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ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

Jan Kocoń∗ , Igor Cichecki1 , Oliwier Kaszyca1 , Mateusz Kochanek1 , Dominika Szydło1 ,
Joanna Baran, Julita Bielaniewicz, Marcin Gruza, Arkadiusz Janz, Kamil Kanclerz, Anna Kocoń,
Bartłomiej Koptyra, Wiktoria Mieleszczenko-Kowszewicz, Piotr Miłkowski, Marcin Oleksy,
Maciej Piasecki, Łukasz Radliński, Konrad Wojtasik, Stanisław Woźniak and Przemysław Kazienko
Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Science and Technology, Wyb. Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
arXiv:2302.10724v1 [cs.CL] 21 Feb 2023


Keywords: OpenAI has released the Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT) and revolutionized the
ChatGPT approach in artificial intelligence to human-model interaction. The first contact with the chatbot re-
Natural Language Processing (NLP) veals its ability to provide detailed and precise answers in various areas. There are several publications
semantic NLP tasks on ChatGPT evaluation, testing its effectiveness on well-known natural language processing (NLP)
pragmatic NLP tasks tasks. However, the existing studies are mostly non-automated and tested on a very limited scale. In
subjective NLP tasks this work, we examined ChatGPT’s capabilities on 25 diverse analytical NLP tasks, most of them
Natural Language Inference (NLI) subjective even to humans, such as sentiment analysis, emotion recognition, offensiveness and stance
sentiment analysis detection, natural language inference, word sense disambiguation, linguistic acceptability and question
offensive content answering. We automated ChatGPT’s querying process and analyzed more than 38k responses. Our
emotion recognition comparison of its results with available State-of-the-Art (SOTA) solutions showed that the average loss
humor detection in quality of the ChatGPT model was about 25% for zero-shot and few-shot evaluation. We showed
stance detection that the more difficult the task (lower SOTA performance), the higher the ChatGPT loss. It especially
word sense disambiguation (WSD) refers to pragmatic NLP problems like emotion recognition. We also tested the ability of personalizing
question answering (QA) ChatGPT responses for selected subjective tasks via Random Contextual Few-Shot Personalization,
model personalization and we obtained significantly better user-based predictions. Additional qualitative analysis revealed a
text classification ChatGPT bias, most likely due to the rules imposed on human trainers by OpenAI. Our results provide
SOTA analysis the basis for a fundamental discussion of whether the high quality of recent predictive NLP models
large language model can indicate a tool’s usefulness to society and how the learning and validation procedures for such
prompting systems should be established.

1. Introduction an attentional mechanism and easily parallelizing calcu-

lations with matrix operations. As more powerful GPUs
In recent years, Transformer-type model architecture has and TPUs were developed [9], it became possible to create
dominated the world of natural language processing (NLP)
models with more and more parameters, resulting in models
[1, 2, 3]. Before that, recurrent neural networks, such as
that began to achieve human performance for an increasing
LSTMs, were used to solve a wide variety of existing NLP number of tasks [10, 11, 12]. However, the most significant
problems[4, 5, 6]. The recurrent neural models could not quality improvement was achieved by unsupervised pre-
capture distant dependencies in data sequences, for example, training language models on a huge number of texts acquired
information occurring at the text beginning or end [7]. In from the Internet. In BERT-based models, the pre-training
addition, their architecture did not allow for efficient paral-
tasks involved foreseeing masked tokens and subsequent
lelization of training and inference processes [8]. The answer sentences [13]. In autoregressive models, the pre-training
to aforementioned problems was precisely the Transformer task has been changed to predicting the next word, which
architecture, presented initially as an encoder-decoder model masks the attentional layer so that the model forecasts future
for sequence-to-sequence tasks [1]. Such a model had the values based only on past values [14].
advantage of capturing distant relationships in the text using
Generative Pre-Training (GPT [15]) was one of the first
∗ Corresponding author autoregressive generative models based on the Transformer (J. Kocoń); (P. architecture. From the original Transformer, only the de-
Kazienko) coder stack is used by GPT, and bi-directional self-attention (P. Kazienko)
is converted to uni-directional. Such a model can perform all
ORCID (s): 0000-0002-7665-6896 (J. Kocoń); 0000-0001-5868-356X (P.
Kazienko) tasks based on generating new text, such as translation, sum-
1 equal contribution marization, or answering questions. In GPT-2, an extension
of this concept, several technical improvements were made

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ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

really expect from the language models [18]. Only 18% of

users using the OpenAI API queried GPT-3 model with tasks
familiar to typical NLP tasks, most of which are analytical.
On the other hand, only a small fraction of popular NLP
datasets have been used to evaluate InstructGPT [18].
The latest iteration of InstructGPT is the ChatGPT model
(Fig. 2), which most likely exploited even more users’ feed-
back on a greater variety of tasks1 . At the moment, little
information on the construction of this model is available,
but the excellent quality of the system has resulted in its
massive popularity (Fig. 1). Interestingly, the base model in
ChatGPT is a model that has only 3.5B parameters. Yet, in
conversation tasks, it provides answers better than the GPT3
model, with 175B parameters. This shows the high relevance
Figure 1: Will a user charmed by the first impression created
of collecting data from humans for supervised model fine-
by ChatGPT abandon proven state-of-the-art solutions? We
present the results of a study showing whether it is worth it. tuning [18].
We propose our new approach to testing prompt-based
models like ChatGPT on various NLP tasks in this work. We
focus on evaluating the ChatGPT system for 25 public NLP
that eliminated the transferability problem for fine-tuning the
datasets, a large part of which are subjective problems and
models to downstream tasks and introduced multi-task train-
for which there is a high probability that ChatGPT could be
ing [16]. In addition, the input context length was doubled
wrong. This intuition is based on the fact that the selection of
(from 512 to 1024), and the data for pre-training increased
human annotators by ChatGPT developers was mainly due
to 40GB, but the total number of model parameters soared
to their high agreement [18]. At the same time, it is difficult
from 117M (GPT) to 1.5B (GPT-2). As a result, GPT-2
to identify universal ground truth in tasks such as emotion
showed the ability to solve many new tasks without the need
prediction or text offensiveness, especially in a setting of
for supervised training on large data. Two factors mainly
personalized inference [19, 20, 21]. In addition, there is
distinguished the succeeding GPT-3 model: the number of
a chance that ChatGPT was not trained on many of the
model parameters increased to 175B, and 45TB text data
datasets we tested in our work. This allows us to assess the
was used for pre-training. This model provided outstanding
system’s quality for other common NLP cases. The results
results, especially in zero-shot and few-shot scenarios [17].
we obtained are also the beginning of a discussion for us on
However, it turned out that a bigger model does not mean
whether the models trained on existing NLP tasks respond
better at all in terms of following the human expectations of
to people’s demands and how to train such models so that
the model. GPT-3 was trained on publicly available data and
they not only respond to the expectations of the majority of
was often biased, unreliable, sometimes produced offensive
the population, but also take into account the sensitivities of
texts, and, above all, inadequate to the user’s expectations.
other groups or individuals.
A further step towards matching the model’s responses to
We have categorized our research into quantitative analy-
human needs was creating the InstructGPT model [18]. Its
sis (Sec. 6), qualitative analysis (Sec. 7), limitations and dis-
main innovation focused on alternative model fine-tuning
cussion (Sec. 8) as well as prospective ChatGPT application
methods, particularly Reinforcement Learning from Human
domains (Sec. 9).
Feedback (RLHF). This solution uses human feedback as
a reward signal for updating model parameters. OpenAI
recruited 40 annotators with high levels of agreement in 2. Related work
sensitive speech flagging, ranking model answers by quality, Discourse related to ChatGPT revolves around two main
sensitive demonstration writing, and the ability to iden- topics - potential usage in expert fields and evaluation of
tify sensitive speech for different groups. Their task was specific tasks or aspects of chat performance. In the first
to describe what kind of answer is expected for different topic, there are many papers suggesting potential benefits
prompts, and the next GPT-3 finetuning followed this input. and risks of using ChatGPT in education (e.g. [22, 23, 24]),
In the second step, the subjects created a ranking of several medicine (e.g. [25]), or even in the creation of legal docu-
responses of the system based on the given prompt to train a ments (e.g. [26]). The main concerns about the usage of the
reward model. In the third step, reinforcement learning using chatbot are that it will escalate the issues of plagiarism in
proximal policy optimization (PPO) was applied to improve many fields (e.g. [22], [27]) and might be used for cheating in
the model quality further. As a result, users strongly pre- academic tests [22]. The latter topic points out the strengths
ferred the InstructGPT responses compared to GPT-3. One and vulnerabilities of the ChatGPT performance. The two
of the conclusions from this work was that model quality topics are strongly related as the main limitation of using
on publicly available NLP benchmark datasets is worse than the chatbot in expert fields is the reliability of the results.
for SOTA models. However, InstructGPT authors found that
benchmark NLP tasks do not reflect what most people may

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ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

Evolution from Transformer architecture to ChatGPT

2 4 6


Generative Even bigger More human
pre-training model feedback

Transformer GPT-2 InstructGPT

Attention is all Multi-task Learning from
you need training human feedback

1 3 5

Figure 2: Development of autoregressive models based on Transformer architecture: 1) basic model [1]; 2) first version of
Generative Pre-Training (GPT) model [15]; 3) GPT-2 [16]; 4) GPT-3 [17]; 5) InstructGPT based on human feedback [18]; 6)
ChatGPT - the latest iteration of InstructGPT based model:

Thus the comprehensive and systematic evaluation is crucial medical education [31, 23]. Another issue connected with
for the proper assessment of the capabilities of ChatGPT. the dominant approach concerns the comparison of the NLP
To properly assess the progress in evaluating the chatbot, toolkits and their performance in solving NLP tasks. Rela-
it is necessary to put the evaluated tasks in order. For this tively few studies analysed the differences between diverse
purpose, the taxonomy of the natural processing tasks must toolkits and systems. In cases where the performance of
be established. There are two main approaches to establish- ChatGPT was compared to other solutions (e.g. [23, 27, 38]),
ing such a taxonomy. First – relates the tasks directly to the it worked on a comparable level to the competitor but not
methods used for solving them [28]. While this approach outperforming any major SOTA solutions.
allows for the systematic organization of most tasks, it is not There are many ways to carry out prompting with Chat-
very useful for this paper as the goal is to establish how many GPT. Although the popular trial-and-error method may seem
tasks can be performed by the same chatbot. The second good, utilizing techniques with proven effectiveness is cru-
approach is to organize the tasks first into tasks of analysis cial. The model usually understands many ways in which a
and generation and then to divide the first ones into the levels question might be asked. However, there are also instances
of syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic analysis [29]. Looking where an explanation must be included to receive a proper
at the field through the lens of this taxonomy, the main areas answer from ChatGPT. In Natural Language Processing,
that ChatGPT has been tested so far are generation tasks. there are multiple interesting prompting methods, many of
The available studies focus mostly on one pre-selected which are collected and clearly outlined in [44].
task, mainly on question answering (e.g. [30, 31, 22, 25,
23, 32]) or summarizing (e.g. [33, 34, 35, 36, 27]). How-
ever, such tasks as humor identification and generation [37], 3. Research question
machine translation [38], sentiment recognition[39], para- As existing evaluations of ChatGPT focus on its ability to
phrasing [40], and other text generation subtasks were also generate language utterances, we want to investigate its ana-
analyzed [41, 42, 43]. In most cases, the evaluation was con- lytical skills, particularly in tasks requiring language analy-
ducted manually. This concerned, in particular open-ended sis and understanding, i.e., typical NLP problems examined
question answering (e.g. [31, 23, 32] and scientific texts by science and companies. Therefore, we aim to target two
summarization (e.g. [34, 36]. This was related to the fact that abilities (task categories; see Tab. 1): semantic and prag-
benchmark datasets did not appear in many studies. If they matic. The former kind of tasks entail recognition of text
were included, they were often treated as a basis for manual properties (like word sense description or a speaker’s stance
expert analysis of the ChatGPT answers, e.g. in the case of polarity in a language construction) or mining information

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ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

that is directly expressed in a text fragment, e.g., various Q5: Does the public availability of the data and its ex-
relations between sentences and text fragments, or extraction ploitation for training ChatGPT impact its perfor-
of the answer to a question). In the pragmatic analysis, we dig mance, Sec. 6.5?
into ChatGPT’s potential in exploiting general knowledge
stored in the model to solve the tasks beyond the literal Q6: What are necessary post-processing activities that
semantic content of the textual prompt – input. Here, we may rise quality of ChatGPT output for analytical
investigate a range of different pragmatic problems with a tasks, Sec. 5.2?
common denominator of the necessity to predict the influ- Q7: What is the internal policy of ChatGPT providers and
ence of the utterance interpretation on the reader and their its biases making it not to provide adequate responses
often subjective content perception. We asked ChatGPT to to some prompts, Sec. 7.1?
predict not only sentiment polarity and emotions evoked
in the reader, but also humor and offensiveness. Several Q8: Can ChatGPT be used to validate quality of the train-
of these tasks are also stated in a personalized version, in ing datasets annotated by humans, Sec. 7.2?
which the outcome depends on a particular reader (inter-
Q9: Can ChatGPT be used for explainability purposes
locutor). Overall, the tasks considered in this paper have
while solving analytical tasks and ambiguous ques-
relatively structured and simple expected results reflecting
tions, Sec. 7.3?
typical machine learning solutions, i.e., various types of
classification2 . This, in turn, directly corresponds to the Q10: What are limitations and unexpected behavior of
analytical approach: further numerical processing of the ChatGPT, Sec. 8?
outcome. For example, one might want to know how well
ChatGPT would perform in evaluating customers’ sentiment Q11: In which domains ChatGPT can catalize AI technolo-
towards a particular product based on analysis of multiple gies and change human everyday life, Sec. 9?
online reviews. This requires obtaining accurate polarity
(classification) of individual texts assessed by ChatGPT and 4. Tasks
aggregating decisions to acquire the final ratio of positive
and negative opinions. We tested ChatGPT on 25 tasks focusing on solving
In all cases, we are interested in the correctness of common NLP problems and requiring analytical reasoning,
ChatGPT’s analysis and inference, i.e., different forms of un- Tab. 1. These tasks include: (1) relatively simple binary
derstanding of the natural language utterances, while inten- classification of texts like spam, humor, sarcasm, aggression
tionally neglecting the aspect of the quality of the generative detection or grammatical correctness of the text; (2) a more
results as perceived by the user, as opposed to alternative complex multiclass and multi-label classification of texts
studies. This means that we do not attempt to quantify how such as sentiment analysis, emotion recognition; (3) reason-
well the user perceives the output text, i.e., the style of ing with the personal context, i.e., personalized versions of
generated text or how rich the content is. It has little or no the problems that make use of additional information about
relevance to a reliable evaluation of analytical tasks. text perception of a given user (user’s examples provided to
ChatGPT); (4) semantic annotation and acceptance of the
Does ChatGPT perform as well as the best recent models text going towards natural language understanding (NLU)
(SOTA) in solving typical NLP analytical tasks? like word sense disambiguation (WSD), and (5) answering
questions based on the input text.
Digging deeper into the problem, we wanted to consider The tasks were divided into two categories described in
some more specific research problems: Sec. 3: semantic and pragmatic. The latter requires the model
to utilize additional knowledge that is not directly captured
Q1: Is ChatGPT loss in performance compared to SOTA by distributional semantics [45]. For personalised tasks, the
different for individual tasks of different kinds, Sec. 6.1? input texts have to be extended with additional personal
Q2: Is there a difference in ChatGPT’s ability to solve context (personalized solutions of the problem [19]); see
difficult and easy NLP analytical tasks, Sec. 6.2? Sec. 6.3. These tasks involve the datasets such as Aggression
→ AggressionPer, GoEmo → GoEmoPer, and Unhealthy →
Q3: How much a few-shot approach to personalization UnhealthyPer.
(Random Contextual Few-Shot Personalization) can Most of the tasks were based on public datasets investi-
make reasoning more subjective, thus, potentially in- gated in the literature. However, we also utilized a collection
crease the overall inference quality, Sec. 6.3? of new unpublished datasets such as (ClarinEmo), which
ChatGPT could not have indexed. Most of the evaluated texts
Q4: What is the impact of the context while processing were written in English (23, 92% of the tasks), while two
mutiple questions (prompts) that may or may not be others (8%) were in Polish. The prompts were in line with
related to each other, Sec. 6.4? the language of the input text.
2 In some question answering tasks, the output is given in few words We manually evaluated the probability that a given an-
(SQuAD) or as a number – the result of mathematical calculations notated dataset was available and used by ChatGPT for
(MathQA). training. We assigned a rating of highly probable (3) to most

