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Ulfenwatch Militia

Move: 4 Wounds: 2 Size:Smalle

Weapon Action Type Dice Damage

Bow/Crossbow Ranged 1/2

Shortsword Melee 1/2

City Guard Patrol: A Hostile Group that contains any Ulfenwatch may instead use Ulfenwatch
Militia, subject to the Beware of the Dark rule. They still Benefit from a Banner Bearers Re-roll if
one is present..
Beware of the Dark: Ulfenwatch Miltia are warned to not venture forth after dark unless
accompanied by a powerful leader to protect them from hungry eyes. You can only use
Ulfenwatch Miltia during daylight turns, you cannot use them during Night turns unless Watch
Captain Halgrim is present on the board.

Rearguard: When making an Advance action Ulfenwatch Militia will move away from the closest
hero whilst still remaining in line of sight

Summon The Ulfenwatch: Deploy any slain Ulfenwatch or Ulfenwatch

1-2 Militia from this hostile group as reinforcements. Each acting hostile
already on the battlefield makes an Advance action.

Stand fast: The Ulfenwatch Militia stand their ground and attack the closest
hero with whichever weapon is within range

Volley Fire: Each acting Ulfenwatch Militia attacks Twice with whichever
weapon is within range

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