Speaking German A1

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You need to be able to introduce yourself on a basic Level, especially being

able to say full sentences, e.g.:
 your name (Ich heiße…)
 where you live (Ich wohne…)
 where you come from (Ich komme aus…)
 which languages you speak/learn (Ich lerne Deutsch.)
 which hobbies you have (Mein Hobby ist Lesen.)
 what you do professionally (Ich bin Student/in)
2. You will then (probably) have to spell something. So revise the alphabet!

 maybe your first name

 maybe your last name
 or perhaps a street name
Thy will ask: Können Sie das buchstabieren? ( buchstabieren = to spell)

3. You have to know single and double digit numbers, because . . .

 they will ask for your mobile number

 maybe postcode
 or house phone number
4. You will get some cards with words on it. Usually nouns, like e.g. “ Handy” or even a
verb like e.g. “ essen”

 you will have to make SIMPLE questions

 or give simple answer in regards to that word
example: the word on the card is “Familie”. You must make up a question that relates to
“Familie”, e.g.: Hast du Geschwister?

The other person/ student in the room will simply have to answer, e.g.: “ Ja, ich habe eine

5. You have to make a polite simple/ basic request. Or you will be responding to that
request. In german we say “eine Bitte”: Again, you will simply get cards with words on

 maybe you want a glass of water

 or a cup of coffee
 or you ask for the time
example: you receive a card with a Glass of Juice on it. So you could make a polite request like
this e.g.: Ein Glas Apfelsaft, bitte!

The other student must react, for example: “ Gern, bitte schön”

Viel Erfolg bei der Prüfung! :)

Are German oral tests for A1 too difficult?

No. They aren't that difficult. Normally they take the speaking part in groups of 3–5 people,
depending on the number of candidates.

Just some basic questions are asked like your introduction ( Vorstellung) and after that you are
asked to make sentences from the chits kept in front of you having some themes for eg : Urlaub (
Vacation), Einkaufen ( Shopping) etc. All themes are easy and common themes, since it's A1
level. Don't expect it to be a complicated one.

Depending on the theme and the chit you picked up containing the word, You need to form a
sentence to your partner and then he will do the same based on his chit.

Just give your introduction in a good way and your job is half done.

Alles gute! Tschüss!!

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