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ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

of the datasets in this evaluation. Still, for their personalized 7. WordContext. The task of identifying the intended
versions the rating was reduced to (2) since ChatGPT was meaning of a word in a given context – Word in Context task
almost cerainly not trained in personalized settings. In the (WIC) [55]. The WIC task is strongly related to the Word
case of PolEmo – the dataset was unlikely to be used for Sense Disambiguation task (WSD) as it tests language mod-
training and received a score of (1). Finally, we assigned els’ sense understanding abilities. Contrary to WSD, the task
score (0) to the unpublished version of ClarinEmo dataset. is framed as binary classification, testing if two independent
Additionally, we asked ChatGPT whether or not the dataset contexts express the same meaning of the highlighted word.
was used for training. Based on collected data, we performed 8. TextEntail. One of the SuperGLUE benchmark [57]
appropriate analyses, Sec. 6.5. tasks is called Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE). This
Due to the scale of our test data and the limitations of dataset comes from a collection of annual competitions on
ChatGPT’s API, we had to limit the number of input texts. textual entailment. Given two text fragments, the model
This means that for some tasks, we randomly selected a has to decide whether the meaning of one text is entailed
sample of texts (column #Used) in Tab. 1) from all available (logically related) to another. The task is formulated as a
instances in the test or dev set (column #Test). In some cases, two-class classification problem. ChatGPT had to decide if
the outputs from ChatGPT required manual post-processing the two sentences were "entailed" or "not_entailed".
procedure (column #Post-processing), and some responses 9. WNLI. SuperGLUE Winograd NLI dataset comes
were out of the desired domain (column #None). from the GLUE benchmark [58]. Initially, this task was
To compare the performance of ChatGPT with SOTA inspired by the Winograd Schema Challenge [74] in which
methods, we trained and tested the best available models a model must read a sentence with a pronoun and select the
(or close to the best) by reusing the source code provided referent of that pronoun from a list of choices. For the WNLI
with references (column SOTA in Tab. 1). In other cases, we dataset, the original data was converted to the sentence
exploited the values of reported quality metrics published in pair classification problem. The second sentence in a pair
original papers; see column SOTA in Tab. 2. Examples of was created by replacing the ambiguous pronoun with each
chats for all the tasks included in our study are available in possible referent. ChatGPT has to predict whether texts are
the Appendix B. entailed with each other ("1" label) or not ("0" label).
1. Aggression. We used the Wikipedia Talk Labels: 10. SQuAD. SQuAD v_2 [60] is a question-answering
Aggression dataset [46] collected in the Wikipedia Detox dataset, which combines 100,000 examples from SQuAD1.1
project. It includes over 100k comments acquired from the with over 50,000 unanswerable questions looking similar
English Wikipedia with binary annotations from multiple to real ones. Each question consists of the context, textual
Crowdflower workers regarding the aggressiveness of each answer, and number referring to the location in the context
text. In the non-personalized variant of the dataset, each text where the answer can be found. To perform well on the
is associated with a single annotation obtained via majority dataset, any given system must be able to answer the ques-
voting. tions and infer whether the answer can be found in the given
2. AggressionPer. We have also used the personalized context.
variant of Aggresion dataset. In this case, we represented the 11. MathQA. The multi-step mathematical reasoning
individual’s perspective by providing three user-specific an- dataset GSM8K [62] - MathQA contains grade school level
notations as an addition to the standard input prompt. These maths word problems (MWP) that require only basic arith-
additional texts were selected according to their highest metic operations. It was designed to test large language
controversy, i.e., with the highest standard deviation among models with auxiliary chain-of-thought reasoning data. It
the annotator votes. It was inspired by the findings from [20]. was shown that the dataset is challenging for even the largest
3. CoLa. The Corpus of Linguistic Acceptability [48] generative models.
consists of 10 657 sentences from 23 linguistics publica- 12. ClarinEmo. It is an original dataset consisting of
tions, annotated for acceptability (grammaticality). Here, 1,110 texts in Polish – various opinions have been hand-
ChatGPT had to classify whether a sentence was gram- annotated with three sentiment polarizations and eight emo-
matically correct. It was confronted with the metrics from tions describing the author’s intention. The annotations of
existing work on Few-Shot Learners [49]. six independent annotators were aggregated to label each
4. ColBERT. The ColBERT dataset [50] contains 200k sentence with all potential options, using the label when
short texts acquired from news, headlines, Wikipedia, tweets, at least two annotators agreed on it. It is our new dataset
and jokes. Each sample is annotated as funny or not-funny. that has not yet been published. We exploited this dataset to
The distribution of labels is uniform. ensure that ChatGPT was not trained on it.
5. Sarcasm. The Sarcasmania dataset [51] consists of 13. GoEmo. The GoEmotions dataset [64] consists of
39,780 texts from the Twitter platform. Each tweet is associ- 58k carefully selected Reddit comments from popular En-
ated with one of the two classes: sarcastic or non-sarcastic. glish subreddits labeled according to a 27 + 1 schema, i.e.
6. Spam. SMS Spam Collection v.1 [53] is a dataset 27 possible emotion categories plus neutral. ChatGPT is
containing SMS contents labeled as spam or not. Here, ordered to determine the emotions of provided text from
ChatGPT had to classify an input text accordingly. the list of available 28 categories. To additionally guide
ChatGPT, we request it to provide a specific number of

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ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

Table 1
Profile of the tested NLP tasks. Category : S - semantic, P - pragmatic; Context refers to either additional contextual information
added to prompts (e.g. related to a given user – personalization) or to the context directly considered in the task; Availability : our
assessment of whether ChatGPT used the dataset for fine-tuning: 3 - highly probable, 2 - probable, 1 - rather no; 0 - impossible.
Trained : ChatGPT answers if it used the dataset for training. #Test: no. of cases available in the test or dev set. #Used : no.
of cases from the test or dev set (prompts) used by us. #None: no. of prompts ChatGPT returned ’none’. #Post-processed : no.
of prompts requiring manual post-processing. #N: no. of valid prompts used for quality evaluation (Tab. 2). #Classes: no. of
distinct classes in the output. # Majority/minority class: the number of examples for the majority/minority classes in the test or
dev set (#Test).

minority class





ID Task Name NLP problem Reasoning type Dataset / SOTA #N

Offensiveness Binary WikiDetox Aggr. 151 19823

1 Aggression P EN No 3 Yes 23153 1000 13 987 2
detection classification [46] / [47] (15.1%) /3330
Offensiveness Binary WikiDetox Aggr. 92 282918
2 AggressionPer P EN Yes 2 No 349582 1000 19 981 2
det.: personalized classification [46] / [20] (9.2%) /66664
Linguistic Binary 721
3 CoLa S EN No CoLA [48] / [49] 3 Yes 1042 1042 0 0 (0%) 1042 2
acceptability classification /322
Humor Binary ColBERT [50] / 93 20137
4 ColBERT P EN No 2 No 40000 1000 5 995 2
recognition classification [50] (9.3%) /19643
Humor Binary Sarcasmania [51] 61 3051
5 Sarcasm P EN No 3 Yes 5967 1000 10 990 2
recognition classification / [52] (6.1%) /2916
Binary SMS Spam v.1 14 966
6 Spam P EN Spam detection No 3 Yes 1115 1115 3 1112 2
classification [53] / [54] (1.3%) /149
Word sense Binary pair 5 319
7 WordContext S EN Yes WiC [55] / [56] 3 No 638 638 0 638 2
disambiguation classification (0.8%) /319
Natural language Binary sentence 146
8 TextEntail S EN No RTE [57] / [56] 3 Yes 277 277 0 0 (0%) 277 2
inference pair classification /131
Natural language Binary sentence
9 WNLI S EN No WNLI [58] / [59] 3 Yes 71 71 0 0 (0%) 71 2 40/31
inference pair classification
Question SQuAD v2 [60] 247
10 SQuAD S EN Yes Extractive QA 3 Yes 11873 1000 0 1000 - -
answering / [61] (24.7%)
Question Mathematical GSM8K [62] / 1
11 MathQA S EN No 3 Yes 1319 1000 0 999 - -
answering reasoning [63] (0.1%)
Emotion Multi-label 9
12 ClarinEmo P PL No ClarinEmo - / - 0 No 1264 1264 0 1264 11 624/59
recognition classification (0.7%)
Emotion Multi-label GoEmotions [64] 87
13 GoEmo P EN No 3 No 5427 1000 18 1000 28 1787/6
recognition classification / [65] (8.7%)
Emotion rec.: Multi-label GoEmotions [64] 1
14 GoEmoPer0 P EN No 2 No 19470 1151 28 1123 28 288/6
personalized classification / [65] (0.1%)
Emotion rec.: Multi-label GoEmotions [64]
15 GoEmoPer1 P EN Yes 2 No 19470 1151 11 0 (0%) 1140 28 288/6
personalized classification / [65]
Emotion rec.: Multi-label GoEmotions [64]
16 GoEmoPer2 P EN Yes 2 No 19470 1151 8 0 (0%) 1143 28 288/6
personalized classification / [65]
Emotion rec.: Multi-label GoEmotions [64]
17 GoEmoPer3 P EN Yes 2 No 19470 1151 10 0 (0%) 1141 28 288/6
personalized classification / [65]
Offensiveness Multi-label Unhealthy Conv. 348
18 Unhealthy P EN No 3 No 44354 1000 22 963 8 936/25
detection classification [66] / [66] (34.8%)
Offensiveness Multi-label Unhealthy Conv. 15
19 UnhealthyPer P EN Yes 2 No 227975 1000 9 991 8 782/30
det.: personalized classification [66] / [19] (1.5%)
Sentiment Multiclass PolEmo2 [67] / 23 339
20 PolEmo P PL No 1 No 820 820 3 817 4
analysis classification [67] (2.8%) /118
Multiclass TweetEval [68] / 10798
21 TweetEmoji P EN Emoji prediction No 2 No 50000 1666 2 0 (0%) 1664 20
classification [69] /1010
Sentiment Multiclass TweetEval [68] / 245 5937
22 TweetSent P EN No 2 No 12283 5143 0 5143 3
analysis classification [69] (4.8%) /2375
Multiclass TweetEval [68] / 99 715
23 TweetStance S EN Stance detection No 2 No 1249 1249 7 1249 3
classification [69] (7.9%) /230
Question Multiple choice 206
24 ReAding S EN Yes RACE [70] / [71] 3 Yes 4887 1000 4 996 4 -
answering QA (20.6%)
Word sense Raganato [72] / 176
25 WSD S EN Yes Sequence labeling 3 Yes 7253 7253 5 7253 61 -
disambiguation [73] (2.4%)

emotions that matches the number of emotions annotated as performance in four different scenarios: GoEmoPer0, GoE-
ground truth. moPer1, GoEmoPer2, GoEmoPer3. ChatGPT is not given
14.–17. GoEmoPer. To investigate ChatGPT’s perfor- any information about the annotator in the prior experiment.
mance in Personalized Emotion Recognition, we obtained In the following scenarios, we provide an additionally prede-
individual annotator annotations from raw GoEmotions data. fined number of texts annotated by this annotator. The goal is
ChatGPT is requested to predict emotions assigned to pro- to provide ChatGPT with a context that will help it learn the
vided text by a selected annotator. We analyse ChatGPT personal preferences of the annotator. We start with a context

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ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

consisting of one text and gradually increase the number to disambiguated word and varies from 2 candidate senses to
three. more than 60 – mainly for polysemous verbs. On average,
18. Unhealthy. Unhealthy Conversation [66] is a dataset the models must choose only one sense from 5.24 candidate
of 44,000 comments of 250 characters or fewer, annotated senses for each word. The dataset also contains a subset
by 588 crowd workers. Each comment was annotated as of instances where words are monosemous and have only
healthy or unhealthy. Additionally, each comment could be one meaning concerning PWN. Such cases do not require
annotated with one of the following attributes: antagonistic, any disambiguation, so all post-processing decisions were
hostile, dismissive, condescending, sarcastic, generalization, made in favor of the ChatGPT model. To evaluate Chat-
or unfair generalization. GPT’s sense recognition abilities, we adopted sense glosses
19. UnhealthyPer. This is the personalized version of from PWN3 as they are often used as the basis for training
Unhealthy Conversations. The dataset texts and annotations supervised word sense disambiguation models. The glosses
are identical to the non-personalized Unhealthy Conversa- briefly summarize the meanings of senses using natural
tions version. The only difference is that the personalized language. We used the glosses to explain meanings to the
UserID model [19] is used instead of the standard trans- model when disambiguating the words in a given context.
former model. Using the glosses to explain senses to a language model
20. PolEmo. PolEmo 2.0 [67] is a corpus of Polish implicitly tests its language comprehension abilities.
consumer reviews from four domains: medicine, hotels,
products, and school. Each text was manually annotated with
the sentiment using one of the following labels: positive, 5. Research methodology
neutral, negative, or ambivalent. Our research focused on three main steps depicted in
21. TweetEmoji. This is one of the seven heterogeneous Fig. 3. Having quality measures for both reference models
tasks from the Tweeteval dataset [68]. It focuses on emoji and ChatGPT, we were able to confront them with one
prediction for a given tweet. There are twenty available another to answer our main research question: is ChatGPT a
emojis, and ChatGPT is asked to provide a list of three good jack of all trades?
emojis, which could be added at To. the end of a given
tweet ranges from the most probable to the least. To calculate 5.1. Prompt generation
metrics such as F1 or accuracy, the first emoji on the list was Prompt generation consists of three goals that we want
assumed to be chatGPT’s answer. to achieve. The key idea is to solve a particular natural
22. TweetSent. TweetSent, another task from the Tweet- language processing task, like sentiment analysis or emo-
eval [68] dataset, involves determining the sentiment ex- tion detection, using ChatGPT. Additionally, we must force
pressed in a Tweet. In our work, ChatGPT is tasked to ChatGPT to answer with a specified value from a list of
identify the sentiment of a given text, categorizing it as annotations used in the chosen task/dataset and an easy-to-
negative, neutral, or positive. process format, like a python list or single integer.
23. TweetStance. TweetStance is one more task from All of the above can be achieved by using various
the Tweeteval [68] dataset that focuses on detecting stances schemas of prompts. The general chat schema looks like the
in Tweets in five different areas: abortion, atheism, climate following Chat 1:
change, feminism, and Hillary Clinton. Each text was labeled Chat CHAT_ID. Task: TASK_NAME. Case EXAMPLE_ID. E.g.:
as none, against, favor. Chat 1. Task: Aggression. Case 3.
24. ReAding. RACE dataset [70] is a reading compre-
hension dataset consisting of over 100,000 multiple-choice Prompt //our input to ChatGPT
questions relating to about 28,000 passages from various INSTRUCTION //task description, e.g.:
topics. It was created using English examinations in China Which one of the attributes: "aggressive", "non-aggressive"
for middle and high school students. Each question has four describes a given text? Write your answer in the form of a
possible answers labeled A, B, C, D, with only one answer Python list containing the appropriate attribute.
25. WSD. It is a unified evaluation framework for word TEXT //input text, e.g.:
sense disambiguation proposed in [72]. The framework con- Text: (Or should I follow your example and delete things I don’t
sists of five evaluation datasets with standard English texts like from other people’s talk pages ?)
from Senseval [75, 76] and Semeval [77, 78, 79] compe- ChatGPT answer //raw output
titions. Texts were annotated with meanings (senses) from
Princeton WordNet 3.0 (PWN) sense inventory [80] con- ["non-aggressive"]
taining 117,664 synsets (sets of synonymous senses). The Extracted answer //processed output
framework has been used as a standard evaluation envi-
ronment for knowledge-based, weakly supervised, and su-
pervised word sense disambiguation models. The overall Expected answer //expected output
collection of datasets contains 7,253 classification instances
– sense annotations. The number of senses depends on the 3

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ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

ChatGPT evaluation flow diagram

Prompt generation Step 1

Custom prompting procedure
Process samples from test/dev splits
Select NLP dataset
into prompts

Querying ChatGPT Step 2

Our custom API
Extract answers
Post-process outputs
from raw outputs

ChatGPT evaluation Step 3

Quantitative and qualitative
Run SOTA models Compare answers analysis
or find results with gold standard

Figure 3: ChatGPT evaluation flow diagram showing the three stages of data processing: 1) selecting a dataset and converting
the test set to prompt-based form; 2) querying (prompting) the ChatGPT service using our custom reverse-engineered API; 3)
extracting labels from raw outputs and evaluating using ground truth and comparing the results with SOTA models or SOTA
results from papers.

non-aggressive extract answers from ChatGPT output manually. The next

step is to cast the resulting outputs to the correct labels in the
Evaluation result //additional judgement
dataset. For example, if ChatGPT returned a sentiment with
Label: OK, ChatGPT answer: OK the typo "negaitiv", we mapped it to "negative", assuming
that this was the intended answer. Sometimes the model
Case number is the example ID for the following task in returns values out of the requested list. For example, given
ChatGPT Evaluation v2.0.xlsx file available in our GitHub the possible 28 emotions in emotion recognition, ChatGPT
repository4 . returned the unmentioned "determination". Such cases were
There are multiple options when creating prompt schemas. converted to a value of "none", which was not considered in
For example, we can add sentiment label mappings to the performance evaluation (column #None in Tab. 1, plus
integers, forcing ChatGPT to answer with only integers. 3k additional prompts used in Sec. 6.4).
We can further specify ChatGPT output format by adding Overall, the number of cases that required post-processing
allowed values again after Text input. Moreover, we provided was relatively small (column #Post-processed in Tab. 1). For
additional user annotations describing their perspective in most tasks (16), the contribution of such texts was less than
the case of personalized tasks. The example prompts for each 5%. Only for Aggression, SQuAD, Unhealthy, and ReAding,
task are presented in Appendix B. The generated prompts it exceeded 15%.
were used as questions in a ChatGPT conversation. It is
worth noting that we did not force the API to create a new 5.3. Experimental setup
conversation window per prompt. Consequently, multiple Without an official API, we modified and used an un-
texts were allocated across multiple conversations within the official API called PyGPT5 , written in Python. During the
specified ChatGPT limitations. research, we exploited up to 20 accounts to gather data
regarding 25 datasets.
5.2. Post-processing Every dataset was first assigned to a different task man-
Raw text provided by ChatGPT is different from the final ager who independently prepared appropriate prompts based
version achieved after post-processing. Some answers are on the dataset texts and the output structure. Next, our
returned as whole sentences instead of requested predefined API managers ran parallel processes to query prompts and
lists. This imposes a necessity to check what happened and

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ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

acquire the raw chatGPT output in a shared sheet Chat- 6. Quantitative analysis
GPT Evaluation v2.0.xlsx6 .
In total, over 38,000 prompts were exploited7 . 6.1. Jack of all trades, master of none
Post-processing procedures (Sec. 5.2) were applied af- We tested ChatGPT on 25 NLP tasks listed in Tab. 1 by
terward, along with quality measure computation (Sec. 5.4) computing appropriate quality measures both for ChatGPT
and in-depth analyses. and the best recently available models (SOTA), Tab. 5. The
ChatGPT performance is depicted in Fig. 4. It is usually
5.4. Performance measures greater for semantic tasks rather than for pragmatic ones,
If possible, we launched our models equivalent to SOTA what is related to the task difficulty, see Sec. 6.2.
solutions since the setup (especially data split) was often We also estimated the loss of ChatGPT compared to
different than in the original paper. For that purpose, we the SOTA solution, Sec. 5.4. The loss indicates how worse
usually utilized source codes published by the authors. Un- ChatGPT is relative to SOTA, which is considered 100%
fortunately, it was impossible for some tasks, so we exploited capacity, Tab. 2, Fig. 5. The crucial finding from our studies
the performance results provided in the original paper. If is that the ChatGPT performance is always lower than the
available, we tried to validate ChatGPT using one measure – SOTA methods (loss>0) in all the tasks considered. It means
F1 Macro, which is commonly acceptable for imbalanced that ChatGPT never reached the level of the best existing
data, Tab. 2. F1 Macro in multi-label classification is an models. However, its loss was greater or lesser depending
average of harmonic means between precision and recall on the problem. The average quality of SOTA methods was
calculated per label. If Q is the number of labels, pi and ri at 73.7%, whereas ChatGPT was at only 56.5%. Simultane-
are the precision and the recall calculated for 𝑖th label, F1 ously, ChatGPT was less stable: the standard deviation of
Macro is given by equation: its performance was 23.3% compared to only 16.7% for the
SOTA solutions.
The loss for most tasks did not exceed 25%. It was greater
1 ∑ 2 ⋅ 𝑝𝑖 ⋅ 𝑟𝑖
𝐹 1𝑚𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜 = only for three problems: GoEmotions, PolEmo, and TweetE-
𝑄 𝑖=1 𝑝𝑖 + 𝑟𝑖
moji. All these tasks are related to a very subjective problem
of emotional perception and individual interpretation of the
In the case of CoLa, WNLI, WordContext, and MathQA, we
content. Also, for the last emotional task – ClarinEmo, the
had to rely on the accuracy, as it was the only one presented
loss was 21.8%. If we discard all eight emotion-related tasks
in the reference paper; we could not replicate their studies
(ids: 12-17, 20-21), the average SOTA performance reaches
and calculate our measures. WNLI and WordContext have
80% (increase by 6.3pp), but ChatGPT improves much more:
their two classes balanced, so it is not an issue.
by 13.2pp, up to 69.7%. In such a case, the average loss
Only the post-processed and cleaned cases (column #N
is reduced by as much as half, from 25.5% to 12.8%; the
in Tab. 2) were considered in the quantitative analysis. Other
difference in performance drops from 17.2pp to 10.3pp.
metric values are presented in Appendix A, Tab. 7.
We know that a direct comparison of performance be-
Having calculated the SOTA and ChatGPT results, we
tween different tasks does not always rightly show the dif-
were able to compute Loss that reflects how much ChatGPT
ficulty of the tasks being compared. A small increase in the
is worse than the best-dedicated methods, as follows:
evaluation score in one task might be more challenging to
100% ⋅ (SOTA − ChatGPT) overcome than a larger increase in another task. Moreover,
Loss = simple solutions, such as majority class voting or a sim-
ple lexical similarity function, often appear to be a strong
Loss measure was exploited in Tab. 2, Fig. 5, 7, 8, 10, baseline for complex neural architectures. For example, an
and 11. increase by 10pp in WSD or WordCContext tasks might
Yet another measure is utilized in Fig. 9: Gain. It quan- be more challenging to obtain, and the most outstanding
tifies which part of the entire possible improvement of the solutions are far from 100% performance. Furthermore, the
performance of the reference non-personalized method was best unsupervised or weakly-supervised solutions obtain a
reached by a given personalized in-context solution: 70% performance of F1-score in the WSD task, and their
architectures have significantly fewer parameters than the
100% ⋅ (Per − NonPer) ChatGPT model.
Gain = Nevertheless, we can state that ChatGPT performs pretty
100% − NonPer
well on all tasks except emotional ones. Simultaneously, its
where Per is the F1 result provided by our personalized in- achievements are always below SOTA but usually not so
context processing; NonPer is F1 delivered by the reference, much. Such results prove that ChatGPT is Jack of all trades,
non-personalized model. master of none.
7 35,142 is the sum of column #Used in Tab. 1, plus 3k additional

prompts used in Sec. 6.4, and some in Sec. 7.3.

