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DOticular lesson aims to present the actual foundation of morality. The first p
intends fo provide a general idea concerning how morality is established. Specitcaly if interc
O nignighi that while ethics and morality can be based on different scnoos d i g dvere
neorles. there are basic concepts that are agreeable to many that serve ds tS genesi.
next two discuSsions and its subsequent ones, shall be on the basic foundations ot morait,
namely. rationality and impartiality.

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to

1. Understand the general idea regarding the genesis concerning the foundation of morality
2. Be familiar with the importance of rationality as the governing principle that guicdes man
ethical decision, and
3. Know the value of inpartiality. of how it is crucial in the weighing of a person's choices ond

What do we mean exactly if we say that a persorn- as a species is different from o

other species? If we say, fhen, that a person has the ability to know the truth and capacity tt
will the good. how does this natural cability translate into everyday lite?

From the time of Socrates to the present. goodness has been championed as something
innatein man. Hence, fhe non-preserice ot goodness in someone is a Qvestion that drect
touches one's identity and nature. The aim of this part of the iesson is to arque that man's no
ture is goodness. The second and third part of this lesson, ori rationality and imparticolity wouid
of the argument even as a
provide the real foundation morality. and will sustain
context when he or she is expected to divert from that nature.
person is

Ethics: The Art of Doing
ihe jumnp-shitt to evil easily.
GOODNESS Almost all sci-fi films would ermbrace a
In one of the current trends of stance that wouid benefit society based on
postmodern cinema, it is nof rare that viewers the toundafion that humanity's way of thinking,.
watch films that attempt to depici a future is/her disposition, and the manner by which
SOciety that is apparently and obviously she conducis her relafions is as solid as ever
different from and unknown to US. Most of that is, at the heart of a person is goodness.
the fime, the plot of the story is structured ihe Matrix ends eventually in rebellion in the
within ihe idea Of an apocalyptic end toa second sequel and results to real liberation in
the final sequel. Avatar ends in ihe death of
society. or to what other film critics say. as
this pos1-apocalyptic end. The latter seems people who initially planned the manipulation
of the enviranmenf. Hunger Gunes and Star
fo put the problem io an absurd notch: the
Wars: The Lasi Jedi are both resolved in a clear
World is already destroyed and a person is left
hope that an empire's power isin danger of
wandering after its destruction.
For instance, in the fim The Matrix,
Finally, the film serves as a cruCial key
shown in 1999 with a double-sequel in 2002
o howa person normailly operafes even in
and 2003, the human race is destined as mere
situatiorns when hoping is not even possible. It
batteries for the artificially inteligent machines.
Proves ihat man is consistent with his decision,
The film dramatizes the unfortunate irony of our
and h a t she would always prefer to be
power, fhat as humanity reaches the summit Ihe foundation of morality. then, is
of ifs strength, ihe ultimate end becomes its never outside the person. Goodness springs
Own destruction. in that supposed world
from something embedded within her.
and given that it is already destroyed, the
refurn to paradise, let aione its lost innocence
becomes a problem. The machines are able
t ocoy humanity by creafing a OF RATIONALTY
(Matrix). The Matrix is a computer-generated
of the worid's
program designed fo trick

actual condition.
Rationality has always been considered
as a power of man that separates himself from
the rest of ihe species. The capacity to reason
Thefilm poses ihis double-barrel truth is but an
dreamworld and proves fhat a person's desire for
problem: Will you live in a in-born ability. Man is born so as to know the
serve as mere bateries for the machines? OOr
truth. The power of reason is carved in a man's
will you opt for the real world, knowing that the that he forever carries with
SOul as something
world is totally destroyed?

What is fascinating about the film,

Further, this power of rationality involves
which serves as a testament to the current. movement from something mental and/or
iS ihat, at least the general status,
lef alone
to ethical. To reason then establishes
and logical
frame of morality of our directors, writers, the point that man's action is not nly logically
artists is that the 'ethic of goodness' is still very
informed but is as well ethically founded.
much grounded in them.

Through this ability, is able to assess

this nature
fact, subsequent films of
n his actions. That any act, relative to this power
like Avatar
Champion this same tenet. Films of reason, implies a particular nature.
(2009). Hunger Games (2012). or even
the niidlly, an action can be judged in three ways:
Wars: The Last Jedi (2017) embrace 1. Act (itself): Good or Evil
that the
stance of goodrness even if the world 2. End: The Goal of an Action
Characters inhabit can in fact allow them to

