçmμ. v. to renounce.

refuge srN³ repairs nvkmμ, bdisgçrN³

Refuge, the Threefold éRtsrN³ reprover ecaTk

reproving ecaTna. v. to reprove. Reverend, the BaküeBalehArkRBH

repugnance bdiX³ sgÇ sEmþgKarv³

repulsion bdiX³ niymeRbICamYy

repulsive, adj. bdikUl RBHsgÇxagmhayan b¤GñkbYs

requisite brikça, bc©½y kñúgsasnaepSg. emIl venerable.

resentment bdiX³ reverse order bdielam

resistence bdiX³ review; reviewing bc©evkçN³

resolution GFiemakç, GFimut;þi ¬vin½y¦ riches ePaK³

kmμvaca right, adj. smμa

resolve GFidæan, GFimutþi Right Action smμakmμnþ

resort eKacr³ Right Concentration smμasmaFi

respect Karv³ Right Conduct emIl Right Action.

respectable person KrudæanIybuKÁl Right Deliverance smμavimutþi

restlessness «T§c© Right Effort smμavayam³

restoration »sarNa, bdisgçrN³ right endeavour smμb/Fan

restraint of the senses \®nÞiysMvr³ Right Intent emIl Right thought.

result pl, vi)k Right Knowledge smμajaN

retrocognition bueBVnivasanusSti- Right Livelihood smμaGaCIv³

jaN Right Means of Livelihood emIl

reverence Gbcayn³, Karv³ Right Livelihood.

Right Meditation emIl Right risk evra
Concentration. rites and rituals sIlBVt³
Right Mindfulness smμasti
rivalry blas³, sarmÖ
Right Motive emIl Right Thought.
road to power \T§i)T. emIl basis of
Right Speech smμavaca success.
right striving smμb/Fan robe cIvr

Right Thought smμasgáb/ root mUl

Right Understanding smμaTidæi root-cause ehtu

Right View emIl Right Under- round vdþ

standing. round of birth; roundabout of births
righteous, adj. Fmμik, CaFm’ sMsarvdþ, vdþsMsar, sMsar

righteous man sb/úrs rug snßt³

righteousness Fm’ rule and ritual sIlBVt³, sIl nigvtþ

rightness smμtþ rule of training sikçabT

rigidity, mental fmÖ rumination vicar

ripening vi)k

sacrifice yØ ¬RBahμN_¦, caK³, saffron robe kasavBRsþ

bric©aK sage munI

safe, adj. exm³, ekSm salvation vimutþi

sandals «)hna seeing TsSn³

Sangha, the sgÇ, RBHsgÇ, KN³- seer \sI

sgÇ self Gtþa, xøÜn, tYxøÜn

sapid object rsarmμN_ self-control Tm³, sØm³

satisfaction bsaT³, GsSaT³ self-direction, right disposition in

Saviour RBHmhase®gÁaH, RBHGñk
self-illusion skáayTidæi
TTYl)b ¬RKwsþ=RBHeys‘U¦
selfishness mcäriy³
savour rs
self-knowledge GtþØúta
scepticism vicikicäa
self-mortification; self-torment Gtþ
schedule matika
schism sgÇePT
self-possession sm/CØ
School nikay ¬énsasna¦
sensation evTna. emIl feeling
science viC¢a
sense-base Gaytn³
scripture KmÖIr, Knß, bkrN_
sense-field Gaytn³
search; searching Ésna, brieysna
sense-impression psS
search of truth Fmμvicy³
sense of shame hiri
seat Gasn³
sense of urgency sMevK, esckþI
seclusion vievk
sect nikay
sense-organ Gaytn³
section var³, vtþ

