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Regulations moving and working within the EU

If you come for 3 months you don’t have to do anything at all. Not even register, fill out a form or
presenting anything. You just need to come with your passport and that’s it. You can also work and
don’t pay taxes here, only in Greece where you are registered.

If you would want to stay longer than 3 months it is also no problem if you…

• have a job or you are self employed
• are looking for a job (You just have to prove you are looking for one and applying somewhere)

• study (or at least register at a University and sign up for a subject - doesn’t matter if you really
go :D)

• can prove you have enough money and insurance to live in Germany without any of the
scenarios mentioned above

In this case with more than 3 months living in another EU country like Germany you just have to
register with a german address, but nothing else changes. No forms, no immigrant stuff. Maybe they
can ask you to prove one of the points above but that’s all.

So you could theoretically stay half a year, a year or longer. As you wish. If you work and stay less
than 183 days within a year you still pay taxes in Greece. If you stay longer you have to pay taxes in

Same for me in Greece by the way for anything of that :)

About health insurance

Your greek one would count and work/cover you in Germany. You would just have to request a
European card „EKVK“ (so that our machines can read your chip) and a form if you are staying longer
than some months - but it’s for free and you get it at your health insurance company.

So for health insurance would be following theoretically scenarios as I understand. You could …

• try to do a deep greek solution and get back into a cheap greek insurance somehow (with idk
your mum, via a greek employer or good discount in general)
• have an employer in Germany which would cover it (for real or we maybe get you a contract
somewhere with people I know so that you are covered)
• register for the „Künstlersozialkasse“ - there are special prices / health insurances for artists
and performers with good prices depending on what you earn so that it’s fair and you can live
from your money as I understand
• register as a student and get a cheap student discount

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