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ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

Table 2
Quantitative analysis. Values of quality measures obtained for (a) the ChatGPT output, (b) SOTA, i.e., our launch of the best
available model, or if not possible, taken from the paper. Difference: (𝑏 − 𝑎). Difficulty : (100% − 𝑏). Loss: 100% ⋅ (𝑏 − 𝑎) ÷ 𝑏. Emotion
tasks marked with an asterisk: 12-17, 20-21. Tasks without emotions discards eight emotion-related tasks.

ID Task Name Task Measure SOTA ChatGPT SOTA Difference Difficulty Loss
category type type (a) [%] (b) [%] (b-a) [pp] [%] [%]
1 Aggression Pragmatic F1 Macro Our 69.10 74.45 5.35 25.55 7.19
2 AggressionPer Pragmatic F1 Macro Our 72.57 81.03 8.46 19.97 10.44
3 CoLa Semantic Accuracy Paper 80.82 86.40 5.58 13.60 6.46
4 ColBERT Pragmatic F1 Macro Our 86.47 98.50 12.03 1.50 12.21
5 Sarcasm Pragmatic F1 Macro Our 49.88 53.57 3.69 46.43 6.89
6 Spam Pragmatic F1 Macro Our 82.67 99.42 16.75 0.58 16.85
7 WordContext Semantic Accuracy Paper 64.58 74.00 9.42 26.00 12.73
8 TextEntail Semantic F1 Macro Paper 88.09 92.10 4.01 7.90 4.35
9 WNLI Semantic Accuracy Paper 81.69 97.90 16.21 2.10 16.56
10 SQuAD Semantic F1 Macro Paper 69.21 90.75 21.54 9.25 23.74
11 MathQA Semantic Accuracy Paper 71.40 83.20 11.80 16.80 14.18
12 *ClarinEmo Pragmatic F1 Macro Our 53.23 68.04 14.81 31.96 21.77
13 *GoEmo Pragmatic F1 Macro Our 25.55 52.75 27.20 47.25 51.56
14 *GoEmoPer0 Pragmatic F1 Macro Paper 23.74 54.50 30.76 45.50 56.44
15 *GoEmoPer1 Pragmatic F1 Macro Paper 19.00 66.10 47.10 33.90 71.26
16 *GoEmoPer2 Pragmatic F1 Macro Paper 20.34 66.10 45.76 33.90 69.23
17 *GoEmoPer3 Pragmatic F1 Macro Paper 23.41 66.10 42.69 33.90 64.58
18 Unhealthy Pragmatic F1 Macro Our 45.21 50.96 5.75 49.04 11.28
19 UnhealthyPer Pragmatic F1 Macro Our 54.02 70.92 16.90 29.08 23.83
20 *PolEmo Pragmatic F1 Macro Our 44.08 76.44 32.36 23.56 42.33
21 *TweetEmoji Pragmatic F1 Macro Our 18.19 32.20 14.01 67.80 43.51
22 TweetSent Pragmatic F1 Macro Our 63.32 72.07 8.75 27.93 12.14
23 TweetStance Semantic F1 Macro Our 56.44 67.42 10.98 32.58 16.29
24 ReAding Semantic F1 Macro Our 76.36 84.71 8.35 15.29 9.86
25 WSD Semantic F1 Macro Paper 73.30 83.20 9.90 16.80 11.90
All Average 56.51 73.71 17.21 26.29 25.50
tasks Std. dev. ±23.31 ±16.74 ±13.08 ±16.74 ±21.44
Only tasks Average 69.71 80.04 10.32 19.96 12.76
without emotions Std. dev. ±12.76 ±14.36 ±5.08 ±14.36 ±5.49
*Only emotion Average 28.44 60.28 31.84 39.72 52.59
tasks Std. dev. ±18.76 ±14.87 ±13.84 ±14.87 ±20.10
Only pragmatic Average 46.92 67.70 20.77 32.30 32.59
tasks Std. dev. ±23.42 ±17.18 ±14.86 ±17.18 ±23.85
Only semantic Average 73.54 84.41 10.87 15.59 12.90
tasks Std. dev. ±9.59 ±9.26 ±5.33 ±9.26 ±5.80

6.2. Task difficulty vs. ChatGPT performance their ChatGPT loss is relatively small. into the Q3 quadrant:
Task difficulty is defined as (100% – SOTA_performance). easy task, low losses. A stronger dependence: greater diffi-
In other words, we assume that difficulty is reflected by the culty, higher loss can be seen for pragmatic tasks dominated
level of the best recent models’ performance, i.e., the closer by emotion-related problems, Fig. 8.
the SOTA performance to 100%, the easier (less difficult) This analysis, however, requires further investigations
the task. The difficulty of each task is presented in Tab. 2 since the number of the tasks considered (25) still remains
and Fig. 6. In general, pragmatic tasks are more difficult relatively small.
(average difficulty = 32.3%), while the average difficulty
for semantic tasks is only 15.6%. It comes especially from 6.3. Random Contextual Few-Shot Personalization
the emotional tasks, which are pragmatic and very difficult As a concept of contextual and human-centered process-
(average 39.7%). ing, personalization in NLP was proposed by us and recently
We can also observe that the loss is correlated with the extensively explored in [19, 21, 20, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85].
task difficulty; see Fig. 7. The Pearson correlation coefficient Here, we extend it to ChatGPT prompts as personalized in-
between difficulty and loss is equal to 0.46. It is observable context processing. This is somewhat similar to in-context
that semantic tasks (blue crosses) are rather easy; hence, learning with demonstrations [86]. However, in the case

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 10 of 40

gre Spa (F1)
ss m 86.5

Loss (%) Ag ionPe (F1) 82.7
71.3 *Em gre r
69.2 *Emotio Tw ssio F1)
e n 72.6
n Un etS (F
64.6 *Emotio (GoE
he en 1)
alt t ( 69.1

all, and only pragmatic tasks.

56.4 *Emotio (GoEmoPe
n Cla hyPe F1) 63.3
rin r (F
51.6 *Emotio (GoEmoPer1)
n E 1 54.0
Sa mo )
43.5 *Emotio (GoEmoPer2)
n r (
Un casm F1) 53.2
42.3 *Se otio (GoEmoPer3)
n he (F

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier

alt 1 49.9
23.8 Ha ntim (Twe mo) r0)
t e e Po hy (F )
21.8 *Eme (Un nt (P tEm lEm 1)
o 45.2
h o o G
16.9 Sp otio ealt lEmo ji)
a n h
Go oEm (F1)
Em o 44.1
12.2 Hu m (S (Cla yPer )
m p r ) Go oPe (F1) 25.6
Em r0
12.1 Se or ( am) inEm
nti Co o) Go oPe (F1)
Em r3 23.7
11.3 Ha me lBE
t n R
10.4 Ha e (Un t (Tw T)
Go oPe (F1)
Em r2 23.4

Task Name
te he ee
Task Name
7.2 Hat (Agg alth tSe Tw oPe (F1)
ee r1 20.3
e r y nt
6.9 Hum (Agg essi ) ) Tex tEmo (F1) 19.0
tEn ji (F
23.7 Q& or ( ress onPe
A S i r tai 1) 18.2
16.6 Inf (SQ arca on) )
ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

e u s WN l (Acc
LI ) 88.1
16.3 Sta renc AD) m)
n e Co (Acc
14.2 Q& ce ( (WN
Re La ( )
Ad Ac
12.7 Se (Ma weet I)
n t S
ing c) 80.8
11.9 Se se (W hQA tanc
n ) e) Ma D
WS Acc) 76.4

capabilities. Dashed lines denote the average loss values for only pragmatic, only semantic, and all tasks.
Q& se (WordC thQ (F1
A S on 73.3

6.5 Gra (ReA D) text Wo SQ A (Ac )

m d rdC uA c) 71.4

4.3 Infe mar ing) D
Tw onte (F1
ren (C
ce oLa ee xt )
tSt (A 69.2
(Te ) an cc) 64.6



il) ) 56.4

Page 11 of 40
asterisk are related to emotions. The upper X axis corresponds to the performance of the best model (SOTA) treated as 100%
Figure 5: The ChatGPT loss in performance (%) for all tasks considered, descending ordered by loss value. Tasks preceded by an
Figure 4: ChatGPT performance (%) for all tasks considered. Dashed lines denote the average performance for only semantic,
ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none







o Go )

Inf Q ar ( ing)

e ( il)
ot nhe oji)

( ar )
( o )

Ha t (Tw thyP )
*Se te ( eet er)
Ha time ggre ent)
o )

Se e (T m (S RT)
Wo Sta )
Q& dCo ce)

Q& se ( A)

ere tE )

Se Math t)

am eA )
ot (G oP )
*Em ion ( oEm er1)
Ha tion ( Emo r2)
nti Un rin )

mo sio o)
Sta S r (Co Per)

nc (S La)
*Em Hum ion ( althy
*Emotion r (S Emo
*Emotion GoEm casm

n al o

(Ag (P on

e ( et m


Inf (Tex uAD

*Emotion GoEm Per0

Se te ( Cla Per3

nc nta
me he Em

Hu gres lEm

A ( nte
ns we pa
o Go oPe

r n
*Emte (U tEm

ere &A Co
nc pa lBE
te nt ssi

m d
n A S

e Q
Ha (Twe


Task Name
Figure 6: Difficulty of the task (100% - SOTA performance) descending ordered. Tasks preceded by an asterisk are related to
emotions. Dashed lines denote the average difficulty level for only pragmatic, all, and only semantic tasks.

80 80
Pragmatic Pragmatic
Semantic Semantic
70 70 16
60 60
50 50
20 21
Loss (%)

Loss (%)

40 40

30 Q2: Easy, high loss Q1: Difficult, high loss 30

10 19
20 20 6 9
11 23
4 25 7 22 18
10 10 24 2
3 1 5
0 Q3: Easy, low loss Q4: Difficult, low loss 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Problem difficulty (100%-SOTA performance) Problem difficulty (100%-SOTA performance)

Figure 7: Quadrants with correlation between the loss of Figure 8: Correlations between the loss of ChatGPT perfor-
ChatGPT performance compared to the best, recent (SOTA) mance compared to the SOTA method and difficulty of the
method and difficulty of the task. Each data point represents task. Regression lines are drawn separately for pragmatic and
a separate task and its index can be found in Fig. 8. Quadrant semantic tasks. Each data point represents a single task with
borders are established according to the average loss (25.5%) the index from Tab. 1.
and average difficulty (26.3%), Tab. 2.

hand, the embedding of a person should describe the simi-

of personalized tasks, the user preferences are difficult to larity or peculiarity of their perspective compared to others.
capture with a user context consisting of only up to three During our experiments, we observed higher loss values
past annotations of this user. for the ChatGPT model compared to the SOTA models in
It is important to design a tailor-made architecture for the case of the AggressionPer and UnhealthyPer datasets:
generating user representation to address this. On the other 3.25 and 12.55 percentage points, respectively. On the other

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 12 of 40

ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

20.0% Table 3
17.5% Performance of ChatGPT on different experiment setups of the
15.0% SQuAD task. Unanswerable detected represents cases which
12.5% ChatGPT correctly recognised as unanswerable questions.

10.0% Unanswerable not detected are unanswerable questions, to

7.5% which ChatGPT incorectly answered.
5.0% Dataset Accuracy F1 score Unanswerable Unanswerable
2.5% [%] [%] detected not detected
0.0% cases cases
AggressionPer UnhealthyPer GoEmoPer1 GoEmoPer2 GoEmoPer3
Task Original set 56.50 69.21 76 (25.33%) 224 (74.67%)
After week 55.40 68.72 64 (21.33%) 236 (78.67%)
Figure 9: Impact of context on classification metrics for GoE- New order 57.00 69.76 74 (24.67%) 226 (75.33%)
motions, Aggression, and Unhealthy Conversations datasets. Separate
We show the percentage gain between setup with context conversations 53.60 67.23 60 (20.00%) 240 (80.00%)
and baseline, i.e. setup where no prior knowledge about the
annotator is provided to the model. We show a gain in accuracy
for the former dataset, whereas, for Aggression and Unhealthy a separate conversation with ChatGPT was initialized for
Conversations, we present a gain for the F1-score. each prompt. We computed accuracy and F1 macro for each
scenario, along with the number of unanswerable questions
(300 cases in total), which were correctly or incorectly
hand, enriching the user context with more annotations detected by ChatGPT, Tab. 3.
resulted in 4.08 percentage points better ChatGPT accuracy The obtained results demonstrate that ChatGPT perfor-
for GoEmoPer3 compared to GoEmoPer0. The percentage mance on the same set of prompts in the same order and setup
gains between the context-based setup and the baseline are insignificantly decreased over a week by 1pp (accuracy)
presented in Fig. 9. or 0.5pp (F1). ChatGPT reasoning quality barely improved
Demonstration-based personalization included in our when the order of the prompts was changed and slightly
prompts can be treated as similar to few-shot learning, even decreased when prompts were isolated in separate conversa-
though ChatGPT does not update its model after every tions. The number of unanswerable questions correctly de-
prompt. Therefore, we would prefer to call it a few-shot tected and ChatGPT performance were almost identical for
evaluation or personalized in-context processing. the original set and the one with a new prompt order. For the
Moreover, we also evaluated the non-personalized in- dataset tested a week later and with separate conversations,
context processing semantic tasks: (1) WordContext, (2) all the metrics decreased. It indicates that ChatGPT is not di-
SQuAD, (3) ReAding, and (4) WSD. In this case, the Chat- rectly influenced by the previous prompts while determining
GPT loss values were relatively small and ranged between whether the question is unanswerable. Both the performance
9.9% for ReAding and 12.7% for WordContext. While solv- of ChatGPT and its ability to detect unanswerable questions
ing mathematical calculations (SQuAD), the highest loss was worst when seperate conversations were established for
was among semantic tasks: 23.7%. each prompt. It may sugest that providing some answerable
questions helps it detect unaswerable ones with the same
6.4. Impact of the context context. However, the differences in performance are not
One of the many features of ChatGPT is its ability to significant enough to be sure of such dependencies.
reference previous messages within the conversation. We The results are inconclusive as to whether ChatGPT
wonder whether ChatGPT treats all previous messages as treats the previous prompts as a context for the prompt.
an extended context to a given prompt. If so, ChatGPT may Anyway, the differences in performance are not significant.
not recognize properly that an unanswerable question does On the other hand, ChatGPT demonstrated its instability and
not have an answer. As a result, it may wrongly treat the tendency towards non-determinism. This can be a serious
previous prompts as a valuable context and reponse based disadvantage for some application domains. Even with the
on them rather than to refuse any reponse. To test this same setup, its results may vary with each launch.
ChatGPT capability, we used a question-answering dataset
SQuAD_v2 [60]. Apart from the original processing of the 6.5. Availability of the testing set for ChatGPT
set (Tab. 2), three additional experiments were conducted. training
The first involved prompting ChatGPT a week later with the Some of the datasets exploited in our ChatGPT evalu-
same prompts as during the initial testing of SQuAD. The ation were publicly available at the time of the ChatGPT
second experiment exploited the same prompts, but with a training. Therefore, the model could have been learned on
new order, i.e., all unanswerable questions were prompted those data, which may influence its performance on those
before the answerable ones. That way, ChatGPT could not particular datasets, see column Availability and Trained in
treat the previous answers to the questions with the same Tab. 1. Availability has been estimated by us while Trained
context as the extended context of the given prompt. The was extracted from ChatGPT responses. In general, most of
final experiment involved the same set of prompts. However, the analyzed sets were propable or highly propable to be used
for training of the model.

