Occurrences of Ore Minerals and Fluid Inclusion Study On The Kingking Porphyry Cu Au Deposit

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doi: 10.1111/j.1751-3928.2007.00018.x Resource Geology Vol. 57, No.

2: 219–229

Original Article

Occurrences of Ore Minerals and Fluid Inclusion Study on

the Kingking Porphyry Copper–Gold Deposit, Eastern
Mindanao, Philippines

Leilanie O. Suerte1,2, Sho Nishihara1, Akira Imai1, Koichiro Watanabe1,

Graciano P. Yumul Jr3,4 and Victor B. Maglambayan3
1Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 2Mines and

Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. VI, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Iloilo City, 3National Institute of
Geological Sciences, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City and 4Department of Science and Technology,
Manila, Philippines

The Kingking deposit is a gold-rich porphyry copper deposit and the southernmost deposit at the eastern
Mindanao mineralized belt, Philippines. It is underlain by Cretaceous–Paleogene sedimentary and volcanic
rocks that are intruded by mineralized Miocene diorite porphyries and by barren Miocene–Pliocene dacite and
diorite porphyries. The main alteration zones in the deposit are the inner potassic zone and the outer propyl-
itic zone. The biotite-bearing diorite and hornblende diorite porphyries are the primary host rocks of mineral-
ization. Two dominant copper minerals, bornite and chalcopyrite, which usually occur as fracture fillings, are
associated with fine crystalline quartz veinlet stockworks in the mineralized diorites. Minor secondary covel-
lite, chalcocite and digenite are also observed. The primary Cu-Fe sulfide phases initially deposited from ore
fluids consisted of bornite solid solution (bnss) and intermediate solid solution (iss), which decomposed to
form the bornite and chalcopyrite. Peculiar bornite pods that are different from dissemination and are
associated with volcanic rock xenoliths in biotite-bearing diorite porphyry are noted in a drill hole. These
pods of bornite are not associated with quartz veinlet stockworks. Fluid inclusion analyses show three types
of inclusions contained in Kingking samples: two-phase fluid-rich and vapor-rich inclusions and polyphase
hypersaline inclusions from porphyry-type quartz veinlet stockworks. The liquid–vapor homogenization
temperatures (TH) and the dissolution temperature of halite daughter crystals (TM) from the polyphase
hypersaline inclusions predominantly range from 400°C up to >500°C. The wide range of TH and TM may be
due to heterogeneous trapping of variable ratios of vapor and brine. For some inclusions, TH > TM and in some
cases, TH < TM, indicating that some of the brine was supersaturated or saturated with NaCl at the time of
entrapment. Calculated salinity of the polyphase hypersaline inclusions ranges from 40 to 60% NaCl
equivalent. Temperature and vapor pressure of mineralized fluid were estimated to be 400°C and 16 MPa.
Keywords: deposits, fluid inclusion analysis, Kingking, Philippines, porphyry copper.

Received: 22 September 2006. Accepted for publication 6 February 2007.

Corresponding author: L. O. SUERTE, Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University,
Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan. Email: lei@mine.kyushu-u.ac.jp, losuerte@yahoo.com

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L. O. Suerte et al.

