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LEARNING SYSTEM Learning Center Program ALS A&E
Weekly Lesson Log (CLC)
Learning Zaryna T. Dela Cruz
Literacy Level AE
Facilitator Alhena C. Vallo
LS1- Communication
Quarter Quarter 2 –Week 1 Learning strand Skills in English

I. Objectives  
A. Content Standard/ Focus Demonstrate understanding of information heard to make meaningful decisions, as
well as an understanding of text elements to see the

relationship between known and new information to facilitate comprehension.

B. Performance Standard Listen attentively and critically in English to be able to function effectively as a
member of the family, the community, the

nation, and the world and to participate in community and economic development

C. Learning Competencies In this lesson, you will learn how to pay attention when listening. At the end of

this lesson, you are expected to be able to:

♦ listen attentively to the content/message of texts; and

♦ listen for answers to questions raised.

Infer dominant thoughts, feelings and

intentions expressed by the speaker in the

speech listened to/ delivered


II. Content Lesson 1: Attentive Listening

 ALS Learning Strand 1- Communication Skills in English Module, E-Tulay ALS LS1
III. Learning Resources English Module- Are You Listening?
A. References  
1. Session Guide pages Pages 5-10
ALS LS1 English Module: Are You Listening?
2. Module/ Learner's material Lesson 1: Attentive Listening pages 5-10
3. Additional materials from K-12 Basic Education for the Alternative Learning System (ALS K to12)
Learning Resource (portal) Curriculum Guide- Learning Strand 1: COMMUNICATION SKILLS: ENGLISH
ALS A& E-Learning Material-LS 1English Module and video from E-Tulay- Are You
IV. Procedures  
Persons who take time to listen with interest and understanding are often
appreciated. They can understand and appreciate conversations better. They are
able to learn from what they hear. They can use the information they hear in a more
A. Activity (Review of the
effective way. The Teacher will share the scope of the module with the class as it is
previous lesson or presenting
divided into three lessons
the new lesson
1. Attentive Listening, 2. Listening with Comprehension, 3. Analyzing and
Predicting Using Oral Information
Will then ask the learners if they are ready to answer the preliminary activities.
Ask the learner to think if they miss playing childhood games and by looking at the
picture, guess what kind of game is being shown on the PowerPoint presentation.

B. Springboard/ Motivation

PASS THE MESSAGE – is such a challenging game for it

requires full attention to what is being whispered to you.

The learners will analyze the picture by identifying what part of the body is used to
C. Analysis listen to the message being passed and tell the main function of it.


"It is the ability to interpret the message that is sent verbally through conversations,
D. Discussing new concepts narrative stories, songs or radio programs. " (Mendizabal)
and practicing new skills
(Sub-act. 1) Our world is filled with sounds because every day we hear sounds and oral information
while we communicate with people. Listening is big part of our lives. It is necessary
for us to learn how to listen well and understand what we hear.

Attentive Listening:

 You pay attention

 You are focused when listening
E. Discussing new concepts To practice listening attentively, sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and
and practicing new skills relax. Now focus on the sounds that you hear around you. Listen to these sounds
(Sub-act. 2) individually and try to identify them.
 Were you able to appreciate these sounds better when our eyes were closed?
 What does this activity tell you about listening?
How important it is to listen to oral messages or the content of texts?

F. Abstraction (Making If you can give the details of oral information, does that mean that you understand and
generalizations about the remember what you’ve heard?
What if the speaker talks too fast or his/her voice may be too soft to hear, what should
you do to hear him?
Listen to Tape Segment, # 5, Glee Club Meeting Today

Learners should Focus on what they are listening to and remember the details
G. Application (Developing provided. Follow the directions on the tape and answer the questions:
Mastery) 1. What was the announcement about?
2. When and where will it be held?
3. If you are a glee club member, can you attend the meeting?
Active listening builds strong relationships and, while it may not come naturally to
H. Valuing many of us, it's an invaluable communication skill. Strong and effective
communication skills are essential in a field where emotions often reach critical mass.

Let the learners apply what they have learned by Listening carefully to Tape Segment
# 7, A Newsflash. Make sure to understand
and remember the details of the announcement on Let’s See What You Have Learned.
I. Evaluation (Assessing
1. What was the announcement about?
2. Who made the announcement?
3. What were the suggestions for preparing for power disruption?
4. Was the announcement accurate, adequate, and relevant?
Share your thoughts about this
J. Agreement (Additional “When we listen to understand, we practice listening with comprehension”
V. Remarks  
VI. Reflection  

A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the evaluation  
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who

continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What Innovation or
localized materials did I use/
discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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