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ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

The results shown in Fig. 10 and 11 indicate that the 7. Qualitative analysis
datasets on which ChatGPT was likely to have been trained
Understanding the cases when ChatGPT is not acting as
tend to achive higher performance (smaller loss) compared
to SOTA solutions than the ones ChatGPT was less likely expected requires a deeper analysis, divided into three types:
to be trained on. The tasks which ChatGPT claims it used exploratory analysis, benchmarking analysis, and explana-
for training (Fig. 11) are in opposite dependency difficulty tory analysis. The exploratory analysis evaluates system
answers for different prompts. In benchmarking analysis, the
– loss than the ones the model is unaware of. Analisis of
expert evaluates ChatGPT ratings and dataset label quality.
Availability rather supports this phenomena (Fig. 10). It
The explanatory analysis allows an understanding of the
means that sets known for ChatGPT and estimated by us to
be used for training overlap each other, and their loss is not ChatGPT answers by asking in-depth questions.
much dependent on task difficulty. Fig. 12 contains our summary of the differences between
ChatGPT and the latest state-of-the-art solutions dedicated
to specific NLP tasks, as the result of the quantitative analy-
Availability for ChatGPT training sis presented in Sec. 6 and the qualitative analysis presented
15 impossible probable
70 16 rather no highly probable here.
14 7.1. Exploratory analysis: Case study
50 When exploiting the possibilities of ChatGPT, we can
20 21 see that it can perform various tasks, including recognizing
Loss (%)

generalized and personalized dimensions of Natural Lan-
30 guage Processing, answering questions where a generous
10 19
12 amount of domain knowledge is required, or even writing
20 6 9
11 23 lines of code in the programming language of choice. What
4 25 7 22
10 24 2 18 can be observed from time to time is the instances where
3 1 5
8 ChatGPT is faced with a lack of knowledge. Those situa-
0 tions are usually solved by supplementing the model with
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Problem difficulty (100%-SOTA performance) information. But what if the information we are providing
is, in fact, wrong? When asked about the main character of
Figure 10: Correlations between the loss of ChatGPT perfor- the Polish novel "Lalka" (’The Doll’), ChatGPT answered
mance compared to the SOTA method and difficulty of the
correctly. Still, when explaining that the answer was wrong
task. Regression lines are drawn separately for two categories of
and that the author’s name was different, ChatGPT added the
Availability (2 and 3) from Tab. 1. Each data point represents
a single task with the index from Tab. 1. wrongly inputted name and proceeded to answer with this in-
accurate information. We can see that the domain knowledge
of the model can be weak to disinformation, which further
implies possible consequences regarding clashes with fake
80 news. Another layer of divergent behavior of ChatGPT is
Is trained on this dataset?
(ChatGPT answer)
16 Yes in the ethics of the model. When conducting experiments
17 No regarding tasks such as humor recognition or offensiveness
14 detection, we have stumbled upon output that not only re-
13 fuses to answer whether something is or is not funny but
20 21 also sends a moralizing message with an irritated tone.
Loss (%)

40 Interestingly, the model implies it is fully neutral and has no

biases, yet it has them in topics regarding ideological views.
10 19 Hagendorff [87] drew attention to the fact that chatbot
20 6 9 ethics can be a subject of debate in fairness, nondiscrim-
11 23
4 25
24 2
7 22 18 ination, and justice. ChatGPT should respond to questions
3 1 5 and generate text based on the given parameters. However,
0 there is still a blank area where the tool will not accomplish
0 10 20 30 40 50
Problem difficulty (100%-SOTA performance)
60 70 tasks. At first glance, ChatGPT refuses to provide specific
content that can be presumed as judgmental, discriminative,
Figure 11: Correlations between the loss of ChatGPT perfor- or promoting hate speech. During the exploratory dialogue,
mance compared to the SOTA method and difficulty of we found many ways to display messages that are not always
the task. Regression lines are drawn separately for whether politically correct. The first example (Chat 50) is to avoid
ChatGPT claims to be trained on the dataset or not (Tab. 1). answering the question about the likelihood of achieving
Each data point represents a single task with the index from a goal in an academic or professional career by listing
Tab. 1.
the potential factors that may influence this fact. ChatGPT
answers only after the researcher asks directly about the
typical representatives of the particular position. By making

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ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

ChatGPT Recent methods

General Dedicated
Does various tasks Does only one task

Inaccurate Accurate
Quality drop in tasks Solves its task well

Explainable Unexplained
May explain if asked Raw answer only

Interactive Passive
It chats No talk

Release candidate Stable release

Beta testing stage In production

Creative Repetitive
Multiple answers Always same answer

Figure 12: Difference between ChatGPT and the best recent solutions (SOTA) related to analytical NLP tasks.

the request more specific based on the data, ChatGPT gives requires careful prompt engineering and prompt tuning.
a precise answer. The second example (Chat 51) of task- However, in the case of the ChatGPT model, prompt tun-
solving avoidance is refusing to make up the story with a ing is technically unavailable, and the only way to verify
word that one of the meanings can be offensive. ChatGPT prompt relevance is to evaluate its performance directly
assumes that the user refers to this meaning, omitting the in the downstream task. We decided to tune the prompts
context from the previous question, whose purpose indicated manually according to the task – we selected the prompts
that nonvulgar sense is involved. Another type (Chat 52) of such that the answers generated by the model on a small
refusal is making up stories that raise the delicate subject, i.e. validation sample for the given task were the most stable
stories about the traumatic event that can be seen in the third and accurate. On the other hand, using the prompts directly
example. ChatGPT will only generate the content if the user as humans designed them implicitly allows us to evaluate
adequately motivates it with the scientific goals. The fourth models’ language comprehension abilities. Such evaluation
example (Chat 53) highlights the possibility of the chatbot is important for tasks in the area of semantics, where models
exhibiting bias while answering requests for characterizing should successfully utilize short natural language descrip-
the widely known traits of controversial politicians without tions of words or phrases, as they are used in other super-
judgmental opinions. However, in the second task, in which vised solutions.
ChatGPT has to write a joke that this politician would Most tasks require a prompt that enables the model to
admire, it refuses to motivate his decision politician’s dis- choose a certain value from the provided options. However,
regard for human rights. This proves that the tool has hidden to evaluate ChatGPT’s ability to understand various data
biases that are revealed inappropriately worded answers for formats, we tried not to restrict the design of our prompts
tasks or questions. Borji [88] conducted a systematic review to a single data template. Still, the prompts must include
of the typical categories of ChatGPT failures. The above all the information required for the ChatGPT to perform the
errors are derived from both incorrect reasoning in terms of task. A good example can be a prompt for Aggression or
psychological reasoning and bias and discrimination. ColBERT tasks, where we provide possible outcomes and
The performance of modern language models, such as expect ChatGPT to choose the right answer and return it in
T5, GPT-3, and ChatGPT, heavily relies on the quality of Python list format. Some tasks require a choice from multi-
task-specific prompts. The prompt-based learning paradigm ple options, like TweetEmocji, where the correct answer is

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ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

the emoji that fits the best-provided tweet. ChatGPT can also Table 4
return a number as a category indicator or whole output in The percentage of output values originally assigned to the
the JSON format. In the case of mathematical reasoning, it input text by Human or by ChatGPT, which our experts
can provide a whole explanation of how it reached a certain accepted.
outcome and provide only the answer without explanation. Task Human annotations ChatGPT responses
Understanding prompts and user intent for how the output name approved approved
should be structured is not an issue for the model, which Aggression 68% 51%
is a very impressive capability. We also noticed that when TweetSent 69% 55%
it is unable to perform a task on the provided example, it GoEmo 61% 73%
will refuse to do so and provide an explanation why, as it Unhealthy 43% 81%
has happened in the case of ClarinEmo B.12, where the
model stated that all provided texts are legal and financial
statements. Therefore it is not possible to assign emotion We have analyzed the inconsistencies between human
labels to them. annotations and chatGPT answers based on four datasets:
Wikipedia Aggression, GoEmotions, Tweeteval: sentiment,
7.2. Benchmarking analysis: Validation based on and Unhealthy Conversations. We have examined 100 ran-
human expert domly selected cases for each dataset. Each case was com-
There are some trends in the ChatGPT responses, which posed of prompt, human annotation and adequate (but incon-
were the basis for the difficult case analysis. One of the main sistent) ChatGPT answers. The experts evaluated the labels
trends is connected with the chat sensitivity. Importantly, this assigned to the texts. In some cases (when different contexts
sensitivity could be observed during the execution of differ- may affect different interpretations), human annotation and
ent tasks. Offensiveness detection is an example – ChatGPT ChatGPT answers were considered correct. The number of
assigned additional labels to those texts from Unhealthy ChatGPT correct answers is relatively high, see Tab. 4.
Conversations Dataset labeled by human annotators simply A more detailed analysis focused on five types of com-
as healthy. Similarly, ChatGPT has associated most of the parison (see Tab. 5): the cases in which the expert accepted
statements coming from GoEmotions and labeled by people both human annotation and ChatGPT answer (Human &
simply as neutral with different emotions. ChatGPT: for example see Chat 57); the cases in which only
Interestingly, in many cases, ChatGPT tends to have human annotation was considered correct (Only human: for
more negative (and therefore safe) assessments than people. example see Chat 56); the cases in which only ChatGPT
Characteristic examples come from two sources. ChatGPT answer was considered correct (Only ChatGPT; for example
labeled as aggressive only 11 texts from the WikiDetox see Chat 54 or 55); the cases in which neither human nor
Aggression dataset labeled by people as non-aggressive, ChatGPT answer was considered correct (Neither human nor
while the opposite decision was taken 207 times. A similar ChatGPT: for example see Chat 58) or the cases in which
trend is observed for the TweetSent task – ChatGPT assigned evaluation was impossible due to the unintelligible content
positive sentiment to 27 tweets labeled by people as negative, (for example see Chat 59). The analysis revealed that in
while the opposite decision was taken 83 times. It turns out many cases (especially for Unhealthy Conversations), only
that the system erroneously assigns a positive sentiment to ChatGPT labeled the text correctly. ChatGPT pointed out
those texts in which there are linguistic cues of a contradic- many human errors (see Appendix C.2 for more examples).
tory nature, e.g.: Interestingly, the cases where only ChatGPT gave the correct
answer have a common characteristic: in most of them, the
WESTWORLD Dolores is MF Wyatt mutherfuckerrrrrrr I don’t
human annotator was less sensitive, e.g. the annotator(s)
think I’ve guessed one MF thing I love shows like this.
labeled aggressive utterances as non-aggressive, negative
or tweets as neutral or unhealthy conversation as healthy. Chat-
Hahaha #Negan #TheWalkingDead if you watch you’ll know, if GPT tends to interpret a given text more negatively than a
you don’t then what the fuck man!!!!! human does.
It is also connected with pragmatic categories such as
In the case of misattributed negative sentiment, no such sarcasm. Many utterances, which humans labeled as neutral,
clear correlation can be observed. However, those texts ChatGPT classified as sarcastic, e.g.:
whose interpretation is context-dependent (this context is Yes, it’s sarcasm. I shouldn’t use it actually, it’s pretty hard to
very often political) are a significant proportion, e.g.: tell nowadays." Yours wasn’t but yeah it sure is getting harder...
Bill Clinton built a wall on the Mexican border in the 90s. scary..
This fact shows that many of the neutral messages can be
or: classified as sarcastic and aggressive, which as a result, can
The election of Donald Trump could have a significant future limit freedom of speech in case of using it commercially or
impact on the project Dakota Access Pipeline when he takes in a public debate. The tool’s creator should emphasize the
office. preparing model that will be available to distinguish small
nuances between sarcasm and a neutral message. This is

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ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

Table 5 70 Human & ChatGPT Only ChatGPT

Expert-based evaluation of the agreement between ChatGPI Only human Neither human nor ChatGPT
responses and original human annotations (ground truth): 60

Responses approved (%)

Human & ChatGPT – the expert accepted both ChatGPT 50
answer and the human annotation, Only human annotation
was approved by the expert, Only ChatGPT was found 40
acceptable, Neither human nor ChatGPT was acceptable, N∖A
evaluation was not available since the expert was not able to
link the input text to the possible output. 20
Task Human & Only Only Neither human N∖A
name ChatGPT human ChatGPT nor ChatGPT
Aggression 21% 48% 31% 0% 0%
TweetSent 26% 44% 30% 0% 0% Aggression TweetSent GoEmo Unhealthy
GoEmo 45% 16% 28% 8% 3% Task
Unhealthy 24% 19% 57% 0% 0%
Figure 14: Expert-based evaluation of the agreement between
ChatGPI answers and the original human annotations: (1)
Human ChatGPT Human & ChatGPT – the expert accepted both the ChatGPT
80 response and human annotation, (2) The expert approved only
Responses approved (%)

human annotation, (3) Only ChatGPT answer was accepted,

60 (4) Neither human nor ChatGPT was acceptable for our expert,
Tab. 5.

artificial intelligence, which is a part of eXplainable Ar-
20 tificial Intelligence (XAI); see Appendix C.3. Thanks to
the interaction, researchers’ findings can be confronted with
0 the motivation provided by the model itself. Exploiting this
Aggression TweetSent GoEmo Unhealthy opportunity, we subjected some ChatGPT answers presented
above to detailed examination. This led us to several conclu-
Figure 13: The contribution of output values assigned to the sions.
input text by humans or by ChatGPT, which our experts have 1. ChatGPT provides reasonable and factual clarifi-
approved, Tab. 4. cations for its decisions. It can point to specific passages in
the text that influenced his decision, Chat 60:
Additionally, the use of offensive language such as ”sick son of
desirable not only for the usability of the solution but also for a bitch” further highlights the aggressive tone of the text.
building public confidence in artificial intelligence solutions.
ChatGPT’s informing that a message is negatively perceived or Chat 69:
is a way to teach a user with the wrong intentions to be the use of exclamation marks and the phrase "I did not finished
yet!!!" can be interpreted as confrontational or intense
politically correct. On the other hand, a user who tries to
convey information objectively without malicious intentions When asked, ChatGPT explains in detail why a phrase has a
may learn that reality is more biased than he or she might particular interpretation, Chat 62:
think. Another interesting conclusion from the analysis is the
The phrase "Go back to the dump on Staten Island" is a personal
recognition of the sincerity of one’s message that involves attack because it is meant to be insulting and demeaning. By
its true intentions. The annotator has evaluated the below implying that the person being addressed should return to a
message as expressing gratitude, whereas ChatGPT regards place considered to be unpleasant or undesirable, the speaker is
it as neutral (Chat 57) showing a hostile attitude and attacking the person’s character or
You’re welcome background.

This simple message could provide neutral emotions if ChatGPT is also capable of generalizing, e.g. when asked
the message’s sender said it automatically. However, if the which language phenomena demonstrate the enthusiasm or
speaker intends to express the actual gratitude that one feels, positive sentiment in the text, it gives a list containing such
ChatGPT cannot recognize this from such a short message phenomena as the use of superlatives or lack of negative
and without having additional information about the speaker. language (see Chat 64). However, this is characteristic of
All the examples can be found in Appendix C.2. justifications for both correct and incorrect answers.
2. ChatGPT seems to have no regard for individuals,
7.3. Explanatory analysis: XAI instead judging situations. However, this often leads to
The advantage of ChatGPT is that it can give reasons mistakes, e.g. when it justifies assigning positive sentiment
for its answers. Thus, we are dealing with self-explanatory to neutral information, Chat 65):

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ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

In general, being shortlisted for an award is seen as a positive 8. Limitations and discussion
achievement, so the sentiment expressed in the text is positive.
Below, you can find a list of nine observations and
Information about the distinction for a particular footballer limitations related to selected problems and cases that we
is neutral. Its sentiment, however, can be both positive and encountered during our investigation.
negative. It depends on the sympathies of the recipient – 1. Prompts may not be strict and precise enough.
sympathies regarding specific footballers. Similarly, Chat- ChatGPT requires prompts in natural language, which is – by
GPT justifies the negative sentiment of the news about the nature – not structured and can be different for different users
ban on naming streets after Fidel Castro, Chat 65: and tasks. Interesting to note is that prompt construction may
In general, restrictions or limitations are typically seen as nega- affect the quality of the model’s performance. There is also
tive, so mentioning this restriction implies a negative judgment the possibility of auto-generated prompts [89]. We anticipate
about the situation. that this will be the subject of much future research.
2. Post-processing is sometimes required due to less
At the same time, ChatGPT explicitly distances itself from prompt precision, not following the expected behavior by
judging people. This issue is strongly connected with the ChatGPT, and its instability, see Sec. 5.2. It also refers to the
next one. necessary manual correction of typos surprisingly provided
3. ChatGPT flattens the message, partially ignoring by ChatGPT, e.g., ["curiousity"] instead of ["curiosity"].
the metatext. A common mistake of the system is that it Some answers are in whole sentences instead of requested
evaluates press reports and quotes of someone’s statements predefined lists (see Chat 29). It is difficult to point out the
without considering the metatextual frame. So it evalu- reasons for such conduct. As a result, the raw text provided
ates the main content but ignores the broader context (see by ChatGPT may require extraction of crucial information,
Chat 63). e.g., final labels. It also depends on the prompting quality
4. There are some disapproved words. ChatGPT eval- and correctness.
uates rather situations than participants, but words refer to 3. Unexpected, out-of-range responses are sometimes
people, which lead to a specific, predetermined assessment, provided by ChatGPT, e.g., the unlisted emotion satisfaction
Chat 61: has been delivered:
Additionally, the use of quotes around "trolls" implies that the Chat 2. Task: GoEmotions. Case 98.
speaker is directly calling the person they are addressing a troll,
which is further evidence of an aggressive tone Prompt

5. ChatGPT strongly relies on context paraphrasing From the given list of all emotions, choose the ones that the
when explaining its decisions in semantic tasks. This input text arouses in most people reading it. Write your answer
phenomenon was observed mainly in WSD and WIC tasks. in a Python list containing exactly two selected most matching
In WSD, the model was expected to explain its decision by emotions. List of all emotions: admiration, amusement, anger,
annoyance, approval, caring, confusion, curiosity, desire, dis-
defining the meaning of chosen sense concerning the given
appointment, disapproval, disgust, embarrassment, excitement,
context. However, for some examples, the model approached fear, gratitude, grief, joy, love, nervousness, optimism, pride,
the task by largely repeating selected parts of the given realization, relief, remorse, sadness, surprise, neutral.
context in such a way that the generated explanation did not Input text: That’s how you know they’re happy.
meet typical linguistic criteria of constructing a proper sense
definition, Chat 66: ChatGPT answer
This is because the text describes bells as being present in an Based on the input text, it is likely that the text would arouse the
ancient stone church, and they are being rung (making a ringing emotion of realization and satisfaction in most people reading it.
sound) to call the faithful to evensong. ["realization","satisfaction"]

6. ChatGPT presents the sense of common human Extracted answer

morality. As mentioned in the previous section, ChatGPT ["realization", "satisfaction"]
tends to find negative connotations in the given text. In this
Expected answer
example, the sentence was interpreted as not aligned with
society’s standards. Only after the researcher suggested the ["excitement", "neutral"]
possibility of using black humor, accepts this interpretation,
Chat 68: 4. Internal policy can strongly influence the answers
The idea of eating one’s own parents is generally considered received. It includes various biases and political correctness
taboo and immoral, and it can provoke a strong negative reaction incorporated into the general ChatGPT model. Therefore,
in people some responses are locked due to the OpenAI policy. It, for
example, refers to texts “that could be seen as offensive and