1. Introduction At present, Kingking is still under final evaluation and

has not yet started production. Many small-scale min-
Porphyry copper deposits are major sources of cop- ers, however, are currently working in the area.
per and gold in the Philippines. There are at least 48 This paper presents data on ore minerals and fluid
significant deposits and prospects distributed in sev- inclusions from the Kingking porphyry copper–gold
eral copper and gold belts in the archipelago (Sillitoe & deposit.
Gappe, 1984). Some porphyry copper deposits in the
Philippines such as those in Baguio district (e.g.
Lepanto-Far Southeast, Santo Tomas II) have been well 2. Tectonic setting and regional geology
studied by numerous authors. Deposits in other min-
eralized areas in the Philippines, especially those in The Philippine island arc is made up of an assortment
eastern Mindanao, are also significant. They have been of allochthonous Mesozoic and Cenozoic volcanic
explored and mined for several decades. However, arcs, continental fragments and oceanic basins (e.g.
published data about these deposits are very rare, so McCabe et al., 1985). It is located along the southwest-
that very little information is available about porphyry ern edge of the Philippine Sea Plate. Its western side is
copper mineralization in these areas. bounded by the South China Sea, Sulu Sea and
The Kingking deposit is a gold-rich porphyry cop- Celebes Sea basins, which are subducting along the
per deposit located in Pantukan, Compostela Valley, Manila–Negros–Sulu–Cotabato trenches. The Philip-
southeastern Mindanao (Fig. 1). It is part of the Eastern pine Sea Plate on its eastern side subducts along the
Mindanao Gold Province, specifically the Agusan– Philippine Trench. A left–lateral strike–slip fault, the
Davao Gold District, which contains numerous por- Philippine Fault Zone (PFZ) extends along the entire
phyry copper–gold and epithermal gold deposits and length of the archipelago.
prospects. Kingking is the southernmost deposit in this Mindanao Island lies in the southernmost part of the
mineralized zone. It has an optimized total mineable Philippine island arc. Two major fault systems traverse
ore reserve of 371 million tonnes at 0.39% Cu and 0.44 Mindanao Island: the Sindangan–Cotabato–Daguma
g/t Au (Benguet Corporation, 2003, 2005). The deposit Lineament on its western side and the PFZ to the
is explored and managed by Benguet Corporation. east, which passes through the Kingking deposit.

Fig. 1 Principal tectonic features in

Mindanao Island and the location
of the Kingking deposit and other
porphyry copper deposits. Inset
map shows the Philippines.

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Kingking porphyry copper–gold deposit

Numerous metallic deposits are located in this island, The pre-mineralization intrusive rocks consist of
notably along its eastern side (Fig. 1). the biotite diorite porphyry (BDP), the hornblende
The oldest rocks in eastern Mindanao, probably diorite porphyry (HDP) and the diorite porphyry
formed during Late Jurassic–Cretaceous, are green- (DP). The BDP is the main host for copper–gold min-
stones and greenschists. Overlying these rocks are eralization, with a reported average grade of 0.37%
ophiolites and ophiolitic rocks. These crust–mantle for copper and 1.17 g/MT for gold (Damasco et al.,
sequences are, in turn, covered by a sequence of 1991). Its most notable feature is the presence of
sedimentary and volcanic rocks, such as shales, mud- primary phenocrystic biotite, as euhedral crystals
stones, sandstones, conglomerates, limestone and with perfect cleavage. The HDP has average copper
basaltic and andesitic flows. These rocks are inferred and gold grade of 0.37% and 0.44 g/MT, respectively
to be Cretaceous–Pleistocene in age. The sedimentary (Damasco et al., 1991). The DP was differentiated from
and volcanic rocks are intruded by stock to batholith- the HDP on the basis of the presence of the clasts of
size diorite plutons during the Miocene–Pliocene HDP and wall rocks observed in some drill cores. Its
period (e.g. Damasco et al., 1991; Mitchell & Leach, average copper and gold values are 0.37% and
1991). 0.38 g/MT, respectively (Damasco et al., 1991). Three
barren intrusives were also identified in Kingking.
3. Geology of the Kingking deposit These are HDP2, DP2 and dacite porphyry (DaP). The
HDP2 and the DP2 are generally similar to the HDP
Previous workers (Damasco et al., 1991; Benguet Cor- and the DP, respectively, except for the grain size,
poration, 2003, 2005) reported that the oldest rocks in alteration and the absence of sulfide mineralization in
Kingking are the Cretaceous–Paleogene sedimentary these diorites. The DaP is made up of medium- to
and volcanic rocks consisting of sandstone, siltstone, coarse-grained, euhedral to subhedral plagioclase and
mudstone, shale, tuff and andesite flows. These are hornblende phenocrysts enclosed in a finer feldspathic
intruded by several types of diorite and dacite por- matrix. Intrusive or hydrothermal breccias are also
phyries. The intrusive rocks are classified according present and these contain an average copper value of
to its relationship with the mineralization in the study 0.27% and average gold value of 0.21 g/MT (Damasco
area (Fig. 2). et al., 1991).