Recollect Educational Apostolate in the Philippines (REAP)

knoW by
ng o
the end (to knowledge
is admiraable
3. Circumstance: The SurTOUnding further
Facio research
surround the ac
Affecting One's Choice the
c i r c u m s t a n c e s

would yoU ey.
are at fhat anot
borrowing probabilTy-

From theconsiderations above onecan e v e n in

The lact that

Know that the whole gamut of judging an act

discussion are gaps doesin not need
of years Is no guaronnol
and fhe possible trajectory of a mulfi-layered
a book ic
ee moment,
consideration and (probably) particular
that, at
Concerning ethics runs the intricate way needea. For
nrerential points from established positions. not reasonah
instance, an act that is good with a good ena The
then, IS able.
reasonableness. It may
becomes more good. Or in another example, absence of
an act that is evil with a good is still evil.
There is an ways
come in one can say if it is
Then another, an act that is good with a good end of the
oui a circumstance becomes, and But at the
A persons
act must tho.
rd wrong e a s o n a b l e or
still, a wrong or evil act. foremost

On ine ground o
first and
also ironically
shows how be being too
ason. It
In all these, reason becomes the non-reasonadie.

reasonable becomes
Dackbone that makes an ethical
act established based on the value of its
reasonableness. From here, it can be inferred
that whatever is moral is reasonable. Or OFIMPARTIALuTY
whatever is not moral is non-reasonable.
ascertain the morality of
Let us take for example the idea ot human
Intrying to
act, what is the angle ihai one nas fo

maintained only as the

borrowing books from the library. For instance, look ate Should it be
you are someone who has been so used to act itself? These questions dre a abou ne
to the trufh on
getting books without permission. You explain obiectivity of an aci. H points
the vantage
that the books yoU are using are in fact not how an action must be seen trom
needed by anyone. You state that the booksft of a standard or norm.
were lasf borowed five years ago based onn

its card. As to why you are getting the books Nevertheless, inasmuch as this
without permission, you reason that the queue
argument is of value, it must also be noted
at the library is crowded. It is Useless. yoU ddd, that any ethical decision is also informed and
too. since the books will nof be picked Surrounded
by by a subjective stance, and hence
It is not even hoarding, you a personal aspect of one's decision or choice.
anyone anyway.
mention. This is where impartiality enters. In fact, when
impartiality is taken seriously, and if a person
This Scenario can show how prior to any decision - has an informed reason
reasonableness can be in operaion. a n y agent can exhibit an impartial judgmen.
review the action. The act of borrowIng d as well. Hence, a person who does this is willing
never wrong in the first place.
To borrow is to
fo act based on intricate deliberation, making
ask someone (in this example the library) morality a collective act,
Use something (book) for the meantime upon
the premise that the same is returned on time. How, then, do
But using
we define impartialitye
Reading books is not wrong, either.
is another matter.
a book without permission Impartiality is considered as anothe
accountable as
The idea that librarians are side to the foundation of
the persons-in-charge in making sure that
the morality that invove
man's decision to always aim 1o decide To
alone available
books are mainiained, let are
what is just, equal, and balanced
and future used, must be taken weighing
for present things that are devoid of any biased
in great consideration. Hence. although or pre-judgment.

Ethics: The Art of Doing Good

To be completely free of judgment in a slory of. for instance, a character that
for any choice is almost close to impossible, begins as adversary to the protagonist but
let alone a difficulty for anyone. Each one becomes the savior of the same. In the same
is always within concrete contexts that one way, what starts in allegiance ends as foe.
cannot leave behind. These contexts have Hence, to be imparfial is to accept the surprise
been with a lot of the individuals in the first of goodness and its obverse.
place, making his/her choice affected by the
actual condition he or she is enveloped. Imagine you are a Barangay Tanod
assigned at a crowded town where conflict
For this reason, should is a normal occurrence. Roving around the
involve a dynamic that has to supersede fown one evening. you see a group of young
limitations one carries in his/her veins culturally men, between 12 - 16 years old, ransacking
or religiously or any system of a code of a a store. Immediately, your vehicle goes and
certain conduct (a separate discussiorn of this stops at their place. You go inside the store
shall be in another section of this book). It can pull these men away from it, place therm inside
serve as a baggage for a person, that is, in the vehicle, and decide to bring them to the
the form of dogma for one or of a truth one barangay hall. As a Barangay Tanod, and still
has believed since as a child. The same can new to your profession, this matter is still rare
lead to some acts ihat may lead to partiality. to you. You feel a little intrigued by the fact
even as one maintains the purity of what he/ that you have actually caught a person at the
she believes in. Maintaining to the end one's exactmoment of doing a wrong act. You also
belief can at fimes destroy one's capacity for feel that your profession should thrive at this
fairness and equal treatment. situation and that these men should feel your
By equality, further, it opens itself to the
possibility of two competing positions and how Point blank, and in matter of minutes,
the same can be heard in equal ground, even youpunch these men and resort to threats that
as one of the two should be right over the i f they are caught again - their punishment

can be severe, one that can in fact lead to

their deaths. At the same time, you decide to
There is no manipulation of truth., they do this without:
say. But relative to ethics, one could also say
that there is no manipulation af goodness. 1. First, asking the owners of the store for some
It must not be limited toa person's name or information and invite them in the on-going
stature. A person of stature can commit to barangay procedure:
an act of foolishness, and that no matter how
established one is, one is still capable of even 2. Second, giving the alleged 1he chance to