sense-pleasure kam service evyüavc©

sense-sphere Gaytn³ setting in motion (b¤ setting roll-

sensual craving kamtNða ing) the Wheel of the Doctrine

sensual desire kam, kamqnÞ³
setting-up of mindfulness stibdæan
sensual indulgence kamsuxløika-
seven-times-at-most stream-enterer
nueyaK esatabnñ
sensual lust kamraK³ sexual intercourse emfunFmμ
sensual misconduct kaem sumc
i äacar sexual misconduct kaemsumicäacar
sensual plane kamPUmi shame hiri, lC¢a
sensual pleasure kam, kamsux, shameless, adj. GlC¢I
kamKuN shelter taN³ ¬TIBMnak;¦
sensual sphere kamPB shoe )Tuka
sensuous craving kamtNða sign niimitþ
sensuous sphere kamPB, kamelak Signs of Being, the Three éRtlkçN_
sentient being stV simile «bma
separate treatment viPgÁ simplicity Gb/icäta
sequence Gnusn§i singled-seed ÉkBICI
serene, adj. snþ ¬s¶b;, rm¶ab;, skilful action kuslkmμ
rm¶ab;ehIy¦ skill ekaslø, ekaslü, Tkç, TkS
series snþti

skilled; skilful, adj. kusl spontaneously born creature «b-

slander bisuNavaca, ebsuØvaT )tik³

sloth fIn³ stain ml³, mnÞil

smirching mkç standing (in the Order) ¬cMnYn¦ vsSa

sociability smantþta ¬énPikçúPav³ b¤énePTbBVCit¦

softness muTuta, mTÞv³ steadiness ziti

solid element bzvIFatu stealing GTinñaTan

solitude vievk Stilled One, the RBHmunI

sorrow esak stillness emaenyü ¬RbeyaCn_én munI¦

sound sTÞ stinginess mcäriy³

source niTan ¬ehtu, TImk¦ storing up «bcy³

soul Gtþa, Gatμ½n, CIv³ straightness «Cukta, GaC¢v³

soulless, adj. Gntþa stream-enterer; stream-entrant;

stream-winner; stream-attainer
soullessness Gntþta esatabnñ
space Gakas stream-entry, fruition of esata-
specific conditionality \Tb/c©yta btþipl
specification viPaK stream-entry, path of esatabtþimKÁ
speech vaca, vcI, Pasit, vcIviØtþi strength Bl³
spite «bnah³ striving bFan³, viriy³

stumbling block Gnþray, Gnþra- superknowledge GPiØa

yikFm’ supermundane; supramun-dane,

adj. elakutþr
sublime states RBhμvihar
supernormal power \T§i)diharü
substitution of opposites tTgÁ
support nisS½y ¬TIGaRs½y¦, «btßmÖ
substratum of rebirth «bFi
suppression vikçmÖn³
subtle, adj. suxum
supreme abidings RBhμvihar
success \T§i, sm/tþi
supreme dwellings RBhμvihar
suffering Tukç
suspension «ebkçbnIykmμ
suitable, adj. sb/ay, kb/iy³, Gnu-
sustained application vicar
sympathetic joy muTita
sunshade qR½t

tactile object epadæBV task kic©

taint Gasv³ taste rs

taking what is not given GTinñaTan teacher Gacarü

tale-bearing bisuNavaca, ebsuØvaT teaching eTsna, Fm’

talk kfa Teaching; Teachings, the RBHFm’