Fig. 2 Lithologic map of the study area showing the spatial distribution of the rocks in Kingking. The ore boundary in the
deposit is also marked (adapted from Benguet Corporation, 2003, 2005).

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L. O. Suerte et al.

4. Hydrothermal alteration sericite–clay–chlorite (SCCZ) (Damasco et al., 1991)

(Fig. 3). The QSCZ encircles the BSZ and imparts a
Three main alteration zones were recognized in Kingk- greenish color to the rocks. It consists mostly of quartz,
ing: potassic, the propylitic and the argillic zones sericite, and chlorite with minor pyrite, magnetite and
(Damasco et al., 1991). Each zone is further subdivided epidote. The SCCZ is composed primarily of sericite,
into different sub-zones on the basis of distinct mineral clay and chlorite.
assemblage (Fig. 3). The potassic zone is composed of
the potassium feldspar subzone (PFSZ) and the biotite
subzone (BSZ). The former is dominated by k-feldspar
5. Methods
and is characterized by a pinkish hue and the latter is
composed mainly of secondary biotite and sericite, Surface and subsurface samples were collected from
with minor chlorite, epidote, quartz and magnetite. the Kingking deposit for petrographic and ore micro-
The propylitic zone surrounds the potassic zone. It scopic analyses and fluid inclusion microthermometry.
consists of two subzones, which grade into each other: For petrographic analysis, polished thin sections were
the inner zone, which is dominated by epidote and the observed under the microscope to determine the tex-
outer chlorite zone, which rarely contains epidote. ture and alteration of the samples. Opaque (ore) miner-
Overprinting the potassic and propylitic alteration als were examined under the microscope with reflected
zones is the argillic alteration zone. The main mineral light. Doubly polished wafer specimen of quartz vein-
in this alteration zone is kaolinite. Quartz is noted in lets stockworks were used for fluid inclusion analyses.
some portion. In the fluid inclusion microthermometry, samples from
Other alteration subzones identified in the study drilled cores (EB 7, 37, 42 and 63) taken within the
area are the quartz–sericite–chlorite (QSCZ) and the major ore zone in the potassic alteration zone and

Fig. 3 Hydrothermal alteration map of King-

king and surrounding areas indicating the
main alteration zones and subzones
(adapted from Benguet Corporation, 2003,

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Kingking porphyry copper–gold deposit

