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Civics and Citizenship, Week 4, Lesson 2

Topic/Task: Three Levels of Government Year Level: 7 Lesson Time: 60 Minutes

ACARA Code: Content description:
(ACHASSK193 - Scootle  ) - The key features of government under the Australian Constitution with a focus on: the separation of
powers, the roles of the Executive, the houses of parliament and the division of powers 
(ACHASSK198 - Scootle  ) - How groups, such as religious and cultural groups, express their particular identities; and how this
influences their perceptions of others and vice versa 

Learning Intentions/Objectives: Success Criteria/Assessment:

Students are learning to.... q Students will be able identify who represents them on a local,
 Understand the process of ‘passing a bill’ (establishing a state and national level.
law) q Students will engage in class discussion to contribute and
 Who represents each state and territory in house of senate demonstrate understanding of the learning content.
and representatives.

• Laptop
• Internet
• Website:
• YouTube Video: Passage of a Bill (2021).
• Interactive smartboard
• PowerPoint
Time: Summary of Learning Activity Sequence (dot points):
4-5 minutes - Read Acknowledgement of country (appendix 1). Display the ‘first languages map’ (First Languages Map,
2022) on the interactive smartboard. Identify on the map where Kaurna land is located and surrounding
areas. Allow students to acknowledge where they were born, raised or have visited.
3-5 minutes - Read learning objectives/intentions of the lesson and success criteria.
- Allow time for students to ask any questions.
10-15 minutes - Direct students to get laptops out for warm up activity. In table groups students will have 5 minutes to find
out who represents them on a local level, state level and national level.
- Discuss answers and reflect as a class. Teacher will use PowerPoint presentation to highlight who the
correct members of parliament are and discuss how their roles differentiate. This is a opportunity to revisit
‘roles and responsibilities of the three levels of government’ from learning in week 2.
- Allow time for students to ask questions.
15-18 minutes - Introduce the ‘passage of a bill’. Discuss how the bill is essentially establishing and bill and the process it
takes to be passed. Watch youtube video:
of-a-bill/ .
- Ask students to research a current law we have in Australia for 5 minutes.
10-15 minutes - Share findings as a class. Each law read, ask students whether they agree with the law or not. Finish with a
quick debate, choosing one law ask two students to create argument for why they do or don’t agree.
Encourage students to act as they would if they were in a government house setting.

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