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Sbyuchual Mechanics (Shear Stresses) (1) ——, Lp \ —Ch 4: Shear stress T jedi Ly joy E Wall il soall Ge yaa! lalgel gio" - y u [> > cae Le E ie 4 Qy ley Yooh Kolsl> OLS 4, So deall OS OT US - Bolts yelull gos lage Usyall poll! yet Tye s Ayal = hos 2 andl Rivets eel ot E5252 003 57 SrlST god Mh dino oSry Pe a — {—+P ce [> P Pha 2. cet a » L A A i tf eer ws —> Pla, Sing le Sheay & bia eee cee Double shear * Sheay Stress dishibution Js Ge (Average) Goal] sles Y Angie aed Ulu oS + Qa yan) 855 9 A geakl Olas Se 9 alll ge polatie pe JS € 5 55 yea! bleak + Oye) SVS Go EUaII de ahah JS ric alge Vl a3 eta Qs Sx IT, b ( eel (os) YJ cle ly gaall a53 (Qy) oa CLs Uohbll GUL we dbl aa Lull Ge 6 (S,) (ae) J ole (Sel wd EVEN lal sonal Ge (Ix) sige) Ula ult OW ace CUBIgar2 ( b) ( se) a omen go) Qyt Se! T= poe BX te, 12) els) oan Cenbtoid HN Sa be Auber cgabie tedd a) 495 Gail algok gy AP ++ 5) Abbie JISEf yo 4SU) ot al co LLaEN) a. + Coan! lable band Lad fs! old ( Tx) apbablydles ve O gail a2 UL @ ¢ Qy) ce Os [Ei]: Oshlle Le Wess v= @ Eh a Ela G UHI BW ste be Sy GS vlu> @7 EUMAlys ly seer (pallies 55 346) EDI udys yal te <6 (coohoid) SGI GS whe «Le tS 7 oO ms ———— Oe @ Lod y3) 3 Seat ae i aly) ot oe ale @ kz jor <— illalgs ay de yall sks! gas i Ws] wlay Section) | Aue é (Rectang 1. Hie 34 TmaX “OA > elba-¢ 3Q (aid height) Tray = 22 ) YQ (at center, us oP Sp Eds y Example (1) Draw sheay Stress déstibution gf #2 section witk maximum shear force. 2t 6t 2 t B ] A & a a 2 a 2 Solu tzon (Ty) aabublusiled s293 1 A, = 2x20=Ue eme 49% A,= 2X2 = Yo cm? 2 ; Yee Aidit Ade Serer AirAr 2o © =ISScm — Mox2l+ Yoxlo _ 15.5 cm Bo zu Ty = L (1x + Ad?) 2 3 = [ (2%2'+ Yo (ai-tssf}) + (2422 + ox (e-Iss¥)| = 3466.4#cm4 (straining action) yeas! 693 ae a= 95-1 in 6 =Ma ce D a 49g - 6x2- 2X bso i Tye | z ly a Wye 6 oe “Gy 2 Bbs2t = | I: L ae zd max Shay Q=46 (bls, Q ist aot) Qy = ut alge BW ules -F Te By & Ty 6b p's Te Hue x Se BL b T= 1062 Se b = 1062 & sec | b 5 Tf e tosh pee 1 20 ° ° (kg lent) 2 20 | Sas (2x20)x (21-188) = 220, N. 6s 2 | 2 220 (16,8 | y | 2 |X = Qx'S5)x 88 = Duyo.25 124.6 6 2: o ° CBN AY s aly aie Lio sol Sf Ul Calle 4J ®o ssbD Example (2) Foy Re shown, beam TDyaw #e shear Stress distti bution af meximun Shear force. Boom sem 5 tm 7 po Bom | Bo om + ieee _— [oem solution 1- Properties oF Ayea Aj = 30X5 = |Sacm2 Az= 30X5 = 1S0 Cm? Ags lox\e = loo cm? 425 6 Ye = Andis Acta Bats AitAr+As a 1SOXY2-S +1SAX2G loo xs = 2686 150+ 150+ leo Ex =D (Tx+ Ad?) = [2x87 , Iso (u2s-26-56%) + ( 5332" 4 150 (25-26- sey) + (ex? 4+ leoX (6-26.56) "| = 7356.8) cm4 2| Staining action St 3] Shear Stress ge all bon lon sg Salta S T= Sh x Ak = g335¢a * 5 = OSI eT Cig lent) Tx Sec| b i [TE _| Ceylon?) 1 | 30 |, = Ze%0 ° 2 | Bo | Sh =GoxS)x (42-S-26.56) = 2351 om 40-93 3 | 5 |= de = BO 245 -B 4 5 [Saye 2391 + (13-4yx5)x 1344 = 2842-6 292-2 s 5 | Sess 1oox (2656-5) = 2ls6 [221-6 6 | 10 | Sxge Hs = 2156 -Mo.8 + | to |X =o ° | Example (3) Final 20% 5 beg) Foy te given cvoss section, it is vequived to dra) Sheay stress distribution cue to a vertecal Sheaving force = lot. t oy eee 25 3 25 22 om solution Vole X soars Ty oleae sll tb 88 10 =@ of ie Crpbabtnne din Zapbe oF frbiio) G Lelaw a |SAM as Sh S¥ fea sea24 —* Ty = 30x38°_ 22x30 _ 3x20 Seo 12 12 12 => l J = $5680 cm' Kj e Os, 30, Z | 38 Pcie an ce 1 , &e 2 lo #1? y Se 2 oe S%& ee 85680 b b (kglent) sec| b Se fe ' 36|5,,2°°° Zero L 6 21a Su, = (UXB0) XCI9-2)= ZOO 8.16 B | Sk,2 3, = 200 30-6 4] Si = Sy, + Gx5) x (orS) 2 2540] 33-1 S]s5 Bag = Stq = 254 40.96 Ss Seg= Mg +2[10x25)x5 22790 | 66.96 ISS Gow rails et Guat) T aus eX Ugmdilar dda Urs

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