containing quartz stockworks were selected for reported that some of the gold in Kingking are found
investigation. Only inclusions that follow the criteria as exsolution intergrowths together with chalcopyrite
of Roedder (1984) for primary origin and were and bornite.
large enough to permit measurement of homogeniza- One notable feature observed at the Kingking
tion temperature were examined. Microthermometric deposit is the occurrence of bornite pods that are
analysis was conducted on the USGS-adopted fluid different from dissemination and are associated with
inclusion heating stage to determine the liquid–vapor volcanic rock xenoliths in biotite diorite porphyry
homogenization temperature (TH) and the dissolution (Fig. 5a). These pods are generally elongate in shape
temperature of halite daughter minerals (TM). The and measure several centimeters across at longest
maximum temperature that could be measured by this axis. This feature is similar with what was reported
machine is currently placed at 500°C. To determine the from the Endeavor deposit in Northparkes, Australia
TH and the TM for polyphase hypersaline fluid inclu- (Lickfold et al., 2003). Calaverite occurs as minute
sions, the temperature of the stage was continually blebs in bornite and chalcopyrite forming such pods
raised until the vapor and the halite completely disap- (Fig. 5b, c).
peared. All analysis was conducted at the Department
of Earth Resources Engineering, Kyushu University,
6.2. Fluid inclusion petrography and
Fukuoka, Japan.
Quartz crystals from veinlet stockworks in Kingking
contain plenty of fluid inclusions (Fig. 6). These fluid
6. Results inclusions occur in several ways: as individual particles
randomly distributed in the crystals, some are aligned
6.1. Ore petrography and mineralogy along the crystal growth zones or as clusters along
Megascopic and ore microscopic observation of the microfractures. There are three types of fluid inclusions
Kingking samples show two dominant copper ores, identified from the deposit based on the number of
bornite and chalcopyrite (Fig. 4a, b). They usually exist phases and the liquid (L) to vapor (V) ratio: two phase
as infillings in fractures, associated with fine crys- (L-V) liquid-rich inclusions, two-phase (V-L) vapor-rich
talline quartz veinlets in the mineralized diorites. inclusions and polyphase (L-V-NaCl ± other solid phase)
These two minerals occur as individual grains and hypersaline inclusions (Fig. 6). Generally, the last type is
chalcopyrite–bornite intergrowths. Bornite partially highly visible due to its large size relative to the previous
replacing chalcopyrite is observed and reported by two and to the solid phases (e.g. halite, hematite) it con-
earlier workers (Damasco et al., 1991). Often, it tains. Halite crystals are larger compared to other solid
is noted that bornite and chalcopyrite are rimmed by phases and have a distinct cubic shape. The hematites
minor secondary copper sulfides such as chalcocite, are distinguished by their red color and are randomly
covellite and digenite (Fig. 4a, b). distributed in some inclusions. They are considered to
Some minute gold grains were observed in bornite be accidentally trapped solid inclusions.
and chalcopyrite (Fig. 4c). Also, previous workers (e.g. The sizes of the inclusions range from a few microns
Damasco et al., 1991; Benguet Corporation, 2003, 2005) to approximately 70 ␮m across. Their morphologies

Fig. 4 Photomicrographs of ore minerals observed in EB 63 from the Tiogdan area in Kingking. (a) Bornite (bn) with
chalcocite (cc) and digenite (di) (bar, 100 ␮m), (b) bornite with chalcopyrite (cp) (bar, 10 ␮m), and (c) chalcopyrite with
gold (Au) surrounded by magnetite (mt) and hematite (hm) (bar, 10 ␮m).

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Fig. 5 (a) Bornite pods (encircled) noted in EB 63 (approx. 63 m depth) that is not associated with quartz veinlets, (b)
photomicrograph of the bornite pods containing bornite (bn), chalcopyrite (cp) and calaverite (AuTe2) (bar, 50 ␮m), and
(c) backscattered electron image of the calaverite in a bornite pod (bar, 5 ␮m).

are also highly variable, from spherical, elongate, heating experiments were conducted to obtain the TH
ellipsoidal, and polygonal negative crystal to irregular. and the TM.
All of the examined samples contain abundant large Results of the analyses show high TH and TM in the
polyphase hypersaline inclusions that permit determi- polyphase hypersaline inclusions with a wide range of
nation of TH and TM. The gas-rich inclusions are too values. Drill core EB 37 has TH from 391°C to >500°C,
small to observe, while most of the liquid-rich and TM from 379°C to >500°C. For EB 63, TH ranges
inclusions are considered to be secondary. Thus, only from 409°C to >500°C, and TM from 440°C to >500°C.
In EB 42, TH is from 302°C to >500°C and TM from
300°C to >500°C. Last, EB 7 has TH from 433°C to
>500°C, TM from 411°C to >500°C (Figs 7–10). Despite
this wide distribution, it is apparent that TH and TM
are predominantly >500°C. This result is shown by all
samples, which are taken from different areas of King-
king. Moreover, this trend is displayed within each
sample, from the shallow portion to the deeper part of
the deposit.
In addition, it is noted that the polyphase hyper-
saline inclusions homogenize in two ways: halite dis-
solves at a lower temperature than that of disappearance
of the vapor bubble (TH > TM) and halite dissolves at a
higher temperature than that of the disappearance of
the vapor bubble (TH < TM). Due to the limitation of the
instrument, if both TH and TM of the inclusion is
Fig. 6 Photomicrographs of fluid inclusions observed in >500°C, it was not included in the count because the
quartz crystals from the Kingking rocks. The polyphase order of the disappearance of the vapor bubble and the
hypersaline inclusions consist of interstitial brine (L), dissolution of the halite could not be determined. In
vapor (V), and daughter minerals (S1 and S2), which the sample from the shallower portion of EB 37 and
are probably halite and sylvite, respectively. In con-
trast, the gas-rich inclusions are dominantly composed samples taken throughout the length of EB 42 and
of vapor. Liquid-rich inclusions are also present, but EB 7, the first case, TH > TM, was mostly observed,
are not clear in this field of view (bar, 20 ␮m). although the second case is also noted in some

