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Summary of the HRM Case study: Casino has no sense of humor

 Knowing and Understanding your employees

Knowing your staff helps management have a better sense of any potential tendencies. The

record will reflect any evaluations of the employee that have been recorded, whether they are

favorable or unfavorable.

 Hot‐stove approach

It is a method of human resource management designed to assist a manager in enforcing

discipline without inflicting resentment or bitterness on a worker. The Human Resource

Director, on the other hand, utilized this against Steward in his punishment. His manager

should have issued a written or verbal warning in this case.

 Employment-at-Will Doctrine

The contractual partnership exception will apply in this case. Steward was not given a fair

warning of the consequences of his behavior, and the casino declined to check his personnel

file to discover the type of worker he had previously been.

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