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Since the start of mass production of plastic items in the 1940s and 1950s

(Thompson et al., 2009), society has become more and more dependent on plastics.

Global demand has been stoked by their adaptability, stability, light weight, and

affordable production costs. Most plastics are initially used and discarded on land, but

precipitation and improper disposal drive them to the ocean. Trash is already present even

in remote locations, and plastic pollution is a growing threat to aquatic ecosystems.

Microplastics are small plastic particles, as the name implies. They are formally

classified as polymers with a diameter of no more than five millimeters (0.2 inches).

There are two types of microplastics are primary and secondary. Primary microplastics

are microplastics that were originally designed to be smaller than 5 mm in size and are

commonly found in fabrics, medications, and personal care items such as face and body

washes (Cole et al., 2011, Browne, 2015). These basic microplastics can enter freshwater

and marine habitats via rivers, wastewater treatment plant discharge, wind, and surface

runoff (Gall and Thompson, 2015).

Secondary microplastics are formed from fragmentation or large plastic debris as

a result of processes such as photodegradation, physical, chemical, and biological

interactions (Thompson et al., 2009, Galgani et al., 2013). Fishing nets, industrial resin

pellets, household items, and other discarded plastic debris are all sources of secondary

microplastics (Eerkes-Medrano et al., 2015), which have high densities (e.g., 100000
items per m3) in waters and sediments, and are interacting with organisms and the

environment in different ways (Dafne E. et al., 2015). They are mostly comprised of

polyesters, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), and

polyethylene (PE).

Figure 1.1 Commercial seafood and the human food chain's exposure to


According to preliminary data, the presence and interactions of microplastics in

freshwater systems appear to be as common as those in marine systems. The first

organismal studies demonstrate that microplastics are consumed by freshwater fauna

across a range of feeding guilds. Europe, North America, and Asia's freshwaters have

been found to contain microplastics (Dafne E. et al., 2015). Human exposure to

microplastics is inevitable because they can be ingested more readily than bigger particles

throughout the food chain. Marine species have the ability to absorb microplastics and

pass them from one trophic level to the next. One of the most important dietary exposure

pathways for people is eating fish and shellfish.

Figure 1.2 Marine organisms microplastics ingestion.

Source: (Mercogliano et al., 2020)

The capacity of microplastics to accumulate POPs (persistent organic pollutants)

prompts worry that they can spread dangerous POPs to marine life and ultimately people.

Microplastics that are ingested have been linked to immune system deterioration, tissue

inflammation, cellular proliferation, and necrosis (Wright SL, Kelly FJ, 2017).

Depending on the species and environment, microplastics have different effects and

release different compounds (Lusher A. et al., 2017).

1.1.1 Plastic Pollution in the Philippines

The Philippines is the third-largest producer of plastic garbage in the world,

behind China and Indonesia. According to estimates, the Philippines produced 2.7 million

metric tons of plastic garbage, based on a study by Jambeck et al. (2015). This is because

the majority of the people in the Philippines reside in coastal regions and close to rivers

and canals. Additionally, coastal cities like Metro Manila that have paved surfaces, urban
drainage systems, and are located in areas with a lot of precipitation have been found to

release higher amounts of land-based plastic debris into the oceans.

Meijer et al. (2021) determined that the Pasig River, which is found in Metro

Manila, a megacity situated along Manila Bay, is the river that contributes the most

marine plastic garbage. It adds to the 6.43% of all the plastic garbage that is discovered in

the oceans. Additionally, the Philippines is a tropical nation with abundant precipitation

each year. The plastic waste on land is transported to rivers via surface run-off, storm

water, and sewage as a result of precipitation, and then to the seas and oceans. The

Philippines is home to seven of the top 10 plastically polluted rivers in the world. The

Philippines’ 4820 rivers collectively discharge about 356,371 million metric tons of

plastic trash into the ocean each year.

Among the top ten (10) countries that release the most plastic into the ocean,

Philippines is leading with a 356, 371 tons, while Nigeria being the last with 18, 640 tons,

shown in Table 1.1.

Country Plastic Waste (tons)

Philippines 356,371

India 126,513

Malaysia 73,098

China 70,707

Indonesia 56,333

Brazil 37,799

Vietnam 28,221
Bangladesh 24,640

Thailand 22,806

Nigeria 18,640

Table 1.1 Top 10 Countries that Release the Most Plastic into the Ocean

Source: (World Population Review, 2021)

A 2017 study indicated that 80% of the ocean’s poorly managed plastic originated

from only five Asian nations: China, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

It is estimated that between 4.8 and 12.7 million metric tons of plastic enter the ocean

annually (World Population Review, 2021).

1.1.2 Microplastics Separation Methods

In an effort to combat the growing threat posed by microplastics consumption,

this section discusses recognized methods for removing microplastics from

environmental samples, including those containing biological material.

Figure 1.3 Microplastics Removal Methods

Source: (Liu et al., 2022)

1.1.2 Filtration

Filtration is one of the most popular and efficient ways to remove microplastics

from water and its energy requirements are low, making it an environmentally friendly

option. The size distribution of the microplastics particles affects the outcome of

filtration. As expected, filtering is more successful at removing microplastics when the

pore size is reduced. The sieve's mesh or the filter's pore size might vary significantly.