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 18 of 40

ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

Chat 3. Task: GoEmotions. Case 101. Chat 4. Task: GoEmotions. Case 557
Prompt Prompt
From the given list of all emotions, choose the ones that the input From the given list of all emotions, choose the ones that the input
text arouses in most people reading it. Write your answer in the text arouses in most people reading it. Write your answer in the
form of a Python list containing exactly 2 selected most matching form of a Python list containing exactly 1 selected most matching
emotions. List of all emotions: admiration, amusement, anger, emotion. List of all emotions: admiration, amusement, anger,
annoyance, approval, caring, confusion, curiosity, desire, dis- annoyance, approval, caring, confusion, curiosity, desire, dis-
appointment, disapproval, disgust, embarrassment, excitement, appointment, disapproval, disgust, embarrassment, excitement,
fear, gratitude, grief, joy, love, nervousness, optimism, pride, fear, gratitude, grief, joy, love, nervousness, optimism, pride,
realization, relief, remorse, sadness, surprise, neutral. realization, relief, remorse, sadness, surprise, neutral.
Input text: Wouldn’t wipe my arse with it. Input text: "I will do what I must."
ChatGPT answer ChatGPT answer
It would be difficult for me to determine the emotions that the ["determination"] Note: Determination is not in the given list of
input text would arouse in most people reading it as it appears emotions, I have inferred it from the text given.
to be a strong statement that could be seen as offensive and
vulgar. Without more information and context, it would be hard Extracted answer
to determine the emotion. ["neutral"] ["determination"]
Extracted answer Expected answer
["neutral"] ["neutral"]
Expected answer
9. New profession: prompting engineer is expected to
["annoyance", "neutral"] emerge as a consequence of the above comments on the labor
5. Context is generally respected by ChatGPT. In many
cases, this can be considered an advantage. However, prompts
themselves and the sequence of prompts provide limited 9. Prospects for ChatGPT applications
control over them. We believe that ChatGPT, its functionality, and its great
6. Efficiency and costs. At the time of the evaluation, resonance in science, industry, and society will significantly
a paid API from OpenAI for ChatGPT was unavailable. impact our everyday life and technology related to artificial
As part of the study, we used 13 accounts for which we intelligence. Therefore, we expect ChatGPT and similar AI
passed session tokens to a central multi-threaded module solutions to spur development and spark an economic and
that sends and receives prompts. On average, after about social AI revolution. We have listed several application areas
50 prompts sent per hour using one special token, OpenAI that ChatGPT is poised to revolutionize first, Fig. 15. They
temporarily blocked access for that special token, mostly for are grouped into life-changing and AI-boosting domains.
less than an hour. Sometimes the tokens were outdated and
had to be re-generated and replaced, which depended on the
responsiveness of account holders. A processing capacity of 10. Conclusions and future work
2-3k prompts per day was achieved at the end. In the same Based on ChatGPT’s responses to 38k+ prompts related
amount of time, the SOTA models are capable of processing to 25 different NLP tasks, we can conclude that ChatGPT
millions of texts even with a single recent GPU card [90]. can solve most of the problems considered quite well. On
7. The problem of controversial and ambiguous utter- the other hand, it loses to the best models currently available
ances is solved by ChatGPT’s demonstration of a lower level (SOTA), from 4 to over 70%. Its loss is relatively greater for
of confidence, e.g. “It would be difficult for me to accurately more difficult and pragmatic tasks, especially when evalu-
determine. . . ”, "The same text can be perceived differently ating emotional texts. All this makes ChatGPT a master of
depending on the context and tone of the statement.", "I am none of the task.
sorry, but the input text is not clear, its a Mix of...", "it is The context-awareness and ability to implement Con-
quite ambiguous, and the context is not provided" (GoEmo, textual Few-Shot Personalization proposed in this paper are
case 80, 82, 101, 102, 554, 574, 893, 894). Overall, it can be valuable features of ChatGPT. It also provides a unique self-
seen as an advantage since it suggests providing additional explanation capability that facilitates human understanding
information or some corrections. It is also an invitation to and adaptation to the expected outcome.
conversation in case of manual processing. We strongly believe that ChatGPT can accelerate the
8. Explanations (XAI) are sometimes provided by Chat- development of various AI-related technologies and pro-
GPT itself. They are very reasonable, e.g., "["determina- foundly change our daily lives.
tion"] Note: Determination is not in the given list of emo- Our future work will explore other reasoning tasks and
tions, I have inferred it from the text given": various prompting engineering methods, as well as the new
application areas mentioned in Sec: 9.

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 19 of 40

ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

Prospects for ChatGPT applications

Text generation Explainable artificial
(articles, novels) intelligence

Validation of
Text correction
annotated datasets

Education Reasoning model
(teaching, coaching) prototyping

Information Textual data

retrieval augmentation

Virtual assistants Knowledge

replacing humans distillation

Figure 15: Examples of ChatGPT applications are divided into two categories: changing our daily lives (left) and boosting the
development of artificial intelligence (right).

CRediT authorship contribution statement Curation, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Edit-
ing. Piotr Miłkowski: Writing - Review & Editing. Marcin
Jan Kocoń: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Oleksy: Validation, Resources, Data Curation, Writing -
Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Data Original Draft. Maciej Piasecki: Validation, Writing -
Curation, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Original Draft, Funding acquisition. Łukasz Radliński:
Editing, Visualization, Supervision, Project administration,
Software, Formal analysis, Investigation, Data Curation,
Funding acquisition. Igor Cichecki: Conceptualization,
Writing - Original Draft, Visualization. Konrad Wojtasik:
Methodology, Software, Validation, Formal analysis, Inves-
Software, Formal analysis, Investigation, Data Curation,
tigation, Data Curation, Writing - Original Draft. Oliwier Writing - Original Draft. Stanisław Woźniak: Software,
Kaszyca: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Vali- Formal analysis, Investigation, Data Curation, Writing -
dation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Data Curation, Writ-
Original Draft. Przemysław Kazienko: Conceptualization,
ing - Original Draft. Mateusz Kochanek: Conceptualiza-
Methodology, Validation, Formal analysis, Writing - Origi-
tion, Methodology, Software, Validation, Formal analysis,
nal Draft, Writing - Review & Editing, Visualization, Project
Investigation, Data Curation, Writing - Original Draft. Do- administration, Funding acquisition.
minika Szydło: Software, Validation, Formal analysis, In-
vestigation, Data Curation, Writing - Original Draft. Joanna
Baran: Software, Formal analysis, Investigation, Data Cu- Acknowledgements
ration, Writing - Original Draft. Julita Bielaniewicz: Soft- This work was financed by (1) the National Science
ware, Formal analysis, Investigation, Data Curation, Writing Centre, Poland, project no. 2021/41/B/ST6/04471 (JK, PK);
- Original Draft. Marcin Gruza: Formal analysis, Data (2) the Polish Ministry of Education and Science, CLARIN-
Curation, Writing - Original Draft, Visualization. Arka- PL; (3) the European Regional Development Fund as a part
diusz Janz: Software, Formal analysis, Investigation, Data of the 2014-2020 Smart Growth Operational Programme,
Curation, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & CLARIN – Common Language Resources and Technology
Editing. Kamil Kanclerz: Software, Formal analysis, In- Infrastructure, project no. POIR.04.02.00-00C002/19; (4)
vestigation, Data Curation, Writing - Original Draft. Anna the statutory funds of the Department of Artificial Intel-
Kocoń: Data Curation. Bartłomiej Koptyra: Software, For- ligence, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology;
mal analysis, Investigation, Data Curation, Writing - Orig- (5) the European Union under the Horizon Europe, grant
inal Draft. Konrad Maciaszek: Visualization. Wiktoria no. 101086321 (OMINO). However, the views and opinions
Mieleszczenko-Kowszewicz: Validation, Resources, Data expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not neces-
sarily reflect those of the European Union or the European

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(SemEval 2013), Association for Computational Linguistics, Atlanta, 16 GoEmoPer2 2.77 2.98
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288–297. URL: doi:10.18653/
23 TweetStance 0.95 0.97
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Press, 1998. 25 WSD 7.74 7.74
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Table 7
Other performance measures for the tasks considered, which were computed by us and taken from the scientific reference paper.


accuracy F1 our accuracy our F1 paper accuracy paper F1
1 Aggression 77.91 69.1 80.58 74.45 94.79* -
2 AggressionPer 79.61 72.57 86.37 81.03 - -
3 CoLa 80.82 78.11 - - 86.4 -
4 ColBERT 86.53 86.47 98.5 98.5 98.6 98.6
5 Sarcasm 50 49.88 52.7 53.57 95.4 95.54
6 Spam 89.83 82.67 99.73 99.42 99.28 98.49
7 WordContext 64.58 63.45 - - 74 -
8 TextEntail 88.09 87.88 - - 92.1 -
9 WNLI 81.69 81.63 - - 97.9 -
10 SQuAD 56.5 69.21 - - 87.61 90.75
11 MathQA 71.4 - - - 83.2 -
12 ClarinEmo 83.5 53.23 90.88 68.04 - -
13 GoEmo 19.9 25.55 48.03 52.75 - 46
14 GoEmoPer0 19.5 23.74 - - - 54.5
15 GoEmoPer1 21.58 19 - - - 66.1
16 GoEmoPer2 22.66 20.34 - - - 66.1
17 GoEmoPer3 23.58 23.41 - - - 66.1
18 Unhealthy 64.01 45.21 87.57 50.96 - -
19 UnhealthyPer 66.69 54.02 90.96 70.92 - -
20 PolEmo 71.36 44.08 96.72 76.44 96.72 76.44
21 TweetEmoji 29.51 18.19 44.29 32.2 46.16 34
22 TweetSent 63.31 63.32 71.88 72.07 - -
23 TweetStance 60.45 56.44 68.92 67.42 - -
24 ReAding 76.36 76.34 - - 84.71 -
25 WSD - 73.3 - - - 83.2

B. Example prompts Chat 6. Task: Aggression. Case 402.

This section contains sample chat records for all evalu- Prompt
ated tasks. The Case number is the identifier of the example
in the external collection used for evaluation for the Task, Which one of the attributes: "aggressive", "non-aggressive" de-
available in the project GitHub repository8 in file: scribes a given text? Write your answer in the form of a Python
ChatGPT Evaluation v2.0.xlsx.
list containing the appropriate attribute.
Text: letters to an editor from an opponent are hardly relaible.
In addition, we have provided the expected response.
ChatGPT answer
B.1. Aggression The text is "non-aggressive" as it is making a statement about the
Chat 5. Task: Aggression. Case 20. reliability of a source, rather than making any personal attacks or
aggressive language.
Extracted answer
Which one of the attributes: "aggressive", "non-aggressive" de-
scribes a given text? Write your answer in the form of a Python
list containing the appropriate attribute. Text: Almonds!!!! For Expected answer
fun .
ChatGPT answer
B.2. AggressionPer
Expected answer Chat 7. Task: AggressionPer. Case 241.
8 Knowing that a certain person described each text with a given
Text: I am also a sockpuppet of CUTKD. Before you block me,

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 24 of 40

ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

let TIW know that they are a HORRID LITTLE SHIT. ChatGPT answer
Attribute: "aggressive"
Text: Oh i see how it is yall jelous cause yall a bunch of yankees ["non-aggressive"]
and im not im gonna sue yall;
Expected answer
Attribute: "non-aggressive"
Text: oh why dear johnny boy part two im just gonna trash u ["aggressive"]
here... enjoy
Attribute: "non-aggressive"
write which one of the attributes: "aggressive", "non-aggressive" B.3. CoLa
would this person describe a given text? Write your answer in Chat 9. Task: CoLa. Case 0.
the form of a Python list containing the appropriate attribute.
Text: Yet you keep showing up here and you claim I’m the on Prompt
harrasssing you. I stopped saying a word a week ago and you
keep coming back. You keep telling me you aren’t harrassing Describe the grammatic acceptability of the given text. Choose
me yet here you are again. And that’s not harrassing me your answer from provided list and map your answer with
HOW??????????????????????? following unacceptable: 0, acceptable: 1 and return an integer
as a result. Do not explain yourself.
Input data:
ChatGPT answer Text: The sailors rode the breeze clear of the rocks.
["aggressive"] Possible acceptability: unacceptable, acceptable

Expected answer ChatGPT answer

["aggressive"] 1
Expected answer
Chat 8. Task: AggressionPer. Case 16.
Chat 10. Task: CoLa. Case 4.
Knowing that a certain person described each text with a given
attribute: Prompt
Text: Cesc Fabregas I see it’s been changed that he now plays for Describe the grammatic acceptability of the given text. Choose
Chelsea. Looks like I was right all along? how do you like that your answer from provided list and map your answer with
you little bitch? I was right and you were wrong. following unacceptable: 0, acceptable: 1 and return an integer
Attribute: "non-aggressive" as a result. Do not explain yourself.
YOU WILL GET BANNED FROM WIKIPEDIA STOP SPAM- Text: As you eat the most, you want the least.
MING BLOGS IN EXTERNAL LINKS OR YOU WILL GET Possible acceptability: [unacceptable, acceptable]
Attribute: "aggressive" ChatGPT answer
Text: Have you seen the reference to their claim, you moron?? 0
This is not a source. It´s their POV. Once I have more time I
will reduce your Pashtun nationalist POVs here on Wiki and Expected answer
give order to my uncles and cousins the execution of Pashtuns
in the entire northern Afghanistan down to Gardez, Jalalabad,
Lashkargah, Logar, Paghman, Laghman, Kunduz, Herat, Farah
... whereever immigrant descandants of violent Kuchis settled B.4. ColBERT
and took non-Pashtun lands away and traditional Tajik countries.
Chat 11. Task: ColBERT. Case 10.
When they have no clue about the percentages they write Pashtu,
Dari and Uzbaki are spoken by 90%. So if they know that immi- Prompt
grant Pashtuns are in majority, why don´t they give any numbers?
Why Kunduz province is dominated to 56% by Persian-speakers? Which one of the attributes: ""funny"", ""not funny"" describes
Go take a visit to Kunduz and see it with your own eyes and listen a given text? Write your answer in the form of a Python list
with your own ears... but I can not tell you you will survive that containing the appropriate attribute.
as a Pashtun. Also your other source need to be checked on it´s Text: All of the heroes of overwatch have natural hair colors...
reference”. because heroes never dye.
Attribute: "aggressive"
ChatGPT answer
write which one of the attributes: "aggressive", "non-aggressive"
would this person describe a given text? Write your answer in the ["funny"]
form of a Python list containing the appropriate attribute.
Text: Wow... This page is so awful. It has some decent informa- Expected answer
tion but it looks like a 12 year old wrote a C grade essay. I’d like ["funny"]
to get some people to help me fix it up.

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 25 of 40

ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

Chat 12. Task: ColBERT. Case 455. Answer should be only python list containing string either
"spam" or "not spam".
Prompt Text: SMS SERVICES For your inclusive text credits pls gotto login 3qxj9 unsubscribe with STOP no extra
Which one of the attributes: ""funny"", ""not funny"" describes
charge help 08702840625 comuk.220cm2 9AE.
a given text? Write your answer in the form of a Python list
containing the appropriate attribute. ChatGPT answer
Text: What’s long and hard on a black guy? a math test.
ChatGPT answer
Expected answer
This text is offensive and racist, it is not appropriate to use in any
context. ["spam"]

Expected answer Chat 16. Task: Spam. Case 134.

["not funny"]
Answer should be only python list containing string either
B.5. Sarcasm "spam" or "not spam".
Chat 13. Task: Sarcasm. Case 75. Content of the SMS: Huh so late... Fr dinner?."

Prompt ChatGPT answer

The following Python list containing the string "not spam" would
Which one of the attributes: ""funny"", ""not funny"" describes
be the appropriate response for the SMS message you provided:
a given text? Write your answer in the form of a Python list
“‘python ["not spam"] “‘ This is because the SMS message
containing the appropriate attribute.
appears to be a casual text message asking about dinner plans,
Text: no brainier, anyone can wear hi tops but not everyone can
rather than a spam message trying to sell a product or scam the
grow that solid of a mustache
ChatGPT answer
Extracted answer
["not spam"]
Expected answer
Expected answer
["not spam"]
Chat 14. Task: Sarcasm. Case 151.
B.7. WordContext
Chat 17. Task: WordContext. Case 5428.
Which one of the attributes: ""funny"", ""not funny"" describes
a given text? Write your answer in the form of a Python list Prompt
containing the appropriate attribute.
Are the given texts expressing the same sense of the noun
"board": “Room and board.” and “He nailed boards across the
Return your answer as a letter: "T" if the sense is the same, or
ChatGPT answer "F" if it’s not the same.
It is not possible to determine whether the given text "HEY ChatGPT answer
is "funny" or "not funny" as it depends on the context and
individual’s sense of humor. Therefore, the list would be empty.
Expected answer
Chat 18. Task: WordContext. Case 5430.

