Progressivism Notes 22-23 BLANK

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US History
Progressivism Notes

1. __________________________ – social reform movement that connected _____________

(Christian notion of “being saved”, going to heaven) with _____________ to the poor and
reforming social, political, and economic problems (EX: Salvation Army, YMCA)

2. ____________________ Movement - tried to help immigrants __________________

a. Schools taught immigrants skills needed for __________ tests (history, gov’t, English)
b. Also offered cooking and etiquette classes to ___________ American ways
c. Ethnocentric?

3. _________________________ Movement - ___________________ in slum neighborhoods

that helped the poor who lived there, especially immigrants
a. run by __________________________________ educated women
i. _________________________ founded Hull House in Chicago
b. provide educational, cultural, social services to the poor
c. __________________ (pressured) gov’t to reform social problems
d. workers lived in the houses to better understand problems/relate to the poor

4. __________________ – ___________ movement that addressed problems created by

_______________________ and ______________________
a. Led by ___________________________ men and ____________ who tried to apply
_______________ thought and ______________ analysis to ___________ society
b. Muckrakers – ______________________ who exposed problems to motivate reform
i. Lincoln Steffans – __________________________
ii. Upton Sinclair – _______________________ industry
iii. Ida Tarbell – ___________________ (Standard Oil)
iv. Ida Wells - ___________________
v. Jacob Riis – _________________________
vi. Lewis Hines – ______________________
5. Local and State Reforms
a. Workplace reform
i. Long hours - some ________________________ to ___________ hours for
women, and then men
1. US Supreme Court upheld those laws in Muller vs Oregon (for women)
and Bunting vs Oregon (for men)
ii. Child labor - reformers convinced _________________ to ban child labor
1. ____________________ attendance laws also helped end child labor
iii. Dangerous conditions and low pay – _______________ made on these issues
b. Political reforms – designed to _______________ political machines, _____________
_______________ and make gov’t more ________________________________
i. ________________________- __________ are hired to run local gov’t depts.
ii. City council - Elected officials make laws and hires a __________________ to
run the departments
iii. ________________________ - City gov’t took ownership of public gas, water,
electricity, and/or transportation
iv. Initiative – idea for a _____________________ by the __________ is put on
the ballot for approval
v. ____________________ - Public votes to approve or disapprove or a bill or law
vi. Recall - Voters may __________ an __________________ by forcing them to
face another election before their term is over
vii. _____________________ - Members of a political party vote on that party’s
____________________ for a general election
viii. _____ amendment - Public ______________ elects US _____________ instead
of having state legislatures pick them
ix. ________________________ - Voters’ choices in an election are not allowed
to be seen by voting officials

6. ______________________ Movement (Prohibition)

a. __________________ - banning of _________________ beverages
b. argued that alcohol was undermining ____________, created health _____________,
contributed to urban problems associated with __________________, ___________,
and political ___________________________
c. _____________________________________ and Anti-__________ League -
organizations that worked for prohibition
d. ______Amendment – outlawed the manufacturer, sale, consumption of alcohol
7. Women’s Suffrage (suffrage – ___________________________)
a. Traditional role for women was…
i. middle class women expected to take care of __________ and ____________
ii. women on farms typically took care of ____________ + did ______________
iii. _____________ women expected to ______ for low wages if family needed it
iv. women didn’t have right to ___________________; if married, any income
belong to ______________
1. by 1900 all states passed laws to _______________ this
v. women did ____ have the right to vote - 15th amendment _________ women
b. Women had been active in abolition and temperance movements
i. After the Civil War, women’s suffrage movement divided – some wanting
suffrage now, some willing to wait until voting rights for African American
men were secured
c. National American Woman Suffrage Association (_________)
i. founded by ____________________ and ________________________
d. Strategies used to gain support for women’s suffrage
i. use court cases to apply the _________________ to get women the right to
vote (women are citizens and citizens have the right to vote)
1. __________________ broke the law by voting to get _________, then
argue the law was ________________________ (failed to work)
2. _________________ ruled voting was a ___________ not a right in 1875
ii. get _________ legislatures to pass ________ granting women suffrage
1. by 1912 only 10 western states granted women suffrage
iii. pass a ____________________________________ granting women suffrage
1. _____________________ took over leadership of NAWSA and organized
local and state groups who became active in pressuring for this
a. emphasized “_______________ behavior”
2. others used ___________________ to increase pressure on lawmakers
a. Alice Paul organized a White House _________________ for
which she was arrested, then went on a ________________ in jail
3. __________________ – 1st woman elected to ______________ –
introduced a Constitutional __________________ for women’s suffrage
– it passed the House of Representatives by ___ vote; passed Senate ___
_______ later, ratified by enough states 1 year after that in _________
iv. President Woodrow _________ (D) did ______ support women’s suffrage
because southern democrats didn’t want __________________________
to vote; Republicans were more supportive for political gain
1. Wilson eventually _____________ the ____________________ for
fear of women voting against democrats for not supporting it and
their contributions to the ___________ effort
8. Teddy Roosevelt
a. Believed _________________ (national) gov’t should be responsible for nation’s
_________ when ____________ didn’t act
b. _____________________ – belief the president can use his position to influence
_________ and ________
c. _______________ - TR’s ______________ domestic agenda to treat all people ____
i. _____________________________
1. use of neutral ________________ to negotiate a _________________
2. ____________________ - TR got involved to protect public power
source during winter
3. 1st time gov’t got involved in a __________ to protect public interest and
didn’t side w/_________
ii. _____________________
1. In 1900 4/5 of industry was tied up in a trust
2. ____________________ 1890 vague language so hard to ____________
3. TR wanted to bust “bad” trusts – not good ones (___________________
a. Ex: JP Morgan’s Northern Securities RR holding company
4. Justice Department sued many of these companies-not all were won by
the government-but enough to set up TR as a trust-busting president
5. department of ________________ created
iii. consumer protections
1. supported laws to regulate ______________ prices/business practices
(Hepburn and Elkins Acts)
2. __________________________
a. Inspired by “The Jungle” by _______________ (investigative
journalist) Upton Sinclair
3. ________________________________
iv. Conservation
1. air, water, land ____________, erosion, _________________,
_____________ all problems
2. est. ________________________________________, irrigation projects
3. continued but ________________ amount of public land that could be
sold to private business
v. civil rights
1. appointed some African Americans to federal jobs and met with
_____________________________ at the White House, but
____________ to pass meaningful laws to change segregation

