Cursed City Adversary Extra Boss Scrolls For ST SoH

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Overwhelmed by his wrath, Radukar has undergone a terrifying transformation. The

bestial monster within has come to consume the vampire almost entirely, and he now
fights with a raw and brutal fury, his ferocious howls ringing through the night.

move weapon actions Dice Range Hit Damage

Blood-slicked Claws 4 Combat 2+ 2
15 4+
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Mighty Adversary: This Mighty adversary group consist of 1 Radukar the Beast. he
is accompanied by D3 Vyrkos Blood-born

Supernatural Strength: Each time this hostile activates, make two behaviour rolls to determine
what actions it makes. Fully resolve one behaviour roll result before making the other behaviour
Unsurpassable might: When this hostile suffers damage, reduce the damage by 2, to a minimum
of 0.

Inveterate Conqueror: This hostile's group cannot be driven off while this hostile is on the board.

Nemesis: Radukar the Beast cannot be stunned, When his slain, whichever hero landed the killing
blow gains D3 renown rather than 1, and each other hero gains 1 renown

behaviour table
D6 Action

1 Call to The Hunt: Set up up 1D6 Dire Wolves in the same manner as an ambush, but do not roll to see
if the heroes are surprised. This adversary can act this phase unless their adversary group has already acted

Bounding Charge: The acting hostile makes a Blood-slicked claws weapon action that must target an adjacent hero.If
the acting hostile is not adjacent to a hero, remove it from the battlefield. then deploy it adjacent to as many heroes as
2 possible. Then the acting hostile makes a Blood-slicked claws weapon action that must target an adjacent hero. if the
acting hostile cannot be placed adjacent to a hero, place it as near as possible, after which the acting hostile moves
towards the nearest hero then attacks the nearest hero in range with a Blood-slicked claws weapon action .

3-5 Brutal Assault: This Hostile moves towards the nearest hero and then makes a Blood-slicked claws
weapon action on the nearest hero, but makes two weapon actions instead of one

Dark Majesty: Remove all wound markers from this this hostile, and remove all ailments from this hostile. Then this
6 hostile makes a move action towards the nearest hero,then attacks the nearest hero within range with a Blood-slicked claws
weapon action.
Though Kritza professes nobility, in reality, his soul is as odious as the Ulfenkarn
sewers that are his lair. Swathed in choking perfume, the Rat Prince is nevertheless a
cunning adversary, returning after each apparent defeat to exact a cruel revenge.

move weapon actions Dice Range Hit Damage

Gnawblade 2 Combat 3+ D3
6 3+
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Mighty Adversary: This Mighty Adversary group consists of 1 Kritza the Rat Prince he is
accompanied by 1D6 Corpse Rat Swarms.

Scurrying Retreat: If this model has been slain, at the end of the Heroes turn, roll a dice. On a 4+,
a new model identical to the one that was slain is added to the board. Set up this model on a
portal furthest away from the Hero's.

Nauseating Aroma: Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made with Combat range attack actions
that target this model.

Nemesis: Kritza the Rat Prince cannot be stunned. when he is slain, whichever hero landed the
killing blow gains D3 renown rather than 1, and each other hero gains 1 renown

behaviour table
D6 Action

Prince of Rats: Set up D3 Corpse Rats in the same manner as for an ambush, but do not roll to
1 see if the heroes are surprised. These adversaries can act this phase, unless their adversary group
has already acted

Rapid Strikes: This Hostile moves towards the nearest hero and then attacks the
nearest hero, but can re-roll failed attack rolls for this action

6 Vampiric Assault: This hostile makes a move action towards the nearest hero,then attacks
the nearest hero within range. This hostile can recover 1 Vigour for each successful damage
Even amongst the Soulblight vampires, Lady Annika’s thirst for blood is legendary.
In battle, she attacks as a sanguine blur, her enchanted rapier reaping a red harvest
as her foes fatally stumble and slip in the gore that inevitably pools about her feet.

move weapon actions Dice Range Hit Damage

Blade Proboscian 2 Combat 3+ D3
6 3+
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Mighty Adversary: This Mighty Adversary group consists of 1 Lady Annika.

Supernatural Speed: Whenever a hero hits Lady Annika, roll a dice.On a 5+ that hit is ignored

Nemesis: Lady Annika cannot be stunned. when she is slain, whichever hero landed the killing
blow gains D3 renown rather than 1, and each other hero gains 1 renown

behaviour table
D6 Action

Scent of Blood: This hostile makes a MOVE action towards the hero with the most wounds taken,
1-2 the hostile can move adjacent to heroes with no wounds taken without ending its move action. If possible
this hostile must end this MOVE action adjacent to one or more heroes with one or more wound counters
on their card. It then must attack this hero if in range, or the nearest hero within range

Rapid Strikes: This Hostile moves towards the nearest hero and then attacks the
3-4 nearest hero, but can re-roll failed attack rolls for this action

5-6 Vampiric Assault: This hostile makes a move action towards the nearest hero,then
attacks the nearest hero within range. This hostile can recover 1 Vigour for each successful
damage caused.

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