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Kingking porphyry copper–gold deposit

inclusions. The sample from the deeper part of EB 37

and all samples from EB 63 show generally the second
case, TH < TM, while the first case is also noted in some
inclusions. In cases where TH < TM, the discrepancy
between TH and TM is from 1°C up to 100°C.
As previously stated, most of the inclusions contain
halite daughter minerals. Inclusions having approxi-
mately 26.5 wt% NaCl should contain a halite daugh-
ter salt at room temperature (Roedder, 1984). Thus, the
salinity of Kingking samples should be equal to or
greater than this value. Salinity was computed using
the equation from Sterner et al. (1988) for the inclusions
Fig. 7 Liquid–vapor homogenization temperature (TH)
and the dissolution temperature of halite daughter having TH > TM.
mineral (TM) in polyphase hypersaline inclusions from
wt% NaCl = 26.242 + (0.4928 × Td) + (1.42 × (Td)2)
(a, b) EB37 53.4 and (c, d) EB37 80.8.
⫺ (0.223 × (Td)3) + (0.04129 × (Td)4)
⫹ (0.006295 × (Td)5) − (0.001967 × (Td)6)
⫹ (0.00011112 × (Td)7)

where Td = (TM/100). For the inclusions having

TH < TM, the salinities were calculated at the tempera-
ture of TH, assuming that the hydrothermal solution
was saturated with NaCl at the trapping tempera-
ture. The computations yielded salinities of 46.5–59.8,
48.4–59.8, 38.2–59.8 and 48.7–59.8 wt% NaCl equiva-
lent for EB 37, EB 63, EB 42 and EB 7, respectively.

7. Discussion
7.1. Homogenization temperature and
salinity of ore fluids for porphyry copper
The early stage of porphyry copper mineralization is
largely influenced by magmatic fluids and the later stage
by meteoric water (Titley & Beane, 1981; Hemley & Hunt,
1992). Thus, fluid inclusions, which are representative of
these trapped fluids, are excellent sources of information
on the nature and evolution of solutions and the process
of ore deposition in the porphyry system.
Fluid inclusions that contain halite daughter
minerals are common in porphyry copper deposits
(Nash, 1976) and these delineate the mineralized core of
the porphyry system (Spooner, 1981). The inclusions in
Kingking samples have high TH, generally >400°C. Pre-
vious workers on the area reported a mean temperature
of 848°C for some fluid inclusion populations (Damasco
et al., 1991). Due to instrument limitation this is not con-
Fig. 8 Liquid–vapor homogenization temperature (TH) firmed, although most of the inclusions observed have
and the dissolution temperature of halite daughter
mineral (TM) in polyphase hypersaline inclusions from not homogenized below 500°C. High TH of fluid in-
(a, b) EB63 52.0, (c, d) EB63 150.8, (e, f) EB63 206.3 and clusions (>400°C) is also one of the characteristic
(g, h) EB63 282.0. features of porphyry copper systems (Roedder, 1984).

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Fig. 9 Liquid–vapor homogenization temperature (TH) and the dissolution temperature of halite daughter mineral (TM) in
polyphase hypersaline inclusions from (a, b) EB42 254.5, (c, d) EB42 314.8 and (e, f) EB42 430.7.