9. William Howard Taft

a. Was endorsed by his close friend TR but was uncomfortable with the _____________
b. Trust Busting – broke up _______________ as many trusts as TR in ___the time
c. ______________ (tax on imports)
i. Progressives wanted low tariff b/c tariffs ______________ prices which _____
consumers and favored _____________________
ii. Taft caved to ___________________ and supported ____________ tariffs than
progressives wanted
d. Conservation (Ballinger-Pinchot Affair)
i. ______ appointee, Ballinger, let some private companies buy _________ land
in Alaska to mine for coal
ii. _____________ appointee, Pinchot, thought the businessmen got special
treatment and complained to Congress - Taft __________ him and was seen as
__________ on conservation

10.Progressive Party
a. The progressive part of the ___________________ party __________ and formed
the Progressive Party
b. Nicknamed _______________________ by its 1912 presidential candidate-Teddy

11.Election of 1912
a. Progressive Party – _________________________
i. _______________ – TR’s progressive platform – square deal kicked up a notch
ii. greater federal regulation of business (bust more bad trusts, Federal Trade
iii. regulation of work places (ex. 8 hr workday, minimum wage for women, end
child labor)
iv. welfare reform (workers’ compensation for those injured on the job)
v. federal income and inheritance taxes
vi. electoral reforms (ex. direct primary, direct election of senators, initiative,
recall, referendum)
b. Democratic Party – ___________________________
i. ____________________ – Wilson’s version of progressive reform (see below)
c. _________________ Party – Eugene Debs
i. Radical policies - _______________ ownership, __________________
planning, meet all needs of public _____________
d. Republican Party – ______________________________
i. ________________ policies – little to no change in how things are done
e. Outcome – _______ Republicans = Democratic win… but, 3/4 of voters vote for
_________________________ ideas

12.________________________ – New Freedom elected!

a. Trust Bustin’ – wants to break up __________ trusts, not just “_______” ones
i. ___________________________________
1. strengthened the Sherman Anti-Trust Act
2. not allowed to be used vs __________ or _____________ (labor liked it)
ii. _________________________________
1. Five member watch dog which investigated ________ business practices
b. __________________________________
i. Decentralized private ____________ under _________________ control
ii. 12 banking regions/districts
1. each __________ has one FR bank to which all banks in the area answer
– state banks could join to if they met certain requirements
iii. serve as “savings account for banks”
iv. control ___________________________ by:
1. ___________________
2. buying or selling US government __________
a. bond – form of ________________ that supports gov’t spending
b. when the Fed. ______ US gov’t bonds, it _______________
money in circulation
c. when the Fed. _____ US gov’t bonds, it ________________
money in circulation
3. sets prime __________________ – the “price” member banks pay to
__________ money which is used to determine the “price” they charge
for _________
a. low interest rate = “___________” money = ___________
borrowing = _________ spending = more economic _________ –
BUT _______________ also = ___________ prices
b. high interest rate = “________________” money = _________
borrowing = ________ spending = _________ growth – BUT _____
inflation = ______________ prices, so _____________ spending
c. ______________________________________________________
c. reduced _____________
d. _________ amendment – _______________________________ to pay for a more
active federal gov’t
i. Higher incomes pay a ____________ % in taxes (instead of a flat tax where all
pay the same)
e. _____ amendment – ______________________________
i. Instead of election by (corrupt?) state legislatures
f. ______ amendment – ____________________ of alcohol
g. ______ amendment – _____________________
h. _____________________ – regressive, _____ progressive, even though he promised
to treat blacks equally
i. _______________________ federal offices, __________________ anti-
lynching bill

13.Progressive movement ____________ when US enters __________________________

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