taming Tm³ telepathy ecetabriyØaN

tangible object epadæBVarmμN_, epadæBV temperament crit

temperature «tu Training, the Threefold éRt sikça

Tempter, the mar training rule sikçabT

term bT tranquillity bsST§i, smf³

test vImMsnþ ¬kalBicarNa, kal Tranquillity Development smf-

l/g¦ Pavna

tetrad ctuká³ ¬BYk4¦ transcendental elakutþr

thanking GnuemaTna transformation vibriNam

Theravada efrvaT ¬nikayRBHBuT§ transgression vItikám ¬karRbRBwtþ

sasnaedIm KUnwg mhayan¦ knøg¦

things Fmμa, Fm’ transience; transiency Gnic©ta

thirst tNða, bi)sa transient, adj. Gnic©, Gnic©M

thought citþ, citþúb/aT, sgáb/, vitká treasure rtn³, niFi, Fn³

thought-conception vitká triad tik³ ¬BYk3¦

tie Knß Triple Gem, the RBHrtnéRty

tolerance xnþI triplet tik³ ¬BYk3¦

tongue Civða true doctrine sT§mμ

torpor miT§ true man sb/úrs

touch epadæBV truth sc©

town-monk RBHKamvasI twin miracle; twin wonder ymk

training sikça, Tm³, Pavna, esxiy³ )diharü

ultimate sense; ultimate reality unity samKÁI, Éktþ, ÉkPaB
unknowing GjaN
ultramundane emIl supermundane
unprofitable, adj. Gkusl
uncertainty vick
i c
i äa
unprompted, adj. Gsgçarik
uncompounded; unconditioned,
adj. Gsgçt unrighteous greed vismelaP³

unconscious mind PvgÁcitþ ¬=GPiCÄa¦

unconscious state PvgÁ unskilful, adj. Gkusl

undeclared GBüakt³ unskilled action Gkuslkmμ

underlying tendency Gnus½y unsurpassed, adj. Gnutþr

understanding bØa unworldly, adj. niramis

undertaking smaTan v. to under- urgency, sense of segVK

take. usage evahar
undetermined offence Gniyt³
utterance «Tan, vcn³
unification ÉkKÁta

uninstigated, adj. Gsgçarik

vain talk smöb/lab vegetable-growth PUtKam

vanity mT³

Venerable BaküeRbIsRmab;ehAeTArk vibration, the element of vaeyaFatu

RBHsgÇsEmþgKarv³ niymeRbICa- vices of conduct kmμkiels

mYyRBHefr b¤RBHsgÇmansmN- view Tidæi

s½kþ&x<s; ¬G.k. Ven.) village-dweller KamvasI

veneration Karv³, nm³, bUCa virtue sIl, KuNFm’. adj. virtuous.

verbal action vcIkmμ virtue and duty sIlBVt³, sIlnigvtþ

verbal formation; verbal functions visible for oneself, adj. snÞidæik³
visible object; visual object rU)-
verbal good conduct vcIsucrit
verbal misconduct vcITuc©rit
vision TsSn³
verdict of innocence stivin½y
vital formation Gayusgçar

verdict of past insanity GmU vin½y
vitality CIviti®nÞIy_
verdict of present of smμúxavin½y
void; voidness suØta
verification scäikiriya, scäikrN³
volition ectna
verse Kafa
volitional activities sgçar
Vesak visaxbUCa ¬niymeRbIkñúgRb-
voting-ticket søak
eTslgáanig\NÐa = Visākha

wakefulness CaKriyanueyaK walking to and fro c®gám

wander, v. carik wheel-turning monarch esþccRk-

wandering karcarik, sMsar Btþi

wandering ascetic; wanderer bri- wholesome, adj. kusl

BVaCk wholesome action kuslkmμ

warrior xtþiy³, kSRt, CnvNѳkSRt wicked, adj. )b, GaRkk;

watch yam wieldiness kmμØta

watchfulness stism/CØ will qnÞ, ectna

water Gae). emIl cohesion. wind vaeya. emIl vibration.

way mKÁ, bdibTa wisdom bØa

weal hitsux wise man bNÐit

wealth ePaK, Fn³ wish qnÞ, \cäa ¬esckþIR)fña¦

welfare hitsux, RbeyaCn_sux withdrawal «BÖar, «T§ar

Well-farer, the RBHsuKt woe Tukç, G)y

well-spoken words vaca suPasit wonder )diharü

Wesak emIl Vesak. worldling bufuC¢n

wheel of becoming; wheel of life worldly, adj. elakiy, samis
worldly condition elakFm’
Wheel of the Law; Wheel of the
Doctrine FmμcRk worldly vicissitudes elakFm’

wheel of rebirths sMsarcRk worthy one RBHGrhnþ

worry kukáúc©

wrath ekaF³ wrongness micätþ

wrong conduct Tuc©rit wrong speech, offence of Gabtþi

wrong course GKti TuBÖasit

wrongdoing Tukád ¬Gabtþi¦ wrong time vikal

yearning Gasa yellow robe kasavBRsþ

years’ standing emIl standing. yoke eyaK³, Fur³, Par³

zeal Gb/maT zest bIti


Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammàsambuddhassa.