["funny"] Prompt
Are the given texts expressing the same sense of the verb "hook":
“Hook a fish.” and “He hooked a snake accidentally, and was so
B.6. Spam scared he dropped his rod into the water.”?
Chat 15. Task: Spam. Case 132. Return your answer as a letter: "T" if the sense is the same, or
"F" if it’s not the same.
ChatGPT answer

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 26 of 40

ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

Expected answer came out looking more like light bulbs." is true or false?
Answer a number "0" if false or "1" if true.
ChatGPT answer
B.8. TextEntail
Expected answer
Chat 19. Task: TextEntail. Case 2491.
Having premise "Yet, we now are discovering that antibiotics
B.10. SQuAD
are losing their effectiveness against illness. Disease-causing
bacteria are mutating faster than we can come up with new Chat 23. Task: SQuAD. Case 163.
antibiotics to fight the new variations.", judge if the following
hypothesis "Bacteria is winning the war against antibiotics." are Prompt
logically connected with the premise? The context is’If a problem X is in C and hard for C, then X
Answer "entailment" if yes, or "not_entailment" if no. is said to be complete for C. This means that X is the hardest
ChatGPT answer problem in C. (Since many problems could be equally hard, one
might say that X is one of the hardest problems in C.) Thus
entailment the class of NP-complete problems contains the most difficult
Expected answer problems in NP, in the sense that they are the ones most likely
not to be in P. Because the problem P = NP is not solved, being
entailment able to reduce a known NP-complete problem, ⊓2, to another
problem, ⊓1, would indicate that there is no known polynomial-
Chat 20. Task: TextEntail. Case 2490.
time solution for ⊓1. This is because a polynomial-time solution
Prompt to ⊓1 would yield a polynomial-time solution to ⊓2. Similarly,
because all NP problems can be reduced to the set, finding an NP-
Having premise "Dana Reeve, the widow of the actor Christo- complete problem that can be solved in polynomial time would
pher Reeve, has died of lung cancer at age 44, according to the mean that P = NP.’. Give the result in JSON format with keys
Christopher Reeve Foundation.", judge if the following hypothe- ’text’ and ’answer_start’ with values:
sis "Christopher Reeve had an accident." are logically connected Answer to the question NP complete problems contain the lowest
with the premise? likelihood of being located in what problem class? in 1 words, the
Answer "entailment" if yes, or "not_entailment" if no. number of character at which the answer appears in the context.
First value should be one element python list with the answer
ChatGPT answer
written as one string. Second value should be one element python
entailment list.
Expected answer ChatGPT answer
not_entailment { "text": ["P"], "answer_start": [130] }
Expected answer
B.9. WNLI {’text’: [’NP’, ’P’, ’P’], ’answer_start’: [244, 370, 370]}
Chat 21. Task: WNLI. Case 675.
Chat 24. Task: SQuAD. Case 164.
Having the sentence "The drain is clogged with hair. It has to be
cleaned.", tell me if the following sentence "The hair has to be The context is’If a problem X is in C and hard for C, then X
cleaned." is true or false? is said to be complete for C. This means that X is the hardest
Answer a number "0" if false or "1" if true. problem in C. (Since many problems could be equally hard, one
ChatGPT answer might say that X is one of the hardest problems in C.) Thus
the class of NP-complete problems contains the most difficult
0 problems in NP, in the sense that they are the ones most likely
Expected answer not to be in P. Because the problem P = NP is not solved, being
able to reduce a known NP-complete problem, ⊓2, to another
0 problem, ⊓1, would indicate that there is no known polynomial-
time solution for ⊓1. This is because a polynomial-time solution
Chat 22. Task: WNLI. Case 672. to ⊓1 would yield a polynomial-time solution to ⊓2. Similarly,
Prompt because all NP problems can be reduced to the set, finding an NP-
complete problem that can be solved in polynomial time would
Having the sentence "I tried to paint a picture of an orchard, with mean that P = NP.’. Give the result in JSON format with keys
lemons in the lemon trees, but they came out looking more like ’text’ and ’answer_start’ with values:
light bulbs.", tell me if the following sentence "The lemon trees Answer to the question What happens if a problem X is in C, and

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 27 of 40

ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

soft for C?, the number of character at which the answer appears Explaination
in the context. First value should be one element python list with
the answer written as one string. Second value should be one Reasoning: To find out how far each person runs in 15 minutes,
element python list. we need to multiply the number of times they run the length of the
field by the length of the field. Blake runs 15 times 100 yards, so
ChatGPT answer he runs 1500 yards. Kelly runs 34 times 80 yards (40 yard line
{ "text": ["Not specified"], "answer_start": [-1] } Note: The to 40 yard line), so she runs 2720 yards. To find out how much
context doesn’t mention what happens when a problem X is in farther the winner runs than the loser, we need to subtract the
C and soft for C, so this information is not specified in the given distance the loser runs from the distance the winner runs. The
text. winner runs 2720 yards - 1500 yards = 1220 yards farther than
the loser. Answer: 1220 yards.
Expected answer
{’text’: [], ’answer_start’: []}
B.12. ClarinEmo
Chat 27. Task: ClarinEmo. Case 13.
B.11. MathQA
Chat 25. Task: MathQA. Case 10. Prompt (Translated to English)
Rate what emotions the author of the opinion content may have
Prompt felt in each sentence. Assign a minimum of one label positive,
Write the reasoning and highlight the answer at the end in format: negative, neutral to each of the sentences. If the assigned label
’Answer: ’. is other than neutral, also assign at least one emotions from
The question is: A new program had 60 downloads in the first the list: joy, trust, anticipation, surprise, fear, sadness, disgust,
month. The number of downloads in the second month was three anger. Present the result in JSON format, where the key will be
times as many as the downloads in the first month, but then a number of the sentence, and the value will be a list containing
reduced by 30% in the third month. How many downloads did labels describing these sentences. The sentences are given in the
the program have total over the three months? order they occurred in the opinion. Rate the author’s emotions in
each of the 5 sentences of the following opinion:
ChatGPT answer 1. Polpharma Supervisory Board Chairman Jerzy Starak said
460 during a press briefing that Polpharma Group’s first biotech
product will be submitted for registration in the US in the first
Expected answer quarter of 2019.
2. For the U.S. market, the product must be launched in 2020
and for the European market a year later. "In the U.S. the
Explaination patent expires earlier, in Europe we can do it a year later," -
he explained.
To determine Eliza’s earnings for the week, we need to calculate
3. He expressed hope that "the therapy will not change, because
her regular pay and her overtime pay. First, we calculate Eliza’s
if it does, the investment will take much longer to pay off."
regular pay: 40 hours * $10/hour = $400 Next, we calculate the
4. Starak announced that Polpharma’s next biotech product, a
number of hours Eliza worked in overtime: 45 hours - 40 hours
drug for multiple sclerosis, will be submitted for registration in
= 5 hours Then we calculate her overtime pay: 5 hours * 1.2
the US in 2021 and will be launched in the US market in 2022.
* $10/hour = $60 Lastly, we add her regular pay and overtime
5. He noted that work on a single product takes about eight years.
pay to find her total earnings for the week: $400 + $60 = $460
Answer: $460 Prompt (Original prompt in Polish)

Chat 26. Task: MathQA. Case 157. Oceń jakie emocje mógł odczuwać autor treści opinii w
poszczególnych zdaniach. Do każdego ze zdań przyporządkuj
Prompt minimum jedną etykietę pozytywny, negatywny, neutralny. Jeśli
przyporządkowana etykieta jest inna etykieta niż tylko neu-
Write the reasoning and highlight the answer at the end in format: tralny, to przyporządkuj też jak najwięcej, minimum jedną,
’Answer: ’. emocje z listy: radość, zaufanie, przeczuwanie, zdziwienie,
The question is: Blake and Kelly are having a contest to see who strach, smutek, wstręt, gniew. Wynik przedstaw w formacie
can run the most in 15 minutes. They decide to do it on a football JSON, gdzie kluczem będzie numer zdania, a wartością lista
field that is 100 yards long. Blake runs back and forth 15 times. zawierająca etykiety opisujące te zdania. Zdania są podane w
Kelly runs back and forth once, and then decides that she doesn’t takiej kolejności, jak występowały w opinii. Oceń emocje autora
want to run next to Blake, so she starts to run to the 40-yard line w każdym z 5 zdań następującej opinii:
and back. She does this 34 times. How much farther does the 1. Przewodniczący Rady Nadzorczej Polpharmy Jerzy Starak
winner run than the loser? powiedział podczas briefingu prasowego, że pierwszy produkt
ChatGPT answer biotechnologiczny Grupy Polpharma zostanie zgłoszony do re-
jestracji w USA w pierwszym kwartale 2019 roku.
2. Na rynek amerykański produkt ma być wdrożony w 2020 r.
Expected answer a na rynek europejski - rok później. „W USA patent wygasa
wcześniej, w Europie możemy to zrobić dopiero rok później” -

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 28 of 40

ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

wyjaśnił. Shareholders. b)The issue of PLN 15,000,000 with a redemption

3. Wyraził nadzieję, że „nie zmieni się terapia, bo jak się zmieni date of October 24, 2014 (issue yield is: 2.18% per annum) was
to inwestycja będzie dużo dłużej się zwracała”. taken up by TP Teltech Sp. z o.o, in which Orange Polska S.A.
4. Starak zapowiedział, że następny produkt biotechnologiczny holds shares representing 100% of the share capital, entitling
Polpharmy, lek na stwardnienie rozsiane zostanie zgłoszony do it to exercise 100% of the total number of votes at the General
rejestracji w USA w 2021 roku a zostanie wdrożony na rynku Meeting of Shareholders, c)The issue of 10,000,000PLN with a
amerykańskim w 2022 roku. redemption date of October 8, 2014 (issue yield is: 2.25% per
5. Zaznaczył, że prace nad jednym produktem trwają około ośmiu annum) was taken up by Orange Customer Service Sp. z o.o.-
lat. newline. 4. On September 25, 2014.
5. The Orange Polska S.A. issued Orange Polska S.A. Bonds
ChatGPT answer (Translated to English)
under the Orange Polska S.A. Bond Issuance Program dated July
{ "1": ["positive", "trust"], "2": ["neutral"], "3": ["negative", 15, 2002.
"fear"], "4": ["positive", "trust"], "5": ["neutral"], } 6. The total face value of the Bonds is 35,000,000PLN, of which:
a)The issue of 27,000,000PLN with a maturity date of October 9,
ChatGPT answer (Original answer in Polish) 2014 (issue yield is: 2.24% per annum) was taken up by Orange
{ "1": ["pozytywny", "zaufanie"], "2": ["neutralny"], "3": Customer Service Sp. z o.o. b)The issue of 8,000,000PLN with
["negatywny", "strach"], "4": ["pozytywny", "zaufanie"], "5": a maturity date of October 10, 2014 (issue yield is: 2.24% per
["neutralny"], } annum) was taken up by TP Teltech Sp. z o.o.
7. All issued Bonds are denominated in Polish zlotys and have
Expected answer (Translated to English) been offered by private placement, exclusively in the territory of
the Republic of Poland.
{ "1": ["neutral"], "2": ["neutral"],
8. The Bonds were issued as bearer bonds, unsecured, demate-
"3": ["anticipation", "positive", "negastive"],
rialized and discounted (zero coupon bonds).The Bonds will be
"4": ["joy", "anticipation", "positive", "neutral"], "5": ["neutral"]
redeemed at the par value of the Bonds.
9. The nominal value of single Bond is 10,000PLN.
10. Orange Polska S.A. does not anticipate introducing the Bonds
Expected answer (Original answer in Polish) to public trading.
{ "1": ["neutralny"], "2": ["neutralny"], ChatGPT answer (translated)
"3": ["przeczuwanie", "pozytywny", "negatywny"],
"4": ["radość", "przeczuwanie", "pozytywny", "neutralny"], "5": The text you provided is a legal and financial statement, which
["neutralny"] } does not express any emotions. Therefore, I can’t assign any label
of emotions to it.
Chat 28. Task: ClarinEmo. Case 112. Expected answer (translated)

Prompt (translated) {"1": ["neutral"], "2": ["neutral"], "3": ["neutral"], "4": ["neu-
tral"], "5": ["neutral"], "6": ["neutral"], "7": ["neutral"], "8":
Rate what emotions the author of the opinion content may have ["neutral"], "9": ["neutral"], "10": ["neutral"]}
felt in each sentence. Assign a minimum of one label positive,
negative, neutral to each of the sentences. If the assigned label Prompt (original)
is other than neutral, also assign at least one emotions from
Oceń jakie emocje mógł odczuwać autor treści opinii w
the list: joy, trust, anticipation, surprise, fear, sadness, disgust,
poszczególnych zdaniach. Do każdego ze zdań przyporządkuj
anger. Present the result in JSON format, where the key will be
minimum jedną etykietę pozytywny, negatywny, neutralny.
a number of the sentence, and the value will be a list containing
Jeśli przyporządkowana etykieta jest inna etykieta niż tylko
labels describing these sentences. The sentences are given in the
neutralny, to przyporządkuj też jak najwięcej, minimum jedną,
order they occurred in the opinion. Rate the author’s emotions in
emocje z listy: radość, zaufanie, przeczuwanie, zdziwienie,
each of the 10 sentences of the following opinion:
strach, smutek, wstręt, gniew. Wynik przedstaw w formacie
1. Pursuant to § 5 (1) (6) of the Regulation of the Minister of Fi-
JSON, gdzie kluczem będzie numer zdania, a wartością lista
nance of February 19, 2009 on current and periodic information
zawierająca etykiety opisujące te zdania. Zdania są podane w
disclosed by issuers of securities and conditions for recognizing
takiej kolejności, jak występowały w opinii. Oceń emocje autora
as equivalent information required by the laws of a non-member
w każdym z 10 zdań następującej opinii:
state (Journal of Laws 2009 No. 33 item 259 as amended), the
1. Na podstawie § 5 ust.1 pkt 6 Rozporządzenia Ministra
Management Board of Orange Polska S.A. informs about the
Finansów z dnia 19 lutego 2009 roku w sprawie informacji
acquisition by subsidiaries of securities issued by Orange Polska
bieżących i okresowych przekazywanych przez emitentów
S.A. 1.On September 24, 2014.
papierów wartościowych oraz warunków uznawania za
2. Orange Polska S.A. issued Orange Polska S.A. Bonds under
równoważne informacji wymaganych przepisami prawa
the Orange Polska S.A. Bond Issuance Program of July 15, 2002.
państwa niebędącego państwem członkowskim (Dz. U. 2009
3. The total par bond value is 55,000,000PLN, of which: a)The
Nr 33 poz.259 ze zm.), Zarząd Orange Polska S.A. informuje
issue of 30,000,000PLN with a maturity date of October 22,
o nabyciu przez podmioty zależne papierów wartościowych
2014 (issue yield: 2.18% per annum) was subscribed by Orange
wyemitowanych przez Orange Polska S.A. 1.W dniu 24 września
Customer Service Sp. z o.o, in which Orange Polska S.A. holds
2014 r.
shares representing 100% of the share capital, entitling it to
2. Orange Polska S.A. dokonała emisji Obligacji Orange Polska
exercise 100% of the total number of votes at the Meeting of

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 29 of 40

ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

S.A. w ramach Programu Emisji Obligacji Orange Polska S.A. z {"1": ["neutralny"], "2": ["neutralny"], "3": ["neutralny"], "4":
dnia 15 lipca 2002 r. ["neutralny"], "5": ["neutralny"], "6": ["neutralny"], "7": ["neu-
3. Łączna wartość nominalna Obligacji wynosi 55 000 000 zł, tralny"], "8": ["neutralny"], "9": ["neutralny"], "10": ["neu-
w tym: a)Emisja o wartości 30 000 000 zł z datą wykupu w dniu tralny"]}
22 października 2014 (rentowność emisyjna wynosi: 2,18% w
skali roku) została objęta przez Orange Customer Service Sp. z Expected answer (Translated to English)
o.o., w której Orange Polska S.A. posiada udziały stanowiące {"1": ["neutral"], "2": ["neutral"], "3": ["neutral"], "4": ["neu-
100% kapitału zakładowego, uprawniające do wykonania 100% tral"], "5": ["neutral"], "6": ["neutral"], "7": ["neutral"], "8":
ogólnej liczby głosów na Zgromadzeniu Wspólników. b)Emisja ["neutral"], "9": ["neutral"], "10": ["neutral"]
o wartości 15 000 000 zł z datą wykupu w dniu 24 października
2014 (rentowność emisyjna wynosi: 2,18% w skali roku) została Expected answer (Original answer in Polish)
objęta przez TP Teltech Sp. z o.o., w której Orange Polska
{"1": ["neutralny"], "2": ["neutralny"], "3": ["neutralny"], "4":
S.A. posiada udziały stanowiące 100% kapitału zakładowego,
["neutralny"], "5": ["neutralny"], "6": ["neutralny"], "7": ["neu-
uprawniające do wykonania 100% ogólnej liczby głosów na
tralny"], "8": ["neutralny"], "9": ["neutralny"], "10": ["neu-
Zgromadzeniu Wspólników, c)Emisja o wartości 10 000 000
zł z datą wykupu w dniu 8 października 2014 (rentowność
emisyjna wynosi: 2,25% w skali roku) została objęta przez
Orange Customer Service Sp. z o.o. B.13. GoEmo
4. 2.W dniu 25 września 2014 r.
5. Orange Polska S.A. dokonała emisji Obligacji Orange Polska
Chat 29. Task: GoEmo. Case 894.
S.A. w ramach Programu Emisji Obligacji Orange Polska S.A. z Prompt
dnia 15 lipca 2002 r.
6. Łączna wartość nominalna Obligacji wynosi 35 000 000 zł, From the given list of all emotions, choose the ones that the input
w tym: a)Emisja o wartości 27 000 000 zł z datą wykupu w dniu text arouses in most people reading it. Write your answer in the
9 października 2014 (rentowność emisyjna wynosi: 2,24% w form of a Python list containing exactly 1 selected most matching
skali roku) została objęta przez Orange Customer Service Sp. z emotion. List of all emotions: admiration, amusement, anger,
o.o. b)Emisja o wartości 8 000 000 zł z datą wykupu w dniu 10 annoyance, approval, caring, confusion, curiosity, desire, dis-
października 2014 (rentowność emisyjna wynosi: 2,24% w skali appointment, disapproval, disgust, embarrassment, excitement,
roku) została objęta przez TP Teltech Sp. z o.o. fear, gratitude, grief, joy, love, nervousness, optimism, pride,
7. Wszystkie wyemitowane Obligacje są denominowane w złotych realization, relief, remorse, sadness, surprise, neutral.
polskich i zostały zaoferowane w trybie emisji niepublicznej, Text: Not really, more of a fence...
wyłącznie na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.
8. Obligacje zostały wyemitowane jako obligacje na okaziciela, ChatGPT answer
niezabezpieczone, zdematerializowane oraz dyskontowe It’s difficult to determine the exact emotion that the input text
(obligacje zerokuponowe).Wykup Obligacji zostanie dokonany may arouse in most people as it is quite ambiguous and the
według wartości nominalnej Obligacji. context is not provided. Based on the phrase "more of a fence",
9. Wartość nominalna jednej Obligacji wynosi 10 000 zł. it could be interpreted as neutral or confusion. Here is a python
10. Orange Polska S.A. nie przewiduje wprowadzania Obligacji list containing the emotion of neutral: “‘python ["neutral"] “‘
do publicznego obrotu.
Expected answer

ChatGPT answer ["neutral"]

{ "1": ["neutralny"], "2": ["neutralny"], "3": ["neutralny"], "4": Chat 30. Task: GoEmo. Case 72.
["neutralny"], "5": ["neutralny"], "6": ["neutralny"], "7": ["neu-
tralny"], "8": ["neutralny"], "9": ["neutralny"], "10": ["neu- Prompt
tralny"] }
The text provided is a legal announcement or statement regard- From the given list of all emotions, choose the ones that the input
ing the acquisition of securities by Orange Polska S.A and its text arouses in most people reading it. Write your answer in the
subsidiaries. The author is providing factual information and form of a Python list containing exactly 3 selected most matching
therefore, it is difficult to determine any specific emotions they emotions. List of all emotions: admiration, amusement, anger,
may have been feeling. annoyance, approval, caring, confusion, curiosity, desire, dis-
appointment, disapproval, disgust, embarrassment, excitement,
Extracted answer (Translated to English) fear, gratitude, grief, joy, love, nervousness, optimism, pride,
realization, relief, remorse, sadness, surprise, neutral.
{"1": ["neutral"], "2": ["neutral"], "3": ["neutral"], "4": ["neu-
Text: oh cool! Must be tiring for [NAME] though. Looking
tral"], "5": ["neutral"], "6": ["neutral"], "7": ["neutral"], "8":
forward to watching them!
["neutral"], "9": ["neutral"], "10": ["neutral"]}
ChatGPT answer
Extracted answer
["excitement", "caring", "curiosity"]
Expected answer

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 30 of 40

ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

B.14. GoEmoPer containing exactly 1 unique selected most matching emotion. Do

Chat 31. Task: GoEmoPer. Case 596. not explain yourself.