The TH of inclusions are distributed above, along

and below the halite saturation curve, as illustrated in
Figure 11. In the TH versus TM diagram (Fig. 12), the in-
clusions plot above and below the diagonal line. Those
inclusions that lie above the halite saturation curve
and above the diagonal line have TH < TM. This is prob-
ably due to the entrapment of supersaturated fluid
with respect to NaCl and the capture of minute halite
crystals suspended in the fluid (Shepherd et al., 1985).
These halite crystals would serve as a nucleus and a
larger halite crystal is later developed, which would
provide misleading TM values (Calagari, 2004). The
data points lying along and below the halite saturation
curve and below the diagonal in the TH versus TM dia-
gram, in contrast, indicate trapping of saturated and
undersaturated fluids. Very high salinity values from
inclusions having TH < TM may not reflect the real sa-
linity of the fluid at the time of entrapment. There is no
significant difference between the TH and TM obtained
from the different samples in Kingking. Thus, the tem-
perature at the lower end of the TH range, around
400°C, where most of the saturated and undersatu-
rated fluids plot, may represent the actual temperature
of the mineralized fluid for the porphyry system
Fig. 10 Liquid–vapor homogenization temperature (TH)
and the dissolution temperature of halite daughter (Fig. 11).
mineral (TM) in polyphase hypersaline inclusions from The simultaneous occurrence of polyphase inclu-
(a, b) EB7 163.8, (c, d) EB7 270.6 and (e, f) EB7 290.6. sions and gas-rich inclusions is evidence for boiling

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Kingking porphyry copper–gold deposit

due to previous heating in nature or in the labora-

tory, post-entrapment necking, and real variation in
entrapment temperatures of immiscible fluids (Loucks,
2000). In the Kingking deposit, the wide range
of data points is attributed to the heterogeneous
entrapment of gaseous vapor and hypersaline brine
at different ratios.
Vapor pressures of hydrothermal fluids are esti-
mated to be 5–30 MPa for all inclusions (Fig. 11). The TH
versus pressure diagram (Fig. 13) indicates that for in-
clusions with TH > TM, pressure approximates 16–
30 MPa. For TH < TM, if the lower end of the TH (around
400°C) is assumed to be the real temperature of the
Fig. 11 Liquid–vapor homogenization temperature (TH)
vs salinity diagram displaying the spread of TH with
respect to the NaCl saturation and critical points and
the vapor pressures of the NaCl solution at indicated
temperatures and salinity (Ahmad & Rose, 1980; Roed-
der, 1984). Also shown are typical trends in TH–salinity
space due to various fluid inclusion processes
(Shepherd et al., 1985; Wilkinson, 2001).

Fig. 12 Liquid–vapor homogenization temperature (TH)

vs dissolution temperature of NaCl daughter mineral
(TM), where TH < TM and TH > TM. The diagonal line
where TH = TM is from Shepherd et al. (1985).

(Weisbrod, 1981). A wide range of TH and TM is also

apparent from the data set, with a difference of 60– Fig. 13 Liquid–vapor homogenization temperature (TH)
vs pressure for polyphase hypersaline inclusions with
121°C within individual inclusions (Figs 7–10). This different TH and melting temperatures (TM) through
trend is also noted in other porphyry copper deposits the system NaCl-H2O (Roedder & Bodnar, 1980). (Line
such as Far Southeast and Dizon in the Phillipines and a), inclusions where TH < TM, (line b), TH = TM, (line c),
Batu Hijau deposit in Indonesia (Imai, 2000, 2005; Imai TH > TM (Keevil, 1942; Sourirajan & Kennedy, 1962;
& Ohno, 2005). There are many causes for variable TH: Urusova, 1975; Haas, 1976). The isochors for experi-
mentally determined (liquid + halite)/liquid for salin-
isothermal entrapment of variable proportion of im- ity >46 wt% is from Gunter et al. (1983). The lower end
miscible fluids, heterogeneous entrapment, analytical of the TH for inclusions with TH < TM is marked with a
imprecision, inelastic stretching of the inclusion cavity dark gray rectangle.

