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*What is research?

Research is something that people do in order to find out things in an

organized way, thereby increasing their knowledge. Research should sticks to
methodological guidelines for the researcher to presents facts on the research
study and come up with new interpretation or conclusion of the data being

According to Elias 1986, the aim of research is to make known

something previously unknown to people. It is to advance human knowledge to
make it more certain or better fitting.

* Research Techniques

1. Qualitative Research- it focus on the things that are up for discussions and for
debate. It uses surveys and observations, interviews along with the artefacts of an
area. Examples are interviews, focus group, case studies and literature reviews.

-It allows us to formulate hypotheses,

-expressed in words
- smaller sample size
- summarize, categorize and interpret

2. Quantitative Research- try to definitely prove something.This things are facts/ concrete.
It asks more questions that deals with what and how. Asking for more open-ended
questions. It survey people online, in person, or over the phone. It conducts
experiment and observation of an objects.

- it allows us to test hypotheses,

- expressed in numbers
- larger sample size
- math/ statistical analysis

* Importance of Research

- Research gathers information and investigate phenomena allowing to test

theories and make predictions.
- Research creates knowledge and understanding.
- Research solves problems
- Research reduces the chances of making poor or dangerous choices, protecting
us from false ideas and risky beliefs
- Research is the force behind everything we do.
* the food we eat
* pensions we buy
* cars we drive
* medicine we take
* phones we use
* power we consume

Classification of Research
1. Library Research

In most academic settings, library research is an essential component of

research projects. In Library research you have to walk through the essential
process of thinking through a topic before setting your paper. It helps us save
time, prepare for consultation with the librarian and get inside scoop on
assignment. The researcher, most importantly must approach the librarian
because they will help you find sources you didn’t even know existed and they
will help you navigate database like a pro.

There are five steps before starting your research

1. Assignment Requirements
Understanding the assignment first will save you time by ensuring you start
in the right direction.
2. Develop your Knowledge
Check your syllabus and course notes to find a major theme or area of
interest for you.
As if you were describing your topic to a friend, explain in your own word
what you are looking for.
3. Focus your topic
It is important to ensure that the topic is not too broad.
4. Identify Key Words
Use key words for easy access.
5. Talk to Librarian
The Librarian is one of the most important factor in library research.
Reference librarians are specialists in finding information which means they
can save you time in your research process. Then, go through the four steps
for your paper and bring it into a reference librarian.

2. Laboratory Research
A scientific study conducted in a laboratory using special equipment and
experimental manipulations in which a researcher experiments or test specific
drugs, procedures, or treatments using a clinical trials to observe their effects
and determine whether they are useful or not.

3. Field Research

It is a collection of raw data outside a laboratory, library or workplace setting.

It is a qualitative method of research concerned with understanding the
social interactions of groups of people, communities, and interacting with
people in their natural setting.

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