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Vocabulario legal básico

Agreement / contract: contrato, acuerdo

Breach: incumplimiento

Covenant / provision: pacto

Deed: escritura, títulos de propiedad

Duty: deber, obligación

In witness whereof: en virtud de lo cual

Provided that: siempre que, a condición de que

Pursuant to: de conformidad con

Remedy: acción legal

To enforce: hacer cumplir, ejecutar

To execute: firmar, otorgar o formalizar un documento

Undertaking: compromiso, obligación

Expresiones relacionadas con law («ley»)

Abide by the law: atenerse a la ley

Apply the law: aplicar la ley

Break the law: quebrantar la ley

Enforce the law: hacer cumplir la ley

Obey or observe the law: obedecer la ley

Pass a law: aprobar una ley

Practise the law: ejercer el Derecho

The law forbids or prohibits: la ley prohíbe

The law permits or allows: la ley permite

The law provides or stipulates: la ley establece

The law requires: la ley requiere

Expresiones relacionadas con legal proceedings («casos judiciales»)

Appeal against a decision:  recurrir una sentencia.  The author had not appealed against his
conviction for forgery.

Appear in court: comparecer en un juicio. The defence witnesses will appear in court tomorrow.

Arrive at a settlement: llegar a un acuerdo.  The goal is to arrive at a settlement that satisfies the
interests of both sides.

Breach a contract: incumplir un contrato. The airline has committed a serious breach of contract.

Discredit the witness:  desacreditar al testigo.  An entire defence can depend on discrediting the

Enter  judgement: dictar sentencia.  The Judge will enter judgement against you and tell the clerk
to schedule the sale of your home.

Give evidence: declarar o testificar. The witness gave evidence regarding the Murdock case.

Settle out of court: llegar a un acuerdo extrajudicial. Most road traffic accidents are settled out of

To carry out an investigation: investigar un caso.  The police are carrying out an investigation into
the Irish murders.

To issue a claim form: poner una demanda.

To defend a claim: contestar a una demanda.

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