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mineralized fluid, then the pressure is estimated to pyrite ores. Fluid inclusion studies of quartz veinlet
be 16 MPa. stockworks from Kingking drilled cores reveal a typi-
cal porphyry copper system dominated by polyphase
hypersaline inclusions with high and wide-ranging
7.2. Primary ore minerals vapor and halite homogenization temperatures. This is
Porphyry copper deposits typically consist of sulfides attributed to the heterogeneous trapping of variable
disseminated in the intrusive rocks and located in vein- proportion of vapor and brine. Temperature and
lets. In Philippine porphyry copper deposits (e.g. Santo pressure of the mineralized fluid is approximately
Tomas II, Dizon, Tampakan), Cu-Fe sulfides such as 400°C and 16 MPa.
chalcopyrite and bornite are the most principal ore
minerals (Imai, 2001, 2005; Middleton et al., 2004). This
is also observed in Kingking, wherein copper ores are
composed predominantly of bornite and chalcopyrite The authors are grateful to the following persons and
and bornite–chalcopyrite intergrowths. Based on fluid institutions for all the help and support during field-
inclusion data, the temperature of the mineralizing work at Kingking and surrounding areas and in pro-
fluid is inferred to be around or higher than 400°C. In cessing the samples: Benguet Corporation; Mines and
the Cu-Fe-S system at 100–600°C, the central portion Geosciences Bureau Central Office, and Regional
has a large solid solution field at high temperatures Offices No. VI and XI; National Institute of Geological
that decomposes to distinct phases at lower tempera- Sciences; Economic Geology Laboratory of the Depart-
tures (Cabri, 1973). Phase equilibria at approximately ment of Earth Resources Engineering, Kyushu Univer-
ⱖ400°C are dominated by the presence of three solid sity; the people, local government units and miners
solutions: (i) bornite solid solution (bnss); (ii) the inter- association in Kingking and surrounding areas.
mediate solid solution (iss); and (iii) the pyrrhotite (po)
solid solution (Cabri, 1973; Craig & Scott, 1974). Born-
ite exhibits extensive solid solution within the Cu-Fe-S References
system; the solid solution with the digenite phase is
Ahmad, S. N. and Rose, A. W. (1980) Fluid inclusions in porphyry
not present above approximately 335°C, and the com- and skarn ore at Santa Rita, New Mexico. Econ. Geol., 75,
position of the high-temperature phase expands to- 229–250.
ward chalcopyrite (Craig & Scott, 1974). Chalcopyrite, Benguet Corporation. (2003) Kingking Copper-gold Porphyry
meanwhile, appears as a stable phase below 557°C. Project Summary of Exploration Work Accomplishments as
of May 2003, Benguet Corporation Internal Report. Banguet
Natural intergrowths of chalcopyrite and bornite likely
Corporation, Makati City, 13p.
form as decomposition products of initially deposited Benguet Corporation. (2005) Kingking epithermal gold prospect.
iss. Thus, bnss and iss are most probably the primary Benguet Corporation Primer. Banguet Corporation, Makati
phases. The coexistence of chalcopyrite or iss with bnss City, 6p.
as primary phases in the Cu-Fe-S system means that Cabri, L. J. (1973) New data on phase relations in the Cu-Fe-S
system. Econ. Geol., 68, 443–454.
the bnss is at the Fe-rich portion of the bnss field. In this
Calagari, A. A. (2004) Fluid inclusion studies in quartz veinlets in
Cu-poor state, chalcocite and digenite cannot form the porphyry copper deposit at Sungun, East-Azarbaidjan,
by exsolution process (Imai & Ohno, 2005) and are Iran. J. Asian Earth Sci., 23, 179–189.
therefore considered to be secondary minerals. Sta- Craig, J. R. and Scott, S. D. (1974) Sulfide phase equilibria.
ble copper sulfide phases at a low temperature in- In Ribbe, P.H. (ed.) Sulfide mineralogy. Rev. Mineral., 1,
clude covellite, chalcocite and digenite ( Craig &
Damasco, F. V., Malihan, T. D. and Tejada, F. A. C. (1991) Geology
Scott, 1974; Potter, 1977 ), which repre sent some of Kingking Porphyry Copper-gold Deposit Pantukan, Davao
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