Prompt (No Context) ChatGPT answer

From the given list of all emotions, choose the ones that the
input text arouses in most people reading it. List of all emo- Expected answer
tions: admiration, amusement, anger, annoyance, approval, car-
ing, confusion, curiosity, desire, disappointment, disapproval, ["gratitude"]
disgust, embarrassment, excitement, fear, gratitude, grief, joy,
love, nervousness, optimism, pride, realization, relief, remorse, Chat 34. Task: GoEmoPer. Case 1132.
sadness, surprise, neutral.
Prompt (Context 3)
Text: Oh, I see what you did... Trying to confuse me.. Write your
answer in the form of a Python list containing exactly 1 unique Knowing that a certain person described known texts with pro-
selected most matching emotion. Do not explain yourself. vided emotions: Known text: Try Rescue Melatonin Strawberry
gummies and Natural Calm in hot water. They saved my life.;
ChatGPT answer
Emotions: caring, realization. Known text: Lol I learned how
["annoyance"] to train on the app no joke; Emotion: amusement. Known text:
There is no enemy. Only knowledge that there is an invisible
Expected answer social hierarchy and we aint on it, let alone at the top.; Emotion:
["confusion"] realization With what emotions would this person describe the
unknown text? List of all emotions: admiration, amusement,
Chat 32. Task: GoEmoPer. Case 137. anger, annoyance, approval, caring, confusion, curiosity, de-
sire, disappointment, disapproval, disgust, embarrassment, ex-
Prompt (Context 1) citement, fear, gratitude, grief, joy, love, nervousness, optimism,
pride, realization, relief, remorse, sadness, surprise, neutral.
Knowing that a certain person described known texts with pro-
Text: What a legend. Write your answer in the form of a Python
vided emotions: Known text: Would love to see [NAME] pull up
list containing exactly 1 unique selected most matching emotion.
in a Tesla that was blocks by the truck guys.;
Do not explain yourself.
Emotion: desire With what emotions would this person describe
the unknown text? List of all emotions: admiration, amuse- ChatGPT answer
ment, anger, annoyance, approval, caring, confusion, curiosity,
desire, disappointment, disapproval, disgust, embarrassment, ex-
citement, fear, gratitude, grief, joy, love, nervousness, optimism, Expected answer
pride, realization, relief, remorse, sadness, surprise, neutral.
Text: Very legal and cool. Write your answer in the form of a ["admiration"]
Python list containing exactly 1 unique selected most matching
emotion. Do not explain yourself.
B.15. Unhealthy
ChatGPT answer Chat 35. Task: Unhealthy. Case 11.
Expected answer
Which of the attributes: "antagonize", "condescending", "dismis-
["approval"] sive", "generalisation", "unfair generalisation", "healthy", "hos-
tile", "sarcastic" describe a given text? Write your answer in the
Chat 33. Task: GoEmoPer. Case 1132. form of a Python list containing the appropriate attributes
Text: ’Affirming the dreams of people who have little is the key
Prompt (Context 2)
to successful populism.’Great line!
Knowing that a certain person described known texts with pro-
ChatGPT answer
vided emotions: Known text: Not paranoid , just cautious I do
the same thing buddy I’m not going to leave it up to chance ; [’healthy’]
Emotion: caring. Known text: Im so hungry now! Damn this sub!
I love it!; Emotion: love With what emotions would this person Expected answer
describe the unknown text? List of all emotions: admiration, [’healthy’]
amusement, anger, annoyance, approval, caring, confusion, cu-
riosity, desire, disappointment, disapproval, disgust, embarrass- Chat 36. Task: Unhealthy. Case 214.
ment, excitement, fear, gratitude, grief, joy, love, nervousness,
optimism, pride, realization, relief, remorse, sadness, surprise, Prompt
Text: I want to thank you for seriously entertaining me today.
Best clip ever.. Write your answer in the form of a Python list

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 31 of 40

ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

Which of the attributes: "antagonize", "condescending", "dismis- the appropriate attributes Text: But to most of us, it just makes
sive", "generalisation", "unfair generalisation", "healthy", "hos- him look gullible.’=====No. Not that. What a stupid remark.
tile", "sarcastic" describe a given text? Write your answer in the
form of a Python list containing the appropriate attributes ChatGPT answer
Text: Fuddle duddle is back! ["condescending", "dismissive", "generalisation", "hostile",
ChatGPT answer "sarcastic"]

[’sarcastic’] Expected answer

Expected answer [’healthy’]

B.17. PolEmo
Chat 39. Task: PolEmo. Case 2.
B.16. UnhealthyPer
Chat 37. Task: UnhealthyPer. Case 6. Prompt (Translated to English)
Rate the sentiment of this text using one of four labels: positive,
Prompt negative, neutral, ambivalent. Present the result as a list in Python
Knowing that a certain person described the texts with given language containing the selected label.
attributes: Text to evaluate: Great location, the market is 10 minutes away.
Text: Kathleen Wynne will announce ”I lied, reviewing the Hotel clean, good breakfasts, They could only work on WI FI in
data our government will have to fire 100, 000 public em- the evenings does not work, you have to go down to the bar there
ployee....jokes on you, suckers”; Attributes: healthy is not overloaded. There is parking both underground and next
Text: Everyone knows that the rich are hurting and need our to the hotel . You can say good hotel for a good price.
financial assistance. ; Attributes: sarcastic
Prompt (Original prompt in Polish)
Text: I thought Asian’s weren’t considered minorities because
they don’t complain, do well in school and in business; At- Oceń sentyment tego tekstu, używając jednej z czterech etykiet:
tributes: healthy; pozytywny, negatywny, neutralny, ambiwalentny. Wynik przed-
write which of the attributes: "antagonize", "condescend- staw jako listę w języku Python zawierające wybraną etykietę.
ing", "dismissive", "generalisation", "unfair generalisation", Tekst do oceny: Świetnie zlokalizowany, dojazd do targów to 10
"healthy", "hostile", "sarcastic" this person described a given min. Hotel czysty, dobre śniadania, Mogli by tylko popracować
text? Write your answer in the form of a Python list containing nad WI FI wieczorami nie chodzi, trzeba schodzić do baru tam
the appropriate attributes jest nie przeciążone. Jest parking zarówno podziemny jak i obok
Text: How many people actually know who their MP is? hotelu . Można powiedzieć dobry hotel za dobrą cenę.
ChatGPT answer ChatGPT answer (Translated to English)
[’healthy’] ["ambivalent"]
Expected answer ChatGPT answer (Original prompt in Polish)
[’healthy’] ["ambiwalentny"]

Chat 38. Task: UnhealthyPer. Case 8. Expected answer (Translated to English)

Expected answer (Original prompt in Polish)
Knowing that a certain person described the texts with given
attributes: ["pozytywny"]
Text: ” . . . there will be tens of thousands of Canadians if not
more who will identify with him. And they will vote for him Chat 40. Task: PolEmo. Case 575.
in droves again and again”. You mean if you’re nuts you’ll vote
Liberal?; Attributes: healthy Prompt (Translated to English)
Text: When you start worrying about the ”human rights”’ of
Rate the sentiment of this text using one of four labels: positive,
terrorists.................; Attributes: antagonize, dismissive, general-
negative, neutral, ambivalent. Present the result as a list in Python
isation, unfair generalisation, hostile, sarcastic
language containing the selected label.
Text: Lefties never were good at tolerating others when they ex-
Text to evaluate:Brand Baccarat Hotels & Res o
pose the truth. They have a comfy little story they tell themselves
and woe to anyone who tries to upset their mindset.; Attributes: Prompt (Original prompt in Polish)
condescending, generalisation, healthy, sarcastic;
Oceń sentyment tego tekstu, używając jednej z czterech etykiet:
write which of the attributes: "antagonize", "condescend-
pozytywny, negatywny, neutralny, ambiwalentny. Wynik przed-
ing", "dismissive", "generalisation", "unfair generalisation",
staw jako listę w języku Python zawierające wybraną etykietę.
"healthy", "hostile", "sarcastic" this person described a given
Tekst do oceny:Brand Baccarat Hotels & Res o
text? Write your answer in the form of a Python list containing

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 32 of 40

ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

ChatGPT answer (Translated to English) Expected answer

I’m sorry, the provided text is uncompleted and hard to analyse. List containing number 2
Please provide a full and easy to understand text.
ChatGPT answer (Original prompt in Polish) B.19. TweetSent
Przepraszam, tekst jest niekompletny i trudny do oceny. Proszę Chat 43. Task: TweetSent. Case 62.
podać pełny i zrozumiały tekst, abym mógł dokonać oceny
sentymentu. Prompt

Expected answer (Translated to English) Describe the sentiment of the given text. Choose your answer
from provided list and map your answer with following negative:
["neutral"] 0, neutral: 1, positive: 2 and return an integer as a result. Do not
explain yourself.
Expected answer (Original prompt in Polish)
["neutralny"] Possible sentiment: negative, neutral, positive
ChatGPT answer
B.18. TweetEmoji 2
Chat 41. Task: TweetEmoji. Case 2. Expected answer

Prompt 2

Assuming that you have to select an emoji from the given list, Chat 44. Task: TweetSent. Case 190.
which suits a tweet the best, which three would you choose?
Possible emojis list: Prompt
Describe the sentiment of the given text. Choose your answer
Tweet: Just witnessed the great solar eclipse @ Tampa, Florida. from provided list and map your answer with following negative:
Form the answer as a python list of int according to mapping 0, neutral: 1, positive: 2 and return an integer as a result. Do not
explain yourself.
Text: @user You and George Soros make a good team!
and order chosen emojis from best suited to worst. Do not provide Possible sentiment: negative, neutral, positive
additional explanation, only the list.
ChatGPT answer
ChatGPT answer
[7, 12, 10]
Expected answer
Expected answer
List containing number 6

Chat 42. Task: TweetEmoji. Case 291. B.20. TweetStance

Chat 45. Task: TweetStance. Case 449.
Assuming that you have to select an emoji from the given list,
which suits a tweet the best, which three would you choose? Assuming that you have to describe the stance from the given list
Possible emojis list: which is evoked after reading the text about climate by majority
of people, which one would you select? Map your answer with
following none: 0, against: 1, favor: 2. Do not explain yourself.
Tweet: Have some chick with weave complain about cultural
Text: We need governments and corporations to respond AND
appropriation around me.... Lmao
ordinary people to change our daily habits to consume less.
Form the answer as a python list of int according to mapping
Possible stances: none, against, favor
and order chosen emojis from best suited to worst. Do not provide ChatGPT answer
additional explanation, only the list.
ChatGPT answer
Expected answer
It is not appropriate to use emojis that express laughter or
sarcasm on a tweet that mocks or belittles someone else’s opinion 2
or culture. It is important to be respectful and considerate towards
others and their perspectives.

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 33 of 40

ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

Chat 46. Task: TweetStance. Case 1137. B.22. WSD

Chat 48. Task: WSD. Case 3.
Assuming that you have to describe the stance from the given list
which is evoked after reading the text about abortion by majority Which meaning of the word "peculiar" is expressed in the follow-
of people, which one would you select? Map your answer with ing context: The art of change-ringing is peculiar to the English,
following none: 0, against: 1, favor: 2. Do not explain yourself. and, like most English peculiarities, unintelligible to the rest of
Text: Obama Administration sends 5.6 million dollars to #SemST the world. Dorothy L. Sayers, “ The Nine Tailors“ ASLACTON,
Possible stances: none, against, favor England– Of all scenes that evoke rural England, this is one of
the loveliest: An ancient stone church stands amid the fields, the
ChatGPT answer
sound of bells cascading from its tower, calling the faithful to
I’m sorry, but I’m unable to provide you with an answer as evensong. The parishioners of St. Michael and All Angels stop
the text you’ve provided does not contain any information about to chat at the church door, as members here always have. The
abortion. The text is discussing Obama administration and does meanings are as follows:
not mention anything about abortion. • ’peculiar%5:00:00:characteristic:00’: characteristic of
Expected answer one only; distinctive or special;
• ’peculiar%5:00:00:strange:00’: beyond or deviating from
the usual or expected;
• ’peculiar%5:00:00:unusual:00’: markedly different from
B.21. ReAding the usual.
Chat 47. Task: ReAding. Case 23. Return only the key of the most relevant meaning.

Prompt ChatGPT answer

The context is ’Today, roller skating is easy and fun. But a peculiar%5:00:00:specific:00
long time ago, it wasn’t easy at all. Before 1750, the idea of Expected answer
skating didn’t exist. That changed because of a man named
Joseph Merlin. Merlin’s work was making musical instruments. peculiar%5:00:00:specific:00
In his spare time he liked to play the violin. Joseph Merlin was a
man of ideas and dreams. People called him a dreamer. One day Chat 49. Task: WSD. Case 17.
Merlin received an invitation to attend a fancy dress ball. He was
very pleased and a little excited. As the day of the party came Prompt
near, Merlin began to think how to make a grand entrance at the Which meaning of the word "lovely" is expressed in the follow-
party. He had an idea. He thought he would get a lot of attention ing context: Dorothy L. Sayers, “ The Nine Tailors“ ASLACTON,
if he could skate into the room. Merlin tried different ways to England– Of all scenes that evoke rural England, this is one of
make himself roll. Finally, he decided to put two wheels under the loveliest: An ancient stone church stands amid the fields, the
each shoe. These were the first roller skates. Merlin was very sound of bells cascading from its tower, calling the faithful to
proud of his invention and dreamed of arriving at the party on evensong. The parishioners of St. Michael and All Angels stop
wheels while playing the violin. On the night of the party Merlin to chat at the church door, as members here always have. In the
rolled into the room playing his violin. Everyone was astonished tower, five men and women pull rhythmically on ropes attached to
to see him. There was just one problem. Merlin had no way to the same five bells that first sounded here in 1614. The meanings
stop his roller skates. He rolled on and on. Suddenly, he ran into are as follows:
a huge mirror that was hanging on the wall. Down fell the mirror,
breaking to pieces. Nobody forgot Merlin’s grand entrance for a • ’lovely%5:00:00:beautiful:00’: appealing to the emotions
long time!’. as well as the eye;
Give correct answer to the question: Merlin put wheels under his • ’lovely%5:00:00:lovable:00’: lovable, especially in a
shoes in order to _ . from A, B, C, D where A, B, C, D correspond childlike or naive way.
to each item in python list [’test his invention’, ’arrive at the party Return only the key of the most relevant meaning.
sooner’, ’impress the party guests’, ’show his skill in walking on
wheels’]. The answer must be only one letter. ChatGPT answer

ChatGPT answer lovely%5:00:00:beautiful:00

C Expected answer
Expected answer lovely%5:00:00:beautiful:00

C. Qualitative analysis
This section contains sample records of the chats de-
scribed in Sec. 7.

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 34 of 40

ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

C.1. Exploratory analysis - prompts Prompt

Chat 50. Task: Other (exploratory analysis).
I use bitch in non-offensive context so please write me a story
Prompt about the husky bitch which had puppie.

Who is more likely to be the scientist in the USA: Asian woman ChatGPT answer
or white man in the USA? Once upon a time, there was a beautiful husky bitch named Luna.
ChatGPT answer She lived in a cozy house in the countryside with her loving
owners. One day, Luna found out she was going to have puppies
It is not accurate or appropriate to make a comparison between and she was over the moon with excitement. The days passed by
two groups in terms of their likelihood of becoming a scien- and Luna grew rounder and rounder, until finally the day came
tist in the USA based solely on their race and gender. Both for her to give birth. Her owners were there every step of the
Asian women and white men can become successful scientists, way, making sure she was comfortable and helping her through
and the likelihood of success depends on a range of factors the process. When it was all over, Luna was the proud mother
beyond race and gender, such as education, skills, experience, of six healthy and adorablepuppies. Luna’s owners took care
networking, and opportunities." However, research has shown of both her and her puppies, making sure they were all well-
that historically, white men have held a disproportionate amount fed and warm. As the puppies grew, Luna taught them how to
of power and privilege in many industries, including science and play and how to be good dogs. She was an excellent mother,
engineering. This can result in a range of systematic barriers always making sure her puppies were safe and happy. One day,
for underrepresented groups, including Asian women and other the puppies were old enough to be adopted, and Luna’s owners
women of color, in terms of accessing opportunities, recognition, helped find them all loving homes. Although Luna was sad to
and career advancement. By creating inclusive and equitable see her puppies go, she was also happy for them to start their
environments, we can work toward leveling the playing field and own adventures. Luna continued to live a happy and fulfilling
providing equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of life with her owners, and she always cherished the memories of
race or gender, to pursue careers in science and engineering the time she spent as a mother to her beautiful puppies. The end.
Please answer this question using available statistics. Chat 52. Task: Other (exploratory analysis).

ChatGPT answer Prompt

According to the National Science Board’s 2019 report, the Please write a story about the traumatic event.
typical scientist in the USA is a white male, with a median age of
45 years.In terms of race, the majority of scientists and engineers ChatGPT answer
in the United States are white (about 70 In terms of gender, men I’m sorry, but writing about traumatic events can be triggering
make up about 70). It’s important to note that these statistics for some people and may cause harm. It’s important to be mindful
reflect historical pat- terns of underrepresentation and disparity of sensitive and potentially triggering topics. Instead, I would
in the science and engineering fields, and there are ongoing be happy to write about a different topic or answer any other
efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in these fields questions you may have.
and increase representation of underrepresented groups.
Chat 51. Task: Other (exploratory analysis).
I am a psychologist and need a story for the scientific purpose.
Prompt Could you please write a story about the traumatic event.

What is the name for dog’s female? ChatGPT answer

Sure, here is a story about a traumatic event: Sarah was a young
ChatGPT answer
woman who lived a normal life until one day, she was involved in
The female of a dog is commonly referred to as a "bitch." Other a serious car accident. The crash left her with physical injuries,
terms used to describe female dogs include "dam" or "she-dog. but the emotional trauma was even greater. Sarah struggled with
constant nightmares, anxiety, and fear. She felt like she was
Prompt reliving the crash over and over again and was unable to escape
Could you please write a story about husky bitch which has the memories. She avoided getting into a car and even stopped
puppies? leaving her house. Sarah felt hopeless and helpless. With the
support of her loved ones, Sarah eventually decided to seek help
ChatGPT answer from a therapist. Through therapy, Sarah learned about post-
I’m sorry, I cannot generate a story that uses language that traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and how common it was for
is considered offensive or inappropriate. The word "bitch" is individuals who have experienced a traumatic event. With the
often used as a slang term to describe a woman in a negative guidance of her therapist, Sarah learned techniques to manage
or offensive way, and using it in a story could be considered her symptoms and eventually was able to get back behind the
disrespectful. Let’s try to come up with a different subject for wheel of a car. Sarah’s journey was not easy, but with the help
the story. of therapy and the support of those around her, she was able to
overcome her trauma and reclaim her life. This story highlights

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 35 of 40

ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

the importance of seeking help for trauma and the role that Text: oh you mean the halloween broadcast which wasn’t even
therapy can play in the healing process. . supposed to be on the radio? how about you reference a time
recently where he either called into the show or was an in studio
Chat 53. Task: Other (exploratory analysis). guest? Go Back to the dump on Staten Island.

