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Swing Framework contains a set of classes that provides more powerful and flexible
components than those of AWT. Swing provides the look and feel of modern Java
GUI. Swing
library is an official Java GUI tool kit released by Sun Microsystems. It is used to
create graphical
user interface with Java.
The javax.swing package provides classes for java swing API such as JButton,
JTextArea, JRadioButton, JCheckbox, JMenu, JColorChooser etc.
Hierarchy of Java Swing classes:
Difference between AWT and Swing:
There are many differences between java awt and swing that are given below.
Features of Swing Toolkit:
1. Platform Independent
2. Customizable:
Swing controls can be customized in very easy way as visual
appearance is independent of internal representation.
3. Extensible
4. Configurable
5. Lightweight:
Swing component are independent of native Operating System's API as
Swing API controls are rendered mostly using pure JAVA code instead of
underlying operating system calls.
6. Pluggable look-and-feel:
SWING based GUI Application look and feel can be changed at run time
based onavailable values.
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