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Once upon a time there was a small family living in the village. The family consist of father,
mother, and beautiful daughter named Bawang Putih. The father in the family works as a
merchant. Their family is so harmonious and happy. At one point. Bawang Putih’s mother was
very sick and finally died. Bawang Putih and his father were very saddened by the incident

Bawang putih : Dad, why did this happen to us? The mother who I love so much is gone now.

Bawang Putih’ Father : Never mind, don’t you lament your mother’s departure. Be patient Bawang
Putih. This is Got’s will.

In the village they live in, there is a widow who has one child named Bawang Merah. She often
visited and brought food to Bawang Putih house.

Bawang Merah’s Mother : Bawang Putih, do you like the food I brought?

Bawang Putih : This food is so delicious, I really like it.

Bawang Merah’s Mother : I am very happy because you really like this food. Tomorrow I will make
more for you.

Bawang Putih : Thank you, You are very kind.

Because so often Bawang Merah’s mother visited Bawang Putih’s family. Bawang Putih’s father
feels compatible with Bawang Merah’s Mother. Bawang Putih’s father intends to marry Bawang
Merah’s Mother.

Bawang Putih’s father : Bawang Putih, do you agree if me marry Bawang Merah’s mother?

Bawang Putih : if you are sure of that decision, Bawang Putih will just obey it. After all, Bawang
Merah’s mother was very nice to me.

Bawang Putih’s father : Well, if you agree, I will convey what I mean to Bawang Merah’s mother.

As soon as he got his daughter’s approval, Bawang Putih’s Father went to Bawang Merah’s Mother
to propose to her. Finally they got married and lived together.

At the beginning of their marriage, all looked happy and harmonious. However, over time, the
behavior of bawang merah and her Mothers to bawang putih changed when their father was not
at home. Until One Day, bawang putih’s father become seriously ill.

Bawang Putih’s Father : looks like my time is not long.

Please take care of bawang putih like you to bawang merah.

Bawang Merah’s Mother : of course. I will always take care Bawang Putih.

And finally Bawang Putih’s father died. Currently bawang putih is an orphan since this happened,
the behavior of Bawang Merah’s mother and her daughter’s is getting more abusive.

Bawang Merah’s Mother : bawang putih!, everyday you have to get up early to prepare food and
clean the house.

Bawang Putih : yes mom, I understand.

The next day

Bawang Merah’s Mother : bawang putih! Don’t be lazy. Quickly clean up this house!

Bawang Putih : all right mom, I’ll do it.

Bawang Merah : Bawang Putih, now you have to was our clothes in the river

Bawang Putih : Yes, Bawang Merah.

One Time bawang putih was washing clothes by the river. Suddenly one of her mother’s clothes
was washed away. When she realizes it, bawang putih tries to grab the clothes back. But sadly, she
couldn’t bring it back. With fear and despair she returned home and told her Mother about the

Bawang Putih : Mom, I’m sorry, I asidentally lost your clothes in the river.

Bawang Merah’s Mother : what are you saying, you careless!

Bawang Merah : hurry and find the clothes, don’t come home until you find it. You know.

With a heavy heart. Bawang putih was forced to carry out their wishes. She looking around the
river. When looking for the clothes, time did not feel so fast bawang putih had to find of place to
rest because she was so exhausted. Suddenly, she saw an old hut.

Bawang Putih : excuse me. Is anyone in there?

Old man : who are you? What do you need here?

Bawang putih : My name is bawang putih. I am looking for clothes belonging to my mother which
are washed away in the river and right now I need a place to rest because of fatigue. May I rest

Old man : oh, those clothes are yours? I have saved it. I will return it to you on one condition. You
have to help me prepare dinner bawang putih.

Bawang Putih : all right, I agree as long as Grandpa will give me the clothes.

With pleasure, bawang putih helped the old man to prepare the food. Bawang putih is very good
at cooking which made the old man happy to eat his delicious food.

Old man : bawang putih, you have kept your promise and cooked delicious food for me. I will keep
my promise. Here I will return your mother’s clothes and also give a gift for you, take this pumpkin

Bawang Putih : oke! Thank you grandpa.

Bawang putih immediately went home. When she got home, bawang putih gave the clothes to her

Bawang Putih : mother, i’ve find your clothes.

Bawang Merah’s Mother : bring it here and go!

Bawang Putih : yes mom.

When bawang putih opened the pumpkin given by the grandpa. Bawang putih was so surprise
when he found out that the pumpkin contained so much gold in it.
Bawang Putih : wow, mom, i found gold after splitting these pumpkins.

Knowing this bawang merah mother’s and bawang merah immediately grabbed the gold in the

Bawang Merah : where did you get this pumpkin bawang putih?

Bawang putih : i get it from and old man who lived in a hut near the river when I was looking for

When hearing the story from bawang putih, bawang merah intends to find the old man. The next
morning, bawang merah deliberately throws her clothes into the river. Bawang merah does the
same thing bawang putih did.

Bawang Merah : excuse me Grandpa, did you see my clothes that were drifting in the river a few
moment ago?

Old man : oh, i found your clothes a moment ago and I kept them. I’ll give it to you. But with the
condition that you have to prepare food for me.

Bawang Merah : alright, i will do as to say.

Differences with bawang putih, bawang merah preparing food with laziness and irritated. So in the
food is tasteless and cannot be enjoy by the old man.

Bawang Merah : I have prepared food for you. Where’s my reward?

Old man : alright, take this pumpkins for you.

As soon as he took the pumpkin, bawang merah immediately left. When she got home, bawang
merah immediately called her Mother. And she happily showed him the pumpkin. Because they
are afraid that bawang putih will see and will ask for a share. There for, bawang merah’s mother
asked bawang putih to wash clothes in the river.

Bawang Merah Mother’s : Bawang Putih ! immediately was my clothes in the river.

Bawang Putih : yes mom.

When bawang putih was not at home, Bawang Merah Mother’s and her daughter opened the
pumpkin, but it turned out that what came out of the fruit was not gold but a very venomous

Bawang Merah’s Mother : OMG!!!

Bawang Merah : What is this?!


The insect immediately attacked Bawang Merah’s Mother and Bawang Merah until they died.

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