an evil act. explain themselves to get a full version of

T the story: and
his is where the word exception comes
to the fore. The idea that the general truth 3. Finally, inform and let the Barangay Captain
lead the deliberation before jumping to any
always becomes the basis for any foundafion
of truth may be true as well to a general extent. violence, knowing full-wel that these men
An exception is always possible. This same are, in fact, minors.
principle can be applied to ethics, especialy
in impartiality. The other side, which almost
What one can glean from this is ihat
seems impossible to be the choice, becomes impartiality does not happen out of passivity.
the necessary option. It has to be in operative in situations where in
fact it can be set aside. To remain imparfial
It is funny how there are films that can is basic even at a point when being on the
Surprise the audience. The plot is embedded ofher side is easy. Or even if being partial

Recollect Educational Apostolate in the Philippines (REAP)


that impa
becomes necessary, and hence, people feel We d o 11 CaUSe wWe wo
n o t because

still do the
because of a cleat respe
ometimes, we know the end but w e We do if
fo tire ourselves. No. The point might surprise us actually.
'One procesS -

and that for all we know -

we might wio

in terms his/her n of
A/ ndrural inclination of m a n whether an act is sOuna o
a r e the three initial w a v s of iudaina
nat ethical touriad
n Y Is reason considered to be a crucial aspect of
4. Why is impartiality important in one'smoral acie
honestly and consistently?
s there an absOUie
be observed
W a n impartiality
practicing how to be impartial?

retail priCe of apple
The national suggested
Let usSay you a r e a vendor selling apples. allowed to coc
Commission (SEC). yOU a r e
IS 20 Php. Based o n the Securities and Exchange drastic hiker
to the
more percent due
1 0 o Over the actual price and some 5 -10%
c a n novw sell a piece
t apple tor 24 Pnp
Oil a n d fransportation prices. So it m e a n s that you
retailers, it wOuld m e a n m o r e produc:
Now, knowing that by buying more apples from large
decided to buy more. YOU have eventudy
COuld be bought at a cheaper price, you have
retailers getting less of their share of the
decided to hoard ihese apples that result to other small
have bought and in tact hoarded as many C
products. Reasonably so. as well, and since you
lower the price, knowing that you c a n still earn such a high proft
you needed, if will be to just
Nonetheless. you have still decided to sell the apples at the highest rate possible as known b

Do you now think it is reusonable?

Doing Good
Ethics: The Art of
Bc1secdon fhe previUs discussion, thete ser. IoDe a l n l (olie i
to always choose what is good over whal is ovil. Allhogh i o o loll. , Ilil n i
capable ol evil n he same way as goodness, it is sle lo y 1hal uher, tured tn
nature, is what We struggle to a i , lel ilone hope lo

Reason and mpunlicality ure Iwo londalions of morality thal aker I n n ' d on o
infomed and tai. His cbility lo know lhe iulh ostablished he pound I al, waleve l e / l
decides to do, his act is based on the 1eanonalblornes ol lis el ility le c o p l , Iti eeel
weight, at least two Opposiny positions imake his/h choico odibe t d senitbe.

Morality - it is a pIactical and philosophical science thal deals with Ihe study of hoan ;a
principle of what is considered to be right or wiong, in knovwingg of what is good fiom wtl is bad.

Foundation - it is a basis upon which something stands or is supporled.

Ethics-it is a practical and philosophical science that deals with he sludy of human acIs.

Theory-it is a scientifically acceplable general principle lhal isstill abshact, henceloth, it noeds

Existence - it is an actual occuITence of living: COnlmuance in living.

Psyche- it is the personality, soul or the mind

Rationality - it is a being or state of being logical; an uct ol reasoning.

being just, equal and unbiased

Impartiality - it is a process of

Principle- from which something proceeds.

Choice it is an opportunity or chance of selection opions.

Decision-it is an act or result of choosing.

Post-Modernity-it is a reaction to the rampant cand unstoPpable development of modenity.

Society-it is ci groupof individuals that is bound by race, beliefs, blood, etc.; family is lhe basic
unit of society.
Recollect Ecducational Apostolate in the Philippines (REAP]
Apocalypse- it is an anciont wriling thit prrqhesie, (i ccatgrlym n t i (JJtuolys (ajitier fie.ity

Person-it is can indivicdual whr is copsbls of livirrg enid derielirvg a G t t r i g d 1Utajer.t

u i n - i l Is Ihe ulfimule ond of widorn, if i, vtat cornnoily peoulG E k

Human Act- it is an c t which is hoseerd frro th int:cect ord i l e d a t , g vijritgty r.ior

NOrm i is principle of right uctio bin diriy ufon the rnenter: o1 G U p irid etving
gUIde, COnliol or regulate proper gnl ycc.optdtle: thfigat,

Argument -

il is a dise.OUrO to peruad: Ihe propoilion%

Arl f Driry
E t i : 1h

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