Homage to the Blessed One, the Perfect One, the Fully-Enlightened One.

Taking the Three Refuges.

Buddhaç saraäaç gacchàmi.

I go to the Buddha for refuge.
Dhammaç saraäaç gacchàmi.
I go to the Dhamma for refuge.
Sanghaç saraäaç gacchàmi.
I go to the Sangha for refuge.
Dutiyampi ……………………….
For the second time …………
Tatiyampi ………………………
For the third time …………

The Five Precepts

Pàäàtipàtà veramaäì sikkhàpadaç samàdiyàmi.

I undertake to observe the precept to abstain from taking life.
Adinnàdànà veramaäì sikkhàpadaç samàdiyàmi.
I undertake to observe the precept to abstain from taking what is not
Kàmesumicchàcàrà veramaäì sikkhàpadaç samàdiyàmi.
I undertake to observe the precept to abstain from sexual misconduct.
Musàvàdà veramaäì sikkhàpadaç samàdiyàmi.
I undertake to observe the precept to abstain from false speech.
Suràmerayamajjapamàdaååhànà veramaäì sikkhàpadaç samàdiyà-

I undertake to observe the precept to abstain from intoxicants causing

Cattàri Ariyasaccàni
The Four Noble Truths
1. Dukkhaç Ariyasaccaç.
The Noble Truth of Suffering.
2. Dukkhasamudayo Ariyasaccaç.
The Noble Truth of the Cause of Suffering.
3. Dukkhanirodho Ariyasaccaç.
The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering.
4. Dukkhanirodhagàminìpaåipadà Ariyasaccaç.
The Noble Truth of the Path leading of the Cessation of Suffering.

Ariya Aååhangika Magga

The Noble Eightfold Path

1. Sammàdiååhi Right Understanding.

2. Sammàsaækappa Right Thoughts.
3. Sammàvàcà Right Speech.
4. Sammàkammanta Right Action.
5. Sammààjiva Right Livelihood.
6. Sammàvàyàma Right Effort.
7. Sammàsati Right Mindfulness.
8. Sammàsamàdhi Right Concentration.

The Five Aggregates of Existence

1. Rùpa-khandha Aggregate of Corporeality

2. Vedanà-khandha Aggregate of Feeling
3. Saññà-khandha Aggregate of Perception
4. Saækhàra-khandha Aggregate of Mental Formations
5. Viññàäa-khandha Aggregate of Consciousness

The Three Characteristics of Existence
1. Sabbe sankhàrà aniccà.
All conditioned things are impermanent.
2. Sabbe sankhàrà dukkhà.
All conditioned things are subject to stress and conflict.
3. Sabbe dhammà anattà.
All things are not-self or soulless.
The Dependent Origination
Avijjàpaccayà Sankhàrà Dependent on Ignorance arise
Sankhàrapaccayà Viññàäaç Dependent on Karma Formations
arises Consciousness.
Viññàäapaccayà Nàmarùpaç Dependent on Consciousness arise
Mind and Matter.
Nàmarùpapaccayà Saøàyatanaç Dependent on Mind and Matter arise
the Six Sense-Bases.
Saøàyatapaccayà Phasso Dependent on the Six Sense-Bases
arises Contact.
Phassapaccayà Vedanà Dependent on Contact arises
Vedanàpaccayà Taähà Dependent on Feeling arises
Taähàpaccayà Upàdànaç Dependent on Craving arises
Upàdànapaccayà Bhavo Dependent on Clinging arises the
Process of Becoming.
Bhavapaccayà Jàti Dependent on the Process of
Becoming arises Birth.
Jàtipaccayà Jarà-maraäaç soka-parideva- Dependent on Birth arise
Decay and Death, sorrow, lamenta-
dukkha-domanassa-upàyàsà sambhavanti. pain, grief and despair.
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandassa samudayo hoti.
Thus arises the wholes mass of suffering.


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