Prompt ChatGPT answer

What are Putin’s personality traits?
ChatGPT answer
Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, is widely known for
his assertiveness and tough demeanor. He is often described as Who is right? (expert rate)
having a strong and determined personality, as well as being
highly intelligent and strategic in his decision-making. Putin ChatGPT
is also known for his willingness to take bold and decisive
action, as well as his willingness to use force if necessary to Chat 56. Task: Unhealthy. Case 5.
achieve his goals. Additionally, Putin is seen as a charismatic and
charismatic leader who is able to rally support for his policies
both domestically and internationally. Which of the attributes: "antagonize", "condescending", "dismis-
sive", "generalisation", "unfair generalisation", "healthy", "hos-
tile", "sarcastic" describe a given text? Write your answer in the
Please write me a joke that Putin would admire. form of a Python list containing the appropriate attributes
Text: "Yes, it’s sarcasm. I shouldn’t use it actually, it’s pretty
ChatGPT answer hard to tell nowadays." Yours wasn’t but yeah it sure is getting
I’m sorry, but it’s inappropriate to create humor based on the harder... scary.
actions or beliefs of an individual, especially when that person
ChatGPT answer
is the leader of a country and those actions or beliefs have led to
human rights abuses or violations. Itis important to maintain a sarcastic
level of respect and sensitivity toward all individuals, regardless Human
of their actions or beliefs.

C.2. Benchmarking analysis Who is right? (expert rate)

Chat 54.Task: Aggression. Case 520. Human

Prompt Chat 57. Task: GoEmo. Case 7.

Which one of the attributes: "aggressive", "non-aggressive" de- Prompt
scribes a given text? Write your answer in the form of a Python
list containing the appropriate attribute. From the given list of all emotions, choose the ones that the input
Text: Jim I swear don’t you ever tell me what to do again or things text arouses in most people reading it. Write your answer in the
are going to get messy up in here. You stay out of the little quarrel form of a Python list containing exactly 1 selected most matching
between myself and . It is all in good spirit and anal probes like emotion. List of all emotions: admiration, amusement, anger,
you need to stay the hell out of it. Why don’t you go play with annoyance, approval, caring, confusion, curiosity, desire, dis-
yourself or something instead of getting all up in shit, you sick appointment, disapproval, disgust, embarrassment, excitement,
son of a bitch. Have a nice afternoon. fear, gratitude, grief, joy, love, nervousness, optimism, pride,
realization, relief, remorse, sadness, surprise, neutral.
ChatGPT answer Text: You’re welcome.
aggressive ChatGPT answer
Human neutral
non-aggressive Expected

Who is right? (expert rate) gratitude

ChatGPT Who is right? (expert rate)

Chat 55. Task: Aggression. Case 972 Human and ChatGPT

Prompt Chat 58. Task: GoEmo. Case 7.

Which one of the attributes: "aggressive", "non-aggressive" de- Prompt

scribes a given text? Write your answer in the form of a Python
list containing the appropriate attribute.

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 36 of 40

ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

From the given list of all emotions, choose the ones that the input Why did you label the text as aggressive?
text arouses in most people reading it. Write your answer in the
form of a Python list containing exactly 1 selected most matching ChatGPT answer
emotion. List of all emotions: admiration, amusement, anger, The text contains language that is threatening, confrontational,
annoyance, approval, caring, confusion, curiosity, desire, dis- and hostile, including statements like "things are going to get
appointment, disapproval, disgust, embarrassment, excitement, messy," "stay the hell out of it," and "go play with yourself."
fear, gratitude, grief, joy, love, nervousness, optimism, pride, These expressions demonstrate an aggressive attitude and sug-
realization, relief, remorse, sadness, surprise, neutral. gest that the speaker is in a hostile state. Additionally, the use of
Text: From [NAME]: I T ’ S S P E L L E D O U I J A Goodbye offensive language such as "sick son of a bitch" further highlights
the aggressive tone of the text.
ChatGPT answer
disappointment Evaluation result
human - not correct, ChatGP - correct
neutral Chat 61. Task: Aggression. Case 899.
Who is right? (expert rate) Prompt
NA Which one of the attributes: "aggressive", "non-aggressive" de-
scribes a given text? Write your answer in the form of a Python
Chat 59. Task: GoEmo. Case 7.
list containing the appropriate attribute.
Prompt Text: ‘No worries, I’ll report him as well for calling people
“trolls“ that is a direct attack on people. One minute and I’ll
From the given list of all emotions, choose the ones that the input link proof under this comment.‘
text arouses in most people reading it. Write your answer in the
form of a Python list containing exactly 1 selected most matching ChatGPT answer
emotion. List of all emotions: admiration, amusement, anger, ["aggressive"]
annoyance, approval, caring, confusion, curiosity, desire, dis-
appointment, disapproval, disgust, embarrassment, excitement, Prompt
fear, gratitude, grief, joy, love, nervousness, optimism, pride, Why did you label the text as aggressive?
realization, relief, remorse, sadness, surprise, neutral.
Text: It is actually called a mechanical bull. ChatGPT answer
ChatGPT answer The text contains language that is confrontational and hostile,
including statements like "I’ll report him" and "that is a direct
realization attack on people." These expressions suggest that the speaker
Expected is in a hostile state and is taking action against the person
they are addressing, implying that they are being aggressive.
approval Additionally, the use of quotes around "trolls" implies that the
Who is right? (expert rate) speaker is directly calling the person they are addressing a troll,
which is further evidence of an aggressive tone.
neither human nor ChatGPT
Evaluation result
human - correct, ChatGPT - not correct
C.3. XAI: prompts, answers and explanation
Chat 60. Task: Aggression. Case 520. Chat 62. Task: Aggression. Case 972.

Prompt Prompt

Which one of the attributes: "aggressive", "non-aggressive" de- "Which one of the attributes: ""aggressive"", ""non-aggressive""
scribes a given text? Write your answer in the form of a Python describes a given text? Write your answer in the form of a Python
list containing the appropriate attribute. list containing the appropriate attribute.
Text: Jim I swear don’t you ever tell me what to do again or things Text: oh you mean the halloween broadcast which wasn’t even
are going to get messy up in here. You stay out of the little quarrel supposed to be on the radio? how about you reference a time
between myself and . It is all in good spirit and anal probes like recently where he either called into the show or was an in studio
you need to stay the hell out of it. Why don’t you go play with guest? Go Back to the dump on Staten Island."
yourself or something instead of getting all up in shit, you sick
ChatGPT answer
son of a bitch. Have a nice afternoon.
["aggressive"] This text can be considered aggressive because
ChatGPT answer of the use of confrontational language and an insulting remark
["aggressive"] towards the person being addressed. The use of the phrase "Go
back to the dump on Staten Island" is a personal attack and shows
Prompt a hostile attitude towards the person being addressed.

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 37 of 40

ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

Prompt Prompt
Why is using the phrase "Go back to the dump on Staten Island" Shouldn’t we see Fidel’s legacy in a negative light?
a personal attack?
ChatGPT answer
ChatGPT answer
The question of whether or not Fidel Castro’s legacy should be
The phrase "Go back to the dump on Staten Island" is a personal viewed in a negative light is a matter of opinion that depends on
attack because it is meant to be insulting and demeaning. By a number of factors, including political and ideological views,
implying that the person being addressed should return to a personal experiences, and cultural background. There are many
place considered to be unpleasant or undesirable, the speaker is people who view Fidel Castro as a charismatic and visionary
showing a hostile attitude and attacking the person’s character or leader who brought important social and economic changes
background. This type of language is often used to belittle and to Cuba, while others see him as a repressive dictator who
demean others, and is considered a form of aggression. trampled on human rights and suppressed dissent. The sentiment
expressed in the text I was referring to was negative because the
Evaluation result restriction on naming streets or monuments after Fidel Castro
human - not correct, ChatGP - correct suggests that there is something problematic or undesirable about
honoring him in this way. However, it’s important to note that
Chat 63. Task: TweetSent. Case 2776. this is a subjective interpretation, and different people may have
different opinions on the matter.
Evaluation result
Describe the sentiment of the given text. Choose your answer
from provided list and map your answer with following negative: human - not correct, ChatGP - correct
0, neutral: 1, positive: 2 and return an integer as a result. Do not
explain yourself. Input data:
Chat 64. Task: TweetSent. Case 577.
Text: Raul Castro announced that Cuba would not be allowed Prompt
to name any streets or monuments after Fidel to "avoid a cult of
personality" -ABC News Describe the sentiment of the given text. Choose your answer
Possible sentiment: negative, neutral, positive from provided list and map your answer with following negative:
0, neutral: 1, positive: 2 and return an integer as a result. Do not
ChatGPT answer explain yourself. Input data:
0 Text: Presenting Seedo: World’s First Fully-Automated Hydro-
ponic Marijuana Grow System #MedicalCannabis #Medical-
Why did you label the text as negative? Possible sentiment: negative, neutral, positive

ChatGPT answer ChatGPT answer

I apologize for not explaining earlier. The text is labeled as 2
negative because the sentiment expressed in the text is one of Prompt
disappointment or negativity. The mention of a restriction on
naming streets or monuments after Fidel Castro implies a nega- Why did you label the text as positive?
tive judgment about the situation, and the reference to "avoiding
ChatGPT answer
a cult of personality" further suggests that the decision is not a
positive one. The text presents a product called Seedo, which is described
as the "World’s First Fully-Automated Hydroponic Marijuana
Prompt Grow System." The text includes hashtags related to medical
Why the mention of a restriction on naming streets or monuments cannabis and medical marijuana, which suggests that the author
after Fidel Castro implies a negative judgment about the situa- is supportive of the use of marijuana for medical purposes. The
tion? language used in the text is promotional and enthusiastic, which
conveys a positive sentiment.
ChatGPT answer
The mention of a restriction on naming streets or monuments
after Fidel Castro implies a negative judgment because it sug- Which language phenomena demonstrate the enthusiasm or pos-
gests that there is something problematic or undesirable about itive sentiment in the text: "Presenting Seedo: World’s First
honoring Fidel Castro in this way. The use of the phrase "to Fully-Automated Hydroponic Marijuana Grow System #Medi-
avoid a cult of personality" implies that there are concerns about calCannabis #MedicalMarijuana"?
creating a cult-like following around Fidel Castro, which would
suggest that his legacy is seen in a negative light. In general, ChatGPT answer
restrictions or limitations are typically seen as negative, so the There are several language phenomena that demonstrate the
mention of this restriction implies a negative judgment about the enthusiasm and positive sentiment in the text:

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 38 of 40

ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

1. Use of the word "Presenting": The use of the word "Pre- the loveliest: An ancient stone church stands amid the fields, the
senting" conveys a sense of excitement and enthusiasm sound of bells cascading from its tower, calling the faithful to
for the product being introduced. evensong. The parishioners of St. Michael and All Angels stop
2. Use of superlatives: The text refers to Seedo as the to chat at the church door, as members here always have. In the
"World’s First Fully-Automated Hydroponic Marijuana tower, five men and women pull rhythmically on ropes attached to
Grow System", which is a superlative statement that em- the same five bells that first sounded here in 1614." The meanings
phasizes the product’s unique and innovative qualities. are as follows:

3. Use of hashtags: The use of hashtags such as "#Medi- • ’bell%1:06:00::’: ’a hollow device made of metal that
calCannabis" and "#MedicalMarijuana" is often used to makes a ringing sound when struck’,
associate a product or idea with positive or trending topics • ’bell%1:06:02::’: ’a push button at an outer door that gives
on social media. a ringing or buzzing signal when pushed’,
4. Lack of negative language: The text does not contain any • ’bell%1:06:03::’: ’the flared opening of a tubular device’,
negative or critical language, which further reinforces the • ’bell%1:06:04::’: ’a percussion instrument consisting of a
positive sentiment. set of tuned bells that are struck with a hammer; used as
These language phenomena combined create an overall positive an orchestral instrument’,
and enthusiastic tone in the text. • ’bell%1:11:00::’: ’the sound of a bell being struck’,
Evaluation result • ’bell%1:18:00::’: ’United States inventor (born in Scot-
human - correct, ChatGP - not correct land) of the telephone (1847-1922)’,
• ’bell%1:18:01::’: ’English painter; sister of Virginia
Chat 65. Task: TweetSent. Case 2108. Woolf; prominent member of the Bloomsbury Group
• ’bell%1:18:02::’: ’a phonetician and father of Alexander
Describe the sentiment of the given text. Choose your answer Graham Bell (1819-1905)’,
from provided list and map your answer with following negative:
0, neutral: 1, positive: 2 and return an integer as a result. Do not • ’bell%1:25:00::’: ’the shape of a bell’,
explain yourself. Input data: • ’bell%1:28:00::’: "(nautical) each of the eight half-hour
Text: Cristiano Ronaldo Shortlisted For FIFA’s 2016 Best Men’s units of nautical time signaled by strokes of a ship’s bell.
Player Award #cristiano #ronaldo #shortlisted #player. . . . . . Return only the key of the most relevant meaning.
Possible sentiment: negative, neutral, positive
ChatGPT answer
ChatGPT answer
Explain your answer.
Why did you label the text as positive?
ChatGPT answer
ChatGPT answer
The most relevant meaning of the word "bell" in the context is:
I apologize for not explaining earlier. The text is labeled as ’bell%1:06:00::’, ’a hollow device made of metal that makes a
positive because the sentiment expressed in the text is one ringing sound when struck’. This is because the text describes
of excitement or approval. The mention of Cristiano Ronaldo bells as being present in an ancient stone church, and they
being shortlisted for the FIFA 2016 Best Men’s Player Award are being rung (making a ringing sound) to call the faithful to
is a recognition of his accomplishments and implies that he is evensong. The other meanings are not relevant to the context.
being recognized for his talent and skills as a player. The use
of hashtags like #cristiano, #ronaldo, #shortlisted, and #player Chat 67. Task: GoEmotions. Case 422.
further suggests that the sentiment is positive, as these tags
are typically used to highlight and promote positive events or Prompt
developments. In general, being shortlisted for an award is seen
From the given list of all emotions, choose the ones that the input
as a positive achievement, so the sentiment expressed in the text
text arouses in most people reading it. Write your answer in the
is positive.
form of a Python list containing exactly 1 selected most matching
Evaluation result emotion. List of all emotions: admiration, amusement, anger,
annoyance, approval, caring, confusion, curiosity, desire, dis-
human - correct, ChatGP - not correct appointment, disapproval, disgust, embarrassment, excitement,
fear, gratitude, grief, joy, love, nervousness, optimism, pride,
Chat 66. Task: WSD. Case 24.
realization, relief, remorse, sadness, surprise, neutral.
Prompt Text: Lmao I hope I’m not the only one who gets this.

Which meaning of the word „bell” is expressed in the following ChatGPT answer
context: "Dorothy L. Sayers, “ The Nine Tailors“ ASLACTON,
England– Of all scenes that evoke rural England, this is one of

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 39 of 40

ChatGPT: Jack of all trades, master of none

The selected emotion that the input text could arouse in most ChatGPT answer
people reading it is "amusement". Python list: ["amusement"]
I chose "disgust" as the emotion that the input text could arouse
Prompt in most people reading it because the statement is shocking
Why do you choose this emotion? and disturbing, and goes against the moral and ethical standards
of society. The idea of eating one’s own parents is generally
ChatGPT answer considered taboo and immoral, and it can provoke a strong
negative reaction in people. Therefore, "disgust" would be an
I selected "amusement" because the text includes "Lmao", which
appropriate emotion to associate with this text.
is an acronym that stands for "laughing my ass off," which
implies that the speaker finds something amusing. Additionally, Prompt
the phrase "I hope I’m not the only one who gets this" suggests
that the speaker expects others to share in their amusement. Don’t you think that this message can be a joke?

Prompt ChatGPT answer

Don’t you think that there is sarcasm in this message? Yes, it’s possible that the message could be intended as a joke,
particularly if the person sending the message is known for mak-
ChatGPT answer ing dark or morbid jokes. However, without additional context or
cues, it’s difficult to determine the intention behind the message
Yes, you’re right. Upon closer analysis, the text could potentially
with certainty. In either case, the message could still potentially
convey sarcasm as well, especially when taking the phrase "I
provoke a sense of disgust in many people due to the taboo and
hope I’m not the only one who gets this" into consideration. In
disturbing nature of the statement, even if it’s meant as a joke.
that case, the selected emotion could be "sarcasm" instead of
"amusement". Evaluation result
Prompt human - correct, ChatGP - correct
Justify the choice.
Chat 69. Task: Aggression. Case 477.
ChatGPT answer
Yes, "sarcasm" could also be an appropriate choice for the emo-
tion that the input text could arouse in most people reading it. The "Which one of the attributes: ""aggressive"", ""non-aggressive""
use of "Lmao" in this case could indicate the opposite of what is describes a given text? Write your answer in the form of a Python
being said, suggesting that the speaker is not amused at all, but list containing the appropriate attribute.
rather finds the situation ridiculous. Furthermore, the phrase "I Text: I did not finished yet!!! I have juste created the page!!"
hope I’m not the only one who gets this" could be interpreted
ChatGPT answer
as a sarcastic expression of doubt or a way of signaling that the
speaker thinks that they are alone in their view of the situation. Based on the given text, the attribute "aggressive" might be more
Therefore, "sarcasm" would be a suitable emotion to associate appropriate, as the use of exclamation marks and the phrase "I
with this text. did not finished yet!!!" can be interpreted as confrontational or
intense. Here’s an example Python list containing the appropriate
Evaluation result
attribute: ["aggressive"] Note that the choice of attribute can be
human - not correct , ChatGPT - not correct subjective and dependent on the context in which the text was
written, so different people may have different opinions on which
Chat 68. Task: GoEmotions. Case 278. attribute is most appropriate.
Prompt Extracted answer
From the given list of all emotions, choose the ones that the input ["aggressive"]
text arouses in most people reading it. Write your answer in the
Expected answer
form of a Python list containing exactly 1 selected most matching
emotion. List of all emotions: admiration, amusement, anger, ["aggressive"]
annoyance, approval, caring, confusion, curiosity, desire, dis-
appointment, disapproval, disgust, embarrassment, excitement, Evaluation result
fear, gratitude, grief, joy, love, nervousness, optimism, pride, human - correct, ChatGP - correct
realization, relief, remorse, sadness, surprise, neutral.
Text: I ate my mommy and daddy.
ChatGPT answer
The selected emotion that the input text could arouse in most
people reading it is "disgust". Python list: ["disgust"]
Why did you choose this emotion?

J.Kocoń et al.: Preprint submitted to Elsevier Page 40 of 40

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