Verb Tenses

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Assignment 1: Verb tenses

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in Simple Present:

My brother always ________ (speak) about the video-game he and his friends ________
(play) every weekend. It ________ (be) called “B&D: Build and Defend”. Apparently, the
game ________ (consist) of building houses while defending your village. If the player
________ (have) enough money, he or she ________ (can/buy) material to ________ (build)
the walls and roof for the house, which must be strong because other villagers ________
(attack) your house and ________ (try) to steal it from you. The game ________ (be) really
interesting. There ________( be) one great character, The Landlord. He ________ (tell) you
when someone ________ (want) to attack your house. He ________ (give) players the
necessary tools and equipment, and he ________ (have) the power to save you if you lose
your house. He ________ (do) this, only if you ________ (possess) enough golden coins.
Your character can collect these coins when he ________ (walk) through the forest, when he
________ (go) to look for wood. I ________ (consider) it quite entertaining.

2. Turn the following sentences into the negative form. Pay attention to verb tenses.
Do not erase the original sentence; write your answer next to it.
a. I know how to cook sushi.
b. Mr. Thomas is working in his office.
c. The teacher has decided to give us extra homework.
d. Last week, I finished reading Lord of the Flies.
e. Nicholas works in a multinational company.

3. Write sentences in the Present Continuous, using the following subjects and verbs.
The first one is done for you as an example.
a. My mother / cook
- My mother is cooking dinner for us.
b. People / eat
c. Messi / play
d. The dog / drink
e. My family / celebrate
f. Post Malone / write
4. Complete the chart below with the correct form of the verb:




was / were








5. Turn the following sentences into the Simple Past:

a. She doesn’t speak French.
b. He often visits his grandparents on Sundays.
c. We don’t pay attention in Language.
d. We complete our homework.
e. Martu tells us we should behave better.

(see next page)

6. Look at the picture. What are they doing? Write 5 sentences describing what the
people in the picture are doing. Remember to use the Present Continuous.


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