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Jacob and Esau Genesis 25:19-33:20

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1 Abraham’s son Issac

grew up and married
Rebekah. Rebekah gave
birth to twins. 'Now the
first came forth red, all
over like a hairy
garment; and they
named him Esau.
Afterward his brother
came forth with his hand
holding on to Esau’s
heel, so his name was
called Jacob...' (Genesis
25:24-26a - NASB)

2 When the boys grew up,

Esau became a skillful
hunter, a man of the
field, but Jacob was a
peaceful man, living in
tents. Now Isaac loved
Esau, because he had a
taste for game, but
Rebekah loved Jacob.
(Genesis 25:27-28 -
3 When Jacob had cooked
stew, Esau came in from
the field and he was
famished; and Esau said
to Jacob, 'Please let me
have a swallow of that
red stuff there, for I am
famished.' Therefore his
name was called Edom.
But Jacob said, 'First sell
me your birthright.'
(Genesis 25:29-31 -

4 Isaac said, 'Behold, I am

about to die; so of what
use then is the birthright
to me?'
And Jacob said, 'First
swear to me'; so he
swore to him, and sold
his birthright to Jacob.
Then Jacob gave Esau
bread and lentil stew;
and he ate and drank,
and rose and went on
his way. Thus Esau
despised his birthright.
(Genesis 25:32-34 -

5 Now it came about,

when Isaac was old and
his eyes were too dim to
see, that he called his
older son Esau and said
to him, 'My son.'
And he said to him,
'Here I am.'
'...go out to the field and
hunt game for me; and
prepare a savory dish for
me... bring it to me that
I may eat, so that my
soul may bless you
before I die.' (Genesis
27:1,2a,3b,4b - NASB)
6 Rebekah was listening
while Isaac spoke to his
son Esau. So when Esau
went to the field to hunt
for game to bring home,
Rebekah said to her son
Jacob... 'Go now to the
flock and bring me two
choice young goats from
there, that I may
prepare them as a
savoury dish for your
father, such as he loves.'
(Genesis 27:5,6a,9, -

7 Rebekah prepared the

food, took Esau’s best
clothes for Jacob and put
skins of young goats on
Jacob’s hands and on
the smooth part of his
neck. Jacob left his
mother to present the
meal to Isaac and told
him that he was Esau.
(Genesis 27:6-19 -

8 Although Isaac could not

see, he was not sure
that it was really Esau
who brought him the
meal. Issac asked Jacob
directly, 'Is it really you
Esau?' and again Jacob
lied and said that he was
Esau. Isaac finally
agreed to give the
cherished blessing to
Jacob. (Genesis

9 Very soon after Jacob

left his father. Esau
came along with the
meal he prepared for his
dad. Both Isaac and
Esau were shocked to
realise that Jacob had
already received the
blessing. Esau was
furious and vowed to kill
his brother Jacob.
(Genesis 27:30-41)
10 Isaac and Rebekah
encouraged Jacob to
leave home and travel
north to Rebekah’s
homeland (Haran).
There Isaac and
Rebekah were hoping
Jacob could find a wife of
their lineage. It was a
long journey and Jacob
traveled alone. (Genesis

11 One night Jacob used a

rock for a pillow. As he
slept he saw a ladder
from earth reaching to
heaven with the angels
of God ascending and
descending on it. God
then blessed Jacob
(Genesis 28:13-15).
Rejoicing, Jacob praised
God and with the stone
as a monument called
the place Bethel.
(Genesis 28:16-19)

12 God continued to guide

Jacob to his mother’s
homeland. There he fell
in love with his Uncle
Laban’s daughter
Rachel. Laban was full of
tricks like his sister
Rebekah so he managed
to trick Jacob into
marrying both Rachel
and her sister Leah.
(Genesis 29:1-29)

13 God was with Jacob and

blessed him with many
children, livestock and
wealth. Laban was
jealous and kept trying
to discourage Jacob.
After many years Jacob
told Rachel and Leah
that he wanted to return
home. So they packed
up and left for Jacob’s
homeland. (Genesis
30:25 - 31:21)
14 When Jacob came near
to his homeland he
began to fear meeting
with his brother Esau
once more. Jacob prayed
and this time God met
him in an unexpected
way. That night in his
anxiety Jacob ended up
wrestling with a
stranger. They wrestled
through the night.
(Genesis 32:24-25)

15 It was time to stop.

Jacob said: 'I will not let
you go unless you bless
me.' So he said to him,
'What is your name?'
And he said, 'Jacob.' He
said, 'Your name shall no
longer be Jacob, but
Israel; for you have
striven with God and
with men and have
prevailed.' Genesis
32:26b-28 (NASB)

16 Then Jacob lifted his

eyes and looked, and
behold, Esau was
coming, and four
hundred men with him...
Then Esau ran to meet
him and embraced him,
and fell on his neck and
kissed him, and they
wept... (Genesis
33:1a,4a. - NASB). Thus
God blessed Jacob and


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