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Following are statements about “pictures” of oneself. Determine if the statement
reflects a real self or an ideal self. Write your answer on the blank.
Ideal self1. I am good at mathematics.
Real self2. I am slow to criticize people.
Ideal self3. I wish I were a good singer.
Real self4. I have a good sense of humor.
Ideal self5. I dream of becoming a scientist in the future.
Ideal self6. I wish I were a punctuation person.
Real self7. I worry a lot over small things.
Ideal self8. I like to be a politician someday.
Ideal self9. I wish to be a good father to my children
Ideal self10. I want to be successful accountant.
Real self 11. I am an honest businessman.
Real self 12.I wish I were good in mathematics.
Ideal self13. I am able to perform well in science.
Real self 14. I am a person with a pleasant disposition.
Ideal self15. I want to be one of the best athletes of the country.

Answer the following questions:

1. What are the different characteristics of self?

 The different characteristics of self are efficient perceptions of reality,
comfortable acceptance of self, others and nature, reliant on own
experiences and judgment, spontaneous and natural, Task centering,
Autonomy, Continued freshness of appreciation, Profound interpersonal
relationships, Comfort with solitude, Non-hostile sense of humor, Peak
experiences, Socially compassionate, Few friends and Gemeinschaftsgefüh.
2. How do you determine self-actualization?
 You can determine self-actualization by fully achieving your personal
potential, when you know to yourself that you have that fulfillment you are
looking in short "the full realization of one’s potential” and of one’s “true’s
3. Who did Maslow consider self-actualized?
 He considered Albert Einstein and Henry David Thoreau based on his own
assumptions or convictions about human potential and partially on his case
studies of historical figures.
4. Who created Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
 The “Maslow’s hierarchy of needs” was proposed by Abraham Maslow on
his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation" in Psychological Review.
5. What is meant by self-concept?
 Self-concept is an act of behavior and how we express our selves and
interact with others.

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