Mesh or mesh size is a unit of particle size used to quantify the distribution of

particle sizes in granular materials (a US measurement standard). For example, a 4-mesh

screen has four tiny square openings across an inch. There are 100 openings per inch in a

100-mesh screen, and so on. The size of openings and the size of particles caught by the

screen decrease as the variety of mesh sizes rises. Particles as small as 25 microns (μm),

or 0.0010 inch, can be filtered via a 500-mesh screen.

US Mesh Microns Inches Millimeters

35 500 0.0197 0.5

40 400 0.0165 0.4

45 354 0.0138 0.354

50 297 0.0117 0.297

60 250 0.0098 0.25

70 210 0.0083 0.21

100 149 0.0059 0.149

120 125 0.0049 0.125

140 105 0.0041 0.105

170 88 0.0035 0.088

200 74 0.0029 0.074

230 63 0.0025 0.063

270 53 0.0021 0.053

325 44 0.0017 0.044

400 37 0.0015 0.037

450 32 0.0013 0.032

500 25 0.0010 0.025

Figure 1.3 US Mesh size conversion to micron, inches and millimeters.

1.1.3 Elutriation

Elutriation is a type of particle filtration that is used primarily for particles smaller

than one micron (µm). It has been shown to be effective at removing microplastics from

sand sediments and has gained popularity among scientists. It is a method of sorting

particles based on their size, shape, and density using a stream of liquid or gas flowing in

the opposite direction of sedimentation. Because their terminal sedimentation velocities

are slower than the rising velocities of the fluid, the lighter or smaller particles float to the

top using both centrifugal and counter flow drag forces.

The particles are placed in a vertical tube with water (or another fluid) slowly

flowing upward. The particles fall through the water at different rates depending on their

size and density. If the flow rate of the water is gradually increased, the most slowly
sinking particles will be swept upward with the fluid flow and removed from the tube.

Intermediate particles will remain stationary, while the largest or densest particles will

continue to migrate downward. The flow can be increased once more to remove the next

smallest particle size. Particles can thus be separated based on size by carefully

controlling the flow through the tube.

Elutriation columns have a high sand recovery yield and are one of the most

effective methods for removing microplastics from sediment. A new granulometric

classification is used to define various fractions of plastic particle size. The extraction

velocities of silt and plastic particles are measured experimentally (PA, PVC). Particle

recovery experiments show that even with minimal sand recovery, it is possible to extract

> 90% of dense plastic particles (Kedzierski et al., 2016).

Figure 1.4 Schematic diagram of an Elutriator

Source: (Maré et al., 2015)


With the increasing risk of microplastics water contamination due to the

Philippines' growing marine and freshwater plastic waste as a result of improper disposal

and usage, a device capable of separating or filtering microplastics from water is required

for practical use and prevent human consumption.


1.3.1 General Objective

The general objective of this study is to design and develop a microplastics

separator that filters water of microplastics using different sizes of mesh and elutriation

process for practical use and human consumption prevention.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

Specifically, the study aims to:

1. Be aware of the materials, equipment and methods used in constructing a

microplastics separator.

2. Discover which scientific theories are most relevant for creating such a


3. Create a design for a microplastics separator.

4. Fabricate a prototype using the evaluated final design.

5. Valuation of the device in terms of;

5.1 Capacity

5.2 Efficiency and

5.3 Cost effectiveness


This study will assist in reducing microplastic contamination of waters and

provide clean water for practical use in response to the world's increasing plastic

pollution, particularly in the Philippines, which is one of the largest plastic wastes

producing countries. Microplastics are now contaminating our freshwater and marine

ecosystems, affecting fish and other aquatic life. The fact that over a million Filipinos

engage in fishing and consume marine animals such as fish and crustaceans open the door

to unintended human consumption of microplastics.

In order to accomplish this, a device that filters microplastics from water is

required, especially for developing communities in remote locations that rely on streams,

rivers, and lakes for water. It will also benefit small-scale farmers who raise cattle and

grow crops, as well as fishpond owners who rely heavily on water for their business, by

removing the possibility of using contaminated water. In general, removing microplastics

from water reduces the risk of ingestion as well as the possibility of POPs (persistent

organic pollutants) transmission from microplastics to humans.

The study's findings will also be used as a guide for future microplastic separator

design and development. This will also allow researchers to examine different methods

and materials for removing microplastics from water more closely, which could lead to

the development of a more efficient and cost-effective device and contribute to the

resolution of the microplastics human consumption problem.


This study will primarily address the microplastics water contamination caused by

growing plastic waste pollution in the Philippines, as well as the design and development

of a device capable of filtering microplastics from water for practical use and human

consumption prevention in Bataan, specifically in Mariveles. Materials exploration, early

experiments, machine design planning, machine fabrication, and microplastics filtering

are all divided into phases that take place over the course of a year.

The scope of exploration and material acquisition is intended to be local or

regional. Setting variables and varying the quantities of parameters, as well as attempting

different material combinations, will be used in experimental design approaches to

improve filtration efficiency, water flow capacity, and cost effectiveness. Following an

intensive study and detailed assessment of the suitable materials and equipment to be

used for the device, a prototype of the chosen design will be sketched using SketchuUp

software. Local machine shops will manufacture the device under the supervision of the

researchers, who will also provide the design.

Following fabrication, the device's efficiency and reliability will be assessed in

order to determine its structural and mechanical integrity. Furthermore, the device will be

tested and calibrated in order to improve its efficiency and capacity as it moves from the

preliminary to the final version. The water flow rate in the intake and output sections, as

well as the filtration efficiency, will